.Synopul of ll:e AujhjuI ttf n(iit of the Alliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia, tn tlip Hlnlc of lVtnisj. vaniu, 011 the thirty first ilny uf "llfi'i-M hr, 1920, niacin In tln linnttaiirp f'nlii lnnricniT of tlie Ktiile uf i)ri'?iii, iur ninut to ln'i Capital Amount " f eniiltnl stock pnU! tip noo.oiio.no Income Net premiums rerekeil iliir- lliK tlu eur fn,422,2."7.C8 lntfre.lt, it i v iilwiits mill tenth reieiveil during the jenr II '-'.'J I-. l'l lmiime from ntner poip"s Itcrlvnl during tlip a r 7,liii.." 1 Tolnl lnooi-p ?a,t2,l"i0 3. Disbursements , Net Iossps pniil ilurlnir the vpar, InrliiiliiiK ndjiijt- tnent expenses .. .. (1SB l.lifl.i Ufl idpn.lr, pniil tm eopltnl stoi-k iluriiiR Die jenr, 131,2.l) Oil Commissions niul fiiiluries paiil during tin' vi'nr 111 I, till 23 TnJes, IIppiifps nt.it fees paid ilurlliir the year i!IC,02fi.i; Amount of ' nil nlhiT"exp'i'ri' itltules . 10-J.fl.Tl It! Total fxpni.Utines f i!,!tit,2L' i.C7 Assets Value of stocks inul l.umls ownpil (iiinrket value) 1,2 .'.!),,'., HI f:i Cash in lisnl;fl Midtoii lui'nil f.M.l 3 I 29 l'tpmiutns m coinpof'.iol' ' lection written nliice Sep ten.I.er ill), 1112(1 ."(17,0" 'i. 1 1 Kills rri'i itnlile (i, 717.. )0 Interest niul nnts ilm- iuhI a'ccitipil fiH,:ii:i.tni fit-insurance rt'cueiiiblt on paid losses ,Ji .. t li, iau.2. Total (iibtdlteil nrtftR .Ulil.tuiH. 17 Liabilities dross clahus for lotst-q ' mi- paid $ 791, 700. 01) Amount of unearned prime tiir.s on all outstanding '.',207,7112. list 27,0110.011 l u, r.H.t.AA lisks Due for couimission unit brokerage All other liabilities Total liabilities exclusive of capital stock 3,137.081;. 32 Business In Oregon for tlie Year Net premiums leeejved dur ing the year . $ 40,li8.(il I.csnes paid duriiiR the yeai 1 1,4 P.'.'tii ' Losses incurred during the Jear 4,701 34 ,'Al.l.l AXt'K iVSI'lt'Vcn COMPANY OF PIUI.ADni.PHIA lleiijaiiiin. Kusli, president John Kreiiier, secretary Statutory resident attomev fur sen ice Wnlter K. illisa, 30 1 Lewis libU.. Poitlamli liisident aiffiit, V. A. l.islon, lilt Court street. Synoptis of the Annual .Statement of the Penwylvania Millers' Mutual Fire Ins. Co. at Wilkrr Ilarre, in the State of PciiiirvI rnlu, on the Hist day of lleieuiljer, 11120, made to the Insurance (Mimiilvsioncr til the StBte of Oregon,1 puisuaut to hi': IllCOilie. Net premiums and assess' merits rerene.l during the ". year ... $ rilt,n,'0.7' lliteiest, dividends and rents reeeired dining the yeur -l.",i)72.70 Income from other sourrej received (luring the year 504.00 Total income ' $ 000,887..) t Disbursements. Net losses paid durini; the ijcar iiu hiding adjiistineiit espeii(,e .. 2.".I,(I21I.:1S Commltiiulirt and salaries paid during (lie year . 10l,.'i:i4.H2 Tasis, licdises and files paid during the year .'. 10,178.74 Amount of all other expendi- turs .i -IC.lfifi.2ii Total expenditure $ -I l.'i.lilil.'j:) .. Assets, Value of stocks and bonds , owned (market Vilu0 ..$l,0!l7,.'0t.Hf! Cadi in banks and on hand . 1 MSI.'i I7.!'. Premiums In cou4 of phi- ' - ' . lection written since .Sep tember .no, 1020 ...sr . iin,:.c,o.4ii ilnterest itnd rcrfts chip ainlvr .'accrued and aFcsMnents ' i 'due .. :'. ..... i),02.".