' "T 1! 11 ,. HI' i ; SHI I 1 1 1 1, 1 . i' I'll I I ilj " ' 1 11 " 1 -.mnMBnHaMHHBiMBHBBMBHBm 33 iW.WR.Vi MCT MDniVfTATiflld . jfwi unuflmuri lun FA'NtL LOOKING 'FORWARD T6 A HQ GAME "OvER WEEK-END. v Twp)of tlio fastest bnnuball games of tlits; :yunr will bo pinjul i.i Tho Dulles May 20 anil ISO, wlldu. UiG ;0- cry time hia gym shops bit liio bonrrin uul aggregation Kit ntlok iii-ttsti. will -Ha did ropo. (stops (but tlio Utile girl? tnnglu In two gtimoA "with llui 1IM- on iHostor ?Jror' never hchrd of atul rliiiunitlmin of Jlwilnnd. "Mo Port- oven went MirottKh (ho root, work n't land ftjllroadurU iiav'o, May,o;l flvo 'chaddw boxing uithmii missing. -Wlic,, jliuiiciKflo fm- thlii ueiinuii and lutyo Francois Hecampiu pei'.hed on a boau Won i&5lir them, whlclt Tuol in cans- finally cpliod llmo and TYalno." flu, Inn hjffcl funti to remark that "It wilnon covered Gcorge-V, tjhottldorc niliHl e hjiiio totim." "vttli u fiiopo dim Iroui o bathrobe riicfevDaHeii nine ban developed In-: u.j,u (l jjommro Trill dosign tiioFroitoh to iii!oi(mi!.'ably iir.aupy oranlza. (;Il!(I.r, .in'WI, Hh:l) wUll ' ,,,. tion, Himvovor, niul will bo ,ub!u tolui.0i give On Portland pill, chnseni a run - ,0 whoie'lmo, with ovcry novo m tor tjijr O.OI.U.V. l'tnionis Who uaW ha C(ly w(o olJOn( u v,0, laut AumlayH i,r botwoon 'M 'ri(.:lir lu l0 Illl(U!ln or, (e (lj,u , balleu anil Clohlunlalo, which wan 1JW(np!ng . ,n rr 1C jncad(iW ,,,, ou won by Ti.a imilon In tlio Hill. In- .t 1)0 !Jgp of nliR a tr, tho .seoro had been tie-, . Am ; amutPU,, I! to , for roar InnliiKi!, aro lun i- .,, i,.,t.i ,, , , , . , ,. , ,. I" , cn him, be poncd' a the-broezo K)i ilent that tlio loeft i bavo (hn jinneli . . , , ' v , ' V , . . ooup.e of ni.nuln!) w h o t ho. pboto- nouonmiry boforo any twun can break. , , , , ' .,;,,, . cm bni c i;ot htm. Into I bo wlnnlin; claim. , f Until nnmci will bo played on tlio. old ball . field, Sundny'u i;::mo Ktarl-, Int? nl Z:!UI .it n.' mill J.lomlay'ii jjaine 'at 2 p. m. ' On Friday, May 27. the Io.:alH will ei.Bajxf-.ln mortal combat with llto roimlUf Htniiiu Indian lninn!mll team rrom 'ilo 'Warm RpriiiKu rLiiorvnllon. Thin fiiainn will atari promptly at 2::ii) feul will be over In time t.i x,t. low liotatoia to wilneaH the p.ic eant. LOCAl, BOXERS WILL . APPPA'P IW WASCO " I-'ont ' boxeni from The Halloa will' jonrn'cVf to Wane.) on Decoration day. .May Til), tor pitrtloipalio.i l.i t'.fo bii?f Anieiieair Lenlon miiohor whiqh 1h' bolnivl.' hold there on that day. They are Holm Summera, Aiih Winkler, Frank- Hunt or, Jr., and Kddlo l)y ball. A n'inibor of local boxing on ilmsianlr. plan upon making tlio trip to thtuShorman county town for the purpc.at! 