The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 11, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Aatabllsheil 1890 The Unllin, Ore.
Published 1-Jvery Hvi-nlriK I-3xi:-pt Hiindny
toy th Chrordclo I'ubllphliiR company trie
Ben It. Little
(tPtlcrnl Mm linger
Kntercd In Tho Diilloa poslotflco na
ccotiii clnna realtor.
United I'rcss and United News Service
Mmber of Audit Huienii of C'lrciilntlonn
Ono yenr. In ndvnnco... 15.00
SU tnonlhn, In advance ..$3.0
Ono month ... - .f'O
Ono yenr. In iidvm ve Ifi.OO
Blx months, in ndvnnco . 2.r0
Ono uiontli .fid
Ono ynr, In ndvnnco J2.IMI
In ordeilnit ImriKo
crlbnr ulimdd nlwny
hk now nddrm.
of ruldreBn, mib
Klvo old nil well
TCLCPHONES tto'iins IHnrh 111
HilslnenK. Adv. Clr. I fit Hud III
SnliM'rllier.s to tint ('hrorili-ln urn Ktinr
mnleed mrrvli'M. I'liniipt nnd n-Kiilnr de
livery of evi rv mihet IIm i 'h puper Is I lie
lm of the rlrenlntlori dep'irlmelit, The
Chronlclo i:nili'tn rim required to pnl
ttiti pfiners on Kin pori'h or wherever lh
uriRerllutr winhrA 'lio pnner delivered
Congrciiii finally succeeded in roI
tins lhroui;li an eini't-r.eney laiill on
wheat hut IL will ho l little beno
,flt lo the fellowa who held llic unel.
awaltlnr; lor a iniee revival all laat
wlntnr and this Ki'iliif. Tho tarilf
lian however Htiflic.d lo ;,how when;
thi) piofil mi wheal li'.iii been nobis.
Vory larnely H has been lo the pock
otii ol tho fipcctilaloin on tho Chi
cr.go inailiiit.
Thoimamlii of Oh-ivii anil Wash
lnfiten laiiii'im held their wh-al Vis'
Will vvhon' Hii; Kieal nliiinp came,
hopitif; lor a price revival. Q.iolln;
tho Chicago market, piieeit on .Ian
uary I, uvera(;'d a binbrl, on I, ,lhc pi let wan I.I7, mil I', r,
April 1, It w.ih fl.Ii:! and on Alay I,1 Italics
t liu hiiuhnl value vv.m fl.K), 1'ilceii
to latini'iD ol tint noilhwi'Ml wcro
coiic!ipondlni;ly lovvc.- all alon-, the
In ilcapernliun, ll'c farineni hail lo
IickIii unloadiiif; in older lo ptopaio
lor Hit' hiiK'i nop foroi-aided lor
thin j car. ."iWlitiiiu of btwheln ol'
wheal went I,) I lie ma rid , a all over
e;; in May al hol-
back Thl.'! city In just that much
pool or,
II'm n plly lliat i;o much money In
Miiall cuinn. milieu Inn; to ro to the
Ills, places. 1 1 mi (1 1 S ol dollain, per
hnpr IhriifiiindH, ro llirnugh the posit
oli Ice every month lo the mall onler
hoUKi'H. Nol one (.( nl of value ever
'dines hack Irotn oxpcndl
iiiifi, I'eisoiui who hciiiI lo these
ilaci'H will tell yon they ntl riiliiR.s
nore eheaily. Mnyho I hey do R-.'t
hem more cheaply (It'll not a prov
en lard that any one doer.) but an
.va in 'u nl Ion will Invariably show
hat 1 liu iilulf thun puichasied hi
MeiehaiiillHi' linen of any kind are
l.-indaiili-.i'd. ICv-Ty merphant baa to
iruie on Ihe name margin or ptollt.
'he mail order house baa lo do tlila
list Ihe same an the local mor
haul. The mall order house noils
niic cheaply b,il II la cheaper
mh!."., ollen iiiiH(iieiiillii'; an );ood
It is (lie duly of every man and
.voi;iaii In tlie coMiiiiiinlly lo spend
li"ir money rluhl here. The duly
mi'i civic. It's lo lilniseifi no that
his own properly, his own biislnoKH,
Ills own Job, will he worth moio
U'liiciuher dial valuations every
where ate lowest In conimunllleii
wheie people spend (heir money
away Iroin Dial coiiiinunlt v.