(i.". y'otal adnilttc.t assets ......l,ai,7,0!)!l,ao : L'ablliUea.' : flross' flaiins for-' losn's un-tiA '.paid $ 71,140 V' Amount of unearned premi mi h on all outstanding rriskn . . .- ----3 in, 1711.8 1 Itte , for commission and -."-brc'ierafe. irtr - i'V.'OHlKoo All, other llaliiliticsv. estlmat- , . ed taxes and bill ac'i'rur.L ..8,000 00 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital Ninek if 4 "a,()20.:il Builuess ill Ore"o;t for thVYtar. "Net preiniiiilK unit assess f, tncnts TecrlvVJ iluiiiip the ' - year . tf a,!l72.4'i I.0e paid tltirlitir the ye'ir r. t 407.4!) l.'OMei incurred dining; the mUZ ' ear r' 404 2 iRnnsyi.vama' Mh7i.iiiir!',;ii T" l'l It K INS. CO Asher Miner, President. John 'loffa. Sccretarv, .Statutory resident attorney for sen Ice lnaurauce Qoihuiissioncr of Oregon, tivjiopbis of the Annual .Statement of the Missouri State Life Insurance , Company V of St, I ouis, in the State of Misfnuri, on the .list dav of December, l!T20, made to the Insurance Cofuinlssioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Oapltll. Ampnnt of capital stqck pu'id ' Hp $1,000,000,00 , Income. Total premium income for the year . l!)li,fl82,8!) In)erest, dividends nnd rents I'eceived durinir the year l,n2li,S0.-i.0S Jncolne frnui other toiirces received durinu the year 1, a 18,140. 17 Total income . $12, 1 72,1)28. 4 t (" Dlsbursemetits, - Pa;d fo 'isse, "iidnnineii'ts, 'annuities and Snrrenden values . .. .$2,080,801.31 Dividends paid to policy- , holders during the j'ear . 373,0111.47 Dividends paid on -apit.il stock diirinij the year .. . 100,000 00 Commissions ami salaries paid durink the year ;i,l(il,;i!l7.H3 Taxes, licenses and fees paid , 'durinir the year . '228,014.77 Amount cf all other expendi tures '". V,(irr.',922 3.1 Total expenditure's . .. 1 S7.l:il), 12.'i.8 J Assets. Value of rt"il ptate otiuM (market value) 'ijt 470,100.83 Value of stocks ami bonds owned (u.arket or ninor- ' tized value) .. .. 1,001,42.7 3(1 Loans ou inortivs and col-:, . latoral, etc' 10,301, 4fi 1.97 Premium notes and policy loans ... . 1,:i38,.10."..."i7 Cash in bn'nVs nil, I on hand .0211,312.11! NkI uncollcrte.il and deferred . premiums ,$.r.B,8!)0,n3 lurerrst i.h(l rents due and''' accrued 73n.lfl.Vlf! Other assets (net) " ' ' r,iisl.78 Total admitted assets J28.21 3,2fifi.71l X'abllHias, Net reserves ?23,733,8in 12 (iross claims for looses un-. pai'l 171,033 00 Ali"oth.r llaldilttes , . . l.OfiO.SOo 2t ITnassignrd funds (lilritlus) 1,01 ii)iU. Ifi Tola! liabilities, eVrluslve of cupitjl stock of tl,',,t. ' 11(10,000. HO . ..$27,lil3,2f,(1.7fl Busincn In Oregon for the Year. Orert preiniuiiis TPceived Uftrln the year .. ? .VV.nOI.13 Prrniiuins and iliiideinU re turned ilnriny the jear 30V.10 r,Pse iiiiil ilnrlne tlie vpar 11.000.011 illKSOl'KI S'l'ATK I.1FK IXSL'HANCK T COMPANY M. K Sinvletnn, Prfiilfnt. James J Parks, Secretary. Btatulorv resident eltornev for service 'II, W Rubin, I'orlland. Orejon. Ptj 8. Burke Massoy, dentist. First National bank, rooms 307-30U. TeV phono main 2911, res, main 1C91. Str - CASINO : Al Christie's "SEE MY. LAWYER" Friday Saturday ffl MEETING NOTICES U. A. H. E. 