THE DALLES DAILY ClirONICLF FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1921. PAGE FIVE FRENCHMAN TRAINS EVERY OTHER WEEK CARPENTIER WILL EASE UP BE FORE PUTTING rri FINAL LICKS. t , CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVER1EEKNT. r n i ' . - By Jack McAyl.ffe-. (Undefeated Lightweight Chnmtiloii) (Written for Unltett ' 1'rts.j) MANHASSKT, N. Y., June 10 Georges Carp.iiticr ,is just finishln;: the hardest weeR of. Ills trnjning period. Uus Wilson. Ills chiuf handler, told me 'today that tin- KrCffchnlfln would tuse up all next week aiul taki things easy. Tlren tho wcoji of June 20 hewll start an intensive period of wcik thai will finish when he goes into the ling In" Jersey City. This prograni shows' ' just how wisely the Frenchman' Is belnir lialn ed for his greatest light. He is" in top Kit in right now and ho 'wlM he kepi lit' 'th'e"Birliiu 'eon ditiori. Carpentier Is lj'&T'.iuaklng life" same miBtake so many ' Aifreflcan "'boxers make. Most of them work so hard they leavu themselves on the road or in 'the gyinnasltiiiu-when they go into the ring. Th-J ofd Ilmirsjj'iieve.r trained more than a"ivutfj- ;!().- ' a "splint'' liht. Vhennr!1"boxerMlvi-s clean and keeps himself in condition a '.week or ten days ot Intensive xrk Is enough. "rho rratn idea of a trainar should be to eep his charge In good spirits. ( Ab keeping him in spiritJ, Uus' Vlspn and Descamps aro doing it aLoiff" i ight. So f'4r. the Frenchman has been worklngjhard one d.iy behind closed doors aiid" resting tho next While Wilson and, .poKaininom inaily are his tialners, they are vir tually -only Ids 'wttfofi di'sB. i'Miave oKservdd'; that (he Fionchmaif" lays nis wu'rjc himself,. MEETING NOTICES U. A. R. E. Regular meeting Friday, Juno 10, at K of 1'. hall. Full attendance if- quested. W. II. Butts, secretary. 10 Recital. The public Is invited to attend a recital aiid clas. exhibition given by pupils of .Mies l.uello Cuiumlns, at 8 o'clock .Monday evening, June 13, at high school auditorium. 11 Neighbors of Woodcraft Cfflcen; and neighbors of Cedar Clicle Xo. X., are requested to meet at 15 p. m. In the K. of I hall, .".iinday, June 1L', to participate in our ui veil ing ceremony.1 11 LOST OH FOUND VOl SAI.K Five room modem house and garage. $3500. Small I ,,.,.... .-..! I, I. ....... ill,.. ...... n. 1 i . , "'. .LOST-aa caliber Colts automatic re 1UIU1IU llll .Ill, UWUIIlKn. J I KOlt SALIC Dry oak wood; old oak, ?11 HO; second giowlh, $iy.50. Deliv ered. Call 30F21!, after C p. m. tf volver. Return to Chronicle ofilee for reward, 13 iFOR ItlONT -Fiir.iished 1h.ii e:r-un- Inf rnmiK Ii'-ml ?l'f'nllll Hi li. S. will uti rviuriu mum FIGHT THAN ANY OF 'EM FOU RUNT Small house, 3'JU K'ssl Fourteenth street. 