The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 25, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Established 1S9U Tim IVillcs, Oro.
l'ubllshed IJvery Evnnlni: Kx.ii'i Sunday
iy tho Chronicle Publishing company Inc
. ra neral ilanaser!
Hen n. Iatfln
Rnluri'd In Tho Dalles
Hscoiui class matter.
pottufflpo ns
United 1'iesa and United News Forvlco
Member of Audit Hurimu of Cirfiilatloiia
Onu vear. In advance JS.00
Hlx months, In advance $i.yO
Oim month - GO
Ono year. In advanve 00
OU months, In advance.. J2.r,0
Oim month "0
On yeur, In ndvnnoo 12.00
In orlHi-liiL.' "Imncn of uddruew. Htlb
rcrlbor should ahvuys Klvo old aa wull
as now address.
K.iltorlal ItoomB... .- H!nck 311
feuHlnuRH. Adv.. Clr. Dints - I ted 1U
Kuiifilbui-H to tlo CluonU-lo aro Kiiur
Mill',., ,1 ki.rvlrii. Proinnt and regular lie
llverv of every siihscrllier'H paper la the
Mm of tho circulation departuient. Tho
Chronlclo carriers aio required to put
thu papers on tho jKirch or wherever th
uf)90i Ibur wishes '.ho paper delivered.
.Progress is inspirational lor those
having an ideal ahetin to which
they aro vory much ullaehed.
Tlio makers of Tho Chronicle have
folt. not merely I ho desire dial Ihu
newspaper filiouhl bn joptvsonlalivo
of tho community. They an- anxious
y striving .for recognition as lenders
of tho community, pointing iho way
an much ub a newspaper should ho
do, assisting in thu things lliat wil
mako lit! territory boiler, and coin
batting tho things that may bo de
structive in effect.
;or4;e,ycnr thcro lies been an in-
teVsive "upbuilding work going on
vit hln tlto paper, establishing (lie
grounds ;;iio necessary for lliu visible
It is tlio belief of Tho Clirohiele':
workers that iinproveinont.s in tin
paper have, come fact, within the
year. They have sincerely and suc
cessfully tiled to give Wasco count
it good newspaper, with all I lie newb
every day.
The bit;, epochal "vlniblo oxpnn
H.lon" in Tho Chronicle's' HO years
rind nioro of dally history canio yes
"tohlay. '"Always heretofore pilhlod as a sl.
column paper, 'Tho Chronlclo f.preaii
ih&r slflitu a llltie wider yeslrrduj
becoming a seven column paper. Tii
change ImprovoH liio paper in ever.v
way, and generous friends hav.
boon (juicl; to coniiuent upon il.
'Tlio first performance of (lie hi;
, Implex jiresH which has Jam heei.
'Botup was not entirely up lo on.
Ijuilni;, but Dial is I ho histoiy o.
utery now press, bike a spirited hoise
iJ UHlBl.
frot a bit before gel tin;
down to the sternly gilml.
The jio
afbijltlos lmvij ueun ncoomplh.lied
That's the inula thing. Now conic
die polishing.
The larger pnpor does not com
ploto our Job. There ate man.
ehanuo" to be worked mil whirl
will bocomo apparent to renders be
lore long. News sot vices ate belli
stroiijjthened, New lines to new
nourcos aro being laid, and I he lm
nt Jiappenliigs are going to be gv
on tn tho public more promptly am
In hotter form than over before.
