The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 27, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MOE t-OUK
St A '.
6 -
mi? nAU.e.i pA'iv cunoNictc. pkiuay, may zt, 1921.
L-It I
j g , llllli
Hntftblldhcd 1810 , Tho Dalles. Or.
Published Kvcy Evi'tilnK Except Si t idny
y hrpnV-lo IMbllghtng coiuph rylno
.....l!niprnl M longer
. JEntfrnl In Tim Unties poslof Ben
conii class mutter.
United Press KiVl Unlti'il Nows . riorvlco
Mrmbcr of AikIIi. of Clr I ilntlons
OnnypRr. In ndtwiei! J5.00
filx months, In iwviwiou 3.00
Oiifl tnonlli - -50
Oni jonr. In nUviiiXvo $3.00
PU months. In ml vini. . $2.5f
On month - - . .I0
fine ypnr, In nclvni !.. ...... .1.00
In ortlrrtnc "hnn;i of nd' Iron. mili
crlbor should nlwnyM kIvo fold aa well
new m dil reijs.
Kdltorlnl rtooins. . -Hlnck 111
PlfclilrsH. ,dv . I'lr. Drills Red 111
Hub.iri Hivis lo I). ii rivonlilo are ,friifir'
Dlecd srrvlco. I'loinpii nnc rrRUfir dt'
Ilvpry of every nuliicril'r'n ?ntir Is ll,n
lot of lh rl'i'iiliitlon lpm ,'(ui'jiil. Tlie
Chronicle carilttn mo required Id 'jitil.
tio impels on mo poron or v-owovei- llin
unCillior wlntip Mio lnp"f delKMriMl.
' i
Wanen county xvnnls this Dalles
California highxvay Ijcimc) l.s.siiij and
1m going to have it. y f
Hiicli diiy nexv evidence liours In
til Mlbsfntllinte litis Statement. (JT.ily
yeHloldiiy wo lend of the position
.taken by iiiniiun. ui nuts Cnwt
grange, went of Diilur, A, rising
vole was polled nt this meeting
Tuesday, when ivpicHentativcK of all
IJii! granges in tin.- county wci; i f Wprfir
It was unanimous for the issue.
While litis was not .sliictlj a Pine
Crest meeting, I'ino Crest ini.'inbcr.s
predominated, nuil It Is significant
that mil so long ago, when tho prop
osition was under discussion, the
J'lnc Crest section was rated as
One after another separate dis
tricts are falling Into line. In tho
same report it is said dial a rising
vote, taken tit a meeting of lurniers
In Columbia Union hall, was
for the issue.
These things mean only one I hint;.
The fannets and lite small eoniiuun
Hies out of the county seat tiro
strong for llus bond irsue.
ConHorvulivo men, mind you, who
ine now experiencing n keen de
pression in their meaiis or liveli
hood, want this mad measure to go
tluniigh. Tht! I'aruieiii are miltia lo
pay tlie major cost or I lie nmd.
Look al lliese I'lKures anain.
Tlie lotal assesneil valuation or1
Wati.cii l ouuly Is -ti,li!",uV-. 1 1,
Taxes ate paid on as.seshi'i'!
valuations in tin; following propor
rilbllc liorvice coioporalions, jf.1,.
210,072.11. Their i'ereeuliie or the
laxen la i'o.S.
Cities 'Will pay taxes on u total
aiiiiessed valuation of $1,10!"), 1 1U. The
jierceiiltiKe in 20.U.
Thu lemaindur of tho eoiinly,
fariiiltiK nd limber inteiests, wilt
pay Iii.ncs on valuatluns of :fl(i,7!lli,
Slid. Tludr ln'icenliin hi .Vl.ii iiereenl.
Approlmatvl, Ihe farmeiii will
pay HU pcici.-ni ui' tlie couutj'.i abate
id the ciit or th" toad.
Wo folks in tlie city ill pay ap
pioimiilely Zh initeent of tlie hill.
Tlie lialleHi'iilliornla highway does
not mean a stieet for Joy rid int to
llio liunifi s. It means a way by
which they can market lliuit pro
iliti'ls mine e(imomleall. It nu.'au.
a 1 1 til 1 1 uheioby ibey can net to the
filled lo pariliipate In Ihe advatt
laKoa that towUMprople enjoy.
The city, and the eltics, will prollt
in Just teiuiii. It means, if mar
kotiu.'i it u b' iloue more clieaj ly,
Hint I arm pioduelH will n rlteapoi.
iittracla the rural resident to
ssuu far more than any other
Keup this In mind, jpu folks who
are still debuting on .the proposition.
