The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 26, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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fflisr FIRE WORK;
li . " """ ---- -
B ., i ;..,-' rtIJ .- 'I'll"! I
Ely i? jm
sL Hr hlIBs JHj kBs Hki tMmmsBsam sbs, WSsmZ
Chrontcle'c Wachlngton Bureau
WAfetlTNflTON, :.',ay .2(5. Oovernor
Olcolt of Oregon is one of neven chief
executives nf Mates 10 co-operate !n
milking forest protection week', which
started Sunday, a prrai nuccfls TIip
governors of Mlnneroln, New York,
tN'orth Dakotn, Pennsylvania, Texas
and Montana pach iirepitre.d special
statements urging Benernl observance:
of forest protection wek,
Fourteen- Slates n all Ismted pro
clamations' to prevent fires -through-6ut
Ihe" year, noi only In the forests,
but everywhere.
ftn' prevlout effort Inaugurated' by
the forest rervlre hat, received 'sithh
prompt and cheerful support -from
vory department of huslners.
The Chamber of Commerce of the
United Slates, the International KL
wanls clubs, the American Automobll"
association, National fioard of Fire
Underwriters, International Ansocla
r'idn! of Jlotary Cluh.?, National I-'ire
,1'rdtoctloh association, tho, tloneral
Federation of Vamen'n clubs In vlr
.tually every state In the Union, the
DaUghtcrr,, of the American Hevnlti
tion, ail have pent out loners, or
dally prepared circulars, drawing ut
tent Ion Jo the special purpose of the
wek. 4
The American Automobile assocln
tttinsc.nt 'copies of Hie letter Issued by
tHb,Eecretaiy ol" agriculture to even'
club' In the country
(State foresters In many slates hiiVA.'
Staffed one form or another of public
ity '.'to Induce I rill', and create con
tinued' Interest In thr; one big sub
ject iof the wepk.
'.Tne Hoy Scoulr, of America, considered-
by' tin- forest nr-rvlee to be one
of-lfa most, efficient allies In prevent
ing forest fires,1 Issued a special forest
protection number of the monthly
publication "fVoilling," tor May, and
Forester V. fi. Orerly, mil Chief
Hchut Executive lames K. ' Weal ol
New Vork, sent ltl.Min leite-.r to F.c.fmi
mas'lers nnd scout executives every
where In America.
The p'o.tlofflfe department Is run
ning thivty-twi ,flro neventloii can
cellation dies 'Irt the principal pom
' offices thtoiiKhoui the nation so that
jflv)ry letter 'sent from those ofllces
Mil. carry the. inertiase to he re
clplrntn. ; Ih'slx1 we-.tcrn illairleln of tin for
est' service 'with' lieatlttiarters at Den
ver, Colo., Albuquerque, N. 01. ; Osd'.Mt.
Utah,' Missoula, Moua., Portland, Or,
San; Cal., officers n
thto serVice are lomluciln;; publicity
oattlpulima, and i!IMM rauxers through.
dill th'tine. slates tiro lUiiihis1 l'or"i
HVy effort to unite the people
abrut little., else.' for. :i week, .nt liias),
pjtcept how to keep down losses from
(By John" M. Gieiconer.)
fllnlKil Nhwm Xtoff Cnrii'fi(ihilfnt.)
May 2 - Wholn-1 for the different
sale food prices during the post year
have declined much more rapidly
than retail. This Is shown by figures
coniplled byi the bureau of labor nra
llril.les tif Ihq department of labor.
"Wholesale food prices dropped I'
com modi
Individual cnuiinndlilc;
the ilisciepaney beiwten
and retail prlccst.
Cattle which In 10 13 would Imvr
brotight $1 on the market, durln'f
March would have hrnupht $1 12'.
per cent in 12 months. I'rlces paid , Out s'r!ln "u'!' ! '''''I'- hh
..fluy your Pugennl program today. 2(1
i. .) .
; Twenty prrrent discount on Klaat:
flower baskets for this week. Unit
qtiist's '.iHwehy More. 2H
to fanners dropped :i per cent dur.
I i
log the. saute period.
Hut the prices Mrs. llot'f.ewll'e paid
at the grocery store declined but 2S
per cent.
food which at the oui break of the
Kuropeati war would h:e cost her a
dollar, during April would have co,.t
her 1,2. A J ear ago ll would have
cost her $2.11.
