Utiles jp Cljtotitcie Mm Coo,. A WEATHER THE FORECAST iximum 76 Inlmum 53 Showers No. 135. VOLUME LXI. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE, 8, 1921. S.S. ML HITS ICEBERG: ASKS FOR AID BRITISH FREIGHTER BELIEVED TO BE SINKING OFF EAST COAST. MESSAGES CONFLICT FIRST REPORTS CAUSED FEAI THAT GREAT LINERS WERE IN TROUBLE. By United Press .NEW YORK, June 8. The B.Mlls steamer (Seapool is believed lo be sinking, according to a message ti the Royal Mail Steam Packet com pany. Captain Taylor of the line lOrduna sent the message stating tha the Orduna was standing by to offe assistance, although 750 miles fron the Seapool's position. A later message conflicts with earl ier advices, saying that the Seaport was able to proceed. Nothing has been heard from th vessel since, nor has the Ordtin heard anything from the HI fate steamer. The Orduna left Hanibun last week. BOSTON. Mass., .lun S. "Wo hav struck an iceberg. Somebody pleas stand by." This radio message was intercep ed at the Charlestown navy, yard tc day from an unidentified steamer. Th message did not give tho steamer's pr sitlon. One radio message intercepted a Otter Cliffs, Maine, read: "Wie. have struck an Iceberg. Pos tlon 48.30 W. longitude. Somebod please stand by. Believe we are sln! ing." The name of the steamer was no given. The location given would bo nbou 300 miles off the coast ot WewfoHiT(T land. NEW YORK, June 8. Tho Brills' steamer Seapool, enroute from Mop treal to Dublin, was believed toda. to have struck an iceberg, accordini to the naval radio here. The naval radio said it was prar tically certain the French liner He chambeau, mentioned In rumors hen as in trouble, was not the vesse which wirelessed she had struck berg and asked for someono to stan by. "Radio experts said the call for hel1 was sent out over a British Marcon set, entirely different from the IU chambeau's wireless outfit. The Seapool Is a 2,799-lon steam ship. It left Montreal on Juno 2 fo Dublin. The steamer is owned by the Too Shipping company of 'England and It operated by Sir R. Ropner & com pany. The naval radio's information re gardlng the Seapool was indefinite her partial identification being large ly on her location. Rumors also mentioned the Ctinari liner Carmanla as a possible victim. She left Liverpool for New York or Juno 2, and was due :n Halifax at : o'clock this afternoon, according tt a wireless last night. Tho Carmanlt is a vessel of 9,982 tons. At the Cunard offices here it wf said that no fear was felt for the safe ty of the vessel and that Information received there indicated the possible victim of an iceberg was tho Se:i pool. NEW YORK, June 8. Tho Brltlsl steamer Seapool, which upuarenth struck an iceberg off the Newfound land coaBt, was dnmaged but is sale according to a wireless received by the naval radio station here today. (Continued on Pose 6.) JACK DEMPSEY IS CALLED "BIG BUM" CONGRESSMAN INTRODUCES BILL TO POSTPONE CHAMPION SHIP FIGHT. My United Preaa WASHINGTON. June 8. Branding Jack Dempsey as "the big bum who dodged the draft," Representative Gal livan of 'Massachusetts today Introduc ed a resolution In the house providing that preparation for the Carpentler- Dempsey fight on July 2. be postponed until congress grants n bonus to those who fought In tho world war. The resolution prohibits champion ship bouts in any .state until the world war fighters have been rewarded. The resolution also says that Curpentier wu alow to jola the colors of his PUEBLO DEATH LIFT NOW REPORTED AT 45 CITY SETTLES TO TASK OF CLEANING UP AFTER FLOOD. By Sam I. Freed (United Press Staff Correspondent) PUEBLO, June 8 This city today lettlud down to a long and hard .Kill to get from under the mud and nisery lull in the wake of the mad Vikansiis river. The harvest of dead stood at 45 odles In local morgues and reports if 27 other dead in volley towns. Work of dunning up 