PAOE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHnpNICLC. MONDAY, MAY. .30, THE DAILY CHRONICLE tMlshc'd! 18P0. , Tim DnllM, Ore. Publfthcd Kvory HwnlriB Kicopt Sunday br the Chronicle Publishing company fnc Ben h. l.ttftn ". Ccncrnl Manngnr Entered In Tho Dalles postofflco na econd etas matter. -United Pros nnd United News Service Member ot Audit nuronn of Circulations , .. DA I LY C H ROfiTc UE B Y 7; ARRiER One year, In advance.... f.00, 81s months, In advance ..3.00 One month - 'B(J DAILY CHRONICLE BY MAIL Ono year, In advanvn .-..!", 00 BIX monthR, in nuviitice , 4.uu One monlb B" WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year. In advance....- $2.00 In ordorlliK cIiiiiiko of address, sub scriber should always rIvo old us Well a neiy nddresn. TCLUPIIONE8 Kdltorllil .Uooins. tJI'U ill Business. Adv., Clr. Dcota lied til Wubsrrlhi-i-M to n.- Clironlrln nn kiwi- .r..rt ,vlrn TVmnt.l firnl i-neiilir de IWery f 'vury subset iber's paper 3 tliul ""tin of tbfi t if iil.iUnii diiiwrlment. Tin-1 Chronicle carriers required tn pun Him nan,. on tlitt iioicli or wbeixver tlif unscrlbcr lshi' 'bo impir dcllvoted, IN MKMORIAM This morning Hie n"jvce men of The D.tllun. Horn lit- graj li-nid to the vets of '17, iiwi'inliN-il at I he co-Jit house and losidicd lo the cemetery lo do lionnw;e lo llioso who have dcpailcd from 1 1 1 t I r ranks Memorial Day etch year requires new slmilliranep, and rapidly H i.i 1;ccoiiiIiir the most solemn and exult ed observance of the it n. On this day i-.HkIoiih pieleienrea and other aie laid aside, and heads arc bowed H. leveunce to tho mcssasi! of the common chap lain. Amcilca Is yotuifi, but Ir r lisl ol glorious dead in moiinllng, and those who Biirvivn appreciate more keenly as the yeaio ro by, Hie debt which Is owed to the man who goes down to the sea or shoulders a musket in defence of Ilio homo land. From our national beginnings, an President Hauling said in his men sage to the American 1 egloii hint wcok, Memorial Daj marki. our recognition of those who have do served I lie monl that Hie nation could give of gralilude and nppiv elation. Tho great war lirouglii many ' of us abiuplly buck lo I he lenll.a lion that Memorial Day is nol one dedicated to p'cnlrn and sports; a holiday for recreation. A great ten dency Inward that tiling was oh seived for a number of years be fore 1!17, ami as Ihe lanks of the blue and Hie gray grew thinner, Ihe parados of -llioso faltlilul to I lie inemoiy of Ilia hero dead and the seivices held giew pHirully small And' lightly attended. Tho last blood lei Hug of Hie na tion reittlird Into every li'imlo' in Ihe nallon: Hie nun who did mil fall. Irnl limlrtl; n I lo llu-m in .Ilio ranks who pa-inert mi, eithei from ninths, injiiiy or enenn Him. and not a surviwr ImiIiij but who lomoinbers with poii-iiant regret Ihe Ihlnps that were happening Ihieo jeaiu ago Memorial Day, in tin iee-f.-ld itig nilicance, has eonu back lo Anuti ica in its truest spiiit, and as Hun goes on, this will iuere.ise. II in a day of iinipiration lo t'to Hue Alinr lean; who- should in mind i vei the thouglil thni I her." who have .matlo Ihe t;aerlf;e" Hist Hie nation Hlinuld live and inereasj in its might did not dio in vain. Prom the Atlantic lo tho Paelfle and fiom (lie ( ,imuliau Hue to Hi' gulf, In lb" nation's I'trltoiie: nerosn (be waters, men and woni' u today lionoied the d"ad ef all llu wins. The salutes lliat wore tired across the graves, the dirges 'thai wetu plajed and Ihe eulogies wore paid, weie not morel) lor Hie brave id 'HI and '17. They weio for nil. Hie gallants ol the tde'4e of YorUtown, Ilio