1 '1 V'i - .v,-l i , 'tit I !, 1 vv I i i' ?! ,f ....v 4 , ; t s ;-- - ..- v f ' j Yi m . . if r P. as t' it Si i if r 3: ' 'If! 'I -V I ' ..ill !OV "I ! f i: tl,' : i. if I. i a. ? TME 6ALLES BA'LY CMAONlcLF. THURSDAY. MAY 2. 121. . t , ' : ' "!, . Vu... M . I.' 1 ' l '( . in Ah. n it', . . j'fl1 3 f .1 :.h 1-v Mi, ; (: s.;'. ' (Oil M.J .' I ' y ' ' J,,:,, Information A Fund of That You Should Have DISRAELI, who for sic years was; prime minister of England, . . . .t...'4'l''.tr f '' I' i',','v r ' taUl: "It has been my(1o,bs,en'atiiii that the most successful man , :f: . "i i ,s'-: in any undertaking, is the man who has the most. information.'' "' , ''.' I'' r'i? ,aX',v..-f4ti' It doesn't require airy particular information just to go'tmt; and buy something. Bnt tx) buy. tlie best , of that something at, , a price that is satisfactory-to, you tiat is a successful purchase. And to make successful muJiases,, you must have ihformaiib'ti. ' ' liV .- Advertising gives .gLtf'Ust that kind of information.. It 1611$ yuu. where to go in order to get the best of anything you want at a lair price. ' .; M,tn . ; ': '' ',(' ' I ' "... t ' it ( 7 M I1 ! .1 ft ' 1. 1 .',t I 'Ivl-I who bandies a pocket book to study the adverlisemeiiti in Xhis newspa pel11 regularly every day. To those who use it properly, newspaper adve.r'tisihg is .a source of economy and satisfaction that never runs dry. It is a watch-dog of dollars a guarantee Of satisfaction. ' 5 ' If you would learn the facts about the things you need tii make you. comfortable and, happy, ... ri:.,$V'. ft read the adverusemehts i it1 ';"' V . ' . : '. , ... in i,. il ) . ",'( Vt ,tli I. A t'i -s.-.! m ! i Hop ! ri" "!$ ii 'io it wfiif J.'J'kiJ u) uur . u (('? St'"' ; ii Tie Chronicle ' ' . I.I tf ..... i v . -.Jih '." s ".'U, .... .lul ' " ." ' i ',''. . . .1 i'. '. V .It.. .:' l t 1 -HI ill ... ,M.-f ' 1 . - - . . (.- "j ' '' ni . "'. 1 . in., ' til t:lS biWit ;i i. jti jiii' i .' i ' . ..Il- i ll .U :!;. kw . j llt. if tJ; M.ltr M' . i .. .ul 1(i..ii4mh: V ).ii) I. "vj i.tiUiu 'r i K ( . r 4f r v ,.' . ' ' "I . r- . 4 - 4- i . f ' 'f li.: i In . . (A .-. . (i -.I'M 1I 'KMJ . . ; i I. J ' 1 1 i v , .. . . n . itl.'.i . t