THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLF. SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1021. PAGE FIVE WILL ISSHGHT i LICENSE NEXT WEEK .j tf WILL ISSUE HARRY ERTLE OF JEHSEY.CITY TO BE REFEREE, COMfvTlS SION DECIDES, FOUNDED 106,1 r to ft CHICLE CLASSIFIED FfiM ISEiEMTS ADVftK By United Prean NEW YORK, June 4. The New Jer sey boxing commission will Issue a li cense to Te.x Iticknirt ,and name the referee for the big, .figlit next week. Rlckard's application "tor a license is now on file with the commission and will get the O. K. at the ne:tt meeting. Harry Ivrtlo, Jet-coy City, will be the referee. The eomntisuion has de cided on him and has let it he known that ho outddeIinJuei)ce3i;a'ii tyrli'.s Uiem to iinv.,othpi c'libtcfc. rft SAM McVEY PICKS GEORGES AS WINNER MEETING NOTICES WANT ED By United Prens NEW YORK-. Hune 4Sam McVey, former negro heavyweight, and one of Carpentler's advisers: ;CarFentiecVivlll?ft, 1 Jtlilnk. 1 don'l know how many ''rounds but I look fbr1 it to be shqr .Ttfcty as .soon -as he1 gets that right over Mister Demp- sey i9 going .to go d.own and he's Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting on Mondaj, June 0, 7:30 p. in. Work In page rank, lly order of C. II. BAOGOTT, C. C. fi Special Meeting of firemen tomorrow afternoon (Sun day) at 3 p. in., at city hall. U order of Chief Leonard. 4 CARDS OF THANKS. Card of Thanks Wo wish to thank the many friend who Kb kindly assisted us in the t line of our deep poriovv In the loss of oil dear grandchild, Helen Cirncn Ander son, who passed away at her home In Diitur, May 31, and for ihe many beau t if ill floral offerings and kind word of sympathy. Grandma and Grandpa Anderson Card of Appreciation. Thin Is lo extend our henrlfel thanlfb to the nurse,. Mlsr. (Mnttl- iPrltchcrd, who so devotedly attend golDK to stay 'down. Thartfa no maeU our ,,lt,p Grandchild. Helen Grar Inutile game vvhocaii ' lake that will- I Andernon, who passed away May 31 Slid gave every a lent Ion that could he glvoii. anyone a! this time, even, sncriucing nor.seu in oruer mm nun lop." ' J . ' TO "HOLD TOURNEY 'might do'Douiething to relieve the lit 1 jjgf i '( i . .. i . tlo.sufiorer. We all. Inol in our hearts that everj thing was donn. that could thous- be done that could be done for this .ANTED--Woman cook Telephone red 20:21. for rune!) 1 WANTED- -Girl or woman for wait ress. Good pay. Glenwooit restau rant. J WANTED Girl for dish "w;Ii7ngnai Keneja! work in kitchen by the hour. Call main G141. : WTlTinihT7ou1 work. Telephone rid 31)01 or Had: gum. t, tV A XT. 12 1) losuio"t .T ' practical, mi mp, ConlliiPTiienl eases preferred Mrn. D. A. Corn'well, black 47!U. I WANTED- Small four or live room furnished house. 'See W. H, Shaw 'it Gannett '.Motor company. II WA-NTjED FurniRhetlumstrorparf--ment for .cummflr. Not more iliau five looms. No children, Telephone main 38S1. 4 I'lANUH TDNEN -;turt lepitlied, ae tlon lexulalln;; and rellnitihlnj; I'lsiyer aettoiis a specialty. Work KUalMlilcc d. 15. A. DockHtader, Cot mp MiHIn store, Hull I'uM Second street. Telephone main 1001, tf I'or.Ui.Ai; music . , . Tmighl by BOB WERSCMEOJL l.i'hi.iou.i by Appoliitinent Kltipross Theiitm l'lnnlsl Wfikito Track Lias Freight and ij.Npus between The Dulles anil Wasco, Moro anil all win 'nlnts Leave The Dalles, !l a. in dally except-. Sunday Leave Moid. 1:30 p ill; l.eavo' Wasco, U:::i) p. m 1). M. l'leroii, proprietor. Telephone black :t;4l' r.r main 471 tr VEHZ BAUER General leal estate,, ami loans. KIIIJ East Second stieet. Tele plione main 1571. liXtf LEGAL NOTICES. ( By United Press 4 OIVICAGO. June 4. Three awrfnen and wonjen WlUjPHrticiuajtfltkHttle darling ml ro.