The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 02, 1921, Image 2

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Ten. for 10 cents. Handy
size. Dealers carry both.
10 for 10c; 20 for 20c.
It's toasted.
s Juno 1
'Editor of The Chronicle: This !s
just to lei tin; peoplu of W,iseo ooun
iy know, end lo wake a few of ihem
up about good roads and The Dalles
California highway. 1 will say that 1
am a firm believer in good roads and
highways and It would ho u very good
Idea for every voter in Wasco cotintv
to use his very best judgment and
thought before he goes lo cast his
vote. I have several good reasons for
writing this letter.
iNow that automobiles and trucks
have come to stay, we are unable lo
build roads of dirt thai will stun!
up. We have oi lo look tor some
thing betler. The Dalles-California
'highway will mean the main outlet
for the county. Alter It .has ben
built,- as 1 understand mo law, the
stato -wlll Iterp up ihe road. Thh will
leave Ihe money prevloinly ",inr.t ..u
the main trunk lo l,e applied on o'lu-:
branch roads, and we may he nhl- lu
gravtl these: I am very much in la
vor of this Improvement,
Hespccllully submitted,
('. II. OILI'FN.
nod Supervisor, nisi. IS, Th: ')allcs
Waplnltla, .fiino 1.
Editor of The Chronicle: -'Important"
Is the heading of an anonymous
letter rent out to the voters of 'Was
co county to destroy votes for The
Dalles-California hichway linnd issue
I say anonymous because it Is s'lgu
ed "Citizens' Wellnro U'sikiiu of Was
co count j." There Is no i'.nch animal
If this letter was fair and lis imifbii
torr. werocleiin puri;o,:ed they woulr
have compiled With Ihe law an I haw
Mfgnod .bylhelr iHl ' an provide'1
by the' Corrupt nracllooa act.
It "has-been staled by men who an
worklrife heart and soul lor W.isc
county'' In Ibis rond I'.ahi in v. ell a
.fOf-; other uotlniy Imnro'-ouient.; t hit
.inrcifs A'. Mayer, a I'orlland retire''
capitalist, with orchard properly hold
logs In Wasco county, Is Ihe prime I
mover, the dnik hor.-e hi thlr. attack on
Waaco count) 'n much needed high
way, '
The poople are nil III.., I to lituvt
about this letter and this Clllaeu'
Welfaro League h. heme. I'cople t
be fooled often and II seems I hi
trainers of mis plot desire lo oil!
some eleventh hour stuff over on us
without giving tlmo to answer but
wo are on Hie job. Firs! read The
DallerAvasco County Chamber of
Commerce ads In the county papers
this week.
Mark At Mayer own3 a palatial farm
mansion and vnlnnbte orchard east of
Mosler. I'll not state how the deni
was arranged that thu Columbia high
way happens to go rlghl through his
property for about a mile and that
I $400,000 or more was spent for Ihe
first four miles of Wasco county Co
lumbia lilchway that parses his door.
This $400,000 Includes the paving
and the crews aro al work laying Ihe
central as Ihls In wi ll ten. What does
he care for the sheepmen and "rubes"
of Central Oregon or of Wnsco coun
ty? He has hi a highway. What If the
broken link In The Dalles-Cnllforni'i
hig'hway by failure of our bond Im-'tio
would cripple Wasco county, and
Sherman coiinfy would get our high
way? He Is well taken care of.
'Whal if responsible and desirable
American fanners, pioneers of our
r inmon wealth, are Isolated by lh'
impossible winter roadi even to the
exclusion of the doctor's visit online??
He has his paved highway and doet ;
not now waul to help ihe farmers lo
get even a graveled market road.
Edward (!. Pease, a re.-ponslble The
Dalles pioneer business man, made
public statement at Maupln to a g.e.t
throng of taxpayers, thai can be re
Hod on as true and carefully checked
by the assessor. I would look with
uinplelon hn a letter that does no
conform with those statements of Mr
Pea: (! since the letter Is not nigncd
as by law provided.
