CHINA WINS ASIATIC OLYMPIC CONTEST PHILIPPINE ISLANPS AND MAP9 COMPETE WITH CELES. TIALS, . By United -Pres ' SHANGHAI, June. 1. China came out of the Oriental Olympic s'ittt."i, which closed hero today, with the highest record. China, Japan, and the Philippine. 1h lands were the chief contenders. China won the. pentathlon, Intake! hall, volley ball mid football cham pionships. The Filipino team won the track meet and rwimminc The baseball championship remain ed undecided, the Japanese and Fil ipino teams eacludel'eatiug China, but tjed' when Japan an.d the Filipinos TT lit . In tlin mlilitln nf ilif l ine. nnrt TILDEN RUNNERUP IN lnK llls lirllr wi,n ,ne 1003 of 1,K sh0('' WORLD TENNI8 MATCHES nn airplane sailed over the piM'Uio leaping 10 ins loot ueornes v..u-:u u climbed Into the ring out behind tti t barn for his exhibition' workout n6ddny"tftofHo'6rt., s The women ra do.on of therri were In the eiowtl of about IM 'hat caw Geornen puminelliiiB a red headed middleweight named Ooldbers whom, Joe Jcannette plc!:ed up down in. Pan ama. A Carptntier workout and a Demp sey training rhow are different In that Dempsey goes through the pet formance of failhfully collecliiiK ad mittance fees, while Georges expects to pay for bis quarters, heat and light out of the crninge he gels over In Jer sey City on July 2. tlecrp.03 nut in two rounds with Jeannetto, which were Just the ustiai training camp .stuff, moio eon-";u' than reveallnir. but tliore two with tin- red head named Goldberg were rounds of rough sMiff Geotres had the came little receiver out on hut fret in tin second round and held- him up until Goldberg's head cleared and his i;iaw of receptivity meshed once more. The initial rallsihenUcd wound ".p I the show and ns George:1 was on hit - ... f j ... -Hy -wnttPd Prnii the aviators and shouted to tiirui to Chronicle Classified Adverisements , I; MEETING NOTICES Modern Woodmen remember naxt Sunday, June Mb, Is our memorial day, and all mem bers are requested to meet nt the small K. of P. hall at 2 p. hi. to al lend services In a body, at the cemetery. J, F. Watson, Clerk. 2v22 Laurel Camp, No. 6055, M. W. A. will meet In small K. of P. hall after June 1. J. F. WATSON, clerk. 1W22 ClKHi-lnd HfJvurllHliiK 1 -'lit r-fl" inch Insertion. If Incerted 6 tlineii or more, 3-4 cent k wind Monthly puhll ciitlmi rntm nil appllrittliin l Hi" nfflc HELP U'ANTRD Capable truck unit' PIANOS1 TfJNKU infl repaired, ac ...1,1. ..1 1......4 -)IW 1 li'it.i irtit.V ,1 . tlr... siivltlii 1 1 at tr ttn.f ...tflnltilt'illi with ill least S)0. I bale I ruck an- Job for the rli;ht paily. Write box A2li, care of Chronicle. WANTED Fivo to seven room mod ern house, with ard and pin"" .o kpep car. liest care of p.operty assuied. Call red 08L'2, or J. II. Race, Llbby canrery. ! MISCELLANEOUS tlon leguhilliiB and reflnislmig Player actions a specially. Worl guaranteed. S. A. Ducksturiur. C'oi son .Music store, 32(1 Fast Secom street. Telephone main . 10(51 . It FOR RENT FOK HUNT Sove:i room futnlshe'l house. Complete. 4U Fulton street 4 IIEMHTITOIIINO and buttons cov ed, Mrs. A. J.. .Mollne, (107 Hale street. MKMTClVlNtT--P Mt L M. Uoothby, StiS Washlugtoi stieoi. Telephone main i FOK RENT Four room house. In quire 117 West Tenth Dire.. '1 FOU HFNT Four room bouse. Mod ern conveniences. Ill" Pine street. .