mfti;.t iMiii.nnn.iu)niiimmtiiit iuiiiuiHMiiiii.ii.tiuiiiii.iKiu., THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY S5, 1321. "V I1 H I- PHMIHVPP.Hr Ik "genuine" i Bull" DURHAM tobacco makts 50 4S2dciMartttsfor APPLE GROWERS SHIP BY PANAMA , , Chronicle's Washington Bi'r:au . WASHINGTON, Alii 2. Oregon j apple growers will he: asked to co (operate with tho apple growers oi j Washington and I he citrus growers E6C California in ulillzin? tin; Puna ! nja Canal and the new relit seratoi blps now bclng-.dovclopcd, for the tlilpmcnl of laigo ciiaui,tios or Ore gon fruits. pai'tlciU'aiy,t.irpQ3,, ,di reut to .Europe IhrouR'.r the canal. Shipping agent liavo-, in-ranged for. many thousand caiilbaYls of CitiiM, fruits and northwestern apples to b$ handledfih this manner. Before the war American apples fipm the northwest and a his mar ket in England and other parts of Europe, but practically all of this shipment was made overland to New York and thence to Europe. War oroke oat Just when the Panama canal wa3 Ycady to use, and no practical development of this sor vice was even made until a few weeks ago when the Hist shipment of California fruit went through,, the canal in an experiment to test the' best way or 'shipping. Since then, the steamer Charles H. Cramp lias been converted into C floating laboratory, plying be tween .the (Pacific coast and the Eastern' sealw'jtrd through tlio cinal, to determine tlhe best conditions for hiind,llngjOf, citrus fruits as weii as the Topples of the northwest. Recently , a shipping firm in Cali fornia , has closed a contract In Washington feu- the transpottation of aevcar; thousand carloads of Washington apples to the Atlantic seaboard at; much lower than the rail rate. This is preliminary to direct .(.shipments to England and Europe f aa 'form as direct arrange ments , may ,1)0 made for handling the product on tho oilier side. It Is- predicted - by export transporta tion men hcr-e that northwest apple men will regain their European market immediately, hut that here after all hhipmqnts will he direct by water. IIGHWAY BUILDING THE WEARY WAY Dally fcecomino Less Wearisome to "Al Mn"V !" Tl,e Dalles' With fa back 'that aches all day," ' WltUVresL-idlBlurbcd at night,' Anrioying'"Hirlnary disorders, 'Tis k weary! way, indeed. Doflu's Kidney Pills arc especially for kidney trouble. Ask your neighbor ? Are indorsed by Tho Dalles citi zens, f I'i , ' Mri X N. Hamlllk. 310 W, 9th St., The Iftllrs, Pays: "My kidneys were In a wank condition and the least ovrwo'i'k or cold settled on thorn and caused me lo suffer with con tinual backache:? and such a sore ness across my kldnyes that I could jusl dras along, day after d iy. Dizzy headaches made me miserable end the action or my kidneys was Irreg ular. L read of Ooan's Kldriby' Pills helping others so I tried them. They were- just what I needed and It was not long bcroro I was free Horn the backaches and other signs or kidney trouble." Price. fiOts; at. all denials Don't simply ask for kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pllla tho same that Mrs. Hamlllk' had. l-'osler'Mllburn Co., Mf'f. Buffalo. N. Y. BILL IS PROPOSED .Chronicle's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, May 25. Senator Slanflcld today before the commit tee on postofflces and post roads, considering the Townscnd highway bill, subnilttod the following state ment In regard to forest highways: One hundred and fifty-six million, thirty-two thousand and fifty-three acres of pulilic land, for the most part heavily timbered, has been wjthdrtiw;n from entry and placed in national t'otcst reserves to lp con served by the government fo'- iho use and benefit of all the people of all the states. Thlsi was done atter the Eastern. and Middle Western states had passed