Real Estate Nezvs
A. N.
of Klicliltal
In liiii; city.
I'J. I ii f ton ol
it the Haul;
Id a
of 'Winilc Is In Tho
(ii'OIKu l''lclelier
iee,inlei( d al Ihe
"W. A. Uiirkit of
ei' yeslerda.N on
of La Grande Is
Hank hot el.
Ileal estate of all kinds appears Ju. l
now lo ho a (Iiiik on the maiket In
vasco county. For I lie second week n
succe.islon nut a slni'Je real estate
transaction of any size was if corded
In The Dalle.-, with only a 'l w 'deals
reported in Ihe county.
d'ooplo simply haven't got the mom
oj, Is the reason Riven by the rirapoi'
Hy of real eslale dealers for Ihe
slackness In (he market for hontca
anil farm lands.
There seems to lie seme iluinaiul for
city anil suliuiban lots, hour ver, r;o
eial Iransaetion." ol this rorl ha'l'r;
been tt'coiiled amour; Ihe deeds al Ihe
court house during the ve"k. H. (J. 'Mc
Coy sold four city lots rlurliiK the
week, Iwo to C. A. Wall lie r and -two
to C. M. (irimes, All are In .Mays' ad
dition lo Dalles City.
The Dalles Realty company report
ed (lie sale of a house and three lots,
al I in West Kourleenlli lrcet, Iroin
.1. I,. Campbell lo John I,. lios;iic,
conslderal Ion, $1,501).
Only one biiililini; permit was
i in d iluiln;; the u'eiik, and that was
lo llii 'Wallhci-Wllllains company for,
Hie election of a modern automobile
service Dial Ion, lo bo built, on Ihe
southearl corner of Third and Fed
eral streets. The service-ri at Ion and
grounds will occupj about onc-lourlh '
of the entire block. Flower bm
lawn plots will surround this build
in;, which will be artistic In every
detail. Wrecking id Ihe Central leed
bam, which lormeily sio"d upon the.
rile lo be use I lor ih- new trvler
ilatieii, was coinplete-l this week.
The follow inj; deeds wo o leconle1.
nl the court lionre,
I'J. (). M(Coy, et ll., lo C. A. Will-
Hut: all of lot IS anil lot 1!) In blork
, Mays' aihlllloii lo Dalles Ci'y. Con
sideration, tl.l'fiO.
V. .. Slesniund and Ltiev I,, lik'z
n:tind to K.nest Snider, el tlx: Kill
acres of land In reel Ion IS, townrhl'p 2,
rntth of raiiRe 1J, east of Ihe Willam
ette meridian. Consideration, 1.500.
'W. Larence, et ux, to Lena 15. Fry:
in acrer of laud in sec Ion L'U, town
Ullip J, roulh of ianc,o 1. ol (hr
U'lllniielle meridian.
.Maleta Campb'-ll to John L. Horue.
el ux.: Iota 7, 8 and 9, in block I.J ol
jCatc;;' addition lo Dalle; City. Con
side a'lon approximately jr.titl.
.Ice .M.i 1 1 ell, et ux, to Kdwnd .lames
1 Payne: pioperlv in section 15, town
ship I, north or range HI. east ol
WJIlamelle merbllan. Con-ideratloii
j approximately $50".
! H. f). .M:Coy, el ux, ro C. M. (iilmei.
el ux: nil of lots 5 and i In bloc'
,1, .Mays' addition to Dalle-, Ci j. Con
sidf ration, $l,:jcu.
Mai;arel A. Foley to Kdward L
lieimanii; pioperty near the Masonic
ecmeleiy road, 1111.87 lei I west o
post marked with letter It. Consldoi
ution, 3'UOt).
-Mary Fry to llc'tfo Metis: lot f
in block 2, In Fort Djlles M Hilar
lerervatlon lo Dalles City. Consldei
allon,' 11,100.
