The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 28, 1921, Image 4

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    atitbllshcd lM The Dalle.
Published Every KVenlnr Except Sunday
by the
Chronicle Publishing coinpiiny flic
Ban n. Mtfin Oeneral Manager
they attended, the first pageant.
"O -
1 WAR.
Entered In Tho Dalles postofflce as
lecond class matter.
United Press and Unltod News Service
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations
Ode year. In advance.... $5.00
mx months. In advuncu ....3.00
On month - . .20
One year, In advnnve.... .IS. CO
(tlx months, in advance . . J-'.f'O
One uiunlh .61'
One ycur, In advance.. $2.00
In ordering rlmnno of uddruM, sub
crlber should nlwuys glvo old as well
new uUdreKH.
Editorial ItoimiH -Hliiok 111
HtlHlm-MS, AilV., CIr. Hints Hoil 111
Hulwi Ibers to Dm Chtuiilclo nro guar-
nteert siirvlue. I'roiniil and rcRiilur do
livery of '.-very iib.scilbi;r' pa pur la the
Itn of the circulation dep.n HiM'fit Tie
Chro'nlclo ciirilera nro required to pi i
tiie on in: I on tlid porch or wlu-ruvur Hit
unnrlber wlmieft'diu paper delivered
The Dulles can do thugs. She
pioved It lust nigh! ' beyond i"'
Hon of doubt with pio.senliillun of
1 tic historical :i;'.'mt. (!ood ns
PilgOailt WIIH, till' niUllll'oSliOll
I'oitiiiiimlly enterprise wits bottoi
A crowd varlnwly estimated
Iroiii 1 .000 to (I.UOO men womi'ii
children giithuivd on l In rooky
which Ih
t ho gienl circle Willi In
pageant was presented.
was a great bin fi loudly parly,
lor everyone In the oiowd knew at
lonSI one poison taKing pari In Hie
scones imacieil below. The aiiplatiHi'
given wiih spontaneous and genuine
ly abundant. It was Hie con
genial gathering of everyone In tin.'
city .seen hero ill yea is. Thole atr
ninny wlio Will t,ay The Dalles n. ver
raw ' such' a gslhei ill'; before.
Maybe til-; weal Iter ennl riliiiled a
wliolii lot. The climate c i.ild
ha vt' boon made to older wllh any
more precision.
I enple of The Dalles are learn
ing to ;el. t (k-'I li'i" ,1" work out
Ihelr piohlcniM. Tiie Coininunlly
Service movement is diiecily ie
sponsible for Hi.' pageant. Hnosloii
ilotisly this work has been going on
lor direo niontlis. Croups haw been
oigntili'.ed hero am; (here through
the. city, almosi ipiletly.
This pagonnl was a gutherin", of
tiie chins, so as lo speak. Tho reve
lation 'of what has been aoronipllsh
ed in a short tlnUi was roallj nrir
velous. The Dalles can do siioiolliin;; like
this every year, and each lime do
II botHlr. It will mean a groat d-nl
lor lite city. Hundreds and hundreds
of visitors were lien1. They caino
Iroin every direollon and were pleas
id with wtiat they saw,
If you are illsptuod to criticise
any feature of the pageant, bear in
Inlnil Hint Hiis was a first el fort.
Remember too, you did mil have To
pay for it, unless you spent a dime
lor a proi'inni. The pageant was con
trlb.iicil by people who are keenly
iiiloiesled ib the welfare of The
Dalles, and II should be accepted by
everyone hi thai spirit.
The pageant can lie Improved up
on. No one drnl.'S It. .Suppose llien.
that a loi of us pitch in nod time
mid do a lllllct more than we did
this time.
If Ihe men who seive on Juries in
Wasco county had il within
I heir power lo say whether or not
ihe United Stales should he dry, il':i
a pretty safe hct that Hie old nation
wouldn't he living through Hie great
dioiilli now.
