PAGE FOUR THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. JIMU 4, 1921. THE DAILY CHRONICM PIMabllKhod lR!tl) Tim DnilcN. Ore. Published Every lOvptilnn Kxcupt Sundny fcr Oi Chronlclo I'tlbliKhltif? cmnp'iny Inc Bn It. Mlfln ...Oencrnl Mining) Entered In tcond clans Tho D.iIIoh matter. poslofflco ns limited Prrns nnd United News Service Member of Audit Hnrenu of Clrculatlona DAILY CHRONICLt BY ndviinco.... In ndvntivc CAHHIliR $5.00 Ulx innntha, In ndvntivc $3.00 itJno month .U DAILY CHRONICLE BY MAIL One year. In ndvniive $!i.00 Hi months, In mlvnnce $2.fi0 On month .- .60 WEEKLY CHRONICLE One. year. In advance $2.00 In orderliiK sliaiiRii crlher should nlunyn as new address. of address, sub Klvo old ns well TELEPHONES Hdllorlnl Hooius ..Mm-lc 111 ItiislneSH, Adv., Cir. 1H'iIk Hod 111 Kubscillier.H to 11. o Chronlelu nru kui anteed service. I'tomiit. Mini regular de Itverv of everv suI)mi:i liter's paper Is tti' hn of the rlreulfltloii ili tmuiil. Tin Chronlclo can tern ne reipilied to pin tnw papers on the porch or wherever tin unscrlber wlsnes 'he paper delivered WE DON'T BELIEVE IT Tho Dulur DlBimtch anyn editorial ly thin wuuk Hint H'KlilrntB of Mould!' me up in iiinm liKlitliiK Mm nto'io.sod loud i bond ianuo lo ho voted uion n,cxt Tiii'HtJiiy. This stuloniL'iit In a inciiKiirc, limy lit: true, hut il is hard lo t liink that iolku in tin; Mo.siei seel Ion aiu tin grateful 'enoJKh to the lent ol tho cot'lntv lo '(lellheiately wuiit lo iw- fiyine n ilog-liHlii-iiiuni;or iittltud'j. jThc bib'Sciil noiite doesn't nlwnyii indicate I lie lilt-Kiwi ciowd, you jnow. Kor InHtani'e, Hto I. W. W. tiidd lo roar iiciohh Hie .country In gjcat Hnvtige yowls every v i fit oi prj.'f j ct you eould lake all Hie ,Vuli lilies in the coiiniry lo Koulh Anloi Iciu and Ihla country wouldn't notlci Ihu dllfeieiiee in lioinilnlion. Not etiin'-iii Inn Ihu liuople in Mns let- to the I. W. W. al all, the ill-, Kinion polnlH to Hip fact Hint a very low have nut up Hie incket iikmIiihI (ho 1800,001) bond Issue for Tho DHllen-C'ullfoinin highway, wlieieai the Kieat niajoiily are nittiiiK h', tlolriK llielf own thinking anil prob ably ninllltiK at the iiIiI-mIiow. All evidence thus tar iii'lieaten Ihrif Ihu Citizony Wellai;-; LetiRiiu In co'iiipoued of about two people. Tliei'i! inrly, be .jnoMij hutJiH .".VK.'X.i'.'Ji'P. corptirntlon; form) oiic'ont'lile-ofvlT.-Mnyqrjiild Mr. Chat Held has yet ail-niitii.Ml""lii(,inberHlflp. flllieie are just peoolo lion ol li'llr. ntlfi tin Huh lav ol the I cellar ill usions, eNcepliir; up pioprintlon hills and delensp ni'-.-i pri'i lor liii! state and ntlioii, iuiIum loin -fllllin of the nit niliers e usenl to Hie Introduction. The III . day cliiiire Rives an ad ditional period in which hills Imio (idced may by considered. It will l li st. It In fewer bills I'ein;; p.issed il expeiii-nce of oilier IcRlHlaiiires mIMi long sessions ineanii anything for Oregon. "Midnight sessions." wlieti Hit- clock i.