THF DALLC j DAILY OMPONIC T. FIT DAY, JUNE 3, 1021. PAGE FIVE !,l Classified Advertisements MEETNQ'N0TiCEO Regular meeting' 'Colmribla nnd Chemical company No. .', day,- Juno 3, nt 8 p. in. E. J. 1IANLOX, Secy I lose Fil-! WANTED Girl of woman for wal rcsH. Good pay. Glenwond rostati rant. U . WANTHIJ Girl for dish waclilng and Uunciiil work In kllchun by t lit? hour. Call main 5111. 'J A' mcctlns of The Dalles Hod nnd Gun club wlll.bcli'ld Tuetutny night ; In.the clly council chambers, s o'clock. Game laws, fish propagation and tho WANTEP Girl to nsrir.t with house work. Telephone red o'Jtil or bl.ick 5691. t) coming crow toiir.ndiuqnt will ho dlo-1 A'ANTED cusbccI. All mcmbani aio icuucnludj to bo In attendance. I Position an practical niirpo. Cunt influent canes iiictrnc I. Mid. D. A. Cotuwoll. black 1701. 4 Seventh Day Advenllst ; WANTED Small four or five loom Services Ht the'Scn'mth Dav Ailven-1 fgrntahcil house, ttoo W. II. Shaw Mt li3t- chu'eh. 500 Kant Fouitecnlb I Gannett 'Motor .onipanj . otr'cet ate held regularly us follows: i W.WTEl) l-'iirnlshed house or apart' 'Sabbath Rchool at 9:45, prcachinf; at 11 a. ni. and Youiir Peoplo'n merit ing ut 3 p. ni. Pi caching mcnt for nummer. Not nioro than five looms. No chi'drun. Telephone main- 3SS1. 4 blinday night ut 7:30. Prayer anil WANTEli-IVu pidgin. .1. J. OIiIcl: mlssioniuy meeting Weclncnriay even- j schlaper. on Marnh place ne.u ing at 7-Jn. The public la invited !n attend tbc,i meeting!!. 'EUlnr P. W. ' Province, pisto'r. ' address, J 420. East Po.irloentli Btreet. i PH RENT FOR RENT Small house. Fourteenth and Trcvltl. Telephone, rod 2841. 6 FOR RENT lvo-rooho ?Tij b'cr month. TcJ4j)Ji6ne red 6 Ft)I RENT Sqvt: room furnished ojice. Complpte. 414'Fulton street. 4 FC-ft RENT Fuinltihcd hounekeepin ajnd slocpliiK rooms. 5-'0 East Third afreet, telephone black U301. U U RENT Four roora hour.o. ln- dnjro 117 Wc3t Tenth al'rcel. ' 3 FOR RENT "-Four' room hoiise. "Mod ern corivcnienccy. .917 Pine ntrcot. 3 FOft RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 320 East Third stieet. .Telephone red 6312. 3 FOR RENT Small house' with base !meh(. 710 Calhoun Direct. No bu3l ncsn done, on Sunday. 3 IFORi RFjNT Font room modem Jojse to party bu; ing part ol' tur- ire. Inquire 1405 .Pine street. 1 t'ilESTT.iy dcslihblc lirtnlnc rooms., bath and t'clcifh'bnp i Weal. VSqcondk etreet,.xhreev bits west! Of Jlorcl Dalles?'-' 'J ' "RENT-RoorpiJ wit h bafilTin .11 i.i.J !.'....'.. l.n'i ...... J Thornton's lakes. Telephone 2F5. t 1 1 ICL p" WA NTE Cn pa iTouVirmym wllli at least $300. I havo truck and job for the ilsht paity. Write box AL'U, caie of Chronicle. , 2 WANTGD fTvii to seven room mod ern house, with ard and plo?" to keep cur. Pest care or pioperty nscuted. Call led CS22, or J. II. Race, Libby cnnn'iy. 8 WANTED- Siiksman 'foTThTllallM and vicinity. Coniinisidoit contract onlyi for upare time or lull tiiiie.'AVc will teach you to sell Income) pro tection IhroitKh our tree chool of instruction and help you build t Ini.sincKft ol' Apur own. M:ir.:acht: uotls PondhiiT anil In.-tiif.iit"! lom- ,? pany, (apcl!.ent,Mid. ht'i't:f dop-irt incut. Sngln.iw, M Ichinni- Capital $1.3p0.000.- i , ! 