THE DALLES DAILY XMHONtCLfe'. FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1521. (THE DAILY CHRONICLE ttatAblfiihed 1890 Tho Dalle. Ore Published Every Evening Except Sunday F the Chronlclo Publishing company Ino fcett n. Litrm -Gcncrnl Mntingcr Koterod econa in Tho .Dulles clues matter. postofrice as United Press and United News Service Wrmhor nf Audit Hnrenu of Circulations DAILY, CHRONICLE jne year, in navnnco. OY CARRIER $5.00 nic months, In advance $3.00 ntli DAILY CHRONICLE BY On.o year. In ndvanve..- Wx months. In advance une inonm .60 MAIL $6.00 $2.r.o B0 0n WEEKLY CHRONICLE yar, In r.dvance $! ,0ft . ' In ' tirderlntf slinnci) crlhet .should always s hew address. of address, glvo old as sub well TELEPHONES fMllorlal Rooms.. - Business. Adv.. CIr. rciUa. Ulnck Ited Piibxcrlbers to the Chronlclo nro guar mteed! service. J'rompt and regular de livery of every subscriber's paper Is the 1m nf tho rlrciilntlon department. The Chrohlplo carriers nro required to pul th papers on the porch or wher&vor th unscrlbcr wishes 'ho paper delivered JUDGE ADKISSON Warco ennnly should nof forget, In her Jubilation over Tho l;illea California hlshwiiy honil bi.siie cam Jiajgn, I ho one who Is more respon sible lor 'IIh HiiccrMKful lei nilniitlon thnn any other onu person. County .hiilge .1. T. Ailkisson Ih the man. .Imlfie Atlklrnon Ihib been en the job lor (lie Rient hilernl IiIkIi way alinoat since tlie inception of the Idea, .ludfic AilldsKon cailed (Ik buHlfiesH men together for InKlhl ills cUKsion of tho project. It wan ho wrio conducted iieKotlatiens wllh the stnto highway coniinhiHlon and who , secured frdin Hh niclilbeiH tho bluett and white agreement which Ih ho lulvi'ntnfieoini' "to (hg county. And with the project under way, Judge Adkls'sim kept after It until the thins was put over. He lias worked uncc-mlngly,. and to him Is duo ' much ol the enthusiasm with which the country residents not be-! hind tho campaign, ( It might he mentioned that .Iu'ro Adklsson is paid 7()0 a year. If another measure on the ballot, one providing; for an increase In tho milarlcB of county officers had sono thVotigli, h'o wodld have been Riven a 500 raise. No one, however, heard tlio judBo campalnnlnf; lor this measure, lie was working loo hard on tile bond issue ' to think about Ihe other thing. The judge win workihg for the county Instead of ills Bjilai'y. Tho nallusCallfoinln lilghway will lie b(uilt lliroui;h Wasco county largely beciiimo oi Judge Adklsson's work, and lie will bo remembered lor it. It is Hie mnniiiiU'iiial a? coinpllshment ol his pubi'c service. o vadlng upper Sllcsln make hundrcil.4 of thousands of others pro-Oeiln.iti ll'coplu In these duys seat or he without leanings In Intel natli nr I questions. He Is a poor nian wlu iloesn't linvc an opinion one way or tlie other on questions of th.- da One's belief one way or the other docs not make a man any tlio lca. a citizen of the Uilit.vl .''lutes, If he holds that country first in hla thoughts, x Men like Sims are I'lstuibors. He Is not spokesman lor his eo.mtry, rinil II Is reasonable ') believe thu. tlie United States .'nvernnient will loll tlie world that lie doesn't rtp icsent lis views. It ij unforluna'e hal one of Admlial ' Sims' ability and attainments should I a lie advan tage of his poslllctt to nliike nucli .Hntcinuntn In a country wlnn h is very popular anil wncre hif re .naiks will he given lar more credit ban they aie really worth. Ireland Is In Need of Money For Reconstruction Work .Mr. and Mrs. On rib Stakchy. She left tnlninent wllh n idiom talk, outlining Vednenday for The Dalloii where tinr tho object of t lie meeting. The flrjl sinking. LOOKING BACKWARD (From The Chronicle, June 111. 