The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 31, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    rMue I no
i nil umii.1, oriiii c,
1 .(', ' a
Batabllshcd 1(80 The Dallci. Ore.
Publlihed Every Evening Except Sunday
by the Chronicle Publishing company Inc
Ben R. Lltflh
-Qenenil Manager
of the
"Uhtered In
econd class
The Dalles
pobtofflce aa
United Press and United News Serrlco
Uember of Audit liuicau of Circulations
One year, In advance 15.00
Hlx months, In advunce . .$3.00
One month .60
One year, hi advanve 15.00
8li months, In advance -. $2,60
One month - .B0
One year,' In advance $2.00
In ordering crifttigo
icrlber should always
as new address.
of iiddroos,
Hlvo old ha
EdltOllul liooniH Hlnck 111
DUBlnts, Adv. rif D.-pts. ltod 111
Subscriber to the dirmilrln uru guar
anteed service. Prompt find rrguliir de
livery of every subsvi'lber's puiier l the
mtn of the circulation i)e;.tiiit-tit. The
Chronicle curriers are reqillied -to pur,
tbu papers on the porch Or wherever tin
uoscrlber vlsliu Mm paier delivered.
Persons Interested In tlx: passage
o: The Dal1e-('alilomlu highway
road bond issue should leave no ef
fort unfulfilled in lilt- ni'.xl six days
' .:. .1., u .,... it.l,i I tcinalioiial
I If fill I in lllilliri ill un fii.i 0
before every voter in Wasco county.
In the west end of the county,
through selfish motives,' stiong op.
. position has developed, and mentis
j arj being ' adopleil lo coinbal It
1 which may prove disastrous to the
; lrsue.
j ''The rood bond issue Is a clear cut
j one. It is of uimost inerll. Theie is
nothing about It to lie concealed.
Frank exposition of IIh virtues and
, of Its conditions will save lie day.
At the fair grounds in Tygli Val
lay next Friday there will be a, weal
Catherine of reslilent of thai see-
.'ton. 'The 'unn'.Kil Tych Valley pic
nic will be held, and il is announced
that the pririelpal subject lo be coil
sldered will be good roads and tlie
bond mailer.
It Is ' likely thai I lie whole day
will bo given al Tygli Valley lo con
sideration of this Issue, and il will
be well for as many residents of The
.Dalles, arid' especially business men
as possible, to attend.
Thu bond issue situation is in a
critical position, The hardest uffoits
ure necessary lo pul It across, llul
a great deal can be done between
now' unit next Tuesday, anil some
telling licks can be thrown In' at Hi Li
Tygli 'Vn'lky gathering.
' ' o -
sturdy youths
who cafife front' the land across the
sea will not fade within the genpr
at ion for these people.
It Is ii great thins for Ihe world
that these things can be. League
ol nations or not, friendship of peo
ples will stand to preserve the turn
(Utility of the world even though the
governing heads' mav ' differ violent
ly over politics.
Amei leans who were stationed in
France und Kugland came lo lespuct
the peoples of both lands, and the
ICngllshmnn and the Frenchman tic
veloped tli lit slime deference for the
Americans. '
English and Frenrh officials may
be chagrined at Ihe refusal of this
couniry to become a member of the
League of Nations, but English and
French people havewarm places in
their hearts for the courageous and
generous men who came lo their
lescue In J!)18,
.Memorial Day, a holiday of the
("lilted States, threaten: to become
such a day for the world. No French
or llrlllsli ilat - Is celebrated or
known in Ihe I'nitcd Stales as .Me
morial Day is today known over the
world. And il Is all because two
million and more young Ai'neiicans,
most of them knew nothing of in-
polillcs and cared less,
rose spontaneously lo the call ot
llulr country and partleipaU d in I In
conflict which saved civilization.
.If II did nothing else
war left America with
friendship on the oilier
Atlantic which are far
, the great
a host of
side of the
more worth
while than thai official good which
exists with nations that merely
swapi ambassadors.
