8' i if THE DALLES DAiLV CHnONlCLE, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 192J. CiPMLMIIIS. I 1 ' 1 1 4' ggsgiBi8?agfetf -Uassitied -"Mverisements "Henry L. Farre'll) (United1' Pr'eis Stan Correspondent) NBW YORK. May 20. If you want In learn the best way to raise n baby girl, if yon would like to lake some lessons in teaching a dog tricks, If you want to take a good boating nt any kind of a rard same but poker, put Georges Carpentler on jour list. Of you havp a desire I o talk boxing or fjet romp Inside first hand Informa tion on who'll win the DempBcy-Cnr-pehller fight, consult any body but Carpentler. The trim, fartidlniM ot:n; French man who journeypd over bore to mpet Jack Dempsey for Hip world's cham pionship will talk fluently about everything but his businrns, Carpenlier can apeak: fluently too. He' picked up a lot of English from the' Tommies and doughboy:? during the war but he was a lltln bit back ward last year about using it. The newspapermen who went down the bay to meet him on his recent arrival learned with some surprise that the Kuropean heavyweight chain pioncan shake a wicked tongue on English. He.forc boarding the liner, the anribes made the plcasmit discovery that one of their number could speak Trench. After makin;? a perilous ascent over the side of n rope ladder, the.' reporters? swept' Carpentipr and his manager, Deseanips, into the main saloon where all Gathered around a biS table and proceeded to crors ex amine Dp." rani pr through the inter preter. Carpentiei' found the Inlervlewln!' such a slow process that he butted In and answered all the iiuesllnnfi In per fertrEnprlirh. "When did you pick the language, George?" nne' ol the Rurprl.Tcd nerihrri asked. - "I had it last year," he answered, "but I didn't have the nerve to use it." The Frenchman didn't brl.'is along thp trunkr full of fancy clothe that he had with him the last time. 'I came over to run over the roads and work on a faim, not lo walk on your Fifth avenue. Perhaps after .lulv 2nd I will put on what you call the glad rags," he said. The police dog, 'Flip," a bis strong fellow wh"o runs like a wolf, is Car-'peritior'K-berit par. Around the train ing quarters at Manhasr.pl. "Flip' wni the Frenchman's mascot during the war and saw a lot of action around .Verdun. . ' . ,'vTlf" if very particular about the way his yottns master Is treated. A strangs hand laid ever so lightly on comer, up on his back, "He'd he a good nfir.ls'nnt at the ring side," one of the reporters re marked to Carpentler. "Yes. he would If 1 needed him," the Frenchman camp back with one1 of his smiles. PAGE SEVEN "ft MEETING NOTIOES This week's meeting of the II. A. R E. has been postponed .until the next regular meeting. 2 FRANCE BARS GERMANS FROM OLYMPIC GAMES By United Presc NEW YORK. May 2fi. Internation al pollilcf, may put the Olympic sani es in the scrap heap whr-n the com mittees get together In Lausanne next month to select a site for the 1924 game. Germany lonmr, us the slunihlln? block, France, wnlch seems to be the favorite In the race, for the next world games, has made the unqualified as sertion that she will not permit Oer 'many to compete and will not ulln-v her own athletes to enter game-; if the Germans ore put bad: in the good graces of the committee. Senr.riala of tli Annual S.tttrariit c.f the NEW VOHK 1'I.ATF. OI..1SS INS. CO. uf New utV, in the state of Nw Vo-k, on Uie tlilrtjr.flr'l day of Dernubsr. 