PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE FRiDAY, MAY 27, '921. OHEGON WATERPOWER ! CONSUMPTION SMALL1 iit: i (Chronlclf'r Snleni llurcntt.) s sXtTEXr, : tire., Mny 27. (Special) Rpcords on file In the offleo of Percy A, Cupper, stale engineer, hIiow that not more than 5 percent, and prob ably-lens than that amount, of Ore-! Ron's water power possibility Is ac tually developed end In use. The lat ent biennial .report of Die state ensl neer In general flguren Kays It Is tlincted that Oregon streams, Includ ing those on the boundaries, ale ca pable of proiliirlrm between ,1,0(10,00(1 and 4,000,000 horsepower, and that less than 200,000 has been developed, while the ultimate; development of Mien- at which power Is now belwj used in len than ,100,0011 horsepowe'. UrIiik speellle fi;ur'K, oilier rec ords on Hie In the. engineer's office place the total hornepower at :i,441. 4117, Of Ibis tieiiiendoiis amount 2,i;0,:i"0 horsepower repiesents unde vtiloped projects ibal have been Inves tigated by the mate, L'1!I,!)00 horse power reprerenls other power possi bilities that have not been Investi gated, ?nd 4S7.187 borsep)W(!r repre senl developed and partially devel oped projeels. Developed projects of less than 20(1 horsepower have not been listed. Undeveloped proposed projeotn which buye been In vest iga led by the stale, t hp first three shnwln.". In add! Hon to continuous power, I lie esti mated power for eight months of tin year when the water Is high, are, tn pari, as follows: Columbia River Cascade project Conllnuous horse Vowei, 200,0011: elcht-momh seaaon horaepnwer, 4'(l,00(l; river discharge. fiO.UOO aecond feel, minimum; bead, 44 feci. The Duller project - Cont t.uotiK hoisepower. 4H0,0H0; elght-monlh tiea son, NOO.Ilfill; river dleelmrfje. r.O.OOO second feet, minimum: head, if. lo lor Uinaillla project-- Continuous hois' Iiower, 120,000; ehi-monlh season, :t2y,0(m; river dlnchiM'ge, 40,000 second feet, minimum; head, :!,ri feel. Deschutes Kfvcr. .Moody project Coiitinuniie liorao power,; river dlschanje, tTiOO Second, feel, minimum: bead, 1112 lee1. I.ocltll pioject Continuous lumu jiower, 2S,(i:i0; liver dlrcbaij'.e. 4,00 Kecond feet ml'ilmuiir; head, 70 lee . ;;herar Kails iiroject -Coiiiiniioim boiaupown, I0,!lli0; river illMshmw. IfiflO aecond feel minimum: head, 100 feet. Onlt Hprlui;:i projeri -Coin inuoiin bornepower, 10,S2o; river (Uncharge. :i700 rrcoud feet, minimum; head 112 t'nul . Waupln iiroieci Continuous horse powr.r. 44,r,(iti; river discharge, :170H Kccond feel, minimum: bead, 1112 fitet. While I lone Itaplds project - Con tlnuour; hornepower, 17,200; river ills ehnrro, "700 neconil feci, minimum: Head, MS feet. .Mecca proJ"ci- Cenilmionr, hniw power, 27,7(ill; river discharge. " f51 fecond feel, minimum: head, uo feet. .Metollnn project ConUnuous hor.'e power. t;i,!li;il; liver discharge, :!400 juToinl ft minimum; head. 210 feel. FEMERS SEATEO . IN BELFAST HOUSE Ity lliilmt News IHCI.CAST, I, eland. .Mil) 27 K.i- iiiiiiiii de V.iler.i, pi.'l.i in oT th !' called Irlsli repithllf, Arthur c,.li' llib, linpii. Jind viie pr. I'ldenl r St'Iti lVn, ami Alike C dlinn, hiui- nun. inhi I, known us 'he h "Hd of the n imlillcan aimy," all w.m siulu in I ho iwiliain livian.l p-irl limit m in hu ehc, Ion, It I). cum - kn iv n lo 'nv Till I'lllOlll-'.