MARR IAGE BACK TO 'NORMALCY1 ' 4 H if ' 'ft '-. ' By Alexander F. Jones (United News Stuff Correspondent) CHICAGO, May 27 Tho open sea Bon on orange blossoms Impends. Hut, according to Judge Harry V. McEwen, of (lie Chicago marriage court, there is a dls'inct bear move ment In the love market and many little orange blossoms that might decorate.- weddings this Juno will stay on 'the trees and grow up to be nice ripe oranges. Not that impassioned lovers slm-. ply took It out In thinking this spring. There will be nearly as manj marriages tills year, according to the figures of the first half of tho fiscal y,ear, us in 1320. The big -'Ideas is that In marriage, as well as in Wall street, women's skirts and Upper Silesia are back to well known normalcy. This Is . the year of the $5 wed dings. "Ordinarily our marriage court is not the scene of many 'society wed dings,'" ho said. "It is above all a place for young folks of limited means to slart married life. "But this year we have been sur prised at tho class of young folks who are coming here for our cere inouy. Many of them are well able to afford big society or church wed dings. "They are saving money. Many or them tell me that it is belter to have a ?! wedding and mnke a pay ment on a bungalow than to spend It all on a trosseau elaborate break fasts, and excess fares to Niagaiu Falls. Father and mother who often have to pay for their children's weddings are all smiles as they step in here and see the deed done eco nomically." The interview was brought to a hurried close, for the anteroom was filling up .with young couples who had obtained their licenses across the hall and were waiting for the "love, honor and cherish, in sick ness and health, etc-r-" ritual Urn? Judge McEwen repeats from 20 to 50 times a day. Hlg diamonds flash ed on many third- fingers, benedicts-to-be were dressed as nattily as they us-jally are at more preten tious ceremonies. Mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers of obvious pros perity accompanied porno of them. "You can see that they can af ford more expensive weddings," colnmented the judge, "but tho big splurge is over. Marriage is back to normalcy." " curb nnd refused to bo tinned from Its course. Four .motorcycles were park ed nt the curb, In front of The Dalles Novelty works, Tho automobile struck the first motorcycle, knocking It nnd the other three machines to the pave ment nnd then climbed over the pi lad up mass of mnchlnery. The automo bile was brought to a stop directly on top of the four motorcycles. I'assersn.v lifted the front end of the car while I. Robinson, who owns the motorcycles, pulled them out from under. All wcra badly damaged. The automobile es caped wllh a few .'cratches. River's Rise .0 Feet The Colum bia river continued to rise today, coining up .0 of a foot during the hist 21 hoUis, according to the of ficial government reading taken at 8 o'clock this morning. The water now stands at tlS.S feet. General opinion among persons familiar with the whims of the Columbia Is that the crest of the flood is near at hand. The -jniier tributaries of the Social Activities and Other Things hoop skirts, which would Job? "The nifty dresser every time! ' TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Pageant Absorbs Activities. i present were Mesdanies E. II. French, The social eventfi of the week have 1 X. A. lionn, Victor Marden. W. I,, been very largely absorbed by the t'i'lehton, A. S. Essen, Anna Thump historical pageant, which ha.i reunited I son Lindsay, Vivian French, Grace the time and attention of a grcti jCrlchlon, Joseph lleroux, W C. Win many people. (Iron, E. R. Ldu, W. O. ilndley. Xei- I lie Smith and II. G. Miller and Miss- Class Picnic. i Dorothy Fredden, Mabel Mad.', lieu- The "Who Do" Sunday school ehis" Inh Patterson, Prudence Palterson, of the 'Methodist church cotislsllng nl'inilssabotli Mall and l.aura Thompson. 