'Pueblo will ake months, It was said. Railroads have started filling In jreaehes In the levees which will tervo to protect the new tracks be ng laid. Two relief trains arrived from Jenver today and one left for the itrlcken cities of the north. Five nuid red Puebloans cheered the first rain to reach the station. Two motor lorries and fifty wr.gons ero to entrain today from Fort 5am Houston, Texas, for Pueblo to lulp restore order and dig the city nit. Moro than a hundred horses irowned in the flood were binned in ,reat pyres on tha outside of tho ity. The comforts oT civilization, wiped mt for several days, are quite gen Tally restored today with electric iglit, water and telephone service .nd a minimum amount of domestic ;as available. Transfer of refugees to the con :entration camp built by tho nation 1 guardsmen began last nlghl with '.he removal of many men from the ioitrt house and schools to the tent :ity on the south side. The camp will be enlarged grad ually to relieve nil public instltu ions as their presence in schools, ourt houses, municipal and city niildings has seriously upset official online. IU PRESIDENT OBREGON WILLING TO NEGOTI ATE ALONG LINES SUGGEST ED BY UNITED STATES. By A. L. Bradford (Unite.' Press Stuff CJrreauondunt) WASHINGTON, June 8. Presiden )bregon of Mevco will strive td ob aln American recognition before any 'ctual signing of a treaty between the Jnited States and Mexico, such as 'ias been proposed by .Secretary Hughes, it was believed hero today. The Mexican president will take 'ills course in order not to menace 'lis position with the 'Mexican people !n coming to nn agreement with the United States government which will Ulow tho extension of American ice sgnltlon. To this end, It was predicted that Obregon may state in his next commu nication to tho Washington govern ment that he Is willing to negotiate a treaty with the United States along the lines suggested by Hughes, pro vided recognition bo extended his government. 'Negotialions are now going on In Mexico City between Obregon ami George T. Summerllii, charge of the American embassy. IRELAND FACES ULSTER ACCEPTS HOME RULE; WHAT WILL SOUTH DO, OF FICIALS ASK. By A, E, Johnson (United News Staff Ciirrespomlent) (Copyright 1921, by United .News.) LONDON, Juno 8, Ireland stands at the crossroads of her destiny. On the one hand lies peace through honm rule and union, on Iho other lies an Internecine strugglo of order ngalnai vlolenco and insurrection, and divi sion. This, In a measure sums up Iho vie 1 of Sir Hamar Greenwood, secrcturv for Ireland, as expressed to me In an exclusive Interview, as tho I'Islei parliament was organizing In Belfast In summoning this parliament, Ul ster has accepted whole-heartedly Great Britain's effort toward soluilon of a century old problem. Southern Ireland Is hesitating on Iho threshold, Hwayed between the moderates and conservatives, who are desirous of peace, and a determined minority, characterized by their opposition aB assassins and irreconcilables. Fourteen addlllonu! days of trace have been granted after Juno 22, whon King George will open the formal buh WANTS RECOGNITION HER 1 IE (Continued on iaf .) RIVER CONTINUES TOW YIELD OF RISE SLOWLY! NOW 41? BASEMENTS ARE FILLING WITH WATER; SNAKE IS FALL INCS. Despite predictions by t lie United States weather bureau that the Co lumbia river would have reached a stage of 43 leel by today, the stream today showed every inclination to start going down Instead of making further rises. At 8 o'clock this morning the gov- rnmenl reading for The Dalles show ed the water at 41.2 feet, an advanc of only .4 of a foot during the last 24 hours. Reports received here todav state thai (he Snake and upper Co lumbla rivers are now going down, .vhlch is taken lo mean I'.tal danger ol my very serious Hood In The Dalles is now precluded. Water has risen lo about two feel In