-.as: ft. 1 '"i MS 3 5 t( ! ' "k. i &M yf, , 1 lif "... .4- , .Yg ' T e Tartars Had raj iterary Tastes - The lowly and uncultured Tartars when books fell into their possession ate them to acquire the knowledge contained therein. They doubtless suffered indigestion. At least, they weren't overlooking any bets. " There are mistakes both of commission and omission. Bet ter, by far, to be satisfied that you have done your best and endure indigestion, than overlook real opportunities and feel the pangs of Unavailing regret. , The advertisements you will find in this newspaper are business mines of opportunity. They tell you of values you might never know, if they were not there to guide you. Do you read and digest this advertising? Figuratively speaking, some f.olks "eat it up." They are the wise shoppers the economical buyers the ones who are strictlv up to date on the opportunities for saving money or spending it most judiciously. Read the advertisements. Read them to know what's what in the shopping district. Read them to save steps to save money to' save disappointments. Read them, because 'they niacc before your eyes a moving panorama of business progress. Read them to keep yourself-informed. Kiiilii) .TUMM UlflGU-JLARLy-JlT VkX'6, I ' - I " ,