Times come In ihe affairs of conn
let as well as men when the Hoof
Ide mus bo (alien lo move wllh au
'pss tot!a Wanro county stands if
the threshold of lis first and great
st opportunity wllh the. entire stall
ichlnd It and it : corns vicious Ihul
wine outside, resident In order to save
i few coppeis would attempt to side
'rack HOOD voteis.
You will find here either the wide
Medium or nanov toe in the Ko
"liter shoe lor mrn, A solid sho.
hioughout. Kdtv. .('. Pease compam
Typing and Stenography
ioiih at reasonable rates. Hoslua A
"'leek. Office Hotel Dalles, lies,
leiico phono red L':1"L'. t)
Reduction in Milk Prices
Effective June 1:
No A'
Quarts . , li.fill
I'lnls L'.'i'i
I pints r.,0(l
2 (Uarls ; ti.50
pints 8.00
I quarts li.fiil
4 qu:
I.. O, KAUUIOlt,
tom KLiNivr.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cored
.-annul rtuch the aval at l lie UUaasi.
Cuti: ill In a local dlucmo, Kreutly In-
Iiic'Icik; by cutiHtltutlonul conditions, ana
n uiu-.t lu ourti it you niiift tune an
(ileniul rt-majy. 1 all's Catarrh Meill
inu u tai'uii ituuniuiiy unci ucia inru
In- hlooil on Hit) M1U0OU3 surfucus at thu
VKtem. Hull's Cutarrh MtMlcInu was
unci I bed ly alio ot tliH liL'dt pby.ilclaite
i thl.s country for ynrn. it 1.1 coui
.sed of .inint of tlio hfwt tonics known,
mlilil-.'il Willi of thu b.-st blood
ii Ultra, Thu iM-rlt'ct combination of
3 liiKiu'lli iit.-) lii Hull'u Cutnrih Alrill
' M Willi p' JlliVf Hlli-ll WollillTflll
nil.-. 01 i n in lull iVKlltloiiH. Send for
MllH'MlllH l'ii.. ,
I. CllrlNKl M -.'U , I'ropi!., Toledo, O
'I I Inik'k'lhlH, mi- '
I". .. ii ..011.11111.111
"The I'roJiut of lU-pri-iriur"
Mlartles the Automotive
World with itnotliGr
CUT in prices.
(Baby Grand) Touring
I V'i .'tvptl
' I ,i- Siiiiinl Sirci't
I tie Jiall.'i, i ) 1'jjini
Some day yoi will ride in a
Poor Little Rich Girl' Was
Helpless Cripple In Childhood
CHICAGO, June 2. l.ollta, Ihe only child of .1 O'den
Armour, Die inllil'mah" pack r, and
John .1. Mitchell, Jr., son ol the
chairman ol the Hoard or diiec'oi:s
of three of Chlcajous lari'.ex:. banks,
will be married hero June 18. The
wedding will unite two of Chica.zo'n
)!dffit and wealthiest families.
Behind that socfal announcement
lies an intensely intonii.'lnp, and
gripping story of a ' i.oor litlle ri. h
;;lrl," crippled at biith, who wllh the
aid of the woilil's r?alo,',t s Inn.
tislK, developed into a normal,
healthy, sport-loving woman,
b at
c II
.1 in
The bride-to-be, win n a
shewed signs of a seriou.':
trouble. She was unable I.) a!l;
irjiiiiently was dooml to
through life an Invalid. The
ipeclalisls of th? country were
An operation wan perfoime
1000, when the child was
years of age, without benefit,
parenis sought thlouithout
world for tomeone lo cine hei
11102, Ihe gill's lathe. went to
Vlpnna to consult wllh Dr. Adolph
Lorenz, the world's moat mted oi'-'
hopedlc suigeon. Armour appealed
o the scientist lo make a trip to
Ihi'-ago and attempt t cuio th"l
hi. I.oicnz was loathe lo leave his
piacilce ,'n Vienna. Armour offrrei J
o pay any amount if lie wotld
unite tjie I lip. It was finally it'?-eed i
hat the physician ahotild receive I
HOO.OOO and all expense:; for lilm I
elf and slalf to go I) Ciilcasi and f
v lo euro I ho child.