-l not l." III i In I" ,s' ' .lot De. in. Hi N t GRAND ttni' i!a v.iul Sunday l'5!'.f! CLM in . 'Vl!' Vvlv: a. Possession" A rot. cover.' 1 r m-ncc dial s c'ono lo (he v .1 (li. A' I'.t 'amount l'ii'turo Cmwv .- '"I'l C t ' I. -.'.I'.N i lit. (iow! I'otjjo." A Marshall Ncilan Production tlonnllsts, took the sixteenth, uaf shown by complete lelurns for the city. He Valera and Sir .Inmos Cr.ilK, the Plater Cnlonlsl leader, head of Hie northein parlliiini nl, each u-on a sent for County Down. Ortlttlli was leturned by Tyione and Col lins by Aini.'igb. (Closing out my millinery i;oods at cost. It will pay you 10 inve.mijjate. Hallle Weaver, K02 Union stleel, oppo site poslofflce. Telephone black 3171 il BLAIR CONFIRMED DESPITE JOHNSON Jiy Unltfit .News WASHINGTON'. May 27 Deter mined opposition In senator Hiram .lolinsou ol California, failed to pie-vi-nt confii matinu of David II. Blair, of Norih Carolina, a commissioner if internal leveniie. Tim senate voted Thursday, ufler our hour- discitssioii V'liiirl closi;d dooi.'i, in lonflrm hlair. Tim voie, .enaiois said, was ."!) to lr,. The roll call was not made public, Johnson aigucd Hint income lax rates, as filed by lilaii 's father in aw, ,1. W. Cannon, v.ere s.icli Ilia ih'';. mafic Hlair unlit lor u one .Tiisslonersblp. He also said Ulair iolated Hie law of North Caro'.lmi U the Chicago convention of tint epiiblicen party, lilalr, aecordin lo lolinsou, was instiucied to oie for ilm as iireMiilential nominee, but dli! ,ii t follow Hie ins'i-uctions of the i oters. An attempt by Senator Harrison, if Mississippi, lo have the semtle jpt'.'i lis doors during w coinidm' itiun of 1 1 1 : i i t nominal ion failed. I'll1 senate discussed the iiieslion or tin hour and a hall, and linally voted against Harrison's pioposal, it) lo 2.1. Johnson supported Harris lull the republican leaders ' favoi ed secrecy, Harrison, it was said, argueii that he public was entitled to ii"ar all charges against Hlair, whettier or ml li was confirmed. WEST TO BUILD HALF OF NEW SUB FLEET ( f 'lif .ni'-'e' v a' I'.n !( !:.: e.!:i ) In the accetirt'V' of an :' lo the naval 'bill the ..entile li.ia c'.e ed Hie va., fir Hie ci.n.i.r,iciion oi'si-; llllge i ccnu-g'-in; '. ! I i lllin..: lines wli.c.h ,.(. .".tlhor!: d nr : mo.'i.ha a:;o, luil v !ii:'b co;:l I not b liuill bcciMi.,.1 of p.ovl in iti th .ipproprialiou bill agiltiiit its.ii'; tin, purl of lb,' lump sum lor cu.::t rtu t ion of submarines. Kona'.or I'l.imli ler o i.e1!' mI a: aiuendr.ieui lo pe. m!i U: build. up, o one t I'iiusijorl l ri)!:; iltl. iuiiip sum, I Is oxpecieil Hun wl.'i lite ay, eftueil lo Hie disarmament ; meiuliiicni He naval bill mum will r i m i'oiii'eri,ii,i Tlii !)i(ivi:.iun ihu bin. ilni; u nl.: new i.iibi.i.ii in '.. oi Itu-' type mean.. In a! ji: obaliiili;, a leant hall' ol Hies.-" will b. bi'lll o: llio veal id II they lini' In iirlvaio yc.ids liter, .'ll! be vi'. conipellllon batwien the vtud.; in l.u. Angeles, S:ui l'":.ii"i. . ;i, I'tirC.aud an,' Sealllii, lo g"l at le:i.,t a portion ol llilh'... Bring in Your Films Otru finishing tlcpurt inent, rhruugh up-to-date uicthodt; and ciitipiucnt ami expert handling, can help yiu get the kimi of pictures you want. To use a slang expres sion; "We're tli?ve at the liuifih." BROAD POLICY OUTLINED IN RESTORATION OF PRIVILEGES TO RADICAL PUBLICATIONS Gy Ralph K. (fJiilliil Ni-wh staff .May 27. -lesi-i WASHINHTON, master Cencrn! William ll.'iys, In extendlii'; second cIiih.