I; ' PAGE FOUR THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921. THE DAILY CHRONICLE itabllihed 1890 The Dalles, Ore. PObllBhVd Every I2vnlnc Kxcupt Sunday I? tlx qhronlcle PubllliliiK,cgmimny Inc Ben ft. liltfln Ounirnl Manngcr About Community Service By Director H. W. Arbury Entered In tecond elms The Dalles matter. livotyone, be. he IHo i Ighl in )tay -during his leisure; joung or old, tun postufflce hb (i10 Igi1( t() nifty -lo uxpress himself lime In nonic form ithitMi PrvHi and United News Service . (if reel efif Ion. Not ohh every Individ Momber of Audit Huri-aii of Circulation mij ,,VM,.y rUy ,,0li8 s)lr f liolghborllnos!) which develops when (no people of a nclgliljorliood or coin DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIER One year, In udvance 16.00 till inonthB, In udvanco -.$3.00 Una month .... riAILV CHRONICLE BY MAIL One year. In Hdvnnv $6.00 t)lx month, In uilvunce Una month .. .. M WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year, In udvuncu .. J!!. Oil In ordering chimt" crlber nhould iilwnyn aa new HddruHN. ,t sild i can, fclvu old a aub Willi TCLEI'HONt-S KdllorlHl Huoms.. rtl.'ick 111 lilialneaa, Adv.. Clr. Di-ntr Itfd 111 Huls''l ItjoiH to the Chionli'lt) int guiir anteed Bervlcu. I'rounit and it-tfiilur d llvery of every muIjhciIIu'i's paper Ih the tin of the circulation ileimrtini'iit. Tlie Chronic I o cunluiH are ri-ipiln-ti to pul trie paiiera on tliu ponh oi wIimiiivit tin umcrlher vvlehea 'Im luixur dullviif ell. or MOB VIOLENCE As n writer from Tulsa pul il in the article published in The Chmu Icle Thursday, liilluie of I lie police to act at the pnyehologle il moment resulted In Iho wot.sl rue riot ever occulting in Ihe koiiiIi, :imi oik- ol Iho worst of it u kind In the tui tion's history. '.. Approximately a bundled are nc boiled dead, the nioh torch iins bauiu'd over a inlllion dolhirii of (iamago arid Ihousaii.ls of while and colored people are homeless. !'; V?ien a few "lough" hlaelui ap peared at. the com I house lo liee jine of their Kind whom they feared tons to, be lynched, the t Jot marled fter wlille men wJo bud '.inhered cftoinpled to disarm them. This was the point when police, 'others in authority, could bavo (saved the situation by suriotiniling the blacks and matching thein oft to jail, The same oil leers should have been just as prompt In I'll inly leslstlng any altemnt on the pari of the white men gathered to Inter lere with Iheir aetiott. Karely tin mobs gal her with the deliberate aforethought of lynching o'- doing other violence. Crowds Higher iilwtiys when there Is e.wlto-nit-nt, or, tlie prospect of excitement, "bey nro composed of, morbidly, . cur I i'lli persons wio gather lituler tlns . a'lne conditions ' t'liill 'pVoiMo main': ii round a rallroii'il ' bin i Ion1 lo see ii' ijbvle star arrive. I lull, ij ." JVjrowds will vj If t ti)i)'i-iiff. and t j) boo Indlvlilii'ibj wlin ijiivv ibmo i jib UK which meet with genoiul dls fivor. It is oliiin true lluil Hi'mlll fpwds of men I lll tfM ingilrhor hoiuo where and ilcllhcrnt; ly plan was douiint I'entiAli munlty piny together If community-wide lecreatlon Is to become a vital force people every where must conic! to understand the rrnl meaning of pla - primarily lhiotif;h participation in it, hill al."i through an appreciation "of 111 value lo il wnll-ioitmleil life. Finn!: .Moirlsou, sefretnry of Ihe American l-Ydrntlnn of Labor, has said: "I believe thai the, development of ndeti'iinte pilb.ie lecieallon facll i ics and the recognition of physical tia.nlng nr. a necon iry part of the education of our children will po a loni; wav toward Itih-iirinj: Ihe linppl in ss and opportunity for self-development of our young people." A lew nights ago I attended a com munity gathering where Hlnglhg, iiponltlng and liu.Klliig held the hoards until a lale hour. Tbeie weie a gooillv number of chllilren prinml who were rather "pul lo II" lo find the proper amusement for themselves. The older folks who were having a fjond lime had I of, l sight of the fact that Ihe youngsters were any more than a part of the scenery. The children were .s 1 1 iiud II took but a moment to dis cover the leaSon. They did not know any K"mes; they did hot know how lo play. They stood aiound 'slnfcly and in small groups, "all dreSM-d up and no place to i;0," IJul a motiirnl wa.i reipilred to koi (hem Inteiested In -i Kame. We played until I was sired, that he will litiiij; If the law catches him. The island is sfnall and llieru :ilo many police, so his chances of escape aiv small. It could be the same hete. .Mobs have no more place in orffanl.eil itoe'ety than, do murderers. And there never was. a mob lhal could lint have been nipped in tile b.ld il authorities had acted vigorously at the tight lime. tlie mon duties ol ly evident that their patents hail er played with Uk in. They will and loliictnntly left them for serious hut loss Important the i veiling. What an Indictment agalni.l us (;iown-iips! We tire slllllng Ihe Clod Riven instinct for play In our boys and girls. Those little folks bail ner been taught any games. II was cle.tr nev-be old when they rhould be young, Jlv idea to the good people of The Dalles for more piny spaces Is a plea of Jus tice to our boys .Mid girls, 'We have no light to force them lo the streil1: we have no right lo deny lln tn their hiii'ilage, Our Indifference to lh needs of these young people Is cre ating i ehelllng, of one kind or sm other. They are not normally rebel-. nut the Instinct for pin mils find a channel for expression or rebels they will Income. The supervised play ground Is Ihe answer. The Dalles tun v have playgrounds and some one to supervise them tit very little expense I'layground activities are a part of the Community Service program. lf you support Coiumunily Service ou assili'e playgrounds lo Ibis commun ity. The. need Is iiille apparent. Jane Addains raid: "We may either sniolh-1 er the divine fire of youth or we mav lied il. We ma ell her stand stupidly staring as it sinks Into a murky flip of Crime and Hares Into inlermltto'if blaze of fnll. or we m;iy lend il Into a lambent llame, with power to niake clenn and bright our dingy city streets." Let If ndf he said lhal The Dalle has smotheri (I "the divine lire ol 'youth." I.e! our slogan be:' "A siit:ue i deal lo our boys and girls. irJ it. - f. 3r."tS LARGEST ClfAiW bETAittMEHt m t ".ORE OftGAlllZAliON IN THE MLDlS-OH Make Sure of Better Yalues V . )i .v i'- .' '.fi THE FAVORED FEW Who a im the "lawired few" rj' fiiijd io( in the cl'cuhir which hf altruisllcl! cltiz.-nii' Wellare Lea -.u'i; or w'AJcu ChuniV sMit forth no ttUUift i'ngly' lo tlio tiix'pilyi'rs this week in oDilositioii Hi' the road iboml measure1 Inching Tills T .1 ia" Wasli., oh the evening UU! Uay, liy, when ex-si wijto sluil down by of Al nils- vice men nieuihers of the LWr-V,.riyibi'Ctj..was. a imib. about LUUMUJ.1JW-.,UllL,.