'of 'wltneasini; tlio bonta. H. S.lGAME WITH ,J HILL ACADEMY OFF Tint lichoduled banobail gaitiu be Iwe.en. The Dallea high nchooi und lll.l '.Military Acadomy leaniB, to have been ' playcil thin afternoon on the local I'loUUfwau called oil' yoHtorday by tho Portliind r.choul, 1'rlnclpal 13. Wi ley of'.tho local high iishool annnnnord thin uionflng. Thin action leaven 'Mo DalleH nlno without, any game for this wooluiAn effort Is being made by Wi ley lb; got a game for Thurnday after noon jbet ween local HWatstors and tho Warni 'Springs Indian team. A. A?' U. PRESIDENT PICKS H DEMPSEY AS CHAMP t: 11 v Unltcil I'rt'.iH T.OS'. ANO10Lli3. Cal., May 21 Itiibnlrt,' S. Weaver, luesidrnt of the A. Ai IT. and menibor of American Olympic committeo: "I bavo seen ITonipsoy on suvoral occasions, 'but bavo never had the pleasure of mtJtlng Oarponllor. How ever, I bollo.vo thoro Is .not a man in Hie world who has a olianca With Dempsoy. 1 figuio ho will knock oiit Oai'ieittior inaldo of four rminds. Carpt'i)tler hi not rugged enoiig'.i to nlan'd up boforo tho champlon'u tei rlficjpunoho;:." . V ' CARPENTIER TRAINS IN $ . DRAUGHTY OLD UARN , H 1 Oy Weatbrook Pcfllor nj!ijti.J Niuvn Stiiff CorieiiiondiMit) , MgAllAfi'ilOT, l,. I., May 2.t.-liv I he ilrtifly old brown barn on tho ra(tti(wc piaco, ayopt oy a raw boez,t',(tleor(;es Carpoulier pi ripped dowf?3o fighting trunl.ii and tooit cluuvina on pneumonia Monday aftor- THE ORIGIN OF Pins in olden times wero Binono but tho wealthy could afford limn, A box of pins- made Lf-.. vxoe.ioiu voibkiig grt. xw women, later on, -profaned fto 'buy Utolr own pins Hiojr hunbanda furnlalied tbom the .lpi-sioy, ,mid thuu waa tho .origination of tlio,Uil'm "pin money." $ iti biv tl,v uonso toddy thin exi-nuulon dimbtos' any allow yv.iuo 10 wire, Hhitur of duugliterAfor personal expenses'. - Saro como of your "pin trinnpy," iupoait it with 113. Wo Mvlli ,pay yon FOUR poreenl lutereot. Ii ' . 4 Pgr Cent Jiito.rcst Paid 5 1 ' ' .i - Citizens National Bank , Telephono Ol'inors jp, J. iadt'inuiu,,lVt'nld(:iil, J'iv J.-A. tU liter, Vhe-pieit, 15. Oroiiiin,,.OanulH' J, IT. .Tutuclt, Abh'I opnaUler. h Wnrffc ;Ln IIhIImV;;, iig diny oll ft punching :bag when li'p mrlnled with FVdncdi nlhiofephpi-q, Thon iif took,, ft ipw mvipos aim poj.qs ni. inu samiDUg, tnlsning tnoiit of I .hoiheavV' ddw ntiv- 'posoly to 'a.avo 111? hands, "and IUWo;l Mt Uiut ttf lOfm HfriDphiK. 30 minutes without n let up Clcor&os "pranced aloitt. tho old barn floor .-aia InK n little cloud of r.hcicnt dti3L ov- i nil u,uin:i.lHji- IK I'll . 1 1 1 (.' I tl bo aftor J.lck nomp.i'.y'i; coat by' fhc client procccaen of r.urrncitloii. iin 1 ' iUVU'! Ht 01 "-"VQi liol,.ill, 11,0 ,::!rl,5,J lvo barrlcutlc: down.horo on .Umif Udand, wln.rw; III placing ball at)(.i Smvlnt ."laro r'!" u,r"' flcl01, with a new V liOBcinipB is tesly and ii rjUil-lu. fSns WIl:(o:i lyrannlaoi, jv.?i 'H" timlorllnsii. (Jroipra hlmcell -wuz.r. an u:iunuQ oi luiaintu pa'iciica. Caorici wofcbed 1121 poimd-. "e fq;- hl.i wpjkoiit. Ho expects to vroi;1 ''IT1 uterine time v.