-ijly feel asaurivl in the physical and mental coinpetl- , that s-.lie In lerllng In the arms of tibfB, in the na'tfcM J&iW"niehq !nf , SeSiaAlf y .' ' the American Gymnastic Union to Grandma nn 1 Grandpa Anderson. beflldilierwirornarfunefijW taMJulyra. tflfcvtfMa 3mo,mf mef fterJ-df ilf union and their families will meet. that ihe national tourney has been staged in Chicago. President Harding, Governor l,en Small of Illinois and his staff and Mayjor William Hale Thompson of Chicago as well as officials from surrounding states have been ex tended invitations. LIVELY BALL MAY CHANGE PITCHING RULES LJVA3?'fBD--Coll3o mnii or ally lui'il r.4l.'lA'.--.lAlbl... l...iWl . sr' uuniriug ciuu;i, nuaun.v will K, uf eiiin sovernl hundred dollars month ( ly in exclusive territory." Write ii"-,J ' mndinlhiy, Indiana Parts eompanvjl Einlpsi Visor Division, iiicliinond, I I ,I?H(inn? ik W H& m FOR RENT ieepliiB loi.niK, t! .hlniffitfnrr'iibi wnVor. FOIt RENT Four room h u. quire 117 West Tenth street. 508 irr III'. 10 FOR RENT Small house. Foil teenth and Trevitt. Telephone red i!S41. 0 i (I NKtV thai not tioml pas me l to the the tha a h sph an far By Henry L. Farrell k lilted Press Staff Corrtiwyonm-nt) b liv thtent n f res to' curb excessive liitting. Iha American League will con Ihe National League is willing ppie to the help of handicapped ejma Il4ffu, rf'lHl is, such ,-9 ViEfP'l Sallee.rhKv"!1"- lg of &W Itn "Tin- pltSara by pcrmiitiiig the use of reslltin finger tins. ,vJJrjin piichers, TOj and Slim talSd the harrin; wBdnted measure in as far as ils iioeatp dry dainp fingers and get a betBfl grip on the balls is concerned. OK Johnson, president of the Anwican League, recent ly admitted pfew ball Is lively, but he quoted BlHtemerit of tho manufacturers It was tho result of the use of ffc.more resiliency, rather t'fan FOR RENT Seven room furnished iliouse. Complete. 414 Fulton street. 4 i"TlENTl and sleeping rooms, r.20 East Third teleiihono black 2301. B. !i -Maxwell jWm I-HUND w kin it ! ive-room nioueni iW'i'-e. WkJn I'm iil-.lio.l jiui.iinnliBi iiliheciM VANTED Flvo to seven room mod orn notiFe, wit n yard unit pin" r c Keep car. ijuci care 01 propel ly assured. Call red 0822, or J. 1L Race, Lib'uy canrery. ij' . A NTED S ready v,wk"r'f,'nioi much by- yoling man. Has come ex- pcrieYice, Joiin 1 Carlson, 1821 East Jackson. Telephone ret! 4S7L 0 Vhltiiey Repair Gliop 709 Eait Secornl Rt. Notlcu .for mils fJr O L C If l.l It. a I Wiim'ii Couiilv lit iel.y : ll.-t for ii-il. d lil.l. fru ItfltlllliT lif Ihe f). I.. r5r l fill K.;ul, enrteilv it nm Al'inolieiiter Itoail, n ilirtiin f :i-l or a mile. All II1 rlrill lie on proposal IiI.miK v,oli will he fii'iilrlieit UP Hi n'lplle.i tion h the ('.iiinly Uoudniiistt V The rpi -Ifletillonr lilnn.'i nuil i" "jiint.