PAGE 8IX THE DALLE3 DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY.'JUNE 3, 1921. ; '1 COUSIN EVERETT" GIVEN IS MONTHS IMPOSTER CLAIMS SUPPORT OF GEORGE HARVEY. FEDERAL JUDGE VAN FLEET, OTHERS. By James L. Kilgnllen (United Nows .Sin ft (.'oirfcpoiiduiil) CHICAGO. J tin-.' .1 -"Cousin Rver ntt" Unfiling must servo 15 months in Leavenworth ion i tent la ry lor pos ing an a relative of llu president. .Sentence was passed liy .Indue Keticsaw M. Landls In lederal eouit late Thursday alter witnesses, in cluding Kverett lilinself, had told how "Cousin Hvoieti" strolled Into the offices of experienced business men and, by I he magic of a name, a supposed relationship and - an Imaginary job, got llu- attentions anil credit ordinarily Riven distinguish cd statesmen. Kven such a widely known per nonage as Colonel C.eoiue Harvey, the American ambassador to Ureal Britain, showed a somewhat marked Interest In Kverett, it was brought ottl. going to the extent, iiccordlnc to Kvercll's own te? tiniony, of prom Islng him the position of assistant secretary to Piesldent Harding. WillPiin II. Thompson, mayor ol Chicago, also was interested in Kver ctt In tact, Thompson gave him his political start, Kverett testified. "I was standing In the Hotel Slier man lobby in 1011 when Mayor Thompson came In, Kverett said, "and I was Introduced to him." Later, he testified, Thompson ask ed him to form a "young people's club" which he did. He was made overseer ol' the 21th ward" and I' I nally, for seniors rendered, was put on the ticket Sis candidate lor drainage tittstee. It was while work Ing for Prank O. Lowdon, the then presidential aspitant, that he at tracted the attention or nationally linnwn politicians. Kverett said, Thompson, ho tostllled, Instructed him lo work for Lowden. "Who told you you would be made assistant secretary to President Hauling?" Kverett was asked. Iteluctantly he replied: "(ioorgo Harvey." .Itulgo Landis Interposed: "Do you mean our ambassador to Great Ilrltain?" "Yes." - Ho said ho mot Colonel Harvey in Washington Inauguration day near tho senate building and that llarvoy said It was "all set" for him i.o get the. job. Others, Including lormei federal Judge JMilllip Van Fleet, ol Indiana, had promised him the po sition, ho testllled. WWly did you do this when you knew it was all bunk?" Judge Landis asked. , 'Wll.,I knew Colonel Huryev and Judge, Van Fleet knew I ,liad worked hard for Piesldent Hauling. I spoke for him all over Indiana and also in Columbus, Ohio, In Fianklln county." , ,.'"Dld you cany Franklin co.tnly for 'Hauling?" the Judge asked. :"Yes, I did." i, Kverett denied that ho had over passed himself olf as I'r.c'slil'nt llni ding's cousin, but he Insisted he wan ' a "kinsman" and as prool lie naked his allot uoy lo display a photograph autogiaphnl "lo my fel low kinsman, Warren G. Hauling," No Dnncc at Elks .Saturday night. Owing lo hot weather I be regular Saturday night dance at Klkn hall will transfer lo (he big new pavilion now In course of const t net ion near the end of the Choiiowlih pave meitl. This pavilion will not be lculy for loinortow night but ununun-imnl will be made of Its opening Mini'' time next week. BRITISH REPRISAL MEANT. IS BITTERLY CRITICISED lly United New LONDON. June II The lirllisli military policy of h, piling the homos ol Irish civilians was blttoily eilti clsetl In ait attack on the govern meul In the house of comment Wednesday, General Seoley, lormei chief of the air service, a member of parliament, declining that no house should bo deslioyed h the crown forces unless It had been iihmI I'm an ambush or unless the authorities bad plausible iufot mutton that the occupants had participated h out rages. KING GEORGE IS 5fi lly United rit'He LONDON, June Miu Geolge rolclii'Jitcs his r.iilli hluhdav and in honor of the event lla-v. wei Down M I LR QUARTS, per month $2.50 TINTS, per month $1.50 Delivered Anywhere, (loori, Clean Milk. Re Brothers Telephone Black 6031 on ull government buildings and salutes were fired by artillery nt London, Windsor, Aldcrshot, and other military centers. The olflclal birthday celebrations will bo held In Knglnnd tomorrow, when King George will review tho Guards in SI. James' Park, the pic t.trosquo ceremony known as "Trooping the Color" being arranged for the llrst time since 101 1 In pre war plory of scarlet and gold pageantry. Taxi May flop's Taxi Telephone main fiOUl. 