-iiut.. lt,..w;i!i,. u siluill crinvd i( c.ireful.l.v acleetejl irflii-wto'rmt'ii--tiro' tiiifttii1!'" mnr tdlk therelrom Iho man who was , All' .tlH'y the, favored few laruiors'of the count who give ii : l:.i . i . tfeci (ill its prospcilty tlie men (MII!,IIiit,,fhV grealeW um'llblll Iho isaud lhi,l wb Hid pari of I it; Are try who they ,m d Yhe Ihe business men of iui uuij j.ff.yn in hit uiflllltf to recoguiu tin merits ol tin). nnd give it universal sup, lAtcliutl, 1 always lp crowds there an bold spirits' who are leitdy to oil such an iinroi lunate holo as Tulsa experienced. They I Cl... pel ni lew tnuch cnust become hold, and cnen.inlci In; fee ble or no resistance incite things lioin which cities ate often years in overcoming. Take the people by and large, they respect tlie law, when the r; preseii tallves of the law are worthy of re spect, If namby-pamby peace ol! leers bar Ihe way, mobs tire ipillu likely lit he branded in Ihe prs as "Irre-tlMtable"-' (iljces. and situations -de-licrlb'ed as "out of ennlr.,1." iJown in Kentucky last yu.ir a tifgio violated a womaii and uiiir lit rod her. Thin was In Lexington A mob uttempied lo storm the jail Slain gunidsnieii had h eu posted Tlioy turned machine guns on iln lifob. Seven weio killed. The mob Ihereupun called It a day nnd ills 1 isid. This action on the pari of peace guardians was almost iiiiantmously acclaimed with lavor over the couu try.. Momliers of the mob lor Ihe moment were oat laws, and the) needed coercion lo lea in that the aw was mightier than they. Violent action reipilres .stein repiesilvo measures under tiny conditions, II iho action is unjust. Tlie state ol Kentucky was not leiiiiss. The colored man was con victed, siMitonccd to death, and the seniehce was executed The people hae a far inltihtlor wo'ipon in their hands than mob power. Il Is ihe power of public will. I'ulillc will probably convict. 'd Iho Kentucky nt'gio so nulekly. The J dry knew the people expected Jus tiro to be done, and It was done. If the people, with the might of their muss Influence and their bal lots should make H plain thai male fnotorn would always lecclve what ihev deserved, there would he less ct line of the kind that woiks men to iho freniv that lirecIplluioH mob violence. If criminals knew that Jnr.tlco would bo Hllft nnd utiro far thein, (hey would bo more chary of vollat lug iawB, Mob violencu Is unknown In Knp land, but atom law enforcement Is yjpjry well known utul appreciated by every oue Tha man who inuideih iu EuKland kuowu perfectly well nieasiii i! port V Juki .what lew in'e going Ju will link the soiithein Jiajj.j.iX IJliy county-with-its' counTy-R'(,rrt,"-eVo7 . profii'l .wiikU. yt'iir niuch -lr-tlie road.-"- it ineiitorous thing, on the ext jyfijoik, Mid IdViipile j Wi and ' tne-'Olfrzens' Welfare ilhi liasiJwti'idouv if son co ex Ihe as tho uorthinu slridehes eiianly ii VtT""'n'?ljlTiyv t'mindql eil l.iie Cotiiiuhla Kivor ,lilgliwny.f l''or Ihe lives. of us, we canilol Jusl who composes llis sel-cl terle which Is to profit at the pense of all Iho taxpayers of county. I'robahly 11 is t'oo small. Possibly .Mr. Mayor, who in said lo he president of the "League," refers to the Idle utilnmi.hlllsts who will Joyrlde over the mw road. There are thousands though in Ihe couniy who will be guilty of just this thing. .Mr, .Mayer owns a car or two hlm H.'lf