The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 02, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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-I- 'rW""
.Mftftbllshat J8S0 Th Dnllr!.. Orn.
Published Every Kvmlng Kcppt Sandfly
fey tho Chronica I'ubllsliliiBCotnpnny Inc
Uton B. Ulfln ...-.Genernl Mniincr
lionlofflco n
' Rntrrrd In
teenrid chw'
t.", ; LL I
United PrrR, nnd United Now Hervlcn
Mmbec of Audit Murcitl of Ulrciilntlon
i ndvnni:i'.,...
In ndvnrico
Six month, In ndvnricu . ..3.nn
On month - .fit)
On i-enr. In ndvnnvc t.'.OU
It month. In ndvnnco $2.K
On too n Ih .BO
One srnr. In ndvnncc - . 2.(i0
tn iirddltiE rlinnco
crlber should nlitnyn
new nridntrw.
of mldri',
Blvo old n
WdltorlRl Iltmiiis Hlnok 111
BUFlnrnH. Adv. ('If, Drill ..Hod 111
Subscriber." to Itm ("lironlclo 'iro Bimr
ntecd Rfrvlor. I'rntnlit nnd r-'gulnr di"
Irery of evi-ry nubRurlber' nnpor Is llio
lm of thn clictilatlon depn tun-lit. TIih
Chronicle rnrrlcrfl nio reiilit-d to jmii
Him Dnper on tlu puroh or wlimivor lli
citiocrlbLT wlnlie 'lio pnicr di'llvm id.
, Ale the vnleri; or AIomI'T ijoIiik to
lie hoodwinked li.v I lie; "Clti.miu'
YVclluie Ijiif.;ti(i of Wasco County"
into dolni; n tliln which lliuy may
legiot ,for years?
. Do tin: .Mosir-rltcs, nil of them,
think they can si i on;: iirin thu coun
ty com) inlo nlviiiK 1 1 market
roiiily, by a threat to de'eat '1 .10
Dalles-California hlRh.iy lionil Is
sue? )OCH till! .Mllilll'l' SCetlOtl Cllll! lo
'print; ilown upon it the p.ililicul
vralh of the ii'Hi or llii! county
..vihlch will he against Ids
residents Tor yon 1 k In coiiic?
-,'Or is il I mo ilinl llio .Mosler pen
jplo are bcin; held up to scorn iiuiI
'rjdfculc bi'cntisc a low, nuiKkiiiK
.theniuelves under I lie pseudonym ol'
Itho Cilienn' Wei Tare Ijiisuo, choose
to viciously -attack an issttu which
no vilHlly nflcets llic luljru 01' the
, The hnckcru ol' (his uncalled lea
see worn loo cowardly lo conic forlh
and admit llicir id'.'nlily, and so lur
thcic liiiH been no ecilain revelation
ol IJiohc upoiihoih. Their (iiculai
sent forth this week, wan 110 unfor
lunalRly worded that II luv.i caused
11. Itu'su nurcentuKu of I he voter
who lecelved, It to biistle with an
The lit'Kl rrlclldil ol The Dalles
Cnlifornla highway bond iimue could
Jiavo planned nolliln;; ho cleverly lei
, . populai lze Hie ineaiiiire nil did' ila
pcniico in liu ilisseniin.iliou' ol' lite
circular licadod "liupoi taiil," You
know, whul it Iti. You've all lead it,
, lor .tlioiu! who nr.iilcd llio citcalar
unud Hip, ieUilniiion lint.
Tim i,lrr:ufjV Inipunneil I lie intel
ligence ol ovco ''otov 11 w.i.s tad
Icuii, HcuirllouR.ilociitnenl of I lie very
kind (lint the tin mini praullcua of
DiTKiin wan iU'iiIruH to idliiiinayi
., .iiiui wno noon nniont; l Hie ( ill'
jionu' Wnllate liL-asue? Aiu all of
I hu volci( ol the Murder iei;tion
liHiinli'jinV Ait- all the votnys of lliu
MoHier neclion so bold us to bellwve
jliey can buck the ictit 01 tlie,.coun-
' ly and .,'ul awjiy, witJi if.'
