The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 08, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Psychology Club Meets The Dalles
Psychology club met last evening in
the office of Mrs. 1-iUlti 1). Crandall.
An interesting meeting was held. Tito
subjects for discussion were, "Meliof,"
.and- '"Knowledge."
.-' Held For Sanity Test IloHcvcd to
'he mentally unbalanced, I'M lliirtman
.of Oufur was arrested yesterday bv
Sheriff Levi ChriHtnan and deputy
'phorirf Cuy Kit on, lie is held in the
county jail pending examination by
the county court.
Rccption Planned The Dalles hlsh
school alumni association met Mou
,' (lay night with a good attendance. The
member: planned an alumni-senior ro
.ceplion, honoring the graduates, lor
Monday night at the Ulks tempi". Ai.
other meeting will l.e held Tlitui-di .
night to further the planr.
Irrigators Go To Portland Mr, and
Mia. 11. (!. Chapman of Princvlllc
wen; In the cily yesterday, enroiite tr
Portland, whore they will he in the
Crook county irrigators' parade. lOishl
automobiles of Prlneville people pass
cd through the city for this event
which will ho a feature of one of the
Mono festival parades.,
; Struck By Pulley Ralph .lolinso':
' lion of Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Johnson, had
a narrow escape yesterday, in unload
ipg whcatfi' J.I10 Kmcrsun elevator
when a pnWy fell, lie was struck or
the head 'and knocked unconscious
He was rushed) lo the city 'Or luedica,
attention. The injury xviiii ndt.seribui,
, . .'. . . ..
aim ne iu auoiit, inu uousu many.
Mammoth., I'Shot'J .i.PreRircd-,-M1o! o
'Milan Iil.OUO poupds(f "Tjlco'Ter
and dynamlty will ho explodoa thi
evening in iV gigantic"-"shot" on th
Columbia Uiyer highway near Row
ena. Tho explosion is designed tt
loose appioximuteb ;i0,00(j y.uds o!
nick, for use on (he highway. 'I in
"shot'' is being made by the Ilauset
construction company, wlt'ch has ihr
contract Tor surfacing that section ol
I he road.
Weed,' BUfjuePfJ-lfrc A weed burn
er, a queer contraption somewhat re
Humbling some of 11. (I. Wells'
fill descriptions of battle machine
in his wars of the win Id, arrived ir
The Dalles this morning ia loo O.
W. R. ,t X. tracks. The burner, which
Is followed by a lank car filled with
A Series of Human Interest
Talks on Insurance
What is Legal Reserve
Life Insurance ?
I have been nsked this ques
tion many times,
Some think Legal Reserve life
insurance is a Ramble where you
must die M you arc to win.
What is your aim in life? To
create art estate for yourself anil
family, isn't it?
When you buy a policy from
Oregon Life you buy an interest
in a group of moitgages and
bonds on the installment plan.
Mortality tables scientifically
foretell how maiiy arc going to
die und how. many aic going to
This, enables Oregon Life to
know exactly how much each
must pay jn order to set aside.
tho funds invested in bonds and
' mortgages to pay a given con
tract. These, funds aro pro
tected by stttfo lawy and must bo
held in resprvq td mature your
Only by 'dealing with groups
arc wc able to do this. We have
always paid in full.
Think it over and talk with
The Dalles", Oregon
oil, is hauled along wced-lnfe3ted
railroad tracks while the weeds are
yet green It blows blasts of fire upon
these troublesome, growths, causing
tlicni to wilt and die. The wl'l
bo used upon branch lines around Tno
Dalles for the next several diys.
Union Religious Services The June
meeting of the ministerial association
of The Dalles and Wnsco count was
held yesterday In the public library.
In addition to the city pastois, Rev.
Thomas Kord and Rev. John Robert
son of the Dufur churchcr were pies
ent. Plans were made for the n'gular
summer Sunday evening union ser
vices. Tho meetings will commence
the first Sunday evening In July and
will be held In the city park, a new
and unusual featuic lor an outdoor
meeting will bo the showing some
time during tho summer of the lllm,
"The Stream of I Ate"
Sick Man Causes Excitement
Court house employes were thrown
into a high state of excitement this
morning when the alarm bell, used
for summoning assistance In case of
a Jail break or trouble among the pris
oners, sounded. Sheriff Chrisniir.i
chanced to bo out of the office at the
time, so Deputy Sheritr George Seller
rer, pistol drawn, cautiously descend
ed the stairs to the jail colls. In
the meantime, other male employes
In the court house had taken up po
sitions at all exits of the building
to prevent escape of any prtronera.
