PAGE SIX THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1921. LORD BYNG NAMED FAMOUS BRITISH WAR GENERAL ACCEPTS NORTH AMERICAN APPORTIONMENT. LONDON, Juno l l.oi i lsyns, one of the most tannins funerals durinf,' the world war, has accepted thu up point iik.'I) l of covcmorneiieial ol Canada, it was announced here todn. H.vng, who Is years old, wan made a bin on in llil'J In recognition of his war Seivlce. lie liad been ill tho British army since ISX:;. CITY MOURNING (Coiitlmifi! limn Varu 1.) In 1X7!) tho lainlly settled on a home stead in the U'lenlhiim district. ISho attended school at SI. Mary's academy in I Ik; SUs, 1ml wa.s nut u Kraduale of thai institution. In 18!tl she was married to (ieor?( iirown. No children were hoi n lo the union. In addition to .Mr. lliown, Kil ls survived hy three brothers, Jaine I.. Kelly, Vlnctinl Kelly and Joseph I). Kelly. A HlHler, Mrs. Katie ('iirrun resides In I'orTland. The Mineral will he held Monday morning at !i o'clock In HI. I'eler'.s Catholic church, Requiem mass wl" he celebrated liy Father 1", J O'Uourke, and Inlerinenl will lie In the Catholic cemetery. Mrs. -Ill own was loan aelh't- In the work of tin Calhollc church. She was' prominently Identified wllli the Calh ollc Ladles' Social circle. Tile hody Is now al CraiidaH's Un dertakliiK company Thin afternoon ! will he removed lo Hie resldeiK f James I.. Kelly, lienlon sired, ani will lie in Klatu I here all day Huuda.i 'Wilson J, Manchester's death wa. due to dilation of the hear!, caused it la supposed, from henv lil.lnu In connection with his work in hamlliur Irolght on Iho truck line, 'lie was taken III Thursday, and las' nlHht, alter great suffciliiK, hecame unconscious. Death came ahoul !i o'clock this morning in Iho I'amilv home at 102 Wjest Telilh street. Mr. Manchester was a niemhir oi the firm of M. U. Iloss and company In addition to iiuilntiiin lit); The ImIIm But ur truck company. (Ilia widow and a son, (ieoi'Ke Miriest Manchester, .survive. A' bWilher, C M Mo'nch'esler, and a Sister, .Mrs1. MJilha Vob'rhles, ofMod'esta, C'al., lilso stir vivo. T,wt) sons died In' Inlaiicy. ' I'raetlcally all of his life, Mr. Man Chester was ii luinherman. lie whs born In ' HI. La wrence New Voikliul early In life weal lo llouuli loh county, .Mich., where he '.'Mb. wed the lunlher lriddslry. 'lie was married hi .MIcIiIkuii, and the family came lo nriT.nti 11 yea'rJ agiv ait. .Miinctu'siei' imiit 1 1 rt mill on tljiper 'Vivo Mile, and m.iliiialned ll uiitir i!U7, when he moved ii The Dal leu. 'Just' prior lo residence lu Wa'ico counl,', the' Man'che.sleir lived on the W'nHh'lnKtmi side, near f'ulumbin I now '.Viiiryhlll), and .Mr. .Mauchesler wa.- ti member of the Kirs I Adveiillr.l church lociilcd there. The hoily Is now wit ll the (', n lall UndcrlakliiK coui)ian.v. Tliu f.neiul Will he held at li'HO .Monda, ewn'i'f: from the Craudall chapel. Ilurlal will hu In Odd Fellows' cemelerv on the pension roll of the United States. Fall Favors Bill In commcntluj; on this hill Hecie- tary of tho Interior Full, who lavors the leglslat Ion, has this to say con cernhiK the proposed change: "Halailes and wuyes art! unlvcr sally paid weel.'ly, hlmoiithly or monthly, and retail huslness gener ally Is concluded on a cash hasls or on short lerm credit, .'ill das al the longest. "The men and hoys who entend th" army or navy In defense of the government in (lie world war were mostly persons who earned their livelihood with their hands or bruins and who had ,ip to the bi'innlni; of their service iceolved their wages weekl, hlmonlhly or monthly. In considering lliese fads the congress douhiless reasoned that if It was considered j-ood policy to pay sala ries and wages at short intervals lo people hi good health lo enable them lo use their Income to the hesl ad vantage, II would he equally as good policy and moie necessary lo pay the compensation lo disabled men