-hlch mcn-s Ilia: i'flto haft to remain en cdee for Llto no, five woel:s:..Al! the tniin.'ng In m-eib oiv 'a JisbI ennm?!; tirti.'reiu: n hi wind and qiilcken hia boxlv. RECORDS M GO IN SPEEDWAY tUSSIC , Dy Barney Oldfleld (Wrtlen for United PronnT IKDIANAT'OLIS, lnd., May 21 Scnor Chris Colunilraa, who took liio Llgasi chance recorded hi history, would Have baen an auto racur If he lived in ilio ago of chugging m giuts inotead or the days or flap ping r.alln. For auto lacing lu cnanso and nothing ola'j but. Tho winner of the ninth annua-&oo-.ollo Intiinational sswoapalakva, whieli will' lie held Iiore Memorial day, will bavo elusive. D.ime Chr.nee, wlio changes bar mind moro ,thar, i-uy ctl;6r of the sex, to thank ;jr SHOccaa. TJvory indisatloii p.inls to all elating records being broken, but ir.tllcaticns have jiainled thla way r,jveral times before. Tho percentage is against, the rsc ord 'lioing broken. When "Howdy" Wilcox wen the raco In 1U1U h; wan 3t(; plii'; alon: at 11111010 .'12 miles an hour average until ho had fo stop. Laat year, Ralph Ho Pal in a way .way bayond tho,, r. cord, as was .loo Iioyor. wii'o wtm most of the lap jirl'oa. Rut. bif.li had to Hi op at the pita and tho record' again withstood the onslaughts of' tho r.peud demons. Still everything is ravorablo to the 1921 ohu3le eiitabllshlng the rec ord that oach year baa boon tho ho'pa or the drivers and spio.lway ofllclals. . A n betting iirnposition it is a flip of' a coin. Mf 1 was wagering and anyone bat me I wo to '0110 the loeo.d woujd bo br.oken I wo.iid Uike the rjiort end. 1 would alto take tho rhoil end ir I hoy bet 1110 tho ntecid would not be 'bl-oktn, PIN MONEY" very exp' naive to niako. and On .Savings Recount ' . Main 101 Directors P. .r, s'ladoiriinn. t Ai'dpir- Slturprt Ur. .1. A. Reiner J if. II.- f!. .O.Hiifiisr I(i i...'KU0H- 1, Hoiuirlo.il J, J. VauUollou MEEtliNG riOTICES Eastern Star 'Heijular meoliiiK Cobimblr. this evening, S o.'elcck. Do- grees. , 24 United Artieanfe ' T Itogulnr mooting "Wednei'dny, Mnv 25, H p, in. nt K. of P. ball.' Initiation IViahcni.-i Club MVd. .1. C, tfosl'etlcr will en'ior:aiit tlio Mabonln club Thursday alter- noon. 24 St. Paul's Guild will meet at I lux rectory Wodnofday afternoon. Mm. .Tonsils Mohr, bonlosa. V '21 The Good Intent Gocitty, will meet at tlio homo of Mrs. i:ila llobortHon, r.dli I3nst Fourth' Htvoet, W'edneliday p.ftcrndn, aiSn.ttlriv An gel ausisting the linstriss. .21 C:unly Eunclay Sihool Mestlng Tho anniiarconveutlon of 1ho Wr co County Rundny School nsr.oeiatlrm vrlll bo held at Roy.l, Saturday, May All porrpns Sn.ofo-to;I in Sunday Ktihool work arc. invilpd to attend. 2? FOR KENT 1 ink T Ffi r ill h h h f FOR banenlcnt room. Tnquii 0 S00 .Tackfion 9trcct,2.r.. ivX FO JIKNT Clean tjomp and btiarir 722 Eant Third cti&t.J? 1? 2fi FOR TU'T Sleeping porch callable for one man. Red .1991. 2S wm TUJNT ron(mTjKeCa,ll. forenoon. 117 West Tenth. 2(1 FOR R1CNT Fiiinlsbcd hoiaokeeping ivo-UR, .120 East Third stioet, Tele phone Tied C.-.-I2. 2(1 FOR R1CNT A throo room furnished aparlinont. Inquire 111 West Sec ond rtreet. 2" FOlTltl'liNMcr ke6iing joouis.. Terms very reason able. 722 East Third ttrcet. .. 2 FDlt " 1 i EN T - - Fr tint' li ou 3 t;l ecping room, downstair.-!, and sleeping room. 104 Went Third: ' 21 FoTr"lTlZVeiv iioTril m modern home. LadV- 'or gen'tlex-iuii. 1(100 Fultoa ntrcOt. Telopbcno rod ;moi. 2S FOR, HUNT--Three runiisln-d bouse ' l.'oeping rooniB. " Adult 0 only. H 00." Alvord street. Telephone led -inci. FOR SALE FOR SALE Rnwlelgh products. 