The excitement was caused by a false
alarm, however. A prisoner with a
weak heart had suddenly been strick
en with an attack and had rang the
bell in order to get assistance. A
doctor was called.
Several now styles In growing girls'
ono strap pumps and oxfords in brown
color have just been received by 12(1 w.
C. Pease company.
Typing and Stenography
done at reasonable rates. Rosliux A
Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Res.
denco phono red L'liliS. t
I. Raker of Pendleton is a business
visitor in this cily today.
II. M. .Williams of Pendleton U a
business visitor in this city today.
R. M. Williams 'of Pendleton is a
Sliest at the Dank hotel.
N. G. Ilcdin of Wapinitia is a busi
ness visitor in; the -city.' 1
.M. L. Houston of Dufur Is staying
at Hotel Dalles.
Mr. 'anl Mrs,,K. Jlrown of, Ojndtm
;ue "visitors hv Tho Dalles today, '.,
' M jv anil 'Mrs. W. '.l siiYioii of Walla
Walla are guettta at Hotel Dalles.
J; C; farmer nfLyle wxnr-'n inisi
ness visitor in the city yesterday.
Mrs. T. 15. Slusher of Dufur was
diopplng In the city today,
Mrs. Frances Saul went to Hood
Itiver yesterday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Kinley went to
Portland yesterday to attend the Ros'
James WoodcocK of Tainlc is In
.tic city today, lie brought the Winnie
dec! ion returns.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chesbro of Mon
mouth aro visiting in The Dalles with
their daughter, Mrs. C. R. Kills.
Mrs. II. -W. Arbnry iclurned to Port
land yesterday alter visiting her hus
band. Mrs. O. C. Spencer went lo Portland
yesterday to visit her son, Frank
Spencer. ' '
Mrs, ICva Mosier and Mrs. O. Fohoy
of Spokane aro In tho city, expecting
to locate hero.
Miss Louise Delt.ol of Port.anil is
n tho city visiting her aunt, Mi-i.
Louis Kelly.
Irwin 'S. Wa'8011- special' agent fi.r
tho Phoenix of Hartford Insurance
company, is in tho city on business.
'Mrs. Cecil Hlx and Miss Helen
Hendricks of Dufur wereshopping in
tho city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Haynes of Pen
dleton aro attending to business mat
ters in tho city today.
LMiss Mabel A. Rennet tj principal nf
tho Mosier high school, Is visiting
with fi lends in Tho Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Stephenson "f
Condon are visiting with frlunda hore
'Mrs. Clara Illatchford of Colorado
Is visiting in this city with Mrs. C.
R. K11e.
Mrs. K. O. Kldridgo, -who has been
visiting at tho homo of her father, J.
II. Gorham, left Monday lor Rosebiirg
whero she will visit with relatives be
fore returning to hor homo in Seaside.
Mrs. F. R. Urazoau went to Portland
yesterday to nttend a ilinnor honoring
Mrs. Kayo Cockbuni of Community
Service', who has had charge of the
girls' work there, and is leaving for
Now York.
Have Your Hair Renewed
Wo can give you any shade of hair
coloring with a famous Franco-Amer
ican hair coloring which Is so perfect
that It cannot bo detected from the
natural color. Hennaing also a spe
cialty. All lines of beauty culture at
tho Hotel Dalles Beauty shop. Tele
phone main 4051. J17
Tons of Mud Must Be Excavated
To Recover All of Pueblo Dead
Dy Sam I. Freed
(Uhlti'il News SlntT Correspondent)
I'UKIII.O, Colo., June S- The glgau-1 I'l oclamatlons followed each other
tic task of removing millions of tons from many sources In bewildering con
of until and uncovering dead bodies fusion. Tho strictest sanitary ruie.s
went on together In Pueblo today.