1 uiada to the Uisuiu rommiiiblnner t.f tin atate ol Orr.jn, purauuu to law CAi'fT.U. Amount uf Cvpltil ukI jail ui, 150.060.0U Net uriuiv.nii iKWIVIL, iiiririaiia nlerd durlnj -Ii sn,e (rnra a'' lr4 during t. i.vrmiE celferi drtlnif the. nd rent ' )ar. , . , o"rcM w . . . b-IUf . l,929,."i97.7 45,117.9 130,33.H.3 .J'.'. 125,0(14.44 tusnt Net . km lfctl dnrtii Iih' hum juiiiutwrn Illrldt d j4'd on li dull i U pir . . Comim tout in. I ial, durli-. tt.4 tr . . . Amount if Tl fi. 1 1, 1M ' 3si:t loud i Total el, Value of at. I market I.uans. on n ml. ctr. Cttli In bi.uk. Pimluui In t nrlttfti rlnc. Iu-riei. i,d i 'crttrd .'. . Total admitted u:s 'liabilities Oroa's rlilmi for loa unpaid. . Amo.int of uliraruvd nrcuiiumi o' a',1 ' outstanding rislu Dui tor toiutnUaioti and brokci am , . , ., , All otUr liabilities u, .J on ',il. e ol i"o:i. ft. 30. If. . dot and 904,607.69 12,000.6(1 M0,C34.3 S'..304.4 20,364.0 liil.lll.as 04,880.00 70,000.00 70,lO(i.S :i'l,821.06 4,879.30 , 7S,tlS7.1 120,730.10 U13.09S.09 '71, 844. MO 30,000.00 Total liabilltio. ncluJlVe of capital itock of i 130,000, ami .urplua S4,014.:4 S1.2S3.- 073,95 . .11, 478,687. 19 s. 8noplI .-nf. tli Annual St.t-riunt of lh V r ' fl'twl Rt-!t" Ur-'-'-'i tOK8HHtK - INRltRANCR . COMI'.WT. LTD. of, Turk. Knilfiid. Kingdom of Orrat Urltalu and '.IIlKBd mi tnr 3 lit day of I:riubl:r. IDL'O. Bad. to til llliut.rrf rcDiinlilioiitr of the ttatt ,M Orrpui, pursuant to ln; ' ' - U'ir.u. Attount of ciltal ttnc't ntM up t SflO.IIIHI.OO IN COM i: 4l prfnilumi rrv-fTfd durtus tlie , r , 1. 01.1,3 1-J.4 7 luttraf, dlrldrnil-. and rnt to- . tiflftd durln the year H7.ll 1.1.1)0 Im-otuu l-riu rtiier kOtircr rr- c.'lnU iluriuit the yest U1U.73 Total Incoiii 0J4,2'J1 10 lll.SBt'IthKMK.NTS , , Kit paid diirii.c tbe int. In- rluilln adjustuirnt rxpinu. . . ? 803,209,78 Cnnmtiilor.il and salailet paid dur- inn the int .18A.3S8.TS T.', l!fiiv itid Itti paid dur ing the yr fl 112 70 AtauUiit of all other (ipn.d.tur I47,lii4.11 Tuutl riprJid'.tuiu tl , C.J.I, 1 15,31. . , ASSETS, VLlui of trncki and bond- funrd . trfi.-rkv Vjlufi., Sl,'J44,21i) 70 Cain In banks and on l.aiul , , . 35.1.7 17. OS rrm!uiu lu roura of rillirttuh rlttn lnre-Sit. 311, 1020. 413!i:'J.')0 liner. (t and rniU due .d accrued I'll, .1 70.03 Btloiuranrc rn'ucrablr ou paid loliaa 1 , a 1. 1 S .Tital aduiltttd ' . $2 43.bi2.M I . 1 1ABILITIES Great rlaiii for loacs unpaid. . t 2114.24 1 20 Atujunt of un.frneil pr.miiitm on itU ouuundlnii rUki .... ... 1,312. SSI. 19 a fur ton.tiilMioii and UroHtft- . (v 37,000.00 AU oihr Utbll'iin 1,000.00 husineAs In oukgon rait the tea it Met uitniluma niciied during tur yeir 6,077.99 Louea paid duriic the itr . .-. . . 3,292,83 l.ou incurrad during tlia ar.. 3,42a.a XKW VOllK l'LATE IiLASH IN'S. (VI VIAJOli A. WlilfK. 1'ritaidahl J: C. KKENCU. Scr.af7, ,, HtatuUr; rcildent attortwy far nice: JAUKS 1KI. WOOD, 1'oniaiid SriVMiJ- of the Annval Rtt'tmant of tin IVlXTlNENTAL CAStlALTV. COliPANV of Hanunonfl. In (he vU'. of Ird.alia. on- lh IhlrtyfirH d.