( ST. CLOUDPianee- June 2 take care how close they came to - William TUijfepfliu&il , his til-, the tree tops. umphs In the world's hard co.nt ten- ' nls championships hete-noday by da- GOLF KING GAME, featlng M. DanqtFijancn. Although, say CHICAGO EXPERTS no iosi one suy inuivmt-i h.hii nuu a fairly easy victory, "Vi-2,''c-2, 5-7, fi-0. Tom O'ROURKE tPLA-VS ' fieCp on; BIG FIGHT ' ; zr- ... - 1 A 5 I By United Press YORK. June .2 Tom By United Press CHICAGO. June 2. -Tolf is the king ganio of the country. Links are. becoming so crowded that officials are, haiidiiiR out num bers so as to avoid nr .uinents over who,, will , Pt the .course next. 'rim niuive siHU-iiiu.nn n--iu fltJL .l.t.. ..ntnwnn nllltln fral--.' iti's fn.Mncaf -dnaan't , ntvrt thp hnllt :it.-,..l iwn . T Himlnt- C-i.nilh. nnd it j - - g i ruiiu mu.h ... btbb-first-round,-tt will be a hum- Wi II.. " Coslt., managers of Ibc mar? - This Carpentfe is" good. 1 1 T'homas' 13. A'lls;m and co 'npany, hay , seen liltil' 'ln'vWtlon several hna a-. G. Spalding. and Ui'oth ni. in tln)esj.He is vejv, fast,t dead gamo jnteiyioys with tbo United Press and-oan hit. D'hiOsey mirs' b 'today.' ' onjtyve defensive, -because:. if ha given -go much in' "-est has bee. manl- thl Itlrannltinnll I Tl nnotl ' Dii i. ' ' - ' ' - - n',iifcii MlnV'fl lA tiike care o;' 'those I to. feel it.' Hi FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 320 E'ast Third street. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS-Funit lure and pluno moving. Frelgli hauled and general express bust ness. Telephones: Stand, ted P'l residence black EIR2. .1. K. Ilenle lltl Telephone rod fi342. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS FOR Rlu'NT Small hour.e with base- nienl. 710 C.ilhoun street. No busi ness done on Sunday. 't Portland-The Dalles Truck Service General freight, hauling. Leaves i Portland 2 p. m. Leaves The Dalles, ICR RKtNT - Foui'iooiu moilein , j.;0 ,,. Dllly HP, vlee. The Ualle1 nouse to party ni:.'ing pari oi 1 I telephone red (5741. Portland tele nllurc. Inquire 140.-. F'i" nln't'1; 4 pbonen, Marshall 13r.r, or east 55990. J17 FOR RENT tRoom with board in modern home. Lady or gentleman, 10(10 Fulton' afreet. Telephone led 3491.' " ' ' i FOR KENT Furnished and partly furnlnhpcl hour.ekorp!ng rcoms. Rales.Jrea-.ouable. Inquire 722 East Third olreet.; V FOR SALE THIS TIMfc. LAT 'YEAR ' ' r 1 m Babe Ruth made his thirteenth, 'ourtei-nth and fifteenth liDine runs' against Washington In a double-header on the Polo grounds. Milan hit one and Ruth two in the first game. ,In the jeebnd game SUanks(j ,Rpth, Meii 3el, Ruel and Ruth hit four tfises. ' Cincinnati took, first place In tfta' .'National League when Phila djejphla beat Brooklyn, piooklyn IHled the "bases fn taoslxtn, eigUHvsaud nintn in- .1- t . .. t'llr'A i ...i.- ," cnl.l .-. Smith. WUU VitlH . lu J" -1 I 'J" ' 1 , - - " - Meinbeiship in golf clubs has been FOR SALE SO fet. new picket feni ' . .. . D.irnn 1 1 f I . T 1 ... I i". . 1 1 I increaseil uy Hie ae'uies. on '" iiik. nra uo-i ' r,f ton himlnpssmen are flock n ; to (be courses after their days work has boon completed. We havj sold inoro clubs this year than h-i.eto-fore." "Golf Is going by leaps and hounds," Cook said. "This year is the biggest ever for all sports anc the heavy demand for golf sticks fhows it is the leading sport. Everybody is teeing off. One fea ture about the game Is that all play ers art? demanding. a ' Jitter clats of clubs." ' , . BIGDBIVE AGAINST. 