Or al t of all, au iiiutit ol' um !(,'
Ilcvo, Ih Hie t'illzi'im' 'ellau l.ea
t'.un ol W'iihco County a paper oi'K.nii
zatlon thru,i;h which one or two
lmm are atiuiiiptinK to liullnh pri
vate kiuiIkom?
. Tim name or Maik A. Mnyer, or
cliauilKt of Mo.ticr, hut tar heli-.M'
known an a himliietin niiin of I'oii.
laud, where he uiiiinlaiu.s Ilia renl
ilenco most or tin I line, has been
proiuluuiitly incnlioiieil in connection
,wilh (lie luiinun. lie has even been
bUfiKcalod iih ihe "meHidtmi."
aeseaicli at the couit house U'ed
nciday I'ailcd to 1ev1s.1l .Mr, Mayer.'n
liaiiie oil the ivtfifU atioii hooks of
WaiH-o couni). Itppiiiy I10111 lie
county , clink of Mulluuiiuli coimlj
howuvnr, showed Mini Mr. Major
votctl ilium in llio November elee
lien; thai hu Is itiKistvi ml theie,
11111I li Iti place of M'tiidciicc Is Kivcu
11:1 Hie lleu.ion hotel.
I H mis uaia i iib, ineii ,ir.
Mayer in preuunuiis io I' ll tlei Mil I
eir, of- WiuiLO o.iiilv to do tioiue-1
(liitiK hu cannot do hlim.eir. j
, Aloni; ihe Ciiluiiilila ither IiIkIi
Vay, between heie ami Mosler, llio
toad nwiiiKn aioiuid one ol the love
leat homo to be ct 11 In Wasco
county. Villa b. M .'. Major's lioup),
'J'lie Coltiinliii ItiMu hlliwaj, wh eh
lino ulixadj liiiyMud
ueMion. Its iiiicIiiIuiimu 10 ihe 11I11I0
uutl lo Wasco culling, runs wlihln
HtU tiiel ol h,n hoime 1
, MunKivoi. loi. a (Hmiiiicu ol ovur
II till'" . H10 tilwlns a inns liuoiiKli
lliu MitH'i' otcliiud. lllt oiuIiumI pin
t?enlu line ot He. enir.incln vlfiau
of the hlr.hw.i). Vlieic in no 111010
uuipabwlim uceuiny an vvlr-ro uIiuik
tiif lOiUl. .
, Mr, Miijni. a nwideut 01' rorlliiinl,
tMiJojini; nil or iluwu iIiIuks in Was
co county, pici iiu"n in iel the 1 it 1 ti 1
em hi jii(ilieii ami ujimiiuii Wnmo. 1
who liavo bi'iin whiHii;.; in iiiutl all
ol iliuit lien, thai Uit nhoulil tuin!
dovMi 'I'Iid D illon ral i'oriila liiKh
The Chronlili' would not presuui"
to deny auj imin bis r.lKht. to iliKer
on I'uhlle iUi!stlonu. Vliuiu aiu I wo
blileti to mi'ty uuesiluii, lur only b
(Jlticiitislon can thu merlin, ol . an !
Hue r. Hilly expoiiliiU'd.
The slaleuieui kIvcii such wide
cltculallou this week eaiuiol bo coir 1
iildcicd m nan'! imposition of "the
other lildn" of the bond insue.
Kucli it titnleiiieiil, 11:1 foi Itiilance
"would not (his Klcanllc. incasuie,
most dtaslie in iln hopc lv ti yoke
01 oppruRKiun, a iiurtten more tii.iti
you can bear, and a menace to the
best Interest!! of Wasco county?"
cannot under any classification lie
a reaitouaiiie argument.
Th" bond issue la Klsantie, pee
hups, bill not more 110 than obliga
tions assumed by othu counties, and
the money Is to In1 expended in a
Ipthlic enterprise or ptoven ineill.
The lad that some ol the henvletit of the co.intj aie wlllin;;
to niiHiiiue their hIiiiio of t'i'j lax
atlon buiilcn, are so willin:; and 1111 v-
lotiK that they have been campaign
inn tor Ihe issue, would not nnom
lo indicate that lb'.' bond isue will
a yoke ol' opprt r..iion, a bin den
111010 than "you cm bear."
II filateincntH made by the dime
loin ol the. chamber of oinmo'ce
re true, it is tar mole likely that
I tin camiiaittn wau-jd by the "lea-
(lie" Is the. icsiilt or a Kfttdsu
Ritinst the county (otirt.