- of li((uber. 1920. road to tin Inkurarlc iMiomUaloiKr of til alal of (lucuu, punuiiht to law. ' '- ., I'AI'ITAt! iitoanl of i'nJtil tlotk pM.upt iStVlilE Nrt prtmiuin.i itcclfvd during ' '111 ,)' t In;pn. (lit '''ends and rairti I-' Criird durinj the ,yrar ' tn.-ttnt fioiu o'.hci aniircvi r- relfed dJt.112 tli year. . . . ' 700,000.00 U,7i.5,4S8.14 148,761.07 lull, 3.10.511 Total In.'om , iSIO.103,541.80 DISHUIISEME.NTS t lni jhUI d irintr the year, In -n.ii:iiB'll I' uijnt tinKk. t 3.IIH8.U20.00 Oivldemli paid on ia;iltal itoik dailn the )eti 72,000.00 'V.iotnli'ilcn and a&lar'.e )a,d during .he )ris 2,050.416 44 Tmki. hceiiMa and feet witl duilug the jr.-.r 2J0, 728.44 Aaioutlt 'of a',1 other sperill- t'liei i 737,537.37 Tcttl nwnd:turi . I 8.018.7U2.65 ASSETS Vafa of real estate owned (mar ket la'.Uf) i 75,000.00 Vilur of ;ok .nd bond ohih.1 imatket taluel 2,2i.015.OO l.oaiii ou luntgagcs and rollat- tal, fie 1. '121.34 1.011 Caih in b.iki ar.'l on hand. . . 267,i37,17 Premium In voir Of rollejtviii r!;tH ilm aiit. .lu.' ll20 2.17S.050.2I ln rft nd ter.u dur and ac crued and other iwn. . . 381,062.29 Total admitted at4 .' Total liabilities, piflu'iif if . Cii.lUl atrrk . SI 644.H22.39 . , Ul'SLNf.SS IV (iKECO.N I'OK THE VEAU Xat premium r.'clved during U . ).'r . . 33,64 1 39 Lu..i 'Villi during th eMr . 21,182.2.1 !.... Incuned dunng the tear 1 7,1 OK. 32 TUUKSIIIKE I.NSUIIA.NCE (Oill'ASV. I,TU. FKAK A 1U untf,. I lilted tatra M in. it'll. Statutory rtaidmt att mey lx .tn.it, w.w.tki: i:. lti.tss, 3U4 l.ew, liidg Portland, Or. Does Ydnr Lettcr- head GrtJIt? J V Ttit apptartuic of your Utter Itrad may mn succms Of fcllur. Do youiMlt juitic in lb quality of. your butintw miMngt. Wt do not tdvocau stttvai face. Wa icofsmnd tha im of a vary aaodarata prica4 lundard papa, wbicb baa won racognitton for iia qualkf r4 tha Mrvic it fivia. Wa prtpaff d to furniab tbatpafr'aa4. sprint you a Uttrbc4 that la a dif Riad i)irctnt.dv. Sm What We Cam Give Ym (re Ytu PUc in Order CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO, ' .fi 7.320.3119.67 LUHILITIEK (Inn. cUimi ff.r loot i':i:uicl.. 2.082,944,37 Amount uf unearned pretnlumi on iX outauudini rU.4 3,177,079.32 Do for toiotniisloh aud Uoket- ana . . ., .184,134.77 All othr liabilltio 242.102.50 Voluntary ife.'i 142 84,1,81 Toul habihtim, eiclualr of capital itoci of t700,00U ..J 6 2fu.509.6T Ul'SWK.SS IN OKKCO.N KOIt THE YEAH Vet ortsiluiud teceived dur.il lh war . ... 148 661 7t Loat a4d daring the yrtr . , 32,3 43.30 COMTLNK.VTAI. I'ASI ALTY rOMPANY II M. II. AI.EX'AMII'.K, 1'ie.idij. W. II. llhTiS fier.eiy. retidcut a'.trn) for a r.o JAMES Met. VtOOII.- l'oi-jikd SvmeaU. rf the . Ar."n.l .Sutew'l.1, 4it . Ill Imtid statk HiiAxnt w the em- PHITEBS I lAIIII.ITT ASSKIIAM'E l Olt- POrtAUON. I 'll, f ItVdih'lii th KiOaTjou r, Drtt H--h) ,nd ilrelaud cr. lb 8 lit day cf !tccnitr, iCVO, uade lo the In-uraiice coinmlaiiontr ot the ll if Orercu, pumuant to Ir.w 'AI'ITAl. (tatutnry drpo.lt .,. . ,. 2!io ouo.Ort Set' i.r.ui'uiu- rct'irrd duilug thr y.--at . 25 970,461. 4 lntr..t. iliridrr.d' and rent! re- celyrd during ln year. V 13, 13.1 2d tuciu fr m other lour.-n re. rrted during the year 35,231.33 Tfctai Income 320,94 S.82H.4S IHSUI'IISEMENTS , , ei I f'i paid during the yrar In r.'rdliit adju tinut niwiuet. . 