Olln w t....t...t.l ..I .... , 1,
. wihi ijunfiiiiu,. ui n., in r nn ii ,i
mil Whltrock and Lloyd Wlillrock: prop
erly In sections 2. .!, JO and 11, all it
township :, Vnil Ii of rati;;o 12. cast ir
the Willamette meridian. Consider.'
lion, $2,700.
F. C. Sexton, el ux, to .1. I J. K-r
nedy: 1i!o acres or land in reel Ion ,
township 1, south of rani;o 12, eisl c
Ihe Willamette iner'dlin. Conslde-;
Hon i;!von a:, ? 10.
Hear "I'c;;k Willi Ir'.sli llye:." 1 1
.ii oro v;i':
in 1 liu
i.U:s. Dewey Wuiron of Uiifus
alioppinj; In Ihe city yosloidaj.
tho Hnit'.d
torn prices.
After tills
the laigesl
IW. C. '
at I I'M M
ol Anlelope is a Biiest
Wcck-Entl Chocolates
Made In OtOKon, pound boxer
cents, Service Diuk slore.
June Millinery Sals
or ladles' and Children's hats. Ill;
.Millinery. 115 Fast Second.
IiIr nioveinciit, naid by
cxpeits lo liavo hern
Helling activity of I lie
year, ccuimess, In Ihe loin lb week
of the month, paused, "lor 'Ihe bene
fit ol the laiincis," I lie lariir.
Tho wheat market lias lornied
aKain. (3liicimo prices are up around
$l.iin. Hut by that I lino I ho wheal
had h-jcn sold. Who seeuied Ibis 55
cents differential? Nol Ihe rancher.
It went to speculators in vailoim
parts of the country.
' Tho fanner, win, watt to pr,:ft
by Ilio tsiitl, whole is ho? 'Hie
laiiuer has pocketed bis km and
ha'a Oiil in tho livid woiknif; away
on the new crop
It'n all very we'l lo say that kuiti
eir. nhould hue old last tall when
pilccn weio Inch. Theie are a ureal
man) ol I lie I I j I I nu so boya
around days. Hut it has hcin
a practice since w Ileal uiarle!s de
elo.('d Is ihia eihiiilry tor niucli of
the i;iain to lie held. It all of the
(train had I u dumped last tall the
niaiki'l wouldn't have h -Id any lid
ter than it held diiruiK Hie winter
It's lo ci licet just such conditions
an these that ori;aiii.atlous like Ihe
United Stale) (Lain (lioweis, Inc.,
and Ihe Oregon Co. point ivo drain
(iiowern awioclal It u a:o Ii- hi-; Iniii
od, It's loi early now lo any lliat
these oi''i! us aio mire m lul
or that they will rmlve the evil pi oh
loin ol not id orliiK In ijialli.
Thcio are many lin-incm wh-i
liavo wlthli-'li! tioiu juinliii; ooopcr
ntio anamlalloci hecauno lliov aie
nol coiivlnied nl their I -.iiilbiliiy.
iriie en wiueni ho'Mivcr is a ten
ilcii'v in tb- ri,1' dir-flbm. The
luUUUl tl III -1 Will vievil' Hie llllll
lui uei ai I over ol one eiop ol
fc.aln In ui c.ilative pu en..c.i will
l a a r.-J J ac. I1 will ' In g ltd not
"JlU I r Ulo Urucr Inn I i- evi r,v
one. ej-tptiix Hi- Jukju-i.
W. .1. Coleman ol Kend ill a liusl
ness visitor in tills city today.
'.Mis. (). W. Monro ol Dulur was
..hoppiiii; In Hie city cstenlny.
(I. N. Illakoley ot Hhiiniko Is a
liiisiue:;a visitor in this city today.
D. Wilson of
atlelHlIn;; lo
Maiipiu is In this
liusiness mat I eis.
I'iahk (i. Dick, local attorney, ie
luilied Ironi Condon yesterday, whom
lie a'l aded lo pi ol'es.donal business.
Mr. ami 'Mil,. John .1. Hi 031111 of
.Vnle oie ai; lien; vl Ilinij liicli'la and
e lalive 1 lor a leu il nn.