If the co.inly court could be In
duced lo (dvi Hie .Mosler district
ll pel cent ol Ihe market road lund
ovef a curtain p"iiod, Mr, Mayer, it
is said, pinmlsed to deliver an, SU
pin cent vole in fn-or of The Dalles
A Reply To The "Citizens
Welfare League Propaganda
I T-5 .--li!;.-,,.iTi ., 4 ' i , , , -rr. ( 11.
About Community Service
By Director H. W. Arbury,
I'dltor ol' TIim Chronicle: Yester
day I received In the mail a pi in e.l
circular, 0110 of many, I prestitn',
which have been mulled lo the voters
of this cnittty. Tlii:, clicular In tn!-
tliesst'd, "To the Vaxpajcr and Voter
of W'aoco cotiutj," and omanatis tioui
n iuy,slori(iiis ar.ene.v which culls it-
neir the "Citizens' Welfare l.cacuu
of Wasco counly."
The inl.iilve llius is-iied Is, as tin
of the proposud Ricaf measure upon
'which wo are to iotu on .tunc "iW
AIeo, wasn't this name adopted lo
Glo tholf outcry 11 false iuiuomi'Iut.:
I of authority tuid Importaiico? would
jlllf! to !now what citizens of oui
counly tonsiltute this "It unite.'' How
'many are they and where do they live?
I Wliun and tinder what tlrcuuiiiiaiifeo
'waa litis "league" lornicd? Wiioic are
j Us lic.'idquarteiV.' Who arc Its ilulj
l elected oll'iceis, and why does none
example ol' palpable .iliiKolim, a Keni'it'l thnii-names appear In the clreulai
ol' Its kind, but us an authoritative ! w bifb tlioy liuvu soiit nroatlcis
true and comprehensive treatment of I iliroripliotil thu countj ? Why do the,
the subject which It protends to eluci- bide behind ihe minio of their "lea
date, It is a lamentable effort and j sue?'' Ai 0. they asliuuied of It nn,l the
is an Inrult to the Intelligence or cv- Contents or their circular? ir so, we
iiiusi, at leas', credit t limit with 0110
sane and respectable attribute.
AKitln, why is it that this re-ioubt-
cry ilnnkln.' and lor.vaid-lutiklm' vot
er of this county who receive:-, it. The
whole thin;: Is simply an anonymous
.mil Insldlniia attack on the proposed
?8im,lli)ii bond Irsue to provide roe the
coin;! ruction ol' The la.llos-Ciiliroinln
highway tlirou;,'h Wasco county, wl h
its northein lerinlnus at thlr, city.
The titatonicnls set forth In it are
no lallacloiis that they do- not merit
discussion In detail. Thev are a sue-
(.'aliloruja bonds. II ine county court 1 cession of hysterical and trite scare
did not lake tills action, then Mosler, phrases, the obvious purpose or which
it was threatened, would vote 100 ,'H 1(1 tit:its the suspicion and the
11 refill against the bonds. N .fears of Ihe more or less purblind
AJ1 of Ibis smacks or bosslsni; in-! n'",cl'H 1,11,1 t0 ,h" frnnlf anlai;on-
t.imldanon. If ..Mosler volera ii.r,u to
be led aiound by Ihe nose in this
lashinn, well and ;;ooil. If .Mosler
chooses lo spile Itsu'f, il is doiiltfii!
If the "100 percent vole hkuIiihI"
will defeat the overwhelniini; inajor
lly by which the Issue promises to
carry over the rest of the county.
Mosler voters should think well be
lot" pari leipal Inn in a ki'UiIkc fight.
The odds are all against tliein. Mos
ler voters ought lo put Ihelr eai'i
to the grguml and ,liear the iictiti
nielli over Hit! county belore llie.v,
gel on the hand wagon ol' the "lea
gue." There is no iiueslion hut thai I lie
circular sent lotlh this week ban
made fi lends lor Ihe issue. The
Chionleh' has received .li'llern ap
liroving Ihe project from vailous
set lions, mote ol' them than II can
ii in L between now and clccllon lime
The unlimoniHl ie lone of the eir
etilai' and ilu cowanlly iitionyniosily
delcaled the omls sought at the
very iitart.
