The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 25, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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s4 JH
s '
watch while yon drive the car by and
aSDlnth . haks. .J f . hot U brakw- f 4I
rhould bp changed,
Buy your Pageant program today. 21
1 a a
ft V
Main G0C1 Bennett Taxi .Main 01. ft
Pythian Si iters.
' Regular meeting Thursday evening
I .May 2fi. A good attendance 1 desired
' Refreshments served. 2t;
inducted byGopdrich
iThe week of May 22 to 28' has been
wMfrnatPd as Forest' Protection week,
'flurinr which the United Slates For
jfrst service will conduct a vigorous
tjiampalgn to educate tho public on the
jMeventlon of forest fires. Automobile
Satirists in particular will be urgea
po reduce the fire hazard by extin
guishing camp fires and lighted cigar
ind cigarettes.
, (Michigan Is in the midst of spending
a . 150,000,000 bond Issue to improve
"its ( highways, according to Frank F,
CRbpern, the state highway commit
Bfoner.. Thin will be supplemented by
nearly 8,0M.000 of federal aid, and
Snore, . should ftituro- appropriations
!bf made by the government. Un ad
JtlRion the counties will add approxi
lately one-fourth more, assuring the
ppndilure of about 170,000,000 on
flue Michigan trunk line highway sys-
before 1925.
iem be
tA.ll roads lead to Indianapolis. As
ijorly as the first of April motorists
$B the Pacific coast started for the
dftoostcr capital where the annual 500-
tiile automobile race will be staged
in Decoration day. May HO. A big
ibjorlty of ihp visitors arrive via
iuto. This ear 20 racing cars are
..entered. Such speed demons as Datio
iripsta, Ralph De Polma, Tommy Mil
ton and Ralph Mulford will start.
"Jrt Kt'B I MUTO a, TlUMHf
Here's a way io foil the auto thief
(fl'hen you must leave your car park
ed', a dummy on the rear seat or at
jfhp steering wheel. Mr. Bandit mis
Jces it for a "live one" and seeks
Jh unoccupied car. CTedlt. for this
jilfea'.belongs to Rube Goldberg, whose
Inimitable cartoons have made mil
ons laugh.
3?JJ5yery, effort is- beins made bv pro
iBsive 'cities to attract automobile
loiirUts. Free camp sites with mauy
fonventenoes are being establlshac
y. hundreds of cities and towns and
jiir proving popular with the tourists
jjjnd profitable for the cities, Thermo
'blis, Wyoming, entertained 30,000
jurists at one camp last season ap
proximately ten times its population.
Camps are heing established fit ninn
points in Michigan and Wisconsin.
By United New
WINONA LAKB, 'ind., May 25 The
Deinpsey-Carpentler fight was con
demned ami warm approval given
New Jersey ministers who'nre oppos
ing it by the 1.13rd general assembly
of the Presbyterian church here Tues
day. The assembly also endorsed resolu
tions calling for n nation-wide cam
paign for federal eenrorship of niov
W; adilitiontU drug leKislcMon; bet
ter enforcement ol the Volstead .am,
'and extension of the ISth amendment
to the Philippines.
A resolution was also adopted call
ing on the .Presbyterian ministers to
inquire into the stains of persons de
siring marriage ceremonies to refuse
to officiate If either party may have
'been divorced under certain con"-
Dps 'Moines, Iowa, was selected as
"the place for the next Presbyterian
jsf einbly.
FOR SALE Cheap, 11 layin" Iipiih.
and one hen with tPii (i-wpfkr. old j
chicks, fall 414 Fulton street tif-I
ter 7 p. m.
Teacher of Piano ,
Summer classes open .lunp'L Tele-
Diifur', Ore.
W. C. T. U.
W. C. T. 11. will have basket lunch
at the Christian church Friday noon
1'fi 1 FOR BALK -r. Modern r,even:rootn j
House, lot utixiLMi, goon outbuilding:',
FOR SALE-'Larg and tmull fimii ' ",,nm l,la,'K "V1- s,m" 01 UeU
and orchard tracts. Reasonable ' N,,u street, tf
prices, good terms. IV. C Huu.ui
United Artisans
Regular mpeilng Wednerday, Mn
ih, a p. m. at K. of P. hall. Initiation
County Sunday Sciiool Meeting
The annual convention of the Wtf
co County Sunday School association
will be held al Boyd, Saturday, May
28. All persons interested in Sunday
fchool work are Invited io attend. 27
FOR RKNT Small lurnished lions..