18UIJ.1 J. C. Wlngfleld of Klght Mile r- ports a frost this morning which in jured Ihe melon vinos and all lender vegetation in various places. The member? ef I ho Juvenile tem ple will meet at I'Yaternlty hall at 7 o'clock tonight and will march to Ihe 'I church in a body. The following will participate In Ihe program: llov. W. C. UurtlHH, Hon. John Mleholl, I'm denco I'allorson, lOdna Unmet I, "al I or Iteavis. Nelllo Korward, Miss Myrtle Mlchell, Mis. Mattio Ila-nel! and Ucv. I. II, ila... (Jooige 'U'i McCov Is r.llll nlmnnl "Villi Sheriff Driver ai Portland. A lloslul ('aid came this morning, ad dressed lo I ho sheriff, lelllns lilni lo laite care ol n couple hot lien ol" "medi cine" and a box ol pills which ho had loll on the table al Ihe county Jail. The iiherll'f has not yel leliirned to follow McCoy's inslriielions, however. WAMiC NEWS 7. r fro'ni 1'rcil ItlcksIM hl.t home near for a 11' rotutulii!; ANGLOMANIA , ' ' '"V "f; ., l roni a lilium,; .... of dlidomai le ihiidence, the utt Mances of Admiral Piiilh casting asperlons on a ;;icai titinihor ol Auierieaus because of their attitude Irvoring tho Seln I'ein li.ovcnionl In Iiolan.l, oieasion cur iiFe,fOno wondeis diat a irnn of tiucli ' linporlant national, whos exiuesslon on any matter Wouldt liave great weight, should launch fort h In a dangerous dia tribe im a matter which Ibis coun try Views from a diplomat ie stand point with the ill most delicacy, Hut bringing up Sims lroni a per sonal standpoint, one need not be (tniazed at IiIh newest outburst. It filinply conies as a sequel lo numer ous other ones which ho has re vealed in his pronniiiHTtl leaning to waids everything Kn:;llsh, Perhaps much ol It can bo ex plained in the fact Unit Admiral SIiiih-'wiib bin ii under Ihe Union Jockv Hls birth p'ace was Ton dope, in Cabaihi, Ills mother nu a (.'a nttillnn, although his tnllicr wiih an Ainericau, I He ,was a cldcn ol the United Sliiltr.i' hecauue ol his I'atlior's cill zeiiahlp, and ho was giaduated f lorn 1 Ihe nuval academy al Annapolis in ihfii, going lo iiio bchooi as an ap pointee fiom ' I'CI1I1H. iMIIllll. D.ulng loin Hiiee-'HHlve national administrations, Slum' ti-iigtio has (nit 1 1 1 tn in hot w.uei Awiij hack in lf'lK, when the people ol thia rouutry woio dlscusslm; the deleal of the Spanish na h the Amer (can ships under Sumption and ho vey, Sims said thai the ships of llidt class n u v itl power could the Aill'i'Uuil ilay olf tile ijliy blow tuilp ( lie , was In trouble during flroiievell le'dini ;k whlli Tal In, power; and tn It) 10. die was Him olat hod i 'tis palioni, WAMIC, Juno came out Monlay The Dalles. Fred Mayo returned Monday two weeks' hIhj (ii J'oilland. Mr. and Mr.1?. 'Iwjn lliiirpa'pii and baby came from Tho Dalles a week ago iituna,v remaining iniiil die lollowfng Slonday, gliosis or Mrs. Ilall'piipp's ghindimronts, Mr. and Mrs. J. It. McMUrry. 1'. II. Driver nittilo a business I o The Dalles Tuesday, Thur.-day. t . iA delegation of tncmbois of funn els' union of .unlper Klai eanio over .Monday night lii. discuss, plans wllh die fanners .lic,ee. Anions those who came were Andy and Hoy Crab! roe, John Huff, Owen l.osler anil CHl'forl MeCnrltle, Waller Driver, and Do" Tuleolt, a' Jiuinber of women woi;e wllh diem. Arhle Maglll, Lester Crowfoo). Mi;s Alda .Norvpl aiid AJiss Clarice Zum wall were Mnu'pln vinltors Voilncsda afternoon. Or.i a.eod and his niother. Mrs. Ho! ta Sieed, arrived Tueiulav lroni Spring, field, where tliej have spent die pasi, year. Mrs, Steed was at