Jaekl"s ul the rigale ('oiihIIIiiHoii, Hie Mormeitt of Veia Ciu.. the victim. i of the hapless Cuslei baud, the charge ol San .Inaii hill and Hie Agtlliialdo campaign. The iribut') lo l bene men niter all, Is libult to a uallnual Ideal, thai the rnuntr.N must bo defended and battled lor at any coM. II Is Ihe lesson of Hue Americanism that whelliei or not tho citizens considers Hie cause Is n Just one, his d.ity is lo the couu try -In time of Us eiueigency. The history id America hi leu ill Ihe blood ol those who fallen for It, mid It Is a far chronology. Tho battle Hue w.n has crossed and reerossed I lie the nation's tlrst blood to oceniu; be shod outside Hid tentorial limits of Hie United Slates was in the war ol the llevolulloli, whin John I'alil Jones anil o tb el's wore hatlllu Drltlah shlps-of-the-llno in Kuroititii wnttirs. The hlKtory bus b-en will ten lu the I'aciric, In the southern hemisphere, In Asia, when American lorces fought tho llokeis in China. It Iiiih been written In M.-xico ami In the Culled States, and liually again, In Km ope. ' Once upon u time Hie poppj was Dm rioWer or orRetfuliit'ss. but nitw it has become Hie fluw-.q of mem ory, for il has been adopted in Hit) emblem of c'liuiuciunt.ithVi I ii thin, fulling In Kurolto The brlllmni pop pe grow wlltl i" l-Tulico. and tho weeiued more vividly HCarlet lu the Jul lie fields. Wo looked over Hint Ininl, iliviieli 1 C(l wllli American blood, running tfwn-iii ninim ilio Mn.iso In tlm Hiii-lntr after tho armistice. The country wiih wnsl . Tho pcasitntH nol io turned. Vlllnncu wero tniiglud mass es of masonry. Fields wore lint everywhere In I hone fields, early with Hie I been It In May or l'Jl'J, popplc-i hrttllnnt hlossonis prew, Riew 'rench m;i li as they bad never Known lo K"'W helme. is well Unit (ho poppy, I he Kcailel hearts of which ni'o waving over Ainerleu's Utile Rreen tents abioad In Milch rich' abtmdaiice, should be I he nation's memory I low er for lis latest battle vleilni;;. Thai Americans weie wearing them today Is another manlfesilou of ilio ineiciiiiln;; unity of pre.ill InK overyu lif-c that "they idinll not be lorcottfii." LOOKING BACKWARD (Kiom The Chronicle Maj III), lKIU'i Mr. II. II Hood lee. .pisl received a numb1 viles tin lliem. Maj or busiiie.-s r ol u-'ri';eralors and' in public lo call and inspo -l .Meiiel"e requutts thai Ilio bouse-, be i losed I moor low are afl'inoon whllu llin rx-rri!it"t held in lienor of Ilio n itivn'.i dead. .Iiulge C. C. Illakelej leH on alteinoon train today. Misses Uiiiiila and Louise returned last niglil trim a lew visit in I'm I land, Mrs. I', Dektim and iltui.'ilnei Misses lliimas'in, aie up Irom Itucli days' i, Hi-I'orl- kind. The former Is Hie gil'T.I S, I;. Iliooks and the la 1 1 it Mis. V. Lord. SliVGrT'lTlLLHD ol' Airs. h iliug ("'MllllMllcl li'lOMl I'llRI I.) we knew we would h" sine It er h I l igualled Caplaiii Oker lo go ii.u 'v Tlie wind wan blowing al moi-" Ihan ILMI miles an hour and he could maUc no on Ihe edg of Hi' i.loriu. Wo luMiled inland " Th-' ollieeis expla'lied t!i,- Ihe laige herpilal i.liip, eiiveloied il Hie in, would have eneounlei ed Worse wealllor lh:m they, lis tiW.f. ihey said, made il mole difliciill lo rouliol ami ils huge spi--ad or plane made l miie li.lbjecl lo tljr' em rents and iildies of air viich loss ed tlm smaller planes nbmil like ships ill a slorin at sea. Tile bjg bili, they said, had no .chance U il tailed lo n-'gclialc a lauding. Wilghl said Hie hospilal ship litmlit liave been cauglil by a sudden gu.