110.874.279 40 O-'niini-ilstH and alailei' laid dirins the year.. . . fl, 583, 372 37 Tnr, licen-ei and fe paid djr It'tfjh rll Khil. 124.44 Aiotuul of all Mint riprnJltutra 4 67N 000.4.1 Toul rljjunlitwc. . . . .. AB3I.IH Value of rial eitat oned 'Uur kit i.lui) ... t Value uf flock' ard bond) omntd (market raluel .... I. tain rui moitgagei and collat nat etc. . Caili In biukt and op band and lth iriilet, New England 'fruat Co. . . . i . ... 'rriu.um In i-uur ot collet lion litteli iliict Mepteuaber 30, 1 9211 . .. Inteie.i iikI tenU due and av i.M4 v Adrt.ni w na' Joyaa actsunt IJb nl; loau ub ripUon . 822 O18.84o.73 332,345 73 !l. 660,767. 00 4 30.000. 00 874.294. m, i 833,922.13 297 97.4 3,7i;.0 I2! 64,105 54 Toul admitted twit . i.iAiui.n ii.fi IruM tlalaii (or U-. . unpaU .114 Ton.JIM UP Atu'.unt ot unretLfd prrtamtu uu ail u-Jt uudirig ilik n Su5,l22 30 lu for (fmuiifeiw and broker t .. 1,3.17.17 is Vlf ofVr, lajilUtl.,, 1.839.333.34 Pythian Sisters. Regular mertliiK Thursday uventni, May 2G. A good attendance is desired. Kefreshments served. ii FOft SAtjR- -iMiiile steel iinipe, ur I foci "baker, first class condition, i must noil b Sunday, Hltis up ' black fi2r.2 anil talk It over. 24 j FOH SALK 4 burner gas stove, flri class condition. Reliable .oven and1 warmer, must sell at once. 312 West .Thirteenth, black 0252. Wm. Nye. tl : !'. POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCH&UL Lessons by Appolnliiielit Kmpress Theatre Plan 1st (iOLDENDALE, YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASTlfNCJTON POINTS Are reached the easleit by wjy of Grants arid Maryidll on the MARYHILL PIJRRY A 10 mile paved road connects Maryhlll and Qoldendala FERRY RATES $1,25 per car and pasaentjers ona way. $2.00 tor lounil trip, 10 day limit. County Sunday School Meeting The annual convention of the Wa' co County Sunday School association will bo held at Hoyd, Sainrilay. May 28. All persons interested In Sunday Eohool work are invite 1 to attend. 27 FOR RENT FOR, RENT Small furnished holism Inipiire 1405 Pinu street. 2V FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 115 East Second. ,:i FOR RFXT Sleeping porch null able for one man. Red !H9l. 2ii FOR RENT Four roouTTiouseT'all , forenoon. 117 West. Tenth. 2ii FOR SALK 'La rye anil small farm unit orchard tracts, Ueasonablp prices, good terms, W. C ILuuia. Uuiur, Ore. ' IXtf j FOR SALE - - Modern seven-room hoiiFe, lot fi(lxl2li, coml oiitbnllilltiKP, fruit and garden. 7U.1 Calhoun street. 2 FOR SALE Five-room modern hour" close in on F r.lieet. Two nice level lots, garage, chid' en house, goo; garden and fruit. Price $27011, very reasonable terms. Columbia Reallj H. Loan company. VM Washington r.ireet, telephone main 7H 1 . 2' FOR REXT--Four-room apartment. Inquire Ktrqet. uiifnriilshed 417 Alvord FOR REXT--Furnlshed hourekeepihi rooms, .120 East Third street. Tele phone Red fi342. 2il FOR RENT A three, room furnished apartment. Inquire 111 West Sec ond, atreet. 27 FOR RENT Nicely luinlshed house keeping rooms.. Terms very reason able. 722 East Third street. 