The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 08, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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To tell you
blending to
baccos for
would beliigh
iy interesting.
But-just buy
a package and
x-- - -ii n
Q "111" j&
Notice For lurcha.-.c of Corel and Slab
Notice Is h(,r'l) j;ivrm Hint school
'hoard of district number 111, Wasco
county, Orrinn, will receive sealed
bids for liiiiiitililni; the fnllnwinu lots
of four fi.ot cokI woinl. Fir oi jilnu
uniHl. bo flrl made, niailc of laro
(linker. Oak in ii -it In) second ijrowtli,
not loss than four Inchon, no moio
tlnin eight Inches In illaini'lei'. Ho
liveries must bo eoiuplolod on or bo
lore August 1, 1!i:M.
High school, fi coids slab wood.
Whlttler, iilno or fir, flu cords; oak,
5 cords.
Kast Mill, slab wood, f cordii.
West Kiid, pimi or llr, 111) i'ord3.
Thompson's Addllion, pine or fir,
30 cords; oak, 10 cordn.
lllda nnmt be presented on or before
.lima 9t!i, 1H21 . Tho hoaid reserves
tho rlgtil to inject any or all IiIiIb,
liy order of board of school district
number "12.
Attest: Prudence M. l'attnrson, clerk.
Theie'n A DHfereiico
If you'vo been a "ready Hindu" man
In the iwisl, be a "made to toiler man''
In the Inline. First clar.s hand tailor
ed .-Mills lo measure, $;:". 0(1 and up. W.
It. one block cant nf post-'
o'fllro. Otf
(Chronli It Wa billion liiiieau.)
WASHINGTON, .lune S- More i;ood
niacin and Improvements to iirosPii'
nne'i In r 'i nf or l.alie National park
(Under, Yellowstone and the. other
mitltsiml rlav wounds H assured If
the pioiiil il support fur the new Ion
ization lo he pie .filled by Senator
i hoi li :di;e uf California materializes.
Ho will u i'. lent in a day or two ,i
plan for tiuitinr, Into n special fund
in Hie loilonil Irea nrv all Iocs col
lected fiom motorists lulling tho
paikn to be available liiimedlatoly and
continuously lor road n. pairs, main
tenance, improvement and extensions
In tli parks win re collected so that
tho motorists will have u contlnualiy
.linpiovliii; attiacllon in I bo parks. As
It Is now Hie fees from renlslrujlnii
entry, line- for Irarfle violations and
oilier iccelpls from motorists are
turned into tho treasury and cannot
bo withdrawn except by specific ap
propriation 1 1 COIIIU'ChS.
ICacli year Hie parks have It) fli;hi
for money for the necessary innliit,
nance and operation and i;ot llltl; oi
nolle lor road developuiDiil.
A Resident Known to All Our 3'.'.id
ecu HeL.Us an Experience.
Headers of The Chionlolo have
In e,u lold iiKulit and ntjaln of the
murlts or that reliable, tlmo proved
liiduuy reiiied.x Moan's Kidney 1'ills
'I'ho ovporlences told are not thosi
of tinkiiown persoiiii, dl Iiik far uwu
Tbe cases itre The Dalles ousos, tole
by Tho Hallos people.
(1, ''. Srliw ai f., lellred I'arllliT
70 T W. ! Hi St The Dalle i. s.i .
"I have liitlll.l Hii.iu'ii Kidney I'.ll
to 111) a imc. I i t iiud. Wlient ve i
have bad .n attack of Kldttev t-im
lilalnl, in luck wool l to-lu' iw i
I Wtl I " ! (! I f ll H'
neys did not act light. Doau'i Kid
ney IMIls frujn Crosby's Drill; Aotv
bave nlwuys relieved Hies.) H' u s
and imt my kidneys In kooiI con
Price Ullo nt nil dealers. Don't
iilmply ask for a kidney lomody -'t
Poan'n Klilnoy rills the sumo
that .Mr. .Schwartz had. Foster-Mil
burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Dy Margaret Walker
Mrs. .'IaiK I'lsotl CukIiIii;; one of
the oldi st p."neirs In tho stale of
Oickoii, in a little woman of about
!io pounds: we can not speak of her
ir b 'iiii; mnall in nnf other respect,
however. Iler energy ami vitality aiv!
.,ui prising, when we lomunibei' that
she Is 87 years of age. Her eyes
ai blue and full of changing ex
pressions, as she recount.) Ihu uiir-
tins tales of the e..rly days, and u habit of gi'silculatln',' In the
ni'ib-t of a nanatlve persists In re
n.intllni; one of Hie joung girl and
women who hi's in many wajn failed
to ',!'OW old. J
Afaiy I'igott wns liDin In th'
palish of (!! nwortb, Cork County,'
lio'i.nd, on .lull - 11, I.T.I. Her lallior
.i.;d a ?.iiiliiriab'i' home, but her
iv n mo her was ilw.ii, and a gro!t
U '," i .ok pusscssii.n lit i" to come
i Amciiia.
