The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 03, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Pupils ReciuUft-Mlss Luetic Cum
mlns will hold 'A recltnl for her lilnno
pupils at the high school auditorium
'.Monday eveningrJune 13. Keuturns of
the program will be! ensemble num
bers on two pianos and un exhibition
of theory work by the Junior classoj
Avery Lasswell Is Banker Avery
L. Lasswell, who ts known In The
Dalles, has. assumed control of the
Farmers' Sefiurlty bank of Yonciillu
Ore., taking the position vacated by
his father, J. It, Lasswell, who pur
chased the Commercial hank of Oak
land, Ore. Mrs. Avery L. Lasswell was
Miss Audrey Clock of this city.
Charged With Ndn-Support Upon
Justice court warrant, charging I'1"
ure to support his two minor children
Russell Wintermule was arrested 1
Hood River yesterday at I lie request
of Sheriff Levi Chrisman. Sheriff
Chrisman journeyed to Hood Rive
yesterday afternoon and returned
with the prisoner.
Fourth Celebration Planned Rest
dents of The Dalles will be nblo to
celebrate' at home this Fourth o
July, instead of journeying to nelph
boring cities. The local Knights of
Pythias lodge has decided to spons.)v
a real,, old-flfahtoned ...Fourth of July
celebratiqn, such rus lias not, been. bxl
in this ctly" in year4N The celebrnti m
will be heldat' Thornton's Lakes, a
short distance -westt'6Mhe city limits
All of the, features necessary at any
successful Fourth of July celebra
tion, will be found at Thornton's
Lakes on that day, including athletic
contests of all kinds, swimmiiu;
races, dancing, band concerts, lire
works, a greased pole and a greasier
pig. Numerous prizes will be offered
in all of the contests.
(Vt f.
To Arrest-) J- Phetteplace Deputy
Sheriff Guv . Elton left vesterdav for
Payette, Idaio, for ..the purpose of
-'bringing Julien Phetteplace, arrest
ed in that city, back to The Dalles
for trial. Phetteplace was indicted by
the recent grand jury upon informa
tion supplied by a local minor girl.
He was arrested several weeks ago
by the Payette police, but refused to
waive extradition, compelling Sheriff
Chrisman to secure the necessary ex
tradition papers from Governor 01
cott. Unless he is ableSfo put np bail,
out, as a result of his fight to keep
from being returned to this state for
trial. The May term of court was in
his case would probably have been
disposed of by now.
x uu viuy ituiu ui cum i Wilis in
on j iu vias arrested, ami
'Masons Attend Celebration Five
car loads of local Masons went to
Goldendale last night to attend the
41st anniversary celebiation of the
Goldendale lodge. Visitors from Whito
Salmon, Trout Lake, Arlington, Roos
evelt and Kalania were there. Among'
those who attended from The Dailos
were: W. A. Wilkinson, L. V. Drown,
T. A. Hudson, Rev. G. G. Holsholt,
Hugh Fagan, A. D. Shelley, J. C."kg
bert, F. A. French, J. 13. Kilmore. C.
R. Marshall, V. R. Fllnn, F. K. Wilson.
F. iL. Petersen, George Scherrer, Vern.
on Williams, M. U. Ross, C. L. Dar
nielle and D. M. Pierce. About 200
Masons from the Mid-Columbia dis
trict were guests of the Goldendc"
lodge. A banquet was served in the
early evening, when a musical pro
gram was given. Following tho ban
quet the lodge convened. Local M-.i-sons
made the trip to Goldendale by
Chautauqua Tickets on Sale
Season tickets for the Chautauqua,
which will be held July 4 to S, inclu
sive, are now on sale at all local
drugstores. Season ticket prices ure,
adults, $2.50; students, $1.50 and child
ren, 1.00. No war tax is charged on
these tickets. 3
Notice For Purchase of Cord and Slab
Notice Is hereby given that school
board of district number 12, Wasco
county, Oregon, will receive sealed
bids for furnishing the following lots
of four foot cord wood. Fir or pine
must bo first grade, made of large
timber. Oak must be second growth,
nojjt less than four inches, no more
than eight Inches in diameter. De
liveries must bo completed on or be
fore August 1, 1921.
