rtI17 nAII V r'T.IT?n'TTPT.',. lee-uin- ol tin- tremendous slump i i.vpfirt IiuhIiichh, it la r j u 1 1 o certain tBitutillBhed 1890 The Million. Oru. tll.'ll IllOlO will 1j() il lttr) (.nrrjovor 1'ubilalied Uvcry UwinliiK Except Sunday .. .,.. , t,y the Chronicle P..bhM,liiKoo..,mi.yI..o '' . " ,, , , ,. ,.. - ! It Is said lliiit HO percent of tin; Bull It. Ulflll :iMrttl AIiilitiKT ... ,,,., ui.A.,! ,,.,ln micuilil In 'In the preparation of revenue anil tu- i al Ion bills. Kuttirud In Tim Dullus postofflcu n ivcond cIkbh mutter. United Presit him) United News .Hurvlcu Ucinher of Audit Hiiiciui of Ulluuliitloni OAIUY CHRONICLK DY UAHHIER One yuar. In mlvuncti .. -. JS.OO HI months, in advance 13. UU One month ... ."U ' DAILY CHRONICLE UY MAIL le your, In Mdviinvo. JS.'JU Six months, In urivniieu One inoiitli - . . . ... - M WEEKLY CHHONICLE One year, In ihIvbiiimi . .2.W0 In ordering sIiihirh crlber should itlivuyn ks now Hddiupfl. of MddrfHn, Klvo old ua Bill)-Willi Edltorlul UuslnenH, TELEPHONES Jtooms Ailv , f'lr 0'ltrt. ..Illi. i:k Hid HiihifTlln-ii' In It'" i'IiiuiiIi'Ih iii Kiiur- ntue.d aerviro. I'loimit mid n-kfnlnr de livery of uvi-rv Htilinrlli..'s paper Im the Ini of thi! iilrruliitlnn di'luirtiiHilit. The Chronicle, furriers ihh ieiulieil to lint the (iiuiurs on tlm purrh or wherever 111 IlillHtirllK!'' WIhIH',1 'III! p'lMT llellVl'ltlll. CHAMUEHLAIN The iipp.iinttiK'iii nl' Ci'.nr.'' I' Chaiubeilain ; f I'crt l.tn.l ! a p altlon on the United Stati-n hIiIi plan board will win ii'-ncral uppiovul throufiliout I ho west. Chninbeilaln, for a number of yearn United Stat a i-.enntor, ionium out In tho icpulillcan l.Mididlile lam tall, Ih one ot Oitkoii'm lew i:k n wlio have reproKotilrd the Klule in Wash ington to heroine nationally prom inent. During the v.'.-..-, Im wiih per hupn tlm moist inipoitaat f U'.uri' In Congn-afi :ih head or tins roiiiinltle on military nl lairs. Mu Iia always been far more tli.in merely Oiocon's iieuator. lie worked in national intere.slH. .'.nil was al most as well known in iho oast as out hero. The hlKKeiit orltleimii thar his political opponents have had to offer wan that Gcoiko Chamberlain did not do HUtllcIoiit work In the Interests of his own stale, devollnv, mueh of his time to tin. hiKKur na tional problems. llarrlnR .Itnieph N. Teal of l'oil land, whtwe posit inn on I he hoard Chamberlain is lalclnji. no man in Oregon Is more ecu vei-aunt with the needs of the coast, an part Ic.ilai ly the Columbia river, in losuid to bulldint; up the sliipplui; industry. TIij )ai year ban seen a Htaj;-,' naiion in tlio American meiclianl! marine, which attained mich Im 1 tnouoo proporliona dm inn the war, thul has amounted almost to calas tiophe. It l:i Bald that "III) of the vessels owned by tlm I'tilled Slates and opeiated by the shipping board are Idle. In tlio meantime lOnland and other count! Ion, oven liiclutllnu tier many, have been hitihllne, up their war depleted llctit, and aro laid tihovlu;; this country back to tlm obscuie poult ion in maritime circles I' Gocupled prior to tli.i war. I The now slilpi Iiik board iniint t'olve the pioblem of saving the na tloii'ij ocean prosiierily. With all tlm competition in tlio Held, the task will bo a tremendous one. The coun try la hamper, d by tin; LalAillelto Reunion':! act, which makes tlm pmh lt-lii of employ hit; marine clews which Ann lean operators, under pieseut colldlliolitl, hesitate to cope with. Cha in lit i la In on the uhippini; heard, will be ivrlaki to keep the Interests i.f the I'aciflc coast iilroii!'