At that' HiiK' sir- had an uncle in
w Vo, I; (i y, v. hore wife had died,
i m n i; two small chlldien. "An In
.ItatSoli Horn h!in lor me to come to
Aiiieilca and help caie for the child
en was ery wi Iconic," Mrs. Cusli
iik i.iild. "for my rntlcr would n -ver
!iae const n'ed for me to come
Hide:- any other cm: imstanccs."
She lived In her uncle's home for
vo yea is. One moinlng, when
eadhi!; lie New York Sun, she saw
m adverlisement, asking lor a 11 rl
i assist in the cue of two small
hihlieii In a lamlly who wen; g.):n:.;
n a loir; jouinev.
Maiy I'lgult immediately went to
he address given ami applied f.ii
Hi-' position. The wonlan who an
veic I le-r i-ill, "a I ill, beautiful," a a '.Mrs. Ciishlng desrlbe.i
lei, vas pie '.siil and without any
iiu'Iey gave lie'1 'he posit Ion Thus
.he came lo the lamlly ol Ma lor O
;. Ilalltr oi lh. Ninth Hulled States
nl. -in try, which was lo mean much
ll i he events of her life.
The family consisted of .Major and
lis. liallur; May, four yeais of ago
nil Maui ice, thrie month:', old,
This was in .Inly. IS." LI, ami plaup
vire tlr. n li.'in;; made lo conn.' to
ho Oie:;on co.intry to protect Hie
let Hers lYom Hie Indians. lOigbt
ompanies of soldleis, under Colonel
ionuevllle, sailed to tin Isthmus of
', tlr n walked across Hie
stliuus to tho I'acific, where those
ho survived look boat for San
''raiicixco. Tho heavy haggage am'
.vo campsites, Including several
H'ecis and their families, were to
ime by boat ar.Htiul Cap" Horn.
)'.vlr;'lii the cllinatlc cnudltlons the
miucy to.ild no! ho ;in until I. He
,i the fall.
In Novt tiiln r, tho I-'iee Doner, a
i 1 1 In f, vesae'., lell Now York- clly
'lib ;h" p.'uly on board and the
mi 'ley. tho ";lilni ncr.s" was
M"s. Ctisliing says: "Tho wea'linr
as good and we hud lino times,
.Ith guitar ami violin music, sing
ng and dancing every day. The
ial carried a line cook and the
t rvii'e wan good. In rounding
ape Horn wo had five days of
errible weal her. The wind blew s,i
lard thai nothing movable was l.'I'i
mlslile (nil It ceenied that Hie sea
ivoiild suiely swallow up Hie boat.
Mter that, however, the sea was
aim ami we encountered no more
ad weather."
Stops were made for fresh .water
mil revisions and tli- passengers
law several places of Interest. In
asslug the I'ntagimla Islands, by
he use of spy glasses, they saw .the
annibals gatheied in groups on the
icacli. At Moulevidi o, the party
Mil dinner on land A stop was
'lido at .luan I'Vrmind!". hlamls.
.heie llolilmaui Crusi.e was sup
iiised to have been wrecked. At
mil time II was used as a plae of
lle for convicts. The governor had
'lite n pretentious home, bill the
her ho ises were merely thatched
At Callao, Ihe passenger:) went on
d. The h nun s tin re were low,
"i ro rs .The Catholbi ca
hcilial of marblo was very b aiitifiil
ml inteit'stlng "The statues of tho
postles in whit ' uiaible ai eaiud
i llielike, thai II set uictl as If they
would sped); to us,' Mis. Cuslilii,,'
laid. A small railroad carried Him
vlsltois from Callno to Lima, wheni
they saw many wonderiul lioplienl
lloweis ami Iriilts. The ship's doctor
warned fl.yiu not to eat any of the
lruit. Since they were not accli
mated, ho feared that it would mako
them 111.
Ai'te months of Havel, the little
boi't filially arrived at the. Golden
Gate, and people and bag?,age Wire
landed at San I'ranclsco, Short
walks weii) taken about Hie city,
but since no conveyances were
available and the city was at that
time J ..hi a fiontler town, sight see
Ini' in San I'Vaneisuj was much
simpler ihan it Is now.
In her own inimitable way, Mis.
Ciishing pays of their butt and ol
S.m Kraueis-co:
'Aftrr a.i e.apse of even months
Hid two weeks, of a Ion;; and pleas
ant voyage. Our gallant ship, the
Fne Doner, carried us saMy
tliiougli Hie Golden Gate. With her
Imt! trod sides and splbtl mantle,
she sailed around the bay, In view
of that i.hy of wealth and fame.