The corpse count In the elty'r. mor
gues was 10 while from Arkansas rlv
or towns in the vicinity lcports of
bodies recovered ftom the still swol
len stream was:
At Iloone, 3;
Vinelnnd. 1;
Known drowned at Maxtor, but bod
ies unrceovered, 7.
The complete toll of 51 dead In the
.valley is very likely to be Increased
materially when communications are
restored and the river and mud give
up their dead.
As the business men probed deeper
into their wrecked establishments the
estimate of pioperty losses In Puebtr
rose tonight to $25,000,000. A com
mlttee of 20 was formed to take conn
sel with the cllyiind county com
missloners, military and Red Cross o'
ficials to work out Pueblo's salvation
Federal and state aid is still em
phasized by the city fathers as ill.
only means of rebuilding the dike!
along tho Arkansas and' staving of
onormous anil unbearable taxes ti
pay lor the city's and county's res tor
Under a typical, brilliant Coloradc
sun the cleaning up of streets, rail
road yards and buildings went to
ward Tuesday. Steam cranes tossei
box cars and passenger coaches oil
of the way and laid down material'
for track repairs in the" yards. Fron
both the north and the east tho rail
road lines have made progress towari
the city. Tho Denver and Rio Grand'
was repaired on the north as far a
Canyon Junction, a suburb. A trail
lel' for Denver today from I hat poiti'
The Santa Fe and the Missouri Pa
cific oxpecfod to furnish some traffii
Living conditions in tho city wen
greatly alleviated by restoration ot
electric, water and telephone service
although not yet normal. The iniml
nence of return of tho domestic gin
supply ro'Uilled in a proclainalio!
warning householders not to leave
their jets open.
The I olio wing report upon road cod-
pijlon's' wi(s, issued today by S. fL
Scott, division engineer for this die
trict: Columbia River Highway.
Hood Rlver-Tho Dalles Paing
started just east of Hood River. ClosT
eil 8:011 a. m. to R!::!0 noon ami 1 00
to !i :.'!() p. m. on working ilavs. T.ike
now road alPthe way to The Dalles.
The Dalles-Deschutes River - New
road not open on account of largo
rock cut, and sand not yet covere 1
with gravel. Tako road over hill.
Deschutes river to Heppner June-tion--Good
except lour miles east I
John Day river, which is being nick
ed. .
The. Dalles-California Highway
(To Central Oregon.)
Tho Dalles to Mend Roads good
eil hor through Sherman county or by
way of Dufur and Maupln.
Mend to Klamath county lino
John Day Highway.
Arlington to Spray or Junction
Open all tho way.
Junction to Dayvillo -Mridgea under
construction, road closed.
Arlington to Fossil About six
miles south of Condon now road be
ing macadamized, tako old road.
Fossll-Summlt, lo miles south -Road
being macadamized- -no Interfe; -anco
with travel. Follow detour r.lgnR
Summit to Tllloy's, or Sarvlci
creek Road rough and slow.
S-jrvice Creek to '.Mitchell Fair.
Mitchell to Dayvillo Fair condition
Dayvillo lo Pralrlo City- Fair.
Pralrlo City to Pakor Road ovet
mountain still impassable on account
of snow ami mud.
Central Oregon Highway.
Rond to Mums- Road good. The
new load Is tho best now.
Mend to Hast Lake, for linking -Road'
very good to within four mlloi
of lake, whoro car has to be left and
passengers havo to walk In.
Road out of Redmond and Mend to
Deschutes river and Metollus river,
and out of Culver to tho "Covo" for
llshlng aro good. The river Is a little
high but clear.
An Impressive wedding was solemn
ized at St. Peter's Catholic ch'i."c;
this moi nlng at 'j o'clock, when Mmh
Catherine Lillian Flock became the
brldn of Oscar William Kortge, Fuih
or P. J. O'Rourko officiating.
The brido was beautifully gowned
In white with a veil and orange hm
soms. She carried white bride's nine
She entered lo tho strains of Men
delsshon's wedding march with hfii
brothoV. .lobeph Fleck, and attended
by hor sister. MIhh Roslna Fleck '1 li"
bridesmaid wore pale grmm and ear
rled American Meauty iohok. The w.-d
ding march was played by Mrs. Kd
ward Mall.
