t. II. Mil. lilt .11 ' 1 1. I M , n t ' . " THE DALLES DA'LY CHRDf llCLt-! 1 HUKjDAV, MAY'tO, is: r i I MARKING OF EIGHTH GRADERS FINISHED ' STUDENT3 OF COUNTY CrfOOLS RECEIVE PASSING GRADES. Grading of final 'eighth smile exum-1 H,a6,"hn i"'n vbrlAlibp ..for ineiu Uiialn 'payers, font in Horn nit prado ! ,,lu Uoiira",3. .house, lor Men, nnd Iho IsehoolB In Iho county, h;is jmd Ijoeii i.'sfuioiis. yn inuuairini cehuoi for muni imiiki. nestucn' Hiutllns, oh a 1 It li called Iho It I veil' Ll.-.hlhniiue and 'is the tiliiVRiinunt or tho 'jlahllu.i. maintained b, (ho New York A r.o':i ' tlon ror ihu Ullnd. I Duslnnln? Jntie 15,' groups of blind persons nre cdntlilcled there hy alt-hl. ed guides lor 12 dry vl.ilta throughout I he Milliliter. Tho River l.lghthoiisu Is one of four ptoiocti. maintained lj the New York Association tor mo. Ulintl. Then? a'o 'd It" Weight of Loaf Is Weighty Problem for Science Xtroufy;. In.' p .'ofm-ln'iir tli' l'i.'n, wllhla I in in of I'.iltcn CI j t. Ii'-i-cb: pro. ,m,'I!i :i 2. Any p' :-s.i:i cr p"rsoii.- f 1 1 or corpora1 Ion vl Ui f !:'. or pro i eill'Sli,-: or cn"otir,i;;in.; uliollti . person I Mfinninlnlfcil ( "mint v Ci-)nutl is it t.. .-tt tjenuScnt' A.' 15. iirone-viild, hi ulsiod h.v staff, of four Ht,slctnnls. f The : l.ollowlns puplla received y.ibg Crdca: ;jDist- . Name-, jjife Alfred L. Wheeler trwttte Mi. Dawson Mb.v Dissc! Arthur j'hllnilee ItufU3 Clt'ir Greene rtia Morris Kzi o(ii Derthlck Jphn M Hi t In tlsaf- A. Wolfe Iicla. Kern Matthews j-Trauk William Udell If onu IV Odell Iriu'a .1. .I'help3 Leonard iKiuphia yblelhia' A. Hcndi ix SJIicsvyod It. Mode Marie J6ne3 MS John, Lloyd. JDa vis i-fS lord.'I'.. Richmond y.i6 ViviSji.'U Rarzeo f'oo Jehb',lpnry Bernlii-: Ml - s' 84 81 ? 86 89 Si) r.a 31! S2 is ifi 39 6 li Hi- inn ,3'J fioU'M'qUulloiIi - SI VI H. MUJrcci fj arrel'l AUInslon i 52 fles-lje C-uip Mp.e Chitip jpEbph iliplcv Ontld Hbm Rub- Prod or ".Vallcr Vernon' filanche .Beriiiue .I.eiiho Nfellle Amandu I inri Jy Molvin Archie Dayldcou Kriej 'Albeit Urnolula.t RooCoe Davidhlzar Frances Kveline lllllson kelcu JJslalla I'oMa 'Warren llrldj-e Kryo 'Mabel Ruth Nebon " Eugene. V. llHintuel frank J, lli'iiunel .;, li is 'Everett Kuir Si iadge MtKellar" ' 5!2 Myrtle McKellar Thelina Audry Urooke Gladys Mny Robertson aui P. Jjlcthtl Laura to34. F.rcderich Theodore Douslaa (jlctiii lTrancii; i3iiiimuua Puujlno Poller. . . .arry .UuuKlaj JJossie pouuJHua Marian' fiould Marie llHttlenl-eetc" tjorothy Kdlth Liimnerolh Ldn'i-e l Spinuiiii Vh'Ccl.D. lioule i',die',?tt..., Moore Hulda Fidzier ... feoufsh K, t'nsiqy lit 52 54 87 5T w V 13 0 24 2 2 2 27 4r7 -27 X 20 5 is 29 9 '.' 