'1 .1 ' ' l7tJ 'li PAGE FIVE THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921. M ATHLETES IN COLLEGE TOURNEY 2-COLLEGES HAyE ENTRIES HARVARD STADIUM . 1 ' CLASSIC. IN By J. J.. Rowland (United Press Ktoff Corrt-'spondfent) CAMBRIDGE; Mass., May 27 Tlio Btars of the college athletic world nearty 706 men whose nnineM are 'their spi-ins nliimp, drojplns n conl op! high in the annals of field and track fi io 1, at Philadelphia. The Hods, war,, vasi Thin-sdny, Ma I'G, nl Bos ton. Hr.nk delivered four hltfi in tour time;) at hat against tho Ghntc ant! banished' the Jinx- that had followed tho Braves throtir-.h all their pievlou." gamer, with the Giant ilitsi uenson Henry a tinsling tap In the ninth sen home the1 winning run or the r.eeond game of the double affair. Tho Braves prevailed, 4 to .1. hnvln.", lost tho flr.it twine, 5 to :s, without the able assistance of tho cM backstop. The Robins sank a little deeper in"i Ceroids Gassifk! Adreri menfts sports gathered wlth'in the gray wallG of Harvard's great stadium here today for honors hi the 45th annual eastern Wer-colleglate track andv field championship. Athletes from 29 colleges were en tered. st. Louis, 12 California's team which came hero gem halved however, felt tho stir of life and tramped on the Pirates, 4 to 1, In Pittsburgh, Just after the Pirates' sue ccsnful career on the eantein tour, whereon they won 9 and lont !!, The Indians abused the Brownn In to r. u n Detroit tho TJ : double bill with the POILU BATTLER MAY USE GUN ON DEMPSEY a week ago to get acclimated has, "White Sox, winning the first. U to 1, been training stead.y,and appeared but losing the second, (! to in fine condition. Out of the big entry lis! the names of Allan Woodring, iSjracuse .nprln'. er; Edward C Qqurdln, Harvard's ..l. ii . I Tn, rni. i:iui;ii urgiu u.yur auu r,uu i nuiiii- son, Dart moth,fe world's champion ' hurdler, stood out as the ntronseat contenders In their events. In the century dash, Kirksey of I.eland-Stanford and Woodring were . picked toflght It out. Langddm of Yale stood out ns a strong favorite in He to reckon Will ' have Muller the high jump, i ' California with, however, in addl- .Brown Ramsey 6f Cornell. TCv ITnltnil Now MAlNHASSKT, U I May 27. - Qocrcoa Carpentier left the old farm down on the turnpike Thursday Inn? enough to come into town for a per mit to keep a pistol In tho training camp, jurt to keep up tho marksman shin he developed as a pollu in the trenclns. He also naked to be eon- "ducted through the local while tlicrr shoo!; h.'.nds prisoi'.e!?. bnritlle with ami the lion to .Brown of Dartmouth . and Muller recently GOrJzAGA' AND W. S. 0 MEET Jumped b(x feet 34 inches. In the mile run.'Irlsh of Cornelf1 arid Camp-J bell of Yale look the best. j Harvard men claimed that Ned llourdln -wns unbeatable In the broad Jump. Ralsey 'of Princeton was expected IN SPOKANE TOMORROW SPOKANE, May 27. (ripocl ".) -Tin Gonzagn Unlv r I'.y ba.'.obal! team will plry the W.i-hlnston Jit Col lege nine at CnilstnLa Held tini irrow afternoon in a g me that nia . d Jcide MEETING NOTICES County Sunday School Meeting Tho annual convention of the W". co County Sunday School association will be hold at Boyd, Saturday, May 28. All persons interested in Sunday school work are invite 1 to attend. 