-i tinned haci: while lu','ls In Hon is janiincd through, will lit- IliingH of Hie pasl. The login!" tu io will lie inoie cv pensive to tho slalc hoeaumj ol the longer session, but en the otliei hand it will piohahly save the in. payers llurdsaudu U.tough the stop pago of unseasoned measures which only clutter up the books and give woo to everybody. The Dalles Dally Chronlclo has been equipped witli additional plant and is very much impiovcd in ap pearance. It Hi'cms now lo he fillln--Its field eiy thoroughly and is ap About Gommimity Service By Director H, W. Arbury patently well Daily ('.until. patioiilzed. I.'ugine School CHRISTIAN SCIIWCH SOCIKTV oo vent It and Case streets, Hcrvlccs 11 a. m. Sunday and 8 p. m. Wctlnes- .ay. Reading room maliilalncd b tlic ocicty In room 607 First Nallomil hank building is open to the public tally, except Sunday, fiom S a. in. to b p. in. !. il not an iirrebiing thotmhi ibat nur leisuie lime is real (he un'v lime at our command? Our working linio Ik at I lie other ttdlow's com mand. When wo r.iocp, wo sleep, when we eat, wo eat; and limit the lit bonis are at counted for. Our leisure time can he ns':il hurl oii"ico.- ami oihc:- . Or, ii c: n he iimmI lo prciunie our best tiileron's and the Interests id' our follow citi zens. Kiieh person must decide the li.'iue for hlmseii, (;ven thon.'tli ho may be Influeiieeil by oilier people, and hv his onvlionineut. A lillle Ihought loads to the con viction Hint the leisure lime I roblcm of a gioal city its most Important problem. Community Service wants to he helpful to the people In such va,s "i shall lead them lo use their off-liino in the mosl enjoyable yet profliahie ways possible. Il knows that It can. force nothing upon them. It will rath er suggest, II will encourage, it will offer programs, It will attempt to reveal the coinmunltj to Itself In re spret to all the wonderliil, existing opportunll ies lor recreation, educa tion, fellowship, enjoyment of music ami art. II will cooperate in helpful wa.i with the agencies conducting tlavo activities and, on the o'her hand, study neglected nelgliiioi hootK with a view to getting eatnbllulicd the necessary I'nclli' Ies. Coniniunitj' Service recognize;- anil lespocts t ho deep longings of people for human satlsf'tcllon, lho:r dcslie to I for seH'-expresslon In play, In dranm- (tie production. In music. In handiwork, In civic Hcrvice. Wiihoht such nude's 'they are restless, strained, di'satls- lied witli Iheinselves and the world. Why lot these natural Insilncl.i he balked when their cxcrclttc means joy, wholcHoincness, health, zest for life, elflclency, neighborllno.'1s and up. prcciation of the coinmunltj ? .Make the. town enioyablo and the town will be loved. Happy people ore good people. Community Service comes into ex istence at an important lime in Amer ican history. The iiro-oIiI salooiiti huvo closed, the shorter work day Is spreading, the