PAQE THREE 9 o iseme FOR THE GRADUATE Till: DALLES DAILY CHrONICLP. "'JESDAY, JUN'E 7, 1921. Chronicle Qassid Adver MEETING "ftdTICES cgular meeting of iho Amor lean Assoclntlonsoj-JJw Itecognlllon of. (he tlrlsh Republic will be lieUl sit the Vogt school Tuesday nt 8 p. in. J. F. Connelf, president. 7 Noticed Vfremen Regular meeting of Jackson Engine company, No. 1, will bo ht1il, 8 o'clock Tnes'diiy'BvenlnK. A hiH nttendanct- Is desired. Refresllments cerVcd. j ' k ' It 't VSnnlnrc Sortvnt'll-V 7 ! ' Moose Notice Open meet lug, K. of P. i hall, Tursday, June. 7. An-' nual roll call. Deputy Sti-1 promo Dictator Joy airl ; others ,W,ill be prerent. Bring your friends' and. family. ' Everyone wel come. Come; 7 W. O. W. . Regular .meeting ' of Ml. Hood Camp, No. iVJ, on Tuesday evining. Election of officers. Full attendance requested. o. n. doanf, cievk. Cuublfied advertising 1 cent pur wnro each' Insertion. If liiHerted 6 llmus ir mora,- 3-4 cent a word. Monthly putill CMllon ratUB oil appllcutlim nt tliu ofdeo FOrt ilENT FOR RENT Apartment Wi the Con don building. S FOR RENT Sieeptng looms, .r03 Washington. Lots of hot waten lfi FOR RENT Four room house. In quire 117 West Tenth street. .10 FOR"rENT Fu7nisheIf7:ghT"hoir c-keeping- rooms, 304 East Eighth street. 3 FOR SALE -130 head of sheep. $4.50 p'er head. For short time only. Mrs. Pearl James, Rowena, Ore. 7 FOR" RENT Fuinishe(Mu3Ueeplus and sleeping .rooms. 520 East Third street, telephone black" 2301. 9 FOR RENT Two very desirable Bleeping-rooms, bath' and telephone 420 West Second street, three blocks west of lintel Dalles. 'J FOR RENT Furnished and parti furnished housokoeplnc l corns Rates reasonable, lnqulro 722 East Third street. ., J " F6B'SAL FOR J5ALE Robblts. ToJepUono red 3662." - ' '' FO'R SALE ISterlfng piano. Good a new. Call at 'Chronicle office.- S FOR; SaXe Modern house and good "lot at 705 Calhoun street. t' FOR SALE One good niljch cow. Call fat 1410 Bluff street. 1' f6r SALIRawleigit products. 410 Vest Fourth St. Black 133L J23 .FCR SALE Threoriots ' on We:l "Ninth street, PSH) each; Telephone' ,red 47.02. 13 'FOR SAiLE Eight room houso on paved streot, clone in. $3750 on oas, terms. Telephono- red 2482. If. FOR SALE Dodge touring car, over hauled, now paint and top. 'I emu 505 East Second street. 13 FOR SALE Ten-room ( hotel; Inquire box 67, Kent, Oregon. J'-O FOR SALE Cheap. Ford touring ;car. lnqulro Sunset garage. 10 tJOR SALE Flvo room modern i'hmiRfi and Karaite. -4 $3500. Small nnvinsnt. balance like rent. Tele inhnnu mil 9171. fiVMlUlfK. 11 FOR SALE Cheap, TwV man Mc Cormlck coinblue wUh good engln.', also horse attachment' Wrlto W, L 'Tyron. 506 West Elovonth street, The Dalles. 6 FORALE 500 cords recond "growth nnk wood on tin stump. l '"Hps from town on Chenowtth creek fGood road toget to 1L.H. A. Harper, FOR SALE Tf lit year.ojd orchard. aprlcotr. peac1l(fe.vgrapes, c.ierries; 14 acres. WUlr oflthout crop, (Mile and a half from .town. Wilto "C. Mayer,' CaperWrfc Wash'. 9 FRsTLTBleTrfcfT nxr Z' berries and bfcMkcap3.,,-.2.00 crate. Vfcogans. Lawto'hUlack'berrits. dew . berries, $1.50 critftj. o. b. Esa. 'cada, E3tacad"a Heights "Berry Grow prs. box 39, 'B4akia. Ore. 7w2 FOR SALE One Vaughn wood saw. 