13 Seventh Day. Adventlit Services at the Seventh Day Adve:. list chinch. f.OO Kant Fourteentlj street aio held regularly as follows: .Sabbath school at 1 ; 4 ." , preaching at 11a. in. and Young People's meet ing ai 3; p. m. Satnrda. i'machlns Sunday night at 7.30. i'rayer and iiiissionpiy meeting Wednesday even ing at 7. JO The public is invited to attend the.' meet lugs. Uldur 1'. VV. FOR SAIaE- Three rc.hlence proper ties, on le.'ins like itnt; also one rubber liied buggy and harness, one auto tracer, one deep woll pump. K. C. Fitzgerald, telephone SF13. 11 FOR " S ALK " CasTsMcrnTf horse, power, 2S-lnch Pride of Was': Ington separator, and two McCor mlck headers. Price tlfiOH. Terms-. S. C. Williams, 321 Artisan Building, Portland, Oregon. " 11 Fo7nLKjlaTe (fellver any place in town. One home, weight 1750, 7 years old Ouarantoed. AVill sell -or trade for cattlo. One team, weight 2100. Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed batn. JulvU. STOLEN STOIjKN Parly who t:iok concre'e whe'lba-.rov.' from alio, at roar of ClifMilc'.e office, plraio return It. 13 MISCELLANEOUS DRlWSMAKI.N'a All patterns fur nished at reasonable prices. Mrs. Foster, lim Weal Second street. 11 W'ANTHD Shecplie! dot . Telephone black 3151. 13 MK.MSTITCHINC. - and bntllins cover ed, Mrs. A. J. .Mollne, 007 Union streit. .15 ThTnkKKII AND ' KuSTs" - Kurnl lure and piano moving. Fi eight hauled and general expioss busi ness). Telephones: Stand, red ldl; residence black 1351!. J. . llenzlo. utr FORD Sipeciffillbfts Whitney Repair Shop 703 East 8econd St. POPULAR .MUSIC Taught by EOE WERSCHKUL Lessons by Aiiiolutinent Kmpioss Theatre Pianist WEinie TutkncSc Lisas Freight and cxpiens between Tin Dalles and Wasco, Moio and all wu y.ilnta Leave The Dalles, it a. m dally except Sunday. Leave .Morn 1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. n. 1). M. Pierco, proprietor. Telephone b.aci- :r,42 c:r main 471. tf LEGAL NOTICES. Province, ,pitor, IWjumal address, .. AVATKD--flood shlngler, Inquire 113 420 Hasl -Fo-irieeuth street. ' V.'.ost Thirteenth street. II ClaHslfk-.l hiIvui tiuliiK I out per woro WA'NTIOD Cook on ranch. Telephoil" buuIi Iiksci tlou. If InntrleJ 0 llinus or, i,.,,,,., riu. ' n moni. 3-4 vni i woiilf Miitiil.ty publl- macK li ralliin mien mi h'MCh(M v" ' 'ffl''M ' - "-- iii; - - ,-. .WANTI2D Two calling fans. fn rOK KENT . Mir( i?,..,l r'nf,. Hi FOR SA1..jiiuick tour, tout. a- car, , RANTED Po.iitioa as practical .Motor Servlo parage. 15 j , nuj(5o, Conl'ftieinimt caaec preferred; WR RKNTo . Vrv- D- .A- Cornwell. black 4701. 'l0 10. Ootson, the iiiUviC man. 11 lly United News NEW YORK, June 10 Tho 'KDV- 'FOR UENT Pasture. Can hiinJ.o 30 ernment will receive something like! head. C. 10. Lowell. 10 1400,000 as taxes on tho Dempsey Carpentier fight hero July 2, accord ing to the internal revenue llgures. FOR RENT Housekeeping roon.s, Sl'i Pine sticet. .Black 3!I02. 