The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 06, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ihe daily chronicle i More Bond Issue Arguments
Kltabllshtd Xh'JQ Tlio DalluN. Ore.
I'ubllBlitd Kvtry Evimlnp Mxct'iit Muiidity j
by the Chronicle Publishing company Inc
Manager '
Hun K. IMUn (Jeiibral
fcJnlbied In
ot'utid class
The Uallua
ponloMcu iih
United Press and Unltf-d Nuwa Kurvlce
Member of Audit Huieuil of Cliuulattuna
One year, In advance ........... $6,00
Blx month, In advance- ..-)3,00
One ' month ... . -. .- .60
One year, In ndvanve ..- 15.00
81 months, In advance J2.60
One month ... .60
One year, In advance. . 2.(J0
In ordciliiK llllUIK of HlltllHHH, suh
crlber ahoulil iihvuyo kIvo old as woll
kg new addn:h.
Editorial Rooms ... Illnck 111
BiiHlncflR, Adv., I'Ar l)M)t Hud 111
HuhsTlbfcr.i to the Uluulilclu uro KUar
mined Bervlcu. Prompt anil ritfiilar de
livery of ;vury Hiib.nM ll'i 's iiitpur la the
lin of tin' Irriilathm dt'iiiit'tment. The
Chronicle cairlcrx aiu irijulrt-d to put:
tnu papers mi the porrh ur wliuriivur th
uiMTltiur u Iwhet- Mm paper delivered.
Thi! last minute, two-color effusion
iroin the 'Citizens' Wolfiiro I.enKue
of Wnsco County nttncklng tho pro
l-osed bond issue of $800,000 lor
The Dalles California hlf'hwny, upon
which voti rs will pass tomorrow,
should not deceive anyone as to the
true" lacts of the measure anil its
The issue Is designed to (:lve thin
county a haul surfaced highway,
tiom Tho Dalles south throtit;li the
centra), portion of tlio county, to
the Jefferson county linn.
' Hie hlRhwny will he constructed
by the Statu Highway Commission.
Tnc $800,000 ijivfti by Wasco coun
ty, will be matched, dollar for dol
lar, "by state moneys. The road will
be given the most scientific, con
str.ictlon possible. Alter construction,
it will be maintained entirely by the
state. The county will not have to
give one cent toward its upkeep.
Taxpayers should pay particular
attention to this, If every one of
the $800,000 of bonds Is sold at
once (and there is not one chance
in fit) that tills will lie done) lax
payers will be assessed, for the Hist
lour yeais, li.:i8 mills on Hie assess
ed valuation of Heir property.
There Is eveiy Indication that the
inllliage these I list four years will
bo couslduiably less.
When .the Hist JCO.tKIO of bonds
mature, that Is become due, in I DIM,
your taxes thai year, 'based again on
tho improbable premises that all of
the Issue .will bo cold at once, will
be -1.80 mills. The next year, I he
.road nillllago will be '1.71 mills, and
it hii lollowlng year 4 ti(! mills.
"' Hach year Iheroalter the taxes
Will deci'ease In Ihe name -proportion.
Tho 'leason these hi.nds will' not
be sold ul once Is this. Alone',
.will be pinctirml I rout Hie sale of
ihe' Lends only as needed for con
struction. If i lie highway is not
skirted Ibis yjar, no -bonds will be
sold. Why, the county leasons with
good cause, nhall money 'he borrow
ed when It Is not needed V
Aa const i uel Ion piognsses, bonds
will be sold lima time to time to'
covjr costs. II Is mom than likely
thai not moie ,!mu 100,000 in bonds i
will be sold litis year, It is also'
probaLlo that the Hint issue will be'
lotiied before the last are uold, At
no time, then, will the county ho'
The Dalles, Juno 0.