The state Is polns to stand half
(ho expense. Dollar for dollar the
cost will be matched. Taxpayers In
the remotest corner ol Malheur
county, away down in Curry county.
wlieru they need loadu most awfully
bad, down in Uneoln county on the
coast, iind tip In Wallowa, are koIiis
lo nintrh your dollats. Yoj will sot
the benefit.
And remember further. The slate
me in tains Uiu road alter II Is built.
Money we are spending now for
the poor roads which are lo be de
veloped Into the kooiI loads of the
permanent highway, coin or (be
i calm which vc plank down cvct.
year lor llllinK the chuck holes and
eradln and ilranKin:; and all the
other things that have to bo done
to poor roads, will no lnnuer in. i. it
Ifj expended lor these purposes.
Tlie state keens it tin. The casli
we aie spending on these poor roa7h
will he released for laterals. JO wry
road In the county will benefit by
tills I.allos-(.'aliroiiila highway.
Look at it again. It's a certainty
Hint a man living within striking
distance of tlie highway Is goln
hit tor that road if )ils own are bad.
The good highway will lake much
of irawl oif the pooler loads, and
tlm latter will lenialn in belter
There's hundreds of ways of look
ing at tills thing. Tlieie are few'
arguments against it, and they will
not hold water.
Finally, we say ii again. Tli
nalles-Caliroiiiia highway is goin
to be built. We get it, ir
11. Sherman county gets
don't. Why not swiug the
tills way?
good feeliii1; so markedly manifest 'heio a romantic oloprmmi look
cd altcady by the Harding ndniM place and Ihev wcie nuti'il'd. Ilhi
IffmUfoh lonllntk'll 111'! tlleselll ebler ilonit' J""- 'l'Hl of c"i fH''
cxecuthu will uniloubftdly bo rr
World Stands Close To Peace,
mm ' mm -m. AT m w-. . It IV will
i larduw s Memorial 1 30.cinrn.tmn 11.1 1 , n o
olccled In 11121.
The republicans will piobably re
pent in 1!I2,X, ir one da-cs look that
far ahead. Charles Mvaun Hughes
may very well be the paity leader
In that ear. And if ho In, it is
likely the conntiy will make verv
sure that li'itndering poll! leans tit
ionic distant corners of Hie llalion
vlll not deleat him.
some nr the oltliw -fruit Iiuh in
ciiHlein Oregon. A fall fence on th'
place at I he present time la made
of ra'ils 'broiiglil I Here ' III 'ISM. He
was the Hist In II Iff of llic out I
or Wasco coiiiil,,
I M:n v MIIom C il, I. u.,u Ii,,,',, ..l
iro.t Dalles III ISM. Her mother " I'ls Mc.orlal Hay letter ('ntlon, from l.cxlnriliii to ilie Argonn",
,.U i..i i .i... i , . valonjiia aony have veil dc.-.-ivcd
H nirii'i hi inn mill'. I. II i I III ,IIIUI Iti.ll I.UIOII, IliaiiC pUDIIC Oil'., ... .. , .
tint, iiiniiviji iiiiiii Hill II ill, lltlll. Illll-
iWn 1 iiiist, "ir cl'i;-a lo, peace
'iirblovi'tiienti!. lo safely Insured. Muy
ii ne
: i in nuil purpone
? .comm.'; ycai'jourf rjatlon'j.-!
i aim and pollc , ohnfl "lie' Uirtected jtti
Iniiiko curtain th.H IhCnTiShittl be leant.
inetd lor further Faf'fjriccs, .frcatct
Eiiaranices of tho i;tab"lllly, 1 ho per-
,.ili,iif.i (tni nun r ht iititiir 111
I liirdllig declared In the American Lo-1 "" .o'niis us liia' In even gener- ' r,. , f itl.oi-J til v.lil' li
WAKIILVC.TON, M.-t.i 27-Tlie world to iitf.-.ln
n'.aiida very clo-ij to peaie. I'reslileti!
for those who have made
saorltirc in Ii.-; luhuV.
The i'agt'imt Slory
Day hy Day
The PiciKers
hiifdMilld wan a soldier of Ihe fort.