Wo are hew t-oluc lo be salfc'
HoU with The Chronhle. no mad
how good l uuty become. Tins pn
foot newspaper has never et h( i
vuhluihed. Wo aro goinn lo coiiiinu
malUiuj- Uio' mutpi' better it ml be'ti-
Ooopuralion wilj aid In this. Kvei'
jmrsou in thn county may ho n
Chronlolo repoit(r, We adnni (bcfi
aro lots ot Ihlnj.'.s haiipen of inte:
est which are nut Miblished hecau. i
(ho uewa does not reach us. W
would Hko lo make I his paper sue I
a ehronlele of iwws of dm loculiij
that Lloyd (Ummko'h latest tiradt
would lutvo o lie left oil the fiom
Wo would like to 1m m tho po
tilllon of the cross nauhi stoie
wUow proprleior kuowh overytblm
(hat tinliiVB. W'v would like te
Ih'ooiuo the Bwidlum foi iuierclmntti
of tdWM, iKttwMon -various itilertuii
'6f the lurtUory, ana to puhlbh tin
and eonUflv.a of everom
We will tn 'ii iiiililish tin
r.oisip if n is Rood ro-ibip.
Tho Chronitlo u ui paiun. li
18 exclusive in no : u an u
duly to perform in pih'i him- every-
tlllll of VIllllO to H " e wt niii r
serves. It has n d"' I I' ""' m in
publicum,' iheso ihlngs Imiuuitallv
and without aliiliius. am
milk bat jiisn 1 1 I 1 1 v ami v i'Ih.ui i,
Thn ) iinall talk IhIwhi th.
nuts, a. ii ii- but n n r
Klvo h mile clo er undi i i.mdin ,
our problems, it i worth while.
- - o
Thero la n ctmstructivo Utter m-
li hed In oilier columns on till., paqe
v.hi'h fery Miter in Wasco county
; Mo.ihl read whether or not he fa-
m- the SHno.uon jjaiiea laiiiornia
hirliv.ay bond isiuie.
It was written by K. I.I. (lilt ot
Tiufttr, who prepared It not iis a
wild fancy, but after careful slttdy
and collaboration with those who
could old him.
In 1U1C, .Mr. Oil! opposed tho bond
issue on tho ground that it was an
Inopportune time. lie felt then that
much of tho money proposed would
bo wasted through inexperience anil
tack of system.
IJo bellovos there is now a defl
ni te plan, a conelBe, constructive
program ahead for the bolteiment
of the county and of tho state. He
beli-ves the proposed highway will
he worth more than JH5.000' lo the
Mr. Gill is a rancher in Wasco
"outily, lie is a tax payor. He fa
vota an investment, for which ho
will have to help pay. J lo believes
in Use feasibility of The Dalles-Call-foiiiiu
highway tie a unit of pro
gress for Hie county.
(From Tho Chronicle, May lif,, IS'io.)
.lodge A, S. Ueiinelt, democratic
nominee lor uotiKrcis, speaks at the
court house Ibis o tiling. I'olitic-il
-tpeaklnK is a new departure to
Judge iJeniioll. but if wo may believe
'he Aftorlan, ii roptiblican jiaper, ho
is an inlerchtiiiK and logical speaker,
The Ai-.tniian s.nys I ha I iis a political
speaker .liidge liunnell far excels the
best el'l'orts of Colonel Weaver and
.he leading lights of Populism. This
may be equivocal praise and wo would
nidi ralher the Aslorlan had (oiapar
! him with tollable republican speak
rs, hut then Judge Itennett may be
al'ely put down as a powerful speak
er, from his recoid heforo the conns
ia this and neighboring coun'ief,.
Among die iiiauy hetiulirul flora!
'rihiilcs given lo meinbers of til's high
school gradual lug class was one pie.
mred by the Velarde family. This was
i ship the hull coveted with wl'ilt
What a Wasco
Thinks of the
Dutur, May L'l, VXM.
Fdllor of The Chronicle: I wish
i preseul a few considerations on tlio
Son, ono bond i-tnuo. A cursory glance
.t. I lie quest Ion gives Hie liiipressiou
eat the county could not ntford thl
pparenl luxury. My first Ihoiight was
ii oppose II, but to be fair to my own
nlgmeui 1 decided to apply Iho acid
e l of bookkeeping iiriueiples to the
lopoKilluu, and the result astonished
ne. I made a stalenumt of assets and
labilities for a period of 1!0 years
Mini the completion of Hie th) miles
i' road ttuough the county.
