THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 'l9.N PAGE FIVE FRENCHMAN DOES was out of the ring four years, and lie hasn't mat a hard opponent since then, .lack should win In rive or six rounds." Chronicle Classified Adverisements III rr , THIS. TIME, LAST YEAR irrnTrrTniiuuin UUOI. .Miniiib iHIKES TEN MILES,' WRESTLE'S, WORKS IN GYAJP 'THEN Mi1-- Bv Wtlbronlr .jSal (United Press Staff CorrcsiMmdent) NEW YOH"K) June Y'i'cn miles, walking and running oyur the daisy fields and the bosky dfells of Long Island, about three-quarts' of an hour of physical jerks In the old fcdwbarn and a half an hour of Wrestling with Henri Marcot, the fiook that ever stopped a' right cross With his rtose this' was "light train fi" lor Georges Carpantier, Tues day. And after he finished these Ut ile muscle benders, IGcorgos "hasten fed' up to the boudpir or Gus Wil son, his trainer, stretched nut on the rubbing table anil had his hide slapped In the exercise known as 'Tubbing'." Wednesday he will put In some "heavy" work for the usual Wednes day gallery, inclddlhg a few rounds of boxing. ... ix t Henri Marcot, fhe cher, wiggled out of his cap and apron Tuesday and took hls'-'metilcln'e like n pa n tlent with ftif, pint', prescript Ion Georges niauled.and, shoved him 4 around the hoi canvas or the ilng In the opening behind the barn and twice had the, excellent, .cook more out of the rlng't'han In. ' 'iBut the difference hotween .Georges and the admirable Henri is this when Georges gels "through his day's torture all' hands turn to and smear balm on: his bruises, whereas poor Henri simply slaps a porter house over his eye or an acre of stlckum tape on tails- much busted beak and clatters back to his burgoo kettle. . The barbed wire entanglements in front of the Mafeon .Cu'ruentler have ruined Just two' "pairs of trousu-s and 'one was Ooofrgtfs'vbry own and the other enfolded the classic limbs of petite Francois Descamps, the manager. T-hjUa Frenchman were hung up momentarily; going through the fence 'Tttisdafc. ,, . Tex Rickarfji liogwlVhiS ulldo troni bone" out ofV;the; dpor(1.df Madison Scjitare Gard l!rterfi ttfff aftarnoon atfd blaied a mighty denial of tho scalping scandal. Tex said It isn't sb: .that the.BOUger8-got the pick or thd ringside seats. The $50 perches are , all gone, he says, but It was a case of come andetVvfeni as long as they lasted. .ThereSfce still lois of",40, $30. $2GiW '?10 Hckets. 'However, the tiup;: News' found It Impossible touyfiiftftllinK closer to . the rinc than-At the box offide . a week $utf&? sherea's one scalper, picked' "tpMiV.oh Bfo&l way rustled ap Mr 3og?tler" in row L, which is theS''Qatne day. RUTH HITS 15T&h. V HOMER OF YEAR j . p-- r By tJnljfett.N Wjtfi a mlghtAiffteV-in' ,tno nin,h lnh'ing, Babe ftuih'-THtfsday register- ed'. his 15th homfei'run. of tho year. It, was a long Stive Vver the right f'ld fence andTfiA twQ men ahead of him. ecoy.-?w.ero two out at the time. Zacl)ai&. was In the box for Washington, .uVhad no wor ries, for the Sepmrs.'fwere, leading New York, 12 tqjffeai-,tb')' time rind this, made the. MnariQrc 12 to 5. ,'abe filed oufVln ""the first, fan ned In the third i.and olnled, scor ing' Sheehan In 'the flflh. IK' fan neij agali. in the cighlh with no body' on, u GtliaONS PICKS DEMPJ5EY , "'1 IN FIVE OH SIX ROUNDS "' By Unltfd News SPRINGFIELD, Ohio, June 1 Tommy Gibbons, St. Paul contender for the heavyweight title: think Dempsoy will win. Car pettier has never shown any extra ordinary class. Ho earned tho risht to meet Dempsoy liy boating Joa Beckett. Frank Moran lfator showed that feat to be easy. The Frenchman EMPRESS Home of Sapcrfcatures . TONIGHT and THURSDAY k photoplay sUdi An unusual piclurc, with a plot that might happen in anyone's life. Onciof the Best Big Pictures of the year. A Superb Cast Including: Milton Sills, Agnes Ayers, Theodore Roberts Also Mutt and Jeff and Paramount Magazine , Coming-"CQUNTY fMlV' wirt Wesly Barry The Yanks went intD second place In the American League beating Washington u with six runs in the third 'and six in the fourth