72 menihois, wllh their teacher, W, E. ! Gllhousen, and friends motored lo . Two Bridge Tables. Odell Sunday to visit Mrs. .1. E. For- Mis. Walter Smith and Miss Dor gunon's Sunday reboot class at thai othy Fredden weie hostesses to a place. After the Sunday school scs-1 lew Intimate friends Thursday ever. slon tho class proceeded to thelng, when they entertained with two 'Pnneli Ilnu-1'' nnil tltm-u onrnml fii. ! tiililos nt lirldcn. hniim-iliL' Mrs. river, Including the flooded Snake (,n,(. ,unch thU m.opare(, "bv i Walthcr end Miss Valeska Liebe of river, are said, to be B-"1"KV B- the members of the class. They were ! 1'ortlantl. Hoses were used for the fanned there by the presence of Mrs. decorations. Mr?. Vesta Mays won the J. E. Ferguson and tier family. After high ncore. 'l lie guests present wc Ing down, due to cold weather slow lug up the melting of the snow Dance Tonight Chenowlth Grange hall. PERSONALS itincn tne cars separated; some go- 2S ins to Hood Klver and down the Co lumbia river highway, others up Mood River valley to Parlcdnle and Mi Hood Lodge, loitirnlng by the east side road. The class has an annual picnic each spring. 1 Main G0C1 Bennett Taxi Main 01. If Take your pa gey n l, , picture. 0. Crosbv 3. There's a Difference If you've been u "ready made" man In the past, be a "made to order man' In the future First class hand tailor ed eutts to measure, '$35.00 and up. W K. Webber, one block east of post- office. 6tf Closing out my millinery goods at cost. It will pay you lo Investigate llattlo Weaver, 302 Union street, oppo site postoflico. Telephone black K171 31 " " " NEWS NOTES Wapinitia Cotiple Licensed A marriage license was Issued this morning to Jesse W. Cox, 42, of Wapinitia and Phoebe E. Boen, also of Wapinitia. Sunday School Convention Many of the Sunday school workers of the various churches of the city are at tending tho county Sundny School convention, in session at Boyd Fri day. Will Show Patriotic Films "The Story or The Flag," and "The Makin of An American," two patriotic film stories, -will be . thrown upon t lie screen at tho Methodist church in connection wllh the service Sunday evening. Return. From Camping Trip Mr. and 'Mrs. J. II. Ward have Just return ed from a camping trip of two weeks. spent near the snow line at Lookout Mountain, overhanging the Mood It I v. er valley. The) drove as close as pos sible in their car and then packed tor u couple of miles before establishing camp. Grading Contract Let Contract for the grading of the Shnnlko-Antelopo highway, preliminary surveys for which havo already been completed by County. Itoaclmaster P. W. Marx, was let this morning to tho United Contracting company of Portland, The bid submitted by this firm totaled I2C.3GC.G0. Tho highest bid submitted was turned in by Hedges & Huls at this city, who wnnted $37,130.12 for doing the work. Work upon the grad ing of the new highway will start next week, Mnrx announced this morning. The county court has a total of $47,000 to spend upon this road. Money n )t used In grading and engineering work will be expended in .surfacing the worst sections of tho grade, accord Ing to Marx. Quty Ajflo Accident A, Jammed steering gear this morning caused n queer tnlx-up on Second street, when an automobile fcrtVtfc by Mrs. B. C. Underbill suddenly headed for the 'Mr. and Mrs. G. E. (Steele of Ante lope are visiting In The Dalles. CUis3 Lucy Pointer of Eugene is vis iting with friends in this city. iMr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Meyer of Baker, Ore., are guests at Hotel Dalles. W. B. Frye of Celllo is a business visitor in The Dalles today. J. W. Fisher of Shaniko is here today, attending ' to business mat ters. IMr. and Mrs. Ed. Twigger df Pon land are visiting with Mrs. Elizabtth Heinz. 