In the wholesale mnrkcts, however,
food prluciH which In 1U1" would have
cost a dollar, in Am-ll would have com
bin $147 and a year sico V-.T.i. faun
pioriuclt .how ev u a more s:rll:i.iv
iteclliic and morn ifa-ly i'pprnach
prewar levels than any oilier protiji
of commodities. Producti for will -h
he fanner received a do:. at in
during April brought him $l.lf,.
year ago they would have fold lot
f 2 40.
In couipittlnj Iih Riat Is: ics on reia '
food prices, i he bureau of labor ta
'lilies obiaias price, on 4:', prim l;:il
article:) In Til chle.". the aveitfe p'ce
of each sn'lclo ' ,i figured and Hie
average price. are i!un
accordln-r to the iiianili.v of each a
flcle consuineil In the averagi
lug inaii's lamlly.
The prictis of food and farm pro
lucis at wltnlenaln are basyd on ito
unions In ie.iier:enl:ilh! markete r,i
he country. Tiny also arc "welshi'd
n m ikln;.'; couipiiliiilons, iIik allow
nice being made for ilie rehitlve lm-
' Htlll, would have cos! i. In Man h
j would have pom $1 hi. The Maich
llurc fur i 1 1 1 1 1 steal', on the f,
bash-, was l.f7.
Hogs, .'till flgtiflr.: the value In
l!ii:! as $1, In March would have snld
for $1.2",i i,ti the niiirlit I. Por.'t chopr
also on a Uill! bifls, A'.'oiiid lnc co t
tin- housewife .r,K.
The lelntlvi! price of bactui at
wholesale mid iniail, iluiing on II. r
l!ti:! bat Is, was $1.21 and .t,r, the
liiter figure being retail jiilce On
the iiiiiic biish liam. sold for Jl r,,
nutter nnd eggs 111 their re all
p: Ices more nearl; have reflected 'lie
wholesale decline. ICgt-'.s, which in
l!i:'., wt.iild have .'old Uv a dollar ct
".hole- ale. In A'nrcli would fiave fold
for $1.20 and $1.21 retail. Jlitltrr, o.i
the s;;tuie banlH w;ts $1.4.Si it'iti an'
iflill wholesale.
The ililfetence in milk Is mifii
greater, Its retail figure on the liii:i
ilollar h:n It, will! tl 71, while the
vl'olesalt' figure bad dccMird it
!1 !!).
Number one wheat, which in l'.il'!
would have broitUht 5.1 00 in March
work vvi, n;lv,. tn-oti'ihl 1 sr. Hut brea-1
pttichnsed bv the hotisovvire li l!li:
Tor tl.OU, in March would have co
her 'jl.HN, Flour on t lit- lillli bifls, hit
ri' n ill retail to fl !i 7 h, ret a
prltt of hiesi! deelliii'd g per cen 1
a j ear, while the retail prlo i,f f on
declined 20 per cent.
Tharn't a Difference
.It ypu'vo be,en u "ready mude" man
In the past, M a "muUu to order mun'
In the luture. Flral clans bund tailor
d eiiits to uieiibiire, ::G.U(l unit up. VV
It. Webber, oiim block east of poit
oflc. ttif
de renil ee I he doo'lvitl tin' lo:M nf
I'ecshtiii.. o' tin' Hocle'v o' Oiir.'ei
Men In l.iiu'on. lit si a nil or r.iiti.'-hccii
he ca'sl alius rely on our villi
heari'd suppwnrt. 7. a wl'iiii! nnv
tnwoie biinichniumy wf itgean raise
uiir cyder mips to ee, wi' th' plou.i
pray'r on our lips that Heaven till
prosper ee, tin' wi iirsuiv ee I hat
Ctei '.Men till ever ,'ihien an oone t)' th'
'bright Jcolit In ,er Crown.
"I d'bldti, i avoreliiile, az vnr all
timo, Thy Viillhvul Sarvln:?
'(signed "Shaftesbury. (President o'
Darset Men-lit l.tin'on)"
King Ceorgt! r plied fiitl,:n.ui.
Send It To The Laundry
If you like the wotk dune on your
nlilitu and collars, ou will like equal
ly as vell our family washing work
Only. cents a pound. All flat piece
Ironed, balance returned ready t
Iron, lty the way, our "tumbler" sy
tern or drying makes the Ironing ol
qulle u number of items, auclt a
neks', heavy uitderweur, liunneht. etc.
unnecessary Model Laundry. Main 41
lty United I'rt-fi
I.ONPON. May 211. When 1 1;
Pilnc" ol, Wales intended the l.ondoi
I Wot king Hoy.' club.;' b..: ng tnurn
! liteiil, the secrelary req-teaietl the an
I illeuce to ri-fralu I'miiii t inoklii!', A
,'lhe ilitie- (he Prince wa.i enj.i'.lti i
cigarette. ,
The secrttnry I urn (1 to the Pruici
and raid, "Of courre, I i'cepi Von
Hoyal lllghuesii."