The Burgeon nltinded Ihe ehlld in'
ie Aru.our home here. Tin sur-i
eon ili'ieiirded I he knife and used
he compelling ntralii!, or ntiap:: and1
elgli's jts a HUhalltiitr. The five'
Kir old girl wan nude.' an ,-inars-'
hefio .iv two horns. Hffor n of
United Ifreas.
Ar- l.'oi ui. and his staff ere centered
on forcing the hip bone Into the
socket. After two hourti woik there
wa.t a sharp "click." The surgeon
i denned his grip on Hie tiny body.
The bonr had been forced into the
socket. The operation was a success.
I A plaster cast wan placed on the
hip ami leniained there six month. i.
A yea i and a half later thv girl was
still unable to wallt. Hwevfr, sur
geons confident that Ihe op-
.eii.tlon would .Le successlul, if given
lime, in 11)04, Lollia was .taken to
i VI. una for the final tn-atmont at
my idea, It would have closed much
tiirllei", hi replied, with dignity.
"I saw yenis ahead what would
roine. I know what tho conse
quences would bo even In 1914, 1915
and a longer tlmo In the cast when
f was condemned .to Inactivity. I
then followed alt events carefully
and always studied the war. I knew
In advance the outcome of Vtrdun
and saw the t line when they would
call inc. All happened as I expected, i
They came and fetched hip, and
later I have mole than once wanted
to say as I worked over my maps:
Schltiss, SchlusH (the end, the end).
"Ilut there was pressure from too
many sides. And, In Ihe last analy
sis, I am only human, and was al
ready an old man." x
The old men were moved. One
ventured to nsk:
"And whnt about Lundetiorff,"
"flo", merely replied Hlndcnburg.
That was a judgment, ns far as
the old men were concerned. It
spelled Hlndenbuix's feeling toward
Hie man who mixed politics with
strategy, who unlike Hindinburg,
wirn't all soldier.
It is surprising now quickly eye
Inflammation is helped by commoo
wltchhasiel, camphor, hydrastls, etc;,
as mixed In Lavoptlk eye wash. One
elderly lady, who had been troubled
with chronic eye infidmfnatlon for
many years, WU3 greatly helped In
two days. We guarantee a small
bottle of Lavoptlk to help ANY CASH
weak, strained or Inflamed oyeit.
Aiumlnum eye cup FREE. A. E.
Crosby, druggist, 318 E. Second St.
Main 60C1 Uehnett Taxt iMaln 01. tf
ihe hands cf tho famous specialist
Her father carried lur on board the
ship us sh-j was still unable to walk.
Dining a short stay in Vienna, rhe
Ir.trned how to walk and when Ihe
family telr.rned'-to this coun.ry, sh
ran down the gangplank of the
boat and played as any healthy,1
noi mill child.
She later became an accomplished
the t sportswoman, and was noted .is an
In equ.istinariuii. Lolitn lias taken a
great in' crest in Chicago's chai It
able institutions, but her greatest
ulfoils have been tovaid aiding In
stitutions caring for urippl d chi it
rcn. Following her cure, her father
built a two million dollar iiomu fra
iler at ,.al:! Kore.i, a Chicago
subu:,b and called it ".Melody Panu".
Dining th? war she converted her
lwme in Santa Darbara, Cal , into
a hospital for Ameilcan crippled
: .'jldieif . When 20 ye-rii of agj, she
wa.i elected a trustee of the Almoin-
Tech Institute.
.MllchtV was In the aviation ser
vice eluring the war. He was seri
ously injured, wjiitn a plane which
he was piloting col'ided with thai ol
an jthf-r liyur loo
Tho other aviator
And Every' Saturday Thereafter
Dance in the open air to the strains of a good Orchestra
TICKETS 90c War Tax 9c
fcl above ground.
was Itlllad.