'Mrs. Hattle Butts and son, Lesion of Portland are visiting with her sis ter, 'Mrs. Win. A. Xye. Mrs. Bertha Evans Greene of Portland is a guest in the .1. L. Thompson home. She Is a former resident of The Dalles. Rev. E. X. Long has Just returned from Portland, where he has been at tending I he annual conference of I lu Free Methodist church. Mrs. Addie Moore and Miss Bessie Moore of Oakland, Cal are visiting their rdsler and niece, 'Mrs. Anna Edwards and Mrs. Val Eymonl. Mr .and Mrs. J. L. Bratlle and little daughter, Marjorie, of Ridgol'ield, arrived here Friday night, and are the guests or Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Rich ards. 'Mrs. Cora Mclirlde of Portland, is visiting In The Dalles wllh her cou sin, Mrs. '10. iM. Fowler, 'Mrs. McBride is. department president of the Wom en's Relief Corps. Henry Rose and Misses Lena, Cath erine, and Maiy Rose of Portland came to The Dalles today for Hip week-end. They will be guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Heinz. The following persons from Was co were in The Dalle3 yesterday for the purpose of viewing the pageant: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Medler, Mr. ami Mrs. A. C. Kaseberg, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Root, .Mr. and Mrs. Will C. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wil liams; Victor Anderson and J. C. McDermid. Tako your Crosby's. pageant pictures Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phone main 3911. res. main 1091. 8tf Merry Dozen Entertained. The Merry Dozen club was delight fully entertained Thursday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. W. A. Bert Camp bell, by Mrs. Campbell ;md Mrs. G. C. Ypun'. The afternoon was spent in playing cards, alter which refresh ments were served. High honors for the afternoon were curried away bv Mrs. 10. F. Fnrr. Those present were: Mrsdames L. F. Madden, R. B. Wil cox, E. F. Farr, J. B. Allen, It. D. Kelly, K. C. Price, L. 11. Ei.jl'sh, Ar thur Seufert. iM. X. Tenners, M. Lo gan, E. Carlisle, B. Veal, C. A. War ner, Ray Campbell and Miss Elizabeth Soiset. Misses Michell Hostesses. Miss Annette and .Miss Myrtle Mi chell were hostesses this week to the Wednesday night Bridge cluli at their home. The decorations were of red roses. Mrs. X. A. Bonn won the hlgn score prize and Miss Elizabeth Hall, the second high score prize. Tho.'." Mesdanies uoseph lleroux, Grace Criehton, G. C. Moore, Ve.'itn Mays, B C. Olinger, Ernest Cramer. (Jus thor and Miss Vnleskn Liebe. Good Intent Entertained. The members of the Good Intent so ciety of the 'Methodist church were deasantly entertained this week by Mrs. Ella Robertson and Mrs. A:igell .it Mrs. Robertson's home. Mahonia Club. Mrs. J. C. Hoatetler was hoste3S to the Mahonia club this week, a her home. A delightful r.ocial time wns enjoyed. Miss Gilliousen Surprised The members of W. Gllhousen's Sunday school class, of which M's Leila Gllhousen Is a member sur-Piis-ed her nt her home Thursday night, with an aluminum shower Miss Gllhousen was the recipient of many useful gifts. Among those present were the Misses Pearl Tay lor, Mary Hall, Marie Shrum, Ley Pridhum, Kllnkenbeard, Lena Scher rer, Bernice Young, Aver Black. Vera Black, Opal Col 'man, Thora Smith, Anne Ellison and Mrs. A. R. Rankin, Mrs. Earl Phctteplace and Mrs. Henry Taylor. Light lefresh nients were served. No Expensive Wedding For Lolita Armour, Thank You HEIRESS OF CHICAGO MILLIONS BORN A CRIPPLE IN CHILDHOOD, BELOVED OF ALL CLASSES, TO BE MARRIED JUNE 18, TO EX-JACKIE. Notice. Firms wishing to bid on teachors' and Janitors' supplies for tho public schools for 1921-1922 may secure lists of same at office of undersigned R. L. Kirk, Supt. 3S IRISH TAKE BLAME FOR DUBLIN BLAZE By United News DUBIJIX, .May 2S. The Dally El- reaun, or Sinn Fein parliament, ac cepts "responsibility for the destruc tion ol the Dublin custom house and the conservatives of Irishmen there fore have lost tho hope which they laid cherished since the disaster Ilia' this would prove to be but the act of an Irresponsible wing of republicans. In a statement Issued by mysterious processes Friday evening, the Dail Ei reann said the cabinet or the IrisY. republican organization ordered tho customs house burned as an act of war to dislodge and otherwise hamper tho British civil government In Ire land, hoping to reduce it to virtual Impotence. "Wio have resolved to mako BrltlEii government of thin country impos sible said the statement. "We shall continue to exercise our rlfcht to at tack the government." Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tion Tuesdays and Thursdays, Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician, Third nnd Washington, main 501. ll CHICAGO, May richest June bride, Mifs Lollla A. niour, sole heir to $(',0,0110,000, may lie a little old fashioned, she says, hut she won't have any "fuss" at her wedding' the eighteenth of next month. Society hail expected that when she would marry John J. Mitchell, Jr.. son of the niulli-niilllonalre Chicago bank er, uniting two of the biggest fortunes in the United States, that the cere mony nt picturesque Melody farm at Lake Forest would bo the most or nate In the history of Chicago. "I think extravagances at weddings are horrid," the 21-year-old bride-to-be declared with a smile anil n grim ace. "My things are going to be very simple. I'm not going to wear a single Jewell at the wedding. At least I don't Intend to. I'll have to talk that oyer with John." She Guyly denied n report that her wedding gown would bo trimmed wllh $1,000 n yard lace. "Perfectly absuid, I wouldn't think of it," she said. "You can say," she added qulcklv, "that I'm going to wear some lace faslvJoncd from bits of tho wedding gown worn by my mother. But it has no Intrinsic value just a little sen timent." Although her personal fortune is estimated at $10,000,000, the "sun shine heiress" Is planning to wear a trousseau made of "left overs"'" when she leaves on her honejnioon. All tint she desires, she said, is a simple yes, a school girl wardrobe. Miss Armour, who is the daughter or J. Ogdcn Armour, the packer, al ways has been just that democratic. By James L. Kilgallen (United News Staff C!orrospondent.) 28. America's . She always has mingled with ncoiib In all stages of life. She knows what It Is to surfer. She was horn apparent ty a hopeless fiipplo. She sufferei' Irom congenital hip disease. When she was rive, Dr. Adnlph Torenz, 1 Viennese master surgeon, performed a remarkable "bloodless surgery" op oration that resulted In her eventual ly being able not only lo walk but to dance. For years Lollla has been known ar the "Little Mother" of the "kids bar" o' tho yards" and the crippled child rcn of the city. She always aspired to do Ihjngs. In 1910 she applied for a commission -is nurse on the Mexican bolder. Sh" had trained in anticipation of such op portunity. When It becamo necessary to send nurses to the border, Miss Armour en tored the national service school at Geneva, III., where she shirked no me nlal detail. ''Wo swept floors, made beds and polished boots," she said. "That was ecsentlal work." Then came tho world war, and her romance. The girl and boy frlendnhlp of Mlw- Armour and young Mitchell ripened Into love at tho great lakes where he was stationed a:i a Jackie and she as a war worker. Always she has been doing sensible worthwhile things. So It was easy In comprehend tho attitude of thin smll ing, brown-eyed, rounded cheeked girl, when she said of tho coming wedding: Xot fuss for me, thank you. flood ness, no!" No Place For Rouge, Short Skirts, In Business, Girls Told By James L, Kilgallen (United News Ktiilf Correspondent) Beforo choosing your camp bed, see tho Harphuin all metal bed. Whe.i folded it is six Inches in diameter and lays in the lonneau of our car. Sets up In two minutes, all in one- piece. Durablo and comfortable. Sold by your dealer. Made and demonstrated by HARPHAM AUTO BED COMPANY. 