The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 24, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1 flwr ' lOrtmto tviik6 '4 Ua&Wloiw to .tlio' tr Uio i m?lcrtT At llrrra MlllK IIH Vft 4' country .of' ,ths itonky nmnUlnrt wv- -of jpiUiiifltyt vAfy linnueJaiil f 4!ftjtrJciTiniV5aj
. I -V';. 'NOTLS. , J 1 iiiAlfnftinin. " 'H I'EKbOiNALb . I jUI Lli UIIUI -UllllU' , mxsfa Uo upMnt Uf 8 yM!a, viwk in finally Vuitil; f!ngrcn oa-' .
m,. i . .
luclncVo Women's Supper 'Tho
ihiHiichy "VVtmion'H'elub will hold their
kpcIhI .mtiuior loiiiorruw evening, at
(iSim. I" tho Jt W'C, A. club rooni'j.
. If
j3. Foe Bueodbirj Oliargujl wltjt
fowling on .Nlnlh of ltfjt. Ji. Noskor
' yBfordny )uM li thin or ?5 In (ho po
lltvpjeourl. Ann?! wan made by Alo.or.
eyelp ' i'itlrolinun Tom Crofton.
?Stnte ChSmlSt HoroAIK imd Mrs.
;i'uiltt or iJori!an(i;uu?Htn?.:ii:j fj
itmoi, jmncB., walls H lie Oicgnn
', and htJii Tho Dallra ;
ivjVltndlsH In' tlVo 'trlifl of Tony Mnyc'.a,
' nowfbolug lidjii ut die c'oiy-t Ikjupo.
jwill V(Bit Pnrante jllnii'-llolbn
Kalr, Hcrrctni-j of (Iks loonl.Jvituieh r.t
t ho j Y. W. C, A.', will lonve liUii5(lay
r'l)oiivoi', -Colo., "where isjift will
Hlionif'fi numili vlBltlng with Jior.Wr
un?fi, Slio csidi to ibtuni (o Thft
Dulloo nut! coiidruto 'lior work lioru.
ynn(forbootri Goes 16 ScnDldc-yW,
infeVimdorbtioin,, umn:t;;oi of Uio loo:U
Voforn Uttl'tm Totdk'raj'li oTfico, vJll
loavo lor ftuitHhlu .huio i, whwu no
villKliiivo clmi-go or tlio ( iBjjfuph -of-
, '.l'l(!i) In (bill city, ilurtilg (bo T.mnimtr
Uo cxjiuotp In H'sJumo mn
.tigoniou' of Tio iinlicii ol'H"t. ncs rati
P'tiuil Piitiennt Plans La d -:Tiu ije'i
omlruciniiiltlw or t'oiiiii'.unKj fciorHct
liHtt til tbo library yeritrdtU' after
.noon, wlion noino cominli:c,"i ar
' :ioiiituil mid I'liinl nliuio tur (lit) . u
(jtuL "hit liuuln. l'lonn wt .mh1"
and; mitfet' Mjon -. BUhu'Htud for uUfrr
; QoiEimiiiUi) torvfpd ii(iiaUlUir Ja .lum.
Plti Lttflsi PrfidliptlOlidul vilj
' llif? lilii rtiit'rtiitibtU; -tiijiJC vltb
. iiioinr ruiuiliifi, ' Ilir 'll. Tjiltla waM'ar-
igiU'd yitird:iil lljr'Sldlotyi.'lc "Pii".
Inmimn trorion'ta ;fJif'ljioit-' coon,
lltl'lii n'cide;! HjntiMiJipo u iho U.
and,' wuh lot off w.Hlt a rqrrlmau 1 by
.i&ihc l. I" Catus. '
f, Violt bi' Oor'ninny Ucrnbiv
ill, nni!i:t:;f:- oV (bo Ori'ii'ii llnUwr.
ywi'unlny lor Olilcubvi'it. Our
lmmy, Avli'-rc be oMict-tii to .inni (bit
njjy ui'ronil nint.h isi'liiK wt.'b IiIb
jiajrontH, 'tlo will fall From Now Yo$lt
onibo Ilnnr NoiMbdnln, punill (iicc''8
Injru'n.n lo Tbo DiiIIoh aboul Bn'tem
bciri'tn. ,n. ID. Club Oronnlscs Tlio, U. V..
shU iijionl a plojinanVitllariioaii iljiv
-liwldi Mm. I.nwmjjiso .liKUbam, The
rbllhwhiG ol'flceti Wure oluoted:' -Mf.i.
I'V. SbnoiiH, pfoSJclftnL: Mrs, A. 11
IJItyce, vice-inx''it; Mrtu (Jeiiro
0,U,' .rcorctucyi .Ujaiasth Thornton;
;rp:iuor. A floitit enminltipo wuh4!
poling! an ftdbnvB, Mva, W. V. lwt
r$', Al'rn. lVcd Wglle, and Mra. .Ie9nc
,D!yor;c Coinplnint Plloil Bucruac
bbiiKkuid, :atid Atlba'. baa an ai-.
lujjfinir h:it;it ef Mi now ins v obnlrf
alMi'iil (lie hou."n when he !' ;vo voiced
Itljao Allen wnnla k dJyoit-u. ab- uuy
In, a lomjilnlnt fllod In ih cln-iiil
court today. Alleri bu n vfobuit toin
and luiiv 1 in known 'to cnrn-3
fliKjiitly In bor iirosoiuv. much to bor
bunilllaliiui, she avora in I bo cam
Iibilnf. Mm. Albn tbo ouuUnly
o'ibi'lr one oh lid -and- $20 a ninu'.n
8J-; . ....