'Ilogiilttr ltK'Ptiiit; Krlihty, .lime M, at K ol' 1'. hall. Full ultoniiuiicc i"' iiucstrtl, W. II. Units, .scert'iary. lo . Mnsons Attention Si.crb.l fniiiinunlcntlnn Vii2di.i.:so No. lo, A. K. it A. M tlik Th ur.it! :i y cvt nlii.", "::!() 11. in. Wavl: ':i M. M. tlnsrco. Liy onltM' tif Woi-aliiii- llll .l!13tl!'. CliiHHlfled mlVtitlBliiB 1 uunt per worn eaili Insi.'i linn. If lii.ierle.l G llilieti or mre, .:i-4 i.-ciit it wunt Muni lily (jtilill cat loll I'lite.i mi iiiilic'iilloii Ml Dim offliin FOK HE NT FUIl HUNT flood upright piano. i. E. Coison, the music mall. 11 FO iT RFN'l-TaariuoT head. C. U. lowpli. 10 i6inul:OT7it7mi Pine stioat. 'Black H'Jf.2. 11 FOK TIJSNT Slcoptnc rooms, G08 WashiiiEton. Lots of hot water. Ifi FOR"ni'3NT Four room hou'sp. In fiuii'p 117 W'PHt Tenth street. 10 FUlTi: IvNT (Vo To 7i2 "Kaat Third lor nlcr'v furnish.j.l honsekf pplii!' rooms. Kates reasonable. l' FOK "llKNT -VllioTTnTittTre,' pTcnfy of tuunlni; waii'L.C. J. iVusoii, :120 liaat Spcgii.1 street. 11 FOK KIONT- Four good roi ma, up atairs. li.-.tli and toilet. Tj'ephoiie black C2U1. H FOK KENT Vurnii I'piI hmii- -keeping rooms. ,'120 Ka.U Third ctieei. Tele phone red OS-li. U' FOK K 1CNT SI.'Trooiu" hou. . -, aniKe nnd garden. Iiuiuire (101 Webster strpet. I" FOK KKNT-Furnished light house keeplni; rooius, .".01 Mast Highth street. ;' FOK TlKNT--Fuinlshed hoiuiekeepliiF anil sleeping rooms. 520 Last Thirl street, telephone black 2301. !! FOK KENT Two very desirable sleeping rooms, bath and telophone 420 Wesl Second street, three blocks west of Hotel Dalles. (1 FOR SALE FOK SALil Jersey cow. ImpiTiO 22? Calhoun or t'elpphone black' 320 1. 11 F(5lfSI0KubbI!s. Telephone, red 'OK SALE Modern house and goo lot at 705 Calhoun street. FOR-SAL-f One. Kootl-intleh-cow. Call at 1110 Bluff .etreet. ! FOKSAlTEKawIeigh products. 410 Went Fourlli St. lllack V.VM. .J23 'FOR SALE -New Brunswiok phono f.;raph. Plavr all records. A. bargain Call red 3C.'!2. : , - ( ..'I't rTSdTAI.I'-Milk goals. Reasonable 'Pelpphono reti 4.0112. Call 725 Fair stieot. 1' FSAT.E--Three lotu on We.it Ninth street. ?...ri0 each, 'i'oleph.me ted 4702. '':! -FOR 's.VUE Eipht room house oa paved street, close in. $:'.7fi0 on eacv terms. Tele)hono red 21S2. II! FOR SALE Dodge toililitf; car. over hauled, new paint and lop. Tonus. 505 East Second street. 13 FOK SALE--Ten-room hotel. Inquire box 07, Kent, Oregon. J'.'d FOKSAljfCheaii, Ford touring car. Inquire Sunr.ot garaso. 10 FOR SALE Five room modern houso and garage. $3500. Small payment, balance like rent. Tile phono led 2171, evenings. 11 FOR SALE Large and email farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good terms. W. C. Ilan.ia Diifur, die. l'Stf FOK SALE Cheap. Tw m.'