The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 10, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Vni bik,"
lie added as an afUr-
Fbr Boys and Girls W. II. Arbir, ,
Community Service; director, has a
message of intercut to boys ana nir's
of The Dalles over 10 oarstoli,. wlu
are interested In the d.-vcopnit nt of
nioro playgrounds 'for" this 3'iiiMner lie
.would like lo have youngsters qualify
In;; as described to call upon htm at
the offices of The Dalles chniifor,
American Hod Cutis1, in the Fltst .Na
tional bank building.
Water Washes Up Skull A human
rkull, believed 16'haVe been (hat Of
white man, wns louad on . beach
above the ruUruud shops this mornlnc
by .lack-Muabus', who is enip1oed at
the shops. The, skull was apparently
washed out of (ho bank by the high
water, It is well preserved, a' largi
number of the teeth still, icinaiiiln':
fastened In the jaw hones. There i.
a large hoie-lii the fdroh'cud, as I'
t)io owner or ihq cranium had beoi
killed by 'a hc.i'vy blow from 'some
Sharp' insliuincnt..
-, '
Over 70 Percent Vote Cast Check
ing up on the election returns of hist
Tuesday, County 'clerk W. I. Onch
Ion today ascertained that the num
ber of voters was approximately 2
percent of the last' registration, which
was completed prior to . the, general
.election in, November. The resigna
tion totals were-' 5,393, and :!,SJ7 hal
lots were cast Tuesday. This is prob
ably the largest vote ever (Mat i'.i Wa?
co county on an election where meas-
arcs only wcro involved, anil the
heavy polling can be ascribed to the
interest in" tlie highway bont. isiuc.
Card Party At Kelly Home Mrs.
It. D. Kelly' entertained at eardd on
Th'ursday-afternoon in her now homo
on West Eighth street. High score
was won by Jlrs. Edward F. Fa it,
consolation. )r,iz Airs;- J, W, Allen.
Tho guo3ts wore: JMrs. Arthur SW
ferf, Mrs. T. F. Madden, Mrs. Ruth
Cnmpbell, Mrs. W. A. IJort Campbell,
Mie. Emma Heal, Mrs. Edward F.
Fa rr. Mrs. J. ,W. Allen. Mrs. Thomas
English, Mrs.' C. C. Young, Mia. J.
Warner, Mrs. .It. ,1). .Wilcox, Mrs. P. .1.
Stadelman, Mrs. M. I'enners. Mrs. M.
Soutliwick and Miss Polly Allen. Re
freshments wore served.
Propaganda Returned to Mayer
Resident:1, of Maupin wero for the
bond issuo from the very first, and
did not take any pains to hide their
feelings in this matter, a member of
the election boaid told County Clerk
V. I. Crichton yesterday.. "When , 111"
flood of anti-bond propaganda 'cut
out by Mark. A. Mayor was receive !
by Maupin citizens,- they hit once :go'
together all of the literature rc-eh e
tied! it together dii bundle:, and mail
ed it back to Mayor and his Citizens'
Welfare league," the Maupin. man ex
plained. "I'll bet ho was glad to gc
I To Teach Domestic Science Mlsi
Ella Alkens of Riddle has been en
gaged as a member of the teaching
staff of the local high school ior tho
year or 1021-22, it was announced to
day by It. I,. Kirk, city school s.ipc
intendent. Misa Alkeiu will have
cliaige of domestic science clashes.
She -will lake the place of Ml hi Me
zie Dyson, who has resigned. Mem
bers of the school have been confront
ed with tho dlfliculty or securing
teachers for nest year, many of the
I'-acluis huing been lured lo other
fdioola by higher salaries1. Mis.; So
phie Messenger has resigned as inus'c
im-trtie'qr to lake a position at u
higher salary In Portland. M. Ciumey
or Itanicr, Uro ban been elected an
tier slice es. or.
