The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 04, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I- I
Graduatqn, Motit of Week.
Graduation fa the subject of Interest
at the present 'tiniu. Senior class so
cial nclivilieij during the pact week
have been, of ji'arainount Interest to
the younger sot and will continue to
bo during the "couiIhk week.
A formal dance given by the senior
clns.4 of tlie'-lilrfli school was held at
KlUs' temple last night. .Music was fur
nished by Richards' five-piece orches
tra. ! .
A domestic science display was giv
en at the high school Thursday night,
which was-.well I Attended by parents
and friends, of the girls. Cooking,
sewing and millinery made very in
teresting'ek'nibRions. Organdy dresses,
with hats-ifo match, made by the high
school girls were shown. These will
be a feature of the graduating girls'
outfits. i V! s, .
The bacca-iourdil'te ise'rmon will he
delivered by, Rev. W. II. H. Forsyth
of the Methodist-church, at the high
school auditoriupi, f Sunday evening.
Tills wlil be a union service, when
.the people of the various churches
will assemble to honor the youiiij
people of the city who have accom-
have aspired.
A class breakfast Is being planned
for Tuesday morning at Sorosis park
The class day exercises will be giv
en in the school auditorium Wednes
day night.
Thursday afternoon will feature a
field meet on Amaton field, in which
different classes will participate.
The final event will bo the gradua
Hon exercises at the school audito
llum Friday night.
W. B. Wiley, principal of (lie high
school, in r.peaking of the graduating
class, commends the cxcepliunnll
fine class spirit, which they havi
shown, and said that an unusually
high record of scholarship had been
maintained. Forty percent of the class
are on the honor roll and have nnl
been required to take any e
Gt. Mary'o Commencement,
The graduation exercises of
By Margaret Walker
party at her home honoring Miss i.o'lu
ullliousen. The decorations were of
roses. The dining tablo was charm
ingly decorated with a tiny doll bride,
flowers and dainty baskets of candy,
which' were given as favors. 'Utllo
Robert Mllborn Stlllwell presented
Miss Gilhousen with a basket contain
ing the gilts, which conflated of tow
els, dalntllj wrapped. The evening
was spent with sewing and music.
Mrs. W. A. Bert Campbell and Mrs.
W. Gilhousen assisted the hostess
The invitational list Included Aver
Black, Opal Coleman, Anne till toon,
Lois Griffin. Marie Griffin, Helen
Forsyth. Berntce Young, Sadie Hill,
Marguerite Hill, Pearl Taylor, Mar.v
Hall, Hester Cram, Beatrice Bdmund
son, Evelyn BMinundson, Margaret
McLeod and Lydia Ellon.
Will. J. 11. Weiss, May Seufort, Har
old Hanger and H. R. Faucher.
Club Luncheon.
The Fortnight club had ,v luncheon
at the Hotel Dalles yesterday after
noon, after which bridge was played
In the parlors. Pink roses were used
for the decorations. The mein'bership
of Die club includes Mesdames W. .1.
Seilforlt Carl Hanson, C, F. Condon,
Edward Seuterl, .1. Arthur Klggs,
illarold Ganger, Elliott Roberto, I,or
en Roberts, R. .1. Gilbert, Ed Hall.
George Knebel, J. C. Waldron, John
Weiss, J. T. Henry, Fred West, Ar
thur Seufort, Lloyd Dunahue, A. R.
Rankin, W. W. Halt, Joseph Fulton.
Fred Marsh, Edna Pease, Harold Sex
ton, R. A. Twiss, Rernlce Mosler and
O. K. Porter.
Entertains for Mother.
Mrs, John Scott entertained Thurs
day afternoon for her mother, Mrs
A. T. Lewis of Portland, who U vis
Ring hero this week. The afternoon
was spent with ewlng and In con
versation. Only a few intimate friends
wore invited. Refreshments wore serv.
For Miss Gilhousen.
Miss Leila Gilhousen was the guest
of honor at a linen shower given by
Miss Anne Ellison, Miss Aver Black
and Miss Hester Cram at the Court
apartments Wednesday evening. The
color scheme was in pink and white
Music and games were enjoyed. Re .Ypip ,sai;ved,..ThjK. . , g-upt.'
present were Misses Gilhousen, Ruth
NMelsen, Pearl Taylor, Vada Hill, Lois
Griffin, Lydia Elton, Mary Hall and
Miriam Aldrich.
For Portland Visitors.
Mrs. II. I,. cluff entertained witli
two tables at bridge last Saturday af
ternoon. Mrs. Gus Walther and Miss
Valeska Liebc of Portland were the
honor guests. Roses were used tor
the decorations.