Inquire 1405 Pine slrrel. 'Si
fruit and garden. 70S Calhoun
StifiPl. "it!
TORSA7r Five-room modern hotif,
close in on F si reel. Two nice level
lots, garage, chicken house, gool
garden and fruli. Price 27011, very
reasonable terms. Columbia Really
Ac Loan company, 30S Washington
sirei't, telephone main 731. 2'i
Taught by
Lessons by Appointment
Kmpiess Theatre Plan 1st
A.e feathd the easiest by wiy of Grint9 and Maryrii( n tri1
A lU-mile paved road connects Maryhlll and Golddndale
FERRY HATES $1,25 per car and passtneers one way.
2.0li for lound tup, lOdjy limit.
FOR RRNT-Furnished hotir.ekeeplns
rooms. 11S Rast Second. ;!1
FOR RENT Furnished basement
room. Inquire &0B Jackson street. 25
By United New
KANSAS CITY, May 25. Totter
Ing along on his cane, H. L Jewell,
7, and blind, heard cries from a
small creek here Monday.
Plunging into the water, the blind
.nan finally located Paul McNatr,
agpd 9, and held hitn above .water
tntil help came, lie then helped
.c-vlve the boy by rolling him on a
;arri3l. The water was sevfii feet
leep where the 'blind man rescued
i he hoy.
FOR RENT Clpan rooms and boarJ,
722 Easl Third stieel. 26
lor one man. Red 3M1. 2S
FOR RENT Four room house. Call
forenoon. 117 West Truth. 2t!
FOR RENT Four-room
apartment. Inquire
117 Alvord
FOR SALE One 24-inch sleel rase
fpparator; 12-horse Auitnan Tai
lor steam tractor engine; 150 end
lers bell, complete, $750.00. One
seven-foot McCormlck binder, used
one EPason, In good repair, 150.00.
One carload cedar posts, 8-foot, 10
rents, f. o. b. cars Parkdale, Ore.
Timothy New;l F'arkdale, Or. 2w22
Oeueral real estate,, and I
loans. 10()i East tieconu etieet 'lele
phone main 1671. 2HU
WANTED Oirl for general house
work. Call main 1471. 2'i
WJA.NTED Fivf-room house. Write
box BR, care Chronicle. 20
WANTED To rent small furnished
house. iNnl over twenty dollar--. Call
black 5781. room 3. 2il
,BNT FtimisheiliUbiijeJtejPint'
n. 320 East ThiraE?iSt."To1(?!
phone Red f.342.
Ey United Pres
NEiW YORK, May 25. Barry Mc
cormick, National league umpire:
"Carpentler mlgtii have a sood
chance, but I don't see it. I)einpse
night to win by a knockout within
four rounds. There's nothing on the
Frenchman's record that makes him
i great fighter. Vrank Moran show
it up his performance against Beck
ill. Dempsey can punch harder than
inv man the Frenchman ever met."
times Without h.t
. -While church adverllnlng, is quite
common in the larger cities, it's ad
mittedly new in the rural district.
Btit listen to this: The pastor of an
.Ohio church which is passed by thou
sands of automobile tourists has had
the following words printed in hit;
etters on a bulletin board In fron.
iff his church: "Tourists, attention!
ar Heaven turn to the RKTUT and
BtraiEht ahead."
V r
C From the Atlantic eoail to the Ml?-
Htsippi river on paved roads! This
iy sound like n motorist's dream,
fill it- vitl be actually pnsnible lo
hike such a trip this fall. The last
jteich of the National Pike in Illinois
till be completed then. Never before
gas :uch a long "paved road trip been
possible in this country.