widowed women ami minor oiphaned ehlldien at the very shortest prsctl able intervals, and upon Hit mommy payment as the proper period, For Monthly Payment Now, If upon full consideration of Ihe facts and conditions the con ;ress decided that Ihe compensation lo be paid by the bureau of war risk insurance to soldiers and sailors ol ihe World war and their dependent - should he paid monthly. I ihiuk it Is fair lo assume Ilia! taking lulo onslderatlon the necessarily ad vanced ages of the pensioners ol Ihe war of 1 SI 2. Ihe Mexican war. Hie Civil war, Ihe war vvllh Spa in, and Ihe Indian wais, all pensions paid by the biiieau of pensions should be paid monthly. nluni its cxp'ndlliiits is limited Hudget estimates as prepared by depiutment or institution heads are required to he submitted to th' com mission on or before Oelobu' 1, of each even nuinbeied year. Time For Pleas This also applies to persons hav ing claims against the state. Also Iho commission shall receive on or before October 1 stateim ills of any desired approi.riatloin presented by Individuals, corporations or associa tions, Including m.inicipal coipoia Hons, intended for legislative consld eiation. This class of statements shall be filed by the commission and turned over to the secreiary id' stale without recommendation, and shall be compiled and printed by the sec- tetary of state with all oilier data liom the commission. After determining the amount of the estiiuulcs of state activities, and not later Hum November lu, or t;a"h even numbered year, the commission shall file the matter with ihe secre tary of state together Willi recom mendations. This the secielary of state shall have printed with com parative dala. Not later than Decdnber 2 the secretary of slate is lequlted to submit Hie printed budget to Hie governor and lo the lucmheis of the Icgislatllic. TIGER NOT WORRIED FRANCE'S WOES to 'very much for me," he said. "They aie kind to remember mo." 1 risked him if he were going to Vichy thin s.immcr, as usual, "Yes," he said. "There's nothing so very wonderful about that, there? Just at present I'm hunting mound this library of mine lor particular book. I can't find It. All the hooks here are very dusty. I dare say the same thing has hap pencil to you, hasn't It?" , How ahout writing tiiat you nr a leguhir aMemlaiii al the Fold Ilergeie," I asked him. He laughed and teloiled, "I haven't been ther In years. Nor to Hie Comedlu Fran raise, either. I go just once In awhile to hear the music some wheie." politics. Ono would never think Clemcnceau knew the mean lug of the word. Mention of It is tabooed. Tin.- tiger's color is splendid and bis eyes still have their Irreproslhle (winkle. He wears ills celebrated skull cap which resembles a priest's bieneta--somewhat of an incon grulty- at a rakish angle, and a lit lie how tie that always seems on Ihe point of riding up under his ear. His stey is firm and his hand clasp is warm. Clemenceau's French accent Is so unusual that it seemed as If I were listening lo some re tired Irish politician. "The tiger hasn't the slightest am billon for any job from premier to gendarme" bis friends declare. By Hudson Hawley (United I'lfKM KI.'ilC "iiiivjioini'iil) I'AIM.S, June I. -The Tl;;r." Ik ma Ing believe thai his leetli have been BUDGET BOARD IS GETTING WORK READ! U, S, MAY PAY ALL PENSIONS MONTHLY (Chronicle's Washington ltureau) WASHINGTON. June I. All per sons drawing pensions from the United States, based on inllltnn or naval service, will iceelvo their pensions monthly instead of quarter ly, if tho hill repot led to Ihe house favorably by Ihe committee on pen sions becomes a law. This bill provides that, beginning September, 1!I2I, all pensioning shall be paid monthly on the toarth day of each mouth. Should this bill be come a law- and ihe'e is good puis peel for Its passage lu both houses mine than half a million residents of the United Stales