The bridegroom was attended b
Max Kaseberger,
Mrs. Pat Foley, Mrs. I). A L ibb-sj
were formulated In a general order
today. Tho still relative shortage of
pine water s'n the city's mains
brought another warning against ii
use for other than cooking and drink
ing purposes "utter thoroughly boil
ing." The 7 o'clock curfew law was still
In elfect In the business district, al
though many worked at clearing i"va
Tho, transfer of ruined goods from
inside of stores to siiiewalks s,
temporarily to Increase the desolation
In the flooded area. Crews In a !-
partmont store placed thousand:-, of
bolts of ruined silks, linens and olhei
joods in enormous piles outside.
Garage men towed out string of
uitoinobiles and trucks. Three under
taking parlors poured forth fanev cas
kets and plain boxes, all thoioughly
encrusted and soaked in a form ol
nud defied cleansing tnoiti.
Stacks of muddy niattressei irom
basements of furniture houses wero
idled outside.
There seemed little worth salvag
ing in most Instances, only the goods
had lo be gotten out of the way.
Occasionally a low hung cart car
ried off dead horses and cows. These
are being, burned on edge of the
Tho Arkansas was running fast
within its own bank limits again, six
feet below the downtown street
bridges that survived tho flood's fierce
.1. j. I'Meser, manager o( the i-ouin-western
division of trie American Red
toss, arrived from iSt. Louis this af
ternoon anil took general charge ot
'he organization's relief activities, lie
will decide whether an appeal for a
national popular subscription leliet
iitiid shall be issued.
Some of the thousands or homeless
refund's housed In high schools, the
-ourt house and tents on corner lots
will be sent tomorrow lo the niilllary
'onstruclod concentration einnp in the
Mty. It was rapidly 'HCDJlng comp'.c
ion tonight, i
and jiss Violet Diu-leh sang "Cre
iitor." rrjiese, with Mrs. K C. Mliini,
ec-mpolM the choir.
A wqijAng urealtlast was served :.'
the honi6 (riiio bride's mother. Mrs.
J. ..I. Flq$.JMr. iind.tyrs. Kortgv. will
bo at lvjwiWMo (Ihi'lvWrtyids. m Mr
ByRobert li. Render
(United News Staff'; Con i.'siiomlonl.)
- WASHINGTON, Jurip S. The Re
publican national committee meets
here today to select piobably John
T. Adams, of Iowa, as its chairman,
succeeding Postmast-r General Will
Hays and lo lay the foundations or
its future policy.
Adams, now vice-chairman of the
committee, is lo be succeeded by
Ralph Williams, of Oregon, accord
Ing to present plans.
Hays resigns as helmsman of the
committee after over four yeras of
(instructive woik, bill -will eontlnii"
In an advisory capaclty'to assist in
iirranging the future policies of the
party. Ho has retained his otflce
this long merely because he wished
to have several problems adeipiately
disposed of Ixloro he relinquished
his PhL U nii'y 1,0 stated that thes"
problems have been, or will be, ills
posed as follows:
First, as regards the great deficit
facing tho committee at the end of
tho last campaign. The policy of
seeking small contributions from all
Republican voters Is working to the
satisfaction of the leaders and it. I.
assured, they say that tho eiiin i
deficit will be liquidated by the end
of tho year.
Second, tho pioblem of noutln ni
represenlallon has been settled w'.h
i decision to permit no district n
Have a i opi es"iitatlve In the 1021
presidential convention that doci
not havo a bonafido candidate loi
congress In tho congressional Hi
Hons of next year.
It Is made clear by the parly Urn'
his is not designed In any way o
cut down the soul horn repietu-niii
tiou in presidential conventions, Imp
ljathor to at foul tho stimulus for
iiiildlng up Hi'1 Republican orwuii.t
tion in tho south.
June Millinery Sale
of ladles' and children's hats. Mlai k .