7tt TARIFF REVIVES (Cmitlimi'd hi i I'.iko 1.) wools of tho Montana lpe SO to ,Sr, cents. Wools ol the line and line medium description or French combin", length, like the new Arizona woolr. have been selling at around 70 cents clean basis lor the belter lots, which means i!ii to cints In Iho grease. Some vcr short or clothing woo) . so called, have been sold on u cle.ri basis ol about III) lo 02 cents. WAR DEPARTMENT THROWS FOREIGN WOOL ON MARKET (dnonlclo's Washington llureau ) WASHINGTON, June I!. The dlrec or of sales of the war department luthoilzes the announcement ol' the proposed stile by public auction under the supervision ol the quartermaster general in Hoston on Juno lill, 1 It li 1 , it approximately a, 000, 000 pounds or low grade wool, particular! suitable and adaptable for tho requirements of tho carpet manufacturers. The wool ofl'eied for sale will be wholly of South American giowlh and will grade from -11-in lo 3fi S. yonalor Slanl'lold and Sonntot Gooding have arranged with Secre tary 'Weeks of the war department to file it protest against this sale, and il it cannot he prevented or postpone, will seek to have. It divided into I ivo sales. Senator Staiiflold insists all stiles should be postponed until after the growers have made final anJ definite arrangements for t lie present spring clip. Tho last time the mat tor wan up with the war department it was un derstood that the war department would not offer any more wool at auction until Iho growers had cleaned up Iheir clip. MARTIAL GUARD Contlnucd From Pa Bo 1.) the. committee of seven in control of the city, said today, Minerva, a fiO-y car-old wasi woman, was released from "lngit,ing a riot" charges today following pleas by her wnslilng clients. ".Minorya." was J'leo, ing. ,tlip town wilh a huiyjlc .when sie wtis arrested, jn the buinllo, it revolver vas lound, but It later developed tha her son had put the gun In thu pack age. A .dolinito el'I'orl will, ho mado by Attorney General Fieelng and other state officials to remove Mayor T. D. liviintf, It was said today. CharfiuH will be presented against the city authorities, when the special grand Jury called bv District Judge Vnlljonn lliddlsim tneejs. Juno .S, ac eouling lo leporlH. Ileporls reaching the citizens' com mil tee here from all over I be counlrv staled that money Is being gathered in many cities to build up Iho $500,000 building fund lo repalco wrecked homos and to place the once proud oil metropolis on its fuel. Hy United Nown TULSA, OKla., Juno it Juno S, at 1(1 a. m. Wiis the lime set Thnrsda.v uighl for the convening of a special grand Jury which will investigate and determine Iho lesponslbllity lor the race rioting in Tulsa. Special attention will be given lo tint conduct ol the sheriff's oftice and the police depiirtmenl, In view or .'illegal ion of neglect In handling the situation when II was in its In cipleney. iteloro departing lor Oklahoma City, GoNcruoi Uobeitson called Hie race riot Ing "datnnablo' and Inex cusable " "With a shorllf or a chief of no lice with nerve this whole thing could have been avoided," ho de clared. The bodies of nine identified while dead and 1 S negro bodies have been cared lor The property loss will total at least !f l.MIO.OOO. A sq.mro mile of the city was laid In waste. TULSA, Okla , June :t Tulsa's le parallons commission has begun Its work of ietrle Itm the once proud name of Tulsa. Out of this riot wrecked municipality one of the most widely boosted cities In Amer ica In days gono by has. como a definite program of reconstruction and reparation. A "high commission" of seven, tin der Iho chairmanship of Judge J. L. Martin, former mayor, has spread broadcast an Invitation to outraged negro families to file their claims lor damages tit the hands of mobs. Every effort will bo made by Iho lesiding citizens and business men of tho community to "make good" the riot victims' losses it wits announced Thursday night. As darkness set In