The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 24, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    A . i 1 HL .LlL MJl LL! 1 UJ
." i
News of Interest to Farmers
By James L. Kllsallcn
.(JHICAt.0, Mnv 2!.-'V(Ui tlio it.i
fury at 80, or thrrcahouts. 'he mi :
(Uo w(mt'"Mmiittv v.w in sin any i,
uu Inidn'f lioat wiv
Iti sumo iilaci's tin ivu r:u Uuriv '
Hip day Tom v:i bigln'- Oni In
;unl riiims'i rrcurdi'i- 1. 'mhhiii , u
litT.ititri's or fl2.
ys;ii. - 1!U, when C ; i
M Jn tlu lasi i?4 It"ii. ;
mil1 tiim r amiti . i
in !'au!, Mll..nil.t
Mis ' ui-i, :m.l Oi"-
to .n Dallu-t K.i:
Tii liat was in.:.' 1 1
for a nnmhor o" ii
soornl iinwtro!ii)i. . tr.
if:itli-- and did nnu....
ovor Hip ;.-inr',ii.'.-iii
i'onr yoiiHR In'v.n'-
to (.'! mil or tnn "
thoir livi-s. T!k r
V r-at: or. student. '
iirinmr. 20. di-own-'ii wir,:
iii.T. nr.d Albert !..:; -'.r
Ir.i lliili :lll LM. V, il.lf S. III I
t'rops stiffoml b.ul ;t' ii has 1- en
extremely vrann th Lis if Ci !
W. ,Snow, Chicago rmp oxjiert t- ii:
ing KsiiiKis, wiied ih.i' tin orup jno
jiccl In i lie west h.h uf Kan.i,, i
"Biinf) la lilofes.'- Illinoi.-- n eiis r..i.i
Acconllns to tht s:;u- liciKirTt'ipr! i"
agriculture at ioM ron-s f..-i -Lave
boon nifiing t"i ihie.- (U in
nortliorn lMtunosta and Wiscon: :a, i'
Missouri, Iov-a and T.i- 'lis 1.1
Rpell lias bwsn hamp riiu i roi-. T.i.
;tueral coutlltion tats i-ai:sod a
rise in prices of gr.ii-: uk ;:1. .1
.May rlieat, on the Ohn.i;:o bu.i.' o
' lilxpuwsion boats on tlu Ciea- t.; .
are dofnjr ti trentoudoti- hus-im-. .m
UitltinK bcachex ir. rin-.i'-'D am! ciw
laigi I'itiefs are frow(it(! Sunda tkm"
ly HIO.OOO GhicaKouii- :'i;.:.'id .'. :
(mm the lieni wav" :i i:ii;t !i i
according to Itobort .'ii; Crt ,ry, u ti '
collector -at customs, in ihargo ;i. .
curaion craU.
.Tlie wentlior fori- : rr "i d.- .
liroiiiiso any immidit n iu-; !n.ii.
U- United
IVMUS, -ii:.v M. Tte tilbu6s'
u I'lfir Co v rt u . ol;
a :- :i . rx- o 'il.Hjjiy ;(m!'. .in!
U 1; ti nC cd:iUir In 1.1a d
... iiai'tli'O
iinTcury ir
ml'fd t '
wt. Jose
: -.: ('it'-.
. n-t-pon:' I"s: cai
.. lo.nltv i,.
to trpp
vNiuntry. lin re o.i i
j't'i 'Any-. ! .
Mii-P ll.r;
t'hi.i!) U..r, i '
n.oTor ! .'
u'i. an (i-
ii.lf s; in
Mu-.c- s UfsUliti' la Vtttam and IV.-j
i iipiihu vtc. - ci nt:imi K.i'i
. .:t tl i .!..:'. Tin' li.;i foir a"-j
.. -t. liir.i or ( nunt;i' In lii'inp u:i
wii'.n,: 'i emu' to lVrl. t
t'., t !,It.l NVm
, vv., ;i;.:n'.'.i !
; i 'to- :or ::i ;.n ''lii
r,.:: niat.-U v ;'.U Mh!'ho;ii.: : '
. :r A hlPtic vtuu pwla rf c-
i; r.n ti'.t: lif.ffr'-J courts.