The clicular lioonteiiitrui its own
pi eject.
An Inlereiiting line ol reasoning
wail adoplcil by Clicuil .ludge Kred
. Wilson ycslmday when he sen
tiiiced three men lo thu penitentiary
for moral oifeiiseu ag.ilnst .voting
The wliplii mailer, harked bail; to
the MeAtee case, ocrurlni!; 10 dnvr
ago when dm jiiiisti "threw the
hook" at the delcndant, as Hie say
lug goes, in sentencing him t i three
years, t u niaximum penally provid
cd for the crime of inc-st.
lodge Wilson said he could no!
consistently sentence Koy Curttss,
l.ouis Crilsoti and lid Colby, lor
gi eater terms than he had given
MeAtee. when the hitter's ciiiue was
no niutOi worse.
"I kliojv ol po more repulsive
ciinie In,' the human category than
litis," said ,Uie Judge, referring to
lite .MeAtee case, "but the law or
1SIII li. il the maximum sen'ence
at III tee yiis."
Although the oliiiiifH's or the throe.
nu n wno moon ncroioviniu weru :m .
enough. Iho court leasoued Hint ii"
could not punish I hem lueti c seveie
ly than he hud puulslied Me.Mo",
whoso oifense was ni incotiecivably
ImmiiraJ rvlatimin as piove;,
.ialtisl Ihe ii'en clunked were
euoiigh, 1 lie co.irl Inlerreil, inn t ho.v"
could not be ,compi(ied in thu rcla
the foulness ol' criminology with
I'-tn towards a measure, the deleat of
which would be nothing short of a
lr:i;eily no tar as the interests ol' Wir
co county and Its people are con
corncdi The lads relating to this proposed
bond issue and the inestimable ml
vantages and benefit!! which 1 lilt.,
j great highway will brln-; lo our conn
ly have nlicady bo-,n given wide pub
lielly, so It would I '' nothing hut iop"
11(1(111 were I lo ('numerate them he.-e '
Whul I want to do In-'ead is lo make
a lew liuinirUw anil c.oiniue.nln. regard
lug l bin so-called "CUizenn' Well'ari!
League of Y11sco ciiunly,''
,1 am a eitl.-ui or- 'Wasco county, a
fruit' grower and a buKlnefH man (at
least, I no logard iii.vhoII) and I ha'e
been 11 lairly liberal lax-payer li'irc lor
a considerable number of jours, I
kocp myself pretty well Inlortno'l ie
rpceling public, matter" ami move
inmilH in this miction of lliu state an I
im actively ideal ilicl with itome ol
our public and cooperative organiza
liomi liere. I haven vld" ac'i'i.iinlanc"
both anionsKt our bit; 'no:!' nr-n lin I
Hie grower:! of the county, ye,
nl range to say. I have never bel'jnr
heard ol the, "Citizens' Welfare-, I
nue or W.aitco county."
Am I. in icnlil", a Kip Van WhiUlu
or. is Ihl, (to me) nuhulous "league'
nothing hut a name eiealcd to hii'
the identity of a small eoterb' of mil
chiel'-niakers-'. who. for, a selfish Jim
iinprJnelpleil purpose, wish to deceive
a c-til I Ifii'iit nuiiilie-r'ol Ihe ' VnteiV of
our county to bring: about the detent
able Wasco county "league" did iiu'
have Its clicular printed In Wusco
county? At the Imtion ol lis papor n:e
the word, "Clacier J'rin!." Vhl
means that the clicular was printed
in Hood River county. Is that Iho dl
reel ion from which it was launched
Why should such proicsscdly patriot!
citizen.'! of our county go so fur nileM
to hutch and promulgate their prop.i
Raiidii? Surely we. have man: 'soo
printers in qui" own county who could
have served them and would bav
uonu so nan uie in'eniions ;;.d tut:
imt-'es of tills "league" been honoralil'
and lor tho best interests of our conn
ty. Did it have to take its work olsc
whore hecauao our printers are tc
loyal and honest to print suei. f-.tu.r
In Ibis circular tel'erpiiee i mad
several limes lo thn "lavoreu lew
who a'lvocate tills bend Issiif.. Wlu
aie these "favored few?" I, I'.r,' one
am an arueni advocate cr tun uie,r.
tire, yet I am not aware that I tx
long to "any "favored few eotorl"
This proposed bond liuue is not th'
child of a political group, a enpl .1
Intlc. ring, a Irttsl ,oiia corporal ion ; i'
is "of Hie people, by the pool le tin
lor tho people," so what ha", giver
rb'e to HiIk cry, Hie "favored low?"