. ly l.ofoio th:.t body, llo may even be able to le'cmiprisli lhat iiilraelo which lias perpU xud ivorybody, even iluiiii)'. Hie war dn.':; what to do with tlio wood n slcainers. Not lleeln, but whole navies of them aro tied up to nil in haihors al! over the world, Scores of hulls worn not eeu completed, and the Kin oi anient h;;. not been able to Hive tlieui away. Tlu wooden ships, many of which by tlio way were built In ll.itland hailmr, require almost u.t heavy power as the hlc I'.or steel li'.-l.;lileii'., and oil loii; voyiiKOH lli.'j have to carry so much Hud that nci.icoly any cai'Ko space i'i leit. The itMiilt ban been that i.piiut .i:', hae lost lioavily la usiiii; llit.ne vt sHt'lr. They have been pa-j riali, i'huiiiied by nearly every fac tor in tin murine business world. Ju.'.l what (icoi'Ko can do with these white elephants Is not clear. Hut whoihor or not, If Chamber lain Is able to inject Home life Into It is said that lib porccnt Watco county wlicnt lenuilns in country stoia;;e, uml If thin aver iiko Is anyvhei-' near constiint oven tlio balance -f the northwest, It neems likely that prices next fall i'lid winter will continue to drop. However there aie a number of optimistic leiid'jnoles Indicating Im piovement In conditions this fall. Canadian wheat will be bill red ft out competition with dcnmstle wheat by a hlsli larilf. KxchaiiKi! coutlltlcns In the lCuiojean inariietH arc belter, anil semi-official i;overn aient oiCJinl.atlons are working to iriani;' a system of en tills for for eli;n buyers in this country which ii4,ht to create sieatt.1 export tie ii'i'iid. LOOKINC HACKWARD NEWS NOTES Two Da bleu Arrive 'I'wo new liable; arilved in The Hallo.: yost -day. liolli are t'.'.lls. The, v.o.o lnnn to .Mr. antl V.r.t. l-a Davis ol Uiifur, mil M . iiml .Mr:. I'r.il iilr.nl.' of Watt i man. Uiuiik Fined $25 ",ood tlm '," i, wa : the i py e.,lerd.iv I v II lln.ua was clnirired ill unit .liu-k I las. lurj), vn f'.ned $10. 'he p;lcp of a cn:i. i Ihutrd ) lc !i:: Hettmau wi'li help; i companion, Th Wl! llll. GvIihiiiIih) For Men lclmol iMvliniiiJui1 i.-i..;. from 7::tu mil II '.) tonl only." A nominal chaise id each will he made to cover ol hoatlnr; lhi watiM'. hli-,h hi op"a "for nii'ii I fi CCU t'J the ivi-.t Two M.iirl.iue LIcciilc- Tli. ni-.ti .i:i;;o naciiius miini'iiiairii loir' more poinoiui in Tue Dalle yos'er.lr, re iiultlnc hi tlio HicurliiK .f two llcea aes to wed fiom County Clerk W U Cilchlon. They vero recuicd bv Wll her l.owry 'I'eamie, i', of Klickitat, anil .Marjorle Helen HiiKhoi, li". ol l.xln; liny C. Ilrlllaln, 20, of Tyt;h Valley ami Alma lirlvor, 17. of Waml New Dancing Pavilion Opens A banner crowd tunic. I out lad nlslil for tlm ft.rinal optMilii,1; of tlio new opi a air dauc.iiK pavilion on Chem with Kind. The pavlUun. iho conuni 'ion ol which tv.labllidu' I a new hull hi!; rccortl Icr rpm .1, has a di ncln floor III bv llil reel, wilh a ral.a' in- Im' tn i fi in Hp. c,i tor. Music waR furnlshfil by ltichnrtl orchestra. Fined lor Unlawful l.lcainc I!c aire .Mrs .1. Itowu .itra-po I the o' Dt rluiilt of usliip; an automobile 1 'collie pmto whl.'