The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 25, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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News From
Clirotilcklp , SaUm Bureau
SALEM, '.May 25, -Ooveinor Ol
Scott hns announced the incinhers of
the special committee mi taxation
Vhlch. was piovlded for by Hie 1021
legislature, After milking a careful
study cf taxation and economic! con
ditions in Oiegon. th- committee
will' uuhrnll data and recommenda
tions tb tbf covemor on or before.
November 1, tur.ether with n
proposed bill to he introduced In the
legislature of lf2:t Tht membera
ot the oommlttee ai". j
Henry ii. ' Itec.l, Cortland, tax ox
:pert nnil for Several vears county
nssfssor for Multnomah county. Mr
Heid' irt now connect i d With the
Illarlman ii Thomjison bank ul'
' I: N. Day, I oil land reprint Minn
general buHlm.-KK inteienin. Mr. Day
'is a nttidenl of taxation mntler.i and
'was a member of Hie special com
!inltte npp.'lintrd by the i;ov:rnor
before the l.'i;lslai.ue met to investi
gate, similar quest Ions In regard to
C. ,S. Chapman, I'ortlMiul, forester
for the 'Went Forestry and Conner
vatlon tn-.Hoelatloii and also seen-tary-inanacer
ot the Orefjon Forest
'tiro assonlatlon. Mr. ('hman lias a
wide IwowledHP of uixatlon quer.
tlons. . Coe A. McKenna, I'orllaud,
dnl of the Porilari'l IK-nlty
. and vice president for Oregon
interstate 1 lenity association.
pi chI
boatd Of Oil!
.VAJi1t$.1i8RfK'lf(ilim- Includes' the as
iHuclutlona i Oiegon,- Washington,1
Maho; Monitmris ISiiilsh (;.)IUiriblu 1
and! the 'province of Alberta. j
-"WuaHi-r Mi I'leice, La .tiranilo, -tensive
farmer and livestock man.
. -,-H. II. - Smith, l.aldivlew collilly
jildge'of lialtw couniy and prcsbhiiit
of the 'State assC.claliou of County!
Judges ami Commissioners. Judge
Smith was- toi many yeais n prac-j
'tjeiug physician ol Lakevlew. j
.'"ChurleH A. Ilraiid of Do-.igltts.
county, agril'iillurlsl and 'horilculiur-j
1st,- and a. f, inner nifuihri- ol tin
legislature lioui licit county.
. 'Tliei-imhilc .'n-rvliu coinmlss'on on
Satu'iiUy -onleied a i -dieai lug of tint
late case of lhi) 1'iu'iflc Tilcphoii-
&'iTel(inilh company. .The dale Is
June 27. ( '
in ,,' (,t----
-All iit'viin mtiltdi. In, of Hie O.-gtiti
supierue' com I sent a to
'rct.ldPlll lluliling, .tlging' 1 1 1 it i to
appoint Wlllla'm Howard Taf: as. a
member of .Hie Ulii'eil Slat M lite
pi em;? couit to noci-ei-d the itilc
Chief J limine. While.
,";Mis. Albtlil ivS (,'illley, ot Pol I
llind, lis iv bei ii Iippoliited by C.ivi-r-nor
Olcoll an a member of Hie uate
boahl id - Inspectors of child labor,
to' succeed Mrs. Aniui '.. C.tiyne,
w'hosf -teini has evpirnd.
;:The use of punching hoards in
Oregon Is illegal, since it ;i out
tuny to the lottery law, accoidlng
to. an opinion of Attorney Hi neral
Van Winkle.
The l.dlowlng ail lob. 'i or Inroi
poratlou were tiled during Hie wees
with 'tliii siaie coiporailon depati
mem: Fleclt Kstate company, The
Dalles; Incorporniois, Katie Fleck.
Mary Fleck, I). I). ,; caplc.lla
Hon, 110,000,
Klaniaih Cmiity Clmnih.'r o. Com
tneree .Klamath Fulls; iucoi imrnlors,
f.'. It. . Hall, II. N. Moe, W. II. Ma
won; properly valuation $2.ri0il.