, . ,
Hundreds of memorial highways
are being planned for completion be.
foro '.May 30, 1922. Trees will beiplanl.
edUn.inr-inory of every soldier, sailor
lid marine who did hla bit in the
world's greatest war. Ransome Ken
plcott,. forester of Cook county, Il
linois, sayr that the county commis
sioner and forest preserve comrals
jliqocrs will donate 10,000 trees from
pi county's nurseries to be planted
along memorial highways.
p'ln parking your car be cariul not
tjbump againn the curbstone. Mum
owners use the curb to help stop
iif cars. These, sharp blows on thn
Ires almost Invariably cause Injuries
lite Impact flattens and nraln the
cercass. auu in driving paranci
fthe curb the tire sldewalls are of
rated against the stone. A care
il diiver coasts to a atop, first thro'-
fling down bis engine and. applying
ihe brakes gentlj.
i"Our weekly DON'T Don't neglect j
your brakes, Make sure iliat they take
kold at the same time. When one'
whVel spln whll the other grinds
the pavement, tires are being need- j
wrly destroyed To let your brake.-,,
ihrm out on wet asphalt which
easiest en tires. Have someoaa
By United News
Babe Uulh haf.n't made a single hit
-not even a scratch, 'in an even tloz
?n official limes al bat. He was up
our times in Tuesday's game win
lie Browns in St. Louis, walked twice,
in the fltst and again in the sixth,
it-ounded out in the fourth and forced
Miichell at second in ihe reveiith for
i batUng average of .000.
Kelly popped out with Young on
second base in ihe first Inning againM
he Pirates on the Polo grounds. .U
.ir.M man up in the fourth he singlPd,
scoring later on Smith's single. In the
.iith willi Young again on second, U
,'lled to Carey for the last out. Win
Voting on first, Kelly grounded out in
he eighth.
-'lush the Kidneys u Once
Back Hurts or Bladder,
No man or woman who meat
.egularly cau make a mistake by
.lushing the kidneys occasionally,
iajys a well-known authority. Meal
.'onus uric acid whlcu clogs rln- kill
.ley pores so they sluggishily filtei
' strain only part of the waste and
poisons from the blood, then you
set sick. Nearly all rheumatism.
Headaches, liver trouble, netvo.tb
ness, constipation, dizziness, sleep
lessness, bladder disorders cow
from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you leel n dull ache
in the kidneys or your back hurts,
or If ihe urine Is cloudy, offensive,
full of sediment, Inegular of pas
sagi or attended by a sensation ot
scalding, s;ei about four ounce.-, of
ad Sails from any reliable phar
macy and tuko a tablespoouful in
t glass of water before breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys
Aill thfit act fine. This famous salts
s made from the ucld of grape
nd U-mon Juice, combined wit II 11th
a aud han been used for generations
to flush clogged kidneys and stim
ulate t Item to activity, hIho to neu
tralize tha acids In urine so it no
longer causes irritation, thus end
Ing bladder disorders.
Jud Suits is Inexpensive and can
not injure; makes a delightful effer
vescent Itthia-M'uter drink which all
regular meat eaters should lake now
ind then to ke"p the kidneys eleun
nd the blood pure, thereby avoid
nt serio is kidney complications.
FOR RENT A three room fuinisbed
apartment. Inquire ill w'est Sec
ond atieet. 27
r6ROT--Niceiy "TirrnisheiV lio'us'e.
keeping rooms.. Terms very reason
able. 722 Easl Third street. '2J
FOR RENT Front housekeeping
room, downstairs, and sleeping
room. 104 -West Third. 31
FOR RENT .Three furnished ' house-'
keeping rooms.' Adults 'only. 1003
Alvord street. Tetrphnnn red 4501.
FOR RENT Roam with board in
modern home. I.atly or genllebari.
1000 Fullon- Blroeti' Telephone red
3491. . -i , i , ..i , .28
FOR SALE R'awlelgh product. :410
West Fourth 8h Black 4331. .123
FOR SALE Ford touring.. Reason
able, 1008 Alvord after 5 p. in. 25
WANTKD 1Jouf,-w(qi;c on ranch. Mid-a'.tfln-ag'eAnv'otnan.
hooni 43jt iHiotel
WANTBD To Join auto parly lo Pon
laud Sunday, -May 29. Write box
A 15, care Chroniple. ; 20
WANTED Worlc wi I h lea in Farnt
or orchard work preferred. Write
box 50, R. F. D. 1. 25
WANTED Position as cook In gener
al house In town, gentlemanly, hon
est Japanese youth. Address Janie;
T. K 311 Perkins Avontje, Petdle.
torn Oregon,.(0f,M, f :!C
WMie Tirtuiclk Liirae
Freight and expi-.-,s between The
Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all wa
'taints Leave The Dalles, 9 a. ut
dally except Sunday Leave Alum,
1:30 p til. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p, lu
D. .M Pierce, pioprleior, Telepbono
h.stck lt!42 or main -171. t
Whitney Repair Shop
?U9 Eat Second St.
fruit anil garden tracts, Thoinp
son's ndditon. 300 acre wheat farm
,l,n , Jpffcrsoni icuntj);, .near, Mojlrius.