Her niotli-i' wan or KplMcopal faith,
bill there In Ing tin Ivjihcopal mill'
bier lieu1, the baby iik clitlsleiied
I'.r l-'alh-f .lti,plin nuil l-'nilief ,lamn
CioK i, ml ..tiii. .Miiiv ('.imIiIml' ii-ind
as godinniher. In alter eais Mary' llyh' 1 n',m"s "" iii'Hon.ii Have never hen a militant of aW
Caleb uns married lo W. silvr-l1"1' 1":c" s,1"'( !,'; ' It'-ly n 1. 1:-; loving pe-jple. liter" 'ma been no lime
Hi t,o inatirr ol tact and practical a i wiiett Americans did not l'ise to Hi'
period of Ihi! world's history thai we j lull moraine or the ' ro ililr-iiient
hi'.M! been little moved by Hie seiill-. w hirli n;Mion;'l honor and niillonal; lint .inch occasions inspire 'safety'l upon them. When na-
, ""'. ilelended. pi eiicrvcd. could glv
I 'I'll'-' piesi leiil'.i iMcirnte Is . fol-ito them. Whenever the donn-nd h-
'I)vh: come, ind where'er it 1 1 i : J have c;:!!-
"Ainoriciins bavo never been nitim cd Ihe ::ons or our prolyl land, it lias
Khun to 'ho .establishment ol holiday t j alway.i been enewcrod. Tlituigb1 w'e
tooth and their fiiiiilly was reared
In Wasco enmity. She Is the oldest
native Inru resident ir eastern Ore
noil. Thene )ieeple will hae special
placer, ill lite pat-anl today. '
(,tir naticn hai' 'bcctidcJicated'
Twen'y pcrrc-ni .jhwount oti vglass
rtov.-er ba.'keis for Ihm week'. ' bind
tllliHl's .Jewelry store. 2if
we want
it ir we
national poll'
Cliailes I'l'van
luck cliampioii
Kicked around in
tics like a football,
ILighcs is the hard
of the count i y.
Put on tlio siiiremo bench in 1 tl 10.
Ii Ik parly dragged him off because
111! was TTiO only sine shot candi
date the republicans had in JUUi
to buck Wooilrow Wi'son in Hie tat
ter's second campaign.
Kilt a I'm in pas on the part of lli
lepubllcau managers in California,
a scrap between the Johnson group
and lie Crocker ciowd, defeated
Hughes, ami he wan told lo go hack
to private life.
Ilo did. Went into the law prac
tice again in New York where lm
was said lo have
balurieil attorney
Hughes was said
linen Ihe highest
iu Ihe vminli'v
lo have I'ig.tred
I'oday we pay liiliule tj the p'O
plo who endured the fatiguing ami
liinneious jouitiey a ;:ohs Ihe plains
thill homes might be established In
the west. They endured the haul
ships ami many died hcl'or.: th"li'
dicams were icalizcd. Tlie city Is n
iiiembering today (he following pion
eers who are still living In the city:
lohn Crate, who was bout in 1850:
I'iniik Laughlin, who came In
Mary dishing, who came in 185!::
(icorge .Snipes, nho eanie in 15'!,
and Mary lCllen Slhertooth, who
l i was born heic In LK:.
I'M Ciate came to Oiegon as an
employe ot the Hudson's I lay cum
pany. Ho bellied to man the lioats,
which Dr. McLoughlln sen! to brin1;
the emigrants of 1S5". down the
river Irom '('lie Dalles, when Ihe In
dians weie taking a hostile alti
tude. He took ".i 1 1 a donation land
claim here In 1818 and tin pro
ii'clinn which Is known as Crate's
'o!ui was named for him. Mis.
hate spent several months In Ore
gon City, when .lohn Crate was born
iu 185::. All of ills life lias been spepi
hole, I' or many years he lias been
i member ol' the police force of
Tlie Dalles.
W. C. Lauglilin, with his family.
Tossed the plains and came to Ole
fin iu 18.5:1. He filed on a dona
ion laud claim, which include, must
l the site of the Dalles. Kraim
.aiighlin, wlio was four years of
Ige at that time, is tlie only Ihllig
member of the family. Mis: K!;:a
belli Lord, who was widely known
nil died a few yeais ago, was a
dsler. His lather win a meuibor nt
'hi! firs! board of commissioner!'
when Wauco county was organized
ii 1ST. I. i'rank Laughlin lias b en a
"sident of tl:e city since Ihe pioneer
iouinej was made.
.Mrs. Mary Cashing came around
Chpe Horn, wph a " military cmpi'iny
In IS5". She accompanied the fam
ily of O, !. Ilaller, who was lb'1
commanding officer of the Ninth
l'tiit''d Stales infanliy al Keri
Dalle.i. She was IS .warn of age
when slr came and has live I ben
over since. She describes Ihe t ri
iiiiiind Capo Horn in being er
pleasant, theie being no unfavorable
Yet I think no nation ha.) ever c i- i liotril
tablisbcd a national dny of cnuseora- 'sponi
Hon thai represented a more, lolly or
' onnobliiif; sentiment thi n docs our
i j national .Memorial Day, To ilo ob
servance we ha' 0 brought Hie full same piomptno-is, the same
lueasui"1 of sincere revere'ice and ,'r.a'mn devotion.