people, arc goin-r through the after-war period of up rest, and they are groping for belter tilings. Tills organization (the out growth of ar Camp Community Ser vice) offers itself modestly ns an In strument for meeting at least part of Hie great need of the hour. tAi in as many Mosicr as in rea'ioiiahle I ho other ST. I'KTKU'S CllimCII Forvieos dining niimmer months: I'irni mass a. in. Second linus, Hilill a. m. Ilen' diction aller second mass. Conlessiini' on Hnnila;. ;' and eve ol Ural ! rltlay . Iioiii I lo li p. in., and 7 lo !) . m Ite. 1'. .J. O'Koiirke, pastor. I'lltST .MICTIIOIHS'i CIIUKCII Waiihiiigioii and Killli. Saldr'lh r.ehool al 10. .Moinliig service, II. Kiibject ' Salogiiaiding Lite." Kpworlh l.eagm dcvotionnl hour, 7. Kvoiilng service :ii liigh bclioiil. iiiidltorlinii, Hie ha" ca'laiiieale soiinon by Itev. W. II. II Forsyth. Subject, "l.ll'o's Challenge' M ui-!.cjr :ockwc: hi jcrwciudft: :iii iu day nlglit. Uov. W. II. II. l''orsyth, junior. .M. Cravcnv. will iircneh. 1'iaynr nr-ei ing, Tliiirsday evening, S. Jlov. 10. N, pastor. piuifl oi tne couniy, aim mo Kiuiil j,u; ,n.,, fl, .,lk, vxUtnt m of the rensonjihiu ones WM, njt10:'(,i: wlnire have endoised I lie bond IsAli'.M fiJeiitliig' alul ; ,;k,l'"t ,51 d IsAll'.'.ll fiielitlllg' ! KIHS'I' ClllllrfTIAN CIMJItCIl Cliildron'ii dn iiiogiam Sunday morn 1'iogran Xo owning i ei vice, I'r.i.w choir piaclice 'I'hursdiM Asi the Dutur Dlspatcluifciiys." iqw-)'(j'!u:ng)iMi'. and, Mrs, 'Carroll (J, liok ever, a few years ago, .when Msjin'.jjn, uiliih'Jer.i. waji isolated, tne jieoine oi -tnai ijji ilj iiH cny weie working hard to get 1a 'ii'lfl'JjfllfUIMI l.U'l intjjjsuro thio.igh so they could "get A great iicai oi ni" imi.oim issue voted bond il)l)lt oil lion. Tliat ini letired. for!' It, and Hie loads bund thai, lime was no;-'lit1-' i in the Monlor issue 'now 'bei'n; Tho'WMiinly "Is piiylhg Unit liigh Is eiiu luxes. reason fov I'llKk.VX CHIJItCII I'llfim at F(cnlh. Bible iad I. 10 Vhriilng "worship. II. I'reludo, (lil.elt solo, "The Knelt ICIurnal," (Hughes) ..Mr.' Kio'ihltn'gi;! oflerlili'.V, "l',-nilore!H.' (Cat iienter) ; jMijdludo, ol'owcll). I.u tier lei(,ijiiii) ilevoJiijiil,.(r. Uaccaluut eaie t el 'i'ce in high school aiidlioriiini o ,..i.t..i, i,'.:..' .- i iV.i. ... v;jwvi. mil, . i. r.riv, iiiisior. tNITKI) DKICTIIKKN' CIIUKCII - I'IIiii and (! streets, Ktiinhn school, 10. Moinliig scrvic", II Siibjeel, "Per. iniineiil Peace or War?" Junior Chrlr Han ICndeavor, I! . in. Intermediate Chiljd Ian ICndeavoi . 7. I'nlie iiribieea- .lailicale service al liigh school nit li ,'orlum. al H o'cloelf Prayer1 inc'etlnrr, riiui sday. H.t Women'.'