The'iu is a more common bond of
' friendship between Die Americans,
; French and, English, than has ever
been known beloie. AH ol It Is noi
, due merely lo the tact thai Ihe
United 'ft la tea went lo the aid id'
lliese nations during the war.
Far more l.i il a spontaneous, per
sonal sort of, made because
Uilfu groups of llu people of each
of the three countries met, co-min
gled, und came In -know and under
stand each olher.
.Nothing more ably deiuonsiraled
the relations now existing than Ihe
upontanlety wllh which our I wo
principal alllo:i dui'liir, the, war joined
In tlie American Memorial day ser
Ueforo Hit war, probably not one
Freneiiiuan In lotion, or an English
bin n in Ihe same pioporiUu, knew
Ihe. day on which the hero dead of
America were remembered. Yeslei
litay,' prance especially, ihe resi
dents of that country practically
lit lit aside their work In order to-oli
iorve the solemn occasion with' the
Americans who weru at the grave
') in a somewhat loss degree, t can
lie imagined, the Kugllsh partlclpat
ed with the Americans in Creat
Dlltnln who observed .Memorial
Day, The point of the discussion Is
thai the celebrations In coun
tries were not entirely official
'At St. Paul's cathedral In Loudon,
the unveiling of a bust ol (leorgo
Washington probably was semi-official,
and care was probably given
by the Hrltlsh foreign office to seo
that the tuition was adequately rep
resented In order that no diplomatic
Insult might be construed.
lut the government had nothing
toj do with (he English men, women
and chlltjrfm who 'went out In tlie
Kfvuynrds which still hold Amer
ican remains, the giaveyards ihat
uv4 to. be found from Inverness, In
the. extreme nothein Scotland, to
Hojithunintun In the south. Theie
rnyo large numbers of Americans
Htloned In both places, and' the
AinerlcHii grnvoyauls glow with each
month of Yankee occupation (HI in
remote sections of Scotland, at un
ions points along the English coaHt
und In , Iceland. American graves
weio tended by loving hands of resi
dents of the country side, even when
no ' American was there to partici
pate. 'in France, where the American
touch timing (ho war was even keen'
e'ty tlie sceuen must have been moat
touching. The French, in iielr lim
yuUlve way, became deiT-ly attach
edT to tho Americans, uud the re-
Kvcr.v mouth Die liookman miig::
zlno 'piibllsiis li 11 k't ol' Looicj- nni.-f, !:i
demntVd' u l)brarie3 'i)fr.'li'.',liou' n I
sccllfjiin of I lid e()unlr. f For ihe
whole Unt6d Slnles Uiu roiip ol ih
lion HioHt In demand if )Hieu in t',e
.May '(lookiiiau is lis t'ollovs:
1. "Main Sired." by Sinclair Lewh
'J. "Ago of Innocence'- by F.ditli
!!. ".Mysterious lildor," by .at'
4. "I'olleil.Tin," by Koni1 .Maeaulay.
f. 'ISislfrs-in.Law," by (iertrilde
Alherlou. '
The public library Irs had all them
books for .some lime exiii-pt "Poller
Ism" and "Slrlcrii-ln-Law," which jjti
into chciilalion uexl Friday,
Thi general book.' In most demand
as listed in the same litjokmau are
ith lollows:
1. "Outline of History," by II. (I.
1!, "Alarol Ariiulth," an autobio
graphy by .Msirgol Asii:ilh.
.'!. "White t'.hadows In Ihe South
Seas," by Frederick O'llrien.
-1. "Ainericaiili'.alion of hl.lward
llok," by K. lloli.
r. "Koaming Through Hie Wi si In
dies," by II. A. FrancV.
(!. "Now II Can Lv Told," by P.
The public library ban all of llil.
lis: also, two of which, numbers four
and five, will" beTea'dy for' e.lrculatloii
Friday. "The Autobiography of -Mar-gul
A:.iillh" is a temporary loan from
Ihe stale llbrar. Two other books of
biography which aie loans Irom Ihe
stale library an ''.Memories of Ihe
Kmpnss Kugenle," by Floury and
Andrew Carnegie's "Aulobldgrapliy.'