ICdltor of The Cluoiiicle;
I once more wish to ask for soma
space in your very good paper. This
lime I wish lo point out some of the
benefits that Wasco County will en
Joy through the constitution of the
The Dalies California highway. The
things that I nm about to mention
do not constitute an exhaustive com
pilation ol these bcnellls they are
only a beginning -but tliey wjll
serve, I hope, to help emphasize to
the voteis of Wasco County the in
estimable value to them of Hie pro
posed great highway.
Tho building ol this highway
"iiuse the oxpcndilun; of
000.00 for Hie benefit of our
the greater portion of which will
spent theiein. Ono-half or
ihiount will be provided by
f8U0,0U0.()0 bond ir.sui
folois will be asked
ippioval( on June 7.
ly ol ice living such
to which our
to give their
This opportuu
gicnt financial
lie will receive in return many dot
lilt's in Increased values, business
and general benefits.
There are many morn good things
Hint can be truthfully said of this
pioposed highway, but I lecognlzo
the fact that your space allotmt nts
for letters of this kind cannot be
limitless. So 1 will hope that what
you hnvo permitted mo lo write lor
your columns will he sufllcivnt to
make plain the fact that we must
have this highway thai we must
all tin n out on election day and
vole for tho $8.00,000.00 bond issue.
In the meantime let us work, not
trickery, or thiough anonymous
and spite (the
:i eel tain sell appolnled
whose domain lies near
whose vote Is cast In
County, where lie liver,
will! by
$1,000,- circulars, soli-Interest
county, method of
he, feudal loid
this Mosler and
the Multnomah
lid from the state tor the purpase
if developing a Wasco County pro
ect In one which h not apt to bo
df'.'iul to us again In our time and
lie belief Is fully warranted that our
oteis will be too sensible and cog
tily.ant of their own Interests to re
ject it.
This undei taking will create an
enormous amount of work and will
give employment to a great number
of men at good wagcis. Thin will
'mean si very large payroll which will
lot only give timely h-lp and sun
lion to wiiikiueu and their families
!n this section, hut will also put In
o circulation a great amount of
nouoy, Impioved linancial co.nli
ions are sure lo follow. (Iron1
'iiiantiHes of supplies will b" bought
from the merchants of our count'
by both the highway contractors anil
the men employed. This pitronago
will be extendfd dlrertly or indirect
ly to till businesses and prolussioiis,
so Hie benefits will be general.
The markets, hot h local and of Hi;
world, will be opened to a vast area
of territory in tills comity which i-
now shut off from easy an I praMl
cable conmiunlcatlon because of un
suitable loads. Kami products will
thus lie given much greater values
because niiiikils will lie iicn ;m hie
and the demand will Ih'iohy be
greatly Increased.
Theie will be gloat iuctvancs in
Hie values of properties ol all ei.i
.'.'! in our qounly, Without goim
highways Ihe of properties
liemalu and will he of emu
paiutively little v.iluo. (live thiir
I ho l.eneilt of a giva', well eon
stnicled and well maintained high
way, theieby pulling ,'thein into
ouch with the outside world, and
Hill:: lii'liuJiiv; Ihe world to Hum In
a gual villoma, o.' (.avid, and tluei will lie Inii.ien'iely lucre moil
Many new buy. is .in I i.eltli rs wil'
r'onie to our county and area
of n w laud will be put under cull'
v.ition. This lucieane In value i u'll
bo extended to both farm and cit
1 I'operllrs of all kinds.
Winter travel will no longer lie
impossible because of ,liad roads.