-:t, like the ope which lo eed him to the groiiud. Acn Imperiled. .Mitchell said it ;i)',;rd as if tin iv were two si onus -and thai he al templet' lo head in helweon them Alter liaveliug about til miles in lam., h'! saitl. Ihe alnt' snlu i'e elo ir ed and lie ami ('aplain Oker re-, tinned to WJiNhlir-ilou without mis j hap. I .Mileliell naira'ed his export- iici in the preseneo ol Captain htblii liiekenbai km', AiiH'i'lcap '. who hail eneoiinlered Ilio same s"l ics of . I o, m i earlier in the da ai be came 1 1 urn CiiiihiTlaml, Mil, r.ig ir; In and out on lite la--l eg of 'lis trans eontiniu'lal journey. Tlie famous o;w eonlirmed Ihe views of Crucial Mileliell. ".Iin-t outside of Cunili 'i land," sitlil Jliekouliaiker. "wlie-: i wa.s in r hi'lghl of 1,'JOO f-c, I ran into William Christy Cabannes Leaf Iioiii a "WHAT'S A WIFE WORTH" . TON HiHT LAST TIMK-M'ONKJHT ; ' CASINO K tlmm'A V rnrtn knnl. ft Send il ii". remind you Aaiii thai we '".in help yv.ii jiroally willi your !"-ti,ci,,c.'t!'injr, A nyt hinv thai, can li cicaiu'd with soAp and water we cri h-udlc for you to your -'"'i' ; al isfticlion. C'all us on 1 J.-v'-jlionr jtnd. Ljct Tu'l ).'irLiuulars ;'.!-i i .'lything you haw in mind. MOIJKL LAUNDRY Muin 41 1 f?UHl dial pltuiKrtl mo ilownwiirtl full 1,000 feel. In itll my flying c.v p-.'ilence, 1 do not believe I ever fell ro fast. Kortuiiaiely I land without mishap, Inward Washington a later." was able lot and started short, time WAKIIINCTON, May Jill, men, Including Lleulunaiit Archie Miller, IJ. S. A . wai Seven ('nbincl II .!! acn ..mi model ot Honor men, aie dua! as a rcsull ol the army's gieatest licit.') time aviation Iragedy. I'lylng from Nevporl lo Holing Hold, Washington, Kniiinlity eeniu,;. tho giant Cnrtlss armj ambiHar.i; plane dived into a lonely Held anibi erasbes of I bunder and llglilning, Mil ing all hands. Word ol' the' diiai ler did nol I e nunc public until Sunda. Tie' mash oceuired n",ir .vloig.-.ti own. Maijland. :'o inlli-i rilun 'be Indian Head prm iug giotindb on t!r l clomac liver. H2bidc.-i Colonel Miller, the dead i aie: l.leiiieniini lolanley M. ;;n riled it-, olio of the .he Ame:., I pllnls Hie army. , l.ioiilenaiit Clevela'id W MtDer- moll, of Latigle.v Field, 'a. i l.leiiieiianl John M. I'eniio) well, ai so ef Latigley. t Seigivm' Itliimenkraiu. inecliinii. . of nulling I M' lil. Mnurice (,oiuioh, loimei low.t eon t M I'niuian, a major ol Ihi- olliieis' re iseive eieps, salei man igor of I In Cuiliss Aeioplane company A. (!. lialehelor. eliairuiaii of the executive beard ol Ilio Amor. can Auto mobile - association. ' A jumble n loi-lin e l t.iei I ii lit stdlnlercd Irame wink is all t lw t lb illielali; ol Ilio army hac lo wn'1 on in In lug to liml out v. It -it i au.'' the (I'.uii. Enrculc lo W.-i-jbinqlon. The pi.nii' was en Ils v.av I" It dliii: l-'icld in Waslilliglon, ha iug led N'e.' poii Now.-, Ya., seme i'lHl mile - ;iv.; late f-iliiiday allernonii. il eiiitinnlr ed a severe electrical sloiln whieii blew up v.ilb lillie. w.tiniii". and 'he rot out of control in .-tine manner thai will in; er lie lull:, ex plained. Two oilier planer, --'.m iller two sealed myelinic - v.hkh lei' l.smb'N l'ield al I lie tame time. uii-i"d limn'' :..-fe, luniir; skilled tho edge if the sloim. Naval Vc-;cl A-.r.isln. 