In lliese days of abnormally high
pi iced books Ihe public library is
making constant use id the privilege
ol drawing upon Ihe rtiito library for
which there is some demand but not
enough lo warrant their purchase by
Ihe local association.
Toda Ihe library Is placing Ihe lol
lowing books on the display rack
where they may be examined for
i three days. Thev will go lulo elreiv
latlon on Friday, Ue.seivea will be lak
,cn on any titles lor which tlie"! is a
"ttisloiB-ln-Law," by Aatherlon.
Commence Pea Picking Pea pick
ing commenced yesierday lit the Haz
el Dell orchards on Three Mile. Twen-iy-srven
pickets Were on the Job dur
ing the day.
Former Mayor Visits .Mr. and
Mrs. ti. .M. Wihgate of Poilland,
v;eie visitors In The DalkM over
Ilnturday an I S.inday. .Mr. and .M:s
" myate wen! lortnerly reshLtit... M
this city, Wlii!?Hte at one time serv
ing as mayor.
Baby Girls Arrive A seven and,
one half pound gill was boni al The
Dalles hospital .Monday! -May SO, to
.Mr. and .Mrs. .lathe's Kane. Mrs. It.
D. Carter, city, became tho mother
of a baby glib May Tl, at .the hospital.
Marccllle Hurt William Marcellle,
employtd at I he Columbia illlghwav
Machine company, sufl'e. ed a tract liv
ed leg Friday vine! noon when a larne
ending which be was working on In
the shop fell, lie Ir. being Healed In
the local hospital.
Women's Swimming Night To
night is women's night at tlie high
school swimming tank. The tank
will be opened for swimming at
7::i(l. wllh thu wul or healed stifll
clently to lemove the chill. Charlotte
Thrall will act as swimming in
structor lor those wishing to take
Two License's to Wed Cupid play
ed a double-header In The Dalles this
morning in the garni of love. .Marriage
lleeiuej weio ijsueJ lo Ilollln Ches
ter (love, 'M, of Ocean Park, Wash.,
and Ida Peal Ihe, 1!!,. of Naoallu
Wash.; Itobcrt .lordon, IlII, of Coljjo
and Hdhh Maixueille Oralnauli, TJ!, oi
John D:,y.
Memorial Service a: Calvary Cal
vary liapllnt chinch enjoyed a ea
pavlty en. wd Sunday nioriiliig. One
(iiillie section ol Ihe aiiilitoifinn was
occupied by members of the (1. '
It, und Womrn'S lielief Corps with
:i few Legionnaire,). Tin; uieiiiori'il
amnion war preached on Joshua 1:'J
Ihe theme being, "Courage." Charles
Itnlh f;nng a special memorial son
written to Hit air of "Silver Threads.
Anions Hie (ibid."
Pafjeant Pictures Displayed An in
teiesllng folder showing different
views of this pageant is on exhibition
In tlie Crosby ding more window. Tin
peri'oi mance was a great occasion !n
this i eetion for camera llend.i and
hundieds of machines wore In evl
denee during the day. The chtel at
traction was the Indians and Ihoi:
sands of ,'iiiaps were made of thorn
duilnj', and afler Ihe parade. v
in the city, visiting rein-
Mrs. W. N, Evans of Dufur was
shopping In the city . today.
1. W. Patlson of Winnie is in the
city en roti to to Portland,
Ml', and Ir's. U. V. llatler spent
Memorial dijy al Iloyd.
Mrs. A. Wlteelhouse of Arllnslon
spent' tho week-end In Ihe elty.
Corson went
to Portland to-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hlllgcn of
fur si.ent Saturday In the city-
W. L Wfsteifield of Grass
Is Dtaying at Hotel Dalles.
Wllllain Woodcock ol Winnie
the city on biisluesn.
is in
J. H. llurd of Dufur
on business today.
Miss Miriam Williams, of nelllnfr-
ham, Wash., h In Hip elly to spend
ihe month of June with her sister,
Mrs. Carroll Roberts.