Inn t 11 simply a catch-phrase to
hoodwink the unwary?
Tills I.1! a fair sample of I'ho genera
lone of the "league's" pyrolechnlcil
circular. Hut I will tpiotu from it an
Minor vorj entiglitening passage
wnicn in 100 room to Keep, in It a
statement is made to tho effect Hi
It presentu. for tho consideration and
salvutjou, of Wa-co county voter
"lite most impoitant (pieniion bel'oM
the entire universe" (!!) Isn't It tin'
astounding? Suiely. when it cnnes to
11 iiuesflou of curoiupaFsing Hi in
finlle, this "league" has Einn!cin r m
e';a!tl to the primer claim. Hut will r
deceive our vol err-? I think not. Lot
ill of .us yole fpr I ho) bond issue, lb-'
big liisliwayi progress and prospcritv'tts TAtjk,' WORK! and VOTIi tho
way. n'lt'l!)1. Wvul' GIVCHIii.l-.
A conmuinlly worker told lliu writer
(tie nl her day oJ' bi. expeiience on
(he playgiounil last summer in an
other state. It happened that the city
where he was siutipned, a comiiiunltj
ol home "o,000 people, had never bad
supervised playgrounds. Tin outfit the
cooperation of the city commission
ipennliihlon was Given to the Commun
Ity Service worker lo u lllzo the eil
'hall e(tn:ie euch evening of thu weel
except Saturday and Sunday for coi
dueling plays and panics lor the child
Story lolling and circle garnet un
der competent leaders were conduct
ed for the younger children, and ouP
door-ln-door baseball was inaugurated
for the older children. Lack of team
'work', jealousies nnd other evidence?
of bad dispositions were manifest
from the start.
Nearly every child inclsled on
"pitching" In the first, lew evenings
of play. It look diplomacy and tact to
overcome sone of thee dJfflcuMlel.
but gradually indfvldutfl picluriiieiit
wag subordinated to. team .senile, and',
a desire lo win games. The major of
rlils city became, a frequent spcc'iitm-
ul these games iiii(liiiore than mice he
cxpicsHcd to me bin- wonder at the
fine team work beins developed Ui my
joung frlcndi'.
Another worker ropons on "team
play" Hie following: "AL the bosinnStr,
if the season at or.e groan' , ganvi
.or girls between 11 and 11 never lr-i'-d
long because of disputes,. Sotpo
girl who was out in the course of the
game wouldn't 'be. out,' or one girl'
would not pla;- on the side .she w'
iMVtt l,.l vrtiM- (Will Mdl'Jhtii
piny In this one.,gn,WiV sald thBtlMrl'
cr. "I nm going to chodBc, nira-thowe
girip of. size ,1'aju.toiiifi. ofor-jim
iird Rccond, IhojeLW.hcj'iilBy togat'lmr
best." '
"After the .ehooliiK thq disappttiat
ed ohca looltod grKvo for A, ntottiojt,
then rim nfr'wtllf ,a smile Id .wJitjih
Iho same, A, -l'e-. ifhs erllcii'.'je!re
would. havo been wrwnjsilng, sidkiy
and ugly, words."
No civic movement can.fiticcee(;iii
loss people work together. Pojjo
learn In work tnjtethor on- tho jjtajv.
groundi ir joii don't believe-It. $eid
some time wntcliln.g. t'.ie .pliiy .otdf'Ue
i small and larg.c children at the,
playground on "Third street lsv
worth while? If yotl tnihk If i.iifll
bohlnd Community Service. Supjnit
It with your (lino Uiul mohcy. bax&:
.:. .ii
J 1
slrl ! invcstcd-lh thn children of today vj
the pay large lllvldridt In blurd.v itbfn
threatens to bring vabtps on dairy ly lepiivil. ."Well. .I'll tell you. I
inodueiu soiuowherii near to ii'inpal asked tlie buller lo tiling' me anotli
U 'ginjilng yesloidny, milk was uuiil. (l' apooii, and then", Kii a spoon in
od around 8 cenls a iiarl, and there (nuh '"""." attackoil both the ladj
are prospects of even greater cuts' i,:ul the) licr at J hp same lime."