Ni:v V.UK, May 24 KIcnora
it. n. ii i artist, ftad Htlena JSIe1-
:i ..i Imv 'Pt. tiniliag httfiJnesR a b1'
, r. m N. York. hp.v decide'
; '.v ; :. ,. . .'. Izh ott tor a liUlc -. ..: .
in' Till. '"; -' i;"t:."'.- they ha'.' '.'
. ! i . S; !i Piaii' ; t). " '- (
Oitf. in v.-.;;. .' i ti of lie v.;
Kv'atLiI SI.-- Ki 'Mm. 1 a::i poin !.i ; ; . n.! h II in m :.s vwi
-.i ,ih.:.;: .!: S!i-. Xlf-linsUu will . '
. r .' in rtt1 .-.irt'isF srflen0!i's .r j
i,,- v.. 113. i-iro:ish." When askt'd '
. lud tt.i'1" .;r.y rpf-i.t! plan
oroaslna M.e derft'il nr lb" 1
i ' r.t. ins whtch i::;rud- ihom-!v'i J
v. . -n here anil !'.! ro.i.i. lli-:s
and i
O. A. C. Spray Spreader.
Tht apray wptoadcr canoln.'.ti- and
It. dntted lime- -recontly dovolopod ! '
he O A r 'c"potiiicitt sttulnn. is c-!
; i if liv rv.itliibu' to froAi':1 io:
ji - liv. f. II. Tln n'v spreader it d
ij;no.I in ii!rn.iso the woltins and
i- .iM'u,, of lfisi!c;lcliU- sprt;.
.-,:ntl!ir.f. ur.d u make them no Isi.-'"st-r
It vitl fh! ntaKi tlw Holu.'lons ,
i i!:o hum' and m-Juci till not.
:r :.;ur!
TiMt.' enndttttpd by rlso pinfinn with
hordes of cattTidilar showp : ihu
a:.-natt ti kail dinuj;p a." wt-.iSt a 1
Mund to li'ii ;,u!los of wa.iT wsis tv
..: .it ihi ! .-i.i i;:i!i:. t.Uiii'. ini.U
i . T'ip .! it.' h in usiK.l i.i'ld pnr
i i- thii! amour.: - - pntuni;
to liui palliin-.
Ii as found thai the hp ;v;. ap:li
(.r.thin loi snuply ins a much lijjna'i ,
dc.te in t!.' w,!i:i di.1' w:i' roiitllrn !
fior tfrm? pii.'ip.:' itiison-. p'uy
tk'frfcta of '.i.i snra soHitinn. o! Uu
spjy-,iaa i?: ..... - Mid of application
m do on'.y with tin formed brotltrin
aation and hi' fw hotirtl and Uoo'i
and b.tik to hlx follows. Thai's
: Hip obllfjInK HiIp pocltot Kophnr that
travel uM'.h I.eo K. (hutch of the hu-
re.u of lltoloeleal Sarvoy, Unllocl
Hiatoi-- dupuritniut'. of atrlcnltiiro. who
Is Riving ii .m" io of ilcJUOiistrailntiM
out w at on ! tv to trap ami pdtaun
pnpke. sjophorb.
Ttili Uttlo rPiu'Rido. whuther lin
fa.:sp ho hat uo choice In ttm mattor'
or becnumo Up llkea I he ftoyojrninont
f-ire of carro:i, potatoes and imhinips.
Ilvi'luc the tK'tual roi'k!iift,M0thud,s
hi his Uinsnn ti. When nil in sut foi
the dnniiitKitrntion. ho Js taltou from
his- ratio. Hp .sti;- to work, uuctliailtied
by i he sp.'i lators, stid alvos a' rritt- t xl'.lbi!! n of how a gopher
makiM a tunnr1. Thun Uo shows hw
the mound tr, made and tliu entrance
to it stopped up. IIU Icecpur thrn d!p
him out. places him back in the cip
and procoojl., tt hi; explanation
Iii'w to sot and vhoro to
bait to df.lroy liis tnnvcot s unre
CmnH"'" "V. en ihc efficacy of the
spray ar n.nimoii!. driwn 1. th
'-i.ttpr f.-oin .lie hlotcie
.inci- (: !::. ; nd frui.. The ihu!
