The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 01, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THE .DALEE8MDAILV?.CHnoWcr.E, lfrgDNK6PAV, JUNE 1, 1821. l
0- ? 1 . . - ii I
rtftAbllitiefl 1S0 The Dtfofj. 'Ore.
.FybUihed Every Evrnlng Kxcopt Hilnrtay
ty, Jlke CbrbtlcleTbllhlng company Inc
, il '" ' 11 '
'Ken fc:lLltfln -General Mnnnger
Bntered In The Dalleii postofflce a
econd class matter.
'brined Press and Untied News Service
Mmber6f Audit Huicnu of Circulations
!n yMr, In advance...
61 1 months. In silvamn '"
,Ofie year. In ndvsnvc; ! .!
months. In ndvancp Z.&
One 'month .?;;.r7
One -year. In advnnco - . ,oii
In ordcrlnK rhnriR"
crber should nlwnyn
a new address.
of ndilrrfii,
Klvo old ns
Kdjtnrlnl Hoomn - -,1Ick
Business. Adv.. Clr. t)i)ts lied
tiubsrrluct' to .,. ClironlrJo nro Kimr-
nteed service, l'rmiu't mul rcRulor de
livery of every subscriber's paper Is t h
lm of the circulation ili-pni I tiitMit. llif
Chronlcln cnrrlers aro riMiib'd in pill
th papers on I ho porch or whr roynr iht
unscrlber wishes Mm purer delivered.
Aside, from the desire on Ihu part
ot it great ninny people In Oregon to
give 'Ihu 'soldiers imil Biillor.i who
nerved In the recent war some more
mb'stanllal recognition ol their ser
vices Until they hiive yet received, Hie
bocallcd bonus bill deserves luvor
able attention Irom Hie voters at
the June 7 election for voiy busl
ncas reasons.
The world war veterans' state aid
fund proposal Is the rccoiid nieiiHiire
oh Hie ballot. The bill, which was
passed by the slate legislature ut Hie
laH scBb'ioir, has two main provli:
Ions, the most impoitiint of which
in Hie bonus feature.
This ' "provides thai men in any
branch or service during the actual
progress of 'the war may bonow not
to" exceed' $H,OOU fiom the state,
with which lo buy homer, or land
The state will be will protected in
lhat a I li st mortgage will he re
quired of the boiiowcr. The bill pro
vides further that the amount bor
rowed shall not exceed 75 percent
of Ihc appraised valuation ol uiu
ninnmiv on which the loan is made.
A board of appraisers, three In
number, shall he appointed by Uie
commission named, by the governor
(o administer Die bonus act.
There Is' a second leaturo of the
bill which dedioea that ex-service
nienmiiy elect to iccclve a cash
bonus of $15 for each month In ser
vice, less the $00 which weie paid
lo men upon I heir discharge. The
bonus feature is not looked upon
with much favor bv the American
Legion and many of (lie service men,
and It was included in the, bill as
an emergency for men who would
not need Ihu loan, or who might bo
desperate want lor icady casa
iinnds are to bo sold by the Pilate
establish a (linking fund lor Hid
loans. The amounl ot the bond ls.iue
is not lo exceed three percent of
Hie assessed valuation ol the prop
eity of Hie slate. A I W mill tax Is
auHioil.ed under I lie hill to cover In
lerept and principal of I lie bonds.
A( a meeting o." liv inoiieaii le
gion held heie recoil' iy lo consider
thu bill, and means ol drawlir.', the
measiiie to the attention of voters
Wasco county, time men out ol
who attended attesled their do
sire, of accepting the cash bonus,
.should the measure become law.
The balance voted for thu loan
fealuie. This proposition goiicrnHv
exists oxer tin slate, only a small
percentage ol the men wanting the
Kill of cash.
The loan leiitiire Is desirable in
many ways. Weic 'Jim men in Wasco
count), for Instance, to accept Iho
loan, which penults '.'S ycais lor if
payment, taking it on proper up
to Hie lull amount pel milled, H
would mean 6lM.tMMi of iuone b ing
eiiciilatcd In this section alone. The
new iiiuiij.v circulated thiougl.oiil
Hie slate would amount Vo iimn
It will he dislincib new money
loo, for the bond Ibmio will he II
nanced in other p.utH o. the
and it will he Inoiighl In here
develop coniniiinities all oer
osl or it would go to good use
building activities, say the men
who have given the measure .ntun
Hive study. Thousands ol men ocr
atale, young fellows who are
now tiupsyeis, would become
contributors to Hie upkeep of their
communities and the slate, anil the
would be among the tn.paei In
ppylng oft the bonded debt Incurred
for the loam
1 The bonds will be sold on a six
pin cent basin. Tim boiiowers will
lour percent on their man, nun
Ihu very niituie ol the act. heconi
propyrty owners unit taxpayers,
hel to pay off the general In
Speculation Is effectively barred.