In two instances this last week
Jin leu have relunv.'il nctpiiltals In
the cases of men charged wllli vio
lation of t li prohibition laws. Nor
are these eNceiiHonul cases, for ns
I nr back as we can teuieniher id
l.'geil prohihilitiit kr.v vlolalois who
have asked for J ny I rials have gone
II may he the eloiiueiice of tho al
io) my s wlio represent t lit dot end
ants - lnayho the defendants have
been plainly Innocent III each cine,
and maybe Hie Jill dim Just iialurally
don't like tho dry law. We would
not pioatiiuu to Bay what the rea
son is.
Ilul Hie fan i reuiiiiuH thai they all
get off.
Tlit Independent note apparent In
Hie statement of I'renldeiil Alar)i
Obiegon of .Mexico ycst'idity hi u
gatd to Ihe i r-sumption of lelatlons
with Hk United Slates culls nttcn
Hon to the increasing stability muni
tested in that revolution seared
country since Obreyoii became ll
oxccutlve itead.
'.Maxlco, he declares, is establish
d with legal (I for Intermit lonal law,
tnd there is no nceoftriiy for a treaty
stabllsblng It anew. This is rathe!
i novel way for Americans uhc wat chid Mexico's irotihle at
lose range for the 12 years to he
advised of Hie position of Hi repub
lic across the sotilhoiii border.
.Mexico has been increiifdngly Hia
d since Cnrranza was driven out
mil assassinated. The Ubiegon gov-
rnineni has been vigorous,
letu'ant little rebel chiefs who
ilariod their own finds have
illicitly M'liolched.
The niasleiftil ()br giin, wlio
.! icbel for ten years, has a govern
ment at Hit present lime as strong
as the old Din, ritli , although Ihe
present power is dispensed far more
(Hisloms have been reesiablish' d.
and a legiilarly paid ami well equip
ped army is maiuiained. A system
.it land distribution, hi caking up ik
luge eslnles Hint were lh; cam.e
ol original discontent, has been or
giinlMi and Is being carried out.
Mexico, Ubiegon declares, ueilber
eviid jh or will evade In any wav
wliati'.oever, any Of the obligations
which nro hers ns an In lependenl
nation. There ', every Indhuilon lhai
Mexico is almost In a pot II ion to to
: ; 1 1 1 1 1 bur plan among tin mil Inns of
the western heinlsphei-, and II Is
lo Hie interest of Ho United Stan
lo iild her.
WA.SIIINHTO.V, .May 2.S. I o m
Preslileiit Wilson rees in Momori
Day this year an oppor: unity "lo n
dedicate ourselves lo Ihe aelileveiiien
of the great objecta" lor which Hit
world war was foughs. And. whiir ni
iperlfylng any of the provHoni of il.'
VmhiiIIIoh treaty, he plainly ;n'! '-t'p.
nip hopr hi tin- first public stiitntiioni
be lias made tlncc rollrlng from Hue
While llom.e, that the American go
irn v'll (pi-n tnil,.r !)ier.i 1
waul fulfilling Its "duties" growing
i. of thai wnr.
Ills l! 1 1 (i in iU.i, in tiie fiitnl of :i
Meni(;rlai Day loiter to the "Hurt
tnd Stripes," official otgtin of the A.
U, F. dttiing Hie war, road;:
"Mt iiioi inl D.'tv ha: alwiiy,; bi't-n oni
of our i ,10? I laileinii and thimghlfal
annlversarl'S v. lien we recalled great
moinoiloi and do Heated ou. selv'jr
again to Hie naln'ciianeo and puiil'i-
it Ion of thp mil lou, bill Ihlr, year I!
has an ridded ami tremendous slgnli'l-
lty Unltrd News
alloc bro.'tiisn the liieninrltr. an-
il'lcen of the grnM world war
ow luiibiif: i!k most .tltniihil 'n
he recollections of the day.
"Wo relehrti'e die Iminor:
ichlevommt.'t of the men 'vlio dlr-d i
''rnnco on the Hold and In the ttx-ni-!
'S. I:tr tiwuy from home. In order Hi
lotli our own people and the people
ano'-s the seas nil4hl be deliver!
'lorn tiie ti'f'.;.): pe -il r' nil hlsto
!t Is our prlvlle.;c ttol only to Ind'tl
i lii.'di and sitiniiin pridi and grb
for the heroes of thai groai tnig
but also to rrdodicnto ourselves t
Hie arblevei)i(;iit of the g;oat ohjecl
for which thai war was foughl. W
"Irill not l,e liappy, v. o . hail not b
able lo enjoy Hip full pride of lie
day's recollections until wo ban
made .-.lire that the diulei thai grow
oil' of lb" war have been fulfilled l(.