11 Dempsey's income tax on $300,000. r,r"r;'rro,..,.. " rwis which he expects to receive as his ,,,.. T .,, ,int watM, 1C &nare of tlio gate receipts, win us 161,270,? Calpen'tjer can claim exemptions FOR RENT--Four room' house. In quiro 117 West Tenth street. ,10 for" his! .'Wife' 'aihi chlid. biit' eveii after those are subtracted will have. FOR RENT Co lo 722 East to turiif iver $03,334. Tex ftiekard'u partita, which may be $200,000 will also be s'.lceJ gen eioualy. w ."' T . ThJIB TIME ft-fYEA, Ruth.'mado his sixtaonth homer at DeVrolt ojf Ok" h''f .PrlnODton beat UiflvorsJijL'Sf. Caltlo;nja, 9 to 0.5-3 J Gallli5slngled in tho eleventh innlns,agaiust WuA't-liretics and won hli own gtune for Washing- ulllvipBia-V'SS; tingles and a triple in four trlpj. 11 Third for nicely furnlshe.l housekeeping rooms. Rater, reasonable. 15 FOR R ENT Good "pas ture-T" plenty of viunnliiK water. C. J." Corsfin, 320 Kasj Second street. VOfl RENlf - Foil1; good rooms,. h ::!italnb" Bath vand toilet. VTclbp'hono ""inSqirTaiiifi";'.. .:t,"r u .i'OR 'REN.T F.urnirhed housekeeiilns; I rooni3. 320 East Third client. TcH 1 phono red G342. U FOR RENT Six loom house, garage 1 and garden. Inquire C.01 Webster !. street'. ' ' ,' L"' FOR SALE b'aIe knocK Sf7Yfi "H o'W e r t Tty United Vruma NEW YORK, Juno 10, Babe Itif'i today , ''clouted out his 17th homer Hgalimf the Indh:n.i. No one was on base nl tho time, ,. r, OREGON PROGRESS. Dlaniond and Timber lakes to be connecrd by a highway. Oregon has promise of largest hop crop '6)i record. MulUiomnh station to have 10,0ft'0 commpnlty church building. Frejiht rprtuctlonr on dried prune-i will sive $100,000 to glowers. S. if jeompany will build wagon load tlriom Maploton to Cusirman, co .1 Ing 10,000. Oreo)i City -lis wley paper mills bulldlljj;' wlieless i lsnt at mill.'i hrre. Portland gets ou ing and work clo'the? factory f oin St. Joseph, 'Mich. Tlihb'e'r ownem pay ?1H.531 out of 1172,4 jB'exponse of fire patrol in stale. Marshfleld lets 121,000 street Im provement conlracrs. 0!lA. C. REUNION TOMORROW U ny IJ11I1..I Prieii CORVALLPj, Juno 10. Sfveral hundred loimer O. A. C, students tire expected hoto auurdny, alumni thy. Social ' features are planned, includ ing a reunion of classes. 19 I.' W. W. OKDEKED FREED ; 1 By Uiiltrd Vrtt KA'ftlSAS CITY. Juno 10 Older forlfie unrondlilonal leleuse ot 1J I. W. W. prisoner.! mw serving terms in'lhej Loavenworth prison, wort! to day iprelved by Fiel RoLorton tiom Aloiny Oei.eral Daughfrly. (Robertson is federal dlstrlcl at' or ney 'jTprc. Mttburw SfilwSl ' fi Tuacher of .JPJano, Ilarmonv and Theory. L9chetlzkv method. Special atten tion. Kivnn to b( ;:lniimr., Summer lei in opea.lime 15 Phono red 3401. Slu dli5oo Fulton street J20 VEtlZ BAUER '(JMferal real estate, insurance, ana tiuail 1004 Kut Second street. Tole PIwnibuUi 1671. " WXt t - FOR SALE Jersey cow. lii'iulro '111 Calhoun or leleiihono black 3201. 11 FOR SALE RnwlolRh products. 410 West Fouith St. Black 1331. .123 FOR SALE New Biunswlck phono graph. Plajr all iccords. A bargain Call red 3032, 1". FORSALE Milk goals. Reasnnablo Tolephono red 4032. Call 725 1Mb street. 