410 West Fourth St. lllack 1331. J23 FOir'sALE-'Forsl louring. ' RemuAi able. 10US A.vord': after 5 p. 1.1. 2f. FOR"ALi:--l';( al barber hop. 25 lirKyTr ehuairImpilrD 70 i WoMtor st'ieot. . 21 TORATrcTrTI eTTTnq u i re box 07, Kent, Oregon. J 20 FOR:SA LE-oimdnratr'TeV-phone rc(' 3Cr2, ort.all iit COO Wen. Kightb stroel nftc v -1 p. m. Z: FoirrTkK'nJsTdrmur' ii;ul 5Sa, Hiamond Flour Mllla com puny. ?4 I-'OU "CALlMt 1'loweiB for M.'pi' oiinl.daV, 901, Ibe.r,ty "stroct. Mr; 0. .1. yfubiing, lWt"BAUJ (Tarages; "?TiS aoninl up Jl.ill' cash and (lie ntit on ev I0-15H. Cill main 781. V. FOR l!AlE -Uiy oak wood: old oak Jll HO: nceond growth. J12.H0. Uellv or."d. Call !;tlF22, alter 0 p. m. ti FOR 'SA'LE 4 burner gaa atove. rin elaf.s . condit,ion RcjllablQ oven a i.l warnmr, must fiellut o'nrc, "12 We Thl-lctnUi, braik G2S2, Nye.-if FOR Ml."' -n owno', c-ioom puu -oro,d house an! sleeping naven (Joed heaiion. 'rorm. like ruU. Priro 15no. E. C. 'Fl'.r.gtjraM, toll phono SKIS, 20 STOP PAYING JllC-NT-Small. now eoltao and gpvdrn rprs,ilq. Well 10 eutod. Jiist rigid for jiai'ty of yovm-s bachelors, Prk-o 'pso.oo. Ci-sh s'.o, balaiv-e ?2fi,00 monthly. W. V. Oip ehOli; 403 Washington ulreat. 2 IvOll SAI..l--l'layn- p'aito ln.riop,i eoa dl'tlon. s'inoa.'O. With rulb. J4J0.O0. Mrs. j! D. Jtlga, Court apart '-'ont 810, 2ti Vnd ono hen wJtli l?n r-wo ks.okl bliiokiil Cull -UItFuIIch tilrjet a' lor 7 p. m. , 25 chapter NO. 33, 0. 13. S ran IV gAtT.r.'-'.Vll' m'.crlffro-'uy l:ou K ';lr '"'"''' ' . , - -i' '" " . ' S-VU'W-'W and one or both Into nk JSP.I .Ea?' I SECOND HAND STORE ; V'V ' i '.-.x " ... , , V.' VMBII lac kson strcoi, to tho person wfa l r . , , l ' ' ,f - -' i 'f,. 7&4HH . lV ;,.tord.rra.Hbtod : u" . --:.'.-. !MJM 4 .borhood, Flnp vlow. I'avod Htroot. J .w,rk fuaranUert. 11 -; , ' V, 'i'fi v-JililHHi FOlt SAMCInirio ftlid 1-mfill taViti and orchard traclK. Uensonabl." prices, good lcnu3v. '. U. tlanrta, Dulur, Ore. ; IStf. IAMJCd houpe, lot r.0xt2flv.r;ood ontbnlhUn fruit ami garden. 705 Calhoun'' fitvccU . . ' .32G lOlTlunn One 24lnch rTc.V CSpn (iopfiralor; 12-lioVw;;AuMit.in Th ' lor itoam tractor 'orine; 3fo orlll'' Jog i:<, com'plotd,,'t7frt.f)0, foii1 ftdVon-fobl t:Con'lel:' bindor, ilift: 'Orio BoaGOn,.'iri-good.-roj)5ir, 5ir,fl.t10. Olio earloa'd duw 'nmUi, S-I'col 10 Coifto, r. o. b. erifji I'rrkd&lo. d?ft ' TimoHiy XeWoll, T'.'irkda'.o. Or. 2'.v2;; Want W.NTKlWUrl for gonoi-al house work. Cf.ll main 171 2" box 1JC, care ghronlclo. 2'i WANTUD noim-Wqi TviOii ranch. Mid-dlc-a&e.l woman. Uaptn lloio Hallos. 2 W AX j"siUrii'' fi im i Vn or oiehnrdk vork-' preferred. WrM' box fit!, 11. F, tl. C 2! VANTKI--rosTi;on ns;r.o:)!; In gone M hniiiie in (own, gentb'nnn'.y, hor est .Tr.panoto youth. .'Addrer.fi .lame T. K., nil I'orkhuV Avenue, l'emlb ton, Oregon. - 5SV ANTIC l -C'cneral manager and piiv f ehaping agent fo.-atofs-ln Por.Uanf! musty be a .06Qbuj5r and Jvu.p" laandt'ConolSlarftl'Vade.lat'Via, ary or iicreent of profits. Box 7f. , III, J-f IJjifu'r, X)regon. ' .WSAIjE" BYj'NEirTlrin! fruit arid garden tract4, Thomt son's aildilon. HCO acre wheat fanr In Jcffarson eouiity. near Madia." with water, .buildings, $10 iiOn, jormr or would exfthnngc. F. h, Olivc Jtooute 1. The Dalles. 