2S n -n u u'tiiAi FOR .RENT FVrtTiholirfSfli room, downstairs, and sleeping room. 104 West Third. P.l FOR SALE One 24-inch steel Cr.sc feparalor; 12-hnrf-e. Auimuu Tai lor steam iracior engine: lf.o end less belt, compleic, $7."0.0o. on seven-fool McCoiniick binder, uer one neason, In good repair, $150. Oil One carload cedar posts, K-fnot, li cents, f. n, b, cars Parkdale, Ore Timothy New.-'l, Parkdale, Or. 2w2! VENZ EAUER Uenenil real estate, Infill hi, ee, mid mans, looj EatSii'oii(i ttieet Tetr (itnine main 1571. 2X1 1 WLii Tirnck Limie Freight and espir-ns between The Uallts and Va?co, Moio uiul alt wu iDlnts Leave The Dalles, !i a. in tially except Sunday. Leave Moio, t ; :t0 p. in. Leave Wasco, 2::io p. in 0. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone b.uck 1C4? or main 471. it 1 1 if. Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DlCLIVEUY SERVICE , . EXPRESS AND DKAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Stoi'e Main AV1 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF L k il I WANl ED WANTED (Hrl Mr general house work. Call main 1471. 2fi FOR RENT -and garage, quire Mrs. firi21. - Small -cottage,, bath at Seaview, Wash. In- Main 28 Edward Seufert, W1AJJTED Flve'-room house. Write box llfi, care J'hronlcle. 2'i El) Tflt rent stifWl ffuj'nised iej Not over twenty dollars. Call hlack 5781, room .'!. 2i! hduiie; ( FOR RE'NT Furnished light house keeping rooms. Also five room ck':'.;i house. 'Some furniture, anil tele phone. .104 East. .Eighth street. 2S FOR RRWlHiphree ffurnlsheiji,li0!i.so keqpifls. f,.;oq'ui3.-. Adus;. oply,f (1ki: Alvord sjree Teleji)qii( reji ( -4 5 ,! FOlt'TlEN'F '"fToom" with board in mode, jioiH'. Lail -pr en.tjlenifuu j . 11 l-iotx 1000 , Fulton TftUeet, Telephone, led, u 1 1 a i (.iiroft'SAte l rU Ml FOR SAL13 Rawlelgh products. 410 St. Hlack 133L J23 . ,h i i ;i i Vi West ICoiirlh FOR SALE Ford bug-j Inqulrii; Royal- barber shop. " 25 FOR S A LE Tcn-roSm TioTdT7nqulro box C7, Kent, Oregon. J2d TOIt's.l'LlTpR'eeir'na Inqulre'h'lO'Tiasi Tlllrietntli- streh;. FOR SALE Five-room house, one lo'. on paved, fiireet. 200o.00. Bee Rauer or telephone main 1571. lis WANTpiQ To Join auto party to Po' i-.lan'd-jSjipday, May (2fV Write box 'A.X' care CJironiclo. 21! vyVlVTKl II loli T rtlTgiriTer al hoiifio in town, gentlemanly, lion est Japanese youth. Address .lames -ev. T. K., 311 Perkins Avenue. Pendle tun, Oregon. ic ..IfORj SLjE pWER-Two rinr , .IrhJt, ' and, garden .'tracts, Tliohi) ' fcunM atult'dfi.' P.lW'tiV.e WluMt farm 'ih' .leViVfson1 cftuHK1 nenr'-Madparx' Willi water, buildings. $10,S00. terms or would exchange. F. E. Olive-, -nri'jVn0 Will. , FORD Whitney Repair Shop 709 Eaat Second St. LEGAL' NOTICES. Notice for Bids lope Wasco County sealed bids for Sliatillio-Antelopo for Shanlko-Ante-Rosd. hereby calls for reg'radlns of the Road, Irom Ante- Vn'.T T-heallM.' 'iJealV- h'n.V.h-e-office. Reward. 2,ii lope northerly, to Shuntko. All bids shall be on a proposal blank which will be' furnished upon application by the County Rnadnias ler. The specifications, plaits and ei Minutes for this improvement are on file in the office of County Clorkt of ..Wasco County, Oregon, and nlshi i P. W. Marx, County Roadman i at his office In Countv Court I House, The Dalles, Oreson, anil s,n JmH to Inspection. Tho worK will be done In accordance witli the above ihentinned jilans and Bpuclf leu! lomt under the iittpervlsloii and direction of "the County Roadmaster. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified check for 5 percent of the amount of the bid, to be f r feited lo Wasco County in case iiuch bid should be nccopled and the bid der should fail lo enter info con tract, and bond for the faithful per formance of the work. All bids should be uealed and fll-(fed- With 'Ihei tjountv Clerk on or be (pre. the 2(ffh day of May, 1921. All bid!) will be opened by the County Uottrf it ("10 lo'clock a. m. on naid dale. Wasco County reserves the rinhl to reject any and all bids. waii'U iiiiis isiii nay oi aiiiv, a. D., 1921. II . ' 'Kv. L. CRICHTON, dwt'l , , County Clerk. CRANIJALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU u. CKANUALi., Manager Heft "fhuma, Abiiktant Manager Lkciutd efiibjliuein, Eatabllfeli'ed 1M7 Woman Attendant Telephonea Mra. M. J. Wilier ton Dy Red 301 Tclephotia Red 17bt Night Red 8S2 I. H. Harper, Black 21S2 1 Motor Equipment Cut Flowed ML Dr. T. DeLARHUi Eyesight Specialist if Hours 9:00 to 9:00 Sundays and Eveninga by Appo(ntrnar4i 17-H Vifll Blk Over Crosby. Drug Store Phono Black 11J ! .ArO'NBWTd LENDltrtwl'WerlJiowrte ft for building: purposfs. W. F. liltc!i.( ell, 403 WashlnK on street. 1 f I'! 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ili'.Uil ITCIIINCi and buttons covor- f- it(t.f;4rii.,' .L'4Ml'l'!sw( .t!07. UiiUui HK.LSTIlf(flil.'ilJJlvii1li7 eilgltlB. MrV. L. M. Roothliy. 308 Wnshlniiliiii Mreel. Telephone main 'Rl II TRANS FETlA N iT:XPr"kSS -Fin ill lure and piano moviiii;. Fielht hauled anil geuerul e.prei:rt tniM nens, Tle(itiiiiie! Stand, red I'M: residence tilark L'tR'.' .1 K. Henstle MM Hi RTnTiTiiTntooTi able Kill, are in active dnjimnd. Murv iieoiile have recently moved red 3052, or call at. lion lUesi. I . knrh.n. .a,,!,.., m ,i.k. h. cin. e. a PRICE Ifisfteiredl Ar.clhii4ecft 004 1 Firbt 'National Bank Bldg. I i jTKe Dalles, Ore. 16tf Glenwood Hotel 202 Union Street .!? Halt' Block from Station , FREE BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night CLEAN ROOMS From 50c to $1.50 a Night $2.50 to $5.00 a Week DINING ROOM ' Open (i a. m. to 12 p. m. - V! IS FpR. SALE Seven- room house, lots, till modem conveniences. Ilaue;- or teleihone main ) f. 7 1 . Lu ii Ken FOR S.VLE -One range, in kooI condition. Inquire 407 Union piree'. FOR. SALE Cood milk Boat. Tele phone l.lShih street after 4 p. ni 2i; FOJt ?.ALE-Cut Mowers tor ,..b'jn' orlal day. !)01 Liberty r.treei C. .1. Stubllng. 2S FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old oak, $11 BO; second growth, $12.f.o. Dellv erod. Call 30F22, after i! p. in. tf I T It SAl E -Dnili-e commercial car, 1920 model. Al condition. Will take llKhi car in irnrte. Wiite box X2 ca. Chronicle. iitents where they have no ri'pace ti siinre Firiner fnnilnlicd rnntil len- .iVfcliyrlo-iklnrriAndi' niSiU for de slrable ipmtK'rs. Have you anyililnv lo offer theiuV Tell about It in a Chronl"e Want Ad f'HOKfcSSlONAL AND BUSINEbtj ft.