The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 30, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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3 "
The sixth time was otn o'i 01 to:,
lor (lie taut Hsirrlninn :U-.n Ijiis'.'IiiiII
tcnnt of l'oillunil, which y'liturdit)'
afternoon went down to ilel'uat at
(he hands of the locals. 7 to u. Tlio
Portland railroaders came to The
folios with it iccoul of having won
jivo siraigiu Raines turn season, wiin
"out losing one, and the least that on
huslnslf, cxticcted was that t ho loqa.'u
would be able to hold the vlslton
, ,(down jp ,a dost- score.
( The Portland team would probably
have done just what I he fans expected
of It f, It liming been foi; one thing.
'That thing whs Pitcher Hd Woolsoy,
who was in form jcaterdny afternoon
nnd proved" it by canting 1- of the
Portland iion pounders to whirl vain
ly at the elusive globule.
The locals found" their balling eyes
yesterday, bingllng the opposlni;
pitcher nt opportune timer,
A neat double play was pulled iu
Hie third Inning. Two Poll land ni'ti
were on first, .,und second, when a
jthlrd -visitor knocked a hot liner to
'Second BaVcriian Ford. 1'ord lieldcd
'the bal perfectly and tossed it to
CuillnR, who had run from short to
second'. Cullin.s then shot the ball to
.first, completing (he double play, the
'only one of the game.
', Taking advantage of the visiting
, pitcher's queer habit of winding up
"lyltli a man on, third bate, Whitten
j'rind 'Hoflman were both sucoosrful in
u(itealing home. This was nothing vcrv
unusual for Whltton. who had prove'!
rv'liimsclf a veritable kleptomaniac dur
; ing the earlier stages nf the game by
'stealing hasw at will.- much to the
disgust of the visiting players.
" The Harrlman tunni will ;itlciii)t to
even matters up this afternoon, when,
a second game will be played on the
old ball field. Today's game wlil
start promptly at '1 o'clock. Cu-Noi
nnd Lawrence will do I lie hurling Tot
'tli e locals. ,
The Dalles rccond team, playing at
Hood Itlvor. returned wilh the snrill
end of a 7 to 1 score.
NEW YORK, May r.O. The Innn
fun Industry flourished on many b'3
league lots Sunday, ospeclnll) In the
Browns' park. St. Louis. Williams of
the Drownti and Grancy of the Indiana
got two apiece, and Flmcr Smith ol
Ihe Indians got one. '.The ilndians won.
11 to 9, in a slugging melee, making
' is hits. The Browns got 18.
There wore 12 homers all told, f.l-
tner Smith now stands "as the nin'V'i
lip for Babe Ruth's honorr in Hi
Amrrican leaguo with six homers, dls-
blacing Ty Cobb and Bob Mcu?el of
the Yankees', who. have rivo oac'i .n.'l
in-hn now Hhaio the third hon'irs with
Williams, of the Browns, llowevo '.
the Babe slammed out another at tli
Polo grounds against Ihe Athletics In
llin same which the Yanks won, !l to
'4 which makes his total 14. a eon
bidcrablc margin over the novt h'r,ii
'ert man. liugan and Perkins o.' tin
Athletics got a homer apiece.
'Mrusel's home run in the I'hillii
n,i,irw "rinio In Brooklyn, won Hm
game for the Phillies. 2 to 1. and
brought Model's total for the season
"Vo far to seven; Jus! one rewer I bun
George Kelly, or Hie (tiants. leadln:
;iiomc run slpgger o flhe Natloiutl lea
Smith and Uivan. of the Cards, each
Vol n home run in the to 4 victory n'
"the St. Louis club in Chicago.
' Barnhaidt. of the Pirates, got a
home rim ugaimt' Hie Ro'W in t'-ln
.cinnatl. but the Beds finally won. in
j,j innings, 4 to X
Taxi Mjyfletd's Taxi
TPlephono main 5021.
'i ;i: U ' " '" ''t " '
; There's a ntfference'e been a "ready made
? in ilio pasl. bw-a 'inado to order man'
f Mn tbn fiiliirp. First class hand lallor
d pull" t" nie.apiire, JS5,00 anijip. W
It y,elipr. MC blork caat of. po-n
.,officV- ... 6tf
Notice Is hereby given tluit tba
Vounty Rupei'lnendent of -Wasco coun
ty. Oregon, vll Ifold the rogular e
'amlnatlon of ai'Pllfiintn for stjitc cqr at The Palles as.lollow.i;
I Conimciiclniit Wedno.ulay.. June
1321, at 0;00 o'clock Jim., jind con
tinuing u'nin" Saturday, Juno H. I'J-'l.
at 4:00 o'clock p. m.
Wotlnosday Forenoon.
, U. S.TnstoryV Wr(ting (psnman-
- ohlp), Munic. Drawing.
" ? Afternoon,
J Physiology. Reading Mqnual Traiu
ilng, Composition. Domeftle .Sientj'
Mcthod3 in Reading. CpuiB?. or .V'1"
,ifor Diawlng. Methods, In Avithmclle
. f Thursday Forenoon.
l Arithmellc, lliriory of Ediicullou,
( Pr.ychology. Methods in Geography,
' ;Mcchinlcal nrawln?. Domcniic Art.
jCoiirco of Study fo:- Uonie. tic Art.
Thursday Afternoon.
.! Gnunmar. Geograpln. Slo'ios-,ph
Amnricait Lltcratuic. I'hy .ic T p.
- writing. Mii.thod3 In .Lan-;ua2e, Th-
I I j'" Voir ' Pri inarCr'n if ioa t cs.
1 Friday Forenoon.
Theory and Practice, On bourn pin
(apelllns), Phjilcal (ieo?.aphy. Ens
'llsh LltoniMirc Chcnijstrv;.
Friday Afternoon.
Scliool l-iw, Gojjpey. Igobra. Civ
il Uoverufnen' , ....
' ' v Saturday Forenoon,
(IroniPtry. Botany
Saturday Afternoon.
iiBiiorai HUtnry. nooUVeepIns.
, By United proud
TUnNHERUV, Scotland, May ,".0. 1
The lMtinh Ladles Open (iolf
prominent among the entiles being,
the Americans. Mlsu Alcxa Stlrllug. 1
Miss. HoUlns. Miss Sherwood, Miss'
Eilith Cutninln'tH of .Chjcasjo and
Mrs. Queptln Koitncr. Illg uiowriH
followed Miss Stilling loiind this
morning, while similar greetings of
enthusiasts attended iiud Incidcn'al
ly hampered the UrltlHli. clinmplon,
auss .;ecii i.cucn, anu me ex
champion, Mrs, Temple Dohell,
Brown's Dutur amtjv Tune Table
Two round trips "dally. Leave Uditli
hotel, 9. n, m. and 4 p. pi. Leave
Dufur 7: a, m. and 1 p. m. tt
Free Clinic No Charge For ExAinliin
tion Tuosdays and Thursdays.