'one No. 12 De Laval cream separ ator; one 12-holo single disk seod- -er. practically ne". J. " nyj vii,r.i, ii i. ritv. Telephone red CatAirh Cmwoc Be Gur4 ggft iff Sfffrh m local dliea. ,ni ftfiSir Yiairl Catarrh MeO 5" ... :rniw .md act tnru Er,Ch,r,y for year. t li corn- . m , t).n Yumt ionics Miw"f AL'iT Vll Sirtect comWnatlon of FOK ,J?A'!jKfiK oak wood; old oak. HI 50; second growth, J12."u. Dullv mod. Cull 3QF.22, nftur 0 p. m. tf KOU SALK Iiirge and vsinall furm and orchard'. tractR. Reasonable prices, good 'tonus. W. C. llanna, .Dutiir, Ore. lXtf. FOR SALE Caso gas tractor 45 horse power, 2S-lnch Pride of Was'i- ington separator, and. two McCor- mlclt headers. Price J51500. Term?. S.'C. Williams, 321 Aitlsan nulldintr. Portland, Oregon. 11 FOirSALE T'limplelo thieshlng m.i chine. 2S'-inck J. I. Care, separator and engine. Outfit In first ohiss eon tlltlou. E. A. Read, Iluick Garagu, Telephone main V.'ll. 27tl FOR SALE' Baled hay anil grain. We deliver any pkico in town. One home, weight 1750, 7 years old Guaranteed. .Will sell or trade toi cattle. One team, weight 2100 , Sound and gentle. O. K. Feeo barn. Julvi FOU7reloV?rii xl2o! garag with- concrete base, full size cor.' crete hasomont for five room bun;;a low. Price ,$000'. One level lot, $251! One and' a half lo's with basemen excavated, ?325. On a and a half lot: with i'li'l .i.e' couc.icte l.asemeni. ?475. Fivu loom modern bungalow one lot end garage, S 5250. Dalles Realty company, black 5M1. i ani ED WANTED G!il or woman lor wall ross. Good pay. Glen wood leslau rant. WANTED Sma: furnished hoir-, four or five roon. . See W. 11. S!;nw nl coinpanj. y Gannett '.Motor W-A NTED Work by young Mdj con fectionery or restaurant i vr furred. Residence liere, Write box 100 earn Chronicle. 8 WANTED Strawberry pickers. Vitte for Information. Eleven acres. George W. Collins & Sons, Under wood, Wash. 15 WANTED Five to seven- room mod ern house, with yard and phi'!" io keen car. Best care of pioperty, assured. Call red 6822, Race, Llbby cannery. or J. II. LOST OR FOUND LOST Small grit on Mill Creek road, above the fork. Return to. Chronicle office. Reward. 8 LOST 0'air of child's glasses in a Newhouse ease. Mrs. Fred Kennedy, 41GT FiJlto'n. Reward. . ' 7 FOUND Maxwell ear, no license, motor No, !)190, on Lewis street. Call at city hall, recorder's office. 8 FOR TRADE TO TRADE lOOxlSO feet ground, 0 room houso on Chtfnowith paved road, for house and lot in town, F. ' F. Flsch, R. 4, City. 13 MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING Alt patterns In--nished at reasonable prices. Mir.. Foste.r, 100 West Second strerl. 11 IEMST1TCI1ING and buttons cover ed, Mrs. A. J. MoKue. 607 Union street. -1fi Tl'lMS'iTm Mih L. M. Boothby. 308 Washington street. Telephono main 65X1, tl I'RANSFER AND EXPRESS-Furnl-turo and piano moving. Fi eight hauled and general express busi ness. Telephones: Standi red V1; residence black 1362. J. K. llonzle, lltr PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS PorflandThe Dalles Truck Service General freight Hauling. Leavs Portland 2 p. m. Leaves The Dalles, 1:30 p. in. Dally service. The Dalles telephono red 6741. Portland tele 'phones, Marshall 1355 or east 3000. .117 SIX GILLETTE BLADE3S' With HOLDER r In Attractive Case Satisfaction Guaran teed or Money