"Yon all know what has befallen
hat chy since; oho lias boon
.vricked, bumped and tliuiii.od
i.hoiit: Then was a leinnanl left
si that same old giound.and I hear
of lali, that :,ho Is lalsln;; her head
,i.ii'n, and with b.-r loimer prld j,
he is looking down at he:1
ul Hani'.', isn't H strango lo say,
.ith all the bumps nail thumps Mm
,'it, she never loct her ancient
Spanish name; sbo is San
Kianclsc j."
'ih,i paity einbaikcd on the ('.)
.ilinb:a, which was a pii.nitive
jteamboat, to compl-do the jouiney
to Oiegon. Landings were impos
tlble until they reached the C ilum
,la r'ver.
At Astoria, a pilot came out in a
mall in gu'tl llieiti over tho
jar. Landing was made at Van
couver, Wash , in Aur.ust, lSr.!!.
Tie newcomers wore received
with many deinonstiatlonri of web
"time. The Kourlh of .Inly eelobia
Ion of 3sr:i was repealoil lor I lit i
iieneflt. Parties and balls wor?
riven In their honor. I hey n
inalncd at Vancouver two weeks
.vhen plans wore made' for a part
if the soldiers to go to Seattle and
i'or nart of then) to comes to I'orl
Tlr trip fiom Vancouver lo Th
Dalles was made In a small sleaine
called the Kashlon. .The passenger:
'uid to walk from tin lower Cascades
in the upper Cascades. The baggage
and suddIIos were taken around In
nnall boats by Indu.Ui, working "uni'
Mr. Chunowllh. who bod a coetr.ici
with the goveinnienl to carry Mip
plies around the rapids. The women
anil chiblieii with the officers weio
''Utertalned for two or three 'days at
'he Chenowllli home, until the boat,
ironi Tim Dalles arrived to take.
.'hem up:river.
II was a small flat boat called
"Tho Allen," commanded by Captain
'Skill well, who did all he could to
iiiuko his passengers comfortable,
"which was no surprise," Mrs. Cush
lug liiughingly told us, "since bo was
a native or Dublin, llself." Tho women
ami children sal on uiuttrcssoa laid
on the floor.
,.tt'i !.. MM... i-t:l...-
U lll'll ur itltni'll III till' I'tiui-n
Mis. (iiishliiir said, "thero were only
Nvo bul'illiigs lo be seen; one a siuiil1
Cillers stole stood near the mouth
'if Mill ci eel; and tin- oHior was r
lioro belonging to the Hudson's Hit
lompany ami stool near thn site i1
he present Umatlllii ho ioc. It wa
built en "stilts" anil thi Indian
noil to gather undDin.'ath II to pair
A wire' """' driw") bv ' onn-ovc
mule, which hail ; tondenoy to alway
pull to one side, was the convoyanci
a ul Ironi the fort to lake the wonuu
op Hio hill. They were puiv.lod us ti
how to mi mil the c ut, win n tin Irl
drlvi r said, "Ol will drive him up
iitii hi' in. k and yoz i an iilir.b t'roo
ho lock into the ia't," wlibh the
Tho hay and wheat crop is
coi'iini!; alonji nicoly and you
v. ill ncod d?pondal)le equip
nKMii Mit.'li a;-, "lnlornational"
McCOUiMrCK or l)RliUlN
Mowor.". iind liny Kakes, Hin
ders, Keapers or maybe a
liny Now While Our Stock is Complete
At '
Farm Machine Headquarters
Walther-Williams Co.
did. Tho ascent was then made up
Hie hill with the girls and children
following Lchlnd thu cart. Tho par'y
cotislstotl of three oft leers, their
wives, five children and three girls,
who cured lor the chlldien.
The Haller family had two rooms
at the fort and r.,e at the me-'s 'houses
where; a Holder and his wife prepared
the; meals. A "lean-to" bedroom w,ip
built, lor llttlo May Huller. and Msjry
P!a;go!t to occupy. Mrs. dishing says,
"when 1: was done, Mrs. Haller told
me that If I ever awukened in the
lilghl and beard anything which mlgt
be Indians prowling about, I.) get May
ami run lillo the main building ijulck
and to bo sure and lock the door h
bind me."