tio homo of her dauglilov, .1,rs. Lizzie .Maiqiiain. Cllfloid t'almaleor has so lar ie covered lroni his illness as lo ho able lo walk oulslde of (he lions-'. , Mills Houghton camo over I'lo.'ii Juniper Flat AVednesda'y and is em ployed at tiu home of his iiuele, Claud Itoboris. Mr. and Mrs, Mart Now, baby,Cliiir loll and Hay Now went to lower Tygli Friday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ilert Knighteti, , Mr. and Mrs. M, Luke oaim up fioti I'ortlanil Frlilny and are guesLs i: their dauglitor, .Mrs. II. L. Drlvci ami family. tie uge Magl and lainll. and Miss Alda Nonol leturiicd Tuesdiiv Tues dui (com a week's stay in I'oilland and Vancouver, Win h. Cllfl'onl MeCinkle of Juniper Flat, was a guest ol Lester Cioloot Sa'ui' din and Sunday, I'Llford I'aliiialeer and Hoi: Ne went to Hood Itlvor Satuiday lo pick straw berries. .Mr. and Mis. Carl D.ihl wiie 'lyrh visitors , hero iSunday. Amos Jolmson liecme ill Satin da night, eoniplaliilng of a p.iiu in die lop ol his head. Illh ciiho giew ib'i'iii Ing and piiral.ssli, seemed luiinltien' Dr. lijlwood was called In th eail moiulug and I'emaliio.l some d.iw wl.h with leeielai') ot die Nay Joaeidn'r, ihinlels ovCr tluS awarf!' of uiodn'U ltd' war uervlc '. Of Sims' el'iicleuey iih a uaal ol (leer, there is no question 1IU work with tho Ainerxau destrovdi fleel In KuropiMii wiiu-i:. during th icteiil wnr was above icproaeh Hut wlr ii die adiiiiu.l seln foot on Tom Woodcock arose hun 1 1, tiioin ln; feeling 111. However ho .. abl lo Middle a horse and ride to I' is Held whre he was .mucked by n I.U'.u lug spell. On, teaching the house lie experienced another attack and fd. a he entered tlio uoni i'o du'iueiius woio hli- sxnptoni.i i'i.i' ils relative vote Imuiedlatol.N nuiiimoned. I'to ma. no nolhoniiiu .is Indica'ed Mi tlio soil ol Fngland, his love ior the j j osttlo Lucas and Mr Woodcock Mother Count comes huhbltin lorlh i trotlir. W. I-:. Woo.lcoik, .ct' hi lit s.ieli fashion diat ho get.-, in had, nro, Dr, Klwood was l(Hii' euiicd .in! with the United Slate luiMoiied to Ma IhmIbI Thcie aie hiiuditvlr ol tliousa'udH docior wiu .iKoiuiIm;; Tie in die United St:Ue who smxpa-' a call was heal in hliu tor thlzo Willi Die hAidrallons tmvanls action al dm hump of. Joe in ileiieudrnee on the pan of die Si . Chaslnlu. in irunklnn I'evoluilonnry group in soudiotn In laud. The lael that those people u.i fuvor tho Seiu I'elu tuovoineni does tlot plaeo them in die "Jueku" category htt up by Sims any nioiv I linn ilbes die belief I lint Poland s vlolnUug the pence trcuij by in While ih Woodcock inini'Mllaf f'linstn n In i- no o mobile. suHucd ui itae'Jire ol h.-r Iglit nun Ml.. I'" New he'lns w'di .Mrs. ( luihiain. Miiumoncil her uncle, William Norvel. who took .Mr.. Ch.s tain to town where the Iracturo n t educed by Dr HI wood Ccdl Woodcock and hh mother. 1L l Woodcock, wetv hero cs LONDON, June lo. -Americiin im ports of 'starving" Ireland lrive slarled an argunieiit which has leU Everyone bote and nearly everyone In Ii eland in some doubt as lo the real "low-down" on die situation.. Unions arc agreed Ireland is not starving. Americans of the various Investigation" committees a;ieo it Is. In Dublin .several nionlhs ago a Sinn Fein lender declared to the United Preys dial Ireland wir never mole piosp'-ioiis, and gave Sinn Fein's help for the people as the reason--along with tha war, which hit Ireland lightly. An American committee lecentlv reported terrible destitution. The Hellish government countered with a detailed statement showing unemployment lo be less diat in K'ngland, showing the birth rate to bo