W. R. Abrams Is Dead Word was
received in The Dalles 'Wednesday of
the death of W. It. Abrams a! Van
eouer, ,Iune 2. Abrams wns an evily
esidenl of The Dulles. 'He was 1he
"list cashier of the French com
pany hank, serving (here from to
1SS3. Ho kit the bank to go into the
hardware business. The corporal Ion of
Abriuns ti iStowart was formed. It
existed until 1S!)0, when the store was
purchased by Mays ,"c Crowe, later ! )
become the Sexton-Wnltlicr company
and finally Stiidolnian-Ronn company.
Abrams left The Dalles about 1SU0'
and tool: a position in a bank at El
knsburg, Wash. Early in' this cen
tury, lie moved to Portland, and prac
tically letired from business. At one
timo Abrams was major of T'.U
Dalles. Mrs. H. C. Trice of this e!tv
was Abrams' sister-in-law, and in
tended the funeral services in Van
couver, i 1
WceV-End Chocolates ,
Made in Oroaon, pound boxc3,
cents. Service Drug store. I
Wo are showing a real good ivalue
in a boys, misses and c'.i'ld's . bare
foot randal. Edw. C. Pease company.
June Millinery Sale
of ladies' and Children's hats. Ulack's
Millinery, 115 East Second. lr
Window Sale
The Congregational Ladies' Aid
will have a window sale of pastry,
cakes and aprons, nt Corson's Music
store, Saturday, June 11, beginning at
10 o'clock. 10
Notice to Bidders
Dalles City will receive bids or
the Wiley barn, now standing ai
Fourth and Federal streets, sueco's
ful bidder to remove same from tJie
property. All bids must be in the
hands of the cily recorder on or be
fore .luno 10, 1021, at 7:I!0 p. 'in.
Dalles City reserves tho right to 'v
ject any or all bids.
1). L. CATKS, City Recorder. K!
Mr. and Mrs. W. McKlnney of Ula
iock are chopping in The Dalles today.
Misa Dulu Zobel of Wasco Is visit
ing with friends in The Dalles.
Fred Welso of CondonMs a business
visitor in this clt today.
D. A. of Shani'.co is register
ed a( Hole! Dalles.
t, 'M. Conroy or Shorn r3 bridge Is
a guejt at Hotel Dalles.
filrs. A. T. Conroy of Shaniko fc
visiting with friends In lliis city.
A. V. Swift of Maker Is registered
at Hotel Dalles.
Mr. and Mis. A. D. Clink of (kite-
way are guests at Hie Mank hotel.
John Sllvoi tooth of Antelope is a
business visitor in this city today.
.Mrs. Ed. Meaeh of Friend was shop
ping In tho city jeslcrday.
(leoii-.e and Nell McDonald, both or
Antelope, are guests at the Mank ho
tel. Mrs. Denton Mas went lo llo-ni
Uiver yesleiday for a I wo weeks' stav
at their ranch t litre.
'Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aniore went to
I'oitland jestorday to attend the Rose
A. L. Mi own of Astoria is In tills
city today, renewing business ac
quuinTauces. Frances Morly of Sllvcrton isv it
'his city today attending to business
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Chescbro of
Monmouth are spending a few days n
The Dalles '.villi their daughter, Mrs.
Mable.C. Ellis.
Miss Ruth Stephenson or Portland,
who has been visiting at trie a. S. Rob
erts home, returned to her homo yesterday.
.). II. Scott, division ensinesr work
ing under the state highway depart
incut, loft today for an inspection lour
ii roads in every county in hid dhi
sion. He expects to be gone a wu-k.
-irs. u .Mct-'ormicit or Portland ar
rived in the city yesterday to attend
the graduating exercises at St. Mary's
academy last night, when Miss .Mane
AlcCoriiiJck was a graduate.
Mrs. E. A. Race Willi her two child
rcn, 'Marcella and Charles, was in
the city jesterday. She was onrouto
to her home at Mosier alter visltinc
lelatives'at Moro.
.Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Anderson and
daughter of I'oitland, are in the city
to attend tho graduation exercises at
the high school. Clare Harnett, who it-
a member ol tho graduating class.
Dr. Anderson's nephew.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold FI3I1 and Ralph
Hutler, all or Dufur, passed through
The Dalles today enrouto to Put Hand,
where they expect to take In the Rose
Festival. They are driving over the
Columbia River highway.