-h nlie found, sh e-leiday paid a ?lu fine in the p lice court. She was arronlod whe 'iuikI ilriMiiu an automobile wl lly on - llco'i'it rV'.to. A c'lec1: upe 'ho number showed Ihai she h.itl no t'l.eu the llcnii'o out in her name. Sh 'old the JuiIko that uho had found th '.l.ttc and iIitIiIi.m! to use It. American shipping In the Pacific; II ho aeeiJ that thy Interests hero lecelvo tlm sainc aiteiiliim as those In the Atlantic, nccordlni; to the volutin or biiBlnoHs, he wlU bo a worlliy repiosentatlvt of the west on tlm boa id. That I'liahlont Iianllns appre ciates the liuporlnuri of western iihlpphiK may bo dhiceinetl In the lact that two Pacific coast iiien are on Iho li .ml, Cliumho lain Is on Moyer l.lssuor. of l(OH Ai.tploii. I the olhvr. The area. I.il os aio ropiv tciittil by :i liuffal.i utuii, . a J ih tlnll inort hits a M 'Lii i man hie hi', in. iv-.ain rrt- Dii o-: What v III he Iho i ll, ci of II f.itator Whifllt pitvlucll :: In P.l.'l, (IM lildl '.t'.i .1 in 111 ' in ' r u ii ' li i or net nuif publlv t! . d. : Willi thu nop uo iie.i l mad lu c.l !ut ol the couiilry. It Ih now Inii'ly certain licit tlio W nIoIiI uill bo 2).000.00t Ir.iHhels r.realor than IiipL year, Tlio maiket la ap Vioacliu a jire-war iuKe level, and Speak Hcre lirohli in In Slu tin this opporluniiy T. Italney, reprt CoiinreGSinnii to .loirs of political city will have an rar to hear Henry .cutaiivo in coimroui Irom IlllnoK who will apeak here under Hie a us pices of the ICIIlKtni-Whlle ChauUtU tpia cnnimny. Italney was t'-o rankl.u inoinboi' of Hie demoerui warn it r im ana commiiieo tliiriu;; the wa.- an is universally roconnlKO.1 ub one ol ho tort mosi men in contrca c-- i - CASINO Friday and Saturday (l-'ri.m Tin- Cln t.nii'le, Juno !i, IHHii ) The lury in Iho (ar of thn Woll .welcker lion works ii);. ilil.it I. I!. Tall'o bitiiii.'hl In it vi.'itllet tills iiiimi; Iiik anahiM (he di t'eiiilan! lor $li; r.O and ?lifi atloinr'.v's reea, Tlm Jury was made up of the follinvln;; pertains': N. Whealdon, Paul Kicll, J. il. Cross, I). P. Tnomas, John I'arifih, A. Sand rock, Jinn Plal'.ency, J. W. Johns. on, Hm:h Chri'.inim, H. II. Wrl.or, Jl. '. IJielzel anil .N. .M. .I.nno. 9 Colllily Cleik Kel.'.'n lias fdilppo 1 four tons of peas to .Montana, recelv Im; an avciaKo i.f Tddil per Ion. IP will have nun' her Ion for shipment soon. The Woodman, Camp No. M, and the Cedar (irovo No. IL' Of Ihl'j oily will Klvti a joint lot; rolllu;; Ibis even III);. June !l, at Iho Vot opoi-a housi . - Kmgo of Iho' river: Unia'.llla, L'l !i; feel; Weillilcllee, III feel; I. division, lS.i;; Tlm Dalles !!li.l. Judsn lleaii is reelecled Hiipretne IikIro by a plurality of about lli.OOO. This Indicates that Ori'Kon Is ntlll a i t'i mi h I It'll ii stale. John Finn Dies John Klnn, CI yoarn old, tiled at tho hospital at S o'clock la.'-l niKhl, followlnj; an ot ttntlotl llliH'.'i.i. lie h. survived by two (laughter:;, Airs. Joe (lelKiir of thic tdty ami Mrs. Jack Swift of As toria. Kuneral net vices will bo held tomorrow afternoon from SI. Peter's Catholic church, Father P. J. O'ltoiirko officiating. Iliirial will be In the Catholic cemetery. The body I1; at I lie Crandall Undertaking com pany's chapel, 0.-W. R. & N. Official Here A. Pucklcy, ijuporinteiulcnt of the flr tlivlslon ol the O. W. It. N. comprint, with hoatitpiarl'ir;! lu Portland, arriv ed Inst nlsht In hla bu.ilae.is car, tpontlin.'; the iih;hi hnre, a;ul this moinlnu loll on a motor rpoetler to 'n iipuct hlL'h water conJIHoiis to the cad. Ho o'tppslcri to reach Uinatlll'i by lonlKht. Ilia ear war. rent up Hit line on tho local thi.