NEWS NOTES 12 Pound Girl, Born Born yester day to Mr, .nijd Mrs. C. E. Lowell of Grunddnjlcs, a 12 pound baby 'girl. Knights Plfin' Celebration The Knights or ,1'ytlilas will give a Fourth of July' celebration at Thorn ton's lake. A 'corimilttce dance pa vilion 13 beirfg bdllt for the occas ion. J. F. . Watson.'a. Mather Dies Won! was ree'eiVcHfn"'Tli-e Dalles today of the dentil in San .lose. Cal., or Mis, K. .1. .Wa'ton, mother or .1. K. Wat son of thjav city. f'Mrs. Watson .was an early fdsidenl ol -The Dalles and Hood Ulver. Death occurred May ;in. Perfume' ' Drunk Costo Five tfuy Morton Is a lover of nature. Yester day he sought to nltract the butt-T-flics and honey Lees by himself ex uding a delicate flower-like. odor. He accordineljprtvoli of a liberal ijnAn tity of perlumc. He was lined $5 yes terday afternoon by Police Judge H. I Cates upon a charge of drunkenness. Whittles jf'Stfhp.ol,. Exhibit An In tcrcstlng V'xhibk or school work done by th"6 pupils of the Whittier school, was displayed last. night at a meeting ol The Dalles Parent Teacher association, held in the Whlttlur school building. Musical selections weyj given by a girls' chorus ;aud girls' quartette, under the diiRctjijfi 4if Miss Sophie Mes senger. Hj' Speeder Fined Arrested by Mo I orcy cl v Jiti'liuiii .Tom C rot" ton for tireening; ''lorn A.- -Redding paid a. line of $15 in the- police court yes . .terday 1rternuon. t podding was charged With' "driving liis automobile at a speed of 3," miles an hour on Ninth street. The car, license num ber 73263, is listed under the name of Ed Sandoz. Delegates in Pendleton Sorosis delegates, who have gone to Pen dleton to attend the state conven tion of Women's Federated clubs, arc Mrs. F. H. Watts, Mrs. E. C. Price, Mrs. E. G. Merrlfield and Mis. drov er Young. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Watts, Mrs. Price and Mrs. Merrlfield mo torcd.itb'emlbitoij'Ionday and Mrs. Young Yijrit b$ tra'in. Divorce is Sought Becauso John T. Davis' main desire in lire seems to be to wander around the coun try, without establishing a home In any one place, Mrs. Mary J. Davl3 would like a divorce, she averred to day in a complaint filed in the cir cuit court. In addition to his gypsy habits, Davis, also frequently vented his spleen byJi cursing at her, she complains. Sho.asks the custody of their one child? A ": ' Cocial Hygiene Picture A four rc"d film, '-entitled "The Dignity of Llfs." will be shown tomorrow eve ning in the circuit court rown at tho court house under the direction of the Oregon Social 'Hygiene' so ciety. A lecture, delivered by ;i rep resentative of t lie society, will ac company the picture. Two exhibit ions of the1 film will be shown, tho iirsl starting at 8 o'clock and the second at 9:15. Viowing of this film will be open to all over 1G years of age. i Shoes From Bargain Annex Offer Big Value Nowhere can you get bigger shoe value for your dollars than in our Bargain Annex. All the shoes bough L for this department are made of solid leather throughout, and are sokl at a very low margin' of profit. It is only the rapid turn-over we have in this department that enables us to offer such good values for so little money. Below we are listing some of the big selling numbers from this department. u Bare Foot Sandals for children and misses. Sizes 5 to 8. Priced at....$1.19 Sizes 8Vjt to 11, priced at $1.29. Sizes ll1- to 2, priced at $1.39 Children's, Misses and W o m e n's White Canvas Strap Pumps, good grade of canvas, with good quality solid leather soles and heels. Priced at $1.98, $2.48 and $2.98 Women's Black Kid medium low heel Oxfords, full range of sizes, priced at $4.50 Same in Brown Kid $4.69 Women's Brown Kid Strap Pump, in both the military and low heels. Low heel, all sizes $4.50 Military heel, all sizes $4.98 Women's two-strap Comfort Slip pers, jriadq, with-turn sole and mili tary, heels; All sizes. Priced at $2.98 'Whenllou think Dru Gcxxis-Himlc Attending State Meeting Mis. H Logan or The Dalles and Mrs. W. I,. Dradshaw of Portland, who has been visiting here with her son, llobcrl C. Uradshaw, for several days, lert yesterday for Pendleton, to attend the meeting of the stale federation of women's clubs, being held there this wesk. Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Uradshaw were elected its alternates of Sorosis club of Tho Dalles. Doth will return to the city Friday. Bin Sample Line Shown A com plete novelty sloir has been fitted on at Hotel Dalles under the direction r II. F. Steubring, representative of th Marshall Wells cnmpnii) of Purl land Steubring has rented five la"go looui" where he is displaying samples of vli tually every lino carried by the bl Portland house. The wimple exhibit I one of the most coinprehensl-c ee put on in till" ell, merclriiits lion all parts of eastern Oregon coming (i The Dalles to make puichuies. Dr. Thompson Makes Flight Atte spending several days hi The Dalle: cariying passengers aloft in his hydro piano, Aviator Vera Ayeis left thi afternoon for Portland, carrying Di Fred ThompMin as a iiaiMcngor. Ai rived in Portland, Ayers expects ti pilot a land plane to Medfoid. He wil return lo this city for mini her shon slay later in the month when he wi) engage In I he business of earrj hu passengers in exhibition flights. Records Libby-McNcill Mortgage A $10,000,000 mortgage was recordc. in The Dalles this morning. The mort gage is given by the Libby, McNeill & Lilby company upon properly own ed by that corporation in varloui parts of the United States, to the Har ris Trust and Savings, company, aiut Albert 'W. Harris, of Chicago. Record ing fees totaling $111.00 were paid at the county clerk's office. The mort gage must be recorded in every coun ty where the mortgagor owns prop erty. Gilson Conviction Appealed No tice of appeal to the supremo court from tho conviction and sentence of Louis Gilson to two years and three months in the state prison, was til ed today by Attorneys Wilson and Uradshaw, representing the defen dant. Hail was set at $2,000 by Cir cuit Judge Fred W. Wilson. The ap peal Is based upon several .technical legal questions which arose last week during the couisc of tho trial. Gilson was arrested upon the ac cusation of a 17-year-old Tygh Val ley girl, tried in the circuit court and found guilty by a jury. Alfred Whealdon's Graduation Alfred N. Whealdon, a boy who was born and "reared in The Dalles, will bo graduated Irom the school of mines of the University of Montana net Friday, according to invitations now being received by friends in the city. His mother and sisters re cently moved from The Dalles to Portland. Young Whealdon entered the school of mines before the war, but enlisted and spent considerable time overseas. Ho weijt back to tho university to complete ' tho couiso after biing discharged. Ho was grad uated Irom The Dalles high school in 1915. Taxi Mdyfleld'c Taxi Telephone main 5021. 27tf Ladies' and Growing Girls' new Ball Strap Oxfords, with perforated toe tip, in Dark Brown calfskin, with good oak tanned flexible soles. A wonderful value at $4.98 Women's Black Kid Cloth Top Shoes made with solid leather counter, soles, heels, etc. A good serviceable shoe at the extremely low price of $2.98 Little Gents' Elk Scout Bals, made with Elk chrome soles. Sizes 10 to 1310, at $1.98 Youth's Elk Scout Bals, 1 to 2 $2.25 Boys' Elk Scout Bals, 2'2 to 6 $2.48 Men's Elk Scout Bals, 6 to 11 $2.75 Many other good numbers in work and dress shoes priced from $3.48 to $5.50 THE DALLES , , PERSONALS Kalph Ilutler or Dufur Is slaying at the Dank hotel. Joe Darter of Antelope was n busi ness visitor in this city yesterday. Peter E. Conroy of Shaniko Is a business visitor In this city. f). Donaldson or Maupiu Is slay ing at the Dank hotel. Mra. M. F. Kllnger of Dufur Is n this city visiting with Iriends. O. C. Hughes of Hood Itiver U a nisincss visitor In The Dalles. Miss Margaret Wluchcll of Hood tlvor is registered at Hotel Dalles. William Head returned to Tygh 'alley yesterday, after spending a .veek in The Dalles upon business. A. J. Connolly, John Connolly and . D. Kennedy, all of Maupln, are n The Dalles today. . Mr. and Mrs,. A. J. Decker Cent are visiting with friends his city of, in ip. It. and II. E. Driver, both of A'amle, are in Tho Dalles today at ending lo business matters. Adeline Del.oic of Hood Itiver was i business visitor In the city yes erday. v Mrs. G. L. Jones of Portland was in the city yesterday enroute to tho Deschutes on an outing trip. Miss Mary Urookhoase and Miss Sybil Cushlng visited friends in Goldendalc, Sunday. John Creegan of Condon is in this city today, attending to business matters. C. E. Hensley of Pendleton is in this city today renewing business acquaintances. A. H. Jakeson and Howard Hob stock, Portland automobile men, were in this city on business yes terday. Mrs. G. H. Slack of Dend was in tho city yesterday, enroute to Port land where she is taking her little daughter for medical treatment. Mrs. Rudolph Frank, Miss Ruth Dickson, Miss Margaret Sampson and Mr. and "Mrs. Harry Gilchrist mo tored to Trouf! Lake Sunday. Miss Flora Carr is representing Wasco county at the library con vention in session this week at Pen dleton. She left last night. Mrs. Pearl Hughes ol' Portland was in the city yesterday. She was re turning to her home after visiting l datives at Dufur. Mrs. Chester Drack, who lias been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Urook house, returned to her homo at Goldendalc today. . N, G. Hedin of Waplnitia was in this city last night, attending the regular meeting of Tho Dallcs-Waseo County Chamber of Commerce. Attorney R. R. Duller left yes terday for Kent; whei.' lie expects to attend to several business mat I ers. DAILY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, I. I I.1 ,-i-UJ LI I ' 1 Mr. una Mrs. John Gavin left Sun day for Seattle, whoro they will spend a week visiting with, friends and relatives. Deputy Sheriff George Scherror and Patrolman James McClaskay left this1""1" r"n?"K "-' a.iniiucu morning for Salem In charge of E 1 , obligations to the allies yesterday, Colby and Hoy Curllss, sentenced to by making first payment or one serve terms in the state prison. Im'lllard gold marks ($200,000,000). ...... ' A brief summary of other dates Mr. and Mrs. Louis Green and whtn oornian obligations mature llieir small son Edward lert this ui- al(, ,,s mmvs. ternoon for San Francisco, where j,, no-Ulsunuament. Mr Green was summoned on Iu) j , n of the seiious illness ol his sit:!,..'