27 Kniflhts of Pythias Hiiaineis ninetin:; Mumlav nl:;ht, Mnj "u, at 7 : .'in sharp. All kulghln .requeued to be ine.iont. By oritur of Charles C C. ail i FOB SALE Al header hov, cltan I nor comiilet p. U.ied 'one season. Will trade for horses, sheep, cattle r j hogs. A. S. Milne, black 10112. I1H i POK SALE (Jood value lit residento J propertten. Cottages from $18nu .o 125011. Several nov, modern bun I galnws up to $fi."ii)i). Dalles llealtv j enmpanj , black rf!fll. LUCHL& CUMMINS Teacher of Piano Summer classes open June 1. Tele, phono black (1221. Studio at 201 West Ninth street. if ll:il5gotl. Knights of Pythias VSocIrl meet lug Monday. May .in. AC inonihnra and their famfller. Invited. By order of Charles Baggott. :J0 Elks Notice ' i to in parade. KOR SALIC Cholo :teel langc, teet baker, first clap:, conill must sell by Sunday. Ulng Hack I5252 and talk it over. per lion, up 2! FOR SALE 4 burner (,an stove, first chirr, condition. Reliable oven anil wanner, must rfell al once, ::12 We it Thirteenth, black C2.12. Wm. Nye. If on 1 1 House at !t:ll Memorial Day to to Join in Memorial D.iv By order ol exalted t tiler. W. L.j OHICHTON, Seey. 28 FOR SALE Large anil small farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good terms. W. C. Ilaunn, Dnfiir, Oie., ixtf. to make a good showing in the shot ! the uiiottlelal . !iiimp!onr..i.. m me put. Majors of California and Tel- northwest. The (Y.nzaga lln. up -prang J Inin nrniii Innnon lr -it Pri(l:;v bert of Harvard aro also competing Into prominence 1: at in this event. BRITISH GOLF TITLE FINALLY SETTLED walloncd the crack Unlvo.: iWashington tram by a score Before this game the Unlvi . Washington and Washington :. iii ii I .. "I I 14-2. ;.y o! State Rv United Pre HOY LAKE, England, May 27 W. I. Hunter won (he British amateur golf championship here today by de feating Allan Graham iiinnerup In the final match for the tille. ZBYSZKO STILL CHAMP By llmti'C rrc'tm KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 27 Stanislaus -Zbyszko Is uil'l champion of the mat. He successfully defended his title' hero last night by flopping .loe lecher, Nebraska. The firnt fall rr.rae 'after an hour and 52 minutes. College were lied championship. for the co::l j.euce FIRST FOOTBALL GAME PLAYED FOR CANNON AMERICAN WOMEN IN ' INTERNATIONAL GOLF Hv UiiltHi Vrui-s TURNBERRY, Scotland, Ma.. 27. The Ladies' International golf match es opened here today, a3-a preliminary to the Briti.-h ladles' open champlo.: (ship which commences hoie on Mon day, Prominent among (lie compel I or. were five Americans, Mlns Alexn Stirling, M'inr. Hollins and 'Mb-, Slier wood. MisD Ctimmiugii of 'Chlcigo, and Mrs. Quenlln Feilnr. All will al so participate in the ""ladles' open champlonhsip. T,ha leading British competitors are MI68 Cecil Loltch, the British ehr.m plon, and Mrs. Teriiplo" Doliell, bei ter known by her mniden name nt Gladys Ravenr.crol't, By Unltrd Press DENVKIt, May 27. A reolutlon ary war cannon was Ilia prize for which Rutgers College and Prince ton Univorsity 1'irs.t played organ ized Inter-collesiate football In November, .according to Homer D. Bougltncr of Denver, who was a member of the Princeton team. Thoie woic ,no tognlation uni form!! In those daya and there were 20 to 2D men on a team, ih Bough ner n ineinbers. Holding th.1 hall or running with it violated the rules as did holding or tripping of play ers. Kill got h won the first game, r.r. goals to four. The return same wart won by Piinceton, Nov. Ki. 18(19, eight goals to nothing, Boughner t raid. The deciding game was nsver j played, the facultiea of the schools believing the lpterest . of the situ- denth over the games wits d. n;i mental to scholarship. Later, Boughner said, I'lincoon von the cannon. No admissions wrro charged lj the games and the visiting Kara and rooters were royally entertained. t iT AMERICAN HENLEVV:' . - TO SEE CHAMPIONS T'nlted Vrvu PIMjADELPH.IA, May '27. Three world's champion crews and two na tional champion sheHs will nppear n-. tho t'waterir. of, thtC! Schuylkill river tomorrow in tile ffvonteenth revival of the American Henley. Jack