11 FOftsi(UrE---Thr.e -lotif '' oh Nlnlh street, 350 each. Telephone iod 4702v FoirSAWOJhT omniouse on paved street, close in. if 3750 on eprv terms. Tclephono red 24S2. 13 FOR SALE Dodge touring car, ovoi hauled, new paint and top, To;nw 505 East Second street. 13 FOR SALE Ten-room hotel. Inquire box 07, Kent. Oregon. J .20 FOR SALE Cheap. Ford louiinp car. Inqulro Hun set garage. 10 FOR SALE Complelo threshing ma chine. 2K.nch J I. Case separator and engine Outfit in first class con dition. E. A. Read. Bulck Oarage. main 021. :!T'I FOR SALE Large and email farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, pood terms. W. C. lianna, Duliir. Oie. lXtf. V(n SALE--Oheap. Two man .Me Cornilck combine with good etiglu' also horno attachment. Wrllo W. L Tyron, 500 West Eovcnth ctioe' Tho Dalles. -i1 FOR SALE One Vaughn wood saw one No, 12 Do Laval eroam separ ator; ono 12-holo iilnglo dl'.k nood er, pracilcally now.. J. L. llllnV'' worth. R. 1, City. Telephone re! 1101. low2.1 FOirSALKO acres" rntUos fr-J'n Friend. 7J miles from Di'fur on 4Cif tetn .Mllo: flve-room houe. lar-je barn; threoncre family orchard. E A. Talor. "C35 For.tor Road. Por' land, Ore. J' OR (SALE Surplus buttermilk, suit able for stock feeding puiposef. Price thrco cents per gallon, 20 jallom or more. Norman Cream company. 12 WANTED, Strawb.erry plelcera. '.Vrl'l, for Inl'ui million. Eleven ui'icm, Ooorge W. 'Collins & Sons, Under wood, Wash. 15 lTu7NHs""mMW?r7TN foTa wide awake man for a local location, flood money for you If yuu pro gressive. 'Write box SS, caie Cliron icle. ' " , 10 I IIEAISTITCMINCS ITeni edging. Mrs. )- L. M. Bootllhy. 208 Washington Notl e for Bids for O. L. Grlftln Road . , , , , ,.,. .. County hereby cuIIh for scnli-il street. Telephone main ons'1. B bids for Knulli.K of the O. I.. Oriffln 1 1 r.,... M, l,..Dt,,i. Ifi.nil M I - - ... .1 1 ,,i ,. of -1.4 of li lull.. SPECHALTY SHOP ! A x, t'". A ,,,V,Xran,W 1 tlnn bv the County ItundniiiHter. The npee llemrtitchlng, picol edging, dress- UU-atlons nlnns and etlmiite for ihl , ,j, r..- . iu 1 1 . . Iiiilirovement me on file , In the office making. 218J Edst 'lhiitl street, Con- f county cieik of Wnceo' county, Ore don building. Telephone black' 5211. 7 t?""'.,1""1 "If; w,,,1,l'' w;lnMu1';f' ,-.c,'"V; , lv Rondnw!!ter 11 1 Ins office in Cotil.ty - .7 j " -T1"." Court House, The Dalles, Oregon, and PROFESSIONAL 'AND BUSINESS I mibjecjt to Insp. ctlon. The work will bu done In iieeoiilniii'n with the above j : ... 