The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 07, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THE DAILY CHRONICLE j niosl(1 a:e n,!',f r:!
tin, tin. twin M'lli Mm aliiTiniu nvf.ri-
faniily I
Established 1190 The Dallea. Ore.
I'libllulitU Every Evening Except Himday
by the Chronicle Publishing company Inc
lieu It. L.lirin nencrnl Manager
.fclnterid in
econd ClHSB
The Dalles
postofflce as
United Preen and United News Service
Uetnber of Audit litirtau of Circulations
Oho year. In advance JE.00
tils months, In ndvuiiuo .j:j.OO
One mohtli ................. . - .00
Ci.ib year," In Hdvunve..-.. $5.00
tlx months, In udvince. $2.C0
Due month' ...... .60
One, year, In advance.-.. 12.00
Hi ordering cIihiiko ot uddrtsH. sub
tvrlber should ulwayu g'vu eld as well
s new addruss.
Editorial Hoi.ins Mack 111
UusliifHH, Adv., Clr. Uepts.. .Hed 111
Hilliscilbers lu tl.a Clironlrlii uro guar
anteed service. J'lomiit and regular do
livery of uvery sulM:!lbf' paper Is the
tm of the I'lrcnlntloii dupirtment. The
Chronicle emrlura am required to put
tliu puoers on tho pori'h i1' whuruvur tin
uuacilher wishes Mm Lrnpur delivered.
'The mes3.'iu of I'oinm.iiiity Ser
vice' has Leon .driven home in The
Dalles. Everyone knows about It;
knows what the movement Htands
lor,- and what it lu. For tlnee montliH,
II. W. Arbury, one of tin- field ili
rectors of the national movement,
has been in Tim Dalles. Ills ser
vices' liave. been absolutely free, so
fur as llilr, city is conceineil, alid
he lias been teaching The Dalles
vliat Hie inovement is.
Tomorrow nU'.lit is ihe Important
turning point. At u meolliig to be
held In Union sheet park, citizens
of The Dalles will nay whether oi
not the movement, is to be con! limed
here. Mr. Albuiy in' eoiieludlui; ills
v-ork, and will leave The Dalles In
a lew days.
An executive council has been
created however, and I his body will
continue to luucllnn. Upon tliu sup'
poll tendered at the inoetliiK Wed
nesday will depend just What that
';functioninn" may amount to.
Community Service Is responsible
for the enormously successful his
torical pageant. dimmiinily .Service
alone is responslblo lor the Incep
tion of the paKcanl Idea, and Com
muiilty Service orkir:i developed
und produced the spectacle.
II- Imh done many others things.
Community milril lias developed in
these last few months. (Iroiips of
people havu been brought to closer
understanding; one with the other.
A better spirit is abroad.
i ,11 any movement can do these
iMngs for a city, II is a good move
and should he carefully i noui
The Dalles has lasted of
Community Seivice and has fuiind
It L'ooil.
Avilli all dut) despect lo Mr. Ar
lAry," It would seem lo ho poor com,-
ic'eutary upon I he city lr It could
nol go through with the thing which
he has started. Let's no let It tile
Just because its director Is leaving,
Let's Ueep v.p the community nieel
ingo, , Icj.or Hut phlygrounds, de
velop the spliit of unified play.
To stall oil r.Mit, suppose all of
lie go to tin Union Slieet park
meeting Wednesday.
In these good Hit Volsteatllau
ihiyii, wo idles in tho newspaper
business sou of miss noiuellilng
around elect Ion day. In yeais of yore,
the leportirs used lo eouiti In with
tl.o niajoi's proclamation ordering
nil tho I hit. 'it pallets to close "ilur
in?. tho lioiira of voting." Itenioin
hi i V Tlr nieinoi) is rnllier a sad
(lie, in sjonio wajii.
member of the Siixe-t'oburg
carried her tluougli, as much as
inedlcaT skill, and she is now toler
ably well, although her entourage
admit she Is likely to pass away at
any moment.
The ex-limpress has piobably
lived through more royal tragedy
and com I scandal than any other
European princess. Her husband, the
ill-fated ICmpeior Maximilian, was
tw by Mexican Insurrectionists
ifter a very brief Imperial sway, in
1 807, when Ills wife was only 27.
jlie leluniHl, nerve-shattered, to
'Jelglum whero her brother. Kin?
