PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, PHIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921 - . - - Others Speak For Good Roads The Dalles, Juno 2. Editor of The Chronlclo: I have resided In Wasco county for more than forty years and ilurliiK that tltno many propositions have lieen Hiibmlt ted to the people of this county, hav ing for their ohjrcl the advancement of he welfare of the counly, hut at no time during those 10 years or more ha3 thero ever hern submitted to the voters of ,thu county a proposition which meant bo much as I he road bonding measure which will ho voted oh next Tuesday. y If the people of this county ever re colvp the benefit ol r;ool roadn with Ui6 ad of slate money, now Is the time for It will be many years before ttiere will be another opportunity to obtain state aid lor load building in this county, and tor the people to vote down the measuro at this time would be a crime against the best interest of every citizen of the com-iriunlty. if Anonymous lcttrrr Inhpircd by rich Hew yearn outsiders who have already received bcnefltB hj having a highway built through their own piopmly, llltr Mark Mayer should be absolutely Ignoied by the voters and (Ills gentlnunn should be taught I he lesson that Was co county citizens aie free people hnd will no( he hllpdly led to vole and work against their own best Interests b' thin perron or anyone (if his tribe, whatever his tribe may be. I,rt us all go to the polls next Tuesday and vote for this, bond measure and thus build up our interests al home and bring ourselves in clow touch wllh 'the outside world. rtcEpecllull), D. .1. COOI'Bft hat 'W'isco county lm a definite, written agreement with the state high way commission, I am sallsficd that this bond l.i' no Is Wa-to county's op portunity lo gel on the map. Fanners who have been hit haidosl by I lie lucent Industrial depletion must nol allow (he prorent situation to prejudice I hem against the bond Issue because, If history repeats it sell, the fat m Industry will be on the rebound In a ihort I line, long before the county begins lo pay any large amount ol the toad cost. 1925 Is the dale of the big event In Portland and Ihe highway south should he completed by that lime. Oregon will, and Wasco county will then be open to the world. I am con vinced by a close knowledge of coun ty conditions that the Columbia It Iv or highway, The Dalles - California highway and the lesullant upbuilding of Ihe laterals leading thereto wi'l double Wasco county's valuation In n A. It. chasi-;. Have Your Hair Renewed We can give you any shade of hair coloring wllh a famous Fianco-Anier lean hair coloring which In so perfect that II cannot be detected fioin the natuial color. Hennaing also a ope dally. All lines of beauty culture al the Hotel Dalles Reality chop. Tele phono main 4051. J 17 i , . The Dalles, June ? ijJijiHdltbr ,of The Chronicle: f was .tone of thoso lyho was (uite opposed ,jta the Idea of the fSOO.UOO bond Issue , ;Whon H wan Mrsl proponed. From l't Ihd 'farmers' viewpoint, Ihe roarclty and high cost of labor during Ihe last two years and from the taxpajein' standpoint the Impossibility ol gettlnr more than i? cents voilh lor a dollar made recent bond Issues seem Imprac ticable. But now that conditions have chanj: ed and we may expect to got xalue re eelvedj, no.w that wo have IiuIIojUoiif of- a stabilized bond market an I aho L MOVIE MOVES "1 LUC STRIKE IIGARETTI A new size package ! Ten for 10c. Very convenient. Dealers caiyy bothj 10 for 10c; 20 for 20c. It's toasted. piomlncnt child part in the produc tion, and is on a par with Jackie Coo gan, whom, by the way, liu greatly resembles. In Ihe new picture- fieban arrears in the ehai; icier in which he Is ,re inuiiibeied best, that of a humble lai- an, kind of heart, who lecls within himself that his nilivion on eaitli H to spread happiness and. contentment His ignorance of the law would in it self be sufficient medium for the many screamingly lunny cnni"dy sit uatlons, but thero Is' a stonily bairage of fun, mingling with the Intensely dramatic moments, llred by lovable children and rrollcsoitic animals. The story of "One Man In a Mil lion" tells of Luplno Delehini t lip. humble ('Mr. Ilebaii) who, ns a re ward for a kind act, is made pound master In a western town. Ills kind ness wins the heart of Fiorina Valcn- zl. Ho Imagines hlmseir In love with flic mother of a Helglan waif whom he has also befriended. The mother, however, loves a secret service opera tlvc but Is willing lo nacril'lco her hat plness and niarrj Delehini l ocalise ol his kindness to her child. There art many complications which bring de nial ic moments and a lull quoin or pathos. Main G0G1 Bennett