.Mr. and Mrs. Cbar'e, McDowell and
.Mr.;. Will lle.Mei- of Uoblondalo weie
r; 1 1 0 ( 1 1 i 1 1 in Ihe i lly jnalt may.
II. .1. Collins and A. I!. Henderson,
both ol Walla Walla, am roi;ir.torcd at
Hotel Dalles.
Typlna and Btcnograpny
done al reasonable rates. Koslna A
Flock. Office Hotel Dalles Hen.
dunce phono red 2!!"2, ti
Brown's Dutui r.t.itjr, Tunc Tahlo
Two round trips dally. Loave Hank
liolcl, !l. a. m. and -1 p. in. ' Loire
Dufur 7:::o n. m. and 1 p. 111. tf
Hitls for Coal
.So'iled bid ; lor a eat lord ol lcn'
meier coal, lo ho delheied at lb - cit.
hall, The Dalles, not later tb 1,1 15
ii-iy lirrn ac'-eptunce. of bid ;. will b;
rewdved bj Dalles-City. All bhlu shall
;,e piesento I lo :h" ci y le rrdrr ni
or.befi e June I '.12 1, al 1 p. 111.
I I CATF". CHv lleciM-'ler.
Dated al The Dallen. Oie. Juno II.
11)21. 17
t -
.Mrs. W, A. M.uichlo and Mrs. W.
II. iiiIm us o! 'i :-o wore snoppinr.
in Hie ell yesterday.
.Mr. and .Mis Fmnk lipase of Du
nn- wem business vlsitoro in lliu city
, e; lerday.
was I
Lcl.ind I leiidrleks el' Dulur
Mini; Iricnd-; :u :h" cltj yottlcr-
Mrs. A. M. I'
I-on of Wainic,
in I bo cily.
ill ',011 and I'ioM in I'a'
aie isllln; lolalivcs
Mr. uinl Mia. L, lj. Clin 1c of Kant
ai" spendiiiB -, 1'nv iktya In Ihh
city viulllng 1 ola I Ives.
Mi. and Alia !. I'. Mauil ol Ar
Unuion n 1 c LtiiiiiK witli Irl-.nd.i ip
this cil j.
Mi. and Idrs. 0. 13. McClui- of
Wall 1 Wallu 1.-0 vlcillliiB wflb I'r.enda
in The Dalleu.
DU1 uu ever stun to tUlnlt thai
a imui. ii wover small, or every dul
lar yiu ajvinl In Ihe old honie town
conifo lutk in you? Tha iiioie motl
ey upon.! in Tlu Dullo tin. tuuit
Hint will toe speul vulh you, 411 mai
ler what i.ui ot'cjpiitlou. b-4. It
fanning, diy uoimIbii;, reslmiraiit
ln(;, ldunibiiit;, or Just plain labui'
Inj;. '
IIiihIiicss works In cyeleti in Hint
It is loci Ipiocul Hood biiblnobB in
one lino helpa other Ilium. It help
not merely tho tnidcBiuun, hill
throtiRli tevlo,m procenaeB it aids
evuy lino o acllvliy. sit down u
iiiciui'iil and think It out, No mat
ter what your job In, you'll find
that nood IrtihliipSH coiiiom aioiiud to
you Jiiul the name iih (0 uveiy other
lieinoii In tho (.'ouiumulty.
The town thai inn coax money
iMdii the people of other towns noon
becomes pionpoioiiH, and peoplo tlucU
10 pinypcioiiH towns. That In how
wealthy ('111 h am made.
I'orlland U a weallhy city bu
cause It lian cimxpiI a lot ot t;ood
inonoy fioiu Tho Dallu.s anil other
dlicH ol tho northwest. !
.'. H. l'ciil nl Wubc'i ia In Hie cilj
tod.n. iiiiieulnu busiutso lu-iiunint-
I'd 1. and Mill. (!. II Coibou weul
ii l''rliii'l todin in attend the niaiiK-'
picnic lieint; hold I hem.
A. ,1, Weltou and ,1. (iouiuier of
I'uitlaud. am toKhUcied al Hotel
nallen. I loth aio eiiKaK-d in the con
:i.u'Hiik l).isluitu In 'Lnrtlauil.