Dr. naum,. chiropractic phj slclan,
Child nnd Washington, main f01. it
Knights of Pythias
Itu.ineys meeting Mondav
night, Maj tiO, at 7:!J0 sharp.
All k'llghla requested to he
present. By oriior of Charles
Uaggolt, C. Cl.
Knights of Pythias
SocIpI meeting Monl.iyi May no, All
members and their. I'amillca invited,
Ity order of Charles l!ag-;oti. ;to
FOR KHNT Kurnlshcd housckcciilns:
rooms. 115 i::i:;t Second. ;13
FOR HJ5NT -flciu.. co.ol luinifilied
lou$jckccplnn Jiop'uis. W)t Alvcpvl
street.- . ,?,
FplV'ftl'JT - Front li(' oUooplng
room,, downstairs, and sleeping
room. lOt West Third. 31'
FOR R ISN'T Furnished licit ! house-
keeping rooms. Also five room clesi.-i
house. Some furniture, nnd tele
phone. ?,0i Fast .Eighth street. 2S
FOR HUNT Three furnished house
keeping rooms. Adults only. 1001!
. Alvord street. Telephone red 45G1.
FOR,, SALE BJtircli',
phono bjack. :ti2.
::o l'XJR SALE Jersey cow. Reasonable.
JHqiljrp 322 Qalhoun street. . in
F6R SALE Jtawlcigh products. 410
West Fourth SI. Black 13111. J2I!
FOR SALE -Tcn-room hotel. Inquire
box 67, Kent, Oregon. J20
FOR SALE Dry bak wood; old oak,
$11 50; second growth, $12.50. Deliv
ered. Call 30F22, after ti p. m. If
FOR SALE Cheap. Ford louilug
cur. Inquire Sunnet garase. 10
FOR SALE By owner, 5-room plast
ered house and sleeping porch.
Good location. Terms like rent.
Price $1350. E. C. Fitzgerald, tcl-i-
pjioiio SF13, .30
l" OH ii AhvZ-Dodge commercial car,
1920 model. Al condition. Will take
light car in trade. Write box X2 cue
Chronicle. I
FOlt SALEAl "hlubjrbTixTha n
net complete. Used one season. Will
trade for horses, sheep, cattle r
hogs. A. S. Milne, black 11102. 30
FOR SALE Uirgo and t,mall farm
" nrul1 orchard tractR. Reasonabln
prices, good terms. W. C. Hunan,
niiliir, Oie. 181 r.
FOR SALE ComplolQ threshing" ui.i
chine. 28-inch J. I. Cai.e scp.tratoi'
and ou-;ine. Outfit in I'irsi clci-n c((;
ditjijn. E. Read. Bulck, tiarage,
Tnluphonu niaju 921. 271 f
.MAOinNhiflY FOIt SALIC As I havo
rented all' my 'land, I have one" 75
C. L. Best tractor with plows,
drills, discs, burrows, ele.. for
tti. Also , Fordtiori.'r.acior apd
I'pregon Special" Ifolt Combine
A, G. Fiolwald, ions,, Oregon. , Jl
FOR S ALE: Oil o24 -inch " s t e el CaTe
separator; l'.'-hor.-'o Autumn Ta
lor steam tractor engine; 150 end
lots belt, complete, $750.0)1. One
seven-foot McCormlck binder, used
one season, In good repair, $150 00.
One carload cedar posts, Moot, 10
tenm, f. o. b, cara Parkdalo, Ore
'I'lmnll,,- V.'r.., o:i Da i-lril . In fr w.
FOR SALE-Ciop and two yours' li'iihe
on my lo-acrc farm lu Tlioriip-'
snn'o addition. Modern house, five!
acres alfttlfa, ready to' cut; twin
acres Wheat, nprltota, cherries,
peached, plums, pears, applet audj
grapeti, Mrs, Fannie McEiich.)rii,i
; t " rrr"- tt : r"
Z H ;
Ckonide Classified Adverisements
Thomps-on oddjtlon, ...-TuluphPiieiKosHiHi- Sihslon
black 4012. :
WANTED-; Cook for rqufh. W. D. U-i-
dervtiod, telephone 13F2. 31
WANTED To hire caipet,
Write box 35. rout 1.
WANTED Bright girl lo lenm
marking and norting. Model Laun.
dry. . J
By John M. Glcissncr'
(t'tilloil ,i'vn Slnfr On iTsiipndi'iit)
U'ASIMNCTON,, Ma III), -The sen
ate this week Is e::pcctcd to pats lite
nsusil appiopriallous bill, which has
been the subject of protracted debate
and ."end It to conlci nice with the
house, where dlflciences between tin?
two chum bint adjusted.
.Senators have I'inlalicd consilium,
lion of the building program, the per
sonnel and disarmament, about wjilc'i
I licre was greatest dispute, so little
remains to be done. The bill wlil bi
i iiken up Tuesday, since conareHS
lias adjourned ooi"Menioi Inl Day.
A dispiitu"with the hoio -is-in pros
pect over (lie illsaruiaiueiit ameii'!-
i A' A NT HI) Position a.i pnu'tlcn!
nur.u'. Conl'lncineul cns"s p-elVrrc!
Mis. D. A. Comwell. black I7!it.. I
:r--;.-.- ' r
LOST Alligator pin. Tteturn to Ore-
gon Uakory. Ueward. 110
TAKEN UP-Ucd and while cow. I..
McDonald, box 2."), Uoiile t. 1
LOST On paseiint grounds, a child'",
darkHduo cape, trimmed In black
bone buttons. Return to Chrouiclr1
office. Reward. 30
MONEY TO LEND to property owny n
lor building purposes. . l. uilch-
oil, 403 Washington street.
HEMSTITCHING and buttons cpver
ed. Mrs. A. J. Moline, 007 Union
street. -IS
IIICMSTITCHINGPlcot edging: Mrs.
i. M nnnllihv. M8 Washlnetoii
street. Telephone main r.ssi. tf
turo nnd piano moving. Freight
... . .....
iirtiinu .UKi suitiu. "I"'-
ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101;
residence black 1352. J. E. HcnVle.
Portland-The Dalle3 Truck Service
General freight hauling. Leaves,
Portland 2 p. m. Leaves The Dalles.