Clavkiimas- County luisplinl inc.,
Oicg(n City; Incorpoiators, O. A
Welsh,, A, U. Iluycke, C 11, Mehm
ner, U Hoss ICaton; i-apliall.aiioti,
. 'l'illiimooli Aircrati roiiip.iny, Til
l.uhoo!:: Inrot potatois, it c. Lamb,
I M. Smith, c. W. Ha nick; capilal
iailou J,".iiihi,
raeiili' cii) Wnler ,t l.lelii com
pany J.icifl,. cny, nilaim.ol; cunt
I.v; lii('oiipoiai,.r.i, (ieorn I', Wlm
low. F. I! Heals. II. T. Hons: cani.
laliatlon, $ 10,01)0.
Imblir )i uu store, hnblcr, Union
tnililiy; Incorporaiors, L, a WiIbIiI,
Heorgo T IViguson, L. A. I'lesolt;
caplhlbatlon. J7000.
lluek Creel, Lumber c i;npany,
Inc., Aiil.iul; Diiuwlas coinny; -uor
poratois. - I) s llo!.iway. C. It
lloevei, c ii .Mllk-r: eapltall'.aiioii,
2fi,t)00. ,
Yonni v.ill.. nil , (j,,.. oinpan.v,
Dali.v, KlaitiHib, eomhy: bu-oipora
lots, A I .:iihael. It .to. S ti.illoa. s W.ley.
tfio.mio. .
Association I'leuit'H c n ;iora Ion
lWlLind itu irponiioiK. I. It ioi
....... l1 .... 1 . . ia
State Capital
iiuuv, A. H. (Janleiilu'ln, . John A.
Lee, capitalization. JliOO.UOO. j
Hi'adsport .Meat narkot, Heed's-!
port; Incoi pot atom, Margery Jlced,!
, Warren I'. Heed, James L, Cavers,;
capitalization, f 1000. 1
Tillamook CoiiKolldnlcd Indus
tries, Wheeler: incorporators. X 10. i
Itlnehait, J. I'. Bradley, J.'i:iw
Smith; c:ipitiill.ation, $100, 0(1(1. j
Sllvenon I'toducerTi' -CannltiK coin
'puny, Sllverioni incorporators, Fred
Cphoff, J. K, I.em, M. K. Lees;
capltallatjoii, iflOO.OUO.
Colonel (icoiKe A. While,
p.ciieinl of Oi e'.'on, ' durl.'i;
the Ins;
week unnoimc.'d ihu promotion of
Major Kug. ne .MoshliL-rucr of Wood-,
l.iii ii io lleuli nam colonel and his j
appointment to the command of i;ie
01 It Oi'er.nii Inlanirv. He will hi' in1
command dm In;.; the absence of i
Colonel Cieel C. Haii.lllolll! of l'ori
!:.nd, who In on du. with the gen-1 slalf of th:- l iillfd Stall's army
at Washing on. U. C Adjutant.1
! Helical While announced the
pininolioii ol C:iilain Fred Al. West ,
of I'on land to i he guide ot inao i
Captain James K, t!rn, Jr., of the
Jl cl.oli
I ttitd art il If: y, i.: made a !
of the adjutant gsnt'ial's
.1. I). Fane! of I'oill.niil lias re
slue.eil as a iiicmbei' ol lb" sttile fair
boatd, and Hovi-iuor Olcoti has up
polnle I in 1 1 i.-t place II. c. lirowue of
Cortland, manager of thu Western
Hie ikrs' (hlzelte.
'I he public service commission tin
no. lines that il will make id In
ci ease 111 grain Inspection I -es.
Ciain is liisiiccled by the g ;iin in
spectlon departim lit of the cimnii:
The Silvrr laic Irrigation dlnlilct
and lhe Slimmer liilu- irrlg dliui til-i
irlci, l.iilli o! I.aku i-ounly, '.ave ap
idled to lhe siali- iriiga I Ion securi
ties cominli'sloii lor ( "rl H'lcai ion j
and Hint c Inierest '.cartitin c on bond1
Issues of .f27r,,(iOO and $2ii0,0iMi re
lipectividy. The npplU al Ions arc1
under advisemeiit.
Colonel Ceorge A. White, aillulsiM
gi-'iu'ial of (Jregoii, will begin a,i
ptiign to locate lhe graven, of till de
ceased Oiegjn soldi; ra of all wuio.