Taxt Main (11. tl Typing and Stenograpny done at reasonable rales Roslna A Fleck. Office Hotel Dulles. Res. dence phon red -'3,"2. ti Brown's Dutur Oinur- Tune Table Two lound trips dally. Leave FJ.iiil hotel, 3. a. m. and p. m. Leuvt Dilfui 7.;;i ti. m. and 1 p. m. I There's a Difference If you'vi, been a "toady made" Pin' in the pasl, be a "made loonier inmi in the liituie. First class hand (allot cd (suits lo measure. $115.00 and up. V It. Webber, oue block ens, ol ,poit office. Gtf A plcluie lull ol the heart louche' and pathos that child love alw.Oo iiu parts 1;. being shown at the Ca; in this week with Oeoigo Retain t. ir ring In "One Man In ,n Million, ' i Robertson-Cole super-special, T. M. Hawkins, the new owner nt the Casino, gave a pro-view lo Ir persons Thuisday iifglil for the , pose of meeting fi lends of the popu'a' little show house, and an enjiM'! !r two hour:, were spent by everyone. "Ono Man In A Million" ban juV rin I l-li imI a record run in Hie Liberty theater In Portland, where Urban ip poarcd In pertoti. Heban wro'e Iik own clorj for the pictuie, directed Itr production and appears in the lead Inf. role. (Icorgo Heban, .Ir lakes (lie -vl I I iff .( , .1 y i.'f 1 ( i 'C-i Reduced Prices I On Milk We offer you pure pasteurized milk deliv ered anywhere within the. city limits. j ONE Of! ART TVATr.Y nor tnmtfli !.(! f . , i ...... t.t,u ONE PINT DAILY, per month $1.25 NORMAN CREAM CO. t Phone Main 853 L SATURDAY IS BAKCAIN DAY AT TJIE Mission Park Grocery .1 iblrs Pork ami Bean:;, No. 2, per can 14c fjwcel Potatc'r No. 1 1 ... per can.. 102 : Bulk (V.-oa, p.-r T 12' '2c E-ra K'uicy Ubhy's Pears, No. 1, pur can L0: , Tillamook Cheetr, per Jb 'Sic Prepared Musfanl, jcr jar tOc High tirade lu-mlry Soap, pur bar fie M'it':lu-, per box . (V: Bulk Tapioia, per 11) 5c i lb. cans Peach ,1am, per jar lM)e High g.ade Toik-i Soap, per bar Gc Candy, per lb. ..' ; yt. Cleanser, per 1 an fir . Pheasant St'rin; 'vKxt Ho. 2, per can.;.'. 1.1?: SA'i'Ui.'n,v. .ir.Nn .1. nwiu MSSFJN . PARK GROCERY IN jtcien or camp-kit, OLYMPIC ffir . Pancake Flour is indispensible for good Zl,descZ7'nJv-s pancakes or waffles. Simply addwater mMl alTle Z'J1 "Tl' or milk, mix and cook. i?' lIlltlllltTn tartly mtllrd, parked, ' (MJilJilU'LIS m I ( wrapped and staled. fancake flour SjjlllllllH r ' WHGAT HEAHT8 Hard Facts and Plain Truths c oncernmg A SSOOlOOO M:,;;i-v T.W:..T Js'feWKM T ? : Financial Maelstrom .-.!' II 11 li''f III . ft, 'I. .( 11 Bond Issue 1 1 l H 11 ' i , V l; It l "' ' 11 1 I t ' 'l I ,lt It' I 1 ' 1: '. 1 1 ' v . , . , :t -f -v ,. I , .! .VI J - , JP ji.( ,11 I :1M,i it j,;) hIC tl t'.f It vi m. noHnitluitiC' liii-jtlA anoal M' i!-'f(.t Lmslij of Sifslif '.il m.hJ. i-difoJ !;l'uil lo ti ,f hHtl ''. tir'U)Viii..i; VII nitiVi vr)H.'l7. '''it'.! bl i.l 1 (r Option oftlic $300,000.00bonc issue goes boJondefnar'fiPMetyAM j;:.'::,,;,;:;:; Tfffivc years the taxes of.AVaseu'Cou ity have increased', !)5 percent. .. ),i u-)hh-,. ...i. In the same period the as':!cs..ed valuation Of 'Wasco County has increased only VI percent. ... ' . . 1 1. ,1! .ti ' v-j ,,.(.. 1 ' ;.-!! r' A :)-'.V' '';snl ' ' I Mwi ', 1 , r. ! it ,, The 9800,000.00 bond bsue wi'.i rcran an annual interest account 'at ( of $i'8. C00.00 and an annual sinking fund for amortization necessitating a levy of 5 mills. Docs the limited reources of Wasco County, present business conditions and fu ture outlook warrant the assumption of such :an enormous, staggering, stupendous indebtedness as the .$ 800,000 bond issue and the consequent increase in taxation? Taxes must be paid. Taxes are confiscatory. If taxes are not paid; property is sold to satisfy the delinquency. ', Have you any assurance that the proceeds of the !pS00,000.00 bond issue iil not'" be wadlcd as was the money raised by the former .$260,000.00 bond issue," ! v ... f . The $800,000.00 bond isoiie is a plunge into the maelstrom of financial ruin from which there is no escape. A negative vote is evidence of financial sanity and notice that reason still pre vails. Is not the $800,000 bond issue going beyond the margin of safety? Are not your present1 tax burdens almost to the breakin g point and1 will you voluntarily assume a burden that presages bankruptcy and ruin? ' ' 1 ; Vote on June 7th and give notice that you regard the security of your property and your home of paramount importance and that you are not to be cajoled into plac ing your hard earned competency in jeopardy. Hi-' f ""T i'ti 'il' $ r '-ill.' ; .i Vi (.. II 1 ' 'l VOTE ;'NO" ON THE $300,000.00 BOND ISSUE. CITIZENS WELFARE OF WASCO COUNTY LEAGUE B. D. CHATFIELD, Secretary M'isicr, Ore. 6 I lP.n.1 A?li. ' 4 f -..'ti - l -ft.St-'i ibu'v i. I. 0. O. P. Bldg. Phone M. (051