1 1 estimated 0,000,0011 miles of
ravel in pleasure cars by residents
i the county, counted l!J miles of
ravel lo a gallon of gasoline, at !i0
cuts per gallon, and estimated a sav
ag of Ml percent because of road, a
.aim; of 1250,0011.
: UHtiinntwl 20,000,000 miles Jo
rucks ot one ton load, eight 'miles lo
iillon of irts'oline, saving Ml percent,
imouuline lQ' t;7a,0Q0.
:i K.stiiiislcd u savlUK oil oil ol
1- Countlinf rop4ir coh'h l'i' r Pi"
war under present- condltioim. f 100,
md count Inn S00 euro and trucks us-
ng road, and a roduclion of two thirds
il i lus coal, gives a t.aviug ol 1,
5 1 (liltik II Is worth al least two
cuts a mile In comfort to travel on
i good road. At this rate 40,000,000
ulles of travel tn pleasure cars and
rucks amounts to $$00,000.
0 1 estimate that tho value of Hi
ami in an area five miles on each side
r the road will average un Incroare
u Milne ol 125 uu acre in 'M yours,
vhlch on f.7,oim aerus is ?1 1,400,000.
7 -The fruil and. vegetable acreage
.v 1 1 1 at least Ireblo In SO yearn, an
nciease of 4000 acres with uu avr-itu-
product km of f'JOti uu acre. Thin
will be a null! to (lie county ot S,000,
aio for a tun your period out of Iho ISO
. s A think as direct inllueaco ot
his mad thorp will he at least five
aops of wheat on aft.0H) acres which
ii an acre wr eneli crop wl'l
show a value at $8,125,000.
i) Of the whole a mount ot uiuao)
he ot Orejton wilt furnlah J0.r.
do. Hut Ave aro u pari of '
will pay .OltlSST of ii delus and
.ii i' i Tho mate uta.v bond for I
i ' iii n el .' 1 .1 it'll V inn. VV ha h
' i 1 1 e I II Mil ''(' I x I c il i i"lii t
1 . I' v V l i ' , hi Ii . 1 1 ' I ' i ' l
1 1 . ' , w h ii Ii imiiiI
l'l- lJi I i i i in i .l ( up
lie slate bonded lor $ 1 1 .euo One Sub-
'.ff tl from V. .md 0 tdioWH
it 'i in i i 'no . . 1 ' i t.ito would
i.. Uc ii ti i" $.' '
F tjitiitiuj; tit in'cre t at .H of
flowers i'uriounded by a rim of jel
low Aiish Inn loses and the rlgglm;
trimmed with slmllax'. The piece was
one of Hie most artistic we liae evt
Hon. Wilson T. Hume of Portion'
will deliver a republican tidd.e.n in
tills city Thursday night al Hie court
house. On the evening following, In
the Bamo place, ti. C. Spencer, a P r;
land attorney, will deliver an itddresc
In the circuit court toduy Judge
Hraduhuw appointed Slnnott & Slnnott
to defend J. I!. Chapman, charged witn
larceny from a dwelling.
Olio C. Hirgfchl vns declared a "it
izen toduy Ijetore the circuit coil'-'.
IXMDKItSUY, May 21. Will and
.Miss Mabel ICtiilorsby moloied to
fiiend, reiiiiiiiiig with their mother
wlio had spent Hie week with her
daughter, Mrs. I). C. Ileberlein.
Woid was received from . W. Co
vert, who was called to Soda Spring1
Idaho, h' i he critical illness ot his
daughter, Mrs. A rile ilarriman. that
she was somewhat better, and hopes
were entertained for her recovery.
Hollln Covert, who was injiiried hv
lalling lalo a well last week, is get
ling along nicely,
Mr. and Mrs, Jay Williams, AVillmr
Dickson, Clarence Still, Ralph Cork
inc were camping in the mountain
last wcel;.
.Mr. and '.Mrs. Charles Doyle and son.
Tom, emtio out from The Dulles last
Thursday and visited at. the Lester
Leaho homo.