.n Mc Cormick combine with good engln", also Iiojt.p attaclunenl. Wrlto W. L Tyron, 500 West Elovonth stro"t, The Dallea. Sfi FOR SALE Ono V'auglm wood saw: one No. 12 Do Laval cream separ ator; ono 12-holo single disk send er, practically now. J. L. Illin?c worth. R. 1, City. Telephone re! 1101. Jfw-:! CASINO AI Christie's "SEE MY LAWYER" Friday Saturday GOLDENDALE YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached ths eaileit by way of Gfjntc ani Maryhlll on the MARYHILL FERRY New Eight-car Ferry No Backing to Board Boat A 10-mile paved, road connects Maryhlll and Goldcndale New Railroad Crossing CL CLASS1F KOH SAl.IC Unit): four, toiuins car. .Mir in- St-rvlio curate. KOK SAIJK--I)r,v tiaU wtiod; t)ltl tiaU, f 11 Oil; Hoeoiiii growth, jm.no. Dcllv ertnl. Citll :W2', allpr li p. in. If KOH SAI.lv1' 'Pin i'c re jitlpiiL'o .iipi' llcfi, en lonus lll;p iviii; also tine ' niblinr tirctl hugsy ami lmrneur., tmti iitilo ti'alk'f, ono tloep wnll ininii. 10. C. Fltzsprald, t lophonu SKIS. 11 FOK BALK Ten year old orchard, apricot.'-., peaches, crapea, enerries; Hi acics. With or without crop. '.Mile and a half from town. Wrl 0. Mayer, Cape Hoin. Wash. !l ! FOK SALIC t'oinpit'ie threshlm; m.t-1 chine. US-Inch ,1. I. Case r.eparator and eiit;ine. Out t tl In t il s t class con- ' dltlon. U. A. Keatl, llulck GaniKe, 'Pplophono main U21. 271 1 FOK SALK C'itue -aa tractor 4" home power, 2S-lnch l'ride of Wtis'i-1 liiKton ucparator, and iwt) McCor mlck headers. Price fl'ilto, Teriii'--. S. V. Williams, :121 Artisan Ilitllillnt;, Portland, OiVjjon. 11 FO?l S A LlFiaTTtriiay Trnd'tliTVe deliver any place In town. One home, weight 17."i0, 7 years old Guaranteed. Will sell or trade for cattle. One team, weight 2100. Sound and penile. O. K. l'Vcd barn. .Iulv2 Want to WANTKD Good shiiiKler. Intiulre 111! West Thirteenth strret. 11 WA.NTEI-Cook on ranch. Telephone black ')bS2. 11 WAuVTEO Two ceilin;: quire Koyal Cafe. fans. lu ll WANTED Girl or woman for wait ress, flood pay. Glrnwootl restau rant. 3 uCNTEDSma7 furnished liom-'e. See W. 11. Shaw Ml Gannett 'Motor company. !' W A NT EIStTiwheriTlili'ke'r.'r Vi 1 1 e l'i)r inforination. lOleven acres George W. Collins & Sons. Under wood, Wash. . Ifi iTusTnESS oTp6Tm7NM'P'rn:oT a wide awake man for a local location Good money for you if you rre pro gressive. Write box SS, care Chron icle. -H' FOR TRADE FOR TRADE Lot, fiSxlOfi, at Fifty ninth and llroi'dway, Portland, I'm ear. Fori! prcterred. Telephone ri 1441. n POT-IlXdI'IOOxISo'- teet ground, G room house on Chennwith pavet! toad, for house and lot -in town, F F. Fisch, R. 4, City. 1" MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING All patterns rir nlshttl at leaHouablo prices. Mi Foster, 10!) West Second street. 11 HEMSTITCHING-and buttons cover ed, Mrs. A. J. Mollue, 007 Union street. 'pTLlTFl?R?n7?ix P?tESS- Kuril r turn antt piano moving. Freight hauled antl general express busl ness. Telephones: Stand, red li'l; residence black 1352. J. t', Hemsie lilt SIX GILLETTE BLADES With HOLDER $1.25 Prepaid In Attractive Case Satisfaction Guaran teed or Monoy Refunded This offer for a limit ed t!me only. Remit by money order or cash (no stamps) Frad Razor Co. M75 Broadway ' New York City No GanJ APfEE UIOMS'lTPtMllNC l'lcot Pilr.Ilie,'. Mis I. M. CuiillilA, :;iS Wai.lilliKlo" Kticul. 'Ptik'iilioiip main :"st. u SPECIALTY SHOP I ltv.rtal It tilling, pirot p.1s'"K. 'JriTt" i.iakiiiK -'l.SJ Kail 'Plilitl i-.iiim'I, C'i.ii tloii liuiltllni;. 