-t inornin;; AV. It. Di's-.cl, iniialar ineclia ilc, and .M. C, William.':, dlvlsloii uiiKlneer, both with heailtinni iotr, In Port land, are also In I In tdty on company biiRine.':n. Motor From Colorado M . ii'id Mrs. I'M .Miiri hall ;d r.on; Allan, liiu par enl.T anil brolhar respectively of C. It y.'ii'-.hal!, general aseni for iho O.-W. '.. N. romiii'ii bote, arrived In The Dalit .n to-lay for a ;:h:nt visit. They diove ovtiland from La.I::nla, C:do., I it ir Iioiik, cumin;; by way of Albu iiieKuo, N. M., l.oa AaL'olea, ati-1 Port lend. Th-v traveled liUKi' ml'or. v'lh out ihts aii.oniolnie liavit:;; a puiKjlure, atid in all tin jnuri.iy the diil not tinon i, eo Iho inshlt' cf a rayo. They b f l,aJ"iil:: May their aeiual iminlnK tune lor the trip bcln;; II tl:..,'. Flood Crcct Apparently Reached Desplfo the piodlcio:i of tin United Stales weather bureau that the Co lumbia river al this point would leauh a hii;h mark of 43 foot thin week, tin; river today Rave every Indication of bavin;; arrived at the flood crust. At S o'clock Ibis inornAic;, tho official Rovcininuni reading showed iho river at II 4 foot, a rhie of only U of a loot during the lasl 24 hours. The gen eral belief Is that the waters wPI start receding tomorrow. During the larl rise, the river broke Iho dikes pro tect lug J. II. Koberg's liuck gardens, near Hood River, resulting lu a loss estimated at $10,1100. Mute Boy Cln lined Ar bur Ho lie, the lit Hi! deaf and dumb bov who ar ilved In Tho Dalle.t Ttio.iday night oxi tctlnc to I hid bin parents valtlug for hiiii. Is today the member of a happy leunlled family at Diifur. II. li. lieale, it carpenter at lhat place, yen- tnriluy evening camo lo The Dalles anil claimed his son, who was in th" custody or Juvenile Officer J. II. Suelloy. Olflclals of the school for deaf and dumb chlltliea at Vancouver, W.irh., made the mistake of noiidiiK I ho boy to this city Tuesday evening Instead of Wednesday-evening, as the parents had rctiinsleil, lieale explain er Tin little lellov.-. got off the train al this i 1 a I Ititi anil found nobody to ineol him. Patrolman Janien .MrClnuk ey look pity oil the Utile boy, led him and tool; him home lor Iho night. holes, which wnrn packed villi pow der. All preparations completed and the highway cleared of traffic :n bnili directions, the awltch was pulled which set off Ihe glgnnllc eharijo-of powder, a muffled ronr, accompanied hy a, vibration which shook the ground around for r.overal hundred foot, and tho entire top of the rock hill gfntly lifted several met In the air ahd anltlud back In franamnnts. In the entire 3U.0OO yatdn of rock broken lj the explosion, hardly a piece renialhcd larger than a foot in circumference. "3ee My Lawyer" Carlno, Kriday, Saturday. W.lndow Sale The Cbngrcgational hatlles'- Aid will have a window sale of pastr, cakea and aprons, Corson'f .Music store, Saturday, June 11, beginning ui 1U o'clock. 