The lOlght .Milo Orange Is making
plans lor a Fourth ot July celehratloi
to be given at Hie Ceo. Masquart farm.
Mr. and Mrs. John Darnlelle, Jr., en
lortuiacd ill dinner Sunday a largo
number of friends ami relatives.
Mrs. (1. W. Covert visited in The
Dalles Friday and Saturday.
Miss .Miller closed her term of
school at upper ICIght .Mile, hist Fri
day. May your Pageant program today. 20
Typing and Stcnograpny
done at reasonable rates. Roslna A
Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Ilea,
denco phono red WAX. ti
County Rancher
Road Bond Issue
, the principal would make the state's
interest on $ 1 1,000,000 equal to ?D0,
750,0011. Multiply this by .010SS7 shows
that Wasco county would pay ?,ril'J,2Cl
of this interest. Tho lnleroi.t on $050,
000 estimated iis three fourths is $71-,-500.
ijuhtracting $010,2111 from this
shows tliitt the state will actually pay
$lfW,'j:Si; of this interest.
10- 1 estimate Hint there will he a
saving of 1,000.000 hours time ni 25
cents an hour, $250,000.
11 I estimate the profit from tour
ist travel at $10,000 a year, or $JOO.00u
for 20 years,
On the liability aide we have JK1G,
000 of U'lt! bonds and $i:sti,000 inter
est on them, $10u,00o or Dufur bond
Issue it lid $81)0,000 in this Issue, $50,
000 paid by the date to pave to Three
Mile. The Interest on this I estimate
at $712,500. Also $UOO,ttuo state bomb,
interest on $000,000 equals $075,000.
Another liability would he upkeep
which I estimated at $20,000 a -car
or $100,000 lor 20 years
We are now ready to make a t late
iiient of assets and liabilities or Tin
Dalles California Highway tor
Saved on gasoline, pleas
ure cars ami trucks 025,000
Saved on oil :il.2."iii
Saved on Car Repairs. . . .
Travel comfort .sno.otiii
Increased value of land.... 11,100, 000
Increased fruit nnd vege
table product Ion . . S.ono.oon
Incronseil wheat production :i,12f.,oiio
Saved on principal 275,0,t.
Saved on Interest '. . 10:!,2:tii
Time saved 25o.o'iu
Tourist Income 200,000
Total assets $2S,0tS,U0
U11G issue $ Kiti.oou
Interest t
Dufur Issuu 100.000
This issue
Statu bonds ,, 050,000
interest i,as7.5oo
I'pkoej j, . 100.000
Total liabilities
worth to balance . ,
.$ :t.rioo.50o
I have thought on tho subject tor
weeks 1 have tried to hd-conservative
m my estimates. 1 believe I have made
a i.ur presentation of iho laeis. TIiom
flutes have convinced me I shall
vote for tho bond issue
F. M lUhU
V S. - The county quoin of the state
tuxes Is lake.n trout the last biennial
report of the Htate Tax commission,
lahlo XV, on page 33, which may ho
had for tho asking by writing said
commission, Salem, Oregorii
Hy United Ncw.i
HBLFAST, May 25. Ulster, which
lor generations has fought home
rule, plans to institute under home
rule that which tho south has been
seeking for centuries, a distinctly
Irish navy.
Speaking in the wind up of the
parllnientary election campaign on
behalf or Unionist eamlldales for
the northern pariinient, Sir James
Craig, Unionist leader, announced atj
it meeting In County Down, Monday
that he. had made preparations, with
hopes of miccesn, for the delivery
of it Hritish warship to tlio north.
The ship would be stationed at Uri
fast, Sir James said, in Hie river
Lough, and would form the nucleus
of ii naval reserve for the north.
In his final appeal for suppott of
tho homo rule act and of Uniouk-.t
candidates Sir James told the voters
the cause wan worthy ol' every per
sonal sacrifice.
"Rally round me," he cried, "sn
(hut we 'may shatter our enemies
and their hope: of a lepubliciin flag.