'When news ol Ihe iiiriilcn! loeiiiil Indian Head, where there i-. a nival nl.g lo:i. the ciil'cr Dolph n. whirl liappened lo be In the vltinllv. v-,t, seiil lo the scene. II". crew " to id h" it n f l instruction i to le'urit Ihe liodiff In Walter Weed hns-ilU in Wa- bin.: Ion were leceived. -'i si word of tlm iiccidi ul re iclo'd Washington i-'slurda- niahl, ir.un In diiiii 1 1 nail, "by v.irele-s. II.u'v report said three men In arm- unifo-n had been .fpend dead, bill siuMi ollies at i Indian Head v ere advised the pl-iue had seven pas-enger-. and esrh Ihi inornlnu H wan repoileil lb" bodle. had been l"iurl D '.u- -. v.e e meagre, bo-.vnver. a- Ihe a ' Id " 'en ed in :n i""lalcd :."' I n of M -lilll'l Ol I ll-lilt dlSil.llello i were bl lei 'i:ce-, of Ilio air r,erv!ee v.i-tv valHug lot- more eeniple'e lnl'"t'-i I Hon Ii""' men a' Hit Tlie plaii". earlier hi Ihe d Ii u' 'noide a -nice" lul lli'ihl 'o l.nii-'"' l-'eld Aimy offlceis enlalm-l 1' ' " j f Ii.-i t li'islnes-i (In 'e and ti I Ilio l-.rtT" eiai-liiue becae e it in-'-' .1 I ..... 111! . 0" i v leore na-'senger" into i. "r tbev v. c:e nximis lo a rlv a- wr'!. Sviil ly nr. possible U h tii.-loninrv, llicv e.ln.'nol, lor nrm olflccra to maU official trips h Tltoro was no ofllclal exnlatia' ion as lo what caused (ho iu-ciileiit. Dr iller than (ho airplanes war nol able to went her .the storm. Armv I Heir w-:n wero itloll,at the same time, reinr-'-tl the storm was one of gieat vloien-.e, acconuianled by he;uy lightning Mid thunder. The air, Ihey until, wan "l umpy," machine!) weie bill feted about by Ilio ulr currents, and wvi. able to make progress only with ilio utmost difficulty. .New Flyintt Type. It was found thai Ilio size pr lb' m'i chine made It more dlffleuH to handle limn a smaller m-jchlne. storms. VK said, fotce Ilio machine inwa-d 'he e.ii rlh, making Hying daiv.en lis. Oil! eerr. said Hie (dune was hi go al coed1 Hon, mccliaiilcalh, and Hint no do feels in H bad been de,.Tle The machine a net- ' llei--iiu ambulance airplu"'. will which Ihe ulr s"ivic" hud 1"" prrlnieiilliig lor Hi.i". I wa it cellll;. bull' i . lift ''tirtiss cnllip.l.U lieillg niodelled afltr Hurnp'-fi t ol' pa-srnger curbing pl-iu s or''- llnal motive' equipment w.i.- t!-mg aMMMwj,m L ! IlH III I III II Hi II TIM I I 11 ITT nB??M' TWO GAMES SUNDAY, MAY 2d AND DECOKATION DAY, MONDAY, MAY IJO ast Marrifflan Of J'wrtliiud VS. The Dalles .Sunday Came at ?.:.'0 p. m. Monday Cirme ai 2:01) .1). in. OLD BALL GROUNDS i m w i ii if i i ii ! i w Trr - rr - . . if-Jll' JUVj!ftYmitu;n are s6 iii.1,1 (Vfe Us'ilv. can't se- alia I, Ul Hu'lr banl.'i r. vision fiild epene)it e, ('li-llMlll'U'iV-of the French uu'oi'A'- i,. .r ' i -i1 in -' - ' VVMV A I'AHK Arriuw r from all 1 1 unlet! nnd piolesidmis. Ah a result, tills is ii lobular cl.arn house lo.' ;;)oil cjuusul. Paid itrmmt. " rncNcu, rrpouicm i-n-um-nflimiCNN I'AIIL M. PTlHIVIl'.H Vif-n.r,-rrliln,il ittSS V. mmk NEW ,r,'unfi n 11 nrs i lttr m mM km ybu-:' Monarch Ranges MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGES INSURE SUCCESS IN COOKING AND BAKING T)iq record of the Monarch Malleable Range for long HCe and thrifty performance cannot help but K'livvy conviction to anyone seriously considering (he selection of a kitchen range. ' Malleable construction insures lasting tightness. Vitreous Enameled Linings prevent vsL dauiage on tho inside. Maier & Schanno by tlie army mid It carrlc one Mu ddy motor., j . NKW YOttK, May 3D. "There I no olhcr plausible explanation r Ihe accident limn .thai the alrplnti" was eliher cruck by lightning o wrecked In a gale." said (Hen II. Cur llss Sunda In a statement bsued for the Curllss Acroplano and Mo1 ir corporation concerning the crash of the army Curliss eagle plane at Mot' gantown Siilurday. "The eagle In civilian and ori'lcitl use has had a lecord or 100 peixen' safely," the statement said. "Accent ing to the repoits we have received Ihe eagle was caught In a lorrlrb electrical storm. Vp lu'.Ve invcitlgal ors al work and expect lo oblain a more definite report 'tomorrcv,-." Maurice (i. Connolly, one of Ihe sev en men Killed, was the Wa.dilnr.lo." ropreaonliiUvo of Ihe Cui-t-J. com )iinyr Citriiniilering and biilitllns. C. 1 1 Merrjnian, telephone red F-741. Mi'." Dr. H. Ilurke Masscy, dentist. Kirs National bank, rooms .".OT-iiox. TV" phono main 3911. rea. umln 1601. 