1:30 p. m. Dally service. The Dalle.'
telephone red 0741. Portland tele-
phones. Marshall 1353 or east 3t)0p,.J17
iu.iur i'UNiOL A nd repaired, ac
tion icgulatlng and relinishlng.
Player actions a specialty. Work
guaranteed. S, A. Dockstndnr, Cor
son Mii'ile store. 320 Fast Second
street. Telephone main lOfil. tf
Maud Miifeum Sfdlwdl,
Teacher of
Piano, Harmony ami Theory."
Lcschetizky nielhod. Special atten
tion iriven to bcglnneri!. .Sunimer term
opens Juno 15. Phono red 3491. Stu
dio Hioo Fulton street .J20
General real estate, nsurarce, nnd
(oans. 100J East Second street. Telo- j
phone main 1571. 2Ktf '
Tc.ichel of Piano
Summer clayncs open J.uuo I. Tqb
phono black (J221. Studio at 20 ,
....... '
Ninth street.
Taught 'by
l.e.'soiis" by Aiioiiitmeul
IJinpicss Theatre Plauist
Wfliit Track Vm
Fi eight and oxprva bifAecu The
Unites and Wasco, Mojo and all wat
ulnis Leave The Halloa, !) a. m
dally except Sunday Leave Moio
1:30 p in, Ixjhvo U'.im:ii, 2:30 p. in
D. M. Pierce, proprlolor, Tclephon;
li.acl- :H2 or main 471. H'
Whitney Repair Shop
709 East Second St.
Voters Attention I
riiiiO-flmt Legislative Amii'liiVlJ
IiHiodiicitl liy Mr. Roberts (by, re
Hues; ) and read fitst January
28. l'J21. ,,
I'oi jiii .n t in irgulalc the ht'liou
of bciiou illii'c'.ora iii.uiatr cik. of tui.
first clam! and 8icclfying iictlio(s of
nominating cnndldaien for dlreeiors.
Be It Enacted by the People of
the State of Or agon:
Hecthm J. Til-' dUlrict school
menl In the bill. House Loader Mon
dell nml others think I he provision
or the Hiiieniliiicut are not siifi'lcienily
broad and expect to make change.) ju
The tinny aiproprla!iiins bill Is
walling ItR turn In Hie rciuiIu, the
same group Hint has opposed passage
of the n aval blil seek to mil ruin Its
The house limited the ,j7.e ol' I lie
a: my to IGlMUMi, senate leaders wPI
seek to Increase It lo 170.000 In iu-ri-onse
to a plea I rum Secretary of
War Weeks.
Tim bouse will piobably lie unable
to begin consideration of the resolu
tion eslabl.lpblng pinei; with, .Ger
many bofmr next week, as fbairnnn
1'orler of llio .oininl!tee of t'oiel'iii
rcliillopn. doe? not exuecl It to Motive
IbC blinds uf the contitiittQu liulurc
that time.
-Bennett Taxl-
Main U0G1-
-.Maln Ot. l
hoard of a school district ot the first
j class shall piovide uniform printed
ballots for the election of members
of tlje board of directors and .shall
contain the niunps of all candidates
whose ceitlficatc.s of nomination
have been duly made and iic,d n.s
herein provided; and at the end of
I the list of candidates nominated
t,cl.(. In 11 be .added a number of
. hinnk spaces equal to the number
I of ilh"!ctors to be elected, In which
j the elector may write the panics
'of persons not printed en the bal
lot for whom he wishes to vote. The
name of any qualified elector -shall
be placed on Ihe ballot as a candi
date for. the office of school direc
tor upon filing with the clock of the
school disfriet. at least seven days
prior to tli.e date of ihe election, of
1 a certificate of nomination, slsned
j by not less than three per cent of
the number, and is no case by less
than ten persons, of the qualified
'electors voting tor the office of
'school director nt t lie last annual
school election; provided, however,
that there shall bo filed with the
1 clerk an acceptance
of nomination
, , by (lie nominee at
least five days
! prior to the date of such election,
otherwise such nomination snail be
I void; provided .turther, that In ills.
nwn-u l,vlniv Mvonlv
thousand chil-
dlTn of schtuM agq, or over, the cer
tificate of nomination shall be tiled
twelve days,:tand the acceptance of
nomination filed ten days prior to
I Ihe date of election.
Notice For Purchase of Cord and Slab
J Wood. '"
Notice is hereby given llial school
board of district number 12.' Wasco
county, Oregon, will receive sriilcd
bids for fuinlshlng'lhc following lot''
- of four foot cord wood. Fir or pine
must be first grade, made of largi
tiniber. Oak must be second growth,
not less I ban four inches, no more
Mian eight Inches' in diametdr. De
liveries in lie-1 be completed on or be
fore 'August 1, 1021.
High school, 5 cords slab wood
Whlttich pine or fir, 50 cords; oak.
5 cords. '
East 1 1 III, slab wood, 5 cords.
West End, pine or lir, 20 cords.
Thonipcon's Addition, plno or Mr.
30 cords; oak, 10 cords.
Bills must be presented on or beloiv
June !Uh, 1U21. The boiud reserve'
the right lo re.het any or all bids.
By order or boinl of school dlstrl'.'i
number 12.
Attest: Prudence 'M. Patterson, clerk
' " inwfw
Svui)is ef tin' A .Still nt f tl"'
Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.
nf .'i & 7 S.i. W'lh'iini Ht I" Hi'' liii"
in' N-- 'Citv nf .' " Turk) en
till' lllllt lil .t '!' ef Pei i-uilirr. IHJH.
iiihiIi in tli.. liiMirini'i' Ciiiiiiiliiiiiii'r hi
tin:! of M.'i'i-'M. ii'iisiiaiil to law:
aiiikiu ;if Him-k eniil
'n.'i ' '
ii ;i
Nel iiu-ihIuiiih in-.ivfil ilur
ll,.,- tin. ;..ii VJ.yiit.:i'.'7.ll
liilfri-'-l. ili' 1.1 "inl tniil
rn'M-lvi-U iluilns I In- tnr 1 1 '.',H I D.t'J
lllllilll" fldlll 4-t tt -t ttllltlcl'l.