practically all of their public land to private 'ownership, improved and duvoloped them, and those lands, together with their Improve ments, are found upon the tax rolls of these states helping to bear their part of the public burden of goyern- ment and development. The forest reserves are largely confined to eleven of the Western! states and Alaska. All the people of all the stales lire the owners of the reserve lands, and their children, born and unborn, arc the beneficiaries of this vast conserved wealth. Lands Not Taxable These, conserved lands, like all jther government .property, aic un taxable, and the entire bunion of. nalntaining law and order through Un .siato and county rests entirely bn Ilia taxpayers owning the ins- iblo i property within the slate. Within the last decade tho need for building modern roads ti cairy .nodem traffic has c.omo im 'denly ipon our people everywhere with Irresistible demand. In tho Wostern slates ii." popu lation Is small and the road mi cage very lar&e in proportion lo popula tion and taxable property The conditions prevailing In Ore ;cn are duplicated in each ( f the olhcr slates having largo n-cas o. federal rcsici.veis and unappiopri itod public lands. These reserve lands do not lie in solid bodies, but are scattered throughout the ' states, often be-, twocn the improved and developed portions of the stale reuniting im portant state: and county roac.s brought , the reserves to connect the. settled portion on either tide and' permit social and commercial inter course between these people. I Within the bounclaiiea of these! forest reserves there are 21.60.5 miles of important slate and county roads already located "thai should be built as rapidly as, tho same class of roads outside the leserves and connect ins therewith.-. The esti mated cost ,of building theso roads In keeping only with (he demand of the traffic is ?112..2G,S00. in addition to those reads thews, are also 22,tll miles cf trails with in the forest reserves necessary foi the protection of the fores's that will cost ?6,397,flOO (as estimated), Tor which we ask no appropriation in this bill, but leavo them entirely, to the forest service to be built out i of the 'ten percent tuud,-" which 1 amounts to about $100,009 a year. One hundred million dollais a ' year Is requested by tills bill and should be granted by congiess for 'the purpose of extending fsdcial aid 'to" ft he soverul slates in th: con-1 Ktrtiction of these moat important state roads, which are also n cos- j sary roads to. carry interstate unf ile. The mileage of this clays of roads Is cbtlmatoct at one per cent of tlioj total road mileage or tho country.' or approximately 25,000 infest. The estimated cost of co'nutnetion ol j the Interstate highways is appioxl- , niately tl.ono.000,000 to $l,2ro,ouo,- 000, of which amount the st'ites are CANADIAN BIG GAME EXCHANGE MOUNTAIN PRESERVE FOR QUARTERS IN NEW YORK'S FAMOUS BRONX ZOO ' -rm--ADULT SHEEP VSS' 4 vniiM& BIG", HORN SHEEP y-GOXXG CLIMD TO I United States has Canada's Rent , tell:p:cnce and an ah cf Iwii.n i seems to be sensed by the animals, TOO Ul em ii iuuw i iivj wtic iHMtu. i iie.v nuiu uiuuiii. iu m;n kviui lip ji;.';ir quuu icaness Ol man natives of the Canadian Rocky Mountains' Park, of which Banff is the capital, and aTO noted for their agility as mountain climbers. This nimble-footed pair have been moved to the famous Bronx Park Zoo in iNew York Cityj where they will be gazed upon with Interest by mil ona who have not been so fortu- York by. Howard Silbald, Chief "The .way ,ve do when we want tire Kanper and enme inap'eto. to pet some of these fellows," said of the Rocky Mountains' Park, who i Mr. Sibbald, "is to make bi; corrals aiso cienvtreu to me .oo tour oi, or wire leucine: and lure them