will he gicalb benefited, and Hie hitidshlp ol wail Ing ninety days foi the antval of the pension will he til an cud. Will Atfect All This utl'eels till those drawing pen hions on military and naval service of Ihe war of 1812, war with Mexico the Civil war, the war with Spain, the varioiiH Indian wars up to 1MU and all those granted up lo the time of the world war. Congress In pro viding fur the compensation of sol dlers and sailors ol the world wir provided thai all compensation should hi made on a monthly basis This now hill is lo place Ihe other pensioners ol the government on the Mime basis us veteiaus ol the world war. There are two hundred ami twenty-live thousand siddlcis who eiilereil service in ilm Cill war now on tho pension i ol I ami thcio are more Hum 2KU,tiOO widows draw in-', pensions because their husbands were soldiers lu the conflict of Ihe Stales. All lolil. exclusive or Ihe veterans of Ihe woild war, there tire now approxlnialely 571.000 persons (Chronicles Salem Hiiicau) SAI.K.M, Or., June I. -The intr iiitinery under which the new stale budget law will be opeiallve Is being assembled and oiled up by Secretary ol Slate Stun A. Ko.or. The law became effective May 20. Frank Meiedith, ol Salem, has been employed lo put the act Into operation, lie has compiled a list .)i 1 eiassiucaiions winch will appear on blanks lo tie furnished Hie heads if all stale institutions and depart nienis tor monthly reports to (lie secielary of stale, and through hint made available to 'the budget com mission. Thu peisonnel of I lie stale hoard of control, which is thu gov ii nor, Hue secretary of state and Ihe slate treasurer, comprises Ihe com mission. .The list of classifications has Ihe approval of Secretary of Stale, but thu general plan of operation is yet in tentative stale and yet to he approved. Mr. Koor Is now in the Fast. lu brief Ihe hudget commission act Is designed lo save lite (hue of Ihe legislative session, particularly the ways and means committee. All Items of all departments going into Ihe budget as pieselited to Iho legis lature will have had Hie approval of Ihe budget commission and Its re commendation after having been ad justed to the general tinanclal status of ihe slate. While all estimated re quirements of ihe slate departments and Institutions will have been lluesbed out hy the budget commis sion prior lo Hie meeting of the legh Inlurc, the commission's action will not he Ileal. The ways ami means committee will still have power lo cut down or add lo and any department head no', sat 1st led with the findings of the commission may cany his appeal to the ways ami means committee However, the long drawn out ses sions thai have characterized llu meetings ol the vas and means committees in past, legislative ses sions are certain lo bo elliuinalod to a great degree. llcrclot'oic Ihe stale hoard of con trol has been confined legally to passing on only the budget esti mates of the 10 stale Institutions under its jurisdiction. The budgul commission's Jurisdiction will extend to every activity, "public or private," lo quote the law "supported or aided lu whole or In part trom money dis bursed through the stale treasun ' Whatoer rules arc necessary to carry out the act the commission lias power lo prescribe, lu revising, Increasing or diminishing budget es tliuales, the majority vote of the commission shall rale, It has power I to call into conference any officials nec.'Hstiry, and may employ an cxe culive otl'lcer or statistician ami such oilier clerical assistance as Is necessary lo carry out the provisions ol Hie act, ami may tlx their com pensatlou. For the present bleu 1 ir E. C. Iftcg5cftiri'dl Arclhiiittli 504 Flikt National bank Uldf. The Dalles, Ore. ICtf CAU'ARV HAPT1ST CHURCH 1 1 a. m. UOIMO ANI) TUN (Jl.OUlOUS Al IMIAUINC" A Study in Miols. No service in Ihe eve niiiK. Pastor, John . Hokiio pulled ami Is having tho lime