.-.i i iini ion nn" in which all kii
Bull Rsclstration Rcnuircd.
The law which uroatod tlie dalr
bull registration gut s Into otTo?! "Wed
nesday, May i The l.oarrt law tlu
b!anii Hc.enso t'orii!? ready tor use.
..irt-i an coated i!li a nuooth. rvei , These forni3 wl!! be :ent to tlx 3 oodii-
li.iea h-Kttatett iil r. niimi e
:-. - r3pi;4, "N-no. hu.--" i hrfu'.'.v
are sioias la walk overy s.ep. in
.: alter wtmt kind of sceoery ire a;
i.!kin? over."
Vi:n ihe
r iiani'd hi
rtiipn oil"
; . j.nle
iter-- me
'b;; that
-'.-p !i(.v.'il"'5 velvet, f'l1'
hii", ai'h. and vi:b 7'1
i ;' over-. Iiiind.-pl iiiiyiiic
cirnni: .' husbands ana
,r -: 1 1 1 j ' i : jlt n .ph of thank.
!o in s' a
and incotisplcunuK flint
Kxpprlmentf ovpr ypinj n. oloso
mv.A :.nd st' i- have shown thai uf
the kn.iv.n niai".!:.!-- for spra s cal
(iiim ai-enate and !o:'d ari Uu--,! ih," caseinntc etui li. drnteil lime
are the bes' ntaterialp to make them
prcail cvonly oer leaf and fruit.
A .jpecial preparattou of there
spreailers hat; been made, up by can!
nieicial i.i::nt8. It can readily be mix
ed iu Hi- iiitik. at the rate ot 1J oituc.-o
o ahO ral.ottH.
:he -
! ir in"!) I ha.
.seat or.
i.i. r in iov.-;i
ch.m're 1 bus In i:.f . in
ird r' er hai rl' :rnin"
! . working oei lime
Dr. S. Ilurkfi Muscy. dentist. Pirn
.N'alional bank, rooin :!i'T ;Ps Te'
phone main IlOll. res. main 1C01. Sf
i, " YSr Hnitoil N'i-ws
IL-ONIKXN, May 2-t "IK -tvh-ial r "
one ot Ihe, btlghteat of Knsliah hv.w
orists, is lm'tag ri hr oi fun ai II:
expense of Colonel leorjre lla '-. y
in tho Daily Express;. Hi- latent qui?
regarding the new Arut riuia ;.mLar.
sudor eencems his ap;.e:iran.e m
llydo park, of which h" ijays:
"So Colonel Harvey ii.: be n s--t
wearing a topper ar.d ro!r! in a Ford
nullydo Park. Well.' I KaMier 'hat the
corps dfplomatlfiiio will aii ejil the tail
hat and the goggles Thc-v may ba!k
llio Kord, although v h I don't know
Surely an ambasHadai ;.. eniitlel !o
hia hobby, hnworir quaint!
"Anyhow, they think nothing cf if
fn 'America. I am told they jginipiv
take tiw I'o'rd off the hjuk in the hall
as w lake our hals. We are too Koid
conKQioiiH in England.
i"-Xnw that Ainbas.ador llnrvoy ha--driven
one in Hyde Park, thore nefti
bp no more ncrvou- dodging into aide
streets on the pan :i other Vonl own-en-,
Other diplomat'; ma-hi folloiv liar
voy's example in the matter of nation
al oustonifi. If Hie Hiaiue!o amhassa
dor should lake the air on a- fine
-white elephant, It would brighten tip
'I'iccadllly Juimouauly. Tito yhineao
aiiibaMiaUor niiglu use a inlaiittln
and the specUi'-i.- oi ihe ontirfi Jae
iinose uinLauiy f-emmitiing hut?lkar! a'-'
ono man .ould be wasteful, hut pic
ttirosqin-, and would eartainly awttU
etwaB.pjuch inter. . f Minister liar
vcys' l-'ord."
