The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 04, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Sheriff to Arrest Sheriff Levi
Chrlsman left for Ontario, Ore., this
morning, to bring back a prisoner
arrested upon a secret Indictment
returned by the lecent grand Juiy.
Services At Rowena A special
preaching service will be held In thn
Rowena school building Sunday after
noon at 3 v'clock. One of I ho oily pas
tors will speak.
Ministerial Meeting Monday The
Tune meeting of the ministers of The
Daller will he held Monday moi-niii;;
at 10:.3Q o'clock In the trustees' numi
of the public library I'lans will be
made for the summer Sunday equina
jpark meetings.
T ' Baccalaureate Service Tomorrow
Following i he custom of former yoar.s
the protrstant chiuche.", of the city
will forego their regular evening ser
vices tomorrow and unite in tho bac
calaureate Eervlce a the high pchool.
Several of the pastors will participate
In the evening'.' program.
Birthday Party In Ea-t End An
interesting mii price party was given
Thursday evenlnp at the home of Jolie
Lang on Lewi.- street. The occasion
was In honor of the 10th birthday an
nlversar) of Ouy Lang and was
tended by a large crowd of young
folks of his Sunday school class and
(he boys' club of the high school.
Julian Phetteplacc Returned Dep
uty- Sheriff Guy Klton rot j mod this
,inornlng trom Payette, Idaho, with
..lullan Phettt place ns a prisoner.
tPhetteplace, wa's nrreated hi Idaho
at the request ot Sheilff ChrlsnianJ
fnllnwltlr thr, rnfllrn nf nn iTttltn. I
went' hv 1 hi ii-nnit tnrv ltd tw liulil '
in the county Jail in defalcation ol
1,000 bail.
. Safety Committee Meeting Th.?
next meeting ot The Dalles local com
mittee on safety will be held in i
room adjacent lo the yard master's
olfico at 1:30 p. m., Juno 13, This
meeting Is for all employer of the O.
W. R. & N. company anil the general
public isJso Invited to attend, tie
coiding to C. It,, Alarshai. local ag-nt
for. the railroad company.
Two Licences Issued Dan L. Cu
pld whittled two more uolchc.i in Ills
bow this inoinlng, as Iih watched
two happy couplcu emergt! fioni th(
office of County Clerk W. U ('rich
tow. .Marrtage licenses were; Issued
to (Jeorgo Edwards, )3fi, of; BakoiH
fJeldjKCkl.uridl'YrYqreuce A 'LVf, tfl,
ot tfy i. Wilis: -ifi'd jo ThilrbtjH U',
preVitft;,2i(l-t,'l!he' t?alles anif icinia
L. Walker, 19. ol Portland.
'.Many See Hygienic Film
rhe by-
jfetf.-oy .a: jalKe-auuli'iK'u The subject
;)( 'J:.Tilo'.Uejlrdductit)U or Lliu," .and
Ijadiny Julfcrosooplc discoveries o.n':i
.i(wnihg'. the ihanhor in which living
.oeltBbott) Vep,ttab)e and animal, mill
f(fJftIjJ;,heHfif Ives, were Ihrown on tin-'EcrWii.-
; Auditorium Plane Committee M.eti
TIie auditorium plans coinniitte.!,
named by Mayor I'. J. Stadelman to
Pass upon plans submitud Tor tla
now 3114,000 municipal auditorium,
nit't last night in the city hall to I'M
over the completed working plans,
as submitted by Uo.ightallug and
'Dougan, Portlund architects. 'Owing
to the fact that several members of
the coinmlitto were at Tygh Valley
Jloinc of (iood
; PhotoplayK
IIlm; latest, and best
' What every woman
wants a vacation
with pay, plus a ro
mance. A romance that ue-
fjan in i mud puddle,
mt a clean whole
some romance just
the name.
Adopted from the Sat
urda.v Kveninf? Vox I
stoi'( .