The new highway will nerve a great
expanse of country, for It will not
only be a great artery in itself, but
will he inteisected and joined by
many conlluenl mads I luoughoui
Hid county Our towns will not be
locked In ami our farms loelu d oil
by Impassable iitieches of mud and
'Mil giadi-.i. Trade and Haiti'' wjl
thus bo. gieally Increased an I b in
and doe.i buslnesa) but in a truthful,
honorable anil above-board manner,
to bring; about f.-norable action then
ICdllnr of The Chronicle: Th"
outstanding t'ealuie of the road bond
Isaui neeuis to me to be the ur.tntss
oi' it toward all concernrd. The Inel
that one does not live upon the pro
poned highway. In in way take. val
ue from Hie relation of it. Jo Hie per
son concerned. No one portion of the
county can prosper at a sacilfice of
advancement for another portion, ami
ony as Hie county htuinoniously ad-ancc-h
as a unit, will be seen a lasting
prosperity. To have a comprehensive
road program, this counts must work
in cooperation with Hie highway com
nil.ision, for without argument thi:
must icadlly be reen. Such a pro
gram mi ana a basic foundation upon
vh lr h to work and to build. A rnHrc .1
builds trunk lines, and follows these
wllli laterals as nuediul. This musi be
the method followed In this conn'.,'.
Were It jiossible to have this bond
Issue come either this year oi next.
Hit re is no one hut that would i.n t ho
reason for a postponement till V,rs,
but no such delay is possible. Thi,
is Wasco county n chance, and if she
tails to grasp it, she has Indeed made
a mistake. She cannot stand still and
U'.gnalo, the go backwards or
forward and a favorable vote no;.
Tuesday is Hie only nrans by '.vhlc.t
sdie can go forwnid.
There must hn no iion:;Ideriu,!o,i of
there being a "favored lew." If thiii
bond Issue fails, the Iralfic wll1 even
lunlly come thiough Hie hoart of The
Dalits, and Ihe tourist Will sprnd u"
io.'in monej with Hie merclnnl -, of
Second ntreot If he nines over a
-Mio'-ninn county highway, rather lima
lie one proposed. Tliere. must b no
:alllng this n bushiess man's enror
nrlse to gel louri'ds and the tr.uiMieui
trade. It In only with sincere ib-iio lr
ieo Hie eounlj prnrpnr that "Mond
subjected to the
above mentioned.
Tills road Is a
to the county. It
heiinlll any i.n.1
"tft'voied lew." It
tnnt to the rural
The Joinln;' of
California hlf.hwa
ltlvor highway at
maximum taxes
positive necessity
is not going to
section, or any
Is vitally linpor
1 districts to tho
south of The
those tanners
ai mind. It will
mud on uh'oli
Dalles. It will give
an outlet the year
give them a splendid
they do not have lo
same i line
Willi h to
In better
nun e
pay .upkeep (axes. Their nialnUmaucu
iiAlu'iiue'i I 'i' iransporliitliin equip
mint will lie lower, and tiuio and
hii.uey Will be .saved all around.
Then- will be less trall'le on Inter
al roadii, and at the
count) nion.'i with
tiv.;e I it mads
dlt' n. nig.iniout.s
inakil auio puutufii' of the bond Issue
Thin am many others. They hnvo
Lcnii tinuiiiernteil prevloiihly In Iheiiu
Votnra nh mid make no mistake
,r.t 1 Int p ills iiiiuoirow. The rejni'tlon
ol Hilu I.iKtiu wdi be talwo economv.
alone ought lo
(Prom Tin., ('inutile. n, ,iim (!i lS!ti))
lion. John Mlchell fm John sniin
tor loads ilm tickei with u.Sl vol'eii.
Judge hpan and c. l, ui:imri fur
loiiniy i,.hooi superintendent, arc
VIOMI tllcll.llUR, Hi o
,and lllhdi' wiOi H 70
1 .
The c , elinitlon imam. ;t) ft,r no
,l hevn pioinlieitb montlou-il
in- i 'i"v ) ilj' iMiinelliiiiiii Inn that
tho iei'lir.ii w.lll by detnul
inaj Lo 1 1 1'.iui'ie i h,v loaion uf the
judgiia and cliirjtu .having all been up
polnte I,
Plr.l w: d I. II (Yemen, w. 1
riutjf, J. K I'.ige, liiilinni: Prni-k
Hill uml J. P. J'aiboll, cloikB.
Sieinil ivuril H. W. Cranilnll," s.