LONDON, May 27. A me.cUns of
ropri iu'ii nllve Amertcail ilnil' lihJl.tU
newrp.ipe'iineli In Kngbuid next ycjv.
lor the pi'npose iif Voalorin,-; ' Anglo-
iiil'ely was the cattr.e. (lie re-, American lclallons, was i
v.cs nhvaya iusis'cn'l aiid de-1 VI:;i otint Diirnham, proidtnt of Iho
cidvc When civilization ciimiuoned ' Imperial Press conference. n.l lhU(
and on1- sons wire called to other j American luncheon club. "c tine: day.
so;'s i-nd skiea and sol's, we saw the A formal invitation; j;tibaby will"
y.cel. Ihe i be exlcndcd later throu:;Ii lliei Ainei-
I lean Newspaper. P.uyhdtorc.;, a;sociH-
(1'ioni The Chionicle, .May 27, 18!iiJ)
The Dalles cily band has p-jrt
poued Us grand ball Irom Saturday
next until a week from I'llduy.'
gralllude that a g-eaf people Is ever "On thi i Meniorlal Day, 11121. .we lion.
directly or Indli eclly, iu Ihe big
cases liel'oie tho 1'nlled Stales su
preme court morn than any olhei
man. lie, hi said lo have averaged
oxer $2MUItin a ycai In bis law
prin lice.
Another elccl'on' came along. Tin
republicans ie,iii..iinmd pov.e". Ilugh'i
was nationally ncclalme.l. lor sec
ictatj ol stale because 111" peoph
had confidence in nini. lie was ap
pointed lo ihe prime mlnislr.x of
the Hulled Stales,
Kdwcrd Diiualau While,
lice of llio supieme court
days ago. Ills .sutcesatir will soon
tie appointed.
Today's news indUates
t in m Howard Tall will be
'fall, ll Is said, will accept.
If the people of the United Stales
hud the say, It xvould be u toss-up
The Con::o Oil company Is draw
ing fjood audiences at tin corner of
I Third and Federal sticets, and the I
, piogram olfercd Is appreclal-d by
all xvho attend. Change of program I
nightly. In advertising llieir mcdl-1
i cine, they make tlio offer of "no i
cure no pay," which seems a very!
I fair proposition.
A large house greeted Judge Hell,
ni'tt last evening, the bund b.lng out
and rendering several choice selec
tions. MY. Dennett made a very in
teresting speech about txvo hours in
linglh, iu which he represented lib'
convictions to lie lor tree coinage ol
sliver, free trade, tho openin; or
the looks and arging the republi-ans
democrats, prohihlticnists and popu
Msts to vote for him.
ihief Jus
, died leu
'I hiU ono point alone al'fcclb every
person lu the city. between Talt and ILighcs. Kach
Mm jovor, ii uicaiiH If the farmer I llio confidence of Ihe country,
wm to tlie clly be in going to, Hughes' aspirations, it Is said, tire
pniioni.c tlie businesses of the city, towards the supreme bench. He wa
fioui Hie nioxte hotibc and the res-, satisfied Ihoie win n hits panx yank
tauniut lu llio dry goods stoie.
II the tariuer cinnoi el to town
bcciiiibo ot muddy toads he cats ut
his "owi table and he lorgets the
movies. That has been the situation
tu thu past, If he can get lo toxvu
though readily and comfortably tho
jour mound Ihetie tntbliuueis tukcu
Jttbt ai laiulum exauudutf will prollt
xxba.t they haxe not ptorilcd bofoie.
Tlyt tourist travel Is no small
Itein or butiluess but it U not tho
main' atguinutit lor the toad by imy
Tliu inruiur does not profit fiom
(ho minim. You wouldn't sen farm
em behind thht nu. If they xveie
Juki joints m sec travclijiM troni
Illinois flit by.
Tho tourist trawl is distinctly it
KiMitt! of prollt to tradesmen tu Ihe
elites. Th.' element of expediency
in travel tor biibliu'sa pill pones Ik
"i him fioui the high seal.
1 tu I Hughes cannot b n'.ii'o
I rum the oabinot. He is ubtdldiu'
the policy of the l ulled Stale.- lo
winds Hie win Id, alter Us leiidint.
by Iic.W,IImui aduviuisiiaUn
There is no bigger man In lln
couniry for that Job than Hughe.-.