High school, C cords slab wood,
Whlttler, pino or fir, CO cords; oak,
5 cords.
East Hill, slab wood, 5 cords.
West End. pine or fir, 20 cords.
Thompson's Addition, pine or fir,
30 cords; oak, 10 cords.
Bids must be presented on or before
June 9th, 1921. The board reserves
the right to, reject, any or all bids,
By order of board of school district
number 12,
Attest; Prudenqe M, Patterson, clerk
Pastry Sale
The Indies of tho United ltrethren
church will hold a pastry sale at Hill's
grocery Saturday, beginning at !l n. in.
June Millinery Sale
of ladies' and children's hats. Mack's
Millinery, 115 East Second street. X
We have just added to our stock a
growing girls' low heel brown kid
oxford. Tills Is a good low-priced
number. Edw. t 1 'ease company. 3
Chicken Dinner
By Christian Endeavor of Christian
church at K. or 1'. hall, Saturday, JimW
I, 11:30 to 2:00. Price 75 cents. '3
of her brother, George O'.Vell, who
Is ill with typhoid pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Moriiz of Con
don are visiting with fi lends in this
Mrs. Pearl Ringwold, who has been
the guest of Mrs. Effle Ferguson, re.
turned to her home in Salein, yes
terday. Miss Ora King of Portland, who
las been on professional duty at Was
co, was in the City yesterday, cnrniite
to her home.
- Rev. E. N. Long went to Maupln
today to attend the district quurterh
conference of (lie Fien 'Methodist
church, He expects to return Monday,
visit relatives in the middle states.
Both are skilled avlatresses. Mis'!
Bauer Is going to Lincoln, Neb., and
.Miss Leigh to Douglas, Wyo.
Auction Sale
At the Central Feed barn, Third
and- Federal streets, Satuiday, Juno Mr. and Mrs. D. Bishop, Arthur
i. liny, straw, teed, Harness, sail-. mcnop ami j. Crotzer motored tin
dies, wagons and all personal prop
erty. Henry McCullough, owner.
C. Thrall, auctioneer. 3w22
Free Clinic No Charge For Examlna
tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician,
Third and Washington, main 501. tf
Ora J. Jones of Prairie City is a
business visitor in The Dalles.
Jamesi TV'Mooro of 'Lebanon is hi
this city today.. . i ,
.1. Baxter of Antolaix) .is a Riiesti hi
the, Bank hotel.. t
John Van Dellen wont to Cascade
Locks yesterday on business.
'Miss Geraldlno Rucli of Eugene h
visiting with friends Jn The Dalles.
'Mrs. G. Crosfleld of Wasco is vis
iting in The Dalles.
: 'Mrs. Lulu D.tfrrandall vLsTtiii';
with friends in Hood River today.
Mr. and 'Mrs. C. E. Dunn of Pow
ell Butte, motored through The Dalles
today enroute to Portland.
t.Mrs. O. 'L. Bussell of Walla Walla
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. A. Amy.
'Mr. and Mrs. Earl N. Thompson of
Arlington are visiting with friends in
The Dalles.
Mr. arjcf'&s. C.ii'hltoWqJj' bt
Mr. and Airs. A. Nelson of Los An
geles, motored through The Dalles to
day enroute for Helena, 'Montana.
I Mrs. P. H. Davis was called to Port-
am! jesterday, to be at the bedside
from Portland Saturduv and spent the
week end visiting at the home or Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. McColm of this city.
Mrs. J, Huber returned to her home
yesterday. She has been heie for tho
past three months, caring lor her
daughter, Mis. T. Nicholson, who lias
been ill.