Kelly, world':! champion pevIV er; Kelly and Paul Cost'ello. woiIiI'k charflplon dmihlo 'scijllers and 'lie worlu"H champion Ka." eight, will be tho. .Wture nltraetlphh. Thy.two nitlonalshanipions enter ed aje tho Undine Barge Club's re nlcroccntlpcde and tho Penn Bargo club's senior four. Harvard', Prri"cofttt"nfrd Syracuse are expected to be, among the colle gia! entries. The Navy eight, which Uroko the worth's record at tho Olympic games last j:tmmer and which gave. tho dopo a Jot recently by losing tti Prince ton.ps entered in the race for ih-3 FteWird'B challenge cup. Itfwas hoped that Princeton would enldf the eight that dofeated the Nav& -but the at blot ic official, de cllnjon the. grounds that tho Tigor rowtis Bclieilulo wan bo heavy it would not peyjIi.oC0itHl'p'" us 1,a' tie. Tlin Vesper Boat club plans to have RAINING METHODS Seventh Day Adventlst Services! nt Ilia Sccnlli Day Ailren : 1st church, 00 East Fourteenth .street are hold regularly as follows: Hahbath school al OMTi, preaching at 11 a, nt. and Young- People's mef. lug at .1 p. m. Saturday. Preachina Sunday night at. 7:30. Prayer and missionary meeting Wednesday even- in?, at 7:SD The nubile is invited to attend tbe.m meeting!!. Elder P. W. Province, pastor. Personal address, 120 East Fourteenth street. FOR SALE -Complete threshing tun clilr.e. iS-lneh .1. 1, Car.e sepaintor and engine. Outfit ia firs! class con dition. El A. Read, lliiick Garage, 'I'elnnliDiie main 021. 2711 I MACHINERY FOR SALE- An 1 have rented' all my land, I have otic 7fi C. L. Best iraelor wi.h plow., drills, discs, hnirows, etc., for sale. Also Fordson Tractor anil "Oregon Special" Holt Combine. A. G. Frolwnld, lone, Oregon. .11 POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessons by Appointment Kmpiess Theatre Pianist nr Tl If e u CMOS lum i Freight and express between The )alles and Wasco, Moro and all way joints Leave The Dalles, 0 a. in. dally except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:.'I0 p. ni. Leave- Wasco, II:. 'lit p. in 1). M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone b'.ack 1(M2 r.r main 471. it FOR RENT FOR RENT Small furnished Inquire 1-105 Pine street. holts.3 FOR KENT rooms, 115 Furnished housekeeping East Second. .'.1 FOR KENT Sleeping porch Millablr for one man. Red .'1901. FOR RENT apartment. street. FOR KENT aparlmcnt. ond atreet. Four-room Inquire S unfurnished 417 Alvorrl A three room furnished Iiuiu'.re 111 West See- FOR RENT Nicely furnished limine, keeping rooms.. Terms very reanon able. 722 EaM Third ntreet. 'i.S FOR KENT Fiont housekeeping room, downstairs, and sleeping room. 104 West Third. .11 FOR RENT SmalT cottage, bath and garage, at Seaview, Wash. In quire Mrs. Edward Seufsrt, Main 0521. 28 r6iriT?Jx'IFii ihrTl" Ugh thOuse keeping rootu.-i. Also five tooni ctea l bourn. Some furniture, and tele phone. .'104 East Eiglilh street. 2 FOR RENT--Tluee furnished lioltsi keoping looms'. Adults only. 100.1 Alviitd sireet. Tekphnne led l.'idl. ::i FOR SALE neparator lor steam less belt, spven'foot one season -Olio 24-inch steel Cas 12-hor.'e Autnian Taj tractor engine; 150 end complete, $750. 00. One MuCormiek binder, used in good repair, fl.'O.OO. One carload cedar posts, S-l'ool, la cents, f. o. b. car.; Parkdale, Ore Timothy NewnM, Parkdale, Or. 2w22 FOR SALE-Cropnnd two years' lease on my 10-acre farm in Thotup son's additlcn. Modern house, five acres alfalfa, ready to cut; two acres wheat, apricots, chorrhs, pencil en, plums, pears, apples and grapes, .Mrs. Fannie McEachern Thompson's addition. Telephone black 4012. 2 WANT ED WANTED Bright In1; mil'' sort I tig. I'irl to learn mar! Model laundry. 