higher and the death rale lower than ever In Ireland's history, and pointed diat elaborate relief sys tems throughout Ireland, automatic ally opeialivc in limes ol' distress, were not being used. Sinn Fein answered this with a scheme of setting up clothing dc partnienls, baby canteen, free kitch ens and meal tickets ror destitute people, on the Helglan relief sysioni Recently, the government Issued a statement showing how, drspi e Sin- Fein statemciits that Ireland Is famine-stricken, Sinn Felners in pur suit or Ihe boycott' of Ulster goodr had destroyed qilanlttt":! of fool and roodstiill's. Nineteen recent raldr were cited - in which agrieultura' seeds, rioltr, bread, groceries, tobac-1 Dy Charles M-Cann (I'n'led Pi ess fluff Correspondent) eo, machinery, bran, tea, sugnr, bacon, oata, jam, wine, men!, , matches, soap, and potatoes had been destroyed; Today the Irish White Cross, closely Identified wldi Sinn Fein nnd with , tlie American Investigating committees, issued a statement urg ing the American committee not to Institute tlie b'aby carileens, kitchen and ineal-tlekct stations, "which arc nol needed," but to send money for construction of Irish industries. There is urgent need for money to lend for reconstruction tho restart ing of industries end business mined during the present trodble. This, it was stated would give eiu ployinent to thousands of persons now Idle. The White Cross proposed a spe cial mission to deal with all schemes of reconstruction, tor which money might, be available On the mission would be representative or Dublin, Hcirast, Cork, Limerick nrid other centers together with a representa tive ol Irish labor. Should .money be laised lor re construction, die White Cross hopes several Americans will accept mem bership on the mission. Although large sums have been subscribed lor Irish relief,- they have not been sufficient to warrant the adoption pf rccnnstrutclon scomes, as, the White Cibss polntfl out, provision is being made for 0,000 Idle Helfast woi;ker;-i and their denendnnts. 1P..000 pcrsonn whoso homes have been destroyed, mil 20,000 dtpendents of pcrsops in 'erncd. imprisoned, wounded or killed, killed. daughter, Nell was operated upon at liic , hospital for ndnold.s and trouble Mrn, Mclscr was l'oimerlv postmistress at Tygh. She lives now at Conncll, Wash. Mr. and, Mrs. P. D. Driver visited at the II. If. Woodcock home In Sinoel; Sunday. Mm, Albeit Bcmharjen left toduy lor a visit with relatives in I'ortlanil. Mr. and fra. t. M, Morrla Jefi Sat urday 'for an extended vlnlt through the Willamette valley. They reside in The Dalles now but were recent resi dents of Juniper Flat. The annual picnic of the Wasco County Stock Orowers association held at the Tygh Valley fair ground' Friday was a .grand success In ever, way. .A large crowd gathered, at t!i( Grounds and spent die forcriddn in r social way. The program or opeakln' commenced nimedialcly after the dl' ner was served. Committeeman A. A Honney, of Tygli', oifdnfed the1 enter- . . .4. ' - number being community ' toil In- f'ntnnilinll v K"n-v-lin ,11, W. Arbury. '.Miss Prudence P'ader-1 their ilttlii son, oi rue Dalies, played tho, accent- had spent panimeni.s. c. I'ense oi The Dalle", was the drat speaker. Kllfolt Robcrlr pleased Ihe peop'c with tils inolruc tlvc talk. County Judge J. T. Ad'dsson or The Dalles, also spoke, The game, between the Maiiplu tint Grass Valley bar-oball teams was siiddchnly brought lo a close by rain nfler two Innlnis had been played. The gamp wan finish ed later, the Mattpln learn wlrinln''. Another fcatilre of die affair (lijit should not be overlooked