Mr. and Mrs. Ollllatn, former resl
d.nls of the clly, spent Sunday and
Monday hero as tho 'guests of Mr.
arid Mrs.' Charles Hurchtorf.
Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Smith of
Hldgelield, Wash., passed through
the city yesterday enroute lo Boyd
to- visit Ihe C. 11. Southern family
Mrs. Mary H. Huntington and
daughter, llelcn, are Vlsll'lng ih The
Dalles wUh Mr.- and Mir. A. K
C.ronewald, 1
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. P. Merry of Port
land are spending a short time with
Mr. and 'Mrs.' U. M. Church at Del Mer
ot chants In Ihe Three Mile vnllpy.
J. F, Churchill ot Arlington is leg
Isteied at the liank hotel,
Is In the city , Mr. and "Mm. Clarrnce D. CalbreaOi
and sou, Ardalh, of Jackson clreei.
..motored lo Piinevllle ove. Aler.iorlal
C. T. Mauri of Arlington U a guest
al the Dank hotel.
H. C,
:ind Mrs.
were in
1. H.
Smith of Walla
city yesterday.
Worthlngton of Dufur Is teg
at Hotel Dallis.
H(ooti pivei Al.the
uirt today, Clrcuj'
for Hood
in equity
"(llil III Fancy ilr.-'ss," by llue!roef
"The Orange Yellow Diamond," by
Fletcher. - . !
VTho TerrllAe Island." b 'Irliie
sliaw.- . :
'Kindred of Ihe Dust." ny Kyin.
' Potterhun." ,bv Maeaulay.
"(,'aslle to Le," by Uevnold '
"A Tenderfoot llrlde." bv Ule!-ar,b'
"Nancy (;..ei lo Town," by ill'ireii
C.iowliiB "l'l." 1'S 'wm'.
'Auii'il.'an Labor Year Hook ro
Fuel Oil in Industry," by Audi"
"Modern dudusliial Mo einenui." I
"Self-lit lp In l'liino Study," by Uro
"Cenienl fur Conciete Cotrtru
lion," by Campbell.
"Making Adeillsemen s and Ma
lug Them Pay." by Dur Mne
"Careers lor Women," bv Fllene.
"Prophets of ihe Old Testament,
by (lordon.
'("Peace Negotiations, a Person1!
Narrative," by Lansing. '
One Hundred Fairy Wlndte .
lYUna.." ' , .. .
Ilrpiiy limiting Crminds, b
I'aii.oile SMlecilons." bv Shun"'
.Muip.n. ,M.i :"
Killior irt The nunuiele. I wan
lo Inlet m .oii , limit ihe bun. I nsu
kcic al Mauplu. I'eli the I'ol.l.i ro
LiiMist Is we'U lug i ho model vol
around lis neck. You tiiuj thiult thl
In a joke but Hid bird liu.. ieeu m'H
by several people, a robin .voarln.
one of the tan. "Veto Yes" annuel
Us neck. In fuel I taw it mstdf. Il
had the suing mound its neck who
tho model' "vole oi." How It got
there I don't know, but U l an actual
Youis truly.
Judga Gocj To
eonclii.Mon ot (
Judge Fred -W. Wilson left
Uivr. who e he will hold
so.i.J.m for thu remainder of the weeit
Under iissiKiiineut from the chief Jus
tice of Ihe siipioiao court, he will pra
civd to l'o;ll;iud uexl Monday, lo : a
id il Por land jiidrea in trial woik, Ihe
.Multnomah coiiuly ihickel having ln
come coriacdi'd with cares. "
Hoys' Club Makc3 Tiip Tlni hoy.s'
club of Hie high school returned last
evening Irom a three days' hike 'n
Ihe Cascadci above Ibniuc'vlUo. The
only ear'.t.rllles were Hie Inss ol' a few
nihil! i bee's susttilned in cllmblnr,
rocl;y Hall- I'rol'essors Wiley and
Abramson neconipanled ,lhe parly. II
is reported thai the only fish taken
by the parly were secured by Mr. Wi
ley and Luring Hennetl. Tho boys
lound ti great deal of Snow. In some
phi cet It was several feel deep.