! Missionary so elul.v, I'l lilay , y::i0 p. in , wl'li .Mrs. W II. Italdwin, :L!0 Kasl Fourth street Uov. C. K. I lailmaii, ici'dor. Typing and Stenograpny done at rensoniihlo rales. Koslna A Klrek. Office Hotel DalleB. Tleg. denco phon rod 2.1H2. tt tc Motor Service Garag We Give Superior Service 4 . ' " Announcing the fact that wc have 20,000 square feet of concreted f floor space available for storage purposes. , fiV :' 4 ..' Our basement is concreted, heated and frost proof. We are prepared to accept anything for storage at reasonable rates from a trunk tq, a truck. Our Specialty is Service at the Gas Tank Wilson & Loomisj Props. Successors to Motor Serrlce Co. 11 ' Brown's' Dutur ntHgv Time Table Two tntind tripR daily. Leave Hn'it hold, !l. n. ill. liinl 4 p. in. Leave iHifur 7::!0 n. tn. ami 1p m f ii m m m mm WHERE SHE LIKES TO DtNE The ladies like to eat here because of tjie charm and refinement they find on every hand.' Dish? es do not. rattle and get on ;liei'r .ncirves. ( 'Nd under or over seasoned foo4; no jgredsy cook ing. And every article is the best obtainable. Service all you would'ask even in th best rogiu iate4 lioinc . - Try Our 50c Noonday Luncheon BLACli' &'WhItE' ftESTAUfeANT' H flflj H HH SRI H H Hi OR MR Ml H 11 LOOKING HACKWAUI) (Froni Tlio Clnonlcle, June I, l-.u; ) Alaishal Klakeiie.N has aiioinleii a. Hieclal iolice olliceiii loda Dm Mi ioiicJ',, li.iljdi filhonp and lllli Voiini; !ri(0!re(ionler has iflso given ' noiico lhi)'lf mi v eiooked ujork ( g(io." on t,t i lieViclrcus irrouml't llir tn 1 1 I'm t it--i an t i" .'i " . i wliuhe luinlshod io Hie full! ex'eiu of ( i; iw, if llioj are apprehended. Dalh iirri 'J If urn yestcf day tiaHhw piliu jL't y '(ajlfid lo lUci'n.Jh" ,tt tw f4f,iiii,,i,'i.i i-ifin. .r).. . , ,.,,.(( ...;.,. u Ii icli poured, through tli" iv''lhe Cancaih's below lUnirace. 'uh'er' tri'ill'le MIL . 'e,,he slopped liohvoen .1 , ,i cituii i lmuei s In 'I'ygh Valley diui'l use Moaler roads, Just as 'Mosler larm ei s aien't goinj; lo he using 'I'he Dalles-Calilornla hlgliv.ay. Hut lit foi tat. The tai mors down Tygh and Maiipin way bellied out tho MoHier tolks, ii wh shouldn't the latter lecriiuocate and hi lp out I hone In the wheat hell? Wo believe most ol Hie Mosiei j)code see this veiy ioilll. We be lieve the election iclinns nest 'I'.ie.i day niglil will show thai uvrti Moh 1'.'! glvus h r.iMifahlo Mile' to (he bclids. Io'Uh, an we said before, I'lieii they ton must have laugh d lo ncoiu '.tome of the tabid statements made in Hi. knllel of the Citizens' Wellaie League. The rest of Hie tciHoiiable one:. In the county did. Theie ma) hi- a he ol peode In Wnnen coiiiil who will vote against the bonds. 'I'll. it ih I heir julvilege. Hut it's a I luce to our shot Ibat the aigiimetila in Hi" lentli: illdut linn' them Hint way - ii CA'LVAJV Union aliiu'l day moinliig, "Walling lor P.APTLST CIIUKCII Pienehing service Sun 1 1 o'clock. Tliunii I lit Itlessed Mope ,iik '.Mosler mil renaonahle. (llorloiis Aiioai Ing." A sliiilv in fact' llihlo school, III. li, V. p. ., il::!n " m. Service al Koueiia, ;i ji. in Kvenlii" lervjce ill the high school, Kov. .lulu L, Moguo, iaslor. SALVATION AKMV Sunday sc. vices: Holiness inoellitg, 11; Stiiula i.ciiooi, .