Mrs. Moore Entertains.
Mrs. G. C. Mooie entertained infor
mally Thursday afternoon, at hrr
home, honoring Mrs. Gus Walther and
Miss Valeska Liebe of Portland, who
are the guests of friends. Yellow
marigolds were used effectively in
wljfint i&K hijdIscoro at IflflMfte.
SjTIiytokdii(:e(I Aiilukei'Jifo
R. Matthew, Halite Rice, Joseph
Stadelman, Joseph Ileroux. II. L
Mary'D academy will bo I'VWUWfiMhA
nay evening, .jiuio ;. ouiui.u miu ion i' Williams, i arry Greene, 'War
events have been given immmmMWmm
past week honoring the graduatm
Mrs. George HiHgon entertained the
seniors Tuesday night at her home
The rooms were decorated in the clan
colors of green and silver, wljh while
Killarncy rose buds. Ice oreaili.nfoti
and punch wore served. The class
consists of Kathleen Dully, 'Mareolh
Hlllgon, Kalheiino Brookhouse, Aunt
Shea, Mario MeCorinack, Elizabeth
Bird, Mildicd Strong and .Margaret
Mrs. Matthew Duffy enterlalncd the
class at dinner in her home iWcdnes-
day evening. The decorations were in
the class colors of silver and white.
Lawn Party Given.
Miss Esther Gumbert, Miss Vcrna
Pickel and Miss Helen Aldrich wore
hostesses at a lawn parly given at
the Aldrich home Wednesday evening
' of last week. The lawn was beauti
fully decorated with Japanese lan
terns, rugs and pillows. The evening
was spent in playing games and danc
ing. The music was furnished by Mel
vin Pickel at the piano and George
French with the violin. Punch ivas
served during the evening by little'
Glcnva Pickel and Lois Aldrich; ice
cream and cake came later fn" 'the
ovenlng. The invitational list includ
cd Tholma Crandall, Erma Teague,
Edna Lois Maxon, Helen Williams'
Verla Miller, Alice Grizzell, Evelyn
Edmundson, Katherino Carpenter
Ruth Cooper, Zelda Schrtim, Harriot
Schrum, Arllne Loomis, Elizabeth
'Moran, Lucilo Oats, Arvilla Krotz"r,
Cry.stal Wilcox, Mable Wammack,
Lcona Hostetler, Eunice Doyle. Dud-
lev Palmer, Darrcll Elwood, Floyd
Cook, Elbert Greene, William Gerk
lng, Melvln Pickel. George French,
Audrey Vogel, Bennlc Grizzell, Allan
Woolloy, Lynn Rnycroft, Alva Adkls
son, Hen Hallyburton, Elbert Kirk,
Graydon Calbreatli, Henry Myers,
Ronald Van Oiman, Robert Van Or
man, Joe Edgett, Wilbur Stadelman
and Aral Bolton.
Honors Portland Guests.
Mrs. llallio Rico entertaiuod Thurs.
day eveuing at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McCoy, lion
oring Miss Valeska iLlebe and Mrs
Gus Walther of Portland. Tho rooms
wore decorated with roses. Miss Liebc
won the high score prizo at bridge,
and 'Miss PrudentpwPattereon the sec
ond prize Only int Initio lrlends of tho
honor guests, who" riro former resi
dents of tho rlljjwrQ present. Tho
Invitational list Included Miss Valofk-i
Llebe, Mrs. Gus Walther. Misses .loan
nette Crosfield. Norma Modler. I-iun
Thompson ''Myfll Mlchell. Annette
Michell, Mablo Mack; Mesdames An
na Lindsay,! R.i Jt, Lyda, Carlton P.
Williams, M. R. Matthew, Joseph Stad
oiman, Paul McCoy, H, L. Cluff. Jo
seph Jleroux, Grace Crlthton, R. I).
Maxon, O. R. Krior, W. C. Waldron,
G. C Moore, Notiio Smith and the
Misses Prudence Pattoison, Beiilah
Patterson, Elizabeth Hall and Dor
othy Fredden.
den, Grace Criehlon, Gus Walther, P..
C. Olinger, Vesta Mays, H. L. Clutf
and the 'Misses Valeska Liebc and
Dorothy Fredden.
Ministerial Representatives Asked.