-i- for lhl Improvement lire on file In the office of Coutiiv I'leik of Wio"-! l-.iiinl.v. tire Kon, mid iiImi with I'. W Mux. Conn-- Itoniliiiiifiti r at lils office In I'ntu.'y TJolllt llollpe, The Dlllejl, Ore): ill. nhil Hllhleel lo In- p.Ttlon. The wol k will h" done In .leeorilancii vlth the nli.We inenlloiied iiIuiih ami rperlflcutlniif un der Hie Killiei vh'loii Mini dinellon of Ihe County Houiliniister. All IiIiIf niiiit he aee.iinpanleil l,y n ceiill'led cheek for " liereenl of the HliHMllit of the hid. lo he forfeited In Wiwii (Vninly In cure r.iuli hid nhotiM he Meeepled timl the bidder r.honlil fill to enler Into einiliiiet, am! hind for the I'nliliftil oerfni'iiiMiioe of the woik. All liM." ilioiild he Hi'iiled Hlid fl'e.l I with the I'oiintv I'lerk on or hefor- Ihe tl'.th diiv of .Inne, 1H2I. All hlds will h' j oneie il hv the I'oiin'v I'olirt lit 10 oYlneU it. ni oil .mild il'ite I Wn.ieo County rerei yen the rlKht to , leleet :in' Itllll all hldi. n.tid thh: Ut day of .tunc, A. D W. I,. CltlCHTD.N It C mnty ci.'rl: - i "Yes, We Have W NEW PARTS FOR ALL CARS ADVISORY CAPACITY Many people think of t heir hank merely as n de pository for their money till they want It. There, line they lose much valuable net v:iv they might have from llielr hank cunir-ctlon. The Frenih fi Company hank in a very good place to brlni; liHcMlmeiit pi ol.leina, an I f.nanclai wor ries, and 'o want our customer.) to so regard it. 'I''p Paid on Savings E. H. rnr.riCII, Prcniilent i'AIJL M. FRENCH, Vlcj-Precidant V. 11. FRENCH, liecietary J. C. HOSTETLER, Cashier 1KENCH&CO. BANKERS THF. ualles INC 'OREGON WANTED Salesman for The Dalles and vicjiilty,. QommissJou ,conu;i !. , only, for spare time or full time. We I will teacii you to sell Income pro tection through our free school of insti notion and help you build a business of vour own. Mas;achu sells Hondlng and Insurance com pany, accident and health depart ment, Saginaw, Michigan. Capital ?l,.r00,000. 4 ALL OVEH CALIFORNIA auto repair men have learned they will get this responso to a ,call fo- a pait-r-no mat lor what pail II is or for whit car lii.ui I'liliotsun rails, luc, of San Fiaiiciscn ami Oakland, and now of 1'oitlani, at ill North Park Slieet. And what is more, the renponso, "Yes, is followed Ly Immediate delivery. we have it," LOST OR FOUND rfo a uioinr No. lil'.iu, on Lewis raireei ISO ee' FOR RENT -I.iriilsireTPaTd'l'WrTiy' fin nisi, oil housekooplng n.oniH. llalei rec.-.nnablo. Inquire 722 Ea .t Third Bt.reet. 7 tTil ir.i i IFOR ler grade of wool, that gav.e. the entlonal desire to make it i(rU.,,jT-XKX.7rrK"',:rr: , ifuil SAW', .MOiiern uiiime unit j; Players have maintained all along lot-at 705 Calhoun street. oo 1 that' the ball was livelier, harder to porTljALE One good milch cow. Call llllclr nnil morn illl'flenll In h.-inilln I . . . V..W. 7,7...; . V at niu iiiuii street. am rvniner, star catcner ot tne Chicago Cubs, said recantly there was, no doubt tho new balls had more, life. "One of the new balls hit squarely will' either ride out of tho yard or Una ' down the inflold too hoi to handle," he said. "I've seen balls driven through thf Inflold too fast to Maf seen." (' fHIS TIME LAST YEAR af busoI, Pratt and Thomas hit era on tho Polo grounds run- the total to 21 fjr tho weok. exander lost to the Cards er winning 11 straight. leorge Kelly. Giants batted in b of the eleven runs that beat tluVl