8lf Club wrrn mw mi iniiiiii nil A HANK ACCOUNT VIEWPOINT lo III :s ft niu ir o-vii b,jsini!S!jc"i t Ii lisht periipeo.- with his wltlei ranct! of can eor.'cel condition. ri'iiiifiiiv banlc come on Savings II. FnPNCM.Geo.cMry J-c- ,,03tetl,:r' FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS INC. Tyt DALLES OREGON STOCK OF A FEW INTERESTING FACT3 ADOU.T MONEY Money was llrst nientlonctl as a medium 'rif conunetce In ihe 23itl chanter or Genesis when Abraham purchased n field as a sepulcher Tor Sarah, In the year of the world 2139; first made at Argos, S91 before Christ. Silver linn increased 30 times Its value since the Norman conquest, vlau a pound In that age was three times the fiuaiitlty It Is tU prpsent, and ten times lis value in purchaslii(; any commodity. J-Trst, coined ln the United Stales In 1C32. First paper inoney, 1G90.. These facts are quite Interesting. Hut d riiordr 1NTBR KSTINO fact is that your money navel properly will create mor-! money. Suppose you let your present money work for you in this way. If you have uu uccount with us yours will be welcome. ' . t 4 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savinga Aceouiits. Citizens National Bank Telephone Main 3101 , . , Officers Directors , . J. Htadoltnau, President. Or. J. A. Ueuter, Vice-Pres. H. Fl Grcouo, Cnshior .1. P. Tureck, Amj't Cnahlpr. GOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the easiest by way of Grants and Maryhill on tle MAUYIIJLL FEIiRY A 10-mllc paved road connects Maryhill and Goldendale FERRY RATES ?1.25 per car :nnd passenncra ono.way. 52.0'J Tor round trip, 10-day limit. SECOND HAND STORE Furniture Repairing, Packing, Crating, Carpet Cleaning. All work- guaranteed. 20G Court Street WOOD ARD & TAUS.C'HER Contracting: Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile anil Cement Work. Fireplace Work -Specialty Estimates furnished free of chargs. All Work 'Guaranteed. Telephone Main G461 or Call at Gate's Block i x' . , ... .'.. , ,. ; .... Peoples Transfer Go. QUICK DELIVERY SERICE EXPRESS A)WD DRAYAGE Furnitur.e and Piano Moving StanU at Glonn p Paint StoreMain 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDAJX UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles k ,:V Dufur LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmers, Established 187 Woman Attendant Telephones Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton Day Rtd 551 Telephone Red 1781 Night Rod 352 J. H. Harper, Black 1.02 Motor Equipment Dr. T. Eyesight Specialiat Hours, 9:00 to. SiOOr-Sunday and Evenings by. AppoJJijjint, ,.,; I71I Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111 Jt 1 y V.. Glenwood Hotel 202 Union Street Half Block from Station FREE BATHS .Plenty oS IIot CLEAN ROOMS rl From 50c tp $lf50 a Night $2.50 to 5.00 a Week '. 't DINING ROOM b Oien 6 a. m. to 12 p. it) x P. .1. Stiidtdman.'1 Arlhur Soufort nr. J. A. nouler : Or. IJ. C. Ollngee II. L. Kuplt . , J. O. Helmrlch J. J. Van nolleu Dr. Geo. F. Ncwhouse Eye Specialist We are equipped tor slve. your eyes the very best of carer Byes tested. 0hi3scs ground. Second rdid' W.slTinBtJnr8rcet,, The Dalles EL, C, MfcE n," Eegisft'iftsdl Airclhiftecft., D01 Firct Natoiial D.irij"pftg'v The .PaVleo, ,,9rc JM, Cut Flowers DeLARHUF. Water Day and'Niffltt?