"lie! dW'h-Jh 7eeil ' rcV?6l!bil WM
pastors of the various chinches ask
ing tJnpilrtcnEjfjijnilhio J,fJiifl
irom ineir lied Cross meinlier.-.lui to
serve on the chapter board. Th-j 'eil
Cross office will ho the general cen
ter of various kinds of infortunium,
particularly that pertaining to health
and social service. It will also act as
tho omplojnient agency of tho com
munity. K&f
Bazaar Planned
The Ladles' Aid society of the Cal
vary Baptist church met Wodiiji.dny
afternoon at tho church. The regular
business program was followed ai'tr
which sewing and the discussion of
plans lor a lull bazaar held t ho at
tention of those present. The mem
bership was divided Into two competi
tive sides to work during Hie suiiunr
gathering material for the bazaar.
Mrs, Retsworth acted as hostess fo:
the' meeting'. Refreshments were starv
ed. Birthday Party.
, Mrs. B, ,M. Stqny gave a birthday
party "for Miss' Margaret Maio,ic at
her residence, Monday, May HO. The
evening was spent in playing game-1..
The dining room was decorated 'n
green and silver with rosebuds. Eight
een candles decorated tho birthday
cake. Those present wore Misses
.Kathleen Duffy, Marcella Hillgen,
Katherino Brookhouso, Anno Shea
Mario McCormack,. Elizabeth Bird
Mildred Strong, i.Margaret Malone, Ym
da Schrum, Ida Baumgartner, Vora
Frank and Mildred Story, most of
whom aro members of St. Mary's
graduating clabs.
Blue Bird Party.
'Mrs. Chauncey Butler entertaiied
the Blue Bird Luncheon club at her
home Wednesday. Tho rooms were
decorated In blue and yellow. The
guests present weie Mesdames .1 I
Chambers, R. C .Bradshaw, Ben R.
Litfin, Thomas R. Hudson, John S:oK,
C. F. Condon, J. B. Kilmore, G. A. Pear
son -and Francis V. Galloway. The af
ternoon was spent at bridge. Th'J
high scoio was won by Mra. John '
For Fortnight Club.
The Fortnight club va . entertained
last week by Mrs. Loren Itoherls and
Mrs. Elliott Roberlr, at their honi".
Besides the club members, Hie lollnw
lug luvlled guests weie piei-enl; Mr.'
Clxde Seltz, Mrs. T. II. West, Mis.
Thomas R. Hudson, Mra. .1. 1. Cham
bers, Mrs. W. L. Crlcliton and Mr...
Sidney Bloom.
Nydla Club Meets.
The Nydla club met at the homo
of Mrs. John Van Dellen, Mis. A. K.
Crosby and Mrs. Robert Wilcox acting
as hostesses. A short business ression
was held, after which the afternoon
.vas spent socially.
Formal Ten Thursday.
Mrs. Bert Thomas and 'Mm. E. R.
Lyda were hostesses for a foimal tea
Thursday alternoon given at the home
of Mra. Lulu D. Crandall The rooms
were decorated with roses. Mail'
guests called during Hie afternoon.
Mrs. D. M. French. Mis Crandall, Mrs.
Benton Mays, Mrs. J. B. Kirk, -Mrs.
J. E. Harnett, .Miss Dorothv Froddon.
Mrs. M. It'. Matthew and 'Mrs. M.
7.. Donnell assisted in the dining room
during the afternoon.
Luncheon Planned.
Mrs. H. L. Kuck will be hostess for
a formal luncheon at her home Mon
day of next week.
June Millinery Sale
of ladles' and children's hats. Black's
Millinery, 115 East Second street. S
The wedding bells ranr last even
ing In the Gates apartment block
when George I, Hdwnids of Califor
nia, and Mrs, Florence A. Lle. iw
nierly of Pendleton were united in
marriage. After a few dah' visit in
the city, Mr, and 'Mrs. Edwards will
return to California wheie the groom
Is employed by the Standard Oil
company. The ceremony was prfoi til
ed b Itev John L. Bonne in th"
presence of Mr. and Mrs. J . Phil, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MiGlothlln,
Miss Violet Tlllson, Mrs. . L. Sil
kus, Mr. and Mis. A. K. Phillips, Vin
Ita, Juanlla and Arthur Phillips.
Main C.Ofil Bennett Taxi - Main 01. tl
Have Your Hair Renewed
Wo can give you any rdiade of hair
coloring with a famous Franco-Amor-1
lean hair coloring which la bo perfect
that It cannot ho detected from tho
natural coior. licnnaing aiso a spc-
clalty. All lines of beauty culture at "
tho Hotel Dalles Beauty shop. Tole-J
phono main 4051. J17
Recall Those Happy Childhood Days
By Attending Hie
Children's Day Program
Christian Church Ninth and Court Streets Sunday Morning, June 5
Mr. and Mrs. Carrol C. Roberts, Ministers
Residence, 1220 Jackson Telephone Black (M72
For Mahonla Club.