Have You Tried
Week-End chocolates, made
gon? Pound boxes Go cents.
Diug store.
In Ore
Service 11
. j. :
IT'S not a bit of trouble to
have plenty of good things to
eat on hand all the time, when you
use Calumet Baking Powder.
It never allows baking
trouble. You don't "dread" to bake.
There is nothing to worry about and
that really is the hardest part of it.
Mix up a batch of biscuits
or the finest kind of cake it's all
the same. There is never but one re
sultthe sweetest and most palatable
of foods.
There is not as 'much worry
over baking costs, either. Because
Calumet costs less when you buy it
the price is moderate.
N-'v'r."-:. '
fifth tJy
It costs you less when you
use it because you don't use as
much of it it has more than the
ordinary leavening strength.
You get more out of the flour,
sugar, eggs, shortening, etc., be
cause there are no failures no waste.
The most critical of baking
powder judges gave it highest
awards, World's Pure Food Exposi
tion, Chicago, Paris Exposition, Paris,
France. v . r
The largest selling brand in
the world.
A pound can of Calumet contains full
16oz. Some baking powders come in
12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be
sure you get a pound when you want it.
CalMiet Doughnut
4 cups of pastry
flour, 3 level tea
spoons Calumet
Baking Powder, '
teaspoon of salt, I
cup of sugar. 2 eggs,
beaten together, 2
tablespoons of melt
cd butter, 1 cup of
milk. Then mix ia
the regular way.
K'NDEUSUY, June 7 Mrs. Undo1'
by returned home Sunday iroin a
week's visit at Friend,
Donald Uleberlein, who Buffered a
fracluied nose last week, la getting
along satisfactorily.
.Mildied Omeg fell from a horse .Mon
day and broke lit r arm between the
shoulder and elbow. She was taken
to Tho Dalles hospital lor treatment.
Miss Iluth Dickson spent the week
end with (lie home folk.
(liandpa Fllgg, who lias been 111
for several days, is about again.
Mrs. Harry McAllister Is a guests
at the J. Darnlelle, Sr., home.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Angell weiv
Dalles visitors Sunday.
n. W. Covert, who was ca'led lo
Soda Springs, Idaho, bv tho serious
illness of his daughter, Mrs. Art!.' 1 1 a i -riman,
is expected homo this week.
He reports his daughter is slowly im
proving, !.lrs. Roy Campbell and two chlh'.
ron, who have been visiting with her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. O. F.
Angell, returned to The Dalles Sun
day. Miss Nova Preston, who has been
visiting in The Dalles, '"turned home
Mrs. 'Mary Dickson, (1. V Fllgg,
Wilbcr Dickson, Delberl Dickson Mr.i.
D. II. McDonald and granddaughters
attended MemorlU Da cxercii -s in
The Dalles;
TV. Eight Mile gnui,'" h is given up
its proposed Fourth of July celebration.
Millionaire Servant Girls And
Cooks Hieing Back to Homelands
By Alexander F. Jones
(United News KtntT Cm renpoticU'iit)
CHICACO, June 10.- Poor Utile
Parsing tho portals of Ellis i dand
and leaving all but the memories of
dear old Sweden behind her, she gilps
the little bundle of old-fashioned
,clolhes In one rod-knuckled Ittnd;
tjghten the old family shawl about
her face with tin' oilier, s.nd llces 'o
tho great American kitchen,, thorn
loll and slave -and to kid the Ice
man and break dishes.
A pitilul figure in Hulda and manv
touching little pieces, typed in her
behalf, bae touched tho heart ilringt
where I hey are the touchiest.
Hut did you ever see her on the
way back?
Sweet cookie! Let me take you bj
I he baud.