1 WANTED -To Writ" im ;!5, hire route cat pel WANTEDt -Work nil and wife. Write box Clnoniel'o, l-HIK-ll llKllll. :!o "by nr.'ii earn i;1' 2U HELP man Intel box ' W A' N'T ED with at least : jol! 'for the i A "fi, ' c.ire ol' Capable illlifl.'tin l:',ht part. Chronicle. true; I have rile FOR-HALE BY OWNER--Two rim fruit1" anil garden tracts, Tliom lion's addllon :!Ci) iieif win al farm In Jeffer.iou e.unt", near Madraf with water, liiiildliigu, $10,suu, tentts or would ( xclr.uige, F. It,. Ollvi "' Rooiite 1, The Dalles. 27, with UOST OH FOUND FORD Sp.cnallEsib Whitney Repair Uliop 709 East Second SI. LEGAL NOTICES. General Ordinance Number 411 An ordinance prohibiting the flrln ; or (Uncharge of I'lrewotks, and other pyrotechnic display Viithiu tin limit'' of Dalles City, and providing penal tie!! for violation thereof, and repeal ing all ordinances and parts of ordi nances in conflict herewith. The people ol' Dalles City do ordain as follows: Suction 1. The discharge, firing or other use of firecrackers, torpedoes Roman candles, or other device or substance designed or Intended for pj roleehnle display, of pistols, canes cannon, using blank cartridges or eai containing chltvalo of potash mlxlitr'' or any other explosive substance whatsoever designed, intended or tee ed for pyrotechnic display, within the limits of Dalles City I hereby pro. Iilblled. fteclion 2, Any person or potMau, firm or corporation violating, or pro curing or encouraging another person or persons, firm or corporation to vt" late any of the provisions of Ibis or dinance shall bo deemed guilty of .i 'misdemeanor and (sball upon eniiyle. lion lliercnt' lie lined not more than w-Mity-flve dollar:! nor loi- than I hi' dollars. FRANK HEATER, Chief ol Police. 27 FOR RENT Room modern home. Lady or gentleman. lOiid Fulton street. Telephone 'ted :!4!ll. 25 board in ! I.Oi.T(!i ei n Da Ilea Auto Icle oil ice. "v !;! waleli al 'I'll Park. Ret urn to Chron lievald 2S FOR SALE Of FIGHTERS VARY FOR SALE Cheap, Foul :: r. Inquire Sunsel yaiaf.c. ion FOR SALE Wt phone black '. '.vole, S02. .fl5,00. Ing 10 l- ::o By Henry L. .Farrell , (United Press Stan' Cerivsponili-nt)' NEW" YOnK, May 27 No two hoavywelghtH for u cbamrlonshlp ever trained under moro widely ill vergent ' conditions than .lack Detnp ney and Georges Carpentier. Even down lo the handling of pairing partners Dempsiy and Car-j poatier do not agree. Drmpsey mauls ibeni and hrntti' thoni, Carpentier treats 'em gently, j Doir.psoy hasn't been doing a lot , of real training no far. Yet two; of his human punching bags .lac's ( Cl'ffoid and Leo Houck have p;ill-, cd stakes. Larry Williams, a taiid, is about to leave, Demp.ey eliiiim: he cannot gel r ultH. when hu pulls his puiich s u training bouts; that tb get the cor j leet timing and dirfclion he mut hit hard. ) j Carpentier claims lie can get re : sella without putting all his energy ( into a blow; Gub Wilson, thi rrenchman"rt jtiainer, says Carpentior lira never :iiuit a sparring paitner since he haa bpen trtilnlng him. Joiiinee, ' ,l , JToTT I nit.' I'renchmnn who is worKtnt; oui FOR SALIC Jersey cow. Rer Minablf. Inquire .",22 Calhoun street. "o FOR .SALE--Rawlelgh proditels. 410 Went Fourth Si. Black 13111. ,V?, FOR SALE Ten-room hotel. Inquire box 07, Kent, Oiegon. , JM FO ir Ai7F -reeTbaby liiiggjvT?)' 0 ' . Initul.e tilii i:ant Thirteenth stree. ,'i FOR SALE -Fie-room house, olio lo, on paved reel. ?2000.00. Sen Bailer or telephone main 1571. " FOR SALIC Seven- mom home, lour lots, till modem convenience.!. See Baue." or telephone main 1571. "i I.ORT; Colli watch with fjb. on aitlo park- grounds. Reiuin to Paul Mc Coy, Com t' lipai imenls nil I receive liberal reward, 2.