All conielt'.- ol' (lit i, late Will 1h)
in ves! (gated. i
Lester li. Davis of Salem, who f ir
two jcais ban been ciishlr in lhe'
olfice of lhe slate In asurer, h is
resigned. He will take up luei Hill
ary file Invi'iMlgat Ion ' work in lhe
stale tin litaiali'.il's ilfpat lineal. C
K. Kiilekerboeket' Is proiuo'e.l Itotii
auditor hi the treiisitry depari uient
io c.'ishliir anil (!. Thompson of
I'orllaud has been tippoilll'd by
Stale Trctisiner HolY as teller.
The supreme court dining the
week" heard the appealed uas
lhe slate ag'ilnsl Jim Owens
Jack- Ititthie, two men held in
la! I
stale prison under seiilenc;' of
because of iluplical ion with
ll, at;i
lliirl In lhe minder of HheilH
Taylor of Umatilla county.
J. A. Churchill, Biiito super uletid
cut of schools, has made public the
I list of pie.tuiuniK that will he award
ed contestants in boys' and girls' In
duslrlal dub work at the state fair
j In September. The alate fair board
'furnishes cash prizes aggregating
j $2000.
Stilt for the recovery of f,200
acres of swamp lnil In Klamath
county has been instituted by the
state land board against A, C. Min
sters and others. Mr. Miirsters liven
at Itoseburi;, and formerly was .-.
member of the state, lair board, li
- lis
alleged that lhe land was fraudu
lently obtained by the use of "dum
mies" in l!io:! and imm.
.1. A. Chilrolilll, superintendent of
Oregon m-IiooIs, has sent to all
'schools of the slate and to Anieri
can Legion and (i. A. It. peril i.-oplc
of the. Memorial day annua! for
lUL'l, lie booklet contains a suy
g'Sted prosiam for Memorial da.'
jbsei vii iii cm,
! ending May lit. The f.ilal eases
Two illlfo.crit tnv. slisaih-.n:, In- wpi-p Tony Therou. Ilosklns, O'-.. In
sisted upon 'by Stat.- Tivasiuvr II. .17' borer; Carl A. HailMi, I'milaiid,
i (dative id the valuallon of the Oi- j woodcutter; Kdward S. Wllfuii, John
l.oii poil ion of the c.-taic of i lie lalP,Day, mlii'-iv
Welllngioii It. lint, who died inj . .
Mich'gan. caiiaed the valuation to Ij.-
increased fiom 7::,1!I0 to $1KO.OOO,
and will not
in inhei itanc:1
net tin
la xes
state $11.17.27
In l espouse to a serr-.'.s of quei.
lions asked by (loveinor Olcoti, At
torney Official Van Winkle has
will i in an i, pinion Inleipieling the
piohlMili n law. The main features
an- tlttil' it 1 olds county colitis
have a leal liglu I i employ law en
liicciiKi.i agints n presenting pri-
vale or Independent agencies an I to
pay them from the county Hindi',
also that after ; la.vrul aiv.-sl lias
been made the agents 111.1.V s arc.
persons, vehicles or premises with
out search warrants.
During the mouth of A:;ll the
Standard Oil company, accordltif, to
its lepott to Hie s?crr.tary of state,
RC-ld ill Olegon 2,-HfJ,:!31 gtlllolis of
gasoline iind 1833 gallons or distil
hue. A tax of 2-t,L'e,2 !)8 was paid
under the fuel tax acl of 191'J -and
$24,212.04 under th-i acl of 1121.
Dnrlns lhe same tune, the Shell
company sold in the siuie 2(Hi,H3
gallons of gasoline and -II',:! gallons
of distillate, paying a lax of $2i.o:i.i;i)
under the 1111!) act tu,d 42005.71 un
der the l!t21 act.
Three fatal acclilt-nts mil of t
total of 4 1:0 indn.itrlal casualile-
were reporte.d to the Hate Industrial
iHi!cldni (orniiiIf.slon lor iho week
I The ispdlly inciea'diig poi'.iilnrfl.v
of the ports of the Columbia rivet-
as channels of trade In e imparl! on
with I'urt"t sound ports is slr.wn ir
figures of the depai linen' of gtain
Inspeetinn of the j ,tblie service
eoninilssion for April of this
as compaifd with April of last
year. These show a Ir.rrnnfe of 17.V
447 handled by the ib partmen: in
Apiil of this year against 2D, OS", jn
April of last year. Fleers fir wh al
alone show that In April of last
The New Price of the Firestone
This new low price is made possible by strictest
economies and specialized production.