..oopold'H generous piovislOn enaoled
..r lo live in comfortable r. tin-
Family doubles in the household
f the late King swpi around her,
owever. Leopold's Illicit lows; the
.ale of his dead queer:'.'! dladein; the
awsiilts of his two elder daughters:
lie wild talcs Mirro'indlng tin death
f his son; the deathbed scandal
with Ihe royal paramour, all helped
a increase the sadness of her life.
Now In her sylvan retreat at
'Sonde. ill, tho aged ex-Empress
known little of how the world wags,
uid Is more or less a prisoner In her
jwn castle Willi its spaclos grounds.
She known thai the war is over.
,t the actual o ilhr-.-ak of hostilities
tho news was hidden from the old
lady for, a long time, a deception
which was aided by the fact that ol
all the royal chateaux in Belgium,
lier castlo alone wan respected by
the Cleimans, on account of her
(crman origin.
. About Community Service
By Director H. W. Arbury
: L! -
Vacation time Is upon us. Hooks
ne one of the necessities of the
vacationist. Fascinating stories of
mountain, sea, mystery and the
ileal outdoors will help while away
long Hammer days. The Public Li
brary oilers its leaders special vaca
tion privileges in b:n towing boolrs,
Siivlng ii larger number of books out
on a single card than is given
through the rest of tho year, and
also a longer period of time.
(Fiom Tlu Ohionlclo, June 7, IS'.U!.)
. Ii is a iK.lled laci that Kills ha
been ilei-icd coiigich.,man 1 1 (tin the
Ki'Ciuid (li ih let Tongue irom the tin-i
(llHlilct Is mill lu doubt, alihnuth ie
Ilium m ihc pieueiil Line polm lo lib.
deft al.
A very jemaik.ihle rose was exhibit
ed je:.:niday by Mrs. Maiden at the
display. It was ol I ho variety of Vis
coiiuluas Kalkstone and measured
seven IiicIhu lu diameter, li woul I
easily draw first prUo In the Port
land floral c!ilblilon,
Tho Cood Templars will give a
loap year mclal this evening in Hie
K, of P. hall, lo which n!l,uie Invited
Thtv Kfnileinen aie ipecteil lo hrln ,
tlio'lunch wllh ihem and one of their
Juvenile plciiues Ihcudn. while' the la.
dies will lue the pleasure of pureli i
lug thfiu .
The new books which will go Into
cli filiation on Friday, June 10, nre
listed below. People will be given
an opportunity to look them over
Irom Tuesday, .June 7, to Friday
June 10.
New Fiction
"Penny Plain" by Douglas,
"The I'lir-brlngers" by Footner,
"The Searchers" by
"Rise of Silas
"Seed of tho Sun" by Irwin,
"llllnd" by Poole,
"Christmas Kosoi" by Sedgwi'k
"A World to Mend" by Sherwoo.l
"fi-.lden Scorpion" by Ilolfmor,
"Vie Man Who Found Himself
by Thaye
by Tomp
"Ilruce" by Terb:ine,
"Ihe Unlatched D.or"
"Joanna llullds a Vest
"Tho Wild Cat" by Wiley.
New Non-Fictlon,
"Industrial ami Social History o
Kngland," litest edition, liv Chonev
"lluffalo Illll's Life Slorv"
"1 :00 a Year" bv Ferbor,
"Choice Heading", by Fulton,
"Concrete Wotk" by Hall,
"Tliu United Stalin In O r
ri'iies, isr.r,-in20" by Haworlli.
"The Nation and Iho Schools
"Scoullne Thrills" bv MaeK-;
"Now Pal Hot Ic Selections"
"Hook of flames and Parties'
Free Clinic No Chnrge For Exnmlns
tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Mr. Il'inii .-hii iii.-iii-i c piKiichin
'I'd and WiiHhlngton. main 501. If
Have Your Hair Henewed
tto "an give you any ab.ade of hair
oloriii'i wllh a famous Franco-Amor
R-an hair coloring wlilcli Is so perfect
'lint It eaiiuol be detected from the
'iiuial color lli'iuinlng nlso a spe
lillv All lino i of beauty culluie at
'i Hotel DiIP-h lleaulv shop, Tide
dione main 11151. .117
Donald of Antolopn Is In Ih1
city today.