Mis3 Tlielma Bauer and Miss Clin
deile Leigh left the city last night to
(From The Chronicle, Juno 3, KMM! I
'M. 10. Pltuiand In ought a ImntltiMni'
bouquet of roses, lalsed at his icsi
dunce, on Ninth sticet, to ills oll'lce
this morning. The pUit of gioiind was
lorinerly a sand patch, but Is now
a beautiful llowt-r I'.urduu.
At tile legular monthly meeting (
(lie board of dliectors of school ills
trlct No. 12 held yesterday, the en
tiro corps of teachers, with one e
coptlon, were re-t niploycd for the
coming year. The assistant principal
Professor M. N. Stiatlan, decided not
to be a candidate for re-election and
tliu board filled his place by the olei
tion of Professor J. S, Landers o
Astoria, 111. Professor Larders I
for the last year been principal of tin
Astoria, 111., high school and conies
here highly recommended.
W. L. ChiUendeen, who has been
deputy po.umnsler here for the lat inti school at. University Pari;. Mr. learned to respect the kinnsy n..; gen
two enis, was relieved of his posit inn Chittenden leaves the oilier with the 'tleinan whose pleasant faco has look'
this morning and will be succeeded l bcid u I -lies of a lio;t of frlenils. who led out of the delivery window lor so
Will Cross-en, who has been attend- ' it'urc hi-' displai emeu!, for 11km haf manj ears.
New Models
Baby Boudoir
These models ure only here for a few,. days,.
Buy your stamped dresses and rompers for the
little tots while you can see these handsome models.
These are reasonably priced at
$1.50, $1.75, $2,00
A n
T T T. T 4
'".I ()"'il
t 1 1
'I i'i
1 .(
Present lines of new Buick six-cylinder
models will be carried ,thru the 1922
Beginning June 1st the new series and
prices will be as follows, f. o. b. factories,
Flint, Michigan. ,
Old Prices New Prices
Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roadster, $1795 $1495
Model 22-45 Five Passenger Touring, - $1795 $1525
Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe, - $2585 $2135
Model 22-47 Five Passenger Sedan, - $2895 $2435
Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe, $2985 $2325
Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring, $2065 $1735
Model 22-50 Seven Passenger Sedan, - $3295 $2635
3& f
nTHERE is a big dif-
-L f erence between Calumet
and all other Baking Powders.
First you see it in the cost.
Calumet is sold at a moderate price.
Thenyou observe it in use.
Calumet has more than the usual
leavening strength, therefore less
is required.
Afctf you notice it in rais
ing quality in tho evenness
lightness and texture of your bak
ings. They look better finer
"S-CMn-e Biscuit!
Finally what a difference in
the taste. There is a deliciousness,
a goodness that can bu had in no other
manner. Biscuits, pies, cakes, muffins,
doughnuts never were so tasty so
And then there is the satis-
& mfiteJlrilthb Wiitld's .fafct 'Wsf
equipped and cleanest Baking Powder
A pound can
15 22; Some baking powders come in
12?o2. ca'ite instead or 16 oz cans. Be
sure you getliyotind heloKM'iV.
Recipe v
4 cupsof sifte pas
tryirtir, 4 V Vel
icvci icaapuu 1 i
salt, 2 roun intf
tablespoons ofi but
ter or lard, cup
of milk, -?4 cu of
water. Thenn; xia
the regular wa
rr ; i i f j tie nrr r . i i . i t in
IjMOill V)i
Ml U I'V-l'I rlr )
ft' I
Home oi" Supcrrealiires
aaie Truiclc Line
Freight and express between The
Dalles and WaSco, Aforo and alt way
points Leavo The .Dalles, 9 a. m.
dally except Sunday. Leave Moro,
1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m
U- M. Pierce, proprietor. Telepbona
bUck 1C42 or main 471. t(
Whitney Repair Shop
Pioneer Builders of Valve-in-Head Motor Cari
Branches in all Principal Cities Dealers Everywhere
Local Dealer
Dalles Buick Garage Company
4 v ' " Main 921 fp 'l- . 1
liob er'H'hluil
On Our UkIi(. Orj-an
Afuii and Jell'