iioMiou ciei kj v, no is win
n'lig a ropuution "or Hie knenecs ol
his wit lis Svell as 'lor bin wisfom
Is Dr. .1. lidgar Park. Dr. 1 ark was
lioin In Hellasl, liclund, and Hie 11 e
(ident If his birthplace may account
tor some of the humor which rims
prospects of even
I'a.slurage has been
dairymen weren't bolliei
high cost of hay last
d Willi
appuicnlly they
ting. So let the
great lor the
can all'onl the
bailie 1 age on.
babies in tlili
The I
cut I
hot :
the iiffens:' w hlcli MeAlee admitted
ciiinuiilllilg agiilnst 0110 of Ills own'
llesh and lilmxl.
This recent criminal docket In
llio ciicuil court, ll might be oh
served Incidently, has had an array
of nasty cases almost without paral
lel in Hie county '11 hlslorj. Case after
case lias been one of some foul ilu
pinvcd chui nctcr, sickening to con
template. Tluv grand Jury spent a
large putt or Its time listenltm to
testimony ol the 11101 depraved na
Tlie couiitj should be thoroughly
Mink of lb), whole business. Kvidr.ner
In a lumber of cases lias Indicated
Unit parents are to blntiie. Deleil
(hints In nome casi.i and complain
lug witnesses In ueiirlj all cayy-i.
lutvn bi'ijn of toutl'.'r agon; umw
when. l!u oiiih ago, ihej would hav
still been Miry muoti under the
VMitchftll eyo.-i of p:iienls.
(From The Chronicle, .luue i', l.sjiii 1
I'os nmslor Crorsen received a Wit
ter I rum Ihe pestinanier general Ibis
inni Hint; 'vlilcb inn t have given him
intense satisfaction. It rai.-es tills of
lice to, a second poslol'lico. and
means an iucre i.-ivl emolument ol
.fl'Otl 11 jear. I lis salury will now he
ILMMHI aunuallj. This raise Is con id
ol ed po: luauiint, as theie Is stuiill
chance lor Ihe oliice lo t'galn lapso 10
third (dans. Thii news, lukeii wilh t lit
Hie.lllj- In leased vote of Dalles City
ovur anj elee.liou prior, iiroves (hat
our lopulntlon is Bioator I nan over
and tial u have fully recovero'l
I'nitii iui elloiits of tlio removal ol
the shop, levural juars tigo.
0 -,
Shernun imtnl.- has been ucanlod
as Populist, but ycslordiij's returns
do not hear out the liupres-. icn. Sher
man ciuiilj Is t'cpunllcan tills year.
Here are the figures :
For co:igie.;-uian: Hills. :S81: Hun
nett, L'tin; ()ulnn. Iity; Norihup, r.ti;
Fur supremo Judge: -1101111, ::iT; (in-.
ton, j;',L'; Duinuit, HU.
For Joint .smialor: MUhell, .HI;
Arinswortlij, ;;ti(t; .Monro :iiin; Dtifur.
For Joint representative: Dunlin':
Ion. AM: .lotios, :'SI; llunry, IMS
Mohaltiger. ;;:iii; CtMin, :I0, .
There's one kind ol a wi r
Mi. IMimate foil H 11 liui likes to
about. When i-ompi tillnn Inigius
culling anil offurJug induijeini'iitii
read ,
the trail 1. I hen and tlitire a "war"
is 011, ami II is a contlict In which
tho consumer alwajs wilts, I
.lust now in The Dalles there Is a)
line Hide milk war raging, and .1
price slushing Is taking place wlilvlij
Mr. link, u.ilhor of "The Aiiinil
vauizi'tlen of Kdmird link," smuit
otiie t li. with tile Scriblier cnlp.
pnny. and it fell to bin lot t i nn'usc
Htu puhlii 's in rest in the hmkti'nl
t in iiaj. 11 en eerybodv was
talking ah'im Stoektoi
l.ady of the
ciotll 1 ne aut'ior imipj skuIim tinuii
mi wliun al a dluiiet tiaily. tli
lipsiess survcil .Mr. oiockton with mi
Ice.fieain ldj ami a tiger, and the
company wntcliod which he cIioko.