of his life playing around his library letting "decrepit old men dike Tar dieli" do Hie drl'ly political work. doorges Clemeiiceaii, oelogt nerlan kid, doesn'l give a hoot whet her hciiooi Keeps or not. Tlie I ise or fall of new govei uinellls and new premiers affects him not til till. In general, he is living up to Hie Fionch national mollo: ".lo m'em fiche." which, freely Iranslnttd, means "I should give a damn." I went down to oighl Idle Frank lin, wheie Ihe Tiger has had his lair for years, lo see "old father Vie lor." I was admitted wilhoul cere mony and binyed lo Hut waisl in the French hoiuagr oiliest ,' "Mes said. I lint Ihe fluent ICuglisli "I'm doing i'ni not being interviewed, 1'iinhlo'u. M. - lo president," 1 i -v.V tiger, relorted'ln Hi" nios nothing, I'm not answering tiny (uest ions'." "lint your trnns-Allanllo friends," iiaid, "are asking after your health. They want to know whal your plaiM 1 1 nl prospects tire. They Ihlnlc a good deal of you, you know, and (hey waul to know how you find tilings." Clo)ieneeau grinned. "Thank I hem Free Clinic No Charge For Examlna. tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. liauin, chiropractic physician, I'bhd ami Washington, main f01. if CLOUDBURST IN (Continued toif2,WI0,H)l) i 1.) From l'ncu was oslininled. iN'ear I.oveland Ihe dam holdini'. back Lake I.oveland threatened earl today lo go oiil. Thousands of acres of rich farming land would he liiun doled. Virtually every clll.en of I-oveland loda was working frantically to stop Ihe numerous leaks in Iho dike. The Colorado and Southern railway bridge over I lie fiig Thompson river there wtis swept away Hundreds of feet id I rack were washed oul liail servicp is completely demoralized. Near SUrllng. Mrs. Carl Davis and Iter baby were drowned when their home was swopl away hy ti wall of Wilier that rushed down tho creek following ii cloud-burst. Two other children :ne missing. W're.scit'e parly which-loll llroom- floldhale lastl'hightWo r.mrch for n roilji of seven, mintorlsU, believed to, have perished when a bridge over :u small, crt'ttU .W.qnt ohU, J.oday .reportedi no trace ol Iho motorists has been lound. " " I Pwo child) on id' William Croy worn drowned whlh1 thei faher was oa'avr litf; ' Ihoiii 1 from. Iheiridipmo In I'lxjbli which was- diiniollshed' by a sudden flood of water from 'Ur.v creek, neat Crl'.v'K homo. Tho children were swept CASINO Tho Little House with the PIG Pictures NOW PLAYING LAST TIMES Georg'e Beban IN "One Man in a Million" SUN DAYMONDAY SUSSUE HAYAKAWA In His Latest Production Real Estate News Not a single real estate transaction of any importance was recorded in The Dalles during tho last week, ac cording to the reports of real estii'e dealers, A number of decdrf were recorded at the court bouse, however, which shows that some county property, at least, has been moving, The great ma jority of these sales were consum mated without ihe assistance of real estate dealeis. 'Regardless of the generally report ed stagnant condition of tho local real estate market, there continues In evi dence a shortage of houses, with eight .or ten applicants for every va cant dwelling, dealers report. Charles K. AmsbUry, et ux, to (lonrgo IS. Morse: lots 7 and 8 In Hlgelow's bluff addition to Dalles City, also part of lot 9 In the same block. Consideration approximately Joseph Y. nibson, et ux, to Edna Clbson: land in the K. V7 Shaugh donation land claim. Consideration ap proximately ?2,000, AV. II. Stunts, et ux, to Dave Don aldson: all of lots 2 and 3 In block , situated In the town of Mnupln. Consideration npproxlintely $600. U.. S. Grant Morgan, et ux, to Mrs. Mary Warren: all of lot A In block , Fort Dalles military reservation to Dalles City, Consideration approxi mately $1,001. C. H. Stoughton, et ux, to Dufur dumber company: land In section 0, township 2, south of range 11, east of the Wlllnniette meridian. Considera tion, $2,000. ,V. H. Slants, et ux, to William Heckman: all of lot 20 in block 23, In the town of Maupln. Consideration ap proximately $500. 