Adjutant Gen eral Charles F. Hanott and bis tin llonttl gtiiirdsineir t csuni'.'d their sec ond night's vigil. Unwilling to leave the city while there was any possl billty of trouble, General Harrett cancelled ill trip lo Fort Sill, Okla., and leestiibllshed headqtiartcts at the mayor's office. American Legion hy Major Alva J members, headed Niles, were fin active auxiliary. Stops aie being taken to invest I- eiite Iho alleged lalltll'o of the local authorities in tin; crisis. District Judge Valljean Iiiddlson Is preparing actions .'it the command of tho gov ernor which will put Chief Gustal' on and Sheriff William McCullougli ruder Hie with tho possibility of re nioviil irom d.tty lor failure to .act Local significance was attached to ti.e fuel that In the selection of the reparation committee the name of the present mayor, T. D. Kvans, was !rt o!f. l'o!l"'ng the oily has beconn a comparatively minor task as com pared villi the lending of triors r. the fair ground) park. Negioes without money, f,000 ih. : i lid ha'l food or credit, were at tho mercy of the city authoiilics. Red Cross ol flees were opened across the street from the city ball. Probably 20(1 automobiles, microti by citizens and driven for the most part by women, conveyed provisions and also carried negro families from buined "Little Africa" to servant quarters behind a millionaire's home, or to the crowded detention camp at the fair grounds. Final check-ups or dead made by Sherill' .McCullougli lato " Thursday had brought to light but nine white deaths and IS negroes. .Major Chimes Daley, police Inspectpr, Insisted that deaths In the fire would put the total at 100. ROCKY KANSAS AND BENNY LEONARD TO STEP MONDAY By Wcstbrook Pegler (United lrcsu Staff (oj-reflpgrKjent) i NEW YOliK, Juno X Before he can take further ojiapco oft getting lilinself licked hy'ii thirtf rntcr.f Hooky' Kansas, the lad who stopped Ultchii ;hqll. In one .round, will be nut in Hie ring with' Benny 'TAbnhYd; 'light-' weight champion;-over' rn the 'Harri son, N. J. ball pink Monday n,igh and advised to go do bis darndest. For awhllo Kansas lookcfl very plausible For Making Up DAINTY ARTICLES APPROPRIATE FOR Graduation Gifts Our stocks offer exceptional assortments of Now Silks, Ribbons, Chiffons, Nets, Laces and Trimmings. WASH SATINS All the delicate shades Pink, Flesh, Orchid, Maize, Ivory, White. Extra fine quality. Per Yd. $2.75 CREPE I)E CHINE 40 in., extra fine qual ities in leading colors for blouses and under wear. Per Yd. $1.89, $2.25 FANCY NARROW LACES Val Laces Filet and Torchion and Shadow Laces, in wonderful assortments, 5c, 8 l-3c, 10c, 12'2c, 15c, 39c to 59c. Filet Laces, Bands and Readings Exceptional assortments at 19c, 25c, 35c, 39c to 59c. Wide Shadow Laces, Net Top Laces and Cluny Laces, Black Laces in all widths, Silk Chautilly Laces and Venice and Collar Laces, Nets and Ma iines, Gold and Silver Nets and Laces and Bands, .Metallic Cloth, Chiffons and Rosebul Trimmings. RIBBONS! RIBBONS Camisole Ribbons in all widths in Plain Satins, Bro cades and Printed Warps, all colorings, 50c, 59c, 79c, 89c to $2.00 Yard. Fancy Bag Ribbons in ail colorings, Sash and Novelty Ribbons, Narrow Trimming and Metallic Ribbons, Gros Grain and Picot Edge Ribbons, French Wash Ribbons and a full color range in those famous Century Satin Ribbons. posing as a claimant for Leonard's title, hut after knocking out Mitchell he made a second and less Impres sive showing with the Milwaukee light weight, lost to Jumping Johnny Dun dec and made only a moderate show ing out-pointing Gono Delniont. Dun dee got a newspaper decision over Kansas In Milwaukee. Still, Leonard had sonic respect for Kansas because Ilcnny rerused lo meet him at it 1 1 in New York, claiming the judging system hero might de prive hint of his title on the erratic Judgment of one man. However. Den ny can let Kansas stay 12 rounds In Harrison Monday night, being a busi ness man he might coax the public along lo make a great big thing out of a second light, this lime lo a de cision In New Voik next fall. The same sort of wise money that bet on (ho Reds In 1010 is belling on Kansas to slay 12 rounds Monday night. Kansas has a peculiar