27 LOST OH FOUND LOST A uuitcaro botweon Mll'er and The Bal's Leave al Chronicle orrico. Itovdrd.' ..." ' 2G , rniM'j . ..j. ..'- KOIINMJ 0V!Jemnn;a r o;d, ..watch Ownor call K. K. Adams, .Jity Ea' ISccond street. - "2c FOR TRADE rif I ; fl t -f- i-r t-lr'- FOR TRAtlE-jVliri worllv .off thor oughbtod l(ogsllfor' nJilelr cMv"anil calf. V. A.fVlfdihey'Op 'OltehoWiih" route 4. i U'j'i i2E. MISt;ELl.AI'.EOUS t'itlVATE' JspAdUlXQ 110U3K Rdoma w.liliy.ljtjU. 21 EastjFJf.l si root. MONEY to' lend to property owner; for building pnrpor.es. V'. F. Gitc'rr til, 40? War.jia;p;i strco, ,jtT 2f iLMirF'TrTTmrd Tu irnmfTov ok Mrs.' A. .1. Moli.o, !',J7 V niot si rift. -Ti TloTs'lUrTTniT? t edging. Mih L. M. Uooll-ihy. 2(18 Washingloi street. Tolopbopo main ar.si. ( TrTnIHNiTXPU KSS - Kuril i two and piano' nl6V'rnir. Frelgb' hauii'd and' general t'xprer.s ' bus) ness. Telephones: Slnhd. red Id residence bla.iasa. J, F.tHunzie lit PROF ESSI ON A L Ati D BUSINESS Portland-The D.-llcs Truck Service . (lon.ral frqJ'Uit. .basiling. Let: rcr'tlaad 2p.nf. Loav'eii The lialler 1:20 p. m. HaUy service. Tlio Dalb" lelephono'ro'd 0711, Portland , hi pbones, Marshall l".").r) or ear l T.O'.IO. .117 I'7n0s ""TONICIV-.-iiiiV repaired, ac tion regulating and rei'lnl.slilni--Player actions a i-'peelally. Wor gilaranloeck S, A. Hockstader, Coi sou Music 'store. 320 Fas! Seeoii' street. Telephone main p'fiT ' 'VENZ BAUER (loners), real estate, insurance, npf loans. 1001 East Second, street Teh Phone main 1571. 2X1' 1 Teacher of Piano, TIarnionj' and The ny, Lescbetlzky method. Special utter. Hon given to beginners. Summer (e;-o opena ,Tuno 15, Phono red -3491, Stu dio 100Q ''id ton street. .120 WKlc Track Una Freight and cxpros between The i Rcwlsng Chronicle atvertispuents is Uwo .proHlftlily Mpm4mM''-lt Hallva and Wnsco, Moro' and all wax f . ' ' .' . '.',..- ,--- , t'.'Wh.'ffii valuta lioavo Tim naiios. o a. m 8 will make your nipjtcy go farther mi) biUiir")'Ofi troilitfjgM mmmw' dally except Sunday. Leave Moro. V . . .' V .. .' j. . AMWWm& 1:2,1, m. Loavo Wasco, o!30 p, m I ' ,1- . W.J COIlVWnCft - -."V H. M. Pierce, nromlolor. Telei'honi ft f . ' .p. i' - , " 1 . .'' t , sAmktf' P .aEa UfELlS CUMMJMS, r Teacher of Piano x Siilnlucr clitiit'ott open Jur.q 1. Tolf" ttbotto Mack C221, StUdlO at 201 Voi .Vlnjh street. ' tf 1'OI'UL.AIt -MUSIC ; 'J'aught by BOB WEECHEOJiL l;6soli3 by ' Apjioliitnienl ICiiipiDfis Thoatni' tMaul.si Wlihney Repair, Shop 700 East Secoln! 3L LEGAL NOTICES. Notice ,for Bids tor Gbaniho-Ante-lope Road. Wasco County hereby calls for sealed bills for 'regradlng of the illianiko-Auteldpo Road, from Ante jope 11 irtlierly, to oli'atilk 1. All bids shall be on a propcsul blank which vlll be furnlslied upon application by thoCounty RuadmaS lor. The iipccIficiUiobit. plana and e.-.