Braves. Fllilr.glni issued 10 baejs on balls. Meadows, Philadelphia nnd Bagby1. Cleveland, lost their first games of the season. EX-8AILOR HAS PERFECT RANK IN INTELLIGENCE TEST SEATTLE, Juno 4. John Nolan a student in engineering at tho University of Washington, is the first person to rate perfect in the flrmy' "alpha" Intelligence test, Nolan is 43 years of age and has been a 'sailor roustabout during the greater part ot his life. He fought in the Spanish and World wars. and was';-shell-shocked in France. His mind is still active; although hlflbody is weak. T)ie highest mark heretofore was UMleteya Yalft lirofesaor. Nolan has been In tho university forlC months and has 1C5 credits, double the number the average stu dent makes. FOR SALE SO f.'et new picket true ing. Red 0321. 4 FOR HALE Ford Tom lug. Reason able. 1008 Alvord after 5 p, in. 7 FOR ""SALE Rawlelgh. products. 410 West Fourth St. Black 1331. .123 FOR SALE Ten-room hotel. Inquire bxtC7, Kent, Qrejon. -.IdO' FOTrsALEniree 'niont hsTiiiT heifer calf, from 0 gallons day ,'cof,. 0 years old. Telephone 1IF11. 0 FOR sTLEDry oak wood';" old oak. $1150; second growth, $12.50. Dollv ered. Call 30F22, .after 0 p. m. It FOR, S ! A LE -c- Cheap. Ford touilng car. Inquire Snhiiet garaso. 10 FOR " SALE -Cheap. Tw j liian Mc Cormlck combine with good englii -, also horue attachment. Wilte W. L. Tyron, 500 West Elovonth street, Tho Dulles. 20 Catarrh Canact B Oufi With IXICAU .tPPUCATlONS. M cannot reach lb teal Qf the dlscaaa. Catf rh li local dlieua. ureatly ln gui.-.- by conttltuiluiml conditloni. ona to orJr to c-nra li you nut take m Internal rnniiy." 'Iall'i Catarrh Uedt etna I tal -n Internally und act thru lh blouU on the mucuua surface of the ayeteui, Hull' Caiarrh Ueillclne waa ureectibvd ly one of lh beat phynlclana in inn eoiiniry for ym. It U com lioeeJ of om of ihe hot tonic known, combined wilt) eine of the bit bfUoil purWtfi. The ixrfect combination o( UiaMngreiMruu In Hall'a Catarrh Uedl cine l what protiucea ancb wonderful rvaultt In catarrhal coaaUUeaa. 8ad (or ItatlmonlaU. fr. K. J. CHKNBY CO., Propa., Toledo, O. Ai' vruaaw. . .... iv ruu lor ceafiwauo FOR SALE largc anil Miiull (arm and orchard tracts. Reasonahls prices, good terms. W, C. llannn, Dufur. Ore. 18tf. FOIl" SALE asn "gay tractor 45 horae power, 28-lnth Pride of 'Wash ington separator, and two McC'or mlck headers. Trice $1500. Tormr, '5. C. Williams, 321 Artisan Hulldlng, Portland, Oregon. 11 FOR SALE Complelti' threshing ma chine. SU-inch J. I. Cato suparator rnd engine. Outfit In firm class con- ,dltion. E. A. Read, Uiilck fiarago, Telephone main 'J21. 27lf it IIEMHTITCIIINd - and butloiis cover ed, Mrs. ,A. ,L Moliiie, Ojj; . Union .jtilrj-JT u; I'll! house lo party bu; ing part ol lur nlluro. Inquire 1405 Pine s reel, l sleeping rooms, nam anu leiepnone .l.l.k W.l U.i.w.i.,1 nlpuul tw iiMUM-m eciiivc. ..( ,. .,.u.i,. mi llnel-.n v.-ost nf rrilolol DallfS. 