build with very heavy arms and shoulder, a small Witlsl and thin legs. He Is a mighty hitter and he showed agalnt Jackson that he wasn't a dub as n box er either, although nothing near as clever as Leonard. The challenger has been training on fights, like tho man who ate six ap ple pies to tort his appclllc helore entering a pie eating contest. Leocud has boon boxing with local light wolglits and doing some running tliiough the parks. TOMMY MILTON TO RACE AT TACOMA fly Unltrd l'icsa TACOMA, June X Tommy .Milton. winner of (lie Indianapolis 500-niIle race, will bring his Fronlenac to tho Tacoma speedway for the races July 4, it was learned hero today. Nine of the country's greatest speed stars will also drive hero. They are: Ralph Muiford, Jule3 Klllngboc, Eddie Hcai-no, Eddie Pullon, 'Eddie Miller, Joe Thomas. Ira Vail, Howdy Wilcox and Wnnderllch. THIS TIME LAST YEAR The Giants beat the Braves in ii double header. Plug Bodie, Yanks, hit a homer with tho bases tilled. Dartmouth mado live runs in tho ninth inning, but Calllornia won 10 to 9. $3 BET WINS $300,000 ' ON BRITISH DERBY By Percy Sari: r United Ncwh- Staff Coriespomlont) S, iUOND6N. Juno 3 Captain Albion Jones, D. S. O., sat in his office on) tUc, ..nbickwcll , docK of !ie Union' 'c1Se1earsfI1V6myd?iViK, 10 rnvctfeket-on" Iho I)oi;by.ln.hJs j pocket. ,Cn WH p'inted tho word "II)orHI. Jjapii).ii aoiies, u. o. u. concprnec for Uic moment In see- FINE BATISTES For making dainty un derwear. Sec our extra values at Me, 49c, 59c o 79c ABC SILKS Always popular and very serviceable. All the naw shades at 89c Yd. Ing that the ship LLan Stcnheno was properly painted, had forgotten the ticket. A highly excited subordinate rush ed into the office. "Captain, please sir, MJinorlst wins and you got GO.OOO blinking (ulil. "Never mind about Humorist," said Captain Jones, D. S. O,, "is the Llan Stephenc painted yet?" That is tho story they tell of the latest Urltlsh product a man who for ii $3 Investment drew down tho ONE DAY ONLY Special Display and Sale of FINE FURS ALL THE VERY NEWEST FASHIONS IN SUMMER FURS AS WELL AS FURS FOR FALL DELIVERY AT SPECIAL PRICE REDUCTIONS. Mr. Hartnian, special representative of Detroit's largest manufacturig furrier, will be here with a largo st ock of newest styles in fine furs, and will take orders for at once or for Fall delivery at very substantial sav ings in price. Ah expert furrier himself of many years' experience, he will also be glad to submit estimates on remode ling or repair work of any descrip tion. Remember the date ONE DAY ONLY Edw. o t z ii i i s v h ' ; - 1 i '- . . i. . 1 'jiiiiil j2S N&W Playing and Tomorrow ONE MAN IN A winner of the Calcutta nwcepstakes, 1 a fortune amounting lo about $30(V 000. Captain Albion Jones Is a re tired naval ofllcer, a. war hero and. a wearer of the Distinguished Ser vice Order. "I never mado a bet in my life," he said in an Interview. "And I never took a ticket in a sw-Jopstako until a friend offered me a ticket1 and I Just tool: it for fun. I forgot ' it until Tuesday, when I was told that I had drawn Humorist. And I C. Pease Co. IBIIPIIIIIIII WHERE SHE LIKES TO DINE g The ladies like to eat here because of the charm . nnrl vp Pinomfmt. tlipv find on everv hand. Dish- es do not rattlp and under or over seasoncu iuuu, nu gicaa , ing. And evtery article ,is the. best obtainable. Service all-'you wouldi'aslc.BejAjh.the.elr- iated home. .. TryOur.5flcvadRX:;Lunchcon.r:::: BLACK & WHITE" KESTAUlvAJNT nniiHiiiriiiiiiiiiiil The Picture that all Portland Talked George Beban IN SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE FOR CHILDREN Children when accompanied by parents, 5c thought I had lost or torn up tho ticket. But 1 hadn't. And I didn't have any idea bow much I would win. . "Well, I've held my Job for 24 vcais and I'm not going to (u!t now. I told my wile 1 won a llttlo money anil that she conld buy herself a lit tle two seated car." Dr. '.S. Burke' Massoy, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phono main 3011. res. main 1691. 8tf SATURDAY, JUNE 4th SATURDAY, JUNE 4lh get . on their nerves. No g About. Coming "BLACK ROSES" Sunday Monday MILLION" , . , m Edw. C. Pease Co. I