-S1 lyilSCELLrtriEOUfi MONEY TO LIi.XD :o property owiie ". lor bitlltllng purposes. W. !' Glle.i: ell, 401! Washing on slieet. 1 HKMS'ITJ'iJhTniI aTuTbllttiilis covi ed. Mrs A .1. M illae. iM7 Union sf.cd. J5 IIE.MSTI'l'(;illNG I'le.it h M. Boolbbv, :!08 edging. NJrt) Washington street. Telephone main ".-"nl tl '77:ETl7E."l,Rl':ss -Furni tare and piano moving. Erelgh' bailled and general cxpies tnml neiis. Teleplioiies: Stand, led 101; residence black 1.".52 .1 I'.'. Ilcuzio' HU PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS FOR SALE One nuif condition. Inq'iilre 407 e, la good Dillon stree 27 i with th-j challenger, says Hie blows "live entries In Hie big ovento. one of j "line aome times. which, may bnihe eiglu btroked by . .. jack Keny. Juki as soon as Georges puts one over that Irtrts, he lets up a llitle hi'," Joumeo aald. FOR SALE Cut I'lowerti for Mem orlal day. !I01 Liberty atreei. Mn. C .1. Stubllng, 2' FOR ALK Dry oak wood: old ou til 50; second growl Ii, $1250. Dcllv ered Call H0F22. after 0 p. in. !! SALE--Dodge "Oiiiiiie. elil car. 1020 model. Al condlti .n Will t:t!: light car in trade. Wijle box X. on. Chrcnlfle. Portland-Tli'; Dalles Tiuck Service General freight hauling. LeaT'i' Portland 2 p. in. I.fives The Dallea, 1 :r.0 p. m. Daily service. Tile Dalles lolephono red 0711. Por'land tele ihoncH, Marr.hall i:'..',.' or ea t liOOO .117 PIANOH TO NIC I' tlon tegulallnt Player actions guaranteed. S. A, Hon Mimic htore, Dtteet. Telephone -;ind repalied, ac and lellnlalilng a specially. Work Dockhtadcr. Cm 120 I'll Ml Seenne main loci II HANK COWDY CLAMS 4 HITS IN FOUR TIMES UP dy'c greatest day cn tho ball field since he chucked his" flannel suit and climbed into olive drab to go to tho SECOND HAND STORE Furniture Repairing, Packing, Crating, Carpet Cleaning. .All work guaranteed, 208 Court Street FOR SALE -yix loom hotiho, two lotx on paved r'rcei Nl'e!v Im-.ne'! T8230. H-"o Bluer or telephone main 1.171 FOR uSAI.F By owiihi, 5- oom plan' ered hoiiKu and Ateepiug porch. 'IVniiH like rfiit C Fllrceiald, tele 20 Good location. Pilco nsso E phone KF13. I'lla.iad Fiiuikwim S!l'iSi Teacher of Piano. Harmony and Theory. I.eiichetik'' i.ii Died Special at'en linn given 1 1 heglnnerii. Summer term oieni June 15- Pliono red 34U1. Hln ilio luoo Fulton bit ei t J20 Notice For Purchase of Cord anil Sl.ih Wood. Notice Is hereby given I ha I school board of dlllrlel number 12, Wasco county, Oregon, will receive sealed' bid.! lor liirnl.'ihlng lln loMowing lots of four foot cord wood. Fir or pine must be first grade, made of lai'i" limber Oak must be second giowtls, not less than lour iiiclie1!. no more (linn eight Inches In diameter. !)' livelier! must "be rompletrd on or I'" lore August 1. 1021. High school, 5 coida n!:tb wood Whllller, pine or fir, 50 co.di; oak 5 roidn I0a.it Mill, slab wood, 5 cords. West End, pine or Mr, 20 cords. Tliompson'M Addition, pine or fir, .'10 cords; oak, 10 cords. ISIdn lit list be piescilli'd on or before June 0th, 1021. Tim board rcscrw t In right lo reject any or all bids. By order of boaid of school district number 12, Allo.il: Prudence M. Palter'on, eleik mwl w Notice for Didn lope Waneo County sealed bids for Shaiilko-Anteloi o for Shaiiiko-Anie-Rosd. heieby etills foi regradlng of the Ror.d, Iroiu Ante lone northerly, lo Hhanlko. All bids shall - he on a pioposul blank which will hi liirnislied upon application by tho County Roadman ler. The Hpi-ci!'cal!ou:i, plans and e liiimles for IIi.k iinproveuii'iil are ii' tile In the oriic's of County Cle.'l: of Wasco County, Oiygon, and iilno with P. W. Marx, County Ri.adiua lor, at his office In Count v Com House, The Dalles, Oregon, and jeet to Inspection. The work will hi done hi accordance with