-i mailing privileges to the Llbeialor, a called radical publication, litis fined I he adnihilril rat ion's p.diey wind fieedom of I li pr ss. lie-to- Ily bis actlrm, WedniMilay, i:i i gianting the Hilii titter's ii.pliciilioii mi nt on It's deui- rind through connni .-loti, flays established tlie.,e i,ints; (1.) I'ublicaiions "lio.tld b." :;ti Hrely supireas d an i their proprl" ,nrs prosecuted or lliey siiould ;r given eii.ial rights In ecnimnn with other periodicals. :..) Arbitrary power lo dt-citie what form of printed mailer Is or is njt oi nubile bciicl'li wa.; n-vet !u:i tided to be lodged In tlm p m1 maaier geneial and it iiball nil !) ia natiiio bycoint:, a mutter of in l million. nr. Jud.'ce of (r;.) H any liublk-atlon hailmrn ori.'ipirticy io df-niroy the giem-. 'i'l:er is a ccr.-nn cm. in l:-i.' ineiM Jiy I'o.'ce. then the depitrtnti ill ir.rti.lllion: in whit li the Inst i 1 11 ,f J unt ho will deal with tne i-iu-' . .a of f .villain (."' the pr s., iilnt.eK, ipirniots in Hie i.'iiii.ner pre.ic.ibed I bii, i,e In thin fount ry Itav pit- by law. The Liberator's applicat on has b,.( tl on file since Hie mugimti wn-i peiabilsiiul on June 11, a.; i lie nrso: lo Hie .vlasses, 'I in- p.;i i idiiilnis r.iilon loot: no' action on lr recji; :;( but accepted : very is .li; of Hie publication for mailiiu a! Ji'nl class postiiga u.tes. Hayu' ac- Hon was acootnpaiiif (I by a ,i I he paper of tll.1'77, the tice l-.twucn the sum .aid Iil.d -la:s postage i.n.l Hr. i iie ; ip. i would li'iv. ptiiil lie seenml class privilege le.'itnd th. under Yol Ho! Fcr the Bright Lights And Free Lunch, Say Mosquitoes Ity Unit C1IK;A(10, .May 2" Th HI2I mosquito is III" wildest, mils' b'ood I li li st y tiling wearing wlnga, Naturally pestiferous, uie idea of wearing 'oin higher and rolling 'etn lower bus so encouraged the mos quito that he has the appetite ami recklessness of a backslide deacon In Havana. Kirsi reports from Hie swamps tire Hint Ibis summer's mosquito is as feiocious as a starved tiger and has the capacity of a spoii';e. "The styles aio responsible foi the mosquito epidemic," said Sup -r- E3k i KUCPgfgjrarrinrti'Mi Turner 'nri,'.-itinilmi!0, ' I'ointl'fg- out flint the I.lbe.'i.tcr'n cat.o .Msifd sokly on whetiier it eon ::litutid mulliihle nuiiicr, Hays sa.d not only had' the maga'.i'ne be. n no-K.-f,i.u i'.ltl.tli;' th: Via., bill lh"re was I. km reason no-..- fn b.uii-ift' It, Lvunuao u-mpoi .tiv War ii.uVlnio.m I iiad been (i i.'.ilif-d. The war Is ovei," !.!! :tl,l llayr, in enunci.iHr.i; a poiuy. "W'' n.ust i-cC.iiu to the oMleie.l I'.'cedoui. oar mo, hoti of .safefjunidltiK 111,: public U'uli'nie viilie at tii j same H'.iie maiulaiiiin; licedom ol tile pioss hub btwi found tli.o.igh a .n. pi i Sod Of evil llb.'i'iy belief .i,. Hi..- public wclfav.' ati.l p.-isoial .-.rai.