Mrs. F. L. Houghton was hostess to
tho Mahonia club lit her homo Friday
afternoon. Thv rooms were tastefully
decorated In rosos. There wero five
tables at bridge. Besides Hie club
members, invited guests were Mrt,
Harry Greene, Mrs. John Van Dellen
Mrs, W. O. Hadley, Mrs. Bert Thomas,
Mrs. E. R, Lyda, Mrs. Emma Carlisle
mil Miss Dorothy Fredden.
Attend State Bankers' McctiriQ.
Mr. ami Mrs. K. O. McCoy, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Barnum, Mr. and Mrs. T. 11
West, and Mr. and Mrs George C
Blakoley aro attending Hut State Bank
ers' convention this -week at Souslde.
Tho peoplo of Seaside have planne i
elaborately for tho entertainment of
their visitors.
Towel Shower.
Mrs. J, EH'StJlIell was hostess lasl
night when she gave a towel shovror
For Heppner Guest.
Mrs. Edward Seufort entertained In
formally TuoMlay afternoon at her
home honoring Mrs Dean Goodman
of Hoppner, who Is a former refcldont
of tho city. Those present wore Mc
damos J. I. Chambers, Thomas R. Hud
son, Foster Ralston, Shirley W. J.
Seufert. C A Johnston. Don W Var
us. Ben R Lltfln. Elliott Rober"
Loren Roberts R C Uradsbaw John
rroposea qouu,uuu oona issue
i ' 1 i' i i , : : . it m . i, ji i
i i
Hard Facts and Plain Truths
r rj'l' T'Ii --'1 wM .3 Mi J ml
A Financial Maelstrom
fl if"- mi alifuju -.ifl -.'iij-.i u) i'.lhm i, ).i (c)
ij ' -i -Hi i ,ii I'Mi "I'll ) -i ! ti.
.Adoption of the $800,000.00 bond issue goqbu.vond. the ni.'l.VK'i?,'). !'ekv.
hw i '
j' P II II I I I l' 1 1 ' M
I- 'II I I I I , I ,1 I . , ,
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lit It'll illnlil Jut .ill'I Ii M.1i r '!ll j ' .'-I''''' 'I''"'-' "I "tii-ll'il -III Mill I-1"
In iti liiiiu u Miii -il,:l ?: iliMd ji i- i
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tt1-.! ,fi;l'
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, Vi t," t iltnlioJ BiKM nilil iiim.
lllill'..ltu 'lllilt) llI'lildlilillL
t K II I ."I ! iM-lJ.l it, Hill, H I
Iii five years the taxes ot Wasco County ! lherenst'd 1)5' lio'rcc'nt." "'!" auui-.tmui i. s wzu. .t i.-.i.f.
j h ''' '' ' if.tttT.i ;.)..ii j n, i , mi iiu!.. aiiii', iuM ;
. , ,, , , K. -.,'r "' ' U' '' ''."l" V'tlll'l 'fll1iai)lll I ill. I c , u
Ill HIM hitlU'ITOlUUll LJIU ilt)BUt)U(.l VtUllclLIUIl UJL VV ilhVJU VjUU 1 1 'i'Hilrr ' 'Dlllii.ll I ; 'Ull II hl'ilil . ,l .III
17 percent.
f,i ! il l4t'lln'.Ji .
The $800,000.00 bond issue will mean an annual interest account at ( " t .$18,
000.00 and an annual sinking fund for amortization necessitating a levy of 5 mills.
Does the limited resources of Wasco County, present business conditions and fu
ture outlook warrant the assumption of such an enormous, staggering, stupendous
indebtedness as the $800,000 bond issue and the consequent increase in taxation?
u -1
Taxes must be paid. Taxes are confiscatory. If taxes are not paid, property
" i . .! ,.'.. is sold-to satisfy the delinquency. , . .. i
Have you any assurance that the proceeds of the $800,000.00 bond issue will not
be wasted as was the money raised by the former $2(50,000.00 bond issue?' i
The $800,000.00 bond issue is a plunge into the maelstrom of financial ruin from t .
which there is no escape. ? . lU '
A negative vote is evidence of financial sanity and notice that reason still pre
vails, i
Is not the $800,000 bond issue going beyond the margin of safety? Are not your
present tax burdens almost to the breaking point and will you voluntarily assume a
burden that presages bankruptcy and ruin?
Vote on June 7th and give notice that you regard the security of your property
and your home of paramount importance and that you are not to be cajoled into plac
ing your hard earned competency in jeopardy.
VOTE "NO" ON THE $800,000.00 HOND ISSUE.
(Paid Adv.)
K. IJ. CIIATFI13LD, Secretary
Mosier, Ore.