'r !. mentioned plans and Hee!flcatlonn un- Ider the HUpervlHion mid direction of the County UoadiniiHter. All bids must be nceompiililed b;' n uihi. ....... ...t,. .... certifhd check for f. iieroent of the Tm-ll'inil 11 111 I n'lVfiq Tin. n-illnR liiimmut of tlie hid, to he forfeited to I Ol Uaml p. 111. I.L.leS llie DaiU h. ... c'.iunlv In case nlich bid Hhoilld 1:30 p. Ill, Dally seivlce. Tim Dalles he necepled and the Iddder i'iould fall lelephono led t'.741. Portland tele phones; Marshall 1355 or east "MOO ,.117 LUOLE. CUMMINS . Teacher of 'Piano Kumuier classes open June 1. Stu dio at 513 UnloYi strO'et I.Tfter June 10. k ' J20 to' enter into contract, and h'nul for the faithful performance of the .work. All bids Hhould be sealed and filed with the County Clerk on or before the P.lh day of dune, V.I21. All bids will be opened by the County Court at 111 o'clock a. ill. on k.'iHI date. Waiico County rescrvea the rlKht to reject any and all bids. Dated thin lt day of June, A. IX, 11121. W. U CHICIITON. 14 County Clerk ,FOR TRADE FOR TRADE Lot, GSxi05, at Fifty ninth and Broadway, Portland, for car. Ford preferred. Telephone red 1111. ' 11 TO TRADE lOOxl&O feet' ground, -room house on Chenowith paved road, for house and lot in town, F F. Flsch, R. 4, City. 13 PIANOS TUNED dud repaired, ac tion regulating ami rellnlshliiK. Player actions a specially. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockslader. Cor "on Mils li sloro. 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 10(11. tf E. C. PRICE Regkteircdl Airclhinftecil 501 First National Bank Bldg. The Dalles, Ore. 1Gtf ..vtiojijilii (if'Uij.Aniaul Stulvm 'lit of the . ' iNsrtiAM't: ., ltd. of Hulh' yfAiMftU'ia, mi Ihe 3Ht iliy "t l)ii. bcr, 1SJ0'V inul-Vi Ilia ln-ttraniu- r iminl aionel jnf tlio lUU.'uf 13 Bon, inusiuat l.i : s4 .M. l.S'l'OMi: a 1 -Nvl niri-'.-n "t.I'p-. ilur.imi'-rti' r.....-...,. I1.1 r"' ditiil. i.ili.rjua; mtu rcedvrd JjtliiK tlio irar ".'-"SyT. ..... mi. 37.1. 1111 In. in. In in uth.-r hounvs rcfcivftl .luriiii- tl.e wr .'.Ii,:i-n 04 Tutal im-uiiip , . iJ4o.:isa.,.M DISIIt'llNIIKNTS Ni-I l.r-.-s 1 will ilnr.tiK tlio jrur. In rliulinn jljVl'.tuwSt njwnaw, . f.JtSJTSiM :iiii'inWi'igin anil - Mli'lfdj. fcnl) 'ilnx I111 ila- j-ar .... '-'rf.nrj in Taii-i, Hiinus and fwii-piKl ilurbi.: -. r tin- .ui H.'.'.H.SH 'Amount, ot illl' Mlr.'!'r.vil"-KJjiirij-.l. 't CljiS;v71 ToUl I'siK'nilitiTrej .IS7.U4U.47 AKSIITM Vala- of Htrcki an,) Ijumli omifil (iirirhi't dlttt.) lUli'.Huruiii'L1 ri'r..i rulile o l, Mi Ca-li In bnllllil uli't on limul . JHl.r.SB.'.'S lul.l . . . n-l.WJH.7K 1'lviliniiH III roilne of cill.-rtlnil written since Sot- nil, HUM... Jlti.ai7.nft Intvrurt ami rent due an.t jc-i-ruol.,7'J Total adiultttil auitt J131.U1lU.U7 I.IAllll.lTlKS eir.-M rliinn for lovx iiiuuW $1!2,S01,OH Anrmnt if Hiui'tnii'il iirciniuuH on nil ouUtan.lliiu rUk 40, II II. Oil ' All oilier.-lialillltun h.MIU.NH tluii'lun rrnaWj i)i;cliol.l-M. . tilii.ust aa 'J', tul lluljilitied. I'xrluiiife of rji. ..Juil hlM'i $S31.UII U7 tii'sis'Kss in iuti:io.v rou tiik vkah Nit iiroinliam rni'tinl Uiirlni llie eur 7.1HU.14 Iu-r?i imM during tliu )i'ar 2.u4:t 93 fiicuirol ilurini: if yrar . . 4t:i SS ejL'ni:.NSi.ANi) insi'iianc:: eft , ltd. iiAi.tDi'i:, (ii."iintii: & co., 1' K. Vlunuittrii. KUtutuiy roidderit DtUirni) for lentrj- A. C. IIAilllKll, Iiikunoiee l'oiiiiii!4dionr. XT SfnoTIii of tin' StJtnu-iit of t'oi imiuitAxri: ni. ok nouth of rliibdiOiliU, hi Die MaU of 1 Von.jlikiilj, g tho a 1 t da)' of .