H, Aduuift, Chris Jlills, Judgen; 1M
Paticiaon anil iliiigh Chrlsiuun, clerkH
TUinl wanl J. Dohorly, i, n atf
Kent anil Dan Maloney. judgen. I(. u
Innott anil O, JJ, lloynrd, cleika,
th.i The Dalles
and the Cnlumlila
Tlu Dalles wil'
1 mnke of this county the hub and of louriHt Havel of Hie
iioUhwent. ( real nunibeis of tourlstr
anil traveleiii will visit us;
vitl gain an intimate knowlcdrfj ol
Hi' gieat in In lid dl';tik:t; and wll
tpiiid a lair,. auioi.ut of moiio.
'lere. Prom this eontiuiliuis lutlu
of .lslloi wif will rein ull many new
eltli-.eiis win will add to Hm growlh
and wealth of our county.
.New hnlel.i, places of buiilnens.
uianniaeluri s ami ind imIiIch of
ui.'iiy IHi.dii will be e:i ahllshi d liere
in a icsuli of this mi' iatii n . an
iiiroii!;ii our county. These thlnm
ilways tipilng into eslstenco in local
lllen to which people uotn in lugi
u ii in I, it.
tii;;iivay such as we propose (,i
mild will save to our farniont and
o aiiliunobllo owners in gnend
uoiign c.xpciuie i.i me opjm'lon p:
ueii- lain in, in iisen, mucii more
h:m o! Inland any Inci eased taxe:
inn iney win nave to j.ay hurtuiH" o
-i lonniriiciuin. in ui-n respect wo
unit lake Into aecinint the greath
. I ...... i
u'uiii'Du v.i.'ni on cars, itavi'i!- n
In i, less gasoline and oil coiimnnji
to:i an.! a vaut avjn;; .uf Huio mid
'I lilt. hl;;liway may, at nun- time
mmm) to he nf (he g.' v.ilu (
ur count), sl.ito and country an a
uiMtaiy we, of eoinse, hopn
nut tti. day will never eoino wlnln
e hall (it called Upnti to engage
a iuinthi'r war, but inch a thin; Is:
't'l l"v:-hl! f mU'll tl
ime il.u 'i eoiiio we hon!il be pii
1 1 m 1 sen ii a h'Khwav, Hi
iiovlip. of iroopM, iiitillery. iiiiiinii
ii'1 n and mip.len, will ho a rroii
u'tor in li'lugi.' , prot- ctiou lo mr
'"niiti Mid vliiory id our arum
Ity it.ut'ii- tho iMiuiruoHon o
.'i s Hi nouiuilaie illiMy, we wll"
e ii'ii en thti hiiiiv:iv ur 1 1 '
which "-HI brims n -on'oiin
if p-'opli, ti I'nitlnud to n' ten 1 tl
1 '. t fnir her- i J ', pt, -,
niono, win no worth r'rlvlni' for. It
uKi it ir (otiuiy ku.iwn to the
wo I III.
The Increase in (aval Ion, liwatme
of tint building of thi i-reat hlshway,
will ho ilillcoiisly Binall, imrllnularlv
when compared with tho benefits to
lie lerelvoil llierehy This will he
ono raso wlieio wo actually will act
uoiueUiliiK for our iiinnoy Por oveiy
dollar tliut u tttxi'ayor thus uiK'iuU
dioet" Is helilii(l the Issue.
Thv:o i:iu'sl be a , full roallillor
lint failure to pass this measuro wll'
not lyave tuxes a a (hoy are. Wiiocc
county in going to have n liwt and
It i.i to bn built .unde- the diieciloii
of tlie stale highway coiiuni shm I'
we pass this bonding (run, Hie road
will be The Dallcs-Calllornla hiih
way- -a road panning through the u-r
ler of the county -a road that w(l
be iiiiilnlained by tin. ulato when ecu:
pieie .-i road Iliat will be the bvi!i
foundation of u count) sy;:leni a road
that will leave moid hkhhiv for m
building of I'eedeiT. a mail Ilia; wi!