'Lee Hunter to Leonora Hunter: lund in section 25, township 2, north of range 11, east of Willamette meri dian, 100 acres In all. Consideration approximately $1,000. 11. K. Oslrander and Amos Osfrand or to Lydla M. McCown: lot six In block A, Oatrander's addition to Dalles City. Consideration, $250. Bert J. 'Bagloy, et ux, to Hoy J. Heed, et ux: land, in lot 10 of Cliff's extension addition to Dalles City. Con sideration, approximately $1,000. John U. Hrnce, et ux, to U H. (ler. vals, et ux: lot 4, block 40, Blgolow' bluff addition to Dalles City. Consid eration $1,000. Charles B. Bennett, et ux, to Lester J. Morgan: land In section 14, town ship 1, north of range 13, east of the tWillumette meridian. George K. Fine, et ux, to Nathaniel D. Cnven:land In rectlon 2 and sec tion 11, townstiip 8, south of ran?e IS, east of the Willamette meridian. Consideration, $1,280, SI. tS. Hagen, et ux, to Walter Hannn. et ux, all of lot 4, In block 10, of the original town of Dufur. Consideration approximately $500. Houses wore swept away by overflow torrents from Coal creek. Large sections of tracks o frail ways In the flooded areas have been swept away, 15 miles of the Lincoln highway, transcontinental automobile route, being under water. Concern was felt today for the safe ty of tourists who have been maroon ed In the mountains. Hundreds of acres of crops are u,n dor water, large numbers of live stock have perished, and tho loss to farmers and to the railways will run into the hundreds of thousands, It, was estimated. The present flood Is the most de structive one In Colorado In twenty years, according lo authorities from Grey's arms. Botli he ar.u Ills I to escaped. Grave fears were felt today for residents of 'Marshall, a mining town miles north of Denver. The huse dam, holding back an' 800-acre lakei was In imminent danger of going out break lu Ihe dam would mean tho denliucllon of the little town and lire flooding of scores of mines, ECl'jrts ol' workers to slop leaks In the dam have proved futile. Watchers with dyna mite bombs lo warn citizens if the dam broke kept an all-night vigil. I'raclically all of the townspeople have fled from their homes. At Louisville, another mining camp a store building collapsed, Ten per sons In the building escaped injury. The streets were running with watrr. POLKS CAN'T SAY THAT WE ARE SLOW WE ARE ALWAYS 3 , ( V 1 1 i.Tll MI, M THINGS keep moving around this shop. Despite the tact that we are kept very busy wo do not allow that fact to interfere with the quality of our work. Every repair Job we" tackle is finished In u workmanlike manner, anil the person who ordered it is pleas ed lo puy our moderate bill JOHN MILNE PLUMBING Phone Red 991 HEATINQ Tho Dalles fa5iannnnT -i i n h iiifprr " " " : " " ,rl??7;TTCZr si k SHSSUl: 1 1AYAKAWA,AWRTU tiTfc'IVAAK, HENRY HEBUR.T in tlw C0LK SUPJ-R SrMM IACIC ROtfitt "BLACK ROSES" Q i.'ur niyf ti.u.y. 74 r 1 :i.(,';,-.Lr:v (,,-,,,;. ,1) r.nKAtiffrt'OU ru j n A h.iV ffi H V til ... , I lliolitu- V fiAlllA In addressing the District Representatives in convention in Detroit last week Mr. F. J. Haynes, president and general man ager of Dodge Brothers, said in part: "I can think of nothing more pathetic than for a manufacturer to have to sell a product with ' nothing to commend it but a price." From the beginning Dodge Brothers never have solicited the patronage of the American people on a basis of price, but have chosen rather to build their car so well as to make .the pur chase price as nearly as possible the last expenditure. Walther-Williams Co. IQ arm n jjtt n it 11 11 11 u 1 11 i m m 11 if DANCE THORNTON'S LAKES PAVIUON SATURDAY, JUNE 4 And Every Saturday Thereafter ; Dance in tho open air to the strains of a good Orchestra TICKETS 90c War Tax 9c