n litl iluiiiii- llif )''.'ir li'.'ff.ii 1,1.1
Total ' In. n :i,7a:s,l lu'ii
Xi't lo p'l'.il ili rms ll"'
i'p iiulinliiii ailliuliiKjiiK
ii'iii'H ,.' ,''t'J, lljtl. i I
I 'i.ihiiiIumIoii- iiimI u i Ii'"
' ii.i(l tliu iiis lie- ' I'lir S'JJ.'.li'.'.'i I
Til". (Ici'ie ""I I'l't. imi'l .'..'rJ
iliirinx tin' n"ir Idtl.ti.""...,
Aji'oiiiiI uf jill.nllitr .'Vlji'in
illuin-; ' irim Iiik .'iimI U-
ll(iin-i-. . IjuIih"'. ;nii,'.1
ifnil Iplriiii'M 7 7 1 Tl .7.-
i:.'uil('!e'.(j i li'iiie- ullivi) tl.o.'il,H:il.l!l
Till j I t-tiii ihIiIhk , i''jO, I, l.'Jd
N.llJH. i.f ulivltk ll I'JMIiH
(.KM..J ( nun : ' vxiiii.i . ;,. i.'ijj'u.i i
l.uii. i uii inn. .v. . i'i'i! l.ul
i.ti-r-i: io ti,":s r.o
Cii-i', In linn' n 'iri'l mi l.nii T'J.II'.O
I'ri'iiiliuiis' In iniir'' nt rnl-
li-ilimi urittru hut Msi
ItinliCl... ". l!tJ".
IiiIVk'sI ihiiI i'iiiU 1m' ufiil
i.l'?m-il ..
,ot,w'ili;c f in in xutliurlzrd
"t-V:VPd'C v
?!,-. 01
I. I O.'ld.'i I
.f.i,'.' oi:'jT.'.ir,
Toll u'Jiiilit'il i'.
r - r.i.biiiUfi
l.'io.n .i.ljiiii-, for to!- i
, 4 i.fjja.-'7y.o7
Aiiliiiinl i.f iinrrrnrit nri'iii
liliriv in) - 1 1 oul t mil i ii
rM.ii ' ' "SL'l.'a If
Hmfior t oiiiiiiiion iimI liru
I.Vr'ir ' l.W,H'J
All ntlirr lliiliilitir.. iiDioillit
rttluialrjl lirrfllti'r, u.iy-
lilr, iii lii jur'f liu-.,
fiiii it . '. . .." 113,0m ui
li-i. luf . .. ' .. '1,11111 lin
Total I !iiIiIih l.0.lJ!l(V JIM
HmfIiiis In Or?on for fie Ver
Nrl iirinimii. ri'i fVlt ilur
i III' r .
'I'HK iiiuivr i vsi itA.vtu: co i.tii.
lli-niliii I liulk'i I H Hi. n.i'ir
1 " '':. 7 -ii' ' itciiif'..fpr,,j;r'iir
(' A. '. I trmr, ) com JIMz.
I'..rtj.,U , , f'i,
im-- uf t. ' t a ' ii . nf
Insurance Co.
if rixri-Liul, u I Ii h Hrlr uf flliin. nil
III Hurl) fir. I ilar i.f (ifrmS.ti H;il
mi 3d t lo lif linurjriff Cfiuuiifiluimr ul
l!i t'Lilc uf Oregon. imiiiIiI lu Inn:
Aimiiint pf capltnl lnok p :td
up ? ,
Nil prniilimn rri-"ivcil ilur
Ina llir .vi'nr f 8ti!l,t'.,Vi," I
lnliTfol. illrliliMnU.nfuL i' iiIk
icn-hi'il iliirliiB llif 50, ITO.lill
liKome from ot Mir miiiicm
rricboit diulni; llio Jt'iir .'1,7'J 7u
Tiilnl iiironir . f Uliy,.",8ll. jtl
Net li) pl(l iliiriiu Hie
; r Iiii-UhIiis niljiisliuciil
rvi(.isc . ' $ l'2J,ll,-ni ll'.l
I uniinNbiiiiii ami Hrttlilcs
unlit iliiilnt tiio vi-hi- j ;..":'..
'IVm's, llcciinf. nmt frcn ii.iid
dm Ins llir jcur 2'J, HU.'.lii
AikiiiiiiI uf nil ntlirr rvpru-
illtilrrs . . . ti.i.lliin.'Jtt
Tulnl rtp'U(lltiiriH f 8'.'7,'JJ'J. 1 1
Vi'ltii1 uf reitl rnlnto ownpil
(murVrl ruliirl
Value of ln.-i.ii nnd Ixirnh
n'viird i iniirU.'t vnlui-1
L.i.i ii h on .MoitKHsc" iimI inl
liltrl-nl, i-tr
I'nsli in liimkx nnd Ifii luiinl
11 nil In run In t-uilrso nf cdl-li'i-linii
wrilli-n slmi'i Sep
luniiii- no, nun
liilrriMl and inlet due mid
in cl uid
Tui. 1 1 admitted s vein
1. 3d 1.29 1. 1. 1
r.nii.'iT "..!
J?.tH 0 Bit
ti l"o
Ih tins for lo(e nn
.i H7,Pu'J.I7
.Miiiniiu oi iiiirjirnii pri'in
linns on nil (Mititnmlhu
All other ILititlll .
. C.II'J. IP 7. H
'I'olnl Ihilnllt ie. I ii if u
of ciipliHl. stock of Jrjli'.l,
.li'tl.tlil i 777,iil'J.;i'.
, Biilntss . In Oregon for the Tear
Nrt premiums 'received ilur-
ins' tin- cr ( $ 'Jl.ssn.ii'l
l.nssiv paid during lle jer .'I.S'.lii.ll I
l.nsi i ii.ii 1 1 oil diulni: the
irw MI41.UI
TUB t'l.i:vi:i.ANI XATIUNMI. 1'IKK
i:. K'lnib.ill, I'lesliteiit
1 Ari'liUinld Kepip. Nfcrftnr.v I
Slnti.lorT lesideut Rttoriiey for nervice- -A
l. Trmil,e, I'm timid, t)rr:un,
,l nnpsls of I li Aniiiinl 8lntenirnt of tin-
Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd.
of Loudon, KicjIhiiiI on tile llilrti first
diiy of Deceinlier, Ill'.'U, iniiilc In Hie
losur.iiKv ''ouiiiiishioiier vf the .Stale of
Oregon, purU8iit In I. in :
Aninuut nf i-.ipital hlncl, paid
up ... , 5 L'OU.UUO.UU
Net pi .-in in nt s rei'eired dor-
Iiib Hie, ji'iir .$l,'J0U,7UlTI
luieievt, iliiiileniiH unit rents
rweeivl'd diiiinz the yeiir . OU.UDiJ.fil
In. nine liiiin other sources
leceived during tlie H-J,7fl7,H"
Total iui ome .. .. 1, 1 19,0,10.811
Net lnvs.'s paid during the
. ii'Hr including adjustment . . $ llfirt.Otl I
C(iinnnssionii and hal.iriry
pnld during the jeur. 111! 1, 71111.27
Tar, licenses 'and fees
paid during Ihe Jrnr 11 l,'.'07.'.'il
Amount of nit other evpeu-
dituici ... ' . . li)l.ti'J8.:i'.'