Refunded This offer for a limit ed t'me only. Remit' by nibnby order or cash (no siampsj Frad Razor Co, 1475 Broadway New York City Maud Mhtesxn MvaM Teacher of Piano, llarnionj niul Theory. Lesclietlzky niethod. Special atten tion given to beglnnurs. Summer term opens Juno 15. Phono red 31!)1. Stu dlo 1000 Fulton street .120 LUCILE CUMMHNS Teacher of Piano .Sumnior classes open June 1. Stu dio nl 513 Union sinu-t after June pi. .120 PIANOS TUNED And repaired, ac tion regulating and rerlnlshlng Player actions a specialty. WmV guaranteed. S A. Doclislader, Cor son M nsle store, I!20 Fast Second ' street. Telephono main 1001. If POPULAR Mitt Taught by IO BOB WElfcSCHKUE- Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist WMltc Tiriidk Lmv Freight anil exprens bolwnon The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all wa onlnts Leavo The Dalles, !i a. in dally except Sunday. Leavo Moro, 1:30 p. m. Leavo Wasco, 2:30 p. m D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephonfi tr.aek 1042 or main 471. tl SpeciaMsls Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. VENZ BAUER General real estate, Insuraiice, ahn Joans. 1001 lCnst Second streot. Tele phono main 1571. '-St I LEGAL NOTICES. ,- nu. .,r n i r.rlflln n '.id I Wiuco County h.-iiljy calls for i l.i.ia rnv trivi.lliiir of thi' l). L. liririlii roail, i-iistfilv from Miuirlii'Mti'i- Hoad, a dlstaiicu of I!-4 of a mlli'. All bids uliall bu on proposal IjlatiU wlilrli will In1 fnrnlslii'd Uion Miplioa ' tloii by thi' County Ito-ldmaBli r. Tlic spi'c tlitiitlons plans and i""tlnui ton lor lliln Inilirovi'inent are on file in tun orflco of County. I'li'ik of WiiMo County. n Kon, and ulso with P. W. .Marx, Coun ty .Hoadmustw at lib' offlci' 1" ,-oiir.ty Court Hoiiff, Thu Dallw Oiikoii', mid KiiWwt to Insp.'.'tlon. Thi' woik will In' done In ni'i'ofdanco witn tin- almti' ini'iilionid plane and siieelflcalloiiH ini-df-r tlii' suiii'rvlslim and direction of the County I'.o.idniiiKti'r. All I)U1h must be aeconipanled by a . certified check for 5 percent or the alriount of the hid, to he forfi Ited to 'nsc:.i County In case aueh bid should be aei;e)lid mid the hidder should lall to enter Into 'outraet, and bund for the full hull perluivnaiK'i' in im- nure. All bids Khoiiid be Heaii'ii aim in " with the Couutv Cli'i-k on or before the' ir,lh dav of .June. 1921. All bids will he o,en'd hv th- Count:,' Court at Hi' o'clock a. in. on siild d ito Wiiseo County resive.i tne num. m rejeel n nv and nil bids. Dated this lut day of June, A. IX. l'J2t. V. It. CUU'MTIJ.N. 1 ( C iiU Cletk HOTEL SUTTER San Franc!s:o Not Merely a Hotel, but. all liiiilllutlin Founded on thes' Pi iuclpli'S Popular Prices Service Courtesy G:ore Warren Hooper, Mgr. Tho world's wonder jungle picture. j. Now Playing CASINO Make thisi Pal your Pal for every writing need He's a sturdy, reliable Pal of simple mechan ical construction. His leads no stra'mht to the point anil are held securely He carries extra leads and a renewable eraser for emergencies. Pal's attractive silver finish makes you proud of him. His pocket clip keeps him with' you when you want him. r Get yourself a Pal for- $1 JUDI) & EMPRESS Tonight and Thursday Norma Talmadjic - America's most popular actress In "THE ' BRANFjED OIVIAN" , The greatest sticcess of.fyer career,. A Eiusl National t i i t"i Attraction11 Also ' t ParanUnml MaffU'inc W duK" ' Mount Aihler ' K Mount Rainier is 14,408 feet above the sea-level the sec ond highest mountain pealc in the United States. It isthecen ter of Rainier National- PaVk, Waohington and. ia situated about seventy.