I'jlJtiriiiiu i (' imulv
XOI ,'iJ,:iV ,
"Thu ;OUNTY i A ill
'. .-JJ. - - - - -
j?ienlcfllin'6howii at the court
TUuraayLbzepiriK' fi th, t)r -kuu
,9'iL'' W)m? HV'ty 'wffi Wc I rii'el
M01xJAY--Eutit'iii. O'Drien in n.'ILDEi) IMS"
TUBS WEDNESDAY Norma Talmadjfe
I attending the road bond rally, no of
ficial action as to tho acceptance of
tin plnnn, v:tH (alien.
School Hoard Elect on I'err.onii
with ambitions to be members of
the city scluol boaid will have an
opportunity to attempt tho iuillll
ment of their hop(.s Monday, June
20, when the annual school e :
tlon will be held. Hans for the elec
tion weu completed last night at
the tegular meeting of the school
board. Two directors will he elected
it this time, to serve for terms of
hreo yrars each. Persons deslilng
o enter their names) In nomination
should commuuiratc wltli Miss Pin
lence Pal lei son, distilct clerk of
'he board.
To Operate Vacation School Plan.
ire In progiess for the opening of a
lally vacation Bible school to be. cur
lied on in the C'.ilvary B.ipth'.l (hu.eli
for three weeks commencing June 'Hi.
The ncliool will he operated only in
he inoiuin Irom !l lo 11:111) o'clock
ml ;lll be open lo about 7., children
anging from four to 12 year.; of :i:?e.
rim progrr.m outlined call for ntory
oiling, f-lngln.;, liihlo hand work, man
ia) training, ratlin work, m.ip bulbi
ng, games, calislhentlc and athletics
N'o charge will be made for admission
o the school and at It!) clone :.n ex
hibition will he given showing the ie-
Stray Cowo In Danger Wandering
bovlnes aie causing Chief of PoLee
yuink Heater cnnsldciablc worry, he
'omplains, tollowing leports by irate
lousuwives of stray cows eating up)
I'uiuily gardens and causing deiitrue-i
lion in general. A city ot dimmed
:,irovIdes that cows shall not be!
staked along public highways, hut
lieisons who are cutting down the I'
l'gli cost of living by keeping a cow
ipvi, tti.iiti it tuwi.r.i nHii ir tlitc 1,u- rm I
joi'ding to Jieater. ilia cjner ot po
Ice la not going to wait for Bessy
o hieak loose ami do a lot of dam
ige bel'tji'e Inking action In the fu
ui'e, but is going to pick up till cow;i
staked Out anil taku them lo the city
)outid, he warns.
Community Meeting Pcctponed
!e:ausi! of the several last-mlnuio
'allies which will he held lu the
loimty Monday evenln;, prior to Ihe
pecial election to be held on the
.text day, the III;.', community mc't
.ng scliedtiled lor Monday ul;i)it in
he Union jilieet park has been pHt
. toned until Wednesday night, 7:30,
it ihe same place, H. W. Arbitry,
Community Seivleo Director, tin
lounced this uioiniu, All person.i
jitereslei) in the workings of Com
munity iSeiwlce tint inviteu to uo
ijhnistnl .Kt ; jhe I tl.fijreht,'; park
Hv4dnesjLiv .' ivenlnji Whon plans fbf
Win' to'T,.V'caiTiiHl T-cAit Vii'nti.'i oityj
iltiring the remainder of the piesiuit
year, will bu agreed upon. A spnclal
.uogiain hau also linen ph .tared,
(with speechen. 'viKial tielectlons and
utt until of vaiiotiii kinds tut eiilnr-
' talnili nt. t
.' Dr. S, Hdiko MaHoy, dentist, First
Natloual bank, 'iowns :'.U7 3liK Tle
phono main Mil. raa. wain l tin I st r
Notice of Annual School Meeting
Notice Is l.erchy given to Ihe lejjal
voters of School Dlutrlct No. 12 ol
'i!'Mi Count y. ytaUt of Oregon, lhat:
Ihe annual school nuetlni' of said
Dliitrlct Wjlll be h.-'l.l a( the Hlyh
School btilldlir;; to begin at 'the
lio'ir of 1! o'clock on the Ihiril Mm
day of June, being tlo- DOt li day ,o'
June, A. D, 1921.