in by the famous Hie; Horn Sheep, also known as Jcocky .Mountain Sheep. The Rocky- fountains' Park in which Uanff is situated, is a sanctu ary for wild animal Ijfo and it is nato as to glimpse them among ' no unusual sicht to see sheep, their native rocks. "LE they, ever get out of Bronx 'Park," said an cjc-ruIcIo from Banff, i"yoo better watch out for 'cm on the sixty-fourth floor winders of ,your Woolworth Tower. I've "seen "em go op mountain sides that no other livin' animal could climb." These two coats have lone: white heads with spike horns and wear 'an expression of almost human in- coats, deer nrd elk roaming nbo the outskirts of this popular moun tain resort. The inhabitants of Banff pny little attention to these four-footetl visitors, unless they threaten the gardens, but visitors go into ecstacies of delight upon moetinc theso animals unexpec edly. Huntinp in the pari? la pro hibited and a heavy fine attaches to the shooting of can e. thi3 fact salt, which they arc always anxious (o get. We use salt for a few Jays until they get confidence, and then the mountain sheep and Roats go into corials. There is always somo difficulty in transfoi ming then, into express packages, but it not to hard. I brought these fellows down by express, each animal in its own crate." New York will present llanfl with other animals in exchange and it is, quite likely that the Rocky Moun-' tains' Park will soon number amonc; its protected gnmo various species hitherto unknown to that territory; expected to furnish half. If this program is carried out the inter state roads will ho constructed in six years. Closing out my millinery goods at cost. It will pay you to investigate. Halllo Weaver, 302 Union slreol, oppo. site pos'toffice. Telephone bluok 11171. Have Your Hair Renewed We ,can givo you any shade of hair coloring with a famous Franco-American hair, coloring which is so perfect that it cannot he delected from tho natural color. Hennaing also a spe cially. All lines of beauty culture at tho Hotel IJalles Beauty shop. Tel phone main 4051. J17 'myai am m UHION MEXM ?''i:.vj..yiji(J.M; ..,., I!Ki;i,IU, Mr.y 13.r, ':i Hi., app-inl men' of Dr. Fiohirl-li r.u.. ".f.,-ini-ben! (lei ii'i.n iu:ui: li I'bc ilai;iu-, lo he lortig:' mi-ii.iscr in Willii cablui'i. ('cl:icl:i'(l hIi.-wm-vim-'. boiq porci f- l itimp1! for I by i;iniij of lfe:'iiia:i si i'i 'ici uhi Ii -lieve ' Unit' Gei inan.v''t l'iil1iil'"'0i'i's in' a cl..S' r r:-!i'. lu'.t: i-'ji itll '(!ro-il' llrilain. Rosen is expected to bring Into the foreign office a policy of "oiicijitalion" of (lormanyV, Interests with lliose of otljer nations, with Iho purpose of Kurmdiintlng the poinirt of conflict for tho sake ol J progress. j " Wirt h will relinuuish the foreign j minisir.v, which lie lias occupied ' among his oilier duties, s'lnto form t in;; the new govyijnionl. ! i Dr. Ilaiiiel is exprcteil ' to succeed liOsOn a I The llnno and Dr. vol. ' fk'lf, foniier foreing mlnltlor, t'i lie come amb'issiidor lo Waaliiii,",lon. Key )! t- l"a;;e!.nt progiam tuili.y. tMi-vrrM (rwn Mil Send it To The Laundry If you like t ho work done cm our shirts and collars, jou will I ilt o dual ly as well our family washing nor!;. Only 9 cents a pound. All flat piece--Ironed, balance returned ready lo iron. By the way, our "lumbler" sys tem of drying makes the iroi.iii'; of (iillo a number of itonis, such as socks, heavy undervear, llanneln, etc., i unnecessary. Model Launch1. .Main II 1 ( ' M ) Dr. (jco. V. Ncwlio.isc C)(c Specialist We aie oiiu pped to give your evi-i. the voiy best ol' caie. I. 