'Hi i- . ... . . ,r t modern home. Lady or g'entleman, 1000 Fullon sUol'.jTeiiJiijiayd, Tlt AWIs'R AND .IXI'HKSS - Fur 8491. ' ' 01 turi-aild piano moving. Frolg ni Ighi ( la(le(i iijijl (jjpijijral express busi ness, Telephones: statin, reu ioi residence ldack 1352. J. 10. Ilenzlo ntr PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS Portland-The Daller. Truck Service Coneral freight hauling. Leaves Portland 2 p. in. Leaves Tlie Dallin, 1;30 p. in. Dally seivlce. The Dalloi tolephono red 0741. Portland tele phones. Marshall 1355 or east 3HII0. .117 SfcHwsM v Teacher of Piano, Harmony and Theory. LcKcbiitlzky method' Special, alt pi. tlon given to boglnneis. Kiiiinu-r term opens Juno JC. Phone red 34111.' Slt'i dlo 100(1 Fulton street .120 - L .il-' i-rd: r- . : PATTERSON PARTS, Inc., by llii ;ompIete stock of parts fjr all popular oarit, its s uvlce In piooui 111'.; iilmo li'te pails and i's hasty jilellvcry lias varned the ropie lilt inn ol hwiiiji-'iniieed 'h .t'lp" th.i .eiitire loplac.eniifnt and ii'pait I u i(n !;)jilii CaliljDiiiia Af,jlori.u.H ,gU tlialr earn In a IniirW Ujwiso Uuli is no' delay ,lii "waiiiii1; for 'yL''h, g.HUJS1 ftnen uiRlte- more lii'oi'ey' by 'increasing Viclf4H 'if1' A '' a'ul H K'unl tuit!' llxy call' cut heir cwynauiii. siuiiioiu fY iciiucni'-; ineir hiuck oi pans. repair. men h.ive availed them- lit 'cerVVct' at Ibh'o JUtance. U..j u v.ilnii i.1-.. i ;, Already many Oreao nelven of Patterson P4"' Nuw, w.t.i tl-.. lJortlan tiervici! is av.T. able to a the of Orcijou, anj Oiefjon repair in Cahfoinia to jfla for Have your (jaratja of. Inc., the next time lit all popular makes 6 prancll tuny estau.islieu, the the iiarnge rnd ' repalj; men i.i llitt.-rcon Pii:is, (st in a ppuitioii sn q$nCilyrWlat, .it .hac .dona in i" ' i i 1 1 call on Patterson Parte, feeds ia"part''for"y6tir"i3.r. hi aiitlilion (o a lartfc F.foiilf ,pai;ls ipr ilears, Patterson laiis, inc., carries an aliKolmely '.cnitjle'(c .stock ol ! JAl-IN'S ; j, Quality liight Weight VlSTONS . MUSKEGON Quality Stop-Cut PISTON KINGS DOU1ILE DIAMOND Dtt'i' EUENTlAli (iliAKS TtJKNIOK i Ilpat-Treated ' AX LICS MANN Quality WRiST PINS MANN F Wheel Slarler (JKAKS PI ON EE 11 White Metal HEARINGS . Mci'ORD Gylindei' Head 'GASKETS Gienwood Hotel 202 Union Street - . 1 Half Block from Station " FREE BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Nijfht CLEAN ROOMS From 50c to $1.50 a .Nighty ; $2.50 to $5.00 a Week DINING ROOM Open 6 a, m.' to 12 p. iiu- ,i . i t it ' C I. ' I i I '1 -II I I ' " ' 1 I " i: .' I 1 1'. ii. w -.Yci' LUCILE CUMMHN5 Teacher of Piano Summer open June L Tele iihono black filllM. Studio at Wen Ninth stlreet. if GLASS OF SALTS IF YOUR KIDNEYS HURT Eat Lees Mant if You Feel Rack achy or Have Blrdder Trouble. FOR SALF Haled hay and grain. Wo deliver any place In town. One horao. weight 1750, 7 years old Guaranteed. .Will acll or l ratio for ealtlo, Qno team, weight 2400. Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed barn. Julv2 Meat forms uric acid which ev cIPjs and overworks the kidneys In tliolr efforts to filter It from the iyi teni. Regular eaters of meat Hush tho kidneys occasionally. You must relieve them like you relieve your bowels; i amoving all the acids, vaM and poison, else you feol a dull ml ry In tha kidney region, sfiurp pain , in tho back or sick huitiucuo, dl..i ness, your stomach soura, tongue is coated and w)ien tho weather i-. b" you have rheumatic twinges. Th urine Is cloudy, full of t- dln.eiil tho channels often get Inl'atnl obliging you to get up two or thru times during the night To neutrallzo these irritatlm add. , n.ii ri-iui. r.rr iiw. i.rwU.'i! ni-imiu- ( M(V4 iiuan