, wjtli water, bi)ildi'ngs, iflO.SOn, li;i;ms
'or'.woul;! 'exedhnge. F. lo. OlJvKv,'
i I'M 127
'Rooute: L'Tho' DaileK.
IX1R SALE Ford bus
al, barber u'll6p.''
Inquire Roy-
FOR SALE Ten-room hotel. Inquire
box C7, Kent, Oregon. J20
FOR SALE Five-room house, one lo',
on paved sireet. $20(io.uO. See Bauer
or telephone main 1571.
FOR SALE Seven- room hntieo, lout
lots, all modern convenience... See
Bauer or telephone main 1571. 21
004 Firtt National Danx Uldg.
The Oalles, Ore. ICtf
FOR SALE One range, in good
condition. Inquire 407 Union stree'
FOR SALE Onod mill: goal. Tele
phone red 3052, or call at OOU'WipaV
Eighth street after 4 p. m. 21!
FOR SALE Ctii ' Mowers for Mem'
orlnl day. 901 Liberty at reel. Mn.
C. J. Stubllng, 'S
FOR SALE- -Dry oak wood; old oa't,
$11 50; .second growth, $12.60. Deliv
ered. Call 30F22, after C p. m. !(
FOR SALE-iSix room house, iv.o lot:,
on paved rireet Nicely Incited
$3250. Sr e 'Bauer or telephone main
1571. -'X
FOR SALE- A burner gar. stove, llr
i.lars condition. Reliable oen and
warmer, must sell at once, 312 West
Thirteenth. 'blndr C252. Win. Nye. If
FORiSALE By nwnti', 5-iooui plav
ered house and Bleeping porcn.
!ood location. Term- like renl
J'rlce $1550. E. C. Fltzpei'atd, tele
phone RFJ3. 3"
FOR SALE pfayr r dano in good con
dillon. $350,00. With roll, $400.00
Mm. J. D. RlgS's. Court aparluienl
310. 20
FOR " SMCT'lreader" boTT chain
k net foinplete. Used one mason Wll
trade for horses, f-heep, rutilc "r
hogs. A. S. Milne, black 1992. 3"
FOr'saI E flood values In resfdenie
properties. from $130o ,o
$250o! Several nrv, niodrti bun
galows up to tfisno. Dalles Itealu
corupan. , black ."091. 2"
LOST Nore glasses and care, ('a 'I
Firnr. Cshrrinlt'le. ;Uewaidti ,j,t27
iToSTa" nihca?e7lherrieeu'r' rSi1niers
and The Daljeti. Leave at Cluonlcle
office. Reward. 21!
FOUND aV-ntieinan's gold waich
'Owne'f' call Ul'IC.i Ailatns, 514 East
i .Second slroeU ! I 1 ' JS
FOR TRADE $125 worlh of thov
ouehbred hogs for inllch cow anil
calf. F. A. Busliey. up Chenowtth,
route 4, 25
with board. 311 East Flfih
at rent. -'r
MONEY lo lend lo properly owners
for bullllng purpnres. W K Oilj'ii
' V)! oil AVhshiiiftiV f tree:': -25
IIKMSTITCHINU-.ilid buttons covr
k ed,. t'.ti'K A', .i ..Molliie. 1lin7 ftnloti
si ret t. .If.
i?KliLSTi TC" M N'l P"T i co t'Td'g log Mir
L M. BooUit.v, 308 Washliiutoii
streel. Teleplmne main -fK 'I AND EXPHKSM -Kuriil
tun: and pluno uiuvlug Fielib
hauled and geui-iul express busl
ness 'I'eleptinnes: Stand, red lop
residence blaek 1352 J F Henzle
Portland-The Oallea Truck Service
(Senmal frelKht Imiilin?. Leave
Portland 2 p. in. Leaves The Dallen,
1:30 p. in. Dully service The Dalle
telephone red 0741 I'orllund tele
phones, Marshall 1355 or eunl 3990 .117
IMANl7s"fUNKD AHfl repalled, at
tlfiti regulating and relliilsblm-'
Player octlons a rpeclaliy. Wort
guaranteid. 8 A. Dockslnrier. Cur
ton Music store, 320 Fart Second
tree). Telephone tnatn 11I '
Teacher of
Piano, Harmony and Theoiy
Leschelizky method Special alien
Hon given to beginners. Summer term
opens June Js. Phone red 3491 Stu
dio 1000 Fulton street .120
Notice for Bide tor Shanlko-Ante-V
fji lope Rosd.