F C. I''uller Ud'l lite tii y Mi.dwda.v
lo.- Fort Won h. 'IVxaii. 1.1 I n at Him
be n-i'k ol hlu mother, win Ii i.rilou.
1 :u
i :
li d I
Ml.'. IL L H.itdiier. Mra.
, Mi. . L Ux'Ue and Mis.
all ol Seal He, ai'- Rietti
Urlloa. Thev ino'uied up
n ni I'ortlaud over Hits highway,
Mr. ami Mm, A. .J. Uurhrudor, Mis;;
Maude Hutu ami Mnt, . linden, all nl
UoHi'bmr,, ilnivo lo 1 110 ll.iJIoi oMjr
ho UlRhway yvd'.oraa). The i speit lo
riuiiu liHluy.
niic pi(de -.111 timidoU tho coin-iiieti-I'lnen'
oxpixIho; tU Hie littt'i
, i.u,' uhjl, wcio Mr o4 M-.
I i.i! e. -Ml JUti V'i N hv.tllu
i ;"i M . , At uju liiavi')-.
Son is Dorn Horn, to Mr. and
M.'.i. Sh sler Dhon, 111 West
1 Tenth stieel, last uinlit, n son.
' nil tb Hcpoited lloin to Mr and
Mia. KOw.nd (label of Maupiu at
Tin' Dalles hospital. Juno 10, a
seven pound son.
!'i,ilcm Par tor Hero llv II. '
:'.loor ol Salem will deliver Ihe sc.
imiu al lb" Cou;;roKiiliou,il chuicl.
Jlov. ICine.d Coinlro Villi preach in
Lie i'. ihni chin eh.
Uc-jcrtion AllcycJ Suit for divorci
uns tiled in the clicult coin- tmbn
In- l-'lorcnce Little, against M. (i. Ml
He. Tho couple wore inairlol In I'ori
land In lliLi. 0116; c'lllil vva:, boiu. Ir
l!HS. liie ciiuiplalul alh'sui, Lfltle'de
ceiled the pl;i fill 111 Mbe asLn' tor the
cir.dodv ol the 1 hilil.
Makliir) New Do ip The maii'il'ie
turn ol a vva'erleis soap been
r'ailol in Tlie Dalles bv 1'ied Kni-.c
.'nil is new on tho iiiaikot. The soip.
which Is a mineral pioduct, 1 ; u en
lor uMiihlui; bands, clollihiK. iu inl
and vvoodworl;. The niikeri ol III'
roap claim their pioduct is Ihe hes bn.ip over produced. Maun
I'. u liui' 011 a laii;o scale U planned.
Attcndlnn Granno Pir.nlc T 11
West. II. F. Van Heboid; and F. S
(launett -.!. nltenillii '. Ihe faincrs
fnause plcmu at I'liend' Unlay K,uli
vear the 1:1 umo'ia In lb" vl lalt .- 01
Fii'iid enpty an annual picaie,
v.h'.'h bus laUcn on Hi" a .iht1 of
, iuvmII eelelnalion thin oai, ns e
leinll ol lb-. pna.'Ufi ol the bund
nicaatiif assuilnj; the ron li'iiclioa or
The Dalles (.'allfginfa highway Tin pvily will 1 et urn iohIkIiI
Pmnon DiimonatiMtor 1 e larcd to
ho Die world'a I' luitaller ot
idioi U aliHoiborH, llovvaid II Dnv;l,i
will be in The Dalle. June lib ( 1
the purpoKo ol ileinrnslra'I ie. hi
P'oac ) iia-la . 1. . ild lo be 'l .
ili.rlv mi ; In Mhr i'. I'ii title 1.01ml.-
viAll while a soolhlnj; InMabj i
sunj;. The tjienie for the ni'Tniii'
sermon will bo "Loadim; (Miildrei
.'nniv." A siieeliil program has beer
arran.TCd for the. Children's Day r--er
vice at S p, 111., eonclatiiiK of souss
.eeilalions and r:peilal vocal and In
striimenlal nitisic.
