PAGE FOUR THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1921. UNION LEADERS HURT AT RAIL STRIKE By Alexander F. Jones fTTnlttd Mown Staff OomMiomli'iiO CHICAGO, .Itinc 0.- Hailiofiil cm plnyes may sicruiil. Ilin $-l(m,(K)(i.i)(J0 wage cut ordoicil by tho i -.ItMstl liil.xir lioaril to m'ko cffpct July 1 :ini! Ilioy may not. Tills luteal pohHihllity wan Iiijoeli-I into the licarinna by tins l.oanl of aji lillcntlcDiB for waci' ''tils 1 iiillronil". not Included In the .lunr- 1 dclsion WcdncHilay by I,. K. Sliet'l'f Ml. it mil president dI the Onli'i ol Itnilwiiy Con iluctors, and by W. 5. !-(', president of llio Order of Hallway Trainmen. Thin lh Die Mist time In all Hie ne gotiations over the proposed vum diiMloiiK for 2,000.0110 railroad em ployes that si rllto talk liar; been so much ns roinolely HUKsraitNl by re liponslble rail union lenderg. 'Holli of the lenders solemnly warn Ml tbu board that the 'wouldn't be retiponrlble" for the decision of He men If unsatisfactory wn&e c-iiIh an announced In .Inly. II. M. Jewell, piesidenl of the Ainer lean Federation of Labor railway de purtniont. told the board that accept unci! or njeclion votes on Hie propo Ml cnls were put In the mails Wednes day lor the union membership. "The vote will be completed June 25," ho tiald. "We will know where we stand when the boatd makes lis final decision In July." It Is said that Hie announced 12 per cent cut will not he rejected by tin men, but that If the rail board yield to pleas of the carilers to Inciease the reduction to wipe out the etiiirf ?l!00,000,000 Increase or last July, thai direct action Is a distinct possibility The five IiIk brotherhoods will call In every divisional chairman In I In counlry on July 1 to pass on accept anco or rejection of Hie reductions If I hoy rejocl Ihe board's decision, lh. ouestion will be nut up lo Hie men dlieVt for strike voles. "WMien our men meet here In it Will bo Willi n reeling Hint have been unjustly dealt with," .Mll they said Inter- I,. K. Shannon. "If Inil'l'ic Is mpted (lie responsibility will llrsl lie nppllcnblo to the railroads due lo Hit fact that tho railroads rushed lo Un united Stales railroad boaid litslead of meeting the ort;ani.ii! Ions In a ecu trnl conference as heretofore Second ly, Hie responsibility for a conflict, should one lake place, will rest on the labor hoard for Hie reduction or- der." This Hlalenienl caused excitement and II was backed up by (!. Uie, num. Shoppord later lold conslilerable Immciilnlch of the train Ihe United iNews I hat ho could make no predic tions whatever on the si l ike possl blllly. "Tho men niusl necopl or refuse." he said. "They have no means ol' mod llylnrr or cliaimlnn II. No one can cor reclly predict wlial Ihe men will do A strike vole ban lieiiuenlly been de llveied, but In several cases even af ter such ii vole, strikes hao been avoided." "See My Lawyer" Cm Ino, Krlda, Saturday. 11 ELECTION SUCCESS ((' n 1 1 1 mi i'l Kiom ravin 1.) voted upon tire: Legislative regulation - Yes, I.IHil; No, 1,002. Soldiers' bonus hill Yes, 11,107; No, 1,122. lCiueiKoncy veto bill Yes,'.l.l; No, l.T.IS. lly;leiio mairiiino bill Yes. 1010; No, Kilir.. Women Jurors' bill Yen, I.&IIO; No, l.SIO. Wasco county stabiles hill Yes, 1,202; No, 1.752. Klxlnj; salary jusilco of p.'tice Yes. 1,200; No, 1.710 A totiil ol :t,S07 ballots weie ciis-t dllllui; the election, oi applOMiliate ly 70 ien-enl ol the registered vote III the presidential election la:. I lull. l.fiSO ballots weie cast, oi (UK! more llliiu 111 T.icxila.'s election. Typlna and Stenoarnpny done at roasonablo rates. Itoslua A Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Ites. dencu phone red 2;i::2 ti chpiste Film co. w,.. A1AX AAARCbN iy arrtuitmvi With AN.VtOOOS tfff" Admiral Sims Faces Reprimand For Anti-Irish Speech In London NAVAL INSURGENT, ON CARPET FOR INSURGENTIC UTTERANCES BEFORE OFFICIALS OF PREVIOUS THREE ADMINISTRA TIONS, CRITICISES IRISH-AMERICANS. By -Ralph H. Turner (t'nltiil New Stuff OoMVKpiindMit) WASHINGTON, June !).