the basement of the Blade and Whlti restaurant and I- coming up corres. ponding!)' with oilier stores alons; Second street. Several store.i wit I high basements, such as the .1, C. Pen .ley company and tho Corson musk oin pany have not been hit by the Hood. WASTE OF FUNDS FOR WOUNDED, IS CHARGE $8,000,000,000 SPENT ON MEN IN APRIL; $5,000,000 SALARIES PAID. By United rroah WASHINGTON, June 8. Uepresnu tative Robinson, republican, of Kan sas, today charged that federal fund wro being wasted by "tho shove' fill," through tho federal board of edr cation and rehabilitation. He adds that If the present policy o the government continues, the, govern ment could give every disabled sol dler $10,000 and then more soldiers would get money llian have been re habilitated by tho present board. Continuation of present practices will mean that the rehabilitation bill will exceed 3.1,205,000,000. Only 2.000 men have been rehabilitated so far. with an expenso average of ?4.r,000 to a man. During April, $8,000,000 was spent on wounded men and $3,- 000,000 on salaries. CANADIAN BRIDGE TAKEN OUT BY HIGH WATER Uy United Press ENID, Okla., June S A 000-foot bridge over the Canadian river lie- tween Fay and .Thomas on the rail road, has gone out before the heavy flood waters. AMERICAN PROPERTY IS DESTROYED BY CHINESE By United Prrrs SHANGHAI, June 8 One hundred persona were killed uy luminous Chinese troops pillaging Ictiang, ac-rm-dlnir to reliable reports. Prop erly dainago exceeds $1,000,000. The plant of the Standard Oil company wa wrecked. Nunieioiis other for eign firms were pillaged. TABULATED a a To ; 4 m Yes Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct C Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9 Precinct 10 Piecinct 11., East Dalles West Dulles South Dalles Thompson Prec. Antelope Bake Oven Boyd Celllo... Criterion Columbia Deschutes East Dufur West Dufur Eight Mile Friend Jersey Klngsley Muupln Mosler Mountidii Nanseno Ramsey Slmnlko Shorer .. tygh Valley Wamlc. Waplnltla While Hlvpr ioiui.. WHEAT EXCELS CROP OF I'M GOVERNMENT REPORT FORE CASTS TOTAL OF 829,000,000 BUSHELS. ACREAGE 1 1-2 GREATER CONDITION WINTER WHEAT JUNE 1, 77.9 PERCENT; WAR 78.2 IN 1920. Hv Untied Pre.sa WASHINGTON, June S. Depart ment of agriculture expirts lorecmt that tho country's total wheal crop for 1921 will he 829,000,000 bushels, as compared to 787.000,00(1 In 1920. Included In the 1921 total Is over r.UO.llOO.OOO bushels or winter and 250,000.000 bushels of wheat, as against 209,000,000 wheat spring bushels of spring wheat last year. The acreage In winter wheat N two mil one half times greater than tha' of last j ear. Condition of wlutei .vhcat on June 1 was estimated at 77.9 percent,-, as compared to 78.2 oercenl at the same lime last year Other crops, excepting oats anil rye. .ire In excellent condition. FOUR AMERICANS HELD BY MEXICAN BANDITS By United Ires MEXICO CITY. June 8 Reports sredited U the Mexican war depart ment today said four unarmed Atuer cans had been captured between Parral and Santa Rosalia, presum ibly by bandits. Tho office of the Ameilcan charge I'affalres had no Information on the rported incident. 3TORK BRINGS" THREE BABES TO PUEBLO COURTHOUSE 8 By United Nevn Pueblo, Colo., June S. The stork has left three -packages at the refu gees' emergency hospital in the court house since the Hood. The wise old bird is expected to make four more visitations tills week. Mothers and babes are doing flue, thank you. Two other women were brought 'n the hospital wlth Infants a day old, Tho "Mot heir.'" loom In the most popular vislliug place for the hun dreds of women and girls housed In the magnificent courthouse. PREPARE FOR A. F. OF L. CONVENTION IN DENVER By United News DIvNVER, Colo., Juno S. -Samuel Gonipers, president of the American Federation of Labor, other national of ficers' of that organisation and 200 delegates arrived in Denver this af ternoon to attend Hie list annual con vention of the fedeiatlon which opcivi here next '.Monday. 