reason of the faci that Hie pei
who buys properly on which
Ihetu Is a slate loan must iniineiiuuo
y lepay the state 1 peicent of Hie
'unpaid Indebtedness, and within the
lyoath pay the OU percent balance.
yS'Or should voters 1om sight ol
dthw'r features m the summon.
ol lejiuying in ooiao nieasiut.
debt libit tlie pimple owe to
men who went fuilh and "i
their ll -h lor the cause ol
TteoreMue coren, and hundred-
of- men in Oreson today- who have
never recovered their flnahclal !!(
nnt'e overtlu'own In the p ilxl oT
net vice. Men donned the blue and
the olive drab for JRO it month Und
keep, and a whole lot of then! camp
out of thu iiiniy. thiough no laull
ol their own, with the same salary
The number of men aclually In
seivlce who made more moin'v
than they received In pro-war octir
pntlons Is Inflnliesiinally small
They saved nothing while In the
army or navy. They eamu back at lei
having lost a year or two .ycais,
aluubhi years of youth, many to
find their positions occupied by
The nlate of Oiegon linn not yet
;ivcn u Just deal to her norvlcj men
Oregon wan llrst or all states lo
complete her war ci'iistis, first to
piepaie her iUolmi of men for ccr
vice, and rirst, or all the states,
to get ready the mechanism lor rais
ing more men after the llrsl drafts.
All of this could not have been
iccoinplishcd had not Oregon's
young men and the people back of
I hem been so willing, o anxious to
It's up to the slate now to assisi
these men in rehablHaling them
selves. The ex-service men are not
asking tor .1 gift, most ol them at
leant. Through the bonus law. thev
are asking a coinliion sense, business
pioponition ol assistance, lor which
they are willing to pay.
The. slate cannot ' lose on Ihc piop
ositicn.' Mow much it will gain Is
problematical. Hut it will gain In re
sources, in development, and finally
In picstlgo. as one of the common
wealths of the union which complet
ed well a liitik which' wan begun
; r-3 - " --'-'"-"-V " I "" - ;,, mi, it,.iil T ntislon. wauercriiic,
About Community Service STn'JSi. 'SSTts J'&k c' M
- , Hi .tin. Condon. Wtlsoiivillc. .t.,boro. SlHnf!cldvvvJMyMIIP wl:to?' 'TJlV-i V .
H. W. Arbury ' - f'"r'1 'f . '""
l'7verjone hi Iniere.ited !n Omnium
It Service lor the reason Oni
niunlty Service Is "evervo'ie " O.n
nitinlty Service lo not an lntlh iilual
nor a small group "engineering" the
spare lime or a community, bill uii er
fort on the part of the roinparai Ive
few who hale made a study of IN
potentialities to help the omintinliy
lo help Itseir. Theie Is nothing id
chatlly or patornr.llsni In n piogr.un
or C'oiniiiimlly Service. Omuitini i
Seivlce can bo a yucceic onl.v a. w
In our hearts dulormlne that vi shal
c.ilHvnte Hie spirt of ncig'iborllne
ind good will. Wo can raise the slant1
ard of living In our communis oni
as we learn lo pull together.
We do not become particularly we.l-
aeiiiialnted with each other Huongl!
business lelallons. Ii Is only In our
leisure lime that we learn ol' Hie sler-
ling (iiallllcs of our neighbor:. How
often have ou heard men say: I did
not know that lllank was Juch a line
Icllow until wr went en thai ri-hing
trip together." I'lshlng Is a fin' form
ol out door play. Playing loge'hcr de
j volops team work without which if
community can ever become enrolled
ill Hie Km percent, clans. To be sure
i -wo are not all rlshennen but there ar"
j Indeed few of us who do not lndulg
in some torm of spare time activities
The playground, the communliy dra
ma. baseball. Hie pngo-ihl and team
other forma or leisure time aclivlllci
bring ns together and develop tcan'i
work. High s'hoob. college'; and (ill
other cdiieiHontil inniltuMons provide
athletics and other lonmi or spire
linioiicHvltlonnot without go'iil i canon
An ever increasing number or tiiiltr
irlal InslltuHciiH are proildlng pin
lleldn lor their workerr. II Is nrt on'y
;eod ncti:;o but good bt! Ilie;n. OlI'J
'arue concern ln,.the eini presented to
Hie workoiH ol Hie plant a fiaci el
Iwni'.v odd acres for a pPiy riuld. Til"
pmple ol' the coi'iinunli 'loirttel H'e'1
I line and soon thin propyl ly war. im
proved to Iho extent or hiilng faell
lies lor baseball and praelleallv everv
other out door athletic actlvlo. In
addition to a large, well equipped
eommutilly limit e.