191(11, COING IS. ROUGH U ! FOR OLD U 1 , FOR OLD TWIRLERS '4r .By.HHryX. Farrell XUnltod Pr Nsav Y PtijiiS&t Cspolideiit) ., (Uiiltfit'Nc-ws ' !ffi,$$ft$6lA - p'Heii-k ''XONDOk. J: SEIM FEffl PLANNED rl ,..By'A.E. Johnson s'lVff' Cori4'DCtndi!rH.ljJ aim .12 The. .British sung, arc biippiiie" jiiio' iuv ivam w.u i i"- "... - jcbes Of the ql(lHkIngs, 9.f, the wound. iFjiHL .or. peace obtained.. through the "Lefty" Cooper,' Fred Tonoy, ' threat of war, whichever the south SBe'''i-A-dBniBiittiKl-'!Ited'eFabtir arVilvlre4and eleets.'tilo.. choose, a ? k only veteran'ST sliowln? anyllilng' Ir the nrwly elected- niembers ot lose to their old form. - I the southern paillament refuse to V . . . . . . 1 . ., nf .lllofrlfinr-o. nut! it Alexander Hie ureal is uoius ia;e mo u.un -- bench duty for the Chicago Cubs, I tat re-fore refuse to function under Uia with a sore arm. and Jim Vaughn, l-'-n'e rule bill, battalion after hat hla big team-mate, isn't dellveiing tHn of Ilrltlsh troops will be f-.i--as expected- rleil across tho channel, .pouring .m i Dutch Re-uther, relation of- tliJrv-ery city and town outside of OI 1919 ue-nnant dash of the Cincinnati Hter. driving into t,o hi Is co m An? Reds, is a disappointment in Ilrook- tho hills for taM0 lyn and his old staff mate. Hod short, sharp and piobahly decisive So!, Ut f-th? r UndCr 'U-.CQ?hSuch is authoritive. How l P Burleigh Grimei Werry Smith an army Eng.nad intends to send and in fact alt ot Uncle Robb's All- In and what units are to he sen I aio far pitching, staff cracked and facts .closely guarded by th" tovorn IrooklJn is falling down In the u iSKsen S Ce'nnant race on from iUlster vWill1 bet sen.i souin, f fS Schupp and Bin Doak, ot Joining with Am J" hp Cards are out of form. Spott England and replaced in the noith terry has fallen by the wayside by constabu wry. Ind Trls Speaker is having his Into more hlg hly JF c lalUed an ubla with his stars, Coveleskle, ethods oat.acaml the beluty 'A J?S at the New York Giants, hasn't action a new a niorcd ca. esne cla. , ben as effective on Bill Ryan, a JJ Vookle pitcher from tho' Internation- Vf kmalmam Ul0 ,,anger al League. . u wh,ch sjnn . Walter Johnson's work with the J , been livening up Uio SVashlngton Eenatorrf makes It seam tom nas ,aieiy that the pld star" lSalmast through. caAn,m ndred of thls new type of cars Joe Bush hasn't shown anything for J J and 81x ,llJflJ the Boston Red Sox- and George arj already m ire Daus haB drne the Tigers very little " "ni hng uutomo good. Dick Rudolph had to give up The7 carry annoEl a ton man- after a brave effort' and Is now J anu are as close working with, the, ..Braves .s a oof and bullet proof h coach . , thjv can be made. Furthermore, for Managers blame the cold ra ny we, , of the ma. weather of the early season fcr the nu ine pon an of the old wings to get in c Jnes. ho, can Ihape. But while they are waiung " i Tor the coming of thq hol'rays, clubs I FOR SALE 16-Inch dry pine wood. Red 1331. FOR S A LE R nwlelgh products. 410 West Fourth St. Black 1331. J25) FOR SALE Ten-room hotel, box 67, Kent, Oregon. Inquire .120 FOR SALE Five loom house and two loin, iluquire t15 West Four teenth Btrc'cl. " :t ,.y, , , - - FOR SALE-ftlood riiilch cow., Tel-bhonei-ied 'COSa.-for call 215' West Elevoiiih. ' ' FOR. S'A,LErJ1r' oi'k wood; pld oa";, 11 so; iiecony growin, ?t..u. ueuv ered. Calf- 3F22, after 6 p., in. tf FOR SALE Cheap. Ford'tomlnK car. Inquire Sunset garage. ' 10 i-'ur. a A I fh.V,i n Turn 1'i-rii" Mi'-'inbine jvlth good engine, iilSOtliou a taciirneni. wriii- v. i-. TyronViOt; WesC Eleventh street, Tho..Dallqs. . . 2i! l-XJlf SALE Large anil smalt farm and. .orchard tracts, rlteaaonabl. prices, good terms. V. C llanna, Dlii'iir. l)ru.y " .!Sr5f- FOR SALE Complete Ihreshliu: ma chine. 