nnd does not disdain the use of the Columbia itlver highway which runs so conveniently before his Ver.v door, Il.ll the pleasure car Is also (he otislnes.i ear today. The nuiouiohilo supplies tlu' tiansporlallon In Wa,scb coumy which railroads or, elc:'ti;Ic lines do not. The faml'iis use their machines lar mote 'tor business pur poses titan lor pleasure, driving. How otten would 75 percent of lb.' farm ers of this county get to town If they hadn't machines? Hood loads mean pleasure driving, to lie sure, bul that's no crime. Far liioi e, good roads mean more efi'l-cl.-ni nnd belter b.islness. (iood loads save the farmer time, ssvp lrir. gasoline and nave him upkeep uh Ills car. He will save every of. these things alono as haps, as he Is taxed for 'The Dalles-Callfoinia measure is (lie most inerltorous. thing, on tlie billot in Mayor and Ljiaguo, II will puns ; LThe lengue circular ittd"uwro-t jwjn ir..'iids lor tlid, proposllnlj lU)i till 111 ' WOl'K win h'tf ils lavor. r jIii tliu leaguo circular, the strong, I'tif oiieinles to the highway pul In 1 1; 1 1 strougost knock 4liiny have walle1 opposition would .Buy. It was said iiiKlhe circular.' Villers1 have poruHod thC circular; weighed Its arguments. t r urn-' itirW iirev' 'ca'. 'h? ieasoirt lhoHt'"votvirs;"'lhcre Isn't much against It." And ihey ,wlll 4 i F ;Ti A LITTLE CHEER WANTED The Dalles. June i. Kdllcr of The Chronicle; - I think 1 have a reasonable complaint lo make about neglect: Our messenger of ihe Westein Union company w.n Injured April SO, and until two weeks ago last Tueiday, lie was sick iu liil at home. They have since taken hint to the City hospital, where be was op erated upon for si largo ahces.'; in his liin1''- , u I believe If.'pVoplo tibjiul 'fawn thin!; he gave, good Rorvlou;'a ! n'tn'mire-Ire did Intend to do, Iho. might (all at the ho'.pltal and help cheer him up a hit Your- for I lie I'r'inl pafio, A 'Much in'ore. led C.s.lor By trading at this store'a'ftd paying cash. (You arj alvy(ays1s'e(j of the bemfraifitH lowest possible price. Our values speak for thenrs '.ves when yoti niak-your own cornptrnsons ' THE SEASON'S NEWEST AND BEST MATERIALS FOR Summer Dresses and, Blousgs NEW VOILES , , Dozens of hew patterns just, in' ttli;s , week. in; .new figures- aiUtr colors. Combinations of Brown, Manor, Navy, Copen, Gray, Pink, Green, Rose and Black. All beautiful new patterns; -40 inches wide. Per Yard 49c ' ' ' Other Voiles at 39c and 2c yard. .-.... COLORED BATISTES New ideas in designs and colorings. Dots, checks and piaids. 40 ih. wide. Per Yard 33c NEW ORGANDIES ' ' . Some decidedly new colorings in 'this beautiful transparent' ;f ab r ic. Burnt Orange, Honey Dew, Gold, Pink, Green,-Rose, Maize and Blues. ' Per Yard 39c, ti9c and $1.19 WHITE ORGANDIES . . ; Sheer fine qualities in both the Imported Indestructible arid th'e; tfoiiWs tic qualities. ' 49c, 09c, 98c, and $1.49 yard s ' TlSStJE GINGHAMS Excellent for cooi summer dresses., All. the best colors in plaids 36 inches wide. Per yard 49c DRESS LINENS This fabric is becoming quite, popular, ,Jagain for suihmer skirts and suits. Pink and Blue. 30 inches wide. Per yard 73j CREPE MOHAIR . ' The new fabric for summer skirts. Comes in $1.39 fancy stripes. VEEDO I -t Motor Oils ) ' . ' i Mr. Auto or Tractor owner, lohftthen Iho life of vour motor, save repair bills and be sun' of perfect lubrication by u.iing V E E D O L A Ptirrly Parai'ine