l-M. - PAGE TWO SECOND DIVISION - PUNNING REUNION VA3HINOON, Jno 1. Three years tro'm the day on which the 1 Second division wiested Ihn role or thp offensive from the German high command, ami tnrew us onv umu line , across the Paris-Mel;: highway, mim from all the units who won glory ' In the Chateau Thierry sector arid barred the road to Paris, will meet In a tliree days' reimlon at the present home of the Spcond di vision; Camp Travis, Texas, on the outskirts of hospitable San Antonio, "it was on June C, 1918, that the nl'arinfi brigade went over the top at the zero hour of five in the afternoon. On its right the Oth and 23rd. of the third brigade held the line, fhaflng there until lis turn came for the brilliant capture of Vuux three weeks later. In the rear the 12th, 15th and 17th artil lery regiments were hurrying Into position, and the trains of the divi sion were already evacuating the 'Wounded or hurrying supplies up to the firing line. That night the 5th and Cth marines, with gallant aid of the 2nd, Englneerr, had won an Inex orable noli on Belleau Wood and cap tured Bouresche?, and the 1st Field Signal battalion had accomplished miracles in conn cling the forward battalions with the reglmentnl and brigade headquarters in the hack country, and not so far back at that. The country thrilled to Ihe dramatic news of those days In June, and down iri Camp Travis they will fight it all over again, in peaceful surroundings. .Major General James . Hurbord, re Ceptly appointed aushtnnt chief ol staff to Pen blag, who commanded ihe fourth brigade in those days and later led the second in Die Solssons .Offensive, has made elaborate "plan for ,the veterans of the old Indian Head outfit. , Qr June C, the assignment to billets will begin the reunion. The present Second will ' pass in review before the veterans and a theatrical program will complete tho day. On the 7 Hi all branpbes of the troops will stage a reproduction of the light tor Blnn" .Mont Ridge which the Second, with Ooiiraud's pollus, carried In October and freed Ihe Gorman pressure on Jl helms. .; The final day, the 8th, will begin with memorial services for the RF.OII ideAd of the Second division, Major General' John 'A. Lejeune, command ant'oMbe marine corpr and president of-;jlJo -'Second Division association, will .prealdc at the annual buMne-." 'meeting. "'. . 1 ;.., .. , , - 1 ENDERSBY 1SEWS l'( Cj&rfjSnpirJVj .'lily , 31. Mlrta, Neva .PrMdnV'IlH: Mtlng1 her graildmuinei .ShiliiHi.fii.,'. i lti.hitiiilrt ""Wniliiii v Mff, and Mja, chr-ator Hill hut Sun jnfyj'for Kdgrne, to utinnd Hie Stat' Cr-tingft rtwcHng. Thc;y went over li iilfhway.. ' . ( A number' 'fidm horo attended the WSant. at Tha Dalles VrMuy. .';JWoird wa.i received Friday that the coadlllnn of V,is, Artie llarrimau vui B&!6lhd will, ltoliuld, and OrVlt; came up l&Um'dV "flAi'lil b'ltni MvMt.utWh ....itfu.'.u' A.'n . 1 .." I'. ... .111111(1 , 1 . Pasteurized Milk and Cream . The hot weather is coining along. How nuicji is it worth to you at this time to know Unit the milk you are drinking is pure and sweet and will keep? How much is it worth to know that thu milk your hahies are drinking is clean and pure and healthful? ' 'i'ho Norman Cream company is catering to just such conditions. The public is cordially invited to inspect our plant, AT ANY TIME, to see that the , ih;ivy products are handled in the most modern and , solitary manner. " Reduction In Prices In. .keeping with I ho-downward tnuid ol' living cost:" our prices, cllVctive 1, are as i'ohows: . One. quart a day, per One (Jlui a A.tv pi- ,')eliyeloil ,vim 'vhen ' K) K.iftl y.'iiOlul ljuvv't 1 " ' Telephone Main 351U critical and grave fenra for her re covery wern entertained. Mm. Henry Vnger was a guest of friends In The Dnllen last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Darnlelle nnd child! en, Mr. and Mm. Dick Darnlelle and children, r-nd Mt. anil Mrs. V. Darnlelle and family were guests of the homo folic Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Angell entertain ed at dinner Sunday the following per sons: Mr. and Mrs. Hr.y Angell and daughter, Eva, Mrs. Koj Campbell and children, 'Mrs. Ilert Campbell, Mr. anil '.Mrs. Nel.xon Huett anil sons, Ronald and Donald, Mr. and Mm. Cooper and children and Orvlllu Angell. Mrs. George MaSquarl was 111 sever, al days last week and went to The Dalles Sunday for medical treatment Donald Heborleln, while playlm ball last week, suffered a serious fra' .tiro of his m)re, Me was brought lr. Dufur for treatment. 