'I'oliil evpeiidltuies ft I, liu,7IIU.0j
l'a(e of stocks and bonds-
on lied iniarket value) $ I, I lit. 1 10.00
t'avli in I. .inks ami on haul 7, HOP UU
Premiums iu course of col-
lection wrilliii since Sep-
temlicr r.O, 1!I-JI 1 1, Hid. IS
Interest and u'lils dup and
.n-citted . 11.1, .1 111. 71!
Other niseis . IK.SIM.UH
Total ailinillc.I assets I,, 1,1,1, IIM.HS
0(oss rln Inis for lessen uii-
pjld f nn'.','jos,0(l
Amounl of niienrned pre-
iniupis un all oultauiliug
ritkn . ' "D.S.'iil I. Ill
Hue for ruuiiniilsW .and bru-
keiage in.ilbO.IIO
All olhvr liabilities ,., . ;n.78!.ia
Total liabilities- . ... , .fl.ODJ.IJIl ll'j
Al.lilAN'UK.. ASJjllKANtli: t.'O.,, I.TI).
' ' lleii.loii'Chilbb.'T. 8lBi'.,
MUlulury reiidenl ntlniner for rtice
V It. l'arringtou, Portland. Or,
fluiopvis of the Aniniai Jit'aleinc'n't of tin-
Union Insurance Society of
Canton, Ltd.
on t In- Ihirty-iirsi day of Deicmhcr, lP'.Mi,
made to the lusurntKe ( 'out iiiIsn imirr of
the Mini,, uf (Ircgiiu. purauaut to law;
'Amvuiil of capital dcpunil $ lOU.OIIU.OU
N'cl piriiiiiinii received dur
ing liie year . . f, 51111, 7'.'-! ,etlt
luti'iesl, (lividcuds nnd rrpls
rccired iluriiis Ihe J i'.ir 2Hli,.'Jil7.'J I
lioonie fiom ollie:' sotr( es
Miiii.e duiiug I In- year l,(i;io,n I !'.. 1 1
Total illKini . . If!), 1110,117,1. 1
Net piid dui ing III..
(i.ii in. lulling ailjiisluienl
cspciiscs .!I,'J 7 I,u7(i.ll7
t 'iiuiiu ss'.iu s ami .alaiics
paid (Inrini; iIim year . '.', I-JU, 1 1 0. 1.1
Taves. liiciiscs and fees paid
(Idling the jenr '.' I l,.1(jll. 7
An omit nf all otliei cvpi-l.
illtnics . I.1P.II(II,'.'(
Tol il expcnililuies .. . 11, (170, Kit I, .1.1
I'alui. of slocks and bonds
nwiieJ (uiaiket .iluel . (i.'.M I.OSD.'IH
line iiiioi (.lliet i ninpiiuii's IU. Ill-',:iil
C'nsli In bunks and mi hum) .100,0.1,1, .17
riemiuins in itnirsc uT tol
lei lion n iitteu since .Sep
leinbcr 110, IW'.'ll M I.OG'J.I.'I
liilerrvt unit rents due "and
ac -rucd 711, ll't I J
Tol'il admitted sc!s
liross elaiiiiH for iossci
ii u pa id
fl, Ud'.'. 703. .11
viiii'iut or niicaiuMi pieui
iuius on all uuliitaiidlug
A other lialiiliilix
Total ililljllllll , viclimlU'
of capllul kliicl I li.O I r, Hk'.l ll'J
BnMii'SK in Orgon for.lUc Tear
Net piriniums- reeited dur
ing lb." ear t I IV. SC. lit)
Ins. p.ild ili.riog Ihe 'r I'.'.TiO 'A'.l
loss's lin iirrd diiiiug the
i rs iu mi g7
Ma mil A Mel-cii'iaii, I'. H Mir.
ilalnlnn lesident nllotuei for ervi(e
In.urain" oiiiiiuHaloucr, SiImiii,
IJreg.pi of III- liinii'il pi
The World Auxiliary Insur
ance Corp'n, Ltd.
of f.oniloii, l,n!nil. on Ihr thli'v (ir l
la v of li.i i.n.iicr 111'.'-1 1. niiile lo ll
iiisiirau."c I oiii.iiis .ioni-r -if the iut ii
Oregon, pursuant to liv.
lirouni of cip i'il ilepm't f ,'( I -mo il.l
Net tireeiiiiuis fHieiveil dur
illg the 'car , U.1 1. s:t .;-;
lrilfii. dividends and rent.
reieited diirrig Ih" jrfr U'l,'.'llit.7l
Iniorne liom oilier imirrei
leiiiti'd (Iniiiig the ycr UO.UiPJ.'.iO
Tout Inconi'' , fl,7Hd. 01:1,03
Vel lo.sis piid iluiln Ihe ' ..,
t;ar iic'lieliug adjustment
expensei . f
I oiiiml.siiius in. I Milarii k
Paid during the yesr
I'jti-., licenses mil fera P'I'I
dtirin.- tlie tear
iii'mtnt nf all other tsiei.
I ,J'J.V'.M
lin, I ,(.!'(;
Toal e.p.iigi(-r.
1 al'it of linl and bdiidi
oleJ iin.rV". lie'l ,
I is'l' In lian'.r and on
l,reilllnl(. In -tm of Cdl-'
I I 1.0 1.1 7.1
I, (Pyi Vj 1 1 fl" .Idle. Hep
lenib.r if". I.'e.'o '
i 7.110 I. till
intrifsi mni fcnn uiie i nn
crueil I ' s'i mi admitted a.e M,M.'.(l.),J I
J.'tRllllbf Y"
liuis. l iiiin. or 1 1.
oiip'id i.ij.nda.i'.'
i ii iiiiiii i
iiili'i , op . all oiililaudiiii
,fiVr. , n -h ," 5ft 1. 1 'IJ, I a
All ojly-t labitjiir. ,7 ,
'J'liUl Julj.iluii'.. ei tu.ltc
1', ly,ai iiruif.ii
J '.'00.0(111 fid ' 70.1 HI (1!
Huiliieu lu Oman for th Tx
Nfi pr -iiiliiitii recrited ilur
int Ihe rear 1 7li 'I 'I
I nlies pa I ilni-iu- Ihe 'tAj .'"'.".'
l.miri incurred during h
."ear .. . a.U 72
Th V(im,i AfXtl.tAKV tNHt HANOI;
iin.-iii, K ,M.ei.t,iiiiin,. r h, Mgrs.