the abovi mentioned plans and Hp"clfica' ion under tho Kiiporvlxioii and diiccilon of the County Headmaster. All bids must be accompanied b a certified check for 5 percent ol Hie amount of tho bid, to be I' t feltrd lo Wanco County in lyino iincb hid should ho accepted ami Ih'' hid iter Hlio.ild fall to enter into eon tract, and bond tor I he fnlthtiil pm formaiice of the work. All bids should be sealed mid til ed with the County Clerk on or be line (ho 281 h day or May. 1021. All bids will be opened by Hie County 10 o'clock a. in. on aald al Court date. Waneo to roeel Dated D., PJ21. d27w21 t'ounly leservea the rigb any and all hidi. ihls ISIIi day of May, A W. D. CRICIITON. Count v Clerk l Sa3p Km A i i t. it' 3j S5glJ ti, IH.lMJ hWau.k XI gl WKitknpraittenaM $A SJi! f ketr d.i,.h, vt&m otUi tndCi ' j " I (.Irl I 4 fckit CCLRO KULA CO. BEST STOMACH and BOWEL TONIC HE HAS EVER. - TAKJ3N.. MR A. G. KRAI'S, 81 E. Jr7l1l St. No. ' ' k Portland, Oreg'on, Writer.: U.ive tal.in your BARK ROOT TONIC fot revertil wt'eks. and find lj' in the "best, . t'.toi'iRch and howel lonhr 1 have ever taken Bark Root Tonic A VA.nilrrfv.l System Builder A Mild Lavatlve and Biwid Regulator If ss.il'ierlng wllii' BJi:ov.fin6ns, IP'ailai'he, Par rr.ehe. list'.t'.s.-i feeling uj" hick of ape hie. wliK'h is mostly capsed b7 conalipa Hon uud linifgrt'iih, why not give BARK KOdl' 'IONIC a trial' and be convinced? Sold at till reliable diilg sloivs. CELRO KOLA CO. Sole Ml'grn. l'liriliind, Ori-gr.n WOO I) A HI) & TAUSCUER Conlnictin Bricklayers- and Plasterers All hinds of Tile and Cement Work. Hrepl.ics Work a Specialty r.Gtlm.iles tfornlshed free, of cliaijji. All Work 'Guaranteed. Telephone Main 04C1 or Call at Gates Block ' , A SAVINGS ACCOUNT PREVENTS SKIDDING! It keeps your small change from tdippinn away1!, Many a peri on has slid back f' oin near success to. "one of th millions" jinit because he lucked it bank account with which lo put lilm in bustniMs or make a sound" "Investment. A wings account (lusi a little each weyk or month) may prevent you from slipping back ami by acquiring tlk'e pleas urable habit, it will also keep your change from- slipping' away. Open an account with us today -one dollar will atait It. We pay FODIt pi'icenl Interest. 'I Por Cent Interest Paid On Savings Accounts. Citizens National Bank Teh-phono Main IIIOI Officers P. J. Sliiilelmnii.Prciildcnt. Directors Dr. J. A, Renter, Vico-Prcs. II. K. (Ireeno, Cannier J. F. Turcck, Ass't Cashier. P. .1, Stndelman. Artiuir Seiifert Dr. J. A. Reuter Dr. B. C. Ollngut II. D. Kuck J. O. Ileimi'lcb J. J. Van Dellen Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DiSLiVKRY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furnilure and Piano Moving Stand at Clenn's Jain( Store Main .'J72 1 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDA LL UNDERTARINC CO Wa.sco The Dalles Dufur LULU O. CR AN DAl.L, Manager Belt I homas, A.mi6t;liit M.inagor Llrrlibril l.inP.iliiici ti. Lt.iLitletie( 1V87 Tr.ltiplionfi Day Red 351 Nluht Rod 352 I. II. lUrpri, Black 2102 Cut Flowers Wiiniiio Attrriil.irit Mr. M. .1. WMU itiirr T rlf phone RrU IUI iIo(or Htniipr.wnl Ife, Dr. T. DeLARHUF. r.y'Hijni opecmliot Mollis 'JtOO to 5:00 . Sund.iys and Evenln-jo by Appointment I7.H Vout Blk Over Orobby's Drug Stori Phone DMck 1111 VENZ.BAUEE (leneral real estate, liitiirai.ee, and loaiiK, 10DJ Kant Second street Tele phone main 1671, 2btf E. C. PRICE C0 pint National Bank Hldfj. The Dalles, Ore. 1Clf Glen wood Hotel 202 Union Street Mali' niock from Station FRIOE RATlTlS I'lcnly of Hot Water Day and Niht CLEAN ROOMS I'Yom .r)()c to 51.no a Nijjhl $2.r,0 to $5.00 a Week . -, !)ININ(J ROOM Open (i a, in. to 11! p. in. f.T