- Uear Ad mini William K. Sims, coinmander ol the American nnvnl lorees overi-eas durlni; Ihe war, 1ms created it situa tion of "Kiealest. delicacy,'' In the opinion of Secretary of Ihe Nnvy Denby. Thi:', was pari ol Denbj's comment on tho admiral's speech heloie the KtiSllsh Speaking union in London, af ter Denby had cabled Sims orderlim him to Inform Ihe navy department Immediately whether lie was corn et ly quoted In press dispatches. Donbv declined, in bis cable, thai he bad read "with aiiiayeinent" curtain ev tracts from Sims' speech. Tin- lcmar'ts of the American ad miral, in which he attacked the Scln Fein movement, and referred with bit erness lo certain lypos of Americans, iltiacteil wide comment in Washing ton, both In naval circles and In con gress. Senator .Medlll .MeOorinlck, of Il linois, hnindliif; the Slum' speech as "dlSKUstlnK," led Ihe criticism and omplained formally both to I'lcsldeiil Harding and Secretary Denby ngalnsl 'lie utterances. Denby's caljle to Sims followed Ihe visit of .Mef'oinilci!, Denby slaled, however, I hill he bad nol conferred with the iiresldenl on tin; subject and that he assumed lull responsibility for the Inquiry loiSims. Denby added thai ho had "declde.l views" on the sllliallon created by Sims, but thai lie wnuTd not Indicate .vliiit action would be taken analn-l the adiulral, in Hie event llie latter ronllrincil llie dlspalcbes qunlltif,' his iddres.s. An order is IicIiik framed In Ihe navy now, Denby said, which alms (o einove any HUKliesllon of censorsfiip from Ihe writings or oral utterances )f oll'lcers, but this made It till Hie more Important, be added, that offi cers exercise special care in I heir re marks. "II Is grossly improper," Senator McCnrmick said, "for a naval officer ibiond lo asperse Hie loyalty of a ureal number of Ills fellow clllzens. Admiral Sims, nol by Implication, but by his own direct statement.'', charged Ihal nol ii handful, but multlludes of his fellow citizens are actuated llrsl, not by devollon lo America, but lo llie cause of some oilier peo ple. Thank God, we know Unit is not true. We know I hat Americans, of whatever blood, above all ate Amer icans, I bough I hey cherish sentiments lor the land of their origin - Kuglnnd in tho ease or some, like Adiuiril Sims, Ireland or some other laud In llie sace of others. "II does mil become any American lo go abroad to pass public si rid lire upon his lellow citizens. 'Senator'ollelle, of 'Wln'ons'n, author of the resolution for recogul lion of the Irish republic, leferred lo SIiiiii' speech as "iinforlunale'' but re. fused lo cotunicnl further, lie deelnr d, however, thai he would comment upon II when lie calls- up his measure In a lew days.'ollello's resolution is ol' Ihe character which Sims ndvls oil Ihe Itrllisili lo Ignore as belli)', "fo I' ll by Jackas.f' voles." Senator Hood, ol' .Missouri, declared Ihal If Sims was correctly quoted Ills speech was "simply nauseating" Sims, who Is president ol' Ihe N'aval War college al Newport, It. I., went lo Kuglaud on a vacation and lo receive degiee fiom a Itrlli.di uulvorsin. The situation created 1 1 his .mccch aroused unusual Interest because of his excellent naval record, which In variably has been coupled with a leu dency lowanls Innirgeiu'y. Naval oil leers recalled Ihal III IS'.IS. when Americans weie Jul) ill it I oer llielr Spanish lcloiy, Sims reporled 1 1 (tin an ICuiopcnu cai,ilal that in a battle with a firs! class naval power Hie Hulled Slate.i 'would not own achieve a re-pei-i:ihle deieal " Sims, C A S INO Al Christie's 'SKIS MY LAWYER" Friday Saturday CASINO lit) YOU R KM KM MO U Al Christie's "SO l.ONC UOTTY" Well he made "SEE MY i m nr v n n 99 FR1DAY- SATURDAY Ilrlllsli four or llvu American rhlp.i of corro.' ::ondlng typo. 