wm the J luncheon at noon. The crowd soiig'it the vacant Mir buildings, lunch coun ters and tables to spread their luncjh and at In large -groups, some spreading their lunche.s off the lavrns. Tygh suffered the loss or Its black .smith shop by fire 'Thuraduy -night. The origin ol' the fire Is not Known but la thought some fire was lelcburjv Ins in Hie hn'go'T! tiich v,la3' Eprefctjiy t':c wind, that ctinie UU. . , -.vJ. Dr. nnd Mrs. W, A. Short, "w.ere Dl -cctor i here from Dufu'r- Sunday brinlns tic, nlecdrJlazcL jqhnspp.who erit so.voVe.Uiiajts with tlirm. Typing Snd 8lnoBrsipTti ' done it fortslin'fthfp ra't'es. Roslh 'A Fleck. .Office 'Hotel, paliej. Msg, deuce phoni ted ,2Sr2, t ti Free Clinic No Churge f or Eiijii'ii Hon tuttdayi and Thuradaya. Dr. Baum,. chlmpracdc phjRlclan, Third and Vaflhlnlbn..tnain Wile,, if . x-t- rilffiririda M rfeauymaae" nian TheH'a A1 If you'tfe bfeeh "a In Hie in the ed sutU tq Wnu.retas.Oa, nnfji ilpj. K, Webber, one.uiocR. east of post office. h 'If - f. u ly'FMt ie tfrtBt, be ''rnfuie to order rHan"' he future. First clans band tailor- lerday lroni Maupln, They came to br(ng II. F. Woodcock, who was re dlining lo Tho Dalles ader a visit ol a row .days al .Maupln, Mr. Wooieo'i wont to Tlie Dallo-j wllh J. M. Pa'- tlcon yho cam'o from town Sunday morning afcompaniod by .Mr. and Mrs. J. Ilurd or Dul'ur. Ml C. Hesslo M oilier spent several days last weelt with her parenta here, EMPRESS , Home of Supcrfcaturcs SATURDAY "The Forbidden; Thing" A Allan Dwan Sup.cjrspccial t ii. The Fto'ry of n faith' that would not die. with jnp e JAMES KIRKWOOD and superb cast Also "Betty the Vamp"1 Wcrschkul on (he Organ CouuV "TEE TRAIL'S END" or Isa'.cl SflaiallBB dkaKra'ibrir'sTHC LARGEST CHAIR "'TTTirt"i jf'i i'lf i"'"!" i'H' "aaamasTORE ORGANIZATION IN. THE W OHlD'p ' ''U'. r 4 i t TAtikTi fit tmr ifi ' V a rtLumin u vi w aive . : I SATURDAY L 0 net I Saturday we offer your choice of the following Aluminum articles 70c, a price at which you will flpd much less thari ydit are used to Come early to get your ch ice. at paying, 3- PINT PERCOLATORS ,. 2- QUART DOUBLE BOILERS 6-QUAftT KETTLES ...... 4"QUART COVERED WINDSOR KETTLES 4- QUART COVERED SAUCE PANS 3- PIECE SAUCE PAN SETS, 10-LB. ROASTERS AT 79c EACH Remember! Come early! do hot last long. Not only does The Hoover bear our guar antee to prolong the life and beauty of ail floor coverings, but it is recommended by leading rug Importers, by makers. of fine carpets, and by weavers of .grass nigs. The largest rug and carpet merchants frankly toll their patrons that the u?o of this-efficient cleaner is essential to prevent wear. Legions of people who have used 'their Hoovers for five, ten or more yearspoint proudiy to the beauty of , their veteran rugs. More emphatically, than any guar antee, such facts as these testify to the ability of The Hoover repeatedly to pay for iti'elf by its exclusive nrocess of beat ing out nap-wearing, embedded grit, as it electrically sweeps and cleans bv air. Vhe HOOVER IT BEATS ... AS IT SWEEPS AS IT CLEANS Wo wilj. 'Demonstrate The Hoove in Your H nne or at Our Store. C.vivcr.iein T?r:m. if Dzslrci STADELMAN-BONN HDWE. CO. Authorized Ho'ovtr Dealers As sjcH extraordinary values as. these E,', i- i & Goo USES ,tM- t.;--.! 'Tim bnnb.T ; We .would not jeopardize the reptitatiOfi- 'for1' hbnest value wiii6h attaches to ou selvc's as repVeseWtatiyes-of Dodge Bdtners,moor''fcars, by allowing you to buy Here a used. Dodge Brothel's car which is not, in every way; ah iioh'cst valiie. ' i t It WAXTHEft-WILLIAMS CO; The Dalles Wtf v yMsn. Drains hji.-l.x j?jtiai h