J. II. KlltlC,
Chairman Boaid of Directors
Prudence M. Patterson,
Dliitrlct Cieik. .1 1-11 IS
Tonight- Sunday
Adapted from the Sat
urday Evening Post
iitory, "Sweetie Peaeh"
Don't spoil your wife
and then biame her
jo:- heinp, t'-poiled.
Wo married his ideal,
.'.poiltd hot with lnx
nr,, atu' thou ',von
tlt.vd what hail
uii'vd hot so.
- Al.o-
Fo.v News
Mrs. Dell Olds of Crass Valley
was shopping In the city yesterday,
Mrs. 0, J. Alnsworth of Maiipin is
cboining In this city today.
K. P. Sliver ol Enterprise Is a
guest at Hotel Dalles.
Allies Kinney of Portland la a busi
ness visitor In thffrclty today.
Mrs. J. W. Dav cf Bend la visiting
with friends in The Dallen.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln Mayn of Mai'.
pin are sliopplng lu this city today.
Mr. and Airs. W. I). Davis of Bed
mond are visiting with friends In
The Dalles.
A. O. Hudson and H. J. Collins,
both of Walla Walla, are business
visitors in this city today.
IMIss Mabel E. Moore, of Portland,
Is tho guest of Mis3 Oeraldine Kel
ly and Miss Aileen Kelly.
. Mr. and Airs. Jack Sherman of
Pendleton were in tho city ytster-.
C. C Clark and Claud Clnrk of
Arlington were In the city yesterday
or. business.
Airs. D. P. Ketchum, Delaney and
Emil Schanno, who have btrn via-
It trig In Tncoina, returned to the
cli last night.
W. A. Berry of Ia(5nmda has tak
en up rcsldonce rfn thb city. He will
i J
,:t ,i no in it). ;.;.
,' t
(Paid Adv.)
II ........ . a- -( . ,. . i
he employed nt Alalor and Schanno'-?
1 J. Forbes", traveling salesman for
the Urando Honde Meal company, of
LaGrnndo, has bought the residence
of Dr. Krank Karnes. Ho" expects to
bring his family to tlilc city shortly.
There's a Difference
It yoti'vo been a "ready made" man
in the past, be a "made to order man"
In the future. First class hand tailor
ed puIN to measure, J.'iG.OO and up. W.
It. Webber, one block east cf po
office. 6tf
"bno Man In a MJllion" with the
Inimitable George' Beban iri'luo lead
ing rolo, opened at th- Casino
theater yesterday and the "S. R. O."
sign may bo displayed duting tho
rest of tho engagement. This plctur.',
the latest Robertson-Cole lelease, is
flawless. In the familiar role 'of an
i i ii "
The So-(;alled CiLi.ens'
; -,v ''
levy of 5 mills to retire the
, .
4ii, ' t" (ol,1
That if the entire icsue is sold the first year (which is improbable) that the
total cost to vou per year for both INTEREST and RETIREMENT of bonds will be
. ' . '.
le's than 3V1 mills. This cost is arrived at from figures furnished us by the COUN-
TY ASSESSOR'S office and corroborated by the TAX EXPERT of the OREGON
. , , .
' . , ' -' -:
It is the experience of all sections of the country that with good roads come IN-
CREASED PROPERTY VALUES. With the carrying of the $800,000 Bond Issue
will come prosperity induced by increased transportation facilities.
The Dalles-Wasco County Chamber of Commerce,
humble Italian whose brain is at
ull times directed by tils great bean
and .loVe ol fellow man, Mr. Deban
excels. This picture Is his strbngest
vehicle elthtr on the stage or
The story of "One Man in a Mil
lion" In one of real heart Interest.