Railroad Travel Hejvy The usual
heavy passenger layel was u tel
Memorial day on trams passing
ihroiigh The Dalles. Ilivauuo of the
great lumber of picnickers along the
Columbia Itirer hli-.hwuy, number 1,
I ho westbound local, went out o
here lu two sections Monday, Tim
Hist sectli.u, mad! up heie, consist
ed of tiiir1 day coaches, fa nddttian
to a bag:;agi car and a spoclal husl
ii ss ear. Tavel over Ihe long,r ills
liiiico Vout.s wan C'vo1!! ttiiutll ' heavy
with people who were nolng hoi'ae
.'or the lullday.
School Exhibit Tonioht An Inter
estlng exhibit of the Work of ehllj
dieu of the Whiltler school will be
shown In Ihe various rooms at the
school tonight, and parents ami
friends are invited to utte'ud. Sam;
pies of perfect work lu drawing
history, grainniar and other nnbjcc s
aie being hull ; today In tho varbtn
looms. There will be a shorl pr.)'
,ram during the evening, the boys!
louble quartet and tho funihmeu,
.Iris' quitiUt id Ihe high school lur
alshing masie. MIsS Sophie .Me-s"'1'
ser will lead In comiuunlty singing.
County S, S. Convention The Win
co county Sunday 'school convention,
held Its annual meet In;; at the Hoyd
Methodist church last Saturday. Oi
'.'(HI delegates and visitors at'tended.
A number of Dalles speakers appe li
ed on ilio program. The county liar.'
acr was awarded to the Hlble school
r Calvary llapilst chutch, this eltv.
The ii schools lu the con veal Km
raised I Ifai for Sunday school pun
poses and pledged 1 0 0 lo tho slate as
social Ion. The followlne; ol'llcurs were
elected for the year: dlov. John I-.
Itogue. president; Uev. John Fori, Du
fur, vlee'prcsldenl ; Oeoi fte Splckei
man. secretary; Mrs. W. ,. dpryei
children'. de!artmeiit ; :;rr. S,iVh"vp
a o'rk..
people: O L. CanoJI, M.ijiler
N. 0. Ile.lta, Wcidnl l.i, ediiea
1 1 a. Kathleen Howie, home
Milk, Milk, Milk,
quarts, yS.bti mouth; pints, 1.3U
month, lie Brothers, Telephone black
C031, ' 31
Mlsr. Myrtle Rnrdon visit d her
fathe.- over' the week-end returning
to Perl land yesterday.
Miss Rllen Renshaw of 'Hood Riv
er spent 1.1 jo' ,week end in th.'s city
vlrlting among frlemls.
. Fred Wellor and family of Yakiiin
spent Memoiial Day wllh i.-.c. W. H.
: .-. at- ...
Meyers family on Cherry
..Lcs Boinico Mooifh-jad of Port
land spent the week-end In The
Dalits visiting with her obiter, Mrs.
John Will.
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Cox of Al
bany are guCsis at the home of Mr.
and Mis. W'. II. Schiller la thU city.
Ml. and Mrs. Cox are parents ol
Mrs. Schiller.
(From Tlie Chronicle, .May SI, Dsuf, )
Idome one 'towed up a ran ol Um
bels last night, but during tho nlglii
It broke loose and drifted down ihe
liver afiiln.
. Mr. Ira .Rowland, who lhvs nc-ir
Mosler, had a narrow eseajio Irom
lb owning Saturda. A iiidilei! shift
of the wind blew the sail hi sa;h a
manner Hint the rope, bc-ln;; light,
caused his-'boat to capsize und l'-J
was thrown Into Iho water. He was
.a considerable dlrdance from shore
and he had, to swlpi.lor ll.i Tluwwaier
v.iu numbing and ho, was not sm ox
peilenced swlinnier, and he was nhqul
to sink, afler a 'long striiggk' wlu n,
hl.-i lent fortunately loucti-l li'iUoSn
Ho wadi.d qui, alrnoU cxhaiPited, but
thankful for hia life. Tlie boa; floa-'
ed down Ihe river and was los.