Mr. and 'Mrs. W.
lier are visitors in
II. Kvans or
The Dalles
Mr. and Mrs W. 10. Scale ot
don are shopping today in this
'I ho Tine miinle luiulsho'.l bv the in-.
chostru; iudei-the leader, hl.i of I'm
I'ecHor rsiiL'ield, Ins be. .i not ihe
c'ourco ( ( plusuie lo noiai wn
anepiKMi in Nvible nn at
hmmo. l lie niche . r.t lr a
plemenMof iusliuiiiMi! :,
witJii mle int.le.
in opera
I i ..i
..I p''.l
llv Ullllnl l'i.-
UHI: .-i ,lu. 7 I'l.rn lnii (he
sole ii. mall-lug link wl'li ihe leigu
ot' Ihe lale King Leopold of Hclghim,
Hit (iX'IOmpies.s ChaiU'lto of Mexico
attained tier Slst birthday today.
This winter the aged Princess,
who was the Into King Leopold's
slutor, wa& within an aro of paying
tho last debt of nature, In tact, at
Ihe' end or January (ho doctors ill-
I. N. Fordyce of Antelope i a bust
uesii islior in The Dalles.
'Mrs. J. M. Mr-Klniiev of Condon It
visit lug wllh friends In The Dallo't.
Ham Sliepaid or Walla Walla In a
bui'.lner-B lallor in thin city today.
.1 p w-Mrce of Condon lo refililer
ed al Hotel Dalles.
.Mi a. A II Lamb of Fotatl la vlsl
flit; "I'll friends in thU city.
Mr. (liace Crlchlon and II. (llenn
wtiil to Poitlaud yestenlav
M.. pud J. abcpplng In
0 1 over Wodgomood of ltufus waa
a burlnc's 'cltoi Iiere Moud.ty.
" dl J. llollanl of Walla Walla U re
irt'wimr bnnliu Hs aciiualuiances In this
city today.
'It- V. (hum of Corvallls is visltlnR
In The Dalles with Cuuuly Agent M.
it. Jaikintui
C. L. Ireliiml, editor of tho Slier-
P. Cm hot! of lone
Hp clly yntcrday.
A miin moved from tho east lo a
western city which was rapidly be
coming a recognized center of In
dustry. He left his lamlly back eas
as he feaied the educational and
social advantages might not be. sails
factoi y, and as his vile disliked 1
1-jave her congenial ac(ualntnnces
Tin- man's new venture, however,
pioved satisfactory ; he foJnd tha
the schools wuie good; he was able
to locate a convenient house' in a
fine noighborhocd, and sent for his
family so as to, make the new cit
his home.
The family was Hardly se't.ed P
the new home b-'fore a man and
his win called, and a pleasant even
ing was. passed, Tho next een'ii'
another couple called also conge
nial people. Within a weal: lo'.i
couples had casually dropped In to
become acquainted. Now1 calling up
on one' new nelghbois is not a
general custom in tho east. II
puzzhd the newconn-rt:, and tin man
asked one of his vlsltOir, if it was
a general piactice in the went. "Oh,"
.said the visitor, "It Is the custom In
this cilv since we have established
Community Service. We ar'e nipp.i-j
beis of the neighbors' eomniittcn." j
The Loy, John, cnine riuhirn; ln;nj
the ho;ise all excited with the news1
that there was a community play-!
ground with tennis courts In the
next block, and that he bad been
Invited to play. Mary, the daugh
ter, came home from .school on Fii-
the whole Tamily
the community
day and asked why
could not attend
party that overJIng.
They went. There wery games foi
those xiwho did not dance; father and
mother played .calds for a while,
danced a little, joined in tli'j singing,
and when 11 o'clock .came, thoy
Walked hoin With tllelr neighbors
.is happy iis'u gotd ilmo a.i.oil. con
v.enlal people' could maho tlicin. On
lite following Sunday af.ornoon,
there' was ii community slug, fob
lowed by a forum and optn discus
sion on topics of commlinlty weltare.
That In the hi or). The r.enuel id
till.-: Community Service is rapidly
spieading throughout., the cun ry.