?tekae -Mm -db$x
TlXj IV-I-i,' K'.:-'J LOVE
Tl IHir.' W!VES.
'n . i -.v . --g "y -v ta nxw-Mn';n.A i v i
k '. v ,, III IIWi BiMWW V II
rfr in ii hi ! iiiiii ii i hp i
mr i '" i in i' wmrnn .
1" uu; natural, p-.'rhapa, tha: tli'c-!ii;rc--i
re:t:'.ion lb-' P., V,' Kello?.
-. zw.- liianag.-"- t ' tlie 'Lo Angeles
M'ip l.'"r. i.i- recen' :ti to
'iiTope. had to i'.o v.-tih the !!'"- of
ewsprotf. I v.. - ,i little di iap'iainted
rhfii lie r.i.ei.' in!.' r to me when
'ip j. it kacV in No.v Vor!; on th? Aqui
ania. I had liopet! for : ome red-hot.
itjitid"1 stuff i Mi" managin? ed:-or-
! .-crve '-.mi.d b- tuptcd lo "kill
ml" my calimm an.i u e cn pa-re onr
vi.h the b-i:.;hte!-- Ik ; .1 lie copv desk
null pro-li'te. Coi.'.e lo think .about
. I gue I ha: Mr. i;eU.jR afle;' al!
'-ave nu- ;. sofii! :i ory .hen ti said
hai !:i' l.'ei n-v.-- he ran into or.
lie i,:!'i.' wv. i!i (lie aailablp
uiiii''.;. n: pevsii,rint ia Norv;a, Hwf
1m. !"i-i'.a!U. an 1 (Sei-p-eny i- frreat!)
ii. "-i limiiei. ni:d tha SO.'iOO tons
"P rni.- al! cf the paier thev hav
or i-:por,. "Tlie in'pro.'.iion that there
:ip a limi!;i'ts :ir'ply over there lis
iialey due to the fact that at lea v.
'!) hiokers in America are trying to
OI thi- natiip n,0t tous," Mr. Kol
ojrs said.
IJ ooklyn liar, wolconn'd and el-, i!
'entced the croquet champion i,: Au
ralia. Anyone who la !nclin d t'
th. uk the world has moved !ai i.
rapidly or that the pre.-ent general h i
Uvea only on, b and for exchot'ion
will ('.' well to read an 1 -hvell iipoi
thete linpf. UrooUlyn la ,il. Annr'c.ii
hotnh of crcquet, anyv.-... in! lua :
jierfeut il.'iht io iSiue n hal!ciiv' t
this Australiin girl -Pi;, i '. a' pirl--ln
the name of the wi-o: j coiinfr
When Xfwport dropped rtnqtiet -years
before any oi us; can rem mbcr
niv dear it wuk Hrooklyn whicti ien-
tied the gme from di i h nad h i
:odJled it along eer aiace Niiv Ii 1
4 Days
Starting Friday, May 27th
Rogue River Pears.
(' M. S?crl.t. vice-president of lite
P.icflie T'Vuit Iixpres-'. couipany esjt
nia;i'.. that there will he between SOti
and Jt'jo carp of p. an to move from
the ItoK'.ic river ditrict, in :pite ct"
the fac t that comu'derablo damage has
been dene by ream frosts. Smudg
ing has saved a considerable propor
tion of Ihe crop. There Is also euttsiU-
erat.lp ncreago coming intti bearing
this, year la this district. The pea an
crop, iiewevcr, has boon practically
desiroye.l bj thp lor temperature.
Gopher Shows Hov.
There's one animal that would ho
tuish'y unpopular if he ever left civili
ty agents and to any bretjdors want
iug them. Information may UA Tmd ott
applicntfuu' to the dairy hull ye.llfltta
tion liimjrrt, ,0. A. C. CnrvnlliB.
, Dniry Farmers Lucky.
"A nii'.r and easy way for Oresnr
farmere'ta gat a hhth prlfieU'lttlll'- wlV.
h explained to I'anuers waek poop'o
by C. V. Cnstlo, United Statca rials..
speeUtlWt, fl.'l(e college canttldei-B fiie
dairyman' "fortunate In being able to
get this now clant 't dairying by one
of the country's dairy authorities. M.