The Union .lack must swe p the
i a y
I. y Hours
New York and Chicago have amTKHiKSSECZm
again gone "Chaplin mad." 1
The public and press of the two B
the screen. S n
Theatergoers 'and even tho hard- 1 I
"A I" fre' ill B
his own honw lawn -Iho V ti. WBfl3ri W. Z tPWS&W'SMi'PJ J IT
Tire user fctsjresl hvo Orel 1 ' M -y
THE U.S. CHAIN TRIiAD ifcfll liffl'rl -r? U-A
One of tho few tiM-s or which it may A If y llVffi M$ KUJS'Ji V.AVA, 1
be said that thoy deliver economy SjMJ Wn lHW fStfl M3'iIu&JJl 8 -J 'tA I
year in and year out nnd tiro after tire. Jl a it I tWf fife'l aflaaS I ?-'
Tho U. S. Chain Tread given u W v Mj fflfl$M 3 -,'. ,. I
cumclent traction en all ordinary V V 1 WLMff , JZ
road outfaces. It Ms probably thi ilwS W ,V rif&MljB g lush, live U. S. Ttret."
handsomest, and by all odds tha Vft W r ''.w 'vS? ill
most popular, of tho wholo U. S. ffV-W)) ' ' M 'I
Fabiic Tiro line. JSjLJLjfiJll hMw&w .. ".'ll J
Economy fides onIlSTires
United Stat
the diminutive and illimitable artist tin studios In J,os Angeles. They
and declarltn: in even louder tnnea are from folk in every wall: of life,
that Chaplin litis no equal. who Jmvo been stirred to a great
Not alone are the amusement feellni; of appreciation for what
pages of the big newspapers boiling they declare tlto greatest screen
over with triumphant notices 10 J production since the beginning of
garding Chaplin's latest accomplish-. this character entct lalnnient.
mcnt In the film world, but even The Chicago Daily Tribune de
tlie editorial columns have been voles considerable space of its edl
thtown open lo the name of this loral page lo the "Return of Mr.
genttls lo admit glowing accounts of Chiplin." "Air. Chaplin is back and
his latest work. al! is forgiven." stains The Tiibune.
A steady .ireani of telegrams and , "The sharp ciiticlstn Hint he was a
letters aie pouring in at the Chap- lo-for -111(1 a lpjgooder :, forjitt'ti.
IF you could get together all the car
owners you know, you'd probably
.find that their tire experiences had been
much the same.
Most of them have taken their fling
nt "job lots," "discontinued lines" and
stocks." Soon or late, nearly
nil settled back on quality first as the
one sound assurance of tire value.
As soon as a man forgets the cut
price tag, nnd comes to the dealer who
concentrates on a full, completely
sized stock of U. S. Tires he learns
what it means to get fresh, live tires
not once in a while but every time.
Not merely in the big cities, but in
his own home town.
V. E. TIPTON, Dufur, Oregon.
ciANNETT MOTOR CO., The Dalles, Oregon.
Not merely for the heavy car, but for
the medium and light-weight car a
full selection of size, tread and type.
Your U. S. Tire dealer can give you
this service because of the service he
gets from his neighboring U. S. Factory
Branch. There are 92 of these Branches.
Each gets its share of U. S. Tires, so
that the dealer is always supplied with
fresh, live stock.
U. S. Tires sell as fast as they are made.
There is no over production. No sur
plus piled up waiting for a "market."
Wherever you buy a U. S. Tire
you buy a tire of current production,
as full of life and value as the day it
left the makers.
ats Tires
Rybber Company
as Mr. Chaplin offers him
a prospect and not as n
there will he a touch or
it gray sky. He has not
slipped and ia not slipping. He ia
there with tho 'old brain ns e'ear
its a boll.' He Is the comic gonitis
who can make it large Shakesper
can concession lo the lowbrow and
lh"ii flash into the exquisite or low
"The Kid" will be shown Tour days
al Hie Kniprens theater, beginning
Tucd.iy, May 27.
As long
seir as
pink in