'Preliminary sessions will get under way tomorrow when the delegates- of the building trades department will meet lo outline a ret of lcsolutious to be placed before the convention. COUNT ON MEASURES IN WASCO a n o . a a p Yes No n i a u a, o c ' Yes No 2 a a n u o K -J Yea No No 40 f..1 101 21 f.S 42 CO f.2 1 fif fil 81 70 141 21 X'S HO 90 79 71 91 20 27 08 14 1 -III 20 42 10 28 , 27 91 89 ir.Il 29 19 22 90 7.r. I 07 i 'till G2 22 02 18 49 , 17 57 22 42 20 70 51 118 25 7.'j , 20 01 71 4"2 , 87 53 43 74 27 50 29 72 22 38 00 21 51 51 24 31 37 41 38 27 51 5C 51) 95 28 55, 10 fi 53 52 01 75 H9 140 72 101' 85 120 !)0 103 105 ! 77" "90 f 1 3 38 08! 52 1 80 " 05' 8 J I 08, 11 12 10 8 111 11 II 10 10 111 02 81 10C 50 7.1 07 81 71 73 80 20 47 3t 32 29 I 39 41 32 32! 30 j 33 40 51 30 40, 21 57 20 III 30 45"" 102 " 112 " i'J "49' 85" 07 84 " 12 101 i 8 20 10 20 8! 18 II 10 0 1 21 IB 53 39 32 20 43 38 31 33 35 j 9 01 9 0 811 0 2 7 3 14 30 1 31 10 21, 21 20 22 19 20 1 25' 3S!'30 31 22 j 37' 12 27 18 49 7 15 1 15 8 10 11 II 9 8 15 40 SO 121 15 47 1 II 82 71 71 75 14 49 87 23 53' 25 01 43 II II 5 21 10 20 II, Hi 11 21 10 19 ' 24 59 35 52 38' 37"" "52 30 II 19 5 CI 8 3 9 1 51 0 0 1 5 11 39 I 30 23 12: 31 19 1 22 11 1 10 05 77 1 1 17 33 81 18 91 03 1 57 81 82 99 151 17 101' 01 100 9l118 09 12"" 33 14 1 33 12 30 20 20 20 j 21 9 20 II I II 8 j 17 I 17 12 8 1 21 27 30 40 35 39 18 45 31 45 j 32 31 47 ! 50 ! 26 31 ' 48 1 35 47 37 I 43 1 17 ; 7 1 12 1 7i 10 C 11 9 10 37 49 48 38 40 38 1 51 -10 1 33 45 20 58 61 1 27 42 30 32 63 37 13 47 79 02 C9' 18 70 05 72 00 72 7 18- 181 9 111 12' 9 18 1 21 Vm im 2460 ,il21 ,102a ,1243 ,1910 ,I030 ,1C30 ,1815 DEAF AND DUMB WAIF WASCO COW'S 800.000 BOND LEFT FRIENDLESS IN CITY C-YEAR-OLD BOY FOUND AT STA TION BY PATROLMAN McCLASKEY. A little deaf and dumb hoy, appar ency about six years old, got off tin train at The Dalles last night a in stood waiting on the dt pot plnti'.'re for some friend or relative win va evidently supposed lo meet him Nobndj came and tinally I'atiolmai MeClaskey sought to tiud out s-iim thing about where the lad was Roln. and wheie his home was. lie colli, carry on a conversation wlili hi: lingers in the deaf and dumb nig language, but could not speak a vvonl McClankey learned rrom the trai. crew that the boy wa.-i from Vaucoi: ver, Wash. Tho boy spent the plgii at MeClaskcy's home. Up until late today, no trace ol'JIi persons supposed lo have met the 111 tie fellow had been found. The ho Is now In the custody of .luveni!" Of fleer A. B. Skelly. DODGE CARS DROP $30J By United I'resH DETROIT, June 8 Dodge brothers oars were reduced $200 by the fac lory tcday. GRIEF TOO MUCH FOR BASEBALL HEAD YAKIMA TEAM IN QUARREL WITH TACOMA BASEBALL CLUB. By United I'roKS TACOMA. June 8. -Dr. J. W. VanM sas today resigned as president o the Tacoina club in the Pacific In tornatlonal league, giving as h'u ion. ?on that there was "too much grle. in minor league baseball." Ills resignation follows the refusal of the Yakima dun to play a series here, protesting I he action of Presl dent Burnett of the league In exon crating Manager lilankenshlp of th1 Victoria club for his pari in a recent fight on the playing field at Yakima DUFUR ROOTERS TO BE HERE IN FORCE SUNDAY A huge delegation Dufiirltcs are reported as preparing lo invade this city Sunday, when the Da!,,r base ball team will tangle wilh The Dalles nine, Dufur has a snappy ( "aril this year, and has been winning a large majority of the games played, with the result that Dufur fans are com ing here confident that their team will emerge from the struggle with victory perched upon Its shoulders. The Dalles- players, on the other hand, are confident thai Dufur will not have a walk away, and are pre paling lo put up the battle of their lives. The game will slait promptly at 2:20. on the old ball field, with Wool si y and Hoffman acting nil Iho bat tery for the locals. COUNTY .2 '3 a J3 o in m a a o Q Yes No a a o O u n Yes No u B Yes I No a ift o . Yes No :ir 71 1 11 95 1 III 09 I 51 ' 20 i 47 67 1 71 21 62 10 48 30 17 j 51 18 02 42 90 42 "00 18 20 51 07 71 11 77 19 25 28 8 13 62 I 73 I 27 51 I 17 52 I an 15 I 10 I lis 1 02 j 78 I 13 I 19 ! 