"And which did you Iioom?"
uskel the advi'i'lbilng tllieetor.
"lit, til, Uiulor' StocUtou nulling
through Ihe more- serious Ihoitghr
expressed In his writings,
''It lias been noted" he says. "Hint
1 the climnile prospects as far in
1 hiv.von is concerned at-' fin-', lipt
'that Judging ftotn the gjod peoui"
of the present day there is no simi
lar promise there of good companj'.
.Tills book Is an nltemni lo sell a l'e'"
' "' In lieu rep to kindred souls t'j
whom coniiany is ol' mo'-e inipur
nice iliuu climate."
From "The Had lie ulfs or tfoir!
llabll,! and Other l.:ip.tus."
' Like Mark Twain. Kills Paikir
Ilutlet' wan tip rn and i.ils d In a
small town on Win Missl sl-oi an'1
hits drawn largely on his bojlioort
recollect ions for Ills book "SwnttN."
' "Me ami Swatly was cow cousins"
says lite young narrator of ihl.i de
lightful story "of boy Pfe on the
Mississippi, "Wo was both raised
op Iho milk of the sum" cow"
"1 never had a beau" sajs Susan
"but I do net iuild, now lor being
an tilt) 111a Id dpes not hurt when ,m
gut used to it."
From .Montgomery's "Itnlnbiw
Dr. llrenfell baa u good story on
most every page of his book. "A
l.i.l'iailor Doctor," There am pa
tlieilc ones and amusing ones, fler
making a visit to Skipper .lohu'n
little ciuijigo where 11 blind old
woman and a sick man had b en
till; mi In, Skipper .lolin said. "We'i
so grateful you coined, Inc or. Tlie
poor old creature:! won t last lung, Hut
thanks aren't ilollura. I hayen't u
cent in tlie woilil now, the old
people havi) lak'()i what lilt!" we
bad nut by. Hut If 1 -.01 1 ,i skin !
T3l'w Intel, I'll trj nnd pin you fo.
1 your vlsP anyhow.
t;ipper Jonn, wnat relation ivu
j rinii-o penp'e 10 you
I '"Well, no leb.tlon. V.t" tl "
"SHi iho pay not ti ui 1 at all .''
,k "Tiom luis milhliUN ' be rcilli"l.
iiiiule-jou ink-'
was Inline
;'.'s sun 'The lm,-v v'" a'te.idy b! a I "
Mr. II(U ilivv "How Vmi; huve ( v
v siorliM tiuuh "ii?'
belli 111?'1
,'Ki 111'!
I 'Oil wit a
' '.I inn twelvo luon ha como Satiu
day." V
I found, myself hlnuding in speech
b'Y admiration in the presence of this
man. I llmitght then, ami I Mill think
, ibaj I ropejveil one of my Imeosl
choiicn on bocaiisc there way a
she didnlt like, on thai side. On
last day of the season six players hat! hebd and noble, womanhood of lohiov
lo be elioABn for a match game h ; row. ' ' '
another ground, Over a, dozen girls, ", l I .l,
were desperately anxious to ,lv. I clnlcNo charje, For-Emint-
They crowdod around the vom,tn. . y
leader, waving, their hands t be chos- n - ....-,-.4 ,
IHalf n dozen WAHed. to be captain. Thlrd Rnd, Wasjilnetan., niaitt,50j;itv;tl
- 1 '
, - ;.y
Rare Values in Cord Tires .,
for Small
The remarkable values, now being offered In
Goodyear Tires antLTubes are most impres
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THE BKfHT TO CHOOSE is the-grand Aiiieiiann .prerogative'
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I t ' I , ' It".
And i mo$t important jYai;t. of it the right to. choose what
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A.dyoi tising if, a.?1 'much 'a pai:t 'of tpday'3 life as, eloctridiy
antiseptic surgery 01; motor traction: It is; the system wlicreby
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or should use it. For nO one can. want anything until he knows
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Advertising' is the w.ay by w.hiQhi.Vou;are i:old;why you sbjiijuld
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' Articles of all kinds and for all purp0sp6larc presented.rlih
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