l'.. .J .......... waste get about four ouiit" . . ? Ju.' Salts Irom any pharmacy; lake tablespoonful' in a glan.4 of water bn fore hroakfas'i. for a fuw da i an your kidneys will then act lin nnd I bladder dlaorder.i dlsi'iioeai 1 f Vat'. e Cajres anil Guides Bushiiiij.s, Replacement Paris Paris Catalog to the Traie PATTERSON PARTS INC. "New Pants for All Cars" :il Moitli Park Stre., PORTLAND. OrtCGON PHONE UHOAOWAY 2047 -rrt 1 1 ! rrrT i i n i .. i i i I l e n : It ii . i i ii mi '. ii'ii I .i .: i III ' .. l ' Jl ' I ' ! i -i M'' i ... i . i i.i;' ii 4vt . .t ... i . , i . . t . . i ij i lie; 1 -.4'" ii mi' " !'k-.", j.'',;,;,:,,;.;.:; i I ni I JilliiMI II )! V 7 .i ) ; )t f il.-Ji nut ! 'I.' ii 11' IimIi 'I'M; A " Iot . remind ,y ou aijaii) th'ii'tM'(irel, "1'' , can help you greatly ,wi,th , yQ.uij , ,,i .t hoilspcleanin. . u. he eloaned with soup and water "... we eun handle for you to youv edmplete satisfaction. Call us'on' the 'phono and get full particulars ahout anything you have in mind. 1 1 ni 1 1 1 i , i . 1 1 ' i ii a i ' 1 1 1 1 - n ii 'i.i ii ' i:in 'i . T)MfwSji : i i i "ii i i " ' i; I ,'l . 'I.i'l i 'I ! I ''I I' ' ' I'll I ', I 1 MODEL LAUNDRY Main 41 J L fi OLDEN DALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Ara reached the eaoleat by way -of Oranto and Mary hill on.tht JMARYIIILL FERRY A 10 mile paved road connects Maryhlll and Qoldndale ' Ff-flPY HATCa $1.:'5 per car and passenaero one way. 112.00 for lound trip, 10 day limit. WOO D A It D & TAUSCHElt (JontractinK Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile nnd Cepient Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty r.stlinatet furnlalied fron of cli.ugi, All Work Guaranteed. Tcleplionu Main Clbl or Call at, Gates Ulqck Other Stores L'3C Golden Gate Ave., CAN rKANCISCO, CALIF. 3322 Droadway OAKLAND, CALIF. Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist Hour 9:00 to 5:00 Gundays nnd F.venlna by Appointment 17-11 Voat'Blk Over Crosby'i Drug Store Phone IJI.ick 1111 iiiouti saliH Ih ;nade nom ihe acid c nnli ii. foi FOIt SAI.K-Crop and two years .... ..,... loase on ray 10-arro farm In Tliomn , Wj( jilhla. and has been used son's nddlllon. Modern housr. five generations to clean ani Imulalc ncrts alfalfa, ready, to rut. two . sIukeIsIi kidneys nnd Hop bladder lr acres wheat, apricots, cherrle. rilation. J.ul Salts Is inexpenslvej neaches nlums nears annles and """nloss and makes a delightful er peaches, piums, pears, appies ami miila-water drink which grapes Mrs. ranrflo Mcrcl iem. InU1IonB of ,nen nnJ W0llW.n ,uk( Thomp3ons addition. Telephono now ana Uirn( 1US aV0uinti serious black 4012, 10 kidney and bladder diseases Adv Dr. Ceo. V. Newhouse Cye S,iccallGt Wo am equipped to ulve your ey-H the very best of ram. Kyon tinted. (ilusseH KifJi'd. Second and WashlnQton Streeti The Oallea Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at (Jionn's Taint Store Main Ti2t Residence 3'hone Red IHll HARRY L. CLUFF ('RANDALL UNDERTAKING CO WaHCo The Dulles I.UI.U I) Oil ANDALL,, M.iuur tint '1 human, AnncUlil M.jii.Mjnr l.lrriikrd Cinlnlinorn, liiMlilluln-u IIU7 Dufur Woman Atteudjiit Mm. M. J. Willerton Tlepboiifted Wol Motor Equipment 1 elephone Day Rd 351 Night Rod 8H J. M. Harper, Ulack 2152 Cut Floweri H"i 'U .1 ' I I! li I III Ii 1 id 'I ll i