29 ' 29 Edv nrd .Mariln lioriiuzcu 2f. Oeorge-Utej5 -2-i) Viiail Taylor - pHSS- Aver. 83 8:j 87.1 flu.u 85 Sl.ti .. SII.C 87.7 85.1 80.2 81 80.0 82.1 8.y 83.0 S3.it 90.4 HI 8 ;....! 8,5 s:7 85.1 83:4 . 8y."i 8lJ.ii su.u 11(1.4 85 3 83 7 SS.l 84:7 83.5 .S4 3 81.2 83 5 8 '..? 89.1 84 7 84.(1 88.5 91.8 8li t 81.2 82.1 83.5 80.0 80.7 81.1 80.G 87 8 ' 88.2 82 t 87.i: 37 2 85 0 112 4 90. i 88.1 30.2 80.7 SG.o recent vlnlt'to Nj'w YorJc, look Hnid to viu'vv. thij "i;lsjttfiouat" and Is lion orary'duiiliiiiia of w commute eci-k-ins'ji ji(000,0004'cnilo,.vm-;nt4 for the work. 1 ' ' NEW YP'RK'61'BLINO ' I HAVE REAL VACATIONS ' By United Pies .''XIS'WYOKK. May 20. The liliir lieoplc. of fl-ff Yorlt City nre letting ' -fucdy lor '(heir summer vncationH. it, ferched lilsU. a'ove thv aleuini'ijf Srifen,ttt CornwHlI-on-Hudson, In the inldat of- eight nutc-a (if riehCHt Orange i CoiHl5,-la'raulanl.r slaoCs a his old, 1 . t ' . . .. . . . ... 1 : ta5htonuu. nou6e vitn utouo veianau- SCRIBES OF HIHH SCHOOLS ORGANIZE UNIVERSITY Or OR. EC ON. EU iiti.M.i My Jt. Aiyiiio i nri.'iin. rep rr-yrtitlticr llu "Sloplheail," 0110 of I In StUflotit puhllcalioiiH or The Diille iG,h .school, whs a ilele,'att at lit' first annual convention of lilli iiehoo. editors held al the ;-cliool of Jounia' lum at. Ihu university. I'rliltiy uiorii ing. , .May. ,20. Shu, was elected ipjji poravy pecretary-treitsurcr and vl; prot;liicnt for the icit of Hie , present school year. There were In l 12 doleitlux, rep ro entini". 22 hl'-hselioolii. An Qreno!i 1' - . . nisn senooi pres aLtboeia'.ion wiih formed; a. eoiislHtition adopted: of I'le unr and committee's eleoleJ for the eoujjii; j;eari and an .aunmil incillir ditc at rh- .tehuol of journalii.iii ye for taeh yertr al the tlinu ot meelin. of Ihe hlsh. school deliaic li.';i;jiie. JIIkIi rehool nnnuiils. iuii",stln"! ne'vn notes and newKpapei's ate 1li four e'asce.i ol high school piiliHcn (Ions entitled to rcproientuliou. Ever1 portiou and publication accept hit inoiiiber.-liip in the a itoeialion. snli scribed to tho following principle:) o juurunlitlc e'.hics:. 1. I believe In clean, jourjuili.-m. 2. I .wlU put nolhins. Injo., print a, a writer 01; editor thai I would no say a,a 11 (;i:nticniiii.' . 