4 m .... Power to Develop In dustries Largely In Hands of Women By IDA B. CALLAHAN, President, Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs TIGHTY to ninety per cent of the house ' hold articles and clothing for the family is bought by the women of the state. If the women of Oregon should decide to buy Oregon. Products a tremendous indus trial growth would surely result. Many people who arc now idle would have jobs. The factories would be increased ill size. Payrolls would be larger. Women of Oregon, let us try the plan of asking for home products. Thjs plan, if properly supported, would mean a more prosperous Oregon and, many more happy home3 "out where the handclasp'3 n little stronger." Ask for Oregon brands! y ITS. WCUsCOsflCUt MlSCatLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING and button.-, cover ' cd, Mrs. A. J. Mollnc, CUT Union street. mTtTNG Mrs 1,, M. lloothby. 308 Washington streot. Telephone main fiHSt. II TKANS FKR ANlTTcX I ' R ESS;''n rl turr and plnio moving. Frcigh' haoled arid 'g'rneral express ii'iisl' nesn. Telepbonen: Stand, red I'M: rmlilonrn lilnrk 1352. J. Ii'. IlcnztO PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS itlbi n linliie. i I.-iilV or erhtt'enKld.. ...... 7 . ... . .L. ,1 . , ..i,..! I l munLi ,LI . lAAi.LL.1 1'Uiion Bri efly- lpinwipraB ran eri-- . in l . ; i ; r-rT,. mr Furrifihcl an'?aii ished ioosokp;JMii. (fes rcasonatlteJijqi)?c"''l7i Ird ctieet. FOR SALE r pnone irtty 'pnrltand,--- K- iiulk.ii 111 n.i si ..... p. in. Leaves The Dalles. phono red 0741. IJortbind tele- Marr,!iairi3t5 br VW .'1990. .117 .ill 1)11 nil 4 1 1 3AL'E Modern hotisn IHl IUO uailioun SirCGl, - .... U. , . . V'i-.n..., Ilrmnnv ainl Theory. fin I i i i ta r r. m i -.!.. i i x 1 ' . r VW . lKm " ow 1 Wr'P .116.1000 Fulioi."fWt. Ml:, in .Ji E Onetfood milch cow. Oal', , ; l;cncliol h ky melhoA alien Wlf'icet'.' .! Ain( 'given1 o jeRlSjnei'rt.'yun.iner'lon caia-iCtU-JLUiJUJiili bpcnK.-.rifno1 l.'phone- re'di349i:Btd TOjJflTQWS. LAKES iMTOgP,' JUNE h ) . iuijiliveir ialU!i'dn Thcre;i!lier ! 1 , . .. Jll .! v ni .'ii ii l : -i D;uicc m Use open air to iho slrania of a; good Orchestra v j ' 'i jl'.i.'! ,LiAu:f ' i f - r It- 'j'"'!, .jiUQJLJU " ' ,L ' , Red' 621. I FOR HALE Ford Tour.ljp.- Reanon able. 1008 Alvord after 5 p. in. 7 FOR SALE Ra'wleigh prcinTtnr''lTo West Fourth St. Ulack 13,'!1. J2;t FOR 'SALE Ten-room hotel. Inquire j I lAlsutS I lNrtl--rtiid lopalred, ac tion leRiilatlng and rotlnlRhlng I'lHyer actions a r-pecialty. Work Riiaiantced. S A. Dockt;tader. Cor son Music store. 320 Fnst Second street. Telephone main lOfii, tf box C7, Kent, Oregon. JJ0 , - r- FOR SALE Five room houao and two" lots. (Inquire 515 AVost Four teenth street. 1(l,.v- itl FJJpAL'Enry oal vobdold onk. lf 50; nocond ssowJf, J1U:5. Ueliv: ere. CaJI,30J.22, en(qn1i).p1.pi. tf FORt S.VuTe'alCo car., lnqulio Sunset parage.' - f' 10 VE?!Z EAUEE General real estate, InsuiHt.ce, ni p3p3 1001 Ei'Rl Serond stieeli3, nhoiic mwiri J571., -WtC fi ; ;,-,. ' ri' -!-prir -. f X--- - ylf ' Teacher of Piano Summer chinos open June-1. Tel1- FOm' SALE Cheap. Two mm Mc-1 phone black 0221. Studio at 201 We?i Cormick combine wilh mopi .ennin.: ( Ninth ntivM. if alBO borne uttacl tnent. Write W. L. Typn, "'50fi Wag I , Eleqnth' street, Tbjp Dalles. 