Hy llnlti-il rn-ii."
UICUI.IX, June 2. Thai Hindu.!
nirg mouths and moiilhn bclore Ihe
var's closo saw Ihe liandwiilin ; on
he wall and oHon wanted lo oa'l a
lull Is the story that coi.irs from
h" Inner lecesseu of his privato
.'f.'U" eh.b in Hannover.
This same story casts a si It-light
in his feeling for I.iindend jiff -a
feeling that Is generally admitted
not to be very cordial.
Hindeiiliurg, living in hh pr. Ity,
uicdesl cottage in Hannover, and
having few Intimates. "Skat" fur-
nislies his amusement, and he likes
;u little group of old men "10 mo.-e
.", breatiH-j they know him
tioni talk war and polit
While waiting tne nlglil for
flel marshal to join them, the
men had discussed Ihe- war.
"I sometimes wonder If I1- was
really necessary to si.crMic so
many lives for naught," reniurkeO
one, not noticing Hindenb irg had
ent red the rocm,
llindeiibiirs answered him.
"if the war had gone acemdin-; to
II pays lo buy Hi a well kit iwn poli.ih in liu; larger sUr
cans You will nenl It (-,i: t.iliuy, to I; ep' th' iil litur.
Ii.ight, tho w. odvyoik el 'an, llio lliors In g nil con,- I'lu.i,
ami ;n.) ant.mioo.:" siiiuing. w;2ifd l'olisii p es rvc
Ih.i fin'sli, idealise':! tin
ti .id diy 1 in er. tial
;jiuui;i,,, ,a nil t'oiniii p es I Vi H
he :virrac!j'iiJ' pajdui1' a b an If.iJ,
on cans I Other-.slz s 5; up.
The muni convenient mop mado. Triangular
'ii liape; has adjustable elbow handle. Can
lie had liieinfcnlly Inaleil for gathering dust,
or tnaied wilh Wlz.nd ToUsli lo clean and
polish th liooisi, 1'iices $1.3, $I.5J, $1.75
.,nJ $.00.
ihe im, sanlt try lypo of dust closh Is tho cue
v. hich r.alhi s dust Inst. ad of scutteilng ii.
W'Kiiul Dust tiolh.i aro cheinlcnlly tieated lo
h ild the dir . Treatment Is permanent ; u.ial
f. i ti d b;, tt -ilnm;, l:ice COc.
I'.)r U tie by
Whciloti Tlilr'; Dri) awLvTlilnL;
Reduction in Price
In keeping with the lower cost of production
Lhest delicious soda wafers will be sold by
grotors at tho following marked redaction iii
prko. Snow Flakvs made with the finest
ingredients, in nuulorn, sunnv bakeries. Paek
i'd t n!y in t!te red Snow Flake Packages.
Small Size 15c
Large Size 35c
Your CJrocer Can Supply You
Pacific Coast Biscuit Company
Seattle Spokane Portland
an advantage . ,
worth while
Back of the Zerolene you buy for your
engine are the combined resources, expe
rience, knowledge and equipment of the
Standard Oil Company. They create an
eniciency in the manufacture of fine lubri
cants hard to duplicate elsewhere in the
You gain this advantage in the uzs.of
Our Board of Lubrication Engineers
recommends the grade of Zerolene to meet
the requirement of your type of engine.
Follow their recommendations as embod
ied in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication
Chart. " , "
Ask for a Chart for your car.
, , (California) , '
grade for each type of engine
ijd ', '- t
Good Values In
V. 'Si
4- -tf..,
It goes without saying that
you may Jbe very sure of
any Dodge Brothers used
car you buy here.
We now have available sev
eral Dodge Brothers used
oars which are exceptional
Coma in and see them.
The Dalle
t-S; .SftfeU tr tvl'iiilr- v