ie a beiioiii dlrictl.t to a large "inii't In
f the county hud If not too njtl
gllto.l, ol lndi(( benefit to al o
he cijunty. Hut (f we full 'o
.liin niea ure, the highway tint w(l
h. U ,l.e Lull! - -the highway thl.l v,(
.nm e: i iillr taxes, will he one la!,
ml by l)ie highway enginoera w Hi ,
moI c.'ilcu'hitloij of tho short I'?
onto by which Ihe highways ol Shy
nan and Jefi'irnon counliin may In
kilned- a highway that will (ouch n
'own In ihls conn y, simply a routi
nerosa Wasco county that will Miami
fiuovor nu a mtiiiuuient lo a c.ollossnl
nilstaku that we havo made.
.Mr. Voter who may happen to road
thii., do lor yourself mime very earn
out thinking. Do not lot anyone per
iiuade you that the defeat of this
measure will ellinlnaln your taxes or
lighten Hn ni In nny way. Quality o
roail.i Is tlm measuro of tho pnispp.
I y of nny cnuiiiiiinlly, anl correlative
ly the prosperity of any coiuiiiiini"
is largely ih pinidont upondlie inialic
of Its toads.
Tlltlt it! til mil I'! Vote It1
Manchester Services Tonlnht Pu-
ni ml son Ires for Wilson J Mahches-
lor will ho held at lijlio oV'nck this
ciiliiK, from tho Crandall lliuli'rlak-
lu.'t company's chapel. Hurial will he
In tho Odd Pollows' cenietorv
Dalles' Cherries on Mark. t The
first churri a to bo niarkotoil In
Portland this year oanui from Tho
Dajltiii, aeeoiiUnit to a niaiko' Itoju
in (ho Diouonlan. Tho Dalleu chor
ion nio said to ho in hoit 't- shupj
lutii l hoy have ovoi boon at (his
lino of the year. Tliey ;iro tuiUing
tin :ir c-.nls a piiuni) In tho I'm-
Mill niaikot.
Childt en's Day Sorvlcet TJio Clul
inn church aa o.ipaclty ll'.lod yostoi
lay morning dining Hie hour thai Hn
t hlldrou n day prutriatu was slvt n
I'lie inl.ii.lonary puigram cun duid ni
sougu and u ol;on parts, wit t co.ilinii
od oharavlors roprosontiig (ho poo
plo of tlio foreign countries; all pre
toiuiiii; a missionary story iiiul ulo'i.
i.lllle tlelcu Hltidijulst inusldod at tho
To Attend Convention Plvo niem
bers of CtUr Circle, Nelehbors of
Woodcraft, departed this morning lor
'Hood River where they will ultend the
district convention of the order, which
convenes today for a two-day session.
Tho drlegales from the local lodge
are Mis. Lillian Scherrer, Mrs. Lelnh
Joi;dan, Mrs. i'earl Sheurer, .Mrs. W.
A. Coiyea and Mrs, H. J. Dunn.
Klein Funeral Held Puneral ser
vkas for Mrs. Sainh Davidson Klein
were held yesterday afternoon al
2 o'clock from Ihe Cranilnll Under
taking company's chapel, Kev. O. (J.
IIoIbIioII officiating. The lollowini'
jtersons ncled as pall homers: Otiv
M'lile.s, L. W. Drown. P. 'A. Piench.
Jack Praloy, W. It. Plinn and Hav
Harper. Hurial was In Ihe Odd Pel
lows' cemetery.
Rich Service, In .Wasco Puneral
cervices for O. II. Ulch, a resident
of Wasco, worn held at ,'! o'clock thi'
afternoon fiom the family home In
that city, under the dlrec Ion of tlir
Cinirilal Dndertaking company's Was
co branch. Rich, who was CO years old
died early yesterday morning at hi1
liome, lollowlng an extended illnein
He in survived by his wife, Mrs. Etta
Anno Itich. Burial was In the Waiter,
Attend Federation Convention
Mr. and iMrs. P. II. Watts, accompan
ied by Mit.. TO. C. Price, relurned to
tne city lout night. Mrs, iWatts and
Mrs. Price attended tjo ntPte eonvon.