-lty of cltizirw than lo iMtablisn .i bin eae. alio eem.ors!iii, which in ap.fn fcired io pity such cos's from lime to time, father than d s ek pro f.c.ioit ihio.tgh i!uj liistoilcal dis .1 i t 1 duvlcvs 1 1 Iniieiiucra.ic ov-i'i iim-.nlH." I'uj; iiUiitititcd : hi. t sec trl ciarJ iriv', wr.u'.d til. o !). accor'.o 1 ! Hie New Vmk Cell and I he Milwaukee- Leader, Viator liergoi"; p-tpr. whlali li.ivv-(applied for rrad.nil ance .1 j.' tiieit. uxcbi.ii-n n i . thr vfar. . Their cii!t,-s would lr crmsid ,i.l, hu (-..! id, .n the b. sli of tin .; i .eipl; :, which guided hii.t ' in Hi. I'ltor'n case. '.'I NrW.H iniendent. Aiiluir llolnnn, in char'-u ol exterminating th. blasts at itivoi Forest. "lt uutd-lo bo Jhat a nios quito with an ordinary set of (pet! would weiiV ou! his ill Ills in an hoiu or two and go back' to tin- swanu lo die of chagrin. "Now, received trowntight en coin ageniotrr. Willi knee leiiRtl r.klr.. w Ity anff istockings rtj'.ied down - oveiv ;t ino,qiii!o cif-i sep tl; 1 il. nswer ttf'llliit ' . ittinu oil on lh( swamp.'- ilo's n'1 do i,njj,.good tins cui.m, r. Th i. .; ifOi are halting ih' it i-!v,', YOU certainly want to save money, and you wouldjike to have better bakings. Then use Calumet. It's the biggest thing you can do to im prove the quality of your bakings and lower baking costs. Calumet is made in the. largest, iuost sanitary Baking Powder Factories i:i the World. No Baking Powderis made under better conditions none can bs better in quality. U contains only such ingredients r s have been officially endorsed by the J. S. Pure Food Authorities. An abso lute guarantee that it is pure. It received higbest Awards.World's IHire Food Exposition, Chicago Paris Exposition, Paris, France positive proof of its superior merit. It is used by more housewives, domestic scientists and chefs than any other brand. That would not be the case, if it were possible to secure a higher quality leavener. It is sold at a moderate price. All you have to do is to cumpare costs to determine how much you can save by buj in j Calumet. A po jnd can of Calumet contains full V$ 9: Some baking jxnvders come in li 95: foetead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you "et a ;oundwhen you want it. lr se from the kerosene and head ,r. i. .tiaif;li .'or the bright llghis an' tl e I'rre ltmcll. "Th" lid Is off for the -skeeteiH, it' Taxi Mayfleld's Tl I'eiepbone main 5021. 2711 Wascfi, Nioro, Graao Valley Starje. Leaves Motor Service garage. 7: JO a. m. dally. Arrive Wanco, !):lfi; Moro, 10-00; C.ra.'s Valley, lOHm. Leaves Cr.irr "alley, :::00; 'Moro, .IM:,; Was co, -J lfi rrlve The Dalles. H p. m. 17tf DEWY PLANS TRIP rn nnoirin ru f. 1 1 tJ it n (i"ln onlide':! Witshin? on. WASIIIXHTHX. L'7. -Seer", tar., of Hie Nf.v Ponby nay: that h will be able to deride lcntallve'y aa to Hie dates for bl Alashan and wvi eni Irij) In a i'r ,v day.-. I, was mid at tho navy department that the r.eer" 1 1 1 1 v iit.-iiiili'd iii 'in iii Al:i"!:Vi In tlii afler h-iuine, Wai.hinglon, and thai In Altsha tie v.-attid examine miu'iti.-iv the cnal r.iiitajlon in the teniti-ry On hi.