The I'rlticc laughed and ill ottct
threw away his clgtneite
Coiiiiiioii wllchlia'.el, cituiphor, hy
iItmuUu nit- ii si inlt,l Id t.nvntitltf
ye wash produce quick results whet) j
iticu tor oye ntraitj. une ciisiuiiifi
viis greiitly uSIohlslicd- at the rout fit'
Veling trrditccd by a single upoll
ation. A young man- reports that
mill he and his mother, went greatly
telped bv l.iivopllk. Ve uusrantee, f
uiiitll boilb) to help ANY 'CASfr
vealr, strained or inflame 1 eyett A
r C-OHhy, driiK-tt.'il. .'US Katt Sfoni1
M.v Pivpy
( l.ONrC'N, May ',. If ou told 'i
Dorsei'iblre man ihn u conldir!
,hpeak Kngllih he would probahl be
mi'cb annr.ved (, not provoked to no
'linl vjojenco Yet the lollowln-.! Im :"e
f'i ' ll'"e tsase tent to Kill" (leoig?
btho 'oelriy ol . Ilor.iel Men In l.oie
.jiri!' in il-hftir lonl panih ni tl-.eir an
'jiuyl 'iMMin..'. i;t'nK i tinted h the
ptvsldnii.Md the wieldly, who belli;'
niti-, I rl- o- Mrt'UHbnr) aitd a (ilx't
c'uif.j'Ol'flfiul mlabi litive Lueti nxpecnul
tO'hnow the F.llfillsh l.lllU"i.t belted
vi'o IIH Malesly Kin-
-''lie. .-Dree huudcii! loyal in- il i
vrom-lt r"i'. htM'd at th". Con
nautjbt litWitii's,!.. o't their
farl Wist Day. be uillldvill o' c
.Crii-'hns M.iJ it, an' wi' veil he'iit-
H'MM wau.u: "
L'omiu. .t inl.iv
VA.'i?. Cl.iMtn
) (i u . )k ,
Wo have a nuuibor of uiutl eara'jiti oxce Ion!
condition. Those cj.p.s must go. Prices cheap
Un I hi factory t,orni' to respohsilile jmrtios."
('onie iiv and look (host; cars over.
IDliO l)odi;e KoadiCrGood condition mechan
ically. Kivo good tire.. An o.icL-iallv good
I my at $f,000.0l)
Ittlicjt' 5' Paws. Tourihq Excellent cunilit'oo
mechanically. Five good tire. At $(iO'i)iO)
lii-'ht I c.vl. 5 Pass. Huick -KxcelUhit condition.
Hon t overlook .this one at S5".)0.0l.
(,'vl. t!)17 iSaiok Touring line condition me
uLaiiically, at '.. $3h(0.0,0
I o.l;'e PijsH, TourinRV-l''ivo good tirco. (inod
.'noluiju; 1'y, at S-l75.Utt
:' ! f'.vl. lJ'i;cllt.'st c-mdilion mechanical-
1 , - ysoo.oo
i ;
The Dailcs Buick Garage
K Company
"Pidn't we take a year tb imtko; i',:v; ';."(," ,', '''' ' ' .
it, Kid?", , ,, '- w' , - ,
'Betcha. iife wc did." '. ,- - .'. . ,. . - ..:,.u ;
' ' ' .' e . . " ,.i , ' ,s j.i i i
m ,ii . -irS'"1 :' , ' ' .( J',' '' "
rtfa -A hiAm
v.- , . , f !' ' " J n ihe great picture the world's
" . - , ff ijrcaiesL comedian 7iasb e e if
p'. S ,orkinig,o)uf,o.i:..;.i .wl)iol,e,,y.e'.j,
I . '
A First
-AutiouncinK th wc'vHl.6ftci our .
' " ' ' V- -I i ,t
New .Organ Friday veHinMay 27tlu
- ; ' 1 1 i - - - - i '
' 1 J i I " I I,
, " t r I f4i ' " -
t . ' ..,5 m; ln ..1.1 i i.. 7