innings. ' " ' Stcngui, Phils,' made two homo runs off Tilllnglm, HraVos. Brooklyn went Into tlrst place .n the National League. Rentier Won his eighth straight game fof the Reds. Heilman, Detroit, made five ills in five trips to plate ngalnst Clevrlrind. JACK HATES BEING LAZY By United Nwa ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., .Line 1 Idleness forced on him by his train ers Is not making a hit with Jack Dempcey. The champion staited to day in a rather bad humor on the second lap of the four-day vacation prescribed by his handlers. FRENCH GOLF CLASSIC PLAY 8TARTS TODAY By E. W. Hullinger (United Press .Start Correspondent) PARIS, Jitno 1. Play for the In ternational Amateur Championship, the lirst or France's annual series or golf classics, began today on the Chahiitly links. Teams from Amerl-, ca, England and Fiance were en teiad, the America and British entrants leading nuiKfiitally. Eng land and America vlll probably tight it out fDr the ha.iors', accord ing to dopcslets. The ' chances ol the French players are iated con plderablv lo" r. This ye it's pro gram includes two big pi..". To? it two toi women, and on free-for-all, open to winners in both ' Victors' in H'e In "i'P' t'o'iat Amateur Championship, which will ..oau v last ii'Kiiit I 'itr d-i" . will have the privilege of onteiing the "Grand Cottcouis ' Internationale" (36hole) at La Uoulle. tie.xt .lon-1 day, June G. French players wit i a handicap of 2 or leas will ' be eligible. On June 11. tho Ladles' Cham pionship (medal play), will hr?in ai event will meef at La Boulie, June 20, in the Grand Concours Interna tlonaux, for women. Play Mr Ihe Opep Championship, at Le Touquot, is scheduled to com mence June 29. Pree Clinic No Charge For Examina tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mr. Rnum. chiropractic phjT.lclan t'hlrd anil Washington, mnlp 50;. ! Have Your Hair Renewed Wo can give you atiy shade , of hair cojorlnu with a famous Franco-American hair coloring which Is so -perfect that it cannot be detected froui the natural color. Hennaing also a spe cialty. All lines 6f beauty culture at the Hotel Diilles Beauty shop. Tele Ijhone main 4051. J 17 DON'T DO THIS? LEONARD EAR OIL REOEVM DEAFNESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES. Simply Rub it Back of the Ears and InntrtinNowtribu Proof of sue Mf miiX H s1b kr M tascUt. Vor'sale in The Dalles by J A. E'. CROSBY A..Q. LEOrARp, Inc., 70 5th Ave., N. Y. City W7 FURNACE" 'as you- olften wish for MEtiTINU NODUeS' Laurel Camp,-No. 6055, M.-W. A. will meet In small K. of P. hall after June 1. J. F. WATSON, clerk. Iw22 Royal Arch Masons Statu! eomocation thin Wednesday event'nti, 7:!!U. Vlcltin!; coiuiiaiilcns wel come". THOMAS H. HUDSON', Secrutary. 1 Clasxlfled UilVertliiliiB 1 cent per woro nacli limtitlon. If Inaurttd ( tliuus or more, 3-4 cout a word. Monthly publi cation lote.l on aiipllratlnn uf lh oftlOH FOR RENT FOB BENT Four room house. In quire 117 West Tonth strre'. 1 F-oTPriFNt -Four room house. .Mod ern conveniences. 917 Pine street. .! FO C B E NT Fit in Is lied iionseknop Ing rooms. 320 Third street Telephone red C342. FOR I110NT Small house with base ment. 710 Calhoun street. No busi nesfi done on Sunday. '- FOB BENT Room wlth board "Yr modern home. Lady' or gnntleman 1000 Fulton htrect. Telephone red 3491. t. FOR BBNT-rFurnijhcd and partly furnished houscUoophi?, i coins. Bates reasonable. Inquire 722 Rant Third street. 7 FOR SALE FOB SALE lC-inch dry pine wood Bed 1331. 2 FOB SALE Rawlulfch producls. 410 West Fourth St. Black 1331. J23 FOR SA.LE Ten'ioom hotel. Inquire box C7, Kent, Oregon. J20 FOR SALE Fi ve" l o oln hi oiiso ""a mi two lots, ilnquire .115 Weal ' Four teenth strett. 3 FOR SALE Good inllcli cow. Tel phone red 00S2, or call 215 West Eleventh. 2 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old oa';, 111 60; second growth, ?12.50. Dellv ered. Call 30F22, after C p. m. tf FOR SALE Cheap. Ford ""'touring car. Inquire Sunset earase. 