-fivo miles' Ijy road east of Tacoma. This remarkable mountain is of volcanic-origin and is now crowned with show and ice, having the moat extensive glaciers to be found in the United States. The National Parte HIkH' way leads' directly from Ta coma to Rainier National Park, and at Longmire Springs within the Park boundaries, is a Standard Oil service sta tion ready, to serve motorists' with Red Crown Gasoline. Wherever you tour in Washington you will see, the Red Crown sip,n on service ta. tions and garages. It is the sign of quality in gasoline. I STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Ukfcroii)- - il penci s GAKMSftE GRAND Wednesday - Thursday FRANK MAYO In ' 'THE BLAZING . TRAIL" , His Latest Picture TONIGHT . Eugene O'Brien' In "GILDED LIES" li 11 I To it E. E. 05 Dr. T. Hour' 9 i 00 to S:O0A-Sundays 17-H Voct Btk Over Crosby V Send it 'fclrH. Lot us remind . you again tliat wp can help you greatly with your housecleaning. Anything, that can l)o cleaned with soap and water wo can handle for you to your complete satisfaction. Gall us on the 'phone and get full particulars about anything you have in mind: MODEL LAUNDRY GOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the enslcct by way of Grants and Marybill ore the . ' MA RYU ILL FERRY A 10 mile p.ivcd road connects M.irylil'l and GoliUndale TEIIKY ISATEC -51.25 per car and ao3ennern one way. S2.00 for lound trip, 10 day limit. WOODARD & TAUSGH-ER ' (loulractin Rricklaycrs and IMaKtcrcfs All kinds of Tllo and Cemetit Woik. rireplhco Wojrp' k jSjitclalty Culliiiatrs funilulied free of chnrus. All Woik Guaranteed, Telephone Main MCI oi- Call at, Gates block , i Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE' EXPRESS AND DR AY AO E Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Grnn's Paint Iritore Majji Kcsideiuc PIioiil Ited 1811 HARRY L. CLU'FF CRANDA LL Wasco The Dalles , l. HI. II l) CUaNDAI.I, M.m.iger lleit I liornai, Af.iUnt MAfn'g Licensed Cmbalintrt; EitabKth'ed IM7 W6mon Attendant Mrs. M. J. Wlllerlbn Telephone (led 17111 SUMMER EXCURSION RATES Eastern Points Through ; CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES, k Tickets on sale" June 1st to m Au trust 15th inclusive. Lim- Il tlirce months from date m of sale, with final return limit October 31st. For full particulars write, telephone or call at office. Canadian Pacific Railway Penn, Third Gen'l. Agt., Pace. Dept. St., Portland Oregon DeLAKHOI Evftdicht Snectalit and Evenlno bVAppltip'nt Drub StiOrt Phdfie 7Bl5lck Mitf Di Geo, F. Newhouse Eye Specialist Wn am ptililppMl to Ife'your eyen tho very beat of care; EyeB ti'iitt'il, tlliiRHcR cround. Second and Washlnoton 8treU The Dalles uunilni' a.(-..;su MainUl UN DEI ITA K I NG GO Dufhr ' 'i A Talanhnnta Day Red SSI l' Night Red IIS' J, Hi Harpei,' Ulack' SM6a ' -. ';J -,-n', '"J r I . " 4 ."ra".!!!.! sand ror Motor IDquipmcnt Cut F tovrtrr t la carr v""" '.'? Z Toledo, a t,r ceMttolUok