-lau p. m.; uning People's L" .glint, ii:l."i. The-usual Sunday uvoniug rervlccs will he dispensed with Ihh wijek, ,' Snrvlci a TiicmIii.v, Thurj-dav and Satuiday evenings at S o'cloc!: tllilccri. in charge, Captain C. Niclset and Lciiieuaiii M. Langdon. i ... CONlilll''(;ATI..vl. CIIUKCII Ml'l lllnj; . eivice, II. Peace Siiudav Kiibjeel ; "Tito Cllllicli.'s call lor Dli. in in ;i i imiii l .' IOv'ciiIiik nervlci In iiiiIihi with Hie olher cliiirfhoif al Hie liigh si li'iol. 11 1 lil t hehool at til a. m ;....i.t ' Uii 'orllaiid t;n:ll the ' will The river no (iirie D.i Ik", fnilr "I 'eUllj yeslorday with Mr. Peel !.!Hj lOngiiii'erin'j; corps, lijok liijiflglil o't wa'y'fin' HieJ)'orl,'i(;'i S'l'. PAUL'S iil'i.iv i-i'AI (MIUUCII 'I'liiilt) II. Chinch M'liool. H:l.'. I lot communion, 1 1, licv. ii. (i. I lot. -boll, icclor. CO DfiY SESSION!! Legitllatioii 8- hmIiiiu weie lliulled to in dli,B In () egon In Hi" dim pant when the male was iliiul.v i'jiulaied elltl the iioi'iIh ol Hie slale, so la I m Ihu legiHlaiuie imld niipj Iv Hiem. veiu tininll. I'o t l.i sesi, Ions '-"i ye.un ago olieii iiieaui the great niindii iiHiieniblid nl Siilem, hud ! sciatcli tlictr heals a loi m tlilnk of uuuicllilug to do lot Hie wcll'nr,' ol the comuionwc.ildi ilr.v icpie seulcd. Hut (il eon hiiu giiiwn. ami Ih tluyii linu litjen jiiovoii at leceni h.s sionii to ho Inr iio ;diuii a ici ml In which Haiisacl die hiuinhil liiiiilnehW. T.ue .iiough llieie iue liunilieilK of lillls liidoliicctl and ! Ilboialed upon which li ne in P "i '1 upon hie Htiitd'o Irjok nnd an- never iul thoie, hut then- arc Mj luwu lo miy what n man cainuit in liodtice. Tio Ion) with his lu.ik nieasuio laken U aa iniicli. n. i.i i lime than Hit ho wli ) me dnlii . urn Hliucilve woil;. ' Little oiijiotildiin lias ailv.n to die Lnnutltutional anieiiiliiient uiion1 which the vnleiw will paa ne.M TuoHday luovldlng Jor I'D tiny ': htin, Th' aineipliiit'iit provlilt'H llinl, extra si'sslonu anii lie iiuuit'u mo 'H) vlaB, It alay I'loliiblia In l rod tn, I l-'IMOU .MUTIU.IUST (MIUUCII TlioiiipiioirK nihil! Ion school Iioim" Suuda.v school II I.',, tollowi'd hv preai lung at It. hv llev (ieormi T Croetil l''veuliin icivue. S Itroihei I I. M, Uunti'igJoii, iwui) mil at of Hie looking al ijijfglil o't wa'y loi' Hie')'or(,'i(;e road Thfy: made j nii,!iiiproxlpui'1 ', .MjCjii'CjC ! if I lie damage dia l vvoihi aeetuo ,lo 'ho'Yiu'ioiis'ow n!'iii 'oi'ht' grin'lnd over .vh'i't'll the road will pass, ami find tin' 't vyjll piohahly lie small; Mo pari of; I Ih valuable lor agrlciilliire anil die miy damage thai will re. nil w ill be Is deterioration lor fishing rights anil ho lew cheap buildings dial will liav 0 be moved. o Jerome McNeil, aged III lost h lined nil narrow l escaped being klllo I hv 1 trau at Mosler on .Monday, lie vvie riMslug the I resile bridge ,ic: os- M sler creek when a train appeiri"1 around Hie curve at Hie fiirlhe" end ol' the