Ihr utmost.
"Ale we sure? If we are not, shall
we not soon take fileps to do what
ever ht.ri been omitted?"
Mrs. The 'ilbjicl,
.:ble school, 10.
'.My First .lury
Washington and 'Fifth r,iiee!n. .Mim
ing i.ervli'e, 11. Kiibje'i, ;Tlio l-'aiher
li ading." I5veninJ service, s. Tw-i
leolr of mi.vhiT pictures will I e
shown on Ihe , ereen of a pu'rl-nh
naliue, ihe lll'il, "Tho iSlory of The
FJiig:" Uj' second. "The .Malting ol
an American." The paatnr in adiliiioa
will make a short adilres-, "The AT
Ing of I'al riol isio." Sohballi school, 10.
Kliwordi league devoi loiiti) .ertoe at
7 Kev. W. II. II. Forny.h, paslor.
preaeliing ai 11. Subject,
or of .lahez." I5venl:ig
Prayer meeting 'I'liursil,.;.
7:li". 15. N. Long; pastor.
rvlco, 7
evi lllb'.'
Trlnliy I. Holy otnniunhiii id S
i in. ( hutch school. II:-'. M iinl.'i, II. Ilev. (i. (!. Ilul ho't. i :..
(trim wai dripping rider. On invest I
t'rl Ion ht, rdh'n'l that usually t)i!
! of ihe box to looje.i nnd giv?
u His' were wjirr the four nnlt
we e holdin. an odge Two more nali
'.vhh i.. ifio c diiien into eacii u.-ii
.nr eJgr c.f Hk- rviii.tlniny; Lo:;es. Wl''i
hla simple change the boxo.i slpml
'nr. aliotit twice rr, much rou;;h hand
In r.
Inado(;:ate nallln'r I.: Ihe chief f,iu''
f alttiost ail Ihe boxes examined b."
he '. Uinratorv. a few more nnl
vould save shippers millions of dob
ar.; of fruit lo.-ise.t ttnnunlly.
The volume of retail trade ha. boon
airly fiatlsfaciory, it' lea d f r do aiv
un stores and f.ilier h.rge .ttouv in
itlta, The nioiif, value ol rales In -ecu
somewhat, less than last cor but
he physical oluino, of goods moved
ms leinalned appioxlmalely di ;iin'
It appeals, liowever, that doparlmeh.
itores and largo,- ejstnbi: -.hi.n ins an
iol.'ig a greater proportion of the, i .
'a! buslnofs Hutu hitherto, i.o thai lb
sn, idler establlshm'ir.1 are itinnti:
ROinewliat behind. Continued pubi'e
demand in spit a ol wnire reiliiftinn-i
mil at a time of con , hh ruble uner .
ployment, tippears lo bo nrciunted fr-'
bj large popular .nvlng.t of Hie pa !
few years, and u, .satisfied reiil,
minis In m.iru of di( s.noie line.
- Xa' lonal Hank of Commero.-.
Memorial DaiF
reniihas'Xis all that.e shar6 the1 responsibility
for finishing the ' work for which America's
heroes laid down their lives.
Every day is Memorial Day for those who have
caught the real spirit of 'patriotism and are
helping to make this a 'nation of independent,
prosperous and thrifty, pe.ople substantial
citizens of a substantial land.
This Institution will . .
be closed on Memor
ial Day, May 30th.
4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
THE .. ,
The Dalles, Oregon.
gene. .May '28 Ho is a par.-um wiili
a hundred pulpits, a mlssioitniy in
r.i eii-leauue hools, a circull 1 1 1. 't
will! it cin nil I "ii thousand miles
long, a p''K)at 'lie preacher, a rov
ing exlioiter, a traveling curate.
Ho is ii Univoislty of Oregon slit
deni also tliis man wh i is a I ways
going front somewhere to somewhere
else, lie Is Mr. John W H yt, Sun
iln school missionary, with bond
ii;ai lors at Ashland, Oregon, lie is
a siiidoni of bulimy. Hero again
dislnnci is no obstacle. He similes
by corrcspondeiice under tiie I'ni
ve.'sily extetiiilcn division.