1 'ifi FOR," SALE L.HRe mi'i i.tinill .farm and orchard ',:'IteaBoniib!i prices, good terms. W. C. Iliinria; Dufur, Oio ixtr. i'.( FOR,, SALE -Complo'o Ihre'ohinn m.i chlne. 28-Inch J, I. Gaga pepurator nnd ensin'o. Outlit ia lirst cla;;s con- POPULAR MUSIC Tausut by BOB WERSCHKLUL i LesBonr, by Appointment Ernjiress Theatre Pianist LEGAL NOTICES. dltion. E. A. Read, .Bulck Garage, Noti c for oid for o. L. cricin na-j rr. i l , ' th. - ..i.r WHFfa. t'ountv hoichj' cull!) for ri-Hlol Telephone nmln 921. .27(1 for Vradhic of the o. t,, Giirnn rr.nrt. fiitti-ilv frnni Maoclii'iitcr IIohiI, r FOR SALE 1G0' ncres.- Ii mllcB 1 ' ?',11f " .'""f' ,., ,.,0u , . .1 All IIIUS Rllll II-" "II ."-.. SOUtJhWCBt of Shan'ko. (1 acres in'nhlrlt vlll hi furnlfti'd niviit - niill"( cuH vnt on; 90 ntore "can be cul (n t.v iiio l oiiniy un-iun ' (-; e i, . , . . ;! . . float dun plunf nnd ("-HiuhIci for HiU Hvated. Good woU.r.ood barn, no mpIOVeme,it m ..n lll in il ffl-c hoii3e. Price $1700 Dallcr. Realty f Countv ck-ik of Vm-.-o r m y. ; ir'- Company, black 6631. ,1 tv Iliwdniuntcr nt Mb office I i f'oui.H m ...1 i rVim I llriutir.. Tlii Dalll-8. OlV'EOII FOR SALE Baled hay, and firaln. We rdhject to inrportinh. 'rii.j wojk win he . ,, i, i'1!, ' doiiH In nccord.inre with lh wnV" deliver any place In town On" , ,nnt(f)ne( ,,, ,i K,,t.cmrMii'mp un hoir.e, welcllt 175", 7 year old 1 d-r JIi.h rup.-rvlBlon nnd .Hicrtloii ol . ,, ,, . . .. tlto Co'inly Honlninrtr. Guaranteed. Will sell or trado lori ,mi hMs miiKt ho nccomnmieil hv n ratlin One team weirht 2100 I cfillflrrj rhwk for .' iHir-n( of the cauio. vnt, weium -km of tho h,, ,., , j,.t,.. t-. Sound, and gentle. O. K. leed va-o rviity In r? nnch hid nlioiiM .'trn ' liilv" t"1 f'C,'l',''l "d hi lildd'-r Hliotilil f II vla- , , iu- to t,l)(pr lrl( rnlrnct, nnd bind for the - ; " m-mfm.. faithful pel f or m uco of tin- voi k FOR GALE 323 acres, 7 miles r.outh .Ml , bfd.' bIioiiM h r-(-d ml filed tlm.l. inn Invol in '"l "'( folllllV '! Oil Ol hf Ol west of )d: 00 acres level, e 1,h (Js(V of ,tmu ml A ,i(J)I bs niainder slightly iollln;: fenced min"t hv cnun'r fomt ni lo nd crocs fenced 8-v-iM spdn. n,--clll, tT'tu . fatiuly ordinal, Jiqur, loom house. t,i'ct nnv nml nil hil. goad bam. 15 rollci fiom nc'ionl l9,,,", XM: lrl ,R' f,f A " Price $10,000 Dalles Rsnlly com " ' w j,. rmc'iiTriN- pnny. black BSD1. H z "LnJlSlj. WANT CO VAIi,TED Woman Wr general houEc .ANTEli Woman cook for ranch Telephone red 2621. i " worfc. Cull nflcr 1 p. m. 313 Went Nlnlh street. 3 SECOND HAND 8TORE n Furniture Repairing, Packing. Crating, Carpet Cleaning. All work guaranteed. 206 Court Street ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES Ol- OUCOON t 702 OREOON BUItDINC P-ORTI.AND -.'.. 11 iit D A; N C E PAVILION H I i i .i ' E. C. 504 First National Bank fJltl;i. The Dalles, Ore. 10U Dr, T: DeLARHUE Eyenighl SpccialiBt Hours 9:C0 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment t','.H Voct IJIk-Ovcr Crosby's Drug 8torc Phone BUck 1111 A HEAL SUMMER CANDY " t i ' " The idr;il kind for Picnics and Outings PEANUT BRITTLE Made wilh h'ir, Virginia Peanuts, Sugar and Butter. Freshly made Today for, Our . y Saturday Candy Sale SATURDAY, JUNE 4, ONLY PRICE 30c PER POUND ,s .. . . At the " l Ky - t .