. J (.omnlhS(, r l01. v, Mr. and Mrs. hesttr Kocves of mHllnr! gold marks ($2,l0(l,0O0,00in. Maryhlll, Wash., were the guests! '"'' 15- First nuarterly payment vesterilav of Mrs. Marlorle 1):iv. 1 f the annual sum of two milliard They lelt. lor Dellinghain, Wash., to day. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilcox, 11 W. Sham and J. J. AlcGalr, motored to Tin Dalles Irom Portland yesterday eve ning. Mr. and Mis. Leltoy Fields and Dr. John Hcason, all of Portland, were guests last night at Hoti-, Dalles. The party is retaining to Port land after having spent several days at Prlnglo Falls. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hill, Miss M. E. Price and Mrs. R. E. Hill, all of Alberta, Canada, motored through The Dalles today euioute to their home after having spent the winter In Los Angeles. Miss Fay Bussott of Powell Uuttw, who has been the guest of Miss Crystal Sturdevant, went to Port land yesterday, where she expects to take training as a nurse in the Good Samaritan hospital. Main 6061 Bennett Taxi Main 01. tf The feet of the man past fifty are always weak. They need just what feet get in Arch Preservers. Edw. C. Pease company. 1 New ' r The JUNE 1, '1921. LJ ! ! g& m A ny" b egTnS PAYMENT TO ALLIES By United Press I.nVtnN. Illllo 1 rlnt-nmnt- I , , . ., . 'sold marks ($100,000,000). Id-First quarterly pay nient ol' the 2fi per cent, or the value or German exports. October 15 Second quarterly pay ni'nt ol' the annual s'.ini ol' two milliard gold marks. Novemb.M- t Delivery to the l!e- June Wednesday, June 1st COUPLES, $1.00 Franklin Prices First After-War Reductions Announced September, 1920 Present Reductions, Effective June $200 to- $250 $150 to $200 TOURING - -RUNABOUT - -4-PAS. ROADSTER SEDAN - - -BROUGHAM - DEMI-COUPE -DEMI-SEDAN -CHASSIS - - All Prices F. Back of this new .standard of prices is a bit of history. Last Sep tember the Franklin cut its price drastically. A remarkable sales record followed. For months past Franklin business has required normal ca pacity production. Since December last, there has not been on hand at the factory at any one day more than three days' production of cars. This favorable situation has affected economies which make pos sible the present revision, thereby creating a new opportunity for pur chasers, and again emphasing the proven advantages of Franklin per 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline. 12,500 miles to the set of tires 50 slower yearly depreciation Franklin parations Conimlsslou of bonds fori .".S milliard fold marks ($7,GOO,000 000). Also bonds without coitions attahced tor 82 milliard gold marks ($10,100,000,000). November 15 Second quarterly payment of the 2G per cent of the value ot German exports. There'r. a Difference If you've been a "ready made" man 'n the past, be a "made to order man" in tho luture. First class hand tailor d suIN to measure, $115.00 and up. W. it. Webber, ono block east of poit iffice. ctf Home Economics Exhibit An exhibit will be held in the homo economies department of Hie high school Thursda evening, Juno 2, at S o'clock exhibiting the work com pleted by the Domestic Science and Domestic Art classes. Even body Is Invited lo attend. Come and brim your Iriends. 2 Day Dance ELKS' HALL GOOD MUSIC (Committee) on Enclosed Cars on Open Cars New War Total After-War Prices Prices Reduction . $2050 $3100 $150 2550 3050 500 J 2550 3.1.00 550 3050 4350 700 3550 k 4300 750 2850 ' 3300 450 3050 (New Type) (New Type) 2225 2625 400 O. B. Syracuse Motor Car PAGETHREE - VOTE ON CENSORSHIP, ly United Nowa 3, 110STON, Mass., June 1 Tho pco pic or Massachusetts will probably, bo given a chance to decido whothoir they want the stato to censor thotf moving pictures for them. k The flith t against tho motion pie lure censorship law signed last wcok by Governor Cox, will probably be gin Wednesday, when Judge Albcrf E. Hrackclt, counsel for the movie men, Is expected to file tho prelim inary petition for submission of the question of. referendum. ff If the final petition bears the names of 15,000 legal voters, aft properly certilled, the question will bo put on tho ballot at the bien nial election In November, 1922. ..v LADJES, 50c 1, 1921 J; .v Co.