Sttltnory 're.lrlnt littoriley iftce-
A. V lliber. .", Orfroli.
Svnopvi of th Annual St.lnnenl of
The Washington Marine
Insurance Co. of New York
of tlie MHle of New York un Ihe tlilrly
flut day of llr(.f mlnir, I'J'jl), made lo
Ihe Iiiaiit.ii..e Cummlkslouri of (lie State
of Orrisou, piirsnaiil In lair:
Amount f capita! slock paid
Net pieti'iunn received din
ing tlie jear i I.Ollo.s; (,'J I
Interest, iltideins and rents
rei rlveil during the vesr .!, I til.'Jil
lucouie d ami other oures
tecflted during the )ear .1.4, Hi I Oil
Total . income . I, I H.i,71 1 .jp
. Dl.vburfmeiils
Ni t i Ui.scs paid , dm lug Ihe
Sear Including inlJipitjpciit
evpeuses ,. .M.-t'J I. I7il.'i.1
f (imiiivs,ius ami saint ies
paid dilring llij. u-a-'.O:)
Tnses. IIciusk auit.fota Jiald
diuing Hp' .year yij.oi'J.oO
Amounl of all oilier evpeu-
diiufes . . .. .ly.n-n n
Tolal e.peuditmc,s .. , 1, Hl'J.Oil
Vani vf je.-il estate rjwne,!
(luarset vaini.) j i.ggj.oio.OO
Loans on Mortgages and col
latent, etc. t'.'l. 77.20
Cash III Inn'-v and on linml I'.OI.Plfi.Hli
I'lemimns in i nurse nf col-
'ectlon writlen s'lue Sep-
tcinbif "0, IPJ0 . 5,7115.90
Kclusur-iuce leeoverable ini
liaid tosses . ll.'l.-tl.OO
Inteiesl and rents due and
aciriicd, lillls if inferable "
Total admitted assets . .$1,71,1,23 1.118
Hro claims for buses un-
'iid ,17 7,, 1 1'.'. 1 1
Amonlii pf unearned pri'mb ,
inns on all o'ult.npt!ig
liska 'JH,MII.II2
All other liabillliev . . 'Jl i. Mil 71
Total liabilities- . ..f 1,01 1. till 1.5 I
Busln.fs in Oregon for the Year
Net piemimna received (lut
ing Ihe year . .. .if a.lflp.'J
JPisr,s .Incjirreil ilnrlng the
vear , m.iin
.llrv Keliayrv, I'resldeut
ll. IV, Mnrray, Seevolary
Statutory .resident attiirnev for seni'i
frank K', Umllh, 1'ortlainl.
" noiis of Ihe Ainiual Hlalenient of
The Travelers Indemnity Co.
nf llartfonl, iu Hie Stale of Connecticut,
on ili thitlv-flist day of December. ID'JO.
iradr to the liisiivauce t'ouiminainuer of
tin,' Stae of )iecnu, inihi)aiH to Live:
AniiMiut of capital Muck paid
Bp .(II, .100,000.00
Net p"cmjuins lecelved dur
ing the irar ff,'JNl,U'J8,U(i
Interest, dMdomU and tepls
rceelfeil during the year 'J'JU.Sllll.ll.l
Ineoinu fiojji other oiirev
rti'eiTfJ' during I lie year 777.'J.1U.'2.1
Tolal iiifome.. !,'Jll'J,88.'J,J
Net losses paid ilur'n- tlie
i'Far ipcludlng adinslUH'.'U
eviiensea S:i,.1rt'J,ll7.1. 1."
Commissions and sulari).
paid during the year . II, 111S, 177.10
Taves. Ilveuaes unit fqes paid
(luring the jear.. , . 'JliP.ii'JI.'Jg
Anounl of all othfjr evpeu-
, ditmes ." . ... asfi.iH2.ia
Tolal evpendituies $7,21)8,23,1,11(1
Assets ,
Value of stuck a nnd bonds
own'd (market ralue) Si,1,USl,07'J.iJ0
l.pans oii.nioilgasrs ami col
lateral, etc, . . UU2,AD9,!I7
Cash in bHiika and on hand 7 12, U 111,10
I'l "llliuills iu qf col-
lection' written aluee. Sep
tember ;io, llli'o ... ,. 1,20,1,80 7,1)3
I lit i fit mid lenls due and
nd'iued 7(1.1139, 3,1
Tolal nduiltteil assets g.nuu ,101 11
('loss ilalins fur losses un
patd. ' , fijl!,170.!l1
Amount of iiiieaVueil premi-
iiius on ajl unlsliiii(iig
lisks ' ' I.UOii.l.lH. 13
line lor ' ommissiuu aii.rurn-
., :ij:i.:.7i.'ji
an .(i l ii i
ier liabilities
'I'olal liabilities ex'ilusive of sloi'k of IF I ,.1t,0,
000.00 !.ll7!.0Hl.r1
Butlnem lu Oregon for the Tear
Net pi ciniunin received dur
ing Ihe v'ear lO.llflli P
Losses paid during llio leu- 23, Hill, II
I.. I', Ilu'tler, l'-e,i,
.. .1. JL, Coleniu, Sfeiflr,i; ,
Statutory resident attorney for service
I'hll (Iromnayer, rortlnnd, ttregon
Srnoials nf the Annual .Statement of the
Union Hispano Americana dc
Segurns, S. A.
of II avails, in the JlCP'it'lic of ('u)ia. on
Ihe Hlbl da' of Ufi cuibi r, IPlo, niade In
Hie Insiiiaucc I iiui in Isu Ihiu i of Hie Stale
n( D.rrgou, MiMiini lo luiv
Aniouiil of alalnlory deposit $ 100,000.00
Net picinluuis received dur
ing Hie tear 3,111,11.10,17
Interest, ilitluVinK iiiiit.ienl.
rccelted during Hie veir 1 .07
linome from 'ithcr .ources
n T,h rd (luting tin yn.i I I !l,.1(i'.'. 1 1
I'iillll lllioin.. f.l. '120,7:1 l.'J'J
Net losses paid iluiint the
icar iiicildili'( ailjpslineul
' vpfiisc. I j.lll'l. I 2 1 .72
t'oiiiiiiissl.nis and sat, tiles
i,iiid (luiug th. ,iear 1 ,0 lO.Ju-i.O I
Ta'-r. liceiui's unit fees paid
dm Inc llir ,v o M c ' 1 1, 1 H.,12,.i uf ,s.!l olliei cvpendi-
lnic . .- 2P1I, till .H
'l'ot..l npdliju..s , ,. . ( J.l'lo.'i'lli. 13
A !'.