Max Vogt, Jr.(.9nnie up, fnmi, Po.f
laiid Inst iiitjht. . -
ts fl,
Mr. Clins. .lllllon and daughter,
Florence and .Ml?s Newman, returned
irom Portland last night.
Mr. J. R. WHtner of White Salmon
was in town over iSunday, leaving
I bin morning.
Mr. and Mrs. .).. C. Riggs, Mhs Kin-
Mrs. Siirah' Mlchell Is
Portland avIUi .Mr. and
Cameron. ,,
Mrs, J.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul French of 'Por;
land, am visiting in the home of Mr.'..
D. M. French. The latter is Mr.
Fiennh'r mother. The visitors will be
heie several days.
Mrs. Dean T. Goodman of Heppner
la vl-ill lug in The Dalles with' Mrs.
I IOdwaid '"'eufert. Lao will go to 'Por-
land tomorrow for a short stay .be
fore returning to her heme. ' '
Mrs. Thompson Cobnrlh and Mrs.
V-sta Mays went to Portland yealer
lay. .
D. Donaldson of Shaniko was a
burflness visitor in this city yis'er
John Mannlon of Shaniko was In
The Dalles, yesierday -visiting with
John Hampshire of Grants Pass,
was here yesteiday attending the
Me'inorial day services.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heisler ol
Dufur wero shopping in tlie city to
day on business.
State Highway Commissioner and
Mrs. W, li. liarratl of Heppner wen
visitors in. The Dalles yesteiday.
Mr. and, Mis. W.
turned to their home
day, after visitlns n
R. Hayes re-'
In Portland to
this city at. .the
homo ot Mr. and
for several days.
Mrs. J. C. Yager
Miss Wlnnifred Walk
lo Salem to attind tlie
her brother.
has gone
redding of
Mrs. P. .1, Morgan of Albany is
visiting in Tho Dalle.. with her
daughter, Mrs. L. L. McCarlnoy.
MiV and Mrs. A. D Deers aro vis
itlug Mrs. DMIeer's sisl-r. Mrs
Frank Pratt.
Mrs. Cleve Hlllgrn of Dufur spen1
the week-end in the clly visiting
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. K. 0. Dull r, will
have been In Portland far severs
days, loturned last iil:;hi
au.d Mrs.
been the
i'rlt uds In
two days.
Mrs, Mable
Oleatha Hill of
J, T.
Itoilck. Jr
of relative.
clly dm lug tin
and Mis!
spent Ih
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Slmonton of
Portland were here ye3trulay, decor
ating the graves of loved ones in
Ihe Odd Fellows' cemetery. Mrs.
Slmonton Is a daughter or Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Schmidl'of tills clly.
Mrs. L. E. Crowe of Portland U
visiting al the home of Benton
Mays. Mrs. Ctowe arnv.-d Sun
day, to Spend the Memo'ii! day
holiday and will remain for several
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry, Sr., or'
Portland are spending two weeks at
tlie home of their son, i. T. Henry,
who with Mrs. Henry left this morn
ing to spend two weeks- touring the
eastern part of' the state.
Charles Roth and family. John
Uroer and family rind Ralph W.l
born and family, accompanied by
relatives from Salem, spent Sunday
and Monday, at Troutdale, Wash.
About 3fi people, made up the partj.
Frank Losbpr p
kucsIs of "Mr: and
over tho two holt
was formerly In
Mr. nnd Mrs,
Portland were the
Mrs. Ward Weber
days. -Mr. Lesher
I crested In
the Black and White
Home Economics Exhibit
An exhibit will 'he held In tho home
economics department of the high
school Thursday evening, June 2, a
8 o'clock exhibiting the work coin
Dieted by the Domestic Science and
nnmnniir- Art eJusses. Rverybody lc
Invited to attend. Come and brln
your friends. 1
-r- II, I
,,,1 UiVMtf
Money Means
A'icQmfovtable home, the warmest
clothing,' ,'the. miSst nourishing' food,
the best medical attendance, books,
music, the ability to rest when weary
in bbdy and' brain in oher wordst in
dependence.. To accumulate money we must be
thoughtful, we must practice ''sonic
self-deniai (this in itself is one of the
chief elements in a strons and well
formed character), we must be pru
dent and industrious, and to accumu
late money as RAPIDLY as possible
it should be INVESTED wisely and
SAFELY where it will MAKE -MORE
Money invested, now, in Preferred
Stock' of this company ' earns iiore'
money at the rate of 7 each year,
and it's safe.