10 FOR SALE-r-Doddo commercial car, 1D20 model. Al condition. Will take light car In trade. Write box X2 caio Clironlcle. : t FOB SALE Cheap. Two nuh --M.." r''Corhtlclr combine with .gdodBnylpV,, ajiio hoTiie altachihent. Willi; W. L. fyr 0OC est Eleventh stieel. The Dalles. 20 FOR SALE Largo unci Hlnall fiirni and ' orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good terms. W. C. llun.ia. Dufiir. pie. lKtf. FOR 'SALE-r Compluto lhrerliliig ma chine. 28-Inch J. I. Case separator and online. Outllt In fit at clatis con dition. E. A. Bead, Buick lliirage, Teleplixme main. !2L 27.11 Foir SA LE 1 CO acres. Vi inflr. southwest of Shantko. 40 acres in cultivation; lit) more can be cul tivalod. Good well, good barn, io house. Price $1700. Dalk's iteally company, black GC9L 3 FOR SALEaTaorcsTTmlM wtst of Boyd; 100 acres level, re malndur slightly lolling; fenced and cross fenced. Bovaral spiings, family orchard. Four room house, good barn. mlies from uehool Pried 1 10,000. Dalles Realty com pany, black 5G91. ' ' 3 MACHINERY FOB SALE As I have rented all my ainj, I have one 75 C: L. Bert tractor with plow- drills, discs, burrows, etc.. for sale. Also Fordsoti Tractor and "Oregon Special" Holt - Combine A. G. Freiwald,, Iono, Oregon. .11 FOR SALE One 24-lneh, steel Cam separator; 12-liornd A m man 'l'a lor stouin tractor engine; 150 end loss beU, conipletc, $750 00. On1 Haven-foot MbCqrmlcIc binder, used one season, n good repair, $150. 0( Ono carina 1 cedar posts, 8-foot, If cents, f. o, b, cara Parkdalu, Ore Timothy NewaM. Pnrkdnlo, Or.. 2v.'2f FOR SAI.E-Cropcnd iwo years' lease In Tliomp lio.pjp, five cut; two , cherries. on my 10-acre faun son's addition. Modem acres alfalfa, ready to acres wheat, apricots peaches, plqnif!, pears. npplcs and MeEach.irn Tele-phono grapes. Mrs. Fannie Thompson's nddltipn. black 4012. HKTil Cp . , j-.. j -( WANTED Woman for-genera) hou o work. Call after 1 p. in 313 Wc.-t Ninth street. 3 WAITED - - iVrlKht eii T (T"M t u iiaiklng ami aortini;. Model Laun dry. Jl W AN TE p - -U'i ii'ian' 1 1 1 took on ranch Wage 135 r. month No wauliinK-Tfeli-jihono 1UF23. 2 WNTEIqirl f c7'HniM;il ltoiiif work. One '.to vq home nlghu pie fetred Mrs. Carllon L. Peppfif, main 2201. 2 AANTj3D l!on:tion n.i p:actlrtl nurse. Conrineineiit eases piefcrrel .Mrs. I). A. Cornwol!. black 4701 4 HELP VAnTkD inpaT)lruck"ii:ui with at least fllflO. 1 have trudf and Job for the right paity. Write box A2ti, care of Chronicle. 2 WANTED Man to, take charge of IS cow dairy, able to drive Ford car. Steady work for rlht man Lro F. Bruno, telephone 27F1.2 2 MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LEND to property ownc p for building purposes. W. F. Glleli- ell. 40,'l Wn.shins'on street. 1 HEMSTITCHING and bullous rove-red, Mrs. A. J. Mollne, (i')7 Union street, .1.1 moYsViTcliiNi L. M. Boothby. 308 Wanhtngtoti street. Telephone mala I'.'.si. tl CTryxxrijiirijnxrj-v-ur iuhi rii-ir-ri-i r - - I'BANSFER AND EXPRESS Furul turo and piano moving. Freight' hnuled and general express bind ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 13C2. J. K. Ilenzle lilt "LntNsmsTTTtc able sor nro In active demand Mary people have rrcently moved perhaps goliiR lo houses or apart ments where I hoy have no spare tr spare. Former furnished room ten .inti: aro loskiug .once more for ;le slrable quarters. Have you anything to offer them? Tell about it in i Chronicle Want Ad PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS Portland-The Dalles; Truck Service General freight hauling. Leavw Portland 2 p. m. Leaves The Dalles 1:30 p. m. Daily service. The Dalle telephono red r,74t. Portland tele phones, Marshall 13.15 or east :',:i!H), .1 11 1 ; 'lSlW I;ot' 'tis remiml y(m again that we - nan Jitilpyou greatly with your , Jtousecleaning. Anything that can '"be cleaneil with soap and watdJ - wo can handle for you to your '"complete satisfaction. Call us on the 'phone and get full particulars about anything you have in mind. MODEL LAUNDRY i are IS your kitchen uncomfort ably warm and does it re quire constant effort to keep it clean and tidy? Or are you one of the thou sands of happy women who delight to work in a cool, shin ing kitchen with a good oil cookstove ? A good oil cookstove is easy to operate brings a steudy in tense hea'; concentrated direct ly on the cooking. For best results use Pearl Oil the clean economical ker osene that is refined and re refined by a special process. Sold by dealers everywhere. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CrllfornlA) PEARL OIL HEAT AND LIGHT PIANOS TUNiClf- ami repaired, ac tion regulating unit rellni&hliix. Player uctluu.t a specialty. Wprk Kuarantued. S. A. Dockstader, Cor con Music store. :I2() Fast Sei-niil street. 'I'elephoiie main lniil it Teacher of Piano, llnrinony and Theory. I.enchotizky method. Special ntts-r.-lion given to lic.uliinoin. Summer let in opens Juno 1.1. Phono red 34 ill. Stu dio 1000 Fulton street .120 VENZ IBAUER (eneral real estate,, nnd loans. ltiOJ East Second Mieet. Tele phone main 1571. 2HU LUC1LE CUMMINS Teacher of Plana Summer classes open June 1. Tele, phone black C221. Sludlo at 201 West Ninth sit eaf, tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHRCUL Ler.sons by Appointment Empiess Theatio Pianist it Wlknte Track Lsimo Freight and exiu-ens between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all wav lOltitH Leave The Dalles; !) a. in. dally except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. m. Loavn Wasco, 2:30 p. m I). M. Plerco,- proprietor. Telephone hack 1042 or main 471. if Whitney Repair Shop 709 East 8econd St. 'ouitrf' Main '41 you? 1 'riil 1 YCll WOULDN'T TRY WITH A TABLE FORK When the leaven tuo falling and pcihap.i the job of rak ing them falls i.n you,-you cortalnly wouldn't try to rake them with a table fork. Going thioniih life endeavoring to make, a success, with out a bank accoiint Is Just like trying to rako up' leaves with a tork. Vou can make about tho "sin'n' progress. "' You would he surprised how helpful n bank account ,Wlil be In briiiKln-.; you sticees.H and happtiieoH. Open ah account with ua' riivlit away- even $ l.oo will start It, and small de posits will ho welcome. '1 Per Cunt Interest Paid On Savings Accounts. Citizens National Bank Telephone Officers P. J. Sludniuaii,Pvi'sldHnt. Dr. J. A. Heuter, Vice-Pros. 11. K Greene, l.'ashler J. V. Tureck, Ass't (Ashler. (J OLDEN DA LIC, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are .reached the easiest by vay of Grants and MaryhW -onitbe MARYHILL FERRY A 10-mlle paved road connects Mjryhlll and Qodtnd,ale FEnY nATr.S--$1.1!5 per car and passengers one way. H.qp for roind trip, 10-day limit. SECOND HAND STORE Furniture Repairing, Packing, Cratinu, Carpet Cleaning. All work guaranteed. 1103 Court Street WOODARD Conlractintf Bricklaycrn and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Woik. Fireplace Work a especially Estimates furnished free of chargi. All Work OuaYjriteed. Telephone Main 6461 a- Call at Gates B'C-pk Peoples Transfer Cp QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE express Apjp diaxacje; Furniture, and Piano Moving Stand at Clenn's Paint StoreMain 3.121 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU U. pRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Llcenkeii Etnbjlniers, Ettakllsheij MHT Woman Attendant Mik. M. .1 Wlllelton eleibone.-led 181 Motor Equipment Dr. T. Sm Eyeaight Specialist Houi's 0:6o to 0:00 Sundays apil Evonlngn t)y Apn,otntrnsnt 7-1l Vogt Hlk- Over Crosby's Drug 6torePlione Black till Glenwood Hotel 202 Union Streot - Hall lllock from Station FREE TJATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Niht CLEAN ROOMS Krom ,rr to $l.r0 a Nlsljt ; $2.f() lo ?.").00 a Week ' ' DININtJ ROOM Open (i a. in. to 12 p. in. I i i . i t i .it TO HAKE LEAVES Muln :U01 i Director 1'. J: Stadelmaii. Arthur Seufert Dr. J. A. neuter Dr. U. C. Ollnge 11. L. Kuck f ,?Iol"'rlf.b J. .1. Vau Delleu Dr. (ieo. F. Newhouse Eye Specialist We are equipped to give your eyes tho very best of .care. Eyes tested. Glasses ground. Second and Washington Streets The Dalles IP., fi? Regkftrdl Airclhiiifteci - 004 Firct National Bank Bldg. The Dalles, Ore. 16tf rr & TAUSCHEft 1 elephones Djy Red 351 Night Hd S2 I. tl llaiiei, Black 2ii Cut Flower DeLARHUE d