'Pnlt plioiic hlat-k 5211. V PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS PortlantNT ho Dnlles Truck Sen ice General fiPlijht hauliii". l.ca'r. I'orlland 2 p. in. Leaver The Dalles, l:;:u p. m. lially neivice. The Oall!s telophone ' rPd' f.74.1.' Portland tel phoiier'. Marshall III.", or eaai .".lino .117 Teacher of Piano, Harmony and Theory, l.encbelizky method Special titter. lion Riven to beginners. Suminer term opeiia .lime 1.1. Phone red IM'.ll. Stu dio llltiti Fulton r.treel .120 i LUC8LE CUMMHHS Teacher of Piano Summer classert opi n .lune 1. Si'-i-tlio at 513 Union slroct after June l'l. ,120 PIANOS TUNlCD ;tnd lepalied. ac tion regulating and icflnlshlug. Player actions a epeciitlfy. Work guui'aiiteetl. S. A. Dockstader, Cor set' Musii; clore, 3211 Past Second street. Telephone main Kiiil. tf WMlt Track hin Freight and expre.-s between The Dalles antl .Wasco, Moro and all way ii.ilnts Leave The Dalles, it a. in. dally except Sunday. Leave Moro, l::!0 p. in. Leave Wasco, 2:. 10 p. it: 1). M. Pierce, proprietor. Teleplionft b'.ack 1042 or main 471. tt P C.B. CRAHAM CRACKEllS Another P C IS timJuct LIIicj1cI bjkrd, ciitp 4nd tasty. Will prove pleating ajilnluo lu ny mat. Yuoi croccr can tupply you. Pacific Coast Biscuit Go. As The Year 'Hi. rili'iidHhlR, tho huppy facett, tho lllllo incl-tlt-nin of hdiool lile -iheao iueniori"H will iiow In cieahiiif.Iy tender uh the yeam roll by. 'And Itituio Hurcoes, with ItR allentlant hrtppltieHii, tie i nils a in Kchool on iltfht association. A bitul: ncoiinl Hlartcd early In life l;i it f;olld lotimltitioii upon wlilt.'h to ilr'V.'lop into ii-riiiiinunt ntiucluiim iih d tea in cantlfH tf youth. Wo welcome your nrcnunt ail I lift b.'tRlB for it cor dial hanliinit IrictiilHlilp eMcadin;; ihr.iiijth I Ik- ru lurti yeaiii. Vo Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE ; FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Dalles, Oregon EMT FOED SpecbilikSs Wltltney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. POPULAR MUSIC Taught by ROB WERSCMKUJL l.t'iiminu by Appolntmetit Kmpross Theatre Plant.tt it VENZ EAUEE , General real estate, liisuint.ee, nnd cans. 100J Kant Second Ptl t-et. Tele phone main fi71. 2X11 LEGAL NOTICES. Noll;e tor Ulda fjr O. L. Griffin rt.nJ W'iiM'o I'ciiintv lift i'ty call fot h.'ali'd IiIiIf fiir t'nidiiiK of the O L. tlilll'ln in.ul, iniri'ily ff.uu Mnncheiiter Road, a dlstiinci' of :i-4 of n mile. All bills .'hall hi! on proposal blank whb'li will bi' ftlltib'lii'd tipiin nppllcn tinii by tin' t'dtiaty Hondiunstci'. 'Phe sih1c Iflcitlons plttiiH iiikI eptlmnh'S for this liupiovi'tni'iit are on file in tin- office of County I'li'ik of Wtiscn County, Ofi Koii, mid alio with 1'. W. Marx. Conn tv Ito.idiiirislei' at IiIr office in Coutity t'oiift House. Tin- Dalit's. Oii'Kon. ami r.aliji'i't to Inspection. Tlie wink will ! dune In ncoorilnnco with the ihnvi' iiU'iilloni'd plans and specifications un ili'i' the Ktipcrvlsioii and dlri'i'tlon of the t'ouuty Itoadmastcr. All bids must be iiccompaiili'd by n certified check for .1 percent of the amount of the bid, to be forfeited to Wasco County In case such bid should be accepted and the, bidder should fail to enter Into contract, and bond for the faithful performance of the work. All hUli should be sealed niul filed with the County Clerk on or In-fore the nth day of June, 1921. All bids will be opened bv the County Court at Pi o'clock a. in. tin said date. used County reserves the right reject any and all bids. IVttcd this 1st day of .lune. A. I 1!C1. W. L. crichton. 