28-Inch J. I. Case separator and engine. Outfit In flral class con dition. E. A. Read, linlck Gara;;'i. Teluphone main 921. 27if FOR SALE - 1C0 acres, If. miles southwest ot Shaniko. - to aors In cultivation; 90 more can be cul tivated. Good well, good barn, no house. PNfe $1700. Dalits Realty compiin);, black 5691. 5" FOR SALE 323 acies, 7 'miles south west of Uoyd: 100 acres level, re lriatndor slightly rolling; fenced and cross fenced. Several spting) family orchard. Four room bouse. good barn. H miles from nuliool Pflco $10,000. Dalles Really com pany, black 5091. 5 FeflV SALE-Crop and two years' lease on my 10-acre farm in Thomp son's addition. Modem house, five acres alfalfa, ready to cut; two acres wheat, apricots, chorrP-s, peaches, plums, pears, apples and grapes. Mrs, Fannie McEachern Thompson's addition. 'IYL-phone black 4012. 2 Vmz BAUER. General real estate. Instil unc oans. 1001 East Second street. Tel. nhone main 1071. 2SII LUC1IL1E CUMMRJMf) Teacher of Piano Summer classes open June 1. Tele, phone black 6221. Studio at 201 West Ninth street. tf SUMMER EXCURSION Easicni Points Through CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES Tickets 011 sale June 1st to August l5tli inclusive. Lim it three months from datd of sale, with final return limit October 3.1st. For full particulars write, telephone or call at office. POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WEKSCHKUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Thoatro Pianist. t Maud MiMbuiirm Stilwell Toachur of Piano, Harnipny and Theory. Lrschotizky method. Special atten tion given to beginners. Situiuu-r term opens June 113. Phono red ,'S49l. Slu- dlo 1000 Fulton street .120 WMil Tracls LSra Freight and express between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all way points Leave The Dalles. 9 a. m dally except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. in. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. in. 1). ;M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone hlnck HM2 or main 471. if iSHi it hHI Canadian Pacific 1 FOE1D Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. Dr. T. DeLARHUE Evesiffht Specialist HoilVpSjOO to 5:00Sundays and Eveninos by Appointment 17-,.01 Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111 (Did. , , I , . II-'.' 'ii'ilv ' -H i.'tino ul . " ' H I V n " " L'et 'Us 'ronfmd you again that we: V;,"f (iari-help,' ym greatly ., with . yaui;.,, ' iiousecleaning. Anything that can bo cleaned with soap and water Wt- can handle for you to your 'boniiei;e. 'satisfaction. Call us on , the 'phoncand got full purticula'r.s about anything, you have in mind. :.M0DE1, LAUNDRY Main 41 Dr. Ceo. F. Ncwhoiwe Eye Specialist We are eiiuipped to give your eyes the very best of earW Eyes tented. Glasses gro'.ind. ' Second and Washington Streetr' The Dallea COLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached tho easiest by way of Grants and' Maryhlll an th MARY HILL FERRY , i .- A 10-nille paved road connects Maryhlll aiid Goldrndale ' ' ". ' FCRItY flATUO $1.S5 per car and pacsengcrn one wiy. . , $2.00 for rfund trip, 10-day limit. get ,Tor fwith cood vouns hurlors imiv JUt for a load that will be hard to vovorcome. t "Th-j Pittsburgh Pirates" aro get ttlns Ihe bent pitching of the year. t"Lefty" Cooper Is In his best form," Adams looks as yrrmg as leyer and Olazner, Zlnn, Ponder and (Vellcwhorne ere delivering. r l-L-h 'QEOROE8 ENTERTAINS BIG GALLERY WITH EXHIBITION By Wcstbrook Pegler ). (United Nw 8taff PorrmmndrnD ' MANHASSET, L. I. J-me 2 Tin ;xcluslon act promulgalel b Prime Minister Francois rscanips m ke. the public from pulllni a peacer-i ; penetration, ot Georges, parpentler's jbroad and fertile acres was more hon. jored ia.Jhe breach than In the ob .ervance wheiiljtjLrch champion Mua Vour Hair Renewed We can give you any shade of hair coloring with a famous Franco-American hair coloring .whlchV so perfect that it cannot be detected from the natural color. Hennaing also a spe cialty. All lines of beauly culture at the Hotel Dalles Beauty shop. Tela phone -main 4051. 