"My work Is unhiue," ho
"I tiav:d ln.Utlti miles each
I K'ligious welfare worl; for
and adults In S(.itbvisl?i n
. I have hoeti a niisslonary
legion lor eight yea in and
vay have trails in a 'Circull
Wo didn't know iheio woie s
many babies hi yiul aiouiul Tlu
Dalliw until Ihe igennt ctowd nr
Hoiiiblnl law! niglii. Dili ii seems
linn i are a ttreai iuait, and tin
perceulage of atloudaiu'i was about
!)! pmceut.
Il looked ns though the it were
more baliles firm yrowu-ups. One
could i each out and touch half u
doen 1 1 oiu "nmst any -plai-e in tin
uieiiii. There weit pteity lialiies nnd
homely ones; ciylng oiuix and laugh
lug ones, wukettil babies and sleep
ing ones.
Theiu were rod bidiies ami whin
babies and hluok babieti and prob
ably a lew JnpaiitiHo and Chiiiesi lu
rmits. Tho hiiby, lopn seiiiadon -d
tho pageant was lieiui iidous N'tnte
of i hem know wind I was all about,
but they were there Just the same,
mid nutybe in latino piigeimtri, when
they tire taking pail iheiuselvus, II
year in
eliildn n
in tlii:i
in this
of Ton
Thousand Miles.' 1 have slept out
hundiods of night:!, nnd every camp
has for mi a mil lion wonders in
biology and geology. I urn a mil
lionaire In experience, I hough not in
dollars. Though I have boon a lover
of uattito all in y life, ami from const
to roust, I still find Hie mysteries
ol nature with a multitude of woith'
while discoveries,
"I am making a special study of.
botany just now. The real assls- j
lance gion by the University ol
Oregon ixlenslon has come ns it
great nu.'pilse to me. I am a cm
ijspotldent student because I ox
peel to be a student to the end of
my days." i
Him and f! r.liee:.-. Sunday nclinol, 10.
Moitilng service, II. Subject, "A (lotv.l
Soldier." Junior Christian Kndeavor,
li. Intorniedl.iio Chrirllan l-'ntlea vor,
7. Fvonili;; i,( rviee, S. Slb.jeol. ",';i .
(ilil.i tin Wion..." Third seruiiiii hi i,e
rles, Praer meeting Thuruhiy, ii.
Kev. (!. K. Ilarlnuiu, paslor.
nnd Sfvenlh. Illble school, III.
IS. Y. 1'. U. ildiO. Pr. aching service .
li and S. .Special memorial erm. a
for Hie U. H. voliriins ,ln Ihe lno.-iiui.."
"'I'he Lort Chord "will bo Ming by
Chiirlos Roth.
FXtii.u-'H lutiifra.v cnuR.M;
Union id Seventh. Sunda, pi.
Morning wotvhip v.'i'li soitnon bv Hi"
paslor, 11. Prelude, (Mu.'farrenl ; an
llii m, "Thou Source of True DcHgh' "
(.Mundls); offtrlory (Oeslln); posi
lude, (Wilson). Vespers, S. Ri v. ,
I. I5ck, iastor.
Thump ion's addition school iiou
Sunday school, !):-t."i, followed by
(Fioi.i Th;- Chronicle, .M:.y 2.'.. Isilil i
Atloitley W ,H. Wilson ins be, n ..p
pointed a noi.v'y imblic fur .ri",..
rt X o
tieo ge .lo'o.'j broil':!:, -l a uiup'
of g:aln from hhi ranch i.m.i... It ii
a Ihrlliy sample, and iim nr'ler ili.t"
the itveru-ie ol Hie oullre field.