liridge. He slnrted to run back ind ' l'ell hot ween I lie llii. The tral" came on. the engine and two cni pii'isilig over him before It wju .''il' ped. The lillle fellow wan uncoil scions and il was loiin l dial in- 'cid hls lei'i hand.. whch u i ul oil al die wiiM and was also In lured in die bad; of die head T.ixi M.iyfle;:'i I'elephoiie main fill"! -T xl L'Vtl HOTEL SUTTER Gin Frnnclojo Not Mi'ielv a iletl, lull ail I um 1 1 1 tit ion i.'o.inded on thn Principle.-. I'opulnr Prjcos Coiirtcs) j i v;o Ocoi'io W.iricn lluepcr, Mac- Reduced Prices On Milk ! (loliv- "We uirci' you nurc imstiMU,iv,..,d milk M'cd anywiiciv wiuuji tljo city linuls. ONH (JUART DAILY, per month ?2.r0 ONE 1MNT DAILY, per month ! (Yesterday's quotation of $1.2") for pi"! 1 -s wit ait cmm'oi") NORMAN CREAM CO v i Newl ) V ' . N i ?j r ranklin 'Mi I '. 1 i I i i ii ii it I i M :i , ul . i uD r . Aftcr-Wai; Rc'dufcf Announced Sebiier j492 m Present Reductions, Effective JmG ";h ii' i li u i.'im o! 1 1 jc.otj lit; :i !;) r;jt)i .: Hhi k .$2:' on' Endod Cats $150 to $200( oil Oprcii Cai!$r ;, r, ii n 1., I !-.. t . ::i-. i .(HONiaaio ii'i I, M New Prices I 4 . t 2G3fi n-- -Vf.4. r- fi it f , rricies ,' T!r ini oT iTT s .) fi : j:"' ,i ii i i: i ii: I i . r , , I II, I , 11 I.. 'U '1 I r Jl I hi. ii.;iiJ(.i-il , ii it-n II oi o,i ', ' ih'v r H .'-'.ui 'm . t ' , 3. (Il l'l'llt I I : ttl2fl'",''Ml';' r f- ! " .t . i. : ii,. ill .'ii i nJ' l i no : f i. ipr ' .. 'si'ii,. it m i '-'j l!f". li" 1 ol"') 'I .1 ilhf 'It il ' 'it' .. . ''ill In 'il''il ' . c. l. I' )-''' i 1 !l lli ill... 111,'. ' I . i.i'tl'.l il 0 . M.l ,'. ' II ' .it::i in .M'l.n.di v'l i" ,i n, i .' 'I At I ' ' ,S ,i I In I..-. i i IV li ill . ViJI ,Vf 'M ! ', t;i. ,-'i-i i ".ii ' ul ' ii r. t' i' .I'li-r , t 'JV tt TOUKING - - -RUNABOUT - -4-PAS. ROADSTER -SEDAN - .- - -BROUGHAM - -'DEMI-COUPE - - . DEMI-SEDAN - - CHASSIS - - 1 ... m All Prices F. O. B. Syracuse 255( 2550 3650 r j 3550 2850 3050 2225 War' ,: Total Aftera'r,;; .Reytiction $450 500 , ' i 550 . u 700 ' 40Q f $3ip.O 3050 aipq 4350 4300 3800 (Ney Type) 2625 i i'f ,).. i' ;vv)V- Last i 'i i Back of this new standard of p, rices Js .a bit of histo. tember the Franklin cut its price drastically. A remarkable sles reqord followed. For months past Franklin business has required norma ca pacity production. Since December last, there has not been on hand at the factory at any one day more th x throe days' production 6f cars. ' ' .'If ' t ii i 'ii i' 'a)..1 I v- This favorable situation has af 'ccted i t i : t economics which make pos- sible the present revision, thereby c eating a new opportunity for pur chasers, and again emphasing the proven advantages of Franklin per formance . , - . ...... 20 miles fn the falfon of 'gasoline. 12,500 miles to the set of tire? 50 slower yearjy depreciation i.l i ' V t ...tKi t' . iljr' c 4 The Franklin Motor Car Co, iS '-'t ?K.-W(Wti ,tr , '..-.l4 1 ''v . . .1 11 I 1 i .'4- i V