Hon of the Federation of Women's
Hubs in Pendleton. Tiny report a fipe
convention and royal entorta(nmn,nt
fi t in the people of I'endlnton. Thpy
went to Walla Walla Priday, wiiero
tliey vlr.ilnd rilatlves and Rov. and
.Mrs. Wan on, who were former ro-I-dentr,
of The D.ille.i.
Speed Work on Pavilion All
blillding speed l coords are
broken in the construction of the
new open air dancing paviliqn,
which is being put up by Charles
Iioaiii and Ward U. Webber In a
grovo on the Chenowith road west
of Hie city. Work on the pavilion
was started hist Thuisdny and will
be competed by Wednesday eve
ning of this week, with a CO 'by 40
feet dance flooi. It is planned to
open tlio pavilion with a Hoe dance
Wednesday evening.
Hcado Music Club at O. A. C.
Woid war, received in The Dalier, to
day of the election of Dorothea
Wolfkln of this city to the position
of pisi'detil of tlio Euterpe club at
O. A. C. She will succeed Ruth
.YlcCaw, who will graduato this year.
Tho Euterpe club was organized in
Ihe spring .of 1020 with the purpose
of furthering .interest in music and
to cooperate with the school of
niunlc in Improving and enlarging
this department. Membership is
limited to students In the school of
iniialc who havu shown exceptional
ability and good scholarship stand
ing. Macadamizing Finished No furth
or work will be dene in macadamiz
ing the Columbia River highway be
tween The Dalles and Master, J. H,
Scott, division engineer for this dis
trict, announced today. The road will
be left in Its present condition and
open for traffic Tint II such a time
as paving operations start, accord
ing to Scott. The road has a coatlns
of lino crushed rock for several
miles on this end, with a compara
tively smooth top from Itoweiia to
Mosiei. A paving plant will bo
erected at ltowena in the near lu
tii re, from which "hot stuff" far pav
ing the Rowena-The Dalles section
of the highway will be spread. The
paving plant now In operation at
Mosler is supplying tho material fjr
paving now going on bet wen Hobd
liner and Mosler.
Sherman Pioneer Dead William
Henry Andrews, OC'yeais old, n pio
neer lor.idenl of Sherman county, dird
at 11 o'clock yesterday morning at
hi-, home live miles this side or Wnsco,
following nn attack of heart failure.
Appaiently In perfect .health, Andrewi
t;ot up In the morning and prepared
to drive his automobile to 'Wasco. He
had dilven to a gate In the road lead
ing through his uinch to the main
, highway, goi out of the car and open
ed the gate and put one foot on Hip
running board of the automobile when
the heart nltnck came on. He was
dead by the lime assistance arrived
He h survived by his .wife mid a
brothoi, (he latter living In 'Wnlla
Walla. The body Is at the home, anil
lr being cared for by Ihe Burger
Mogan company of this city. Funeral
arrangements have not been made.
Three Divorcee Granted Dan L.
Cupid is contined to his homo sut
ferine, from a severe nervous shock
today. Por just as Dan was patting
himself on tho back for his good
work in Tho Dalles during tha last
several months, which make up the
"spring marriage ssason," his hated
business rival, old man D. Vorce, got
into action. Three decrees of divorce
were handed down Saturday after
noon by Circuit Judge Fred W. Wll
son. Grace Tippet was granted a
divorce from Lawience Tippet, glv
en the custody of tirjir threa chil
dren and $30 ,a month alimony. Rose
Allen was given a divorce from 'Ralph
Allen, care of the one mlnoi child
mid $20 a mouth alimony. Flora ?.r.