( inbrr, l'J'JU. mid ti Hi lniiin.M'e rominliolctier of tin itiij of OitL'un, Iur.U4iit to Iju CAI'ITAI. Amount or capital stick laid up.! .1,011(1.011(1.00 in co mi: Not pn-miunii riY.lird durinie the iu' . . . . 2!t.aai.r.Ht.o4 Intert-nt. dltld.iuli and r-nU re- ivlmd diirlni; llie jri-r . ... 1 .BUS, 1 7ti 2.'l Ir. rn ollifr fcource r-,0 during tlir )or. . 3(l.ti'.7 12 Total IncnniD 'ia,U2ii.7'J.1 0 iiisHitnsr.Mi-:N"i.t N.t Im" I'alJ durliiK II. u lor, llii'ludliik' ".llU'.tin -hi rlla'tiie .11 3,U:rj,UI o.'.'tt IOI' in 1.1 i.n ii,tal ltia-l durlim tlm ).r li:'li,0ou 00 Cwfuiitlftitcria aiul taUrWi p,Jl dur.r.i ll.e Kar H.!I22,R51 44 Taiw. In .i'i and fee paid duritnt lli! ear . .. l.Ki .Mf.,47 Amount of all other e-ndlturui HJil.Ifiill l Total rlnditurea '.'.1,2U!l,3ti UK AS.'IKTH ' Wlue of real eataU ov.uil (mar. lit raluel .1 Vblu? of rtcrfc atul bofidi ofne.l liuarlirt talue) Iunl on nu.itia.riM aiul rilUt- eral. ef IS'i.'JVI '.' ( in bai.kt ai.d on hand. . . . I.3A7 lUL'.'il rrrmlumi in course of cvlUtttou ail.e. Hejit, 3U. IWJil 4,701 .'.'SS 7 Iti-iiMiurinca rrcoicrablv on pall 3hl,)H53 Intrr.-it and rcnta due and ar- cru.l SHS.IC7.7!I HIIU nltaU for prjiulumi M.IIK7 'JS Total ailuntt.U a.-i 14 l.X!)4.a;'U.U MAIHMTIKrl linxi fUluu for uniall .l 0.077. SIU.DI 'AuiJm.1 of uiiearne.1 preuiiuuit on all outttandln.- rata 1 H.U3,S'J7 u Iu for rc rum Kit. in aril broker- 135 00(1. U0 All other Uabilitlel 'J'i ' '"'J ' 5 i ToUl lUbllltlea, nrliuire of capital alk . I'.'M.SOI OS 4 Hl'HI.N'l-HS IN' OlIKtiOS inn tiii: VI.AH Ket ormlun.i itcuied duriw icar . ll J" VjtuM iid Uurii.' t)u year.. . 04 70'.', 14 Lwai Incurred durlr the year 311 IStSVt liiBUKA.NCK t.'O. OK NOUTH AllKllll A 1IKNJAMIS' HI'HII. I'le.U.ut. JOHN tllKVIElt, Herr.ury. aaamiunr tr&Uut avtuy tor arrrtl , " ' M'AIIKU K. BI.IHS, I,. . .. Hi tk a14 , rirfVayart. T I M cf 1 y e m in ders 'o aoo- . .. !-'Thb hay and wheat crop is coming along nicely and you -will need dependable cquip- : ltient- such as "International" McCORMiCK or DEEUING Mowerr. and Hay Rakes, Bin- 17izr ders, Reapers or maybe a Header. Buy Now While Our Stock ti- Complete At Farm Machine Headquarters IHG Wakher-W Duns Co. i' 770.477.SO 7 BUCK FEVER! a In door s a:on liunlors oltcn hccomit alllict d wiili "111; "K I'FVKR," .Many of tlittm, bofoio shooting dcrr or other t.iiuo, ht'ci-uio So norvous Unit thuy aro haidly ahlo to ttliii or hold their gium. THIS IS KNOWN AS JIOCK I. if VI Jit. TIipio nro many pyoplo wjio have every Initntlon of sav 'ing moiiuy, Hut us thoy Slarl to oien an account, thcio c.iincs tho finding of hnr.itancy an. I delay aunt her l inn 01 "U1JCK FIOVKR." DON'T let yourself ln owiiiit a victim of I III:, "iuvur," DiiTKR.MINH lo SAVK iiionoy and to OPDN ail afcount with us AND ACT. . - A Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Accounts. Citizens. National Bank Telephone Mulu :tl0) Officers P, J Ktiidtdmaii. President. Dr. J. A i Router, Vice Pies. II. K Oreo no, Cushler J. V. Turoclt,' Ah't CaahUir. Directors I'. .'