102 I IS I CO 1 0 1 24 ', 81 I 138 I 78 I 172 I 0I 120 I 90 i 50 j 91 I 37 10 10 13 17 21 38 10 03 1121 1311 98 100 ' 59 05 11 72 20 33 8 10 9 10 4 0 51 ' 0 30 1 9 05 9 00 13 10 102 19 60 1 15; 09 21 I 52 1 I I I ;;o ' "1 51 , 3-i 0 9.1 12 39 108 n 9 1 an 19 20 5 19 12 17 70 13 10 12 13 18 71 20 18 0 170 ' 1 1 111, 8 27 ! 11 70 k- 2i 30 1 30 7 1 22 32 I II 3 7 0 ' 13 1 0i 10c 1 30 1 23 I 25 38 I 12 I 29 I 63 78 20 1730, l! r.5 j 170 I 7 I ! 02! 12 01 ! 1 6 193 31 12 I 53 7 7 0 V 4 05 69 11 C 31 , 30 60 lor, 16 12 17 79 25 13 95 93 bJ 8 3 2 20 2 1 4) 10 4U 5 12GU 33 i 20 23 I 37 1 13 40 I 6,i 75 39 21 42 0 1291 1720 ;2'j 3 1299 i r SSUE CARRIES 1,234 VOTES; S ILL OVER STATE HAS PASSED, 3 TO 1; WOMAN JURORS MEASURE ALSO LAW. Uy IJnlli'd I'ri'si (PORTLAND, June S The vote 'iivorint; the soldier Ik.ihis bill con limed to siow today, a lolal ol more .ban 31,000 votes fa vol ins the mens ire. The Portland post of th? Anier can leilit; Lej;tou has bo.Uiht out the theater show lor lulilsbt lo elclirate. The c.iunt so far includes 27 of he stale's 20 counties. Other meas ires are bold hit; firmly to the early ndlcalliiini of whether they vvoluil .via or lose, votes for or against the iiajority of stale measures contln linj; to .show substantial majorities it her one way or another. The bonus bill caused the i;reat 'st enthusiasm, wilh road bond is aies second. All nine counties Inleiested in road bond reports thesu meai.ures carrying. The Portland Port amend ment Is carrying by the slightest minority of all. BABE RUTH SENTENCED TO SERVE DAY IN JAIL Uv United Press NEW YORK, June 8 Habo Ruth was today sentenced to serve one il.'iy in Jail and pay a fine of $100 'or speeding. Habo did not ;o to lull, however, but stayed In the trnl lit court all day. LEAVES FOR TRIAL MRS. SOUTHARD ATTENDS THE ATER ON LAST DAY IN SAN FRANCISCO. Uy United Tress i3 A N' FRANCISCO, Juno S. ..Mrs. Lydl:1. 'Southard, alleged feminine "llliiebeard," left Sail Francisco today for Twin Falls, Idaho, to face trial uflon a charge of poisoning hei fourth husband. She arrived here yes .erday from Honolulu. Sho attended a tlnater last nluhl and laughed heaitlly. Deputy Sherifl and Mrs. Onnsby accompanied the woman. The sheriff's wife declares that, the woman Is a model prisoner. 4 NEW MAYOR IS ELECTED UY LOS ANGELES VOTERS Uy Ulilleil ProfiH I.OS AN'iELES, June 8 (leorg.- E. Cryer was today deded mayor ol this city ny a majority oi u.unu voles over th" present incumbent, M. P. Snyder, necordliiK lo early re llllli.i. The i.llleiai count lias noi yd been announced The voters al- -in (Ideated a pr.ihlbll loll ;-nlolce- inent oiilllianr.' extending Hi" I'O.'IH if : eizure lo local aillhoiiUei GEORGE CHAMBERLAIN NAMED FOR 1 YEARS; LASKER IS CHAIRMAN. Hy IJdllul VniHH WASHINCTON, Juno 8. A. D Dusker has agreed lo become chair mm ol Hut H i III) lit: IIKiril. II With definitely learned today. Other members will ho Admiral Ilenson, present chairman; Ft filer Ick I. Thompson. Mobile; Meyci l.lsmier, Los Angeles; T. V. O'Cou nor. lliiffulo; Ex-Senator Chamb r .iln. Oickoii. and E. ('. Pliiminer. Math, Maine. John Callun O'l.oiighlln. lormet newsnaner man and an ollldai ol ihn New York export company. hu been appointed as annlHtant chair man of the board. Lasker itiiuouuccd Following conliriiiatloii of Hie ap poliitiuent of the chairman, tin piowldcnt appolitjci! I .anker to a fall ifi-in of six veai: Chamberlain four vein. Pliiminer two years. Tlminp oii two ami LUmier