167 TO U- GRADUATED FROM STATE UNIVERSITY UNIVErtSITY OF OKEGON. I'M gene, June 1. On the. twentieth of lune, 107 students will be graduated from the University of Oregon. This Is the largest of the 43 gradu ating classes turned out by the University. 01' those graduating, 120 will re ceive the degree of bachelor of arts, 24 bachelor of scienee, four bachelor cf scitmco In education, 13 bachelor of busslness administration, one br.chelor of music and five bachelor of law. The commencement address will pe given by Edgar P.. Piper, editor ol The Orrgonlan. The baccalaureate address will be given by Virgil Johnson, ol the class of '00, who Is now general secretary or the Nallcual Associa tion of 'travelers' Aid Societies with headquarters In New York. MAKING COACHES AT SUMMER SCHOOL Hy IJhltfd Press BLOOM1NGTON, lnd June 1. Future Pop Wnrnets and I'oicy llaughtons will be inolikd at the Indiana University school for coaches here this summer. Each yer.r the school Is held lor hieli jchool or college teachei.", who whli FAIR EXCHANGE A New Back for an Old One How a The Dalles Resident Made a Bad Back Strong. The buck aches al times with a dull Indescribable feeling, inakl'i" you weary and. rest leas', plurclng pains shoot across thu region of the kidneys, and again the loins ate .h;i lamu thut to stoop Is agony. No use to rub or. apply. a plaster to thu back If the kidneys ure weak. You chu not reach the cause., follow the x ample of this The Dalles citizen. ' Mis. Oscar Kmoi'y, 1308 Jackson ;j5t,.i says: "I can recommend Doan' Kidney Plllu rrom e,xperioncu. Mv 'tldneys woie weak lind I had no energy and becauie run down. I felt dull arid my back ached a great luill of the. tliue. My kidneys worn iregulur In acllon. I road of Doutt't kidney Plllu nnd used them hi dl reeled. They wero Just what I need d and soon rid mo if the tired, rut lown feeling. They also relieved tin .ackuehes anil other signs of kid ley, trouble." Prlcu OOe, u all deilers. Ilin't Him dy uuk for a kidney rented M't loan's Kidney Villa thu tutmn that Irs. Einerv hud. Filler Mllburn , r Mfia.. Buffalo. N. Y month month . . . $2.l0 ....i5i.no ",'Uliin Die tit' limits Creai Co. THE DM.LM to give their students fhe benefits of specialized coaching. N'enrly 400 were enrolled in the school last summer. Regular university credits are given students taking the courses In baseball, football, basketball, track, wrestling, tennis, golf, swim ming and other sports. Seventeen physical education courses will be given this yenr. Most of thein are open to both men nnd women. A course In the theory and prac tice of basketball and baseball is in cluded In, the courses for worn- n. Typing and Stenography w done at reasonable rates. Kosina A Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Ree, donee phone red 2332. ti Jot ice For Purchase of Cord and Slab Wood. Notice is hereby given that school Soaril of district number 12, Wasco iounty, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for furnishing the following lots of four font cord wood. Fir or pine must, be first grade, made or lare limber. Oak must bo second growth, not less than four Inches, no more than eight Inches in diameter. De liveries must be completed on or be fore August 'l, 1921. High school, S cords slab wood. Whlltli r, pine or fir, GO cords; oak. 5 cords. East Hill, slab wood. 5 cords. West End, pine or fir, 20 cords. Thompson's Addition, pine or fir 'AD coids; oak, 10 cords. Hlds must be presented on or before v r 9 I Paid Adv.) a Q B Citizens DAILY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, June 9th, 1921. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of bontd of school district number 12. Attest: Prudence M. Patterson, clerk. mwf v Brown'' Outur 5ug Time TaDle Two round trips dally. Leae Hauk hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. in. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. rn. and 1 p. m. tt (From The Chronicle, June 1, 1896.) fidllor Chronicled -Tho following Is the report of the Stimuli: Ridge school lor the monlih beginning May 4 and closing May 29. Those who have not been absent nor lardy and excellent in deportment during the inonlh are: Jajnes M. Clausen, Cora Clausen, E'J nah Clausen, Otto Clausen, Anna Ramus and 'Nettle Ramus. Visitors, .Mrs. Pell, Hattle Sternweif, Washing ton Slernwcis and Jessie Sml.h. MAUD PEARODY, teacher. The election yestordaj indlcales n larger vote than was ever before poll ed in The Dalles. The returns show an excesr of 172 voles over Ihe ihly.hr t number ever belore polled. A delegation of young folks wen to Wnsco this morning to attend the district convention of the Ep worth league, eomprlclng a territory be tween Goldendale and Prlnevllle anil Heppnor to the Cascades. Those who left here were: Edith Randa'l, Nellie LOOKING BACKWARD Wh 9 - . t W Our information ia that it is sponsored by Mark A. Mayer, a Portland Capitalist. A search of .he registration lists of Wasco county fails to show. Mark A.. Mayor, as a, registered voter, but he is registered in Multnomah county as a Capitalist with residence at the Benson Ho'tel, , . Why waa this "information" supposedly so vital to Wasco county voters, tf Hood River to he printed and then brought to The Dalles for mailing? Mark A. Mayer did on April 21st last, make a proposition that if .tlie C aunty Court of "Wasco county would give Mosier luuf of the Market Road Appropriation for 1922 and 1923 he would promise to deliver 80 of the Mosier Vote FOR the bond issue if NOT his threat was 100 against.. Can the vote of the people of Mosier or this'county be handled in any such manner-? Needless to say His proposition was turned down. Mark A. Mayer, the Portland Capitalist, made no complaint on "Oppressive Taxation" when the Columbia River highway traveled ONE MILE of his orchard property 2 miles east of Mosier at a cost to the state of. approximately $475,000 for the fiye miles from the Hood River county line through his property. , ( I Who are the "Favored Few" Mark A. Mayer, who will have a paved highway for one mile through his property, or the thousands of Wasco County Farmer and Fruit growers who are asking for a passable road tho year round to market their produce? 1 ' ' The Farmers and Business Men of Wasco County most emphatically refuse, to be lieve that the 0000 voters of the county will be hoodwinked bv any such senseless twaddle as put, out by the so-callfd "Citizens Welfare League of Wasco County." BOND ISSUE COMMITTEE The Dalles-Wasco Goiinty JUNE 1, 1921. Sylvester. Mr.bel Rlddell, Ethel Dem Ing, Ed 'Hill and John Thomas. Heavy Meat Eaters Have Slow Kidneys Eat Lees M?at If You Fe I Back Achy or Have Bladder Trouble. No man or wonian who eats meal regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Miat, forms uric acid which' excites tile kidneys, they become overworked from the strain, get sluggish, mid fail to filter lite waste and poisons from the blood, then wo get sick Nenrly all rheumatism, lumdacheB, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, nleep lessness and urinary dlsoiders c m.; from sluggish kidneys.: v The momunt yon feel aNd'ill ache. an Is The Welf In the kidneys or vour back huris or If the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, Irregular of' passage or attended hy a sensation of scald ing, stop eating meat and get about f.ittt ounces of Jad Salts fiotn any pharmacy; take a tableapoonfu) In a glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acfd of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has CASINO The Utile House with the BIP PicjureJ NOW PLAYING Harry In His "The Freeze Out" d t.' taken to e it Where Leagu Chahibfcr of Commerce, II. a RICE, Chairman. - been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to. neutrallie the acids in urine so It no longer causes irritation, thus end ing bladder weakness. Jad Salts is InsxepHslve and can' not Injure; make a delightful Ef fervescent ltthia-water drink which everyone should taka now and thqn to keep the kidneys clean' and active and the blood pure, thereby avoid-, ing serious kidney complications. Carey Very Latest "rt i i i - of i ,C' to., v A At un,ia ..