10 PERSONALS "1 Mrs. Carlton P. Wllllama antl child ren motored to Portland today. .Mrs. Lloyd .Mason of Crass Valley was shopping In the city en;enlay. Ceorge Petrolf of ner.s visitor in the lloyd v;ar a busl ctly yeateiday. (llenn Wilson of Hood Hlvrr ir, businer.s visitor In ibis city today. W. J. Jlarrlr of at tho IJar.l: hotel, Maupin .in a gurs! I. Williams of Pendleton Is a visit or In this nit today. It. I. Kinney of at Hotel Dalles. Shanllto la stayinc II. C. Hoopur of Antelope is a busl-ne-.s visiior in The Dalles today. H. N. (Sul'ifoiil of Wasco U a bus! ncn visitor In Uiis city today. Ira Baker or Pendleton is visilin:-' with friends in Tho Dalltn. of Paker is a gucat at u. V. Swifl Hotel llallon. W. IC. Dutton Dallen otday.- of Wasco b In The dtalph rtntlor of Dufur'ls reglsterad at Hotel Dalles. Mr. and Mrs C. C. Calklnr. of Morn are visiting with fiiemh in this ctlv I.. McCoy of Wapinitki is a business visitor in The Dalles today. V.' 11. Smith HoVcl Dalles. of Wasco la Etaying .11 IJlO Blast :!li,tluo cubic blasted Into at Itowt'-iia, Ifi.uilil pouuihi d.Mianiite win Set Off Ai.p;oxim:iloy yaid.t i.f noli. I lock wa.i I1II1; jesterda) aflt union when a combination of of black powder and icl otf. The blast was 1). V. Bolton, of Antelopo Is In this city today, attending to businer.s mat te if.. ' , Wa visit made by Ihe I lancer coil';' ruction company for the purpii::o of securing line rock for use In Iho paving of the Columbia Itlver hishwav bid ween Itowcnu anil this city. The rook hill Uh was blasted was tunneled rov moie than llll) feet with "coyon-" Villi er MacFhl'ivon of Autulopo 1 owing bu.diiess ar:i;.lntancc.i I. 'i'lfi'U.illcs td.lffvv Mf. and M:sijjl, R. Fole. of U Ci-itrio aie vbijlrta in ThuLalle:. wrh jl4c, son? Pat Jfoley. tir .'P i A. H. Shumvay of Milton is a Camphor anil Hydrastis Pine for Sore Eyes It Is surprising how QUICK ey; iiiflaiiiinatioii Is helped by caiiipko'.-, Indrastis. wltchliazel, etc., as mixed hi Lavoptlk eye wash. One lady whose oyia were weak and watery for three years was helped AT ONCK. Another cahe of red, In flamed eyes was also benefitted. One small b'ottlo of Lavopttk -usually holps ANY CASK sore, weak or In llained eyes. Aluminum eye cup I'Mtl-lH. A. 10. Crosby, druggist. ::iS Kast Second slroel. Adv. Houia 9:00 to 17-11 Vogt 131k- Dr. T DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist 5:00 Sundays and Eveninfli by Appointment -Over Crosby'i Drug Store Phone Black 1111 EMPRESS FRIDAY William Itussell In "THE IRON RIDER" A story that will amaze you the action fire you with its thrills. Story by Frank l Packard Author ol "The Miracle Man" Also LARRY SHMON In "Tho Stairu Hand" Werschkul on the orpin. TONIGHT Elaine Hammerstcin in "THE MIRACLE MANHATTAN" OP GRAND TONIGilT-4 FRANK MAYO In THE BLAZING TRAIL" II i.-i latest and best picture. Coming; Salurduy The Forbiddtiii Thing" An Allan Dwan Supti special or In Tho Dalles today. Sliumway Is president of the slate gratigu. N. V. l-'llnn and family of Waplnlti-i wo. e in the city yesterday etirouto to the Hood Hirer strawberry fields. ! AV. 11. Andrews of Trout Lake, Wash., was In the city je3teiday on business. .1. V. Condon and little daiiKhtor, .Mr.iy, accoinpaiiied by Miss Margaret yimpson, motored to Pot. land and back yi.r.teiday. aIuis Florenoe Wlllinnia Imi return ed fiorii Mt. Vernon r.einlni'n, Wasn InElon, D. C, where ehe attende I nrhool dniing the paat ycai Mrs. R. li .Kirk returned early this rown's Outur Stiagb Tim Tablt Two round trips dally.' Leave Baak hotel. 'J, a. in. and 4 n. ni. Leave week from a two weeks' trip throilcn western Oregon. She attended the I'. 