uiid llaiihiin one each. WASHINCTON. June 8 The sen ate in open session today coiulnued the uomimiiloit of (!eu;e iv chum berlalii of Oregon a-, a member ol the shipping board riminli.'i'lain Bened a- t.eimti r until M "ch 1 R f S HEW IPK B S NAMED 8 PLURALITY OF HI! ASSURED MEASURE WINS DESPITE HEAVY OPPOSITION IN MOSIUR AND ANTELOPE. LEAD ON RELIEP MEASURE AL MOST AS LARGE AS FOR BONDS. By a majority of 1234 cotes, Wacco county voters at the polls yesterday carried The Dallos-Californla high way hondlnr; measure providing au $800,000 issue for the construction or a state maintained road running from this city lo the southern border of the rontiiy. Victory for the bond issue was un questioned from the time the first returns began lo come In. At 8:20, less than half an hour after clonln:; the polling places, the election board at Seul'ort's cannery, for East Dalles precinct, called Tho Chronlclo and gave the count complete. This precinct envo tho measure 15 for and 0 against. The total continued to mount until the last precinct was received this afternoon with the reporting of the count al Celilo. Antelope and Mosler, as expected and forecasted In The Chronicle, re jected the bond Issue by large total::. Mosler gave Iho bond l3sue 15 votes for and 193 against, while Antelope gave It four votes for and 168 against Ity an almost euiiully large major ity, the loan and bonus measure for ex-service men carried ovor tho coun ty. Hake-oven, Eight Mllo, Frlijnd, Shearer and Waplnltla turned Mt down, but the final count shows it went through 2450 lo 1124. livery other product,- -executing -Nan'seiie, whero tho vote was tied, carried the ineasuro woll. Legislative sessions of 00 days was defeated by 1300 to 19,24. I'he single Item emergency veto intendment carried, 1523 to 1343. Tho hygienic marrlngo bill passed 1910 to 1025 Women jurors was defeated, 1630 to 1845. Wasco county officials will not rn elv'e Ihelr salary Increases. The pro posal was rejected, 1294 to 1730 and by an nniiost Identical inujurlty, the plan lo adjust tho income of tho Jua- ice of the peace was dofeatod. llakeovrn. Hoyd, Jersey, Mountain, Shnniko, West D.illoa and boutti Dalles all outvoted tho highway bonds. In Columbia precinct the niea-v mo was tied In tho voting. County Judge J. T. Adklsson said morning that the tilute highway com mission was prepared to begin con- Irudlon of the highway at once. Ho ailed the highway commissioners and folldlnted them upon Iho victory. THREE MEN IN SMALL BOAT TO CIRCLE GLOBE Uy United Press YORK, Juno 8 A modern ol "Three Men In a Host" pi .'hi nted by Captain Mimor and two companions, who NEW version will he I'oiuiiu; Will leave thl.i month lor a voyage wot Id II Ml ml lie The trip will be made In an open llfebo.it. equipped with a sail. I lie uiily shdl.-r will be a canvass cover tnr the bunli'i. The boat will carry 1 1 weeks' provisions. t I'he route will be New York, Eng land, liihialiar. Sue. Canal, Sumatra, Philippine Islands, 'Hawaii, Califor nia. Panama ( anal and back lo New Voik. The) believe the voyngl will I'eipine l 10 1 IIIOIIIIIS. Toiiium''! compiiulous are Otther pel ' - i li and Hdge ('Sterling. All i. ii lulu i ni the Norwu.ian .NUsiers and M ill .e oi'latlon AFTER PROFITEERS 10 MEMBERS FROM BOTH SENATE AND HOUSE TO CONDUCT INQUIRY lly United Prim WASHINGTON, June 8 -The Unit nt Stales Iii.h taken up the hunt for the ugrliiiittiiral products profiteer, through a Joint Inquiry cuininlsslon creuted by (lie l.tmroot resolution. The cuminU.sloii ban 10 meiubfirs and Is expected lo develop causes of thu present aKileulluriil conditions ami the difference In prices between thoso paid producers .and thoae charged con sumers. Member:' ol Hit commission will bu selected from the house uud senate, flvy peioiiUH from each body. A sub i i ijiii.inie will bo appointed to help ut tn iiivuxtlgation. NEW COMMISSION IS '