W 0
The following program I. a, in un,--
led for Docoraiioii D;'. The (i A. R
laud W. It. (!. will moo ;n Fratorid .
j hall ;il 1:::o p. in. shiiip. IminediaU ',
the protcssion will firm on Fourt'i
Ktrorl, with the right lostill'; on Coifl
, lu the following order: Ihutd, br.tin
:(!. compi'.ny 15, in eoi.iinund of c.iplti'M
i Chi isinan. Junior, w. X. smUIi Po l
, Xo. :!L, C..A. IL, W,.monV. Relief
Corps, in carriages. Ci'1-.'.. ir T'ic ,o
vices at tho eor.ielerv nil! con. I; t o'l
jintt:-'in by a clibrus of volcis, ;i icrit'i
, dim by .Mrs. llrl'gii, die n.diomi' an
;ihoni. riluailsHc sorvlreii, de coral ion
, ol K'nvis. Then llio. vo'crain, W R
i and Company (1 wIM proveed oi
I't-iternlty hall, vdiero refreshinon
i -ill he served. A' S o'ch.clt, p. tu
; lien. John Mlchell will do'tver a ni"m-
oi-i:l add) ci-ii in lib Ci.iuie';iiMon'il
lii!ieh. The public :,re cordially in-
vilrid lo allend.
One Bi Shift""
9 Hours '' ''
Real Estate Markets --Financial
NI5W YORK, May '2- Fitrthei iiiic
leduotliim nuiy be necessary helore
uos'imil cnndiilons in the soel In
ilnslry nio rosloied, Judge llllnrt
Ciiir declai.'d today in :m nddre"i
before the American lion and Stcd
.'.is 1 1 i.i I e here.
Willi lew exceptions, he
would be unjust to reduce
furih.-r until living ei sis
l.ionght down. The American
ill pi oseiii tu t nnl I ii lug
lo supply tlieiusolves
llilKHV CO'llfllllS of lil
ed, idlhoilvdl the)
lo do so.
ild. il
V. ages
with Ihe or
(Jury doi'hir
hae tin ni'ims loca
rhort evenln
T:ik" your
page:. ,H j Icluton
nnd Case streets. Hon loos
II a. in. Sunday and S p. in. Wedties
..ny. Reading room maintained by tin
society In room f.07 First
bank building Is open to Ihe public
dully, except Sunday, fiotn N a. in.
to ii p in.
Lincoln streets. Morning uorvioos, S
md 10:110. livening sen ices, 7:110 AI
at society tlrst Sunday of mouth. Ho
ltd circle, first Tliui'Mluy of mouth,
'eiing Peoples' ohlb socruid nnd third
Mondays. Knights of ColumbiiM, first
eii Ibl'd Mor.d.iys.
d'ltoiiike, pastor.
Rev P J
- l)i-nii'-i', l'' ! II
Morning pervlce, 11. Subjoei. "Th'5
...o oi the Chrinliuii. Kveiinu or
vioci. 7:110. Seruioneilo In pii-ur. fot
jiiwed by a proarnni ol mnilon pie
Rapid development of the (.'hen
with ills! riot as a stibuiban resldcm i
tllolrlct, Is evidenced b;, die inbiihe
of in w hoiue. which are being cio.
slruoicd then bj local b'..s:ae .-, nun:
A. Xbtli Is id die present lime bill::
in:; a modern bouse upon a lot whl-'l
he hi;:- pu:eliii..i .1 lu Ibis ills riot. Mr
and Mrs. Xltih will be new leildont.
in Tho Dalles, coming here Hum .Milt
halo, Oregon.
F. H. (inline I I - also build. ng a mod
ern lo.ddoiue in ihe Ohonowiih aiid
Hon, The plans for this house we;"
drawn by Vimidu Wllll.imn, iir true'
or in mechanical drawin:; at the hiifh
The Cli.:i.wlili loop road has no
be.'u virlually e.nnpleled, tiu.l Is ope
for travel. Thi.. loop ootino:! i the. ol
road Willi the CoHlltlhl-i River big!
way, niakiti", a clrcui'onr, dilve vl)!c
Is rapidl lindinr, favor
illiiloi'isls seeking
Real o tale iraurferu were few hi
week A number of ooitn'y t. -mimic
were itvoi'.l.'d at the court lions'
howei or.
The Dall. s lfinlly eomptinv repor'
Hie sde el ii lo' in Ihe (ntraildor add
lion lo Mn L. McCown,
'In lie Sltl llH el vll. to lei I
IVrthick: all at V:s IS and 10
block " t in tho town of Mavpin C.i.
sideratlou, Jli'Jf.