- PHETTEPLACE STORES Second and Court "1008 Union Sal urday Fresh SI ra wherry Sherbet Sunday Sen J ii- IH. A.L.H.CO I initio i i ii 'i t .. .i'i . . . in Let U remind you agairtthat ,;',u;;; ( can help you- greatly vil;h' ypri,H,.."., ' houaeeleaning. Anything Uuit.qau. ii m .icn. he cleaned witlv soai) ami water n ve can1' bundle for- you to yoiir !li' f.On'Vnl.Vl'A :,lisf:wi,lfih! C,:ill 'iVfi dh,,'',",I, f"M about anything you, have m iuiud ., ii ,!) i a 17'M ill? v 1 ATv,:; ,11' mi 'i'"i ii i j i.f u ij uiiun wii i iin:i n ' ill I ' I , ' In . il' - n I I i i i I ( Ii ttf"t 'Hi I . ii tit -1 l i" )W"i' Us Mi ,W .,-3 -"jvi? DFI fo-f JfiHT U I' i k'Compktitlectrk light and Power Plant MODERN APPLIANCE CO,, SEATTLE Distributors f.o.h. Sealtl' Spokane, Portland, I'ocatclo, Untie JKl all other DcIcoLight plautr., this model No. 620 al $300 has the famous vn I ve in head, four-cycle, nir-coolcd motor. It is sclf-enmkinrt. There ig only one place to oil. It runs on kerosene, it. economical and easy to operate. YeaVr. of Dclro-Lifiht cn'.inccrni development, together with the experience gained from over 35,000 users have combined to produce the value that ir. repre sented in all Delco-Light Products. There sire twcnly-fivc Btylcs ;iinl size; n Drlco-Uilhl plnnls, to wc ovciv nectl ni fnriiiK, stores, nuititrv lioiiirr, and all llinse places where individual liiihlinji plants are a netrfiilv. Write for catalog or com'' in nnd lot ut tell you what Dtleo Light can do for you. I Ji ten-Light Ik Hers living condi tions and pays fur itself. THE DALLES ELECTniC CO., DEALERS k The Dalhs, Orejon 1 ... :.,nii, .,. ' i ' ' ' ! .ii niiir l;ti' .1 '' "'!t , i , i ? ) ' . r:'",:lL' Ti'-.'."'' ".""1 TfT v i i Dr. Geo. F; Ncwhouse . ii i i Eye Specialist , , We mio oqiilppi'd to r.lve your oyos llio voiy hunt of c.nif. Kyes tcntril. OIiiiihoh ' fi found. Sccoml and Washington Streeli Tlie Dlles (OLDEN DALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Ai reached the cualcat hy w.iy of Grants and Marylilll on th MAUYHILL FERRY A 10-mile p.wcd road connects Mnryhlll and Goldendale FERPY UATE3 $1.S0 per car and passcnuero onn way. 12.00 lor round trip, 10 day limit. WOODARD & TAUSCHER Oontractinj,' HricKlayers and Plasterers Ajl kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Flreplaco Work, a Specialty Estimates furnlclicd free of chmyj. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main C4B1 or Call at Gates D(ock, PcoplCvS Trarivfcr Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRKvS'S AND DRAY AGE Furniture and I'iano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint StoreMain 3121 Residence ?'hone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CIUNIMLL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur i in ii ii cnAMiiAt t . MrfiMur lint I liinii, AiM mt Mnn.tgtf t li.cinfd Einltliiiera, EitAlillthed IH7 Woman Attendant Telephones Mra, M. J. Wllleiton . - Day Red SSI Telephone Red 1BI 1 ' Night Red SM Motor Equipment J, H. Harper, Black 2152 Cut Flowcra 9 t