A'alucs i(f stocks apd bnl(.
nniii-d fiiuik"! vitucl' 2, 1 :M.'I7 I .HI
i'.i.Ii in bsnks and on luiu-l 27 1, 0H7, '
Vn milling i our..' pi ml
I ( I ''ill " i Itlcn siui I Sen
leuibci ,'10. Ilrjtl' 207. 307, 711
ImI1'-s and nuts due and
fl'-ciucd '.'3. II7..12
Total admllti-.l I. el. W.H Ill.e.'cl7 (11
Lios. claims for loisn ii ii-
pii't . -1 i-na.iiio 7 j
Aiuotait of unearned pr-mi
I'.vs oii all ouls'l Hiding
All "ilhe,,,,bi.J' . ' '- ' Jfioutu,
'Cut ll Jl.lhiiftii s I'n ti.sive
V v.1 iiii'n'. s'd'novii of
M'lOlmoqO ."i l.'J 1 .1,2 I
nus'im.i in OrV)ii for the Tear.
N ' in i iiiiii;ps t-ielved dur
ing Ihe i" i 1 1.7 C il
lass". ... I I llmlli'I Hie .esi II,:"7.1
I o .i, sniipirr-l during the
I.I.A71 17
,:ui nos. i
11'. II 'OeiPard. ' H MaiiWr"
Htni'in- resilient stlotii'i for i'rvi-' -
WbIIji v ,VIp,CaiOl ll . , I
SiopVls f Hi Vo'i I SI il.' ' nf Hi, 1
Central Manufacturers' Mulna) !
Insurance fJoinpany ,
n' I' ii Hn In In- ,-Jlnle .ft Oliin i.(i tin. I
.IJst i" )e cmlier. 10'Jli. mule In the I
lii-.'iruiM ii rniinnisvloiier of the Stale of '
Mlejo.l. nir.ill Hi ll-V.
Net liietlllUll s reieivcil (f(r
nit Hie 'eir tl.iWUii Oil
Inlire-I. -Holdi iidj ju'l,reils
ici iv ( ii ir-' 'the Veur 07 IU 17
lieytn froln oilier sources
H'itj'i..l duriii,- the jeji P.loii.uO
' Total ui-iliii.t ' -H.lfll, 17'J.lo
'.;) I,4se ,fld 'ijilrllfi (lie
ear tii'ludliu .idjuntiueut
e..l.e. kl)'0,,JPO,Jl
lli'liilcliil, l. I ' oil IHIHI.I
'" sli(c'.vdiiilii ff.l- ,.p.r UC. 1 1 s .it
Coiniill.slolls nipt si).ils
'., fl, .tirrluji (lie -,e UIH.vM.i U
Tin'.' llriihVs a'(ld fi
Mild JnjliJ I'ly 'I'll . V i'J.i I.I.I.'
Aii.iinnl uf 411 ulllvr evocinli
1 ,11 . .
IjI.'J'.' I 1,1
I lll.njil 17
Tui il i i,i iidiluic.
lalllf of ie.1 r.Ule uniiril
i in. r I ei .'ilce J
4 Inr nf .to' k mil Lobds
Ill OOII Oil
382, 175.00
p :
Tolal nilinltleil' asse' . .
' ' - LlabllltHa.
t.'ross elaliis flir lllasM tlie.
paid .$ 112,:llt).2l
An omit of unearned pienii-
mra on ,i'i (inlHUiiqg
risks , .
Due for eouitnlssion and
brokerage, 38,0;l.!.0l
All other ILibilllles . ... 20,000,05
Total liabilities, cvdnsltc
of capital stock ...$1,107,502.28
Buslnisi in Oreien rot the Tear.
Net preininma reeehed, dur
ing Ihe year , . ' t 13.il3l.t7
l.orses paid dnfitig the (ear D.StU.HG
l.n.vves Inciirrril during the . , .
year . .... I,rl92.5,1
M itiilt.t'j. resident nttot'ue'y for' erlei
11, (.' Jrnt.
i'iinpsls of the Annual Statement. ot-Ot
Indiana Lumbermens Mutuaf
Insurance .Company
of Inillnuiipotls, In the Slate of Indiana,
on the 31st. day, of Dccemlier, 1920, made
to the Insiliaiue I'omml.siiinn' of the
Stale of Orrgou, pursuant lo tafl
Net premiums, receltrit dur
ing Hie ver . . .1 8?U,912.75
Interest, dividends, and rents
received puring. Hie iar U'J,'JG9.76
li me from oilier i'ourees
revived durinx the year 7, juo.OO
Tolsl Income - $ (l3t),U'J.qt
Net loses pivfil durng tr-e.
jear tnciiH'oiR aiijnsimeni
sNprnscs . . -Iliv
idr ili paid to pplicy-
hoblers during the Jear
I'ominis.lons and salaries
paid during Ji, vear
Taret, licenses iiinl fees paid
270,171. 5
1101,1)33. 86
(idling ine jrnr .
Aninunt ot nil other e'peudi-
'I'olal eapeuditurcs . ...... . 700,301,84
Vnliie of leal estate owned
(oi'irket atue), - . i
Value of sluiM and l)p.llM
oi'i(,'d (inarKet value)
Loans on niortH.'SHs and col-
tali-tali etc. ' " . .
I'.isl. in banks and an hand
Premiums iu course of co-
feetlon' wtjileii' aljlce Sell-
tenib'er '30. 1020 . .
Intercut mid rents due and
ac( rued ( ... -
fi'J 1.1)00.00
s -f
Tnlal 1,12.005.51)
Not adinitled 5Q.gji8.0O
Total .idinitleil1 ilKkiila 395,137.58
H abilities,
titoss claims for Ipssca u- . .-i... .1 .
paid .. .,. ... .,-1 'jl.lijl.t0
Amount of unearned iMjtli. . ;
urns on" all outstanding. .,.
,ks IUP, 8 411.85
Due fur commlvs(oii' and
tiiokenige. etc. .,:.v. 20,210,5!)
All, other llailllliea - ' 01 1,049.15
Tol at liabilities, ..eiiiluillsc ....
i,f eipftai stlit 3' .''..i:i7.59
Huslnesa n pr?n Tfir.