3X1 HOTEL SUTTER San Francises nt Merely n Hotel, but an institution Fojnded on ihese Principles - Popular Prices Service Courtesy George Warren Hooper, Mgr. FOU SALIC One 24-Inch steel Cae separator: llMiorao Autiuan Tu lor stoain tractor engine; lfiO end 1hj,r belt, conmloto. ITfiO.00. One seven-foot MeCormick binder, used j one season, in good repair, $130.i0. i One carload cedar pout., s-ioot, jo cents, f. o. b. earn l'Hik'dale, Ore Timothy Ntyveti parkdale. Or. 2w2;j Pasteurized Milk and Cream , ;The hot weather is coming along. ITow much is it worth to you at this time to know that the milk' you are drinking is pure and sweet and will keep? . How much is it worth to know that the niilk your babies are drinking is clean and pure and healthful ? , The Norman Cream company is catering to just such conditions. The public is cordially invited to inspect our plant, AT' ANY TlME, to see that the dairy products are handled in the most modern and sanitary manner. WANT ED ",ANTKD Woman cook for ranch Telephone rod 2CJ1. 1 WASTI3D Woman for genera! bou t work: Call after 1 p. in. :m We ' N'lr.lh street. W A NTH I) Woman to cook on rnn.-h Wages 3". per month. No washing Telephone l!)F2:t. - iVA-NT-BD Position tin j-te If I niir-'ie. Confinnneni cases pielerrol Mrs. D. A. CornweP. black 47U1 1 WANTKf0;rlT(ir' ijoneral hou'. work One to f,o luuiie nights pr lerted Mra. Cariion L. pi-pper. main iOl. - WANTED Man to lake rhargo of 15 cow d.lty. ablo to drive Fold car. Httady woik for rlRht man. Leo F. rJrune, telephone 27F12, "i Reduction In Prices In keeping with the downward trend of living costs our prices, effective June 1, arc as follows: One quart a day, per month.. One pint a day per .month.... .....$2.B0 ....?!. 50 SECOND HAND STORE FurnitliVa Repairing, Pack'ino.. 'Ci-jtnij,' Carpet Clean All work uiini nnleed, aOfi Court Street E. C PRICE , . IRk'gkifi'ireJ Arelhiiftecft GO I r-'iu.t National' Ujnk Uldg. The fjalleo. Ore. ICtf WOO DAK I) & TAUSC UER ('ontractinji Iiricklayers and PlasterCu'a All kinds of Tile nnd Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty Estimates furnished free of charg;. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 04C1 o.- Call at Gates Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DR. AY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's I'aint Store Main 3721 Residence tMionc Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUPF CRANDAIjL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU O. CRANDALL. Manager Uert Thomn, Asaiutant Manager LIceilBed (:inli;ilmrs, fi t .1 b 1 1 3 1 1 c d 1187 Telephone Day Red 351 Night Rd 352 J, It, Harper, Black ZI52 Cut Flowers Woman Attendant Mm. M. J. Wlllerton Telephone Ited 1781 Motor Equipment Delivered anywhere w;thin the city limits Norman Cream Co. i 40'East Second Street.- . - Telephone Main 35JU . Glen wood Hotel 202 Union Street , Half IJlock from Station FREE RATHS I'lenty of Hot Water Day and Nijfht CLE. AN ROOMS , , ,From.r0f to $l.f,() a Nih to r.0( a Week DINING ROOM Open (i a. in. to 12 p. m. 11 Vr