-)llll uf 1jJ lUbilitln. aPlt.l .tu-i fiC 4 ml Mtttl.VH Muai.M.8s in uuk( o ion iiik vkah .Met liraiulkut Ik e; I id Jjill- Ike itt I !.:s 72 Imeea Mnl 4onu I be rear SH.Hl.1y HE ' IMTEU BIUNCII Or THl? KalVI OTKliR i ONI aSsfrUNCIt If. Ilamtoo i.uuti.ni I-IIH4 HON I Til a. laaaaaar. SalaUaX aVft'La.TtJN. iMUMat auorawi lor aairttv, i ranlua. l'"OR SALE iSIx room houm on paved rtreet. Nicely located. $32.0, See 'Bauer or telephone miiln 1571. 2X FOR. iSALF Hy owne', fi-rooiu plast ered hoiiRe and Hlecpsns porcn (lood location. Termr like rent. Price $i5.r,0. E. C. Fllzpftriilrt, tele phone XF1.1. ' 30 FOR SALE flayer piano In good con dltfon, $3.r.o.oo. Willi niK i4oo.0o. Mrs. J. D. KIxks, Court apartment 310, 20 FO R a A U'VA T hea Tor" cliiiin ' net complete. L'sed one rtenson Will trade for horsos, nheop, ctittle r hot. A. S. Milne, black 1992. 30 FOR SAi'k flood itleri In rerifdTnTe proper! lo.i. CottiiKer; fioni $1300 $25011. Several in v. modern bun galowK up to $fi."imi. iiiiIIch Itcaltv company, bluek .1091. 27 FOR HALE -will sacrliuTyhou'io and one or lioih loth al 1M9 ICa-t JackKon Htreei, to the per on win ih able to build in a ie:;irlcie, neff;)i boibood. Fine view Paved Btrfrel. Mrs, A. H Sutlon, 1217 flue Tele phone hlack 4HH. :fi Portland-Tlie Dalles Truck Service Oenerr.l fiel",ht hauling Leav Porllunil 2 p. m. Le.ave.i The Dallep, I I 1:30 p. m. Daily service. The Dalit" ...... telephone, red 0741. Portland lei-. two low, ,.lnni,, MiirKlinl! 13.r.r. or e.'lHl 39911 .in nrt,u.i i iNiCu- mi a lupuli'ud, at' tiou inguluting and rellniphiiii Player action a r-peclaliy. Work guaranteed. K A. IKickHlader. Cot son Music Hiore, 320 Fiihl Second fctree.t. Telephone main 1001 i' Maud Miitwrn Sfihisl Teacher of Piano, llarnionv aiwl Theory. LeHclietizky method Speclul nllen tlon given lo beginners. Summer term openH .1 uno Id. Phono red 349) Stu dio 1000 Fulton Ktreel .120 Take a Lesson From Big Business LUCILE CUMMIHn Teaehar of Piano Hummer cliiEHt-s open June 1 phone black 0221. Studio al 201 Ninth Kliect. Tele IM( if 1 V SECOND HAND STORE Furniture Repairing. Packing, Crating, Carpet Cleaning, All work guaranteed, 20C Court Street Every person who has 'money to spend, much or little, can profit from this lev. son. Every large htiHiness con cern has a purchasing agent or professional luiyer. It is his joh to huy lo best advan tage, lie nur-t keep posted on what the firm needs, he must know viiluev and prices and, sources of supply. He is constantly leathering infor mation to help him in his work .and, he, , reads carel'ullv all the advertisements of manufacturer from whom he might purchase. The whole Secret of profes sional miyintf, you see, is in formation. The man with iiioI information can buy to best advantage. Apply this to your o w case. Whether you are pur chasing manager of a family or' simply buying for your own personal needs, you must have information. The place to get it is in newspaper iul verlisements. , 4 1 - 4 atlvcrti.ic They will Read Chronicle ments regularly. (ell you more about quali'ies and si. vies and values than you could evqr learn other wise. They will tell you where and when to find the right thing for which you have been .searching. Reading Chronicle advertisements is time profitably spent. It will make your money go farther and bring you unthoiight of (comforls and convenience. . . ( i 'i i . ' r . n f i v