14 Cntintv flnr E. C PlIICE 501 First National Dink Bldg. The Dalles, Ore. 16tf At the Club and in the Best Cafes You'll find Snow FUkts served with broths, soups, oysters, salads and cheese. Everyone likes to nibble these crisp, tasty suda wa fers. Sold by grocers in red packages and lamily tins. Don't ask or crackers --4-ay SNOW FLAKES TlBUl I ' njmni School Closes mm mm E. E. S5 GRASSHOPPERS DIE IN THE WINTER TIME!, When il 1 units cold, Ki'asHhoppprs die. U to too cold Tor lh"in to i;o out for lootl, tint! tlioy titntvo to death. Unllko thu iinlK. win aro btiay all .stiininer, utoiln; up food for winter uao. fJiasisdioppe'iM dart about lazily wllltout thought of the future. -Many people inaUe no.provlstion lor tho winter of (heir liv.'M. They . pin no money iihIiIo for hard limes. HE LIKK 'J'HK ANTS-store away food lor winter mo. A SAVINGS At COUNT with us, lo which you add a regular buhi, will ho a aliuiiilanl for your oltl iihc '1 Poi' Cent Interest Paid On Savings Accounts. Citizens National Bank Telephone Officers I. J Slitflttlmau.l'retildent. Dr. .1. A. Keillor, Vlce-I'iea. II. h (iroiino, OaHhler J. b Tureck, Aaa't (atdiler. GOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are'rnnchrtl the eaciect by way of Grants and Maryhlll on the MARYHILL FERRY A10-mlle paved road connects Maryhlll and Goldcndale FERRY RATES 51.20 per car anil passengers one way. 2.00 for round trip, 10-day limit. WOODARI) & TA USC HER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Flreplaco Work a Specialty Estimates furnished free of charg:. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint ttlore -Main .T2t Residence Phont Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF , CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO . Wasco The Dalles Diifur LUl.U r. CHANDALL, ManagWr ilrrt TliouirtB, AnilbtJiit Mjn,i(jer LlcerttPtl EmbalmeK, CUbllt,hulj 1187 , U'1', Woman Attendant Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton Telephone Red 1781 Motor Equipment 4V ......! !. . rV SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To Eastern Points Through CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES Tickets on sale June 1st to August 15th inclusive. Lim it throe months from date of sale, with final return limit October 31st. For full particulars write, telephone or call at office. Canadian Pacific Railway Penn, Gcn'l. Agt., Pacs. Dept. Thud St., Portland Oregon if ily t , i t Dr. Geo. E. Ncwhouse Eye Specialist We aro equipped to Give your eyen tho very beat of earn. Eyes tested. ClufiBCR ground. Second and Wachington Streets The Dalles Main aiOl Olrectorli I'. J. Sladeluian. Arlliur Heufort Itr. J. A. IteulHr lr. II. C. Ollueur II. 1.. Kuck J. (1. Heimlich J. .1. Van Dollun . Telephones Day Red Ml - Nloht Re4 SM J. H. Harper, Black 2162 Cut Fkweri