It Is different. It contains nil of the
elements essentia) to the successful
photoplay. Motheif, love, sweetheart
love, the love of man for animals,
the' love of animals for man and a sul
llcl V-U number of comedy reliefs to
counterbalance the dramatic and
pathetic moments. Incidentally Mr.
Bebati, wrote the nfdry and jlroduced
and 'directed the picture.
Aside from having perfection of
ntoiy and detail, tho cast in support
of th star Is an exceptionally tine
one heaxled by Helen Jerome Eddy.
Otheis are Irene Mich, LLyd Whit
lotik, Unorge Wllrlatns, Jennie Lee,
Wade Botoler and George Beban, Jr.,
ihe five year old son of the star.
Notice to Voters
information for votero of The Dalles
election precincts:
Prccmci No. 1. Voting place, Bulck
Garage, C17 East Second street.
Irfclnct No. 2. Voting plnce, 1. O.
O. F. building, Second and Laughlln
! Precinct No. 3. Voting place, Joles
residence, CIO Washington street,
Precinct No. 4. Voting place, now
couit houno abstract office.
Proclhct No. 5. Votitig place, city
hall court room.
Precinct No. J, Voting place, old.
coui't house, Third Olid Union streets.
Precinct No. 7. Voting place, city
STI -'!?;
' (V v - - I"
Welfare (?) Leaie , 'tells
' , . 'fl
bonds in acldil.iori tothe interest charge of Qo. - : ""
, it-, . -j, . .'.!. -in i t
t I .
barn, just west of junction of Third
and Fourth streets,
Ptecinct No. 8. Voting place, Ar
nold WyBS residence, 602 West Nlu'h
j Preclhct No. 9. Voting place, Bap
tist church, Seventh and Union
, Pi'i clnet 'N'o. 10. Voting place,
James Ij. Palmer recldence, 1208 D
Precinct No. 11. Voting place, J.
C. Wlngfleld residence, 1300 Pine
I Kant Dalles Voting place, Beutert
i South Dalles Voting place, old Rob
erts house, on Dry Hollow road.
West Dalles Voting place, Stadel
man ranch.
Thompson Voting place, school
Date of election, Tuesday, June 7.,
Do not forget to vote. . .
I Polls open 8 a. m. to 8 p. in.
County Clerk.
6 '
By United Prttt
TACOMA, Wash., June 4. Taco
ma's hew tra'ffic code will become
effective tommorrow.
The .code is comprehensive -In
scope, necessitated by -the growth
and corresponding Increase in traffic
congestion of the city. 'It contralizes
in one ordinance all of the numer
ous rule ahd regulations which have
been passed by the cllj' council dur
ing the past several yearc.
Fred Shoemaker, commissioner
... . ft i j
.you. ,it will'cbst an annual;
.. i ' 1 .' -
. , ' 1 ' ",
I ' 'I . ' K I
. ' I .ill,. ,W
1 '
M. I I
,t ' ,ll I If )' 1 '
' ' i mil f I 5 1 '
H. S.
A Tie
: mm BHlflh Pr
public safety, has ordered thousand
of copies of the new traffic code
printed for free distribution cuaiorig
motorists. -
In Attractive Case
Satisfaction Guaran
, teed, or Money
This offer for a limit-.
ed time only. ;
Remit by money ,order ;
or cash (no stamps)
Frad Razor o.
1475 Broadway
New York City
: i
" '. t-- i.i.
f.! n' , ,j
I '.$ j '
, 1 . -II-'..- j.f. :S
. , to't-l - ir i ,
'i -in i. h vy'V
Oil I 'If - y)' l' ( j-' .1 1
i i'V 't'ilj?-( ji j ' f
. , . $V.
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""i''oi - 'i)'ilrf i-.'i-. im,
.1 I -I..H roJj- ! , . C , .,
,' .r ,(W ,') ' i -
,i . W'UM Ml.
RICE, CliAimun.