702 East Second Street, The Dallos, 31 CHICAGO. May 28 - High! school girls about to graduate and sally forth Into the business world in quest of positions should not, they are being told, wear short skirls, sheer stock- ings, and the silken undoi-gnnnenls that go with gem-got in waists. Busi ness men don't like It. An educational campaign to Im press this fact upon the young coed Is proceeding in Chicuno. Mm. Genevieve Reld, tho speaker Thursday at the John Marshall high school, said; "Busino3s men do not want to em ploy the girl with the routed Hps, plucked oyebrws and the baby vamp Blare. "They want conclblo girls. "Don't powder your noso In public. It's unladylike. Don't wear the short skirt. It isn't good business taato and won't bo in voguo long. "Bo practical la our diogs." Excellent tidvico, maybe, but listen lo iMIss Mattle Stewart, In clmrgo of tho employment doparliunnt of a prominent typewriting company wh-i provides positions for 400 girls a month. Said Miss. Stewart: "Business men want the j;lrl wllh the zip and go. "They don't object to i.llk idockhn! and short skirts. In fact, I rather think they like them. "I've been In thin frame loo long lo bellevo that business men want the old-fashioned, out-of-date old uinld type of employe. Of course, thej don't want the girl who Is all painted up and decked nut an if 1.I10 were genu- to a ball. They do waul the girl who seems to know what's going on in Hie world, who Is right up lo the niln ut 0 in a sensible, smart :.orl of ua "If I were lo send out two girls for a position the girl v.lth verve and r.o and the 'practical girl' with the1 (Notice Is hereby given that the county superintendent of Wasco coun ty, Oregon, will hold the regular ex amination ol' applicants for state cer tificates at The Dalles as follows: Commencing Wednesday, June s. 1921, at 9:00 o'clock 11. 111., and con tinuing until Saturday, June 11, 1921, at 4; 00 o'clock p. 111. Wednesday Forenoon. lT. S. History, Writing (penman ship), Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon. Physiology, Reading, Manual Train ing, Composition, Domestic Selene, Methods In Rending, Course of Study for Dtnwing, Methods In Arithmetic Thursday Forenoon. Arithmetic. History or Education, Psychology, Methods In Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Ar! Course of Study for Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon. Grammar, Geography, Stenograph), American Literature, Phynlca, Type writing. Methods in Language, Tin-1 sis for 'Primary Certificates. Friday Forenoon. Theory and Practice, Orthograpln (spelling), Physical Geography, Fir.--lish Literature, Chemistry. Friday Afternoon. School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civ il Government. Saturday Forenoon. Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon. General History, Bookkeeping. SUPT. A. 10. GRONEWALD. 30 land the, TEMPORARY ORDER AGAINST , ntiru will be asked lo show why a per. STRIKING SEAMEN GRANTET 1 inandnt injunction against strike nc- tlvitles should not be granted, 1 By United rreps SAX FRAXCISCO, May 2S. A tei.i-1 porary injunction against five mari time unions Involved in the shipping strike, was today granted the United iStates shipping hoard by the federal court. Judge Van Fleet ret the care lor trial June 1 At that lime, defend- Tako your Crof bj's pageant pictures to 28 Typing and stenography done at rcasonnblo rates. Roslna A Fleck, orfice Hotel Dalles. Res denco phone red 2332. tl Decoration Day D A N C E MONDAY NIGHT April 30 ELK'S HALL EMPRESS Home of Supcrfeaturcs TILL MONDAY- ,N ft. JLr'Zg I The world's greatest comedian in the pic ture which cost $1,000,000 and a year to make. A First National 6 REELS OF JOY Attraction UOB WEBGCHKUL ON OUR MIGHTY ORGAN COMINC1 Monday and Tuesday- A Marshall Neilan Production "The Country That God Forgot" A Hitf Smashing Story of the Western Wastes TUESDAY "THE FURNACE One of the truly big productions of (he year 99