Liltto Boy Scalded - Little .1 i
Wood, son of ,Mr. and A! is. Frl
Wood, Is being treated by Dr. A. H
Stone for severe Inn mi about tin
arms and legs, following an ar-ei
dent in which a wash lub fillel will
hoi water played a proniine'il pnl
The mother was filling (lie tub wilh
hot water, propaiatory to doin tbf
jlainily washing, wl'.un-- little Jo
wilh youth!.'! natural inrpihllivenos'.
laillcd 011L a wooden plus in the
bottom ot Ihe tub Mo see what
would h'dppeli. He was' badly scald
ed on tho1 lives. .Mr. and' Airs. Wood
live ininie'd'infely weal of tin elf, .
" I '
' ,?!lii(f,V' D'rf ctoiji: Fr-ir noiu
illations" tor positions a sch ml li
nctoin Uav'i" been 'filed' v.'lta Alii-,
I'nuleneo I'atteisen, i;"hoi rle--;
rreparator .to the election. wh!ii
will be hem" '.liine 20. Pet i: ions have
been subniitt-il I'or Louis J. Cite;
John L. HoKUe, Kd Kurtz an I 10. C
Alalloy. Two. placca far three-yeai
term (llroclorshlps are to be tilled
Tho officii will be ina'dn vhcant hj
tlm rotircnient of J. 11, Kirk, at
pr-.'sent chairman of Hie board, and
W. F. Doak, each of whom has do
elarcd be .will not be a camlHal
for reelection. Alonday will be tin
last day lor HHiir petitions. In a-I
lit Inn to nominating petitions, can
dldatca aio also required lo sub
mil acceptances, and Hies" must be
with the school clerk not late than
five days belore election.
Speed Ccp Halts Race A Calirornl;
peril cop pu an end to the afnr.ipler
ecord 1 1111 Loin Yakima to Los An
:"es, hol;r; mum by W, It Jones
akiuia SMnlobakor dealer, Jnue.i e
dalnol yertordav mien arilvlng hen
u hi.- way back to the W;shi!!';tor
Ily All went uo'l .j tar a. f-wr
ucn'o, new ;-pe-l record loin
)ide -' Jones be wo"n Portland an
hat city. A nhori ii!,.nee mil o
ae'ameiilo, however, an inii!l ihvi
pe -d top leliised to hclievo Ilia
'cues had any le;;.i! rlKhl lo eeeed
Ii" r pond limit, r""rd'er-i if the
ret hat .lotion explained lm wa
ml.v trjinc to uial.e an endiraiii-e inn
md lliat he h id a letter r.lne I b'
ioM'iunr Oleotl of Oiegou glvlni; hint
be r's;li' of wiy through Oreqon
The 1I1110 liom V il.-ima to Sura'tie i i
va;; I!!) :',;!. Tho onlim rlist.iii'.-e cav
'red v. a -. l,"ll tnllo-..
c. u i n"U ond f4tu
11 i-f im iicImu :.. md ,
1. I n Oitlr i Ii lb
1 1 I . 11 t ' I
I' iw r e- ni'l l.inie
III-' i.ici, lo allcnd .
inn 'b inoii '.'1 ill n
L H 'Lieno'i Mi 'iu
Crr Uo-
1 eou In ,
Lulu I)
I-. . v. II di on 1. t
P'H a hi- ler lei I
a I'M .1.1' ini'd ib 11
. 1 . Ill'Ut
In v Fed v 1
i" '. el ab '
'e pil' 1 'I ,'
'lUH'ir D"iis:
I" Ihlll'v
ab jibi e
' lb u ' h '.