Plant No. 2 was erected for the sole purpose of
making 30x3 Non-Skid fabric tires.
With a daily capacity, of 16,000 tires and 20,000
tubes, this plant permits refined production on a
quantity basis.
All materials used are the best obtainable. The
quality is uniform.
It is the best fabric tire ever offered to the
owner at any price.
The Firestone Cord at Lowest Prices
Ever Paid for Tire Mileage i
The New Low Prices on Firestone Corda are: '
30X3V2, $24.50; 32x4, $46.30; 34x4y2, $54.90 '
(Other Sizes in Proportion)
. l
These are the lowest prices ever paid for tire mileage.
Tire repair men, who judge values best, class the
Firestone Cord as showing the sturdiest carcass made.
Forty-seven high-grade car manufacturers now use it
as original equipment. 1
Go to the Firestone Dealer
i i
A Firestone Dealer sells you a tire carrying a name that is a pledge ; i
for reliability. He is a better dealer because he offers you greater pro?
tection and economy at a time when protection and economy art
demanded as never before. ' ' ; ,
year 2ti,(JC7 ions were handled uu..
In April of this year KKI.O.M, au In
f lease of 7f,.:!8 1 toiis.
(!or-,;ioi- Olcoti his sent oat a
public warning against the ciiltltie.
down or dlsllgurlng of iipks audi
ahrubhory a'.ong Hit? public high
ways of Oiegon, (Itltig th stale
law which hfcoiius effee.ivc May
2fi prohibiting 1 Ills def.tinctl m of
scenery. '
Notice For Hurchacc of Cord and Slab
Notice Is h"reby given that Fchnnl
hoard of district number 12, War.eo
coimly, Oreg'jli, will receive sealed
bids for furnishing the lollowlng lot
of four fofit cord wood. Fir or pine
must bii first grade, "made of -lare
limber. Oak must be ur-cond jirowlh,
not. less than Tour Inches, no more
I ban eight inches in diameter. De
liveries liiurt be completed on or Le
line August 1, 1H21.
High i.chool, ci, ids slab wood
Whiltbr, pint- or fir, flu cord-; oak.
r eoids.
r.n.; Mill, slab wood, T, cords.
Vesl, pine or fir, 20 cords.
Thompson's Addition, pine or fir,
.'!0 cords; oak, 10 cords.
filds must, lie prefented on or before
June Otli, 1H21. The board reserve.
lhe right to n j cl any or all bids.
Ky order of board of school (Ustri.'i
number 12.
A It est: I'ruili nre M. l'atl eivon, clerk
PORTLAND. May -The North
west r-'lectric L.'ghc and Ptiwir As-
Foclat Ion. . Including. . .uiehiherp.
five slates, Oregon,
Idaho, u.Iomann ami
U iiili, will hold
lis 14th annual
se'Fsldri hero Jufi,1
If. to 18. ' '
Hepresrnlativer, of plants having
Investments aggregating; aboul $00,
OfiO.hiiO capital, will uttf-nd ami con-
Pins in olden times, were very expensive to make, and
none but the wealthy coiild afford them. A, box of pins niadg
an excellent wedding gift. When woihFH,MrftV'on,-' prfeiTeu
to buy tlieir own pins their husbands, furnished them , the
money, and Huts was the origination of the term "tpln iiioneyv"
In it.-; broader sense today this expression denotes any allow
ance to wife, sister or daughter for personal expenses.
Save some of your "pin money." Deposit it with Us. We
will pay you FOUR percent interest.
4 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Accounts.
Citizens National Bank
Telephone Main 3101
Stadelman, President,
J. A. Reuter. Vice-Pres.
H. E. Greene, Cashier,
J. r. Tureck, Ass't Cashier.
and the program for greater hydro
ereVlH'deVelolinienl. '
Tjif "Hfy." ff P.otland and Incnl'
utll(t'y;jrediiizatlohs will supply th
eniefialnment. Thp onnventlon ts
onp of the most imnoitanl that, win
be hrld In the wes.i from, tIip stand
point of progi-ivis ;and induntry.
r i
P. J. Stadelman.
Arthur Seufert
Dr. J. A. Reuter '
Dr. B, O. Olinget
H. I Kuck
3. O, Heimrfch
J. .1. Van Dellen