It is a movement "of Ihe people, by
the people, and for the p ople." We
have oiganized ti democratic C m
niunity Service council, and we sh.ill
have rii'ht here in The Dalles, social
and physical recreation, neighbor
hood clubs, community singing, in
loim.ulon service, forums, and other
lei:lii!(i lime activities which will
make for happiness and good citi
zenuh'p. Community Servico will
make posnlblo yeaily, such worth
while events as the recent c iccet;s
fill ilislorlcal Pageant. A discussion
of ihe program for the Kitminer
months will take piace at the com
munlty meeting; al Union Street
pail: next Wednesday ni",ht. Como
out and bring the' entire famlh.
Let's make The Dalles a good place
for all of us to live In.
Observer was In the,
W. C. Hanua in a bvsiacss visitor
in the city from Dulur.
Wash ,
Ida Saundfi'S
was a visitor in
city yo.ii
Mln. J. W. Hooch and daughter'
Irene, of Shanikn, are visiting with'
friends in The Dalles today.
J. T. Walker of Pendleton Is in the1
lily today attending to buslnt-Bs' mat-1
Mr. nnil Mrs. J. P. Hi-own of Walla'
Valla aro visiting with friends in the1
M,r. and Mrs. Frank Orahani ol"'
Pendleton are visiting with friends in'
The Dallenr
'Mr. and Mrs. li. IS Seel) and
Arthur, of Hond, are guests at
' hotel,
Mrs. Albert (lotfredson of lllc'a r'
.on, Wash., in visiting nt the liomi'
f her parents, iMr. and Mrs. O. C
' s.Mrs. (J. V.. Headley has gone to
Ipokano to visit" her daughter,
-iladys, who In in training tlieie an
nttid.iU nurno al tho Djaconen'-'
t '
The following poison."' Irom Uend
ire reehuored at Hotel Dalles: Mm.
Helen Iteigcr, .Mr; and .Mis. W. J
Joloman, Mrs. L. c. Gunning, Mist.'
lanlce U! and Ralph Il.uieh.
under the direction of
Mogan company of this
tho Burget
city. -
f ladies' and
dllllnery, llfi
Millinery Sale
children's! hals. Iliac!
Fust Second sired.
St. Paul's (liilld Will rnte'liiin ,S'
MarkV Ciilld of HOod River, lomorrov
al 1 o'clock luncheon at the leelort
Full attendance Is desired.
Peeks Have, Baby Daughter An
elRln pound daughter wan horn lo Mr
and Mrs. a. 1. Peek at The Dalles !uh
pllul Monday evening.
Judge Wllcon In Pot t'and Circui
Judge FreiUW. Wilson Is 1,1 Porllau
today, holding cluni. Judge Wflsot
wan called lo Portland by the erowde
doektl In 'Multnomah county, lie wll
return Monday,
Andrews' Funeral In Wasco Fun
eial Kl'I'VlCts lor W. II. Andrews
were held this afternoon at II o'clock'
Irom the Wasco Christian cbmcii
Hurlal was In the Wanco cemetery,1
Guild Will Entertain St. IPaul'n
guild of tiro Rpisconal church will
entertain tho .inemborr. of the Hood
River guild with a luncheon at the
icctory at jl o'clock' Wednesday.
St. Mary's Commencement Com
rnneticement. exercises for St.. Mary's
academy will be held Thursday, even
lug at 8:15. Admission to Hie exercis
bs will only bo by card, and no child
ren under seven years of ago will be
admitted, according, to aunounccmeu.
bj the.ftisters lodaj.
Swlrfimiho' Nlflht for Women Th
.iwlmmlng tank' al the high scho
building is again in nliapa lor ire
night will bo "women's night." Tli
ank wllf'.bn opened at 7:30 o'cloel
.'lib water- h'eate.l :o Just the rigl
temperature lor' conifoiitable ewiir
m'Ing. fWwncn. desiring lo take awiu
ming lessons mat arrange for thn
by consultlnB wllh Miss Chailott .
Thrall, who will bo in chargo of th
liink tonight.