'yen n !.n d. iilar.iies nrji'.d. Second and W.ishlnnton titicctri The Dalles nMnnon-ninyran iwaciMUn)rinnBmi These Better Tires Are Now Lower Priced Buy Your Pageant Program Today .....I. ,Hii'iniiftiiUiliiHiiiiHnM Two important factors underlie the remark able values now offered in Goodyear Tires and Tubes. One is the many-improvements made in them during the past few months; the other is the price reductions we have just put into effect. A conspicuous example of the values now to be had in Goodyear Tires is our clincher type SOxSVfe-inch Goodyear Cord Tire. This first quality product one of the most du rable and efficient tires we ever built can be bought today from Goodyear Service Station Dealers for only $24.50 GpODYK A H TlRIJ &. R U II II Ti It C O M PA W Y of California V)'4RiborAlfWctlher -f 750 ,ni?v F"n iU1'1 J 1 7' TftvJ V.brisCninii vl J'"" Cuius - 1 - JO.Tj HrvvT'-jrlt'riil.e $-125 ,,,,, , . $7" In waterproof hji; - 10k J'j RtjuUr . ube . . . - - '- ENTIRE FAM1L' TAICS " BARK ROOT TONIC Keeps Their System In Perfect Condition. Mr. II .1, Wlnturboltuiin -Scavlew, Wash., Writes: Having suffered for years oii account of my constipated condition, 1 was natural ly Interested in any medicine that was claimed to assist nature and overcome the cause or my trouble. Two months ago my attention was call ed to your ml on It A It Iv ROOT TONIC In the .Morning Oregonian and I Immediately made, tip my mind to gio it a trfal at onct j Will say that I hnv used, same over since, as per dlt'w.llons ,and rind rAKf HOOT TONIC' .a m'osf wmulciful bowel rgulntor and syslt'in Itiiillier which1 has In fact made a ncvW man of mo. j- In conclusion 7 wish to state., that my en tiro family is taking llAUK'ltOOT TON IC I hereby ' keeping- their systems' in per fect condition. Bark Root Tonic A Liver, .Dowel and Stomach Stlmulunt. If you suffer of Constipation, Ulllousne3s or Indlgestioil, why not give BARIC ROOT TONIC a trial, give it a chance to assist nature and lielp. youfi'vtUh your aae. S.iid at all RellablLuXU-ugglsts CELRO KOLA CO. j ! I unik.nprtwatlttf rtiM l 9HH n.tfc.tn4tMn S3! Hi' rwnmijiyK. wNj fll WW atrlHinmrti H Uj ctm l fl.l 4 P-K ...ww m . IbS MuMrMfttrMiykr flH cr.LKo.KotA ca CLARKE-WOODARD Portland, Ore. FRY DRUG CO. Salsm, Ore. STEWART-HOLMES Seattle, "Wash. 1'oitlaud Sole Mfgrs. Oregon DISTRIBUYORS DRUG CO. BLUMAUER-FRANK1 DRUG CO. Portland, Ore. SPOKANE liRUU CO. DRUG Cb. SEATTLE DISTRi tiUTING CO. s I Out of the Kitchen IT'S easy to keep your kitchen neat and clean when you have a good oil cookstove. you also have lots of "time foren joymcnt out of the kitchen. ' A good oil cooksto'vo with Pearl Oil is clean and econom ical. A steady dependable heat is concentrated on the cooking leaving the kitchen cocl aricl comfortable. " Pearl Oil is refined and re refined by n special process It 13 clean burning uniform. For pale by dealers everywhere. ..... v STANDARD OIL. COMPANY . ' (California) v PEARL OIL HEAT AND LIGHT '.Vte.ytf.'--" . VHY A i:tV. ACCOUNT . .. imnancial n.SK lUH)'.) riwl;, bail ri..'.. or .ui liulif.'otuni , onv, is Ihy v.n iji- I, mln ti ;ui-a ll.i.i.i a.l . olid . l , i u; an ;ud!t ldiai Or J ' i ul. i a II you'l 4Ji nut o.1 "oiiiice'.i ia Mlih !ii-i-' h m1 bmili, yem cull 'I ii iii fi lnj, ula'ud e. cii Hi'-l ii'iwd. T!i": .'fore jou limit y.u.- s.ccaj ii.itn Mi!" mr.r'. 'Hi' 1'ii-niJi Cn i: ma i1 lnijii link hulp nn't bu'id up Hi ir 'HtiUt l!ll ' HN u II 'IE til .! b lu uti, fo Paid ion Saving 'ui i cm t. M, rnUNCH r-MMi.'n .,i ' Paul m. rri.Nf.u v..' .. '. . 'O.- '. M I .l.Ufi. tt.. J I k i 1' 11 1 1 1 II .1.1 LiAiNfiVliiKSiNc, fut nALi.r.o orQON H ui 1 kt WWMP won d. i; i) ta uyni yir .. , 1 Conlja'.linj: Brirlslayn'r; tul INaiteroi'H . : All I in.U of I .iu 4iid C.fiiieot VoiK . f r,tf$(.s., W&t Jtf, Li.tliii.uc3 liiiii.oiioj free of r.luiys All Work Guaranteed, Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block. tmmmm-m-r-' - 'n!TTr--r--'"-?Mi'1ii' i 'wm nmmi mwJ 1 PUUHllil ! ill ii in ri n "