Hle:'lor ltabcotik. ul un, lo .lohr
L. ihiico, e. uk: all or lot t in blocl
Iti, lu lllgolow's Uliirf addllloli I''
Dalles ("tlx . Con.ddi ration. $1,0.00
II. C. Dodd.i, ot u::. to IL L. SinHlr
propenv in b'.ocl: V2 of the erlgliti
town of lhifur. Coniildentlioti apiu'ox
tmaiely $r.u0.
R 15. t),strnnder. el nl, lo R R Rev
in Id . ci ux: Itn number in bio"
A in O irander'a tuldlHo:i lo Pall'
Clt Com.lderiidon apprexim.nel
Sarah Sarah M. Campbell
(ieoige M. Prtiytie. e u: lot -J i
Idock SI, Foit Dales Military r:ior.r
thin to Pallea City. Cousidoiadou :;l
pi-cnlinaioly j 1,000.
licrnlee V. UroiUu lo CliarlnH'
Ruficber: lol :i In Root addition lo ih
town of Mosler. Coiis.ldpralloii aiiprox
iiiinielv Sl.OOrt.
II. II. Murlln lo II. C .Martin: loi
117, JS and 3l of Ruwonn, ooutnlnim;
in all 1 1 .sr. uortw Conulder.dloii, JilOO
Rhishi Xe. ot vir, u II. 0. I'ltasei
;dd, ot us; h.i I tn IdotU HI, Fo."
Dalles mllittir;- tidilltioii to Dalle
Cliv. (!oiislduitiilen approxlinatelv.
Francis M. Wnriior, ot ux. to Ne,lllo.
'l!lpoti:, property In block 0 in iIh fjoe-
uid iiddllion lo Hie tovn of 1 u. i.
.'on -hlertii ion approximately Mini.
(ii.brlel lliirill'on, o i.v. to L 15
(.'oust and Julia I! l.'ou i : lo. I I"
block I'::, RigelowV. blulf ii.ldl km I
Dalles City. Consldorai ion tippro:.
tnately,. ffll.OOO.
Calllo Dl.tican, ol ux, lo IIi.m
brothers; properly in section S.i, low e.
ship -I, south of fiin.-e 12, oas' of ih.
Wilhiiuotte uioridlati. Cuitridor.ido ;
ICininit L. Fisher lo (irant Mcr hi
o- ux: lots S anil !i in block :!.', dale
uddltion to Dalles Cly. .Cotir.idi .in ..
James .M. Pitlir.on, ol uv, to s..ra':
M. Campbell: loi I In bio. I. 15, O
randcrs addition to Halloa Cdy Coo
Idoralloii, ,:fd7fi.
Apple growers, finding that a i .
iilu standard type of btisliol lioses n
which they have Leon slilppug I'ui'
broke in many Inslnuces before l
cached the market, receull aso.
he forest products labor;dor. of lie
United Still c;i dopnrlmih! o. .K.nnii
line lo Investigate the e.uir.e of
Sovii-iil ol lhio standard aim!'
ioo. 'liiehed with fiult a" for sin.
nioitl wo-e tested in lh. i'ioliiU
box drum sit th l:iiorator lb fun
lit", hud cone a "Jo;.. 1 el ' n
. ... l ,' ., ;
( 1
you g e jour home die
proper sprint; tonic, olnnci
tiro you' won't have u i..).
one jMitisolf this ..ra-on. H-
Unit your drain., iinl plp. u
In good clean wo.Uir; or.lo;
It not f.i. li
no draw had;-
Job we do for ye. t
oiril fill
,l 1 lutlib. I :
Phone Red 9'Jt
The Dalle
NEWSPAPER ailvoi'lisiuff
is tho lifc-hloiKl ol' loeai
ti'udtv because it .toucher,
all consumer sources in
every community. It .gives
the n.ttional advertiser the
r-ame o)i)witunity L'or coai
plele consumer appeal in
any locality.
More than 8700,000,.
000 was spent last
year for newspapei'
advertising by,, mer
chants. :nd manufacturer:.
The Chronicle