; County''H"eachers' Ex.iminatio'i
T'each'ers' oxaininations; for grad
u'lcs and Wunco county, , teacher.', wli
do noti.HiUid , llle CtlJti'i'lcatcs, v.'il
slarl toihoridw "morning a: 9 o'co'li1
in Iho -fflcD of A.i ti, Oronewald
county nuperlnt emit nt. Each' yeai
examinations aro given in order that
persons graduating from teachers'
coursen in high schools and col
!c,es mny have the 'opportunity to
onto.' into ' their olios'en profession
Upon successfully pasuin;; the exam
ination, a certificate Is given permit
ting the bearer lo teach in tlu state
of Oregon'l'or cno year'. At the end
f I his year, the certificate may be
nowed lor anothor year. Alter that
time, It is necessary Unit tha teaclt
er be recertlricated, which Is ac
complislied by tho taking of another
examination. The' present examin
ations will extend over a period of
four' days. The tompiete'd examin
ation papei-s will' bo sent to the
state board of education for correc
Two Licenses .Issued Dmi L. C.i
pld, yesteiday confined to his home
suffering- from r.ovoro nervou3 shock
and general run-down condition, is
today reported ns bavins rallied and
now well along Iho road to recovery.
A physician's bulletin yesterday'
morning reported Dan as being v; ry
low and not expected to live through''
the day. At (his time, however, a"
happy incident occurred which seeni-
ed lo give Dan something which he
had previously lacked something to!
live for. Tho good news was that
two of Dan's arrows, which he had
oinpli-tel) given up hop ' of g'Jtilng
.esulla from, bid ihoculutfd four
irsoris ,wlth the annual splltfg mar-; afternoon to Jesse F. Wallace, 22, of
agu viias. Tills is csnsldered 1 Condon and Odessla Hotus, 22, Con-
oscur . w. Kortgi', an, th
otMmict ' out r.intr tit 'n-ln titfrlvl
" ' " .Dalles and. Catherine. Fleck, 23, Tut
enemy, old man D. Vorce who h'"1 Dalles. '
tho day before registered a great ' ' ' t ,
victory by parting three married
couples in this city. Any way, mar- Taxi BroAn'js Taxi.
riage licenses were Issued yesterday Telephone mall 5021. tf
E. C. iPRHCl
504 First National Bar.n uldg. !
The Dalles, Ore. 16tf
An Extraordinary Suit Valiie !
Durable Practical Moderately Rricedi .
Buying at one time thousands of these Suits for 312 Stores enables '
us to quote the most attractive price.
TpHE most practical and serviceable suit made for motoring atid'
X knockabout wear. Fits nicely, .wears well and boasts a dignity all
its. own. Made of splendid quality all wool khaki serge. Style as,
pictured. Exceptionally well tailored; qn cq,
Your money's worth. You can depend on it , $
Motor Service Garage
Y.e Give Superior Service
Announcing the fact that we have 20,000 square foot of coiieretetl' floor,
space available for storage purposes. 1 .
Our basement is ebnereted, heate 1 and front proof. We. are Jirepare'd
jto accept anything for storage at reasonable rales from a trunk tfi-'n truckl.
Our Specialty is Ser . icc nf the Gas Tank ,,.
Wilson & Loomis, Props.
Successors to Motor Service Co.
II you t:il:e
notice that the
in order lo net
iir ciews.
a lnl;n or ocean lilo on vour vacation- vou'll
acii muIIm will lollow your ship. They do tlila
food which ia thrown out tn tho nafis,n?.M'.-t
Tllllll I tli V h.-H'O come to d.liend mi fna.l .-m, ilv
h lollowhiR sliipa acrosa the water. Thf'se soils could easlh
re! their lood, If they had to.
Si iinuy u-i.le t to he Hl.o aea gulln. Tluv h'copie para
(.I'e'i and are (K'pudent upon othera. U) INIIRI'MNDKNT'
HA UN yuir numoy-S.WH all you can- deponlt t with ua. ,
i!et iho moral of thin utory - DON'T hk a SKA ULi!l.
I Vov Cent Interest Paid Oa Savings Accounts.
Citizens National' Bank
1. J. Htadeluiuh.l'realdeut.
Dr. J. A. Neuter, Vloe-l'rfs.
It. U Qreen; Chlr
J. V. Tureck, Aia't Catlttor.
Main ::iui
t Dlrctora
V. i. audelsuw.
Arthur Heufert
Dr. J. A. Reuter
Dr, U. C. OIlDgej
II L. Kuck
J. Q. HBlmrlc
J. J. Vu Dttoa
I! -
. . ; - " " i '.i , , , . . ... r-
' sees ;
rjji 5r liegm saving now and get jiWMWMWy
Jy. your spare tlollars into the pBMBMSl'
K Interest Paid on Savings SSSSSN-
ASpjsppfc, lnsfassBsflBllHJrBL 1