3. I will publl:-li notlilns anoir. mouV 1i to which .1 would be auliii'iucd ti si'-n my 1111 inc. 4 liualUltti: llial jo'irnalUnii la pow eil'ul, I shall devote extreme can to iny wrilinc and edit in;'. Itoiilizl'i; that the printed word cannot be re called, or unsaid, I shall walch care fully ,lo prevent the priutins of any Ihlut; unclean, uyi hliis untrue, o ail) tiling liarinfiil lo the "ood name o iiiy per-.on, or the reputation ol' in. icliool. WASIIINCTON. .Mju ii On Hi-oiiliik.'ilr- ol Wh- hlU!t:on. flie-e lli bur'eaii nr landnril.. h i-. ie:.iovi": I' 'clf from the nmi'iyi-neai' o'f dnwiitow 'i j or por'or.H, riim or corpora' ion lo v litto 1111 ilinalii- of lite provl dons of litis of- dncmcd :;uilly' of a 1 Py Ralph H. Turner (I'lill"! S'i-uf Starr t"iiirrMiiiilrtitl Ihei-o iiinaiuireji .wild nujililna iilnr the merit.'- c'r I In hvi. 'l''1'"-" i-lm": 1 1 The bakei"- ip..;.vin..ii d rlare I I xlntll upon c mvlv- I that thu lusitlaEoh ol' rxU nmjtnjti'. ; '"" l!"'!T(" '"' ""! !' ,lll,n ill- ,..!, I nnn.-il M...,,l,wt ,1... l.,.,L. .! 1 '"IV" ihllltll'ii ll)H h'J S t.h.'lt! Ilolltlcnl life, it m-olii. .of Sfldt.tiMi. I -ir n.w-n,,..,, i ',.... 'Hollar-. aided hv wife. Decllnei) or Inerrt rea la I!k. I'll 1 VI. 1 I 1 I !, l..r .. I- I ,. 1 1 ... .1- li:i'.:e;s. W price of Hour, he mid, sbo'ild bo ! t- .' '.'-; ' ' ",4 ' "V WI.-HIMI1-. wini me iiivvtlon: "K.I..II i Heelo! ill ilie refill trad.- h the .)'"" .IllHf tiiv ' IJuy your Pasean piosram todaj 2t. Taxi Maytlalifs TkI ' 1'elpphono ntaiu 5021. I.W'.Anicrli'eii housowtre.' v.ll,-ii idtf ! i I th- loaf, r.vpliilnlii;-iha1 t!ie-i- pri e Oliyn a ,lo:U ol hrciul. he ;;:iar:iuteed 1 I'lllc'tiatlonn tho welchl ,of that joal'V tut I if r how'?''' ' 1 Tho rmiKon lor It alt ,: Hi- rou' teenlli aiiiiiial ' onrereiice on w di-h' and meaner v. liroail weivln W- le tlon Is liul ii'io phase el' iju; eonidiiVM but no oilit-r Ionic I, iiniesliiL' - er dlscii irion, Tim troplih- spi-ms to be that will! tho bread loaf can ie slamlanllzed as lo we!':jii, no sy.'.rin has l.ci'ji, dei l ed lor In -iirln-" I he (iinllly of 'lie dail bread. Speak'n-- from the halie'.;" .ita.id point. II. E. Marnaril. dire:;'nr of i!i nicrlc!in In.illiii- er IMUIn;,. e.pt:i!p ?il: 'The ((nsiMii'.';' can ;;et a pound ol allesod brriiid which w do. her abso lutely no Rood, or she can wt tins samo' welslil or the mo,--! iiourlshin--food in the world, lleiween these ev (rcnie thore are innumerable vnV'n tlonr,, liir wliic'i no system ol neeuralo standardr haa ever been dev':!ed." rhfi view wan Kiipported by William ! the oxucl i"lil.v. 'oii-.hi and P. riue't. insieetor or wei;;h's and j our bread,'' (.'luoU con'lnuel. tiioaMiros In Chlcaiso. ciuetl poln'ed ! I only a, rbori (.line liei'ore n' out tlintiwhile nearly cvorj slale le-;. Islntirre was .atteinptitiV' to re;;uliili' the 'wclnh! or a bread lo'at',' oveh . 