As gucielnt) ol uutt Ins tcnin
Is not the surest tliliiK in Uie wo; 1 1
The best of nccrntarii s llnd ihoie
selves out of line with ill' milium
iHttatiou, as u lines Hill lliyun an
Uobeit ' Lansing. Hughes, while a
parly man, is a man of coin in ions
If he didn't like gomolhliiu pKipos.'d
by the government or dent. mile. t h
the- people, he would s.iy mi S.m:.
thereafter he would hung hb
uhlngle iu New Yetli at. a prlvuic
1 1 h.i hours,
no pay for
said lie
vveallier during the xoyu"e. Thul;
boat lauded at San Pi.inciscn, and
the I rip from I here lo Vancouver
,'as made in a surill s'eamer cal'ci!
Ihe Col.tnilila. The jotuno.x to Tie
Dalles was made by boal, with port
age around the Cascades, she wa.'.
imiri'ied Ihe ncxl 'yea'r to M. M.
Ciishing, wlin citiu; to Orejon In
1S5I as a soldier. Theirs was Ihe
I Irs I marriage perfoi'iiicd in Wasr.)
iniiilx. Mis. dishing has u xvonder
fill memory ol the people ami events
of the early days. She knew Phii
Slid Idan.
(Icorge Snipes came acuiss Hi
plains, when lie was 21 yen's on
age In ISW. Ills sweetheart. Mart In
Inioler. wlllt her father and mother,
xv ere coming tb Oregon by emigrant
train Txvo xvceks nfier they stait-,lbal it caniiol .m delo-'ed from lb
cd he decided lo follow them. After) nalurnl color. Hennaing also a sp
a few xvceks he overtook the train chilly. All linos of boauty culture j
and the remainder of Hp jimrnoyt 'he Hotel Dalles Ilcauty shop Tob
xv as made xvltn tlieiu. After a.'i'lx'jH: pjtone main 10,51. J1
A plan lo give official and honor
lib' mention lo stockmen or inc:
employees who render Independcn1
icrviee In provnCn," or lighting on nat'onal forests has beui
uggcsled by foresters of the United
V.atcs Depai I incut of Agriculture
I'll is plan should he similar to that
1 1 '.'xx in effect in some sections
where sheep iiert'ers who have been
"specially diligent In 'obseiylng th
g.axing roguiatiions are glveai a ctira
coniiucnillng Ih-'tii to oihe: sheei
.vaisei'ii lo. xv horn .they. . may apply fin
"niployinenl 'he 'sicg 'slion ii
.uade Unit spl'"':al leliers of appro
:i'UI(.n could be sent by dis'rlct r i.-
iters ol the I'lirest Service.
Ordinary cooperalb n which stock
nicn agree to in tin Ir applicat'oti'
hould no be thus recognized, tin
s-pechl'sls say, but nojxxorlli'
. lacs sh iiibl receivu ofliclal an
honoralile mention. ' llxamples o
such cases taken tin!' K net
Scrvhe records are1
Two herdern saved llio day iu tip
care of one fire.
Nine porinltlo'.s lought fire II
'inurs xvlthoat recompi'iise.
A herder look up Ihe patrol of ,
regular innger dii'.-'lng the lai'ci'.
One iiorniillee came "0 miles an'1
.ie ti d
your pageant niil.ires I
Have Your Stair Renewed
We can give you any shade of In
coloring; with a rniuous l''iaiico-Ame'
lean hair co'oring which is so perl'ec
IP liUKK people .took their tin-.ncht project;, ind
pnibleuiK. to thuir bimkeis tlieie would In fewer
j'iUiiucial ttiigedleii.
The Pinuch, Cyupanj biink can peihap.s .mixo
Mm time nnd wnn-y as well as help vim uv
mono; it you will but take mlxantngo of 'the melt
Hies and i'txlce we offei.
-1 ViU on SjiviiiRS
E. H, r.lCNIH. riel(..n
P. til, M. FTCNCM, Vlfci. Pi.l
V ii I .PMii.J e .
OSi&s J- c, MosrEiLcrt. c,
Digger things mux be lu Hint-, xl fl ".f riO.0- t t m. wm 1 MP
tiowevcr for Hughes. If ihe era of
dMs. .
Dodge Brothers expect every car
sold to be the basis of a friendly
association with the owner.
The car is built with that thought
upper-most, and every possible
human effort is put forth to win
and hold public good will.
The EPolin? consumption is unusually low
The tire mileage is unusually high
. ' It
' gBlJliJl
. r 5 , l. --A-.-- '1 ..i.t. XUpU-.
One Big Shift
.9 Hours
i. i i. . .