'While the naval regulations do not specifically apply to a case such as the present Situs incident, it is pointed out that Ibeie is ample picccdout for a i epi Inland lo Sims, not only in his own experience, but in which have allected oilier service. iiltual Ions men In tho WASHINGTON, June 0. Clashes with lib- superiors are nothing new in the life of Admiral Sims. On December 1010, films deliver ed bis famous Guildhall speech In Don don, In which he declared that blood was thicker than water and thai if Kngland ever was Ihreateneil with war, Hie United Slates would come I') her aid. Sims drew a reprimand for this, Issued by George von I,. '.Meyer, linn Hi'croinrj of the navy, at the di rection of 1'iesldent Taft. On a previous occasion in 1010, Sims announced thai Miles governing I a i got piaclice In the navy were gen erally "regarded ill the fleet with de risive disapproval." This was charac terized by lieekman Wlntlirop, assist ant secretary of the navy, as "Insub oidlnale In character, dlsiespoclful lo the dipi'ilment and your commander-in-chief." Under Ihe lioosevelt administration, Sims received a sharp letter from then Secretary of the Navy .Melcalf, Inquiring about a magazine article which criticized the navy and was believed to have been inspired by Sims. The incident was dismissed, however, al Roosevelt's direction. Finally, in Decemrier, 1!H0, the dif ferences hoi ween Sluts and Joseplni'i Daniels came lo a head in a letter from Sims bitterly criticizing the med al iiwaids for war service. This prompted an invesligallon, but I ho seiiale naval committee has never sub mitted a report on the hearings. There'n A Difference IT you've been a "ready made" man 'n Ihe past, be a "made to order man" In tho future. First class hand tallor l suits to measure, $.'10.00 and up. W. it. Webber, one block east of post office, ctr tit thai lime said Ibat one ship could easily dispose of GRADUATION GIFT SUGGESTIONS NEW SILK PARASOLS Newest styles and come in all the new colors. .$:.oo, xm, $!.:) $100 Each FANCY READ NECKLACE'S New ones just in by express. All colors, also Pearl Necklaces, (tic, !)8c, $1.50, $1.8!) to $().()() NEW JEWELRY NOVELTIES Rhinestone Brooches, liar l'ins. 59c, (i!)c lo $2.00 NEW PURSES AND HAND RAGS Excellent assortment $2.00, $2.50, $..50, $5.00 to $1(1.50 SILK CAMISOLES Attractively made and trimmed. $1.25, $1,18, $1.!)8 and $2.50 KID GLOVES Best assortments. Best vaiuos. $2.(IJ), 3.0(1 $3.50 and $1.00 per pair NOVELTY NECKWEAR 50c lo $3.50 Collars, Collar and Cuff sets, Ruffling, Yes tees, etc. Made up in dainty nets and Organdies. New Silk Umbrellas New Silk Petticoats New Silk Dresses New Gingham Wash Dresses New Silk and Fibre Sweaters New Shell Roods an dCombs New Ribbons, Flowers and Novelties'. New Boudoir Caps Edw. C. Pease Co. O. A. C. COMMENCEMENT PLANS ANNOUNCED ORKGON AGKlCt'iyrUItAL. COL G IONIC, COltVALMS, June 0, The 02nd annual commencement will (begin Saturday, alumni end senior class day. With examinations over and flunk day penalties paid orf, the seniors will spend their last tbtee days of col lege life In the various festivities which have been ni ranged. Candidates lor graduation number more than H40. Baccalaureate set vices will bo held in the men's gymnasium Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. II. I.. Pen rose, piesldetit of 'Whitman college, will deliver the sermon, Commencement ptopor will Ink" place .ljtnday at 10 o'clock In the men's gymnasium. Dr. Henry Suzzalo, piesldent of the University ol Wash ington, will speak on "Some Anglo Saxon Ideals." NATIONAL CREDIT GROUP MEET MEN'S NEXT WEEK SAN FItA'NCISCO, June !). Pacific coast authorities on trade, finance, credit and merchandising will he for lured prominently at the sessions in illils city, beginning Tuesday, Jen? 14, and ending iFrlday, .lime 17, of the 2i!th annual convention of the Nation al Association of Ciedlt men. The I convention Is regatded In business j and financial circles as second only In Importance to the annual sessions of ihe National Foreign Trade oun- ell. Met ween 1000 and 2,000 dele are expected here, according to vance icglsliations. ales a 1- Have Your Hair Renewed We can give you any ahade of hair coloring with u famous Franco-American hair coloring which Is so perfect that it cannot bo delected from the natural color. Hennaing also a spe cialty. All lines of beauty culture at the Hotel Dulles Heauty shop. Tele phono main 4001. .It? "See My Lawyer" Casino, Friday, Saturday. 