12 iioura alter baking- verv few oi were too aniall lo w;) - rant the addition to iciiiriina of a eenl In the til nil I'iKine . I!' tin- prl- ol' flour' should make a liillfili el- -i cent liiereatu In Iho produriion v. ol' a loal' of bread. Mie In.ker vo'.t'd i have lo add a whol" i-i-nt i.i re'.al! jcost. "The hakers are lie! it "reed licit , bread i liiiuld be sold al Viaudar I ! wcIkIK." mild Martian!. "Mill llt'y nil think the' coiiiiiuue:' should kc what he piis lor." , t uia. eouiu no 'lone, n,- tii-i. i.v permil lln.'X '!ie bilker- l i proiiut-i; a'iv .size loaf, bill lorce llieni lo i.tautp the wcli;!ij on thv Piicksf;". . (Mltett, cotinterctl: - "When, ,tlio intreasi' in ("lit of in-fiedlj-nis iimutiulrf to !mk than hall a cent per,Joaf no i.bniae .ho-iiirhe made .in tb"o helilii': iii- : If iho. In iiriifikii t : " rti t li m 1 1 ennl no iiunni Mi fiti I'.d llio baker rulao H:e i !( on- 'l'u! ecu I." If the baker Is allon-d lo let-in prlcy o! "I 'W.l'l III!"' -l-WI. E CHARGES nr n nn mr i ers ir; lo reKiimtt1 th" itiiah y. -pt le aiuliliionnl of what we eat and wc'ir." Jo one su;:,,-er.tcd thai Ihu !ioua wife lial.o her own lirci'd. ! ' My I'tilti-d Ni'Wf I I.KMAXdX. M,), Ma Jil. :-:!iue- t . . ".icC'im'i, prciildeu' of ihe e'.iantbr of cuiiiiie'ri"! itnd '.'ir.-i Ice-president of the Cltrisi Ian ehimli, Ir.i Wedlier ilu' ior 1. 1).' Anreiis to insi.w;;- ;ch;ilce.. or Mbia ICi in .: t-lii.-it ae lliat ; lie nil.. Hie fat h or i-r lur nfiideruJ bub'-. MeCenlli di'nb'd lhs i !iav;-e. I Mel'oie, leavit!-;. for .l.oi. Air-'.elei .Mcl'omli iii ido :iii euiplialte d-alal to ' Mi -a .MllMlcntrii cla.'m tbyl he se'.ll ' her lo l.va An:-olo. to "hi'sb : up.." She was larinmly emidiyed an ;t uialil In the homo of., Mi "tuiib's oar tints, Dr. and Mm. .I.aiiie-' Mev'onil Khe i ' 'o i to iilaii.l , H i, 1 ior ,lli' murder 'of hvr ii'illtir ij!i, l'!i:n r.'r, n:;'v.: death 'in a Hun'.; -In n lion Ali'ielci v.j eJtiiuse. MRS. STJ LI. MANAMA Y ' ' ' ' GO IMTO MOV'IFj.S CarpeirerhiK and htilidin;:. Men-' man. le'.ipltone icd S741. M. M '.'.i IUVENILE CLUD WINNrfRT, TO ATTENO O. yiur. nci'ordlit:. to the lull il-p.iv. litem of the coll"j:o. There liae been niiiiiy wlnnen; of t-onie ts th's pea . A. C. CO!,-Win-' iiml on th- ORECtJN ACIUCUI.TUMAI, I.EtSE. (OUVAU.i:;, May 20 ners' ol' c.ie.ry projo"' r iio "il'Js elrjis ol' the rlitle wi'l he .Ore:;on A'-rleiillural eollese eainpus wo weeks, .lane 13 lo 25. I'er.lairl ')iiidne :s men suud the winners of con- tests to O. A. V. eery spmnier. Regular clai'se.' will be held "very niornlns under 'lovdireeiion ol' eollei;e other iftslrudort'-. Afternoon will lie alv en over lo tiloel; oKlRiiii; or ittlileii" Cvent. Classes cuvorins work of every project w.tl lie Riven. live stock. cooking, Hewfn;;. ho"tliitMire and poill t ry. AJai'oC altuudiiiice i:i ixpec'oU till.) General Ordinanr.rs Numtier 111 Ait ordiiiiiice proiiibllin;; the Iirln; or di.'