Soon nftor tht-Ir at rival a woman ol
the fort told of the loceipl a! Mr
Cuiihlng'.; s ore of several boxes of
both men',- and women's rJioer. '.lar
1'lgoit decided lbtit she hi.d bettei
get shoes while she had ihe opportun
ity. The call at the s.oro bogjn hci
ai'iiunlntanco with Mllo Morris dish
ing, The supply of shoes, contalnu,'
only one pair, some No, '1 slipper
which would fit. Mr. Cusblng rooms It
have beem groatlv Impressed with hlr
future wife-al their Hist nipetlng
for he insisted on glvlnji her the
shoes, but she would not accept I hern
without paying,
Tho acquaintance glow and (hex
weio married in 1854, when she lei
Hie Haller family to live in a "wing'
adjoining the store.
Later M. M. dishing built a stonr
storo on tbe pro.icnt site, of the Model
laundry building. The lilr;h water on
ilernilni'd this and it came down two
years afior it was built. The "Cush
lug House," one of the Hrst' hotels o
The Dalles, win built between the oh'
Cosmopolitan hotel and the iJinutill:
bouse. Ho also owned one-fourth In
tores! In tho steamer "Mary" whirl,
plied between The Dalles and dueid
Aboul HO yeais of Mr. and Mr
Cu.dilng's' life wore spent ou the fain
oast of the clly, which the i'amil
still owns. Mr. dishing has. boot
dead about 12 yeais.
Mrs. Gushing has soon Thn Dalle
grow from two tin proton! Inns build
mgs lo it's present slate of deivelop-..lent.
Taxi Brcwn's Taxi.
Telephone mail r,021
Dr. S. Hurki! Massoy, dentist, First
National hank, looms 207-08. Tele
phono main 3011, res. main Kim. St I
That Willard Threaded
Rubber Insulation can be de
ponded upon to outlast the
buttery plates. Ends the expense
of wood-separator replacement.
That wood separators maj
seem cheaper at the beginning
but insulation is always cheap
er in the end.
That our responsibility to
you lasts a lona as your buttery
is in service. t
That the Willard Threaded
Rubber Battery is the highest
point battery achievement
We're here to tell you about i'.
the only battery with Thread
ed Kabber Insulation,
fM East Second Street
P. S. For riding comfort
try a set of GabrePSnub-
bers. Sales and Service
By Uiilttd Press
MALIIEUn, Or., June 8. Long
idle mines in this section have taken
a now lease on life with renewed
aotlvlty in many shafts after a win
ter's Idleness.
.1. W. Sherldnn, who has ceinsid
eruble nilnlnr; property near lrue,
had several men come from Baker
'to look ut his mines with a view .
I beginning work In the near future
Several other crews have b' en at
! work, shafts are being rut tinkered,
and camps erected for continue I
work throughout the summer.
i The Ite;d, While and Blue mine
Is one of those being reopened by
George Bcdflsh and his crew.
Brown's Dutur 8ug Tim'Tbl'
Two round trips dally. Lenre Bailk
hotel, 9. a. m. and; 4 p. m. , Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tr
Free Clinic No Charge For Examine
j ' tlon Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr. Baum, cniropracuc puysiciu,
Main 00R1 Bennett Tax! Main 01. tf Third and Washington, main 601. tt
Its economy is practically expressed II
in its low gasoline consumption, its II - ,
high tire mileage, and the infrequency ll .v
of repairs.
It is further expressed in the
' I durability of its finish, which seldom U
1 In requires more than a thorough clean- UJ ' .
Jill ing to biing back its original lustre. ih j
!p Tha gasoline consumption is unusually low, . . ".iv"'.'"-' J I',
i 1 t ., Tb til miltaga is uausuaUy high. 'i'' A
' '
The Universal Daily Habit
EVERY man, woman or child in this city .wfho can read,' aeads
some daily newspaper every day.
It is as much a habit with thert an eating, or talking, or ,
The newspaper 'is their point" of contact with the outside
world and with each other.
In every other city of any size, coat through s the newspaper
other newspapers are print- than through any otlier means
ed and other people read them of contact with possible custom-
in the same intensive way. In crs.
the great stretches of rural
communities newspapers from Manufacturers and distribut-
the cities radiate out through ors of trade-marked goods are
the mail boxes. ' also coming to learn that North
Mnvrh 'Amor! litprallv America is a series of markets
a continent wit;h common know- 1,1 PPoi cunmes to sell goods,
ledge and common impulses Each good market can be
by its au,OQO,000 daily newspap- reached by newspaper advertis
er circulation. iug at low cost and. without
Newspaper readers have come sted offort in town local,
to look on the daily advertising ' . ( , ,
as part of the news. They turn For this reason the newspap
to their newspaper when they er has become thq greatest med
Avant to buy, just as they turn ium for national advertising,
to it for the ball score or tho just as it has always been' the
latest developments across tho greatest medium for local ad
sea, vertising.
Local merchants know this The national advertiser can
and they know they can build a best cover this market or any
larger voume of business at less market through the newspapers
The Chronicle