N- l ii eiiin resel.te.l m-.- . , .,.
lug (bo year . . .. J':S?'2'J
Losses paid during Ihe year, 3,181.8
Losses iuenrrS'l iliirinn ' thfy ,,.t.,a-,,
vear . .... 1,1-3. 7J
txtjtinAN'ou: opMifA.s;v,
.1. W. iMtmeli; rresldeni, ,
V. II, I'owlcv. Sdirelajy: i..."
StaliiKir,.' resident ullOrney for lerTl..-
P. 1. Pln'ey, 1013 Hoard ot Trade
llldir., '.I'orlLlnJ. Orl'tio".
Sruops'l of llie AnnliliD'irltate'ment-'of iihe
Pitphliwrg Mtituftl Tire Imi 0o.
ot rie)ibvirg. in' t Ji " Sj"!".
ihusetta. 'op llie OHt day of rteeamlirr,
1020. made V) Ihe iMirtice tortnntsslon.
cr of the aiiiti of Orp.'O", PUfsuiiit to
law :
Net premium 1'ocelv.ed. dur-
lug the yeilr , - . .S o08,536,.il
Interest, dividends rtmt,rens
ro'clved during the year 12J,JJ9.0
Total Income ,1 1 oOl.flJtf.O.?
Net lovt-ea paid dlli'iul: ,rh
.Vsr Inclildllis adjuktoieut
lirif Iiui JUKI IV lueiv -
holileis during (He year -,
Copiiniyslons and sjlarlf
paid during Ihe vear '.
'1'ives, licenses, and fees paid
iluring Ih'' year, i ., '
Amount of al other pcitl).
tut'-'s ' . . . -Decrease
l' rdnl elit. iissts
' I0,l'ij.3s
' 1,0110.00
Totnl e.vpeiidllori's ' . 120,'i3t'.'J'7
Vlilue of teal , cat uly, o.rvned
fimirket valhn) . " I
Value of slocks ai(l bonds
nwifail (tnai-ki:) value)
U.liisui'alice due on paid
' Ins-'s, Kcieilu)i K M 1 1
Cash In brinks und on haiiJ
I'reiuimii.s in rpurse 01 c'li
lection ivrlttru .luce .Sep
tember. 110, .Itc'o , ' .. . . 55,0l'J.H
luteicst Mini tents due nnd
accrued 1,0,01. 77
Total lldinltle.l aiseiV' .'. 53'J,OOI).iJ7
tlabtmif j. ,
Cok .el ijins for losses ug-
.lii 'iiliit of iilirncil premi
ums on all ouUtaniliiig
lis' . ' : ' .'. O'JU.170,10
Dim for cniiinilssjon and '
lirokernge . . H.IIOO.OO
W':. ' "'".II1... V1'1"'-''" ' a fl,
li(il(-rs . . ', ,. ,' 2,727.87
Salnilis and laves accrued H.uOf0
Tidal llatilllU'vs. fvelu'slre
of capllil Klmk ll7H.ij'J(IO
Business' In 'Oraijon for the Tar.
Net 'pri iitfiiiua te.ectv.'il dur,
tug tin.' pr , 1 3,.l(iO,J!l
liisvs pi) Id iljirlug.llie .Sr ' '.',1111,78
l.oe during the
'lie 73.1.10
PITCIIIil llll' VllTllll. KIIIK INS. CO,
I liicolp I! 1V.Mi, 'President,
.i-i. Tierrick iV. Pprj'er, SiirJare
Stalei'in resident allnrnev for service
!' I.' Pinle.-, Porltainl.
S. nn;isis of He lei'ml Stvlemtril 'if the
Sea Insurance Co,. Ltd.
i.f t leipnol. KnjtLnd 11,1 thf, .thirty
fiisl ibi) or Deeemlirr. lOJii. in ad to th
iisiiiaiuv Couiin1,,')!! pf Ihe Slat ot
Oregon, pniiuaiil lu Is.':.. '
Viui'i'iil i.f (japlbil lii;V , 1 v
P'.id pp .. .'OO.'odo.iiu
x ei inemiui) ree'lve l dur t
li ll' rir .wVJ.'.V'J.OlOD
tnterr.l. dirlileml. sii.i.ienH
ree. .,'. dhrliit llie-'f.r y,il3'J.3J
In-'iiiiie, fiovi elhar so'ilifs
if ,''rtsd during !h ,eu l.oii.'l.oUO.Oi
Toll ip, co..- , .l),H.1,ail.s't
V los es. Iisjll d'Tlng Ih , ,
cir luvlii'llng injiiliiienl
o.'ii.'s " .,1,130.3 It'.'-'
I '('Oiie'sslcn; .lid, via lie '
(piid ilvriu; Id' 7"sr . 7(11.1)111.77
Tuts Ilrelee's nnd f.;e. pjld ' "
iii'u; lb" .?.e"'- 1 V) 001 1.1
Anijnpt nf iil otiiar-p-n- , ' . ,
lUturev ' ' ' ' ' ' 1.19X19 il
Tolal ,Hpi mature. "til, I '1 925 1 J
line ot' slocks 'all .I " ni'llls
n-n'l (li'sikft 'aliiel J,1U,III.21
Cs.b It) 11V 4 ind on l.ijild , l.t.'J.d
I'l'mliims In innrs" if Mil-
l.,l..l,' wet,,a .1.,.. Uii.. '"1- '
Hucrit 4id ri'nn 'J if .i"l
Other mi'ti
Tnlil sduiilli'.r -is.-ts fi lliJi'SM,'
Mlbllltlf. ''trW?.,'
Urns, il.iiu'. for lo.sel 1. 11
...(., .1 - - .
iiiiu'ini 1,1 inteirni'l "r-
.riliinri (.'Jl al( imtmudjlir
i... 1.... .1. .1.... ..,.1 - .
"S f'l .,.... if -.
' llf.OOO.IIII
11! lifliir li.l.Mtli
Tolal lie.'nUi. fl'lu. v ll,,.. ,,
e2.ltal sto.W 2'lv,4.UltA!7
Bualmii la pr.ion trx tke'Tiat
Nei pirMijiiim rreeijt'ij ijnr- , ' .
lug III- esr '
SKA ISSflt.lNCK Ctf, I.TIl.
Chubb k Hon, V H. Vlanixfra
Sutntort r'.l.l.iil atteruer fnv rtti-a
M II lanu, lVrll,ti(,
uivnrd (morkFt value)
Loans on inoriguges, nrjtl en!-
Illlyral. ete. '
Cash In banks ami on tUml
I'rejniuuis iu foiirse of ol-
lecllon written slnec Sep-
li'inber 110. JU20 , ...
1 11 1 err c t and icnls due mid
Hcrnnil ', ,