Castle will also discus.-, herd record
keeping and- cow louiag iicuoeaition
lly Uniica :owa
WAftlUNtiTON, -May L'l.--(!. i'.. ltitt
relt, clitilrnum of the natldiml board of
fiirm ovgnulziutmi niul pn sl.-ltmt of
the Nittional I.'anhetn' nnlun, h is up
pctllotl to farnteis ovo.'j vllore tu til-);.!
rtop'lon i - cotisfe -' cf u ro oiutlun
(treating a ptninl i oiotaisaloti o
tu.'.ke tin Intiitl.y Into the tigrhiiitu.-ui
. lo..oiiitiouii providing this h.wo
lice.ii lutttidueotl 111 both honats. aiid
upproved by eouiinUtuus.
litriictl tiKttlnut iv hnrtiimlrB and xt)M N. AfS'lgtantIInlieil -atnlnnriavftl j
they have hnon cnnhl'oit to buy nr sol',
to obtain rash or (ircdl'f nvjin Ihoiin'i
they ntny Mvo:(tnck, prnln,
iu...if.Tf..itAa -(atfttMrt.j.kMii 'i.
Kiiililt l, 11111.14 qittuiii iin.u i.u-
tntilKj, teproaouHnp AmlltiHRiulor ltuf.
Voi'. Ho will b!i tlto of Klio rail-
ryud tjoinpHtiy nn (ho trip to londoh,
oltcy ttnd other cuiumoiliUca In ttbttii. On Thttrmlny the itdiulrtll will ho the
n.motl tti-gnd ;nrnu.:-T lo wrlm r.
wire (hcli t'opruitpntullve", In c:niu;)-ei.:i.
i guotit or;liontif of (ho IMUlt'lnts hi ti
liiucheoti, ' ,
tty ttnlti'ii ficnii
1.0XHON, Slay I'otuial hittor
such as uto iteldimi i.temled lo nnv.
With the creation of this cummin- peace time vLdtor of Torn thun invul
Slon. (he fa.mers nf tliu IJiillotl Hla'iv
hnve n-anon to helHivo mine of their
most pro.wlng prohlrins will ho hu'v
eil." rtttd Uan-ott. "Thuy will nt least
knew nn nuthoi'Ilallvo somen
the tnott ami in.t'ttuflons who are rob
letting rtitnuttJ loll from tholr final
"If the work of tho nutnmlsniou it
thorottnh .iTttl far touching, fanners
J (C'lipllmicil I'rmii i'mtii 1.)
ntonl In F I'tinco 'luul heen mlHliiUVr.
i niutetl iti Vhln country. ' $h-
DEGREE TO SIS1-"" r"" 0 f
I "Tltoro In noiiuu In tho preHiuibMlt-
j tintloti to vitrrpht tt Loliot Hint tho
;t,ntmtto :, uiutnngcrixl. Urhintl tiHhjprt.
Moniherit Mtnrtoll atfilho!' uptottrj 1
"Why did you order tuobllliiatlon?"
seVi.rul volco; ihuntiuded. "
tank r- i' being rtticottlod Atlinlral Wil
liam i5. Simn.' ll, t. K uk he re.ur.'i:
to Huslnnil to ruuoive nn hnunrnry ilo
arce .front Onttihildgo Unlyi tiv'.ty.
An oOcnrt of llrUlHh doatroyBis fell
In with tho llttlir Cndrlc, on which the.
Admiral and Mro. r.lmH. uro piuFon
gem. nntl ttccotul'mulctl tho tthlp ln'o
Moiulay uornliig fllmi, -wan tti bo
e. a
CO-i Flt-ot National C-n!t Uli.
The Dnlleo, Oro. 1Ctf
Green Fruits Advanced.
The green frui season i mne'i
more advanced tli:.-i oar aecordlti"
to the ritporla of idiipmoutr. from the
Pacific Pijttlt ExpresB convnany.
cordinglo.O.'el. Seerlat. vice-president
of the ,cdinpnn. seven carloads oi
cherries jtavc gone rorwa.d by frhfgh'.
from northorn ("alitornia points up to
May IS. Thoro was none nhippwl b
freight p the same dale !ast year.