Ask any employe they're, our sales:
mpn. ' i '
Pacific Power $ Light Co.
Huslnesa which
of Necessity Is
.rVlll this put. NOW: mull It TODAY L.
lj ' i - ' juj i
InveetmcnV Dept., Qaoc'a Bldo.,-'PortlaM, Orfl0rt
Si ml mo (1) 8-iku'o Illustrated booklet. "The. tory of
en Opportunity at Hum," (2) Informullbn about your Pre-
' "rt. en i of Uasiy Payiuuiil Plan, (4) How
to Judge un Investment.
Nmt ..
....,.M.M..M.f. ......
toul 'dnd'MIss, UbfiU McCartney leave
tonitfrylu fy 'n2e, tAnJ cQfift-.
Miss Claja Day? niece of 3
pdailslmw, il'ef.t tfoli! iyphlng for
fayetlea valley iuvn,'6 visit til
and relatives.
Mrs. Mary French, who has been
spending somO monthsiin San Francis
co, returned yesterday and will re
main here durlns the summer.
niece of Judge
Closing out my millinery goods at
cost. It will pay 'you to investigate.
Ilallle Weaver, SOirii'lon street, oppo
site postofflco. telephone black 3171.
Free Clinic o Cjiarjje Fr Examlna.
tlon Tuetday.?, an.Thuradays.
Dr. Haumj ,ch!iproctlo physician,
Third nnd Washington; fnam .601. It
On Salt' Today
at All Dealers
your grocer for Cal
umet Baking Povder and be.
sure that you eet'it the In-
i dianheadontheorangelabel. ,
. Then forget- about bake
day failures. For you will
never have any. Calumet
always produces the sweet
est and most palatable foods.' '
, And now remember, you .i
always use less than: of most '
Other brands because it pos-
A i i
i t
!ltl I' '
I- r I,
v , . . , V,
-.. .
I't Y
r ,i
' .
W . . 7-
Now Remember
Aiwaxs Use
i , I r"
There, is no waste. K a
recipecalls.j(or.oneegg two ,
cupsi.of fiour half a cup of
mflk that's all you u$e.
You never have to re-bake.
Contains only such ingre-,
dients as have been officially
approved by U. S. Food Authorities,
is the product of the largest, most
modern and sanitary Baking Pow-'
der Factories in existence.
Pound can of Calumet contains full
16 oz. Some baking powders come in
12'o2. instead of 16 ot.. cans. Be sure"
you get a pound when you want it.'
0 you g
: w
,. 1 '
Muffin 1
Redp X
4 cups'Biftad'i
Bakiiig Powder,
1 tablespoon su
oar. 1 tfunaon
.salt 2 eggs, 2
'c'lijta of .sweet
ttillO Than'frifaf -
;in the regutar.
JUST ARRIVED A very largj assortment lip rtW famous
VELVET STEP HUG lor bath and sleeping; room,' in all colors
and sizes. See them in our, window display , (Something dif
ferent from the ordinnry rag lug.
Opposite First National .Bank
Home o Supevfeaturea
TONIGHT For 3 Days
t' N
A nljoloplay such as you ofteq. wish, foi:
but seldom see. ' -
An unusual pic time, with a plot thai might
happen in anyone's life. ' '
Olio ol' the .Best Big ,Pici Mi es M ,U ?ycr. ,
A Superb Cast Including:
Milton Sills, . Agnes Ayers. Theodoie Rtrbikts
. '?', :-, 1
Also : ,
Mutt and Jeff and ParaiHpun.l Magazine
Coming "COUNTY FAIR" with Weslr Barry
1. .4 x t' M