-tjmates for this improvemont are. on liio in the offico of County Clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, ami ahl.j With P. W. Marx, County Roadmas tor, at bis office in Counlv Court House, The Hallos, Oregon, and nal. Ji.et to Inspect Ion. The work will b'; done in accordance with tho ubtive inentioned plans and spedfieu tun. imder tlio supervi'slnii i:nd direction lit' tho County Headmaster. r AM bids -must bo accompanied b i certified check for ,? percent of the amount of the bid, to bj for-! felted to Wasco County in ease such bid should bo accepted and tlu bid dor. aiibuld fall to entifr , into con traCt, "and 'bond far the .fiiitliful per formance of the work. All bids should be sealed and "Til ed with the County Clerk 11 or bo foro tho 28th day of May, 1921. All bids will bo opened by the County Court at 10 o'clock a. 111. on said (late. Wasco County resorvos tho righ. to reject any and all bids. Datod tills 18th day of Mav. A. D. 1921. W. L. CRICHTON. d27w21 County Clerk remind . J0 Every pernpn who hnn money to" spend ihuch or little, csn profit from tills fcy-son. Every large hfisinesa con cern has a purchasinft"' agent or professional buyer, it is his jdb to buy to best advan tage. He must keep posted on what the finu needs, he must know tallies and prices and sources of supply. He is constantly gathering infor mation to help him in his work and he readp carofuliy till the advertisement?! of manufacturers from whom he might purchase. The whole, secret or profea- vtt. thing fW WliiMWv'j? El . t.- MviF.-.- Ipsa Ars rcn&lied the A 10-mltc paved road FERRY RATES $1.25 per $2.00 fcr Peoples Transfer C6.-fg; EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furrtidiro and Piano Mbvingf ? Shiml ai Glenn's Painl Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 811 HARRY CRANDA LL UNDERTAKING: Wasco The Dalles LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Cl m w4 Thnmtn A x 2 - -x 4 M-m - Licensed Embalmerc, Woman Attendant Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton Telephone Red 1781 Motor Equipment Dr. T. Hours 0:00 to 5:00 Sundays 17-18 voct cm over Crosby's Glenwood HotHI 202 JJnion Street -Half Block from Station FREfe BATHS Plenty of Hot Water Day and Nightyp CLEAN From 50c to $2.50 Nto $5.00 a Week DINING Open G a, m. tl JUtZJSU.n Big Business formation. The man with mopt information can bui' fli best advantage. Apply this to yourv u y n;j case. Whether you arc pm-1 1 or simply buying 'for rftgfc 3q own personal needs; yoii jnikty: Mli have information. The? WacJt MM io goi it is in vertiscmentsi nionts regularly. Th6y.;yijJ;fy tell you moro you 'could ever; btui -Sitmmwn3 wicfl.. " TlwvV will 'ffiiinirir WASHINGTON lOiNMMr -rSK . . Wi?rtS. Stew r, syMMMMmw connects MaryhHl .arid' GdmrMmmiwMlMWM ear hud passengerfs dfii yfks'fJM$&U round trip, iH'itf UmKti .. ..- ',yaw'"..in '-lt...?":: u't - . imm'l$m L. CLUFF Established 1187 t Telephones ;,' Day Red. 35 P Ni'aht Hrj3ia J. H. Harper, Black-2152 DeLARHfE Eyeight Specialist .''MS and Evenings by ApfiotntliMM Drua Store Phone SiacK 51.50 a Night . v. Mi V-X' -1 -;.. J&ym ROOM to 12 p. m. I...'.-'", urns? v 7 fits Wilt, 'ii'' nowtfifgiM-r about quulHiMJlH, l mm mt j;tyu'i m.' ma LS,'A."-i iJ-I,'.".. .j A-ilWsS-f I,W .... --a mmkM fi-'