Hoports jjidleate that prices realized
havo boon very satisfactory to th
going to vindicate its care .;ntl at'qn ground and mako a park of the l;
tion, and U t Itritain tinware! I land's surface.
'iiiare j nmeh moi;o. -.lo-Wur sevvico '
ftliiui more iiiiGclinnicnl )TjrG(iUon.
Tlie highest: type of persona! alien-'
tion without 'regard to Ihe moans of
patrons lends a distinctiveness to our
establishment. -
f'uiural Directors
Mio Homo of Superior Sorviro
HJnion al Third Hlrmil
It lookF as thouU yto ;: a: las' j Tho "maiden-namora" scored n j-i-eoniing
to the undergronnd raavin-; bllnnt vldtoj-y tho olJior day when
sidewalk as a desperate solution ef Huth Hale, who iiapull;. uiarri- . j j
our traffic problem which is Itself to lleywood liroun, got her name nn ; Bp
deu perale enough to giasp nt any
thing that ave-.t thrt flag of ho;e.
iflngineore cf the Transit commission
oi the cl! ate ilvi-;.!nK a pian for the
const. t!c:"!i i.f uur. isii; plat forms be
neath the m.1p..:1!i on Forty-second
Atree siraight titrosa Manhattan frot.i
river lo river. It hi said that theme
platforms would not only relieve the
a real ojtnto deed as ltiilh lia!e. rath '
er than Mrs. I!rniin. Uhe ami her in,
band bought a pie-e of p. ipf.r :.
rather but in spite of ilie lnji':.!
tifrreetneut o'' Ihe two as in ...mi a.
tare, the otner principal.-, in the i - i
sliied at Ihe idea. Final!'. , wi'h H;.
aid of her hi'vyors, Uutli Hale or.
vincod them of tho legality uf Ii Mi- ,
Stubwny congestion at thin crnssway Halo is president of 'he Luc
hut would uuike possible the removal
of the surface cars from Porty-second
street and so give automobiles ani
pedestrians full swav. Maybe we r:
eariy on a'l of our husltt'.i-s un.l :r-
League, an organization ot fife, wom
en banded together lo a -,. en tln in
alions'ble of a woman to th
name she drevv-l'rom her parent ein.
in life.
II.. ll .on
Booklets and
Circulars will
SellYouv Goods
Come to
Oi'dor Yoar nowors Now fojf'iNcvt
Gut blowers of All VarieLics.
We can fill your every need uy this
day scored lo the
Elizabeth flairs
FLOISU, sirop :
s We have tho qualities that are most de-
L-irable for those .popular Pleated Skirts as
jro well as for $nfants' Coals.
Part wool- Fiwch Croam Serges, .exllra
good value and Jjine finish. Yard.......;...:!)8e
Shadow Cheek Ci'eam .Uatisle makes up
elotjant pleated skirts. 3(5 inches wide.
Yard $1.25
All styles and .weights
.for hot weather wear.
jfino Summer Gauze
Union Suits
Bodice and regular styles
5l)u, 59c, (JIJc, 85c $1.01)
Women's Gauze Vests
All styles and qualities.
V2V,c, 15c, 19c, 2rx 35c
to 75c.
.Einc French all wocil Crepes, . also all
j&j wool French Batistes. Per yard $1.25
fc Plack Pencil Stripe, all wool Cream Serges,
jgjjl fuli 40 in.bvide. Fxtra value. Yard....JrL.7f)
$ Cream all wool French Serge, extra wide
S$ and fine for skirls and infants' coats,
jg Yard i $2.39
gj Cream all wool UYicotinc, :the most popular
& of all 'cream woolens. AS in. widti. 'Special
vahiL'. Yard
& Cream, fine all wool 'Poirel Twill, very line
lor JBknaa and baby .coats. J'cr yd
Youlll say they arc the
, greatest dollar value you
ever saw. All sjcs .from
3(5 to 4( and every waist
guaranteed to give satisfaction.