War.oo County hereby calls tor
sealed . bhls for regradlng t the
iihanlkn-Antelope Road, from Ante
lope northerly, to ftlianlko.
All bids shall bo on a proposal
blank Which will be furnished upon
application by the County Roadman
ter. The specifications, plans and s
timntes for Ihis ltuproveineut are on
file in Ihe of rice of County Clerk
of Wasco County, Oregon, ami also
with P. Wi Marx, County Readmits
ter, nl his office In Cotitttv Courl
House, The Dalles, Oregon, and s il.
Ject to Inspection. Tljo work will be
done In accordance with Ihe above
mentioned plans and speclficniloit.'-'
under tho supervision end direct ion
of lire Ootinly Roadmaster.
All bids must be accompanied by
a certified check fbr 5 percent of
the amount of the bid, lo be for
felted to Wilsco County In case uuch
bid ehould be .accepted and the bid
der should fall to enter into, con
tract, and bond for the faithful pur
.fonnance of the work.
' All bids should be realed and fil
ed with,. Uie County Clerk on or, be
fore the 28th day of May, 1921. All
bids will be opened by the County
Court at 10 o'clock a. in. on said
da In. i
Wasco Coonty reserves the righ
'to reject any and all bids.
Dated ibis. 18th day of May, A
l 1921,
d27w21 County Clerk
Peoples Transfer Co.
Furniture and Piano Moving
Stand at Glenn's I'aint StoroMain 'AVAl
Residence Phone Red 1811
Wasco The Dalles Dufur
LULU U. CHanuai.l, MJnager
ben l hum, A4ki6t jtit Manager
Lliend tnibatmei, t.nnlli.tieii 1M7
Woman Attendant telephones
Mia, M. J. Wllleiton Dy--Red S01
I election Red 17S1 Night Red ito
I. II Harpet, Black 2162
Motor Equipment
Cut Flowers
Eyesight Specialist
ttouie y:U0 to 5:00 Sundays and Eveninfl. by Appointment
I'MI VoQt Hlk Over Crosby's Oiug Store Phone Black 1-111
vm tnmnrni-.innnTrwiiiiii. J U i
Glen wood Hotel
202 Union Street
Half Block from Station
Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night
From 50c to $1.50 a Night .
$2.50 to $5.00 a Week
Open 0 a, in. to 12 p. in.
I'CII SALT. Will sacrifice an hote
ami one or boh lots ni Ifilfi Knt !
Jnrk?on sine , 10 the per on who
Is able io build In a restricted neigh
borhood. Fine view. I'nved street.
Mrs. A. E. Sutton, 1217 I'lno Tele,
phone black 4881, If,
Furniture Repairing, Picking,
Crating, Carpet Cleaning. All
work guaranteed
206 CjBUrt Street
Take a Lesson From
Big Business
Every person who lifts money
to ,-pend, much or little, cau
profit from this lesson.
Every large business con
cern has a purchasing agent
oi' professional buyer. It is
his job to buy to best advan
tage. He must keep posted
on what the firm needs, he
must know values and prices
and sources of supply. He is
constantly gathering infor
mation to help him in his
work and he reads carefully
all the advertisements of
manufacturers from whom he
might purchase.
The whole secret of profes
sional buying, you see, is in
formation. The man wit I)
moHt information can buy to
best advantage.
Apply this to your o w n
ease. .Whether you are pur
chasing manager of a family
or simply buying for your
Wii per.Miual needs, you must
have iiil'innialioii. The place
to gel it is in newspaper ad
vertisements. Read Chronicle
meuls regularly. They will
tell you more about qualities
and styles aud values than
you could ever learn other
wise. They will (ell you
where and when to find the
right thing for which yon
have been searching.
Reading Chronicle advertisements is time profitably spent. II
will make your money go farther and bring you mil bought of
comforts and convenience,