Mllllnory, 115 Hast Second hired
Camphor and Hydrastis
Fine for Sore Eyes
It Is suipiUing how Ql'K K o
Inflammation is helped by cam o
hyilrasllH. wjichhszel. i"i-. an n cl
In lavoptk c-yo wash One l.nb
whoso eyes were weak and iu
for threo years was helped v'l
O.N'CK. Anotlmr cuso i.f red in
flamed yH was also bonoiltled Oil"
small bottlo of l.avoptik jhh. '!
helps ANY CASK sore, wak or In
flamed eyes. Aluminum oye cup
VHKK A H. f rothy, dniKuW, vis
Kast Second s'rec' vdv
ELfctEl'NG f llRMAN
ft w IsiiiIm
HICKSbtfh? Robertson-Cola
production Nobody's Kid
Election crowds were well pleased
witli Mae Marsh in "Nobody's Kid."
One of the best comedy dramas Thr
Dalles has had this year started yes
terday at the Casino theater for a
three day run.
(CIiiimiIcIo'k WafihltigloM ISurcail)
WASHINGTON, Juno S. - Crater
Lake jiark, and in lacl all the other
gieat playgrounds of tho country,
will bo free from the water power
grabbers who lor a long time have
been trying to secure a foothold in
tho national parks for the use of
water power ami I bo sale of Mich In
outlying territory.
The Intel lor department has at all
times frustrated any such alleuml.
and at piesont Senator Wnlsb of
.Montana has been making an el fori
lo enter the opening wedge for
power and Irrigation companies. He
Introduced a bill lor tho eiecllou ol
a dam in Yellowstone park, I he
waler eniponnded to hi' us-d In a
private Irrigation scheme outside of
the park.
Several hearings have been held
For the Entire Family
Our shoo department is replete with all the most desired styles in
shoes for men, women and children. Come in and be fitted by our expert
shoe fitters and you will be assured of shoe satisfaction.
Men's Oxfords
Just received a new nifty young men's Oxford,
in the Ball Strap pattern of the popular Tony
Red. All widths and sizes. Priced at $10.00
Other good numbers in the new popular styles.
Prided al $(J.Sf and $7.50
if you can't find the style or the right priced shoe in our Shoe Depart
ment visit our Bargain Department for complete lines of ali shoes carried
there also.
and the Idea has been opposed by
all people Interested In Mm futuio
of the national parks. If is piob
able that the bill would have had
a rocky load to travel through both
houses of congress, but Secretary
of the Intel lor A. 11. Fall has put
the finishing touches on Ih" effort
to grasp the water power in the
parks In the following letter to Sen
ator Charles L. McNary of Oregon,
chairman of the senate committee
on Irrigation.
"I cannot lavor the enactment of
the measure. I do not believe It
would be advisable for congicss to
permit private interests to develop
Irilgation power or slts wlUiln the
Arc reached the easiest by way of G.Aanta and Maryhlll on the
New Eight-car Ferry No Backing to Board Boat
A lO-mllc paved road connects Maryhlll and Goldendalo
New Railroad Crossing No SanJ
A tense (linHing (ale
ol' "liagriad on the
Her latest picture
Werschkul on the
Nornia Talmadge
-Wheiillou Think Dm Goods
THK HAI.I.Ka-OttJ-..-
limits of existing national parks,
The parks were created by congress
lor the preservation of the scenory,
forests and other objects of beauty
and Interest In their natural condi
tion and they arc created and main
tained for general and national pur
poses as contradistinguished from
local development.
Seamen's strike has tied up some
sawmills for a month.
Two Portland plants compressing
sawmill waste into fuel blocks.
Pilot Rock Wool clip from ono
ranch of 1110,000 pound's shipped to
Tonight and Thursday
His latest and best
Coming Friday
William Russell
Women's Shoes
The express is constantly bring
ing us the newest and best stylos of
women's shoes, slippers and oxfords.
The following numbers just eame in
the last few days: High heeled in
step strap ICid Pump, John Kelly
' make at $!).50
New shade Hrown Kid, two strap
Pump priced at $10.00
Growing girls' low heeled Oxfords
in Black and Brown Calf. Widths
A A to U. Ali sizes. Priced at $7.00
Those are not cheap shoes but cheap
considering the quality.
Everything in shoes, strap slip
pers, oxfords and sandals for boys,
girls and children. Remember wc
shoe the entire family.