. .Sladcluinu Ariiiur Keiifert Dr. J, A. Router Dr. li. C. OlluKur li. Ia. JClICk J. l. licliiillch J. J. Van Dollen AGGRESSIVE IN METHODS The Ficnch Company hank h. Ilevcs In employ ing every agency to Ir.crcaso tho piospority of i his coiiiii'iunlly, and has no false notions of hank dignity It has always stood firmly for, nicdcrn' ways of taiinliifc, Irult growing, jnd hicodlng llvu-stool: as well an of doing hiislnrLC. This l.i a progrrsfllvo comiii.iiilty, and we iutind t.) pn.gtoss with It. '1 Paid on Savings .-r!llII!l.l2VX , C. H. rriCNCH, president PAUL M. FRCNCH,' Vicc-Preeldtnt v. 1 1, t-HENCH, Secietary J. C. UOSTETLUR, Cachler llfii FRENCH & CO. Tut rVi 'r c rQcrkii THE DALLES OREGON i i Dr-T- DeLARHUE K''' Evfistcht SDecialist Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Eyeninpt by Appojntrrvpnt iMi VoQt- Blk Over Crooby's Drug 8tore Phone Black 11,11. COLDENDALE YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the easiest by way of G.ants anJ MaryhiH on tn 1 ' . I- MARYHILL FERRY New Eight-car Ferry No Backing to Board Boat A 10-mile paved road connects MaryhiH and Goldsndale NewRallroad Crossing No Sand As llie School Year Closes Tho friendships, tho hnppy faces, tho little lad ilenls of school life-these nitSniorlui will giow'in 'meaningly tender as the yeais rcll by. ' ' " . .ii And ruturo success, with its attendntU hippiness, dciponds as ii; .school on 'right 'association. A hank account starti'd early In life Is ti solid loundatlqn iiliiiil which to dovolop Into, pi'rinaueiit stLUctures tho dream castles of youth. U'o welcome your account as tho basis for a cor dial hanking friendship extending through the ru tin e yeais. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK Tie Dalles, Oregon Dr. Ceo. F. Eye Specialist We in n equipped to ' ftlv'o 'your r-yes the voiV lieAt of care. Kyea teslid, (ilmises gro'.ind. Second and Washington Streets The Dalles 3 'V( WOODARD & T A USC HER Contraetinff Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and .Cornent Work. Fireplace Work a UpecUlty nctlip.itcs furnlehod free of charg;. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main C4C1 or Call at Gates Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE , EXPRJESS AND DR. AY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Sland at (ijenn s Paint blore Main !?2l Residence Phoni Red 1 811 HARRY L. CLUFF (.RANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles L.qi.U O. CIIANUAl.t., IJert Ihonuti, M,iii.njr l.lrrnarj rinti.iliiiern, fnt.ililUlii.-il 1117 Duftir Woman Mrs. M. J. Wlll.'rtqr Telephone Red 81 Motor Iiuipmcnt Tslephonrs Dy Red 3S1 Night Red H J. H. Harper, Black 2162 Cut Flowcra ti i i