Kxery comniunlH should pmvld"
plenty of opportunitler lor play or all
kinds. IJiidernhip Is the c:ii-entlal ei".
nienl necessary lo produce Iho Hill
peicent communliy. Coinniunil v Ser
vice (Uncovers and tiains coniniunltr'
lesitre-Jltne lenders. Cnmmtinlly So
vice has taken root tti The lbillen. 1
will need enrerul ctiltlvntlon In orde
that this greaJ, idea may dcvelpp an5
make The Uallen a pood place Tor e--ery
boi and girl, and every man mr
woman in - Uie' entire coniiminl'y d
live In.
II'h high lime a lot or people in
The Dalles learned what the Anier
lean Hag ntandn lor and the respect
it observes.
In the .Memorial Day parade Mon
day a I lug headed lb" procession,
nniiii-iillv. Hundreds of ticonle saw the
I parade. Did any of the men along
I the sidelines notice it; did they un
cover. In the simple natural cour
ts due to Old Glory, a
men learned to do during
t sy that
thing that
the war?
Not so
We'll lake
cover. lie
I' wan otherwise apparent to
luiiian eye, all th-j rent ol I he
laterals will receive the much-needed
nttentlon b; the money lo.inerly
spent on thin main Hue. These laieraU
may be put In a condition that will
enable the I minors to gel to the elf
during the winter inouthn, which priv
ilege for pant years tlm have be";i
deprived of during the we.! s-c.'ison of
the year by the dr.p!oial;!o condition
of our roads.
I favor the bond from a financial
standpoint for I realize lhat for every
fifty cents I invest In a permanent
road, I get one dollar and fifty cents.
I say It is the bcf money we fann
ers ever spent. I am men oi puiung
niv money Into a straw fund everv
j ear lo fill up chuck hole.'!. I-et It be
crushed rod: instead. Yes. I lavor the
bond and I hope it will rcolve a In-
vorablo vote by the people ol this
county and thai we may loo;: torwani
to Iho early conci ruction ol a nig'i-
any one conld notice It.
it back. One man did un
wan a .lap. 'Hut so- far as
'I lie
through Wasco county that we
all be proud of.
Dr. S- Hulkc "MtiSRcy, dentist,, Kirst
National bank, rooms :!07-:!08. Tele
phono main 3911. res. inn In 1G91. 8tl
gene, .lime 1. Kortv-ni.v high school
eomtneuu'inenl addresses will be
given i his year by members of the
1'ueully or the University of Oregon
Twelve of these will be given by
Dr. .John Straub, dern id men, who
Imil 'i: Invitations, more than hill'
of which, on account c.r conflicts he
wan unable to accept.
Addresses have been uiven or will
be given, at the rollowing high
schools: Nehiilem, Wheeler, Mon-
A pip won't burn your
M In
Albert It
ifippy rf
Ml' Tiny r iimr,
hnitnmr pound
and hall jiounrf (in
humidors and in f A
pound -rr '
h a mid o r.'.with
tpongt 'tndMintr
. Get that pipe-partybcc buzzing -in, jyojitstnolej-
scction! Knovi for a fact what, a joy 3 jimmypjpe
kcan and will do for your peace, and con terit'!, ,'J-fist .
check up the. men in all walks of .life you lhectjriUy
iwho ccrtainlygct top sport out of itheir pipcs--ll
aglow with fragrant, delightful- friendly Pi'iftc
tAlbert! ' ;.
, And, you can wager your week's wad that Prince
Albert's quality and 'flavor and coolness- and jits
(freedom from' bite and parch (cut out by Wr effu
sive patented process) will ring up reeords.ihypur
ilittlc old smokemeter the likes of' which' you'neVer
before coiild believe possible! ' " , ,
You don't get tired of a pipe-when it's pa'cfriBfJ&fc
Prince Albert! Paste that in' your hat! T-h
.And, just .between ourselves! Ever 'dipinto Vt6e
sport of rolling 'em? Get some Prince Albert nd
the makin'-s papers quick and cash.ini4-?,
Wtte that willprove a, revelation! f. i 4k t' '.
rnnvrli.1 ar-nXI
by R. J. Reynold
Tobacco Co.
r" ' t a i v '
the national joy smoke
watching the little procession of vet
cnini! looked on the spectacle vei'v
much as I hey would havu lookud al
a elrciin parade. A man carrying n
metikey oh a pop" woubl iave ic
ce.lved far more attention than the
Hag did.