.''harjvc of IIicwoiIik, and other pyrotechnic dlrplny within t lit- limit of Palles City, and proxiilin:; puna! lies lor violation thereof, and repeal iva all ordinances mil pail.; ol 6"di miuees in conflict lierewiih. The people of Dalles Clt do ordain as fn Mown: Section lr The discliarpe. tirin;r-or use of rirocniekorn, lorpedoe-1. Roman camlles, or other device or substance desi-ned or intended lor psrotcchnlei iliapla. or ltoK cane-), cannon, cs;inj- blan!- enrtridses or't;aK contiilnih' ehloriile of polaab iiilxtUr" or any otlier exploaive substance whatsoever ileaigned. inlelided oi' u')' Mv Mill I fit N'.-u i NEW Y Muj 21' -Ml". nn i Poller Si!'itiaii. eiii'"-l o li" Iriiiio pliant in lite en e.lliiM.i ditnti ; ton-Irovei-iy ih iier hnsltatid. ,lai't''H A .Si illniiin. is now (oii.idf rill'; olTe's el liiiRe iiuiii!-. niiiile !o hi r b' liiotb'ii picliire lU'oi'siieii'. no ordiii'; !) b-jr laieiely I'rleiidi1, iiml l. !l.cl to accep'. Mrs. Stilliuan's mother, alto;' her di vorce front the ro'i of Mi, hop I'oMe'-. while the pre.ielll Mr't. S,illiilali wir. a lilllo ::lrl, went on the sla'e, I'rodiieei'ii are raid lo iitve' na-ii:-ed Mrs. Stillni'in $100,000 tor atarrl.r; in ii serleo ol' product loin, , -"- Brown'-, .tui o;iijiv Time Table Two iouiiiI trips dally. I.e.'ive Man! hotel, !). a. m. and 4 p. m. I.oave Dufur 7:30 a. in. and 1 p: m. tt ('losing out my millinery Goods at cost. It will pay jou to iiivostlKato. llalllo Weaver, 302 Union street, oppo. site postofrice. Telephone black 3171 31 2711 Wasco. Moro, Gra63 Valley Stage. Leaves Motor Service garage. 7:'Ji a. m. daily. Airlve Wasco, 9:15; Morn 10:00; Crass Valley, 10:30. Leave Grass- Valley, 3:00: 'Moro. 3:15; Wa co, 4:35. Arrive The Dallca, 0 p. m 1711 Have Your Hair Renewed ,Wc,ca)i give you auj idiade of ha)' coloring with a famous Kraneo-Aiiior lean hair coloriug which Is so peifec that it cannot be detected from th natural color, llciiuains also a spo claKy. All linos or bcauly culture a tie Hotel Dal lea Bcauty.-Khop, 'fd' phone main 4051. Jl i v.;.. jj vl With Salads 1 r ! t Srwm lakei re jntit the thing to mve with all kind- of sands. To malrt sandwiches for lunches and suppers, With soups and bouillons, of course. In fact, thsre are so many ways you can use this dainty, member of the P. j. tf. family, you'.ll want to keep a generous supply orf hand. Buy them from your groctr in td ptckages or limily tins. Uon't tsk for ctsclterx sty SfiOW FLAKES fs-MS 21 SPEaAL-5lX slBIHH 1 "55553 TWOPASSENCER ROADSTER - ii ii m7v SLmmmw isl f ' i I 17S0f. o. b.D-lreit , ' , ,r ttt.AS Timn1 ,,i':''j!i('iJ!