Rurvrylnn, Wapinl ii Hq-iI Conn'
loailinnafer P. J. Atari todiy plaied -i
emvv of ipon al work n;rv . In ; the
mute tor the new Wiplni'i.i niai :'
1 o il. 'vhli'li will be birilr II I". r."-inu-
.Hid till fieri land, vle'lved Iimio
tin en separate r.oiii'e", iount. s's'i
llld individual rnd di.triel '1 be pl i 1
id' survev will coriace- iho .emtlu" 1
nd of the 11.ul.ei rmd vvnh Tb'
working for T. Oray'on Five Mile,
p. I'e ".ilifoiua hi liv;3.v near .Map
p 11 The ne- ui.irkei toad will bo ap- was hirkctl by a horoo jcrlerday
p r.xiin'.'ey aule mile in Icni'th and I while trying to catqlf itnblhur one In
wi'l be tot I'fl "I"1 f'iri lnncadaiu tho pasture. His leg watt broken by
sit lac c. Under Ihe 4ato 11 ,irket roaJ ) the blow and bu will go to a Port
law. Wa -,co tiuni.v will put up 2G.oiW, j land hospital lomoriow to recuper-
whicli will be man hod bv lliu sta'e, .ale,
lor iipplical'ca en i'iIs ,-cad. .he Wa
pinilia road distri'i, iu iildlli'-n lo
this, Im voted a ',pei ,al load levy
which wl'l prob.ibl bring thi cntbo
amount to bo (pom i.pon the ennsinu
linn of the mad up lo arouid '
As sdoii as the survey M uniipli'ti'd.
bids lor grniLng tm,l niaculaniiz'lm
will bo advert I ,'d f r.
Hoar "I'egi'.y
l.Mr. Hugh Olonn of this city has
been awarded, a mammoth contract
on tho Astoria railroatl, that of 17
miles of clearing, gnuliug, rlprapptng.
tunneling ami . dockworlt between
Coble and a point, JO mill's this sHu
of- Astoria. Tho work Is lo bo flnlshoit
within a year and will require a Toreo
of 2,000 men, hosldcs a largo amount
of machinery.
sli l c
Flag Day Exercises
Flag day exercises will b? h id
In The Da Ilea Ir.dce No. IU'!. II. P.1
(j; K., Ttiisday owning, Jum II. al
Fiks' temple. The Ladies' churns
will furnish Iho nusic. Yin pub I'
is invited. Ily older of
HOY !'. TAYLOlt,
rOxaltet Uiil'r
AY". L. OltlCHTON.
S"crctay. l
Notice of Annual. School Mctiny
Xoiice Is l eicby given to tlr legal
voters ol School District No. 12 ol'
Wasco Cuiinly, State of Oregm, that
the annual school meeting ir. said
Distilct win be belli at tho High
School building; to begin a the
ho-ir of 2 o'clock on the t lit nl .Mon
day ol June, being liu 20th Uy or
June, A. 1)., 1021.
( hairman lloaid of Dlre'tnrs.
Prudence AI. Patteisou,
District Cleik. .IHMS
Hcv. I. 11. Hazel has just
word from Portland of I be dc;l
the wife of Joshua Iteynolds of
co. Tho funeral will lake place, in
co tomoriow, Itev. Hazel olfic
Charles Brown, who has
ivc I
The Liltlc House Willi tlie BIG Pictures
Al Chi'f sties
See My Lawyer"
Mack Scnnctt'-j Latest Comedy
A Special Musical Attraction
Eyesight Specialist ,
Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenings- by Appointment
t7-1i Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black, 1111
Everyijody Welcome
M:sic by
o -
Game called 2:30 o'clck'
Th- juoney coaxed
rdlior towns howover,
from hero to
doesn't eomo
. f
in l title:. Ur lneolili'tit
Hie I n i National batik, an I II.
Wi libi'i, lioth ol I'm Hand, sliived
ulKht at Hotel Dallen Thev
left today for a Iiiiko laneli near
ITIiiovillt', owned by Corbett.
Cbllihon'R Day at U n. flircb
nuiidav r be a red Htei d'iv n
tho tinned Hrethion church At in :to
a. tu, the Sunday school will have
a cradle roll proKraui. one foaturo
of which will tie u cradle wilh a ron I
live- h.itry In It, tho mother UeonltiK
D::lle Ilijvli School Alumni Senior Reception
Monday, June 13
Admission $1.00
World's Champion
Tuesday, June 14th
To Demonstrate that Ho csn Install a Set of
Hassler Shock
On your Ford in 30 minutes. ..Come -and have
a set installed on your Ford7-
No Charge For Inslillaiio i This J&y '
Better have a set installed Save wear on
Back and Tires
Gannett Motor Co.
Opposite Postoffice The Dalles, Ore.