-- leturn from Hie Alan Ran In npeition I: !, bis plan to vul the l,or'.s of the Pacltie and spend :i? much lime a ; po'-.t'ible in cacli of thr lar'jev' c : lit 1 1 :i. TcnlpHvely lie will begin at. Seat He and follow with bis visits to fort land, San Francisco, Los Angele:i and San Diego i.i tho order named, re turning directly from Southern Cali fornia to Washington. Free Clinic No Charge For Examlna Hon Tuesdays anil Thursdays. Dr. liaum, chiropractic physician, Thiid nnd Washington, main 501. if There's A Difference If you've been a "ready made" man in Hie past, be a "made to order man" In Hie future. First class hand tailor ed suits In measure, $'i!5.00 and up. W. it. W'ebbor, ono block east of post iff ice. ' 61 f LUMBERMEN TO BE AGENTS FOR U, S, (Chronicle's Washington Bureau.) WASHINHTON, .May 27. Final de talir, of the conference of Secretary Hoover with the lumber Interem ? nr.: now cleaned up. It was ugreed 'hal nil of thn great lumber organizations 1 'tor BYTisr Calumet CitM 3 cups pastry, flour, 3 lc-vd tea spi.ona Calumet Haking Powdr, H ' cup I utter, Hi cupa uranubtcd suuar. Yolks of 3 egga, f cup cold Witter, Whiles cf 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon uranue extract. Then luu ia the regular way. Fhoitld hereafter represent both mnni beis and nonmembers in the collec ,tlnn of data on nccunmlatlons of I stool:, market conditions and other ifaclor.i hearing on the price and dis jtrlbutlon of lumber material. It was nlno agreed that the contfl .bitting associations should close their books, so fur as this data Is con cerned, not Inter Hie:: the 27th of each month, and rush the Information gathered to the department of com-' mnrce, where the bureau of census would rollrct, analyze and ptlnt il In Hip form of a bulletin nol la'.er lha.i Send it t.. Let us remind you again that we can help you greatly with your houseclean'ing. Anything that can he cleaned with soap and water we can handle for you to your complete satisfaction. Call us on the 'phone and get full particulars about anything you have in mind. MODEL LAUNDRY Regular Saturday Sale , -AT THE 'PUET'DEPLACE STORES ' FUDGE 40c PER POUND Regular Price GOc and 75c PHETTEPLACE STORES Second and Court 1008 Union We have a Fresh Supply Daily of Strawberry Sherbet Strawberry Ice Cream BASE TWO GAMES SUNDAY, MAY 29 AND DECORATION DAY, MONDAY, MAY 30 Fast Harriman Club . Of Portland vs. The Dalles Sunday Game at 2:30 p. m. Monday Game at 2:00 p. m. OLD BALL GROUNDS 1 ejMKs I F'li Pi lv J (IOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Ar reached the easiest by way of Grunts and Mary lull on th MARYHILL FE11RY A 10-mlle paved road connects Maryhlll and Ooldandala FERRY RATES $1.21 par car and passanqers ona way. H-00 for, round trip, 10-day limit. the lflth of the month following. Secretary Hoover was alao advised that production In the northwe.-.t would bo more (ban 65 percent of the production of 11)20. Secretary Hoover Is sending n let-, ter to all of the larger nnsoclatlons authorizing them to act as reprewnln Uvea of the department for the col lection and transmission of this data, from nonmembers an well as mem bers and asking general cooperation for the plan adopted. Carpnntoring and bulidins. ,C. It. Merryinan, telephone red, 5741. MM Main 41 ALL BALL Dr. Geo. P. Nowhouse Eye Specialist V . Wo nro equipped to nlve your oyoa tho vory best of rare. Eyes tfHli'd, ground. Second and Washington 8trts The DjlTea