-r?j iiii. ' .t-li'i.il' .t-lililiiii-iiiij'iiiiiiiil'fl. ."' .m-MJL' " ti : : : j;:-::!!!!:!:: i . r - 'W isis-, 1H r.'i:;JHK riii'I-HK1!? LkijBKij.'iSte IBs"! If Railway I iiHaVHIiaBsMla. K i s SUMMER KXCUUSION RATES To Ejislern Pinntfj 'VliiOMKh CANADIAN. PACIFIC . i ROCKIES; lh;ivi.-i-i t-n t-tin- c--.11114 vU yup;ist 15th ineluRivq.' Lim--i; tlirco months from date of sale, with finul return limit October 31st. For full pa rticula rn -avti te, k teltihone or call at office. Canadian Pacific r. t". Pon nco'l. Arti;iisR. Oepll , DO riniil St., f?artlanel'.brSaon.V ' .,.vv , V,V1 . J,.-( - 'V IUf;l K'-vVl C'lironiclc Want Atls Urine (?nicli Krsttlta ffno n V'. JHi U ST11 . .. I vy.f-f. Hj, My SNOW FLAKES SnowFlake5 I P. C, BPANAMA CREAMS -j A cWf ) Sir4 trtaa tmi THE SpEqiL-SlX Two-Passenger ,. Roadster is an idea car for a man with a small family or for a salesman who wants a sturdy, dependable, economical car with plenty of power, but who does not need a five or seven passenger car. There is ample room in the rear compartment for luggage or salesmen's sample cases. This is a Studebahcr Ynar i , THE DALLES GARAGE CO. The Dalles, Oregon Milk n't vJ- SPeCtAUHIX TOUHlNf. CAR . .. Iff JPtCIAL SIX 2 PASS, .nd 4 PASS, '(OAM3TEP.3 I7S0 BIG-SIX TOURING CAR ZtSO Pfir f. . b frf f ' "rt.fF t' ?tf iwjHrtu'lfnXFT SPf CUUSK COMI'K SPICIALSIX SUDAN I in i5o AM. STUPRBAKKS C A It S ARE EQUIPPED WITH C O It D TI R K S a sAvmi-.i allvji'i',' rnr.'t'i r5 s'tioivpibr v- It kscpj youi fiin'l clijoifis Imhm iWpitm av yi .Main a perM.-i Im lijl ,' ieul. I eih'i'im ' 'it .' ' r't , "inn , i Mi'' iiuliioii'i ' Ju.ti iH-c iiie ho bicliud n b-iiik Tii ctiiin' " ) ilji -' vtliioh lr. pip him' In I ni.'t fir ' ma a rfWiifr in "'-tjii'-nV'. A i.i lilts' Ai'Voitm ljtn.1 it'li.le e ' h )).,:, ji,', iiionJn ' preteiii jou fi ' ii ,(li,iHMg liiii-l. ,md ii? K'.'i r i n ; Hi' f p i uii I" hub L Ji alv i kuu -out fliip;o t' i" '' it ; ''.'.-. ;p-ii ii'i ii'iouic wiiii' ii v lodii 'en,. i v'ii ii t it. o p i. 1'ol.Mt pi it ui iiiH'n-v ' ' .1 I'm- GVnt I nt iM'.-Kt .1 ':ii ' A i iiHivjnu i A7'lnit?. Ci tizens N ; i Lioi ial -Bai ik l-U"ioii. Mini :ti t (Mli.i-1 .1 SudliiHii.l,iai,ut I I i:'iit . ' ii l'i I' ll V, iM-Mlrf i ,ilill J F Tureclt, Am i f tiluwi (' I i-nleliimii limo , oeulHt, I 'i I A Iti'iiim to (I U Mlll.e II i. Uiick I O Heimlich J- J ua Delicti