Bus-e Oil We have juU been appointoJ disti ibut irs for this territory and a shipment has arrived. Buy it in cans or bulk. See our window display. Gannett Motor Co. i Authorized i r FORD AND FORDSON DEALER Opposite Postoffice The Dalles, Ore. Per yard New Blouses Just arrived this,, week some excellent ntuy styles in Canton Crepe, Overblouses, all in new style's and excellent coldrs. Each $7.90 and $8.90 .itr,i ,t irnnniTi vi;ttf rTiri.T rr j-iiiim i? r a lame! A11 sizes. ;j-Eacll.,. Urn. RENFREW DEVONSHIRE CLOTH Ideal for dresses and rompers for the, kiddies. Tubs and-w.earsybeautifully.,,32 Inches widjEL-Plain colors, checks, stripes and piaids. Per yard..'.....35c t ' . ' . . NEW COLORS IN CREPE DE CHI&E j Fine for waists and blouses. 40 inches, yide; and good heavy qualities. Honey- Dew?' Maifce, Rosei Flesh, Ivory, Blue and White. Pelf yard $1.79 'fn i the newest colors' and trimmings -4 ' ' -1 ' 1l i fl M nr 1 i' ' ''"on -'-'" iihi- i fblf If Evtirv ;w,6mUti mid gTf H slipuUl 1 see the; newest arrivaisrin Silk Gowns M j and CoiUbiriaijio-iale 'oj, Htfh'ew, MiiM an'dvdrj'dh kx' cle Chine', Ijbatitifiilly trinVmcd 'with ribbon and lce. ',' ,.' ,'.,.'' ,' r Ul p. l ) I'o! Combination SUita 'pi iced at...'..'. '. $1jB0 and $8.49 eacli' 'f :.vit ."M..J3 .eac?i V 'IV i.-i Gowns priced d:i I.' h .i at Ladies 9 swtpea 1 , ' : sport sum 'is -1 l -V "-t &,!!,0.. .Of .White., WooUriannel witli.P.ink, Black, Yelr low, Green and'' Blue stripes. Tlie "'newest thing shown thjs-;3easoh. Coats priced at $10.50 Skirts priced at $7.90 BEAUTIFUL NEW SKIRTS Tally Ho and Do Luxe Silks in White, plaids and colors of Rose, ,Green, Pink and Blue. Priced from )ij .$lG.f0 to $8.90 ' newtraw Bailors At Substantial Savings Newest Shapes Good Qualities 1 ' Lowest Prices Men! Save money by buying your new straw hat here. Newest shapes created by New York's best hat makers. III Killl I Bags it; r . ' w ''I; $2.49. $3.79 to $1.50 LADIES' AND . BAGS shiM&to ibr Vamtsj4,,Bhs& ,f Mr: mm- ags.just amved toviay,, .values that are super-...-.-, .r to' any shown for years. ';Each..,.....:.:....:,.:!..i:.c" BEAUTIFUL' BEADED BAGS' $7.50 Each ' Exquisite cdlftrirlgs'' and' designs: ' NEW PONGEE SILK SHIRTS The ideal shirt for hot weather weajt." You should lay ip yvoui"iip4 ply now whiie we have, your size. With collar attached or' ban"d':tyle' with a soft cbllar tb liiatch. Ptire Silk and excellent value at $4.50 Ehch v '1 MEN'S DRES& SHIFTS With., collar attached in dozens of excellent patters. tbseliect'fr6iii' at 9Sc to $3.98 Each.,; MEN'S ST1EFEL STiHP.E OVERALS 98c Each v . - - . With bibs, full ut ahd all si;es; Another shipment of those ex cellent Blue Chambray work shifts, fiiil cut trt ' " 1 - 59c Each MEN'S ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR S9c and 81.25 Suit B.'V. D. Union Siiits............$1.25 liaynei' Atliietic Suits, ea. 89c CHtLDRENS UNDfiRi Muslin Uhderwaisis for . hot i wutuner yt;ar. The Kiddie WaistSeiyn eye lets for dmper :pins; No infaitt shouid be without these. .E:a. 43ifi The fcittlc Wonder SuDtaorter Waists' for t)uys arfd gith; all oyc unu aoc. . " ' waist ami Hose Supporter Men's fine ribbed Union Suits, Comblriatiun of MusMn.ll 'gtes; - 1. l' 1 dt ll Jl illl 1. ill- r. f ... " V long or nt)iT steeves,-eacn wc-. nr. . 3. .-I"1 f FOR UpKr LSSS t 312 DEPARTMENT STOWS X tl- .'V, Jan f& t 1 4 t 1 LAMGEST CHAM UaFAKTBBHT'! : i 'V- i1 -fii- ii'1 1 -.si ffi t to