Forty lluldas wero in the office
of Thomas Sells, deputy clerk in th'
United Stales court here, Thursday,
applying lor passports bnc't to Swed
en, to German, to l.etvin, to where
not. There were also the wives of a
few millionaire.;, ambitious to spond
the summer at Deauville or on the
It was hard to pick out the Iluhhu
from the million dollar wives, except
that they were better dressed. Nif'v
street frocks, smart little, hats with
that touch t lint spells money, silk
sock lugs
"Look them over and say good-
Brown's Dufur s;agc Time Table
Two' round trips daily. Leave Hank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tf
bto," commented Sells, "they are on
their way b,ick lo the old country,
loaded wi;h c:ioir;n rtal AuiTh'iu
dollars lo ii'ilf a ship. Mo ; of them
are cook , maids and domestics, ac-
cord'ng to their applications. It has
been tills way for two months. They
don't care about falling wages. They
have gtil theirs. They have saved their
money- ami '"who wouldn't, Iho way
they hav- charged for their expert
services? Some ol them have unveil
t'liotmli money in a few years to keep
them in led herring I lie lest of their
lives. Tho aveiage number of Ihoj'j
returning who appl for passports
hero is over 00 daily."
There was one vory plain woman 'n
the line, plain of race and costume.
Her shoes wero sipiare toed, the
seams of her suit were shiny, and
her hat didn'l have thai rometliiug
that i.peiia money.
'When she bad received her docu
ments and had primly passed on, an
eo was turned on the record of lie1'
nallvily, occupation and intentions.
It was an American a school teach
er "And has probably worked "0 ye-trs
saving tip tor this' trip," commented
tlie clerk.
By Westbrook Pegler
(United News Staff Correspondent)
NEW YORK, June 10. Tho atmos
phero is being blown clear out of,
(iiccnwich Village, whore frco speak-..
Ing shoe clerks used to sit in baoi
nicnt tea looms and talk free love
and talk It and talk It with llttlo'4
boh-haircd girl stenographers wearing'
radical nmocks.
The police have slopped all danc-'
Ing. Tills slopped tlie flow of sight
seers Iroin Yonkcrs and Indianapolis.:)
who used lo conic down to listen loi
the talk of tlie free thinkers.
Huclncss Is hum In the' Purple Pup'
and Is going to lie more bum.
Tho Wlille Poodle, the Studio, Iho'
Hlue Hirtl. Iho Village Hearth, tho
Lantern and the rest of them aren't
lunch without dancing. Tho fntnoitt''
old Liberal club Is out of business. Of
course there are still places in Iho
tillage whero' liquor can be bad, buf
in I hat respect Greenwich Village has
nothing at all on Hroadwa) and it isn't
half so clean.
Philosophy is lagging down In tho.
village. Tho jazz basements are ra
Have You 'Tried
Week-End chocolates, made In Ore.
;;on? Pound boxes GO cents, Service
'Drug store. i 11
" Have Your I lair Renewed '
Wo can give you any aliade of hair
coloring with a famous Franco-Amor-lean
hair coloring which ia so perfect
that It cannot bo detected from tho
natural color. Hennaing alBo a spe
cially. All llncB or hoauty culturo at
tho Hotel Dalles Deauty shop. Tele
phone main 4051. J17
radiate through the atmosphere of this res
taurant. Here the diner finds neither the chill
of formality nor vulgar boisterousness. Here
you eat and chat in a quiet home-like place
where the food, the cooking, and' the service
are unsurpassed.
Try Our 50c Noonday Luncheon
"V "
The Extra Value of
Better Quality
There are dozens of suits that arc similar in
one respect. They all hear the ,ame price
tag. Almost every clothes window in town
displays suits marked JpoO.
There's a difference of course a difference
of style, fabric, quality, workmanship and
finish. There's your extra value,
you get it. Look at the
lie sure
Kuppenheimer Suits
we offer at this price. For actual material value you'll find nothing elsewhere to compare
with these super-fine garments. Suits for men find young men, tailored by skilled craftsmen
to retain their shapeliness, in models which comprehend and fittingly grace every type of figure.
(M 11k: extra value of heller quality in Kiipponheimor tfood
Clolhes without paying a cent more lhan you'd have lo pay olso
where for ordinary clolhes. .Remarkable valued at $50.
Sole Agents
Manhattan Shirts
Knox Hals
"Whenllou Think Dm Gocrfs-IMnfc
Sole Agents
Holeproof Hosiery
I he house of Kuppenheimor good clothes