15. O. convention at iWjooilliiirn. after-1 ifur 7.30 a, m, and 1 p. ra want visiting wit 11 menus at .esi;oiv In, on tho Tillamook beaches, and be fore returning to The Dallin, she; was the guest of friends in Salem. She and Mr. Kirk motored back to The Dalles. " "See My Lawyer" Casino, Friday, Saiurday. Taxi Brown's Taxi. Telephone mall 5021. tt i tf 'V"o have just added to our stock a white kid lurn sole pump tor women. Ktl w. C. Pease company. "See My Lawyer" Carlm, Friday, Sa! unlay. fi Main 6001 Bennett Taxt Main 01. ff CASINO Al Christie's "SEE MY LAWYER" Friday Saturday Attractive Offerings FROM OUR BARGAIN ANNEX Visit our Bargain Annex and look over the many good Imys we have displayed. Below we are listing some of the best live selling numbers: Women's Hose, black, white 25c Children's Hose, white, black and brown. Per pair 25c and 39c Women's Summer Vests, 15c, 25c Women's Union Suits, 45c, 59c, 75c Bungalow Aprons .- 98c Bed Pillows, each..'. $1.50 Bed Sheets, 72x90 98c Bed Spreads, 72x84 $1.98 Play Suits, blue denim with red trimming. Per suit :..69c Curtain Rods, 10c, 12'c and up Boys' Cowden Service Suit s, khaki and blue striped. Prices $2.25 and $2.75 Boys' Union Suits, Mesh Balbrig gan and athletic. Prices 59c. 69c 75c and $1.00 Boys' Suits with full lined trous ers, at $9.98 Men's Blue bib Overalls, heavy made, full cut $1.19 Men's Cowden Service Suits, $3.75 Other makes $1.98 and $2.48 Men's Felt Hats, good grade in Black, Brown and; Green $2.98 Men's Suhimer Hats', -50c, 75c, 85c Men's Canvas Gloves, 10c, 13c, 20c Men's Leather faced Gauntlet Gloves : 25c Men's Suspenders 50c and 75c ?Jen's Black and Brown Socks, 15c Men's Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c A new shipment of children's and women's patent Mary Jane pumps just in. 'Whenllbu Think Dru Goods -TMnfc, BARGAINS At. the I PARLOR GROCERY You will find by comparison that our prices are the lowest. We han dle the best quality Fresh i'lid Staple Groceries obtainable. SPECIAL OF Best Cane Sugar, per 100 lbs. $7.90 FLOUR White River, per sack $2.25 Diamond, per sack $2.25 -Carnation Milk, Borden's Milk, Libby Milk 2 for 25c $5.90 per case CRISCO IV. 35c 8 lbs G5c 6 lbs $1.25 9 lbs $1.90 Mazola :nd Wesson Oil Pint 33c Ql 60c L. gal $1.10 ljgai $2.15 All Fancy Cookies in )kg 15c Nabisco, small pkg 1.:. 10c Nabisco, large pkg i 20 Graham Cracker large- 35c Soda Crackers, large 35? Soda Crackers, 7 to 8 lb. boxes, 16c lb Cream of Wheat, per pk'g 30c Roman Meal, per pkg 35c Keilogg's Bran, per pkg 20c Puffed Rice, 2 for 35c Puffed Wheat, per pkg 15c Grape Nuts, per pkg 16c II. O. Oats, per. pkg 20c Ann and Hammer Soda, pkg 8c Sinclair's Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. 30c Golden West Bird Seed, 2 pkgs 25c Jiffy Jell, per pkg 10c Good Brooms, made in The Dalles, Each 50c Good Coffee, per lb... 15c 35c val. Coffee, now per lb 18c Peaberry best grade, per lb 25c Jap Rice, 10 lbs 55c Head Rice, 10 lbs 65c White Wonder Soap, per bar.'. 5c Cheese Tillamook, 2 lbs. for 55c Calif. Small White Beans, 4 for 25c Underwood Deviled Ham Small 20c Large ,. 33 c Deviled Meat, small 5c; large 9c Libby Corn Beef, 2 for ..,....35c American Sardines in cottonseed oil, per can 5c Booth Sardines, per 'can 20c Market Brand Salmon, can ,. 10c Newhall Tomatoes, per can 10c PARLOR GROCERY ' WHER GROCERY PRICES ARE LOWEST