I.octra was granted a decree of di
vorce fiom Prank M. Lectra, with
out alimony. . ,
June Millinery Sale
of ladies' and children's liats. Black's
Millinery, 115 East Seedtid street. 8
About Community Service
By Director H. W. Arbury
t Theie has been formed In Ihlr. city,
a group of citizens men women
who are working out a clty-wlda
piogram of fun mid friends!) Ip, In or
der that we may make every man.
woman nnd chihL'n real ineniher of
(he community; to develop and en
courage social nnd physical recrea
tion, community music, community
drama, and pageantry, neighborhood
gatherings, athloticr, and games and
kindred means of crystallizing social
iniiest into good citizenship.
I Among thote who have demon
strated their peacetlniQ patriotism by
uniting in this non-partisan, non-sectarian
effort are: J. T. Rorlck, Lulu
D. Crandall, Mrs. Carlton P. Williams,
Mrs. D. M. French, I). A. Luhbe.
Charles Roth, Carlton Pepper, Mrs.
Jofpph tadelman, John L. Rogue,
Mayor Stadelhian, John Udell, Char
lotto Thrall. FreJ Cypheis, Mrs.
Richard French, Mrs. F. B. Saunders
Mrs. John Nash, Lynn Roycroft, (r..
D. P. Ketoham, Dr. F. R. Brazeau,
Mrs. Charier, Hiirehlorf, Mrs. Mnrgnre'
I Walker, A. E. Spickerman, Miss Helen
Fair, Robert Murray, Mrs. J. M.
Smith, Miss Anne M. Lang, M. Eell
and K. C. Malloy.
Tho above named men and women
constitute the Community Service
council and tho executive board. It
Is through tho untiring effort of thi1?
devoted body of citizens that we have
established a nucleus for playgrounds,
opened the swmmlng tank at ho
high school, Inaugurated outdoor and
Indoor baseball, volley hall and so
on, revived community singing, organ
ized a ,commun!ty ehoruiT, and br
the production of t)io historical pa
geant revealed to the community what
1b possible of accomplishment by a
united effort.
A rousing community meeting lis
planned for Wednesday night at the
Union street park. 1L Is expected that
tho oltlzons of Thp 'Dalles will fill H-"
park to overflowing. A special musical
treat is in store and outside and lo
cal speakers will discuss Community
Service from eyery angle. Let's all
be there to Insure, for every, mail,
woman and child in ,thls coinniunlty,
a leisure time square deal.
Mrs. Klmer 'White, of Portland Is in
the city visiting friends and relatives.
John llix Jr., of Dufur visited rela
tives In"the city' over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. JSckinmeyer ot
Prinevllle, are guests at Hotel' Dalles.
Mrs. E. J. -Wilson of Prinevllle is
visiting with friends in The Dalles.
'J. H. Smith of Walla Walla is a bus
iness visitor In Tho Dalles.
A. Von Borstet of Kent is staying
at Hotel Dalles.
C. L. Lytlo of Nam pa war. visit ius
with friends in The Dalles yesterday.
R. N. Cnrr of Poitland is a business
visitor in this city.
W. H. Smith ,of Portland was the
guest of relatives1 in tho city yester
day. Rev. L. O. Dix of Richland, Wash.,
is1 in' the city today to ifondu'ct fhe fu-,
neral service for W. J. Manchester.
James -E. Taylor of Hubbard is
greeting friends in the city today. lie
Is in tho city for the election tomorrow.
Miss '.Mary Clement of Portlfmd Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Q. E. Cor
'Walter S. Gannon, a New York
piano dealer, is inMhe oily conferring-.
with the Corson Music store.
C. P. Rons of the United Cream
Separator compan) of Portland, IsIn
tho city on business.
II. H. Nichols'-and F. B,,'Pe'etz, both
of Moro, were visitors in this city ye's
ferday. Mrs. W. L. Tobie and Mrs. Norman
Hastings weYe shopping' in the city
'Patrick Morart of ' Cpntervllle,
Wash., was in the city Saturday on
Mr: and MrsV Roland -Wiley of Hood
River were the guests of friends and
relatives yesterday.