0 Free Clinic No Charge For Examlna Hon Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. liautii, chiropractic physician Tblid and Washington, main 001. il MUTUAL WELFARE (Continued From Page 1.) said. He then gave mu this I'ornnl statement: "I have long cherlfhed a desire to visit the United Stales and meet hot people. I hope it will be only a defer red pleasure. ",T It now full well to what degree justice and I'reeiloin aro valued in America and that nb ol forts are ever i SILK ENVELOPE CHEMISE Crepe de Chine and Satin. Exceptionally attractive styles. $2.39 to $4.39 KAYSEU JERSEY SILK And Rivolc Silk UNDERWEAR Vests $2.98 to $5.00 Bloomers $2.98 to $5.00 KAYSER SILK GLOVES Long or short styles. The best silk gloves made. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 ot $3.00 SILK STOCKINGS Best values and lowest prices. $1.00, $1.39, $1.50 to $3.50 per pair SILK BROCADE Bandeau Brassieres 98c, $1.25, $1.39 and $1.50 LOVELIEST BLOUSES Attractive models in Georgette and Crepe tie Chine. $5.00, $5.95 to $11.50 HANDKERCHIEFS The best values are here at any price you care to pay. Lovely new Sports Novelties, also Embroidered ker chiefs of all kinds. 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c, 35c 50c, G5c, $1.00 spared by her people In the cause of Immunity. "I hope Japan and America may al ways bo found woikltiB bnnd in hand, not. only to our mutual bent fit, hut j to Insure lasting peace throughout the world!" i "See My Lawyer" Casino, Friday, Saturday. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured j with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat elf the disease. CntK-rh Is a local disease, iireatly In i llut'ice by constitutional conditions, and , In oid';r to cure It you must take an Internal remedy, 'tail's Caturrh Medl- i cine Is tal'ert lntprnally mul acts thru lliu l.lftiu! f.n Ihu mnnfilla siiirfficua itt lilt i system. Hall's (.'atari 11 Medicine was I prfscrlbed by one or the uett physicians In this mutitry for yars. It U com posed of noiiit of the best tonics known, combined with nme of tho best blood put liters, The perfect combination of he Iii(ieilli'iit3 In Hall's Catarrh Medi cine Is what inoduces Mich wonderful esults in cat.-irrhul conditions. Mend for t-n t ltii j iila 1h, fres, J. f'UriNKV f,: CO., Props,, Toledo, O. All DrUKKisto, i HhI!' I'-ihmiU" '-'Ol. ' - 'or.ttaatlorv THE UNIVERSAL CAR Cut In Prices Standard equipment now includes Electric lighting and starter, Demountable Rims, Extra Rim, Tire Carriers and large Steering Wheel. Following are The Dalles Delivery Price: TOURING CAR $049.58 ROADSTER ' 002.73 uEDAN . S09.90 COUPE 842.21 1RUCK 023.54 TRACTOR 735.00 We can make immediate delivery 2 Tourings, 2 Roadsters, 1 Sedan, 1 Truck Gannett Motor Co. Authorized Ford and Fordson Dealers. Opposite Postoffice The Dalles i3 0 MOTHERS! These Little Wash Suits Launder Perfectly U Oliver Twist Style Quality Service at Lowest Prices Three Popular A VARIETY of materials for every taste and occasion. Plain colors, stripes, com binations. Easy to launder Give splendid service. Outfit DANCE Dalles High School Alumni Senior Reception ELKS' Monday, Admission $1.00 Chronicle Want Ads IHE XARGEST "CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD Russian Styles Russian, Middy and THOUSANDS of these little suits are sold annually in our 3 12 Stores. Buying for cash, direct from manufacturers, enables us to sell quality garments 'at these low prices. Those Little Chaps for the Summer at Substantial Savings $1.25, $1.49, $2.25 and $3.49 312 DEPARTMENT THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STOKE ORGANIZATION IM Itt WBtiDJET! HALL June 13 8:30 Bring: Quick Results Oliver Twlat Oliver lwist STORES i r