Out al the cemetery there war. a
good eili.en ol The Dsllen, whom al
most evcr.ieii" in the city knows
Ho sal on a tonib.itotie and diag
ged at an old coin cob pipe The
liar, and its lollowo fi went by. And
hu nllll ant, dragging on hl.4 I'Die
cob, iillirt up the show appal en 11
In ulniost Ignorahc'' of the lact Ilia'
he had any duly lo peilorm.
linn in tulil' Ink" n swal loo Hi
Ilie local garage which hung out t lie
Hag. an act for which It is lo he
commended- but Iho Hag wan lipoid'
down, in the niiheival signal of dh
'Hess. However thin erior was no
lit ed liefoie the day was over, and
l In- national emblem was given itr-
piopcr position, '
The gaiage ninn'ii Intent lorn; were
right, Iho.igh. lie dUidioed Old
vSlni'V. Then were a whole lot ot
Hag poles in this man's town tha
were bare last Monday. And one o
Ihom had Just been p.ilnted and III
ball gilded. All dressed tip, an I
were, with nothing lo do.
The Dalles Cluonlele Is on" id Ihi
1...UI l! I I.I , l.l-.t il-.t!v- I.MI.I.IM .1
if, ri. i, ...... ...... ........
ii iiii II took on larger fori'u l
arclininiodate Incieas- .of biuiine's
and Is printed on a new prom Ilia
Ifcdu irom a i oil ' Hie acme of i
lUlblishei's ileslie. ' The I'lironioli
Jia.s opinions and, covers its new
field. Can greater praise lie given
I'm'tlnu'd Oiegonlan,'
- - -
IMIIor ol The Chronicle: I am a
fanner, living S iii'IIim southeast ' ;
The Dalles, Having lived on inl rani
s.uce the -1st dir of March. S,
feel that I am entitled lo opres.i nix
reiiMin. as to ih I am In lavor ui
the $,Slin.iMin bond bsuo wliUh Is nov
bet'oie the people of Wnsen count' ,
to lie decided on .lime 7.
I am In favor of It hec-anse I fuvo
goml loads. I la oi good roads be
cause they uie .ibhiduicly e.i.etitit
lor Hie upbuilding or nn stale o.
. oni inn m 1 1 .liidgmeut U iiIwim.i piibr
ed on a county b the roads II ha.-'
Then II Wasco county p. ever to ntuHr
Its hlijiioJt rut lag as lm iii'-to'illUe
piogres-ilvo county, we must fliM m
all else build good romU. The home
hOeker.s are not looking for a locution
In a county where lho can only Hav
el Ith roads a portion of the year.
I am In lm or or Hie road because
II Is the onl.i means h which our
main trunk line of The D.illes-Calllo.'
ills highway van be built It 1 HU"'
this liighwft Mill not i.i owi
body'ft door. It il not be I iln t"
ami one-hall miles of mine, but I am
willing In see it built past the oilier
fellow door. Ami when once It N
built unil become? a state road our
- i
l.t.'d by the victor, overyone' of the monpy
Okiried Tire.. A rlcmonstnit.on ur 'slip
Tii'i' HhUory of U)2L continued Monday, at Iiuliimapohs, to ljepcftt Uu
unbroken pim-ics of Oldficld Tire d(vuoirlriU'ious which leatured. vh
In thin, the world's greatest motoring spectacle, and ampus for many
years as "The Battle of the Tires," the race pilots of America and -bu-'rope
showed so overwhelming a, praforencc for Oldfields as to warrnnc
the statement that Oldfied Tires have 'P1 al1 competition ofi the
.Sneedwav. ' '
npy winners -crossed the ou
superiority unequalicd in the his
To flic student of motoring such Iroad, practical facts stand -out 'in
bold .relief from any background o Vmerc sporting result.,- lt , '
l-'or every motorist buys tires.
And the wisOr he is, the more he appreciates' expert' guidj'ite in a' 'tire
market, filled with 30 bewildering a-i'aitray bT brands, grata -and styles.,
roriiet,' for a moment the spectacular side of this great we. and view
it in its practical light, as a huge, million-dollar tire tost, conducted for.
your sole benefit.
What is its message?
'For trouble-freedom,
Expert endorsement
How Race Drivers
Tick Their Tires m
(successful race drivers' hc iust
one, standard foK,pickitig jtres. ' .
Trouble freedom ! wv i5
(Tha" the-merit they sek,-artdh
no otlter consideration counts. ' t
Tor tire tfbilblc means iheloss of ' '
brecious time perhaps bodily I
injury; jraeaom .from it imetm
1 i'.J
standardize, on OldCicldR-!"
miblic nrool' vou have them both.
reduce my own dangers of dtlav.'' 5
and accident. v' ".tc'';
fTiVy did the job. And today thiy' "
are doing it for othershundrj.X t . ,
of thousands ofthem.iTheyl,;.
ftlake them the basis of your 'tire p .irehascs hencefoiwiirTi.?
1 . .
. . You knoxv met .' i'