Miss Florencr and Miss Victoria
Thompson wore In Hood River yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adams and
daughter, S i .an. of Pendleton,' motor
ed through this city today tmroute
for Portland, where they yvlll take in
tho Rose 'Festival.
Taxi Mayflelirs Taxi
Telephone main B021. , 2tf
l -!ir.-,' ,-(-.!. &u i.
f, ' '" ' ' ' ' J '""
At I lie polls tomoi-roty, tfesideilts of : Oregon '
will su-y whether or. not the men who laid down
their civilian tasks in 1917 and 1918 to go forth
in clefense of the nation are ,t'o be given the sub-1
stantial form of state recognition and aid pro
vided for in the bonus and loan bili. 1
Rosidents of the. state are. being asked to (make
a small .sacrifice, but is their sacrifice compar
able, with the men who went to face death, who
abandoned good positions and Jeft friends and
families behind lor the uncertain possibilities of
the war.
Here is Governor Olcott's message to the peo
ple in regard to this issue: x
"Next Tuesday Oregon will be called .upon to
show some degree of the appreciation she'owe.1
the soldiers of the World war who upheld and
maintained the traditions and ideals' of the state,'
"It is inconceivable that the measure for so!-'
diers' aid should fail. While it is true, passage
of the act possibly may entail a little sacrifice
such sacrifice will be nothing as weighed against
those sacrifices made by the thousands of our
young men who unhesitatingly responded to the
en to arms. '
'Throughout the state members of legioi
posts are voting to a man to accept the loan fea
ture of the proposed act. This indicates thatour
soldiers as private citizens wteh to build fpr -themselves
and in so doing build for the state and
theiv and oui nosterity. ,
"No possible investment could be found so
sound as the investment the state will .make irt
its ex-service jnen next; Tuesday. Let's make the
majority for the measure overwhelming. Oregon
iiHst not be lagard in this duty."
World War Veterans' Bonus and Loan
"This measure was drafted and put forward
bv the .American Legion, a thoroughly respon
sible organization composed of ihe men who of
fered themselvqs for the supreme sacrifice in the
great war and, represents what this organization
believes to be a reasonable minimum of recog
nition by Oregon for the sacrifice mude. If Gon-
Submittetf by :
C-l.-S. pp iiJ"
it' ?' f ....
. gress iiad passed similar legislation,' the state
might not have been called upon, but Congress
has failed to make good. Meanwhile twenty or
more states have enacted legislation of substan
tially the same kind. It is inconceivable that Ore
gon would deny to her sons the same recognition
that has been ac'corded by other states.
"Those .of us who remained at 'home .during
the war prospered as e never prospered
before, and our prosperity was due to the war.
Meanwhile our Oregon boys "gave up every hold
On their .occupations, positions and .professions to
fight fpr everything that American's hold dear.
Wage-earners who Remained at home' including
thousands who obtained exemptions through their
success in becoming attached to war industries,
received huge wages, many of them -far beyond
their deserts, while the bravest and most patriot
ic of dUr sons were in training or on the fighting
line, many paying the supreme sacrifice and were
being paid only a trifle in comparison with wages
paid to those who. escaped seryica. Simpie justice
woUld appear to gUctate that Oregon' extend the
modest' recognition asked, as a very small step e'qiializing compensation. OREGON
The men who evaded service ano!. stayed at
home made big money. They do not profit by
(his act. But the fellows who went for $30 a
munth-aud keep are being given a -chance to get
on their feet. " "
Remember that practically every ex-service
man .has voted ,to accept the loan feature. This
means the money will be paid back to the state.
The money must be spenjt in Oregon, fpr Or$-
gon property. Every county will profit, in new
homes, new businesses', and new citizens.
, Everyone will profit from the loan and bonus
Give your vqte of gratitude to the ex-service
men tomorrow marking-your ballot thus:
302 YES X
- -.303 'No. ' A " ' . .
t t
(Paid Adv.) ;
iThe Dalles Post No. 19, American Legion
-.,, 1 . T MM ), f . . A