Examine, liiiulasprs -Tbo tiln'o
board or onul'nQurins oxunilnori) will
condnot an oj:uii'iliuil.loii at Can Cor.
hot) bulldlnt;, I'ortlaml, Oiofton, oa
lv'rlda,Y, .1 illy !!, .for ruplat ration of pro
fijaijloniil DJUJincurt In Qrojion. Appl!
I'atfon "blanlur may bo rocolvoi'l fnnn
uanur. jscoromi y oi i no
lma)-d, 520 Coibcf.t inlblins:
Qi'qpon. All tipplii;u;ioii,;'(ibould bo la
The world's wonder
jungle picture.
Now Baying
Complete Umatilla Campaio.n Offl'
elttln of tbo Orogrin Grain Grower.'
aHSdbillon roluriHid lo Tbo 'Uailci lo
day, after iipcnddi;; a voel: la h crtm
iiilj' of oducat'loa lb Uniatll!b ooun!v.
(iooVko C' Jowott, vfoc-pro'.ldcnt of
ihb tJnltort :ij(oh Ornln OrJwors
Inn;; A, It. ShamWay, prcDhlnU- or tbo'"
Orojjon flraln Omwor.)' .n.-soolatlor,
arid llilsar h. I,udwlok; o-Ranlii Ion
inanasor of I bo Crcrjbn aoa'aMcn
.'fafa'jjil embers ofsibo flart'y v!ii.;Jiov,
ln,i dfatrict. In Umatilla cnun'y. TJin-,
ropari u.comiJdoiT.lilo atiionii't o; Inte
est (!b'p:ad by UiuaKlla coan'y rat- "
Sr'oworff,' wl b Bevoml confrnctn alcne'
Up.'Thcifbant oi dit'oiton; of (ho 'Ore
ffon asROOlailon will meet here
nlSlit, at wblob t'nio a canvn-s W'l j
bo 'inaJdtS of balloia r.ent In from a''.
4pailu of tbo uthte for iho olcc'Ian of
tffotrlftl d lotion. Orejroa 1 .dlvblo'l
Into nine dbitrleta, oaob dlirlot rot.
timoii'.Pd by One or'iuora ttolasalqq, do
Jliendlng upon I'lici amojmt of wheat
Krown in thai dln'rloi. Kacb dl-trlot
.voarv eloka it.', imoia or ilnlusnt'oa,'
fh? delesraten in uiin ' elect Infe Ibf;
bourd oT' dlreelfli. I)o.'esatos found
to Iwvo been 'oleciod when thomHor
are f.o'iuio'l- tonight, will uurvo for
anu year. ' " " 4
- titovrirts; girijk' rturi; ' brawn brosao
low 1i-iel oxt'ordw in lzt8'' 2V. to 7
,?'-I.L'5 a imU: KiJw. C- I'crtifo ctnnpanr,
.Spiiovr.l Domonptratlon
i'wdffajay aud Thuiuda.v, of tbo Kloiv
f-uee Oil b'm'o, h'Oin U (o f p. -mr,
.StaUulnian.IJ.inn IJav'lwtU'o eoinpan.
. . . 'LI
... -s
I Undies
Muv j.'tr hfi'lv I' om tilaek's MIHln'
'riftb A!o ehlldrcn'a liata, 11H Vi-ax
f'oe',nd ';""'- ' M
Typiiiu ana .ienosjf.ipTiy
(lone at rojuioiinble ralcK, KoHina A
Kleuk. ., Orilee ITolel - IJ.illoa. fier,,
ilOJieo idion- rod i".
Ssncl It To Tie Laundry
If yon like (be work don on your
Khli'LB and oullaia, jon will llko oniial
ly an well our f.-.mlly washing wot!;.
Only, !i. renin a pound. All flat pioeo
Ironod, balance returned ready lo
Iron. Itv (he way, oar "iumblor" k.vk
toni of dryltiK -makeH the Ironinij or
tlillle a nmiiber of itonm, Biieb as
iu)0k, heavy underwear, rianncla, ele.'.
imnoccssnrx, Alodei Laundry. -Main 41.
. 2(1
Wednesday Forcncon.
U, H. 1 Union'',' Wrings (penman
ablp), Muuie, Drawinf,'.'
' .'Wednersdny Afternoon.
Phynlotogy, rteadinK, Alanual Train
Intr. Coinpoultlon, Domestic Selenee,
Methods in Heading, Qourye of S'udy
for Drawing, Motboda in Arlthnietle. .
Thursday FoHonoon,
AilllinietiG, lilslory of Jiducntlon..
Pnyebolosy, Molbodo in Coogrnphy.
iV.eebanieul Drawing, Uamestio Arl,
Courao of Sludv lor Arl.
' Thursday "Afternoon.
(Iriimniar, (ionBniiihy. Stenography.
Amorlpitn Li.o'aUire, Pbysicr,. Type-
.Writing, .Vol hod- in J,a:iKungD, The-
sin for. Prinirry. CertlflealeH.
Friday Forenoon.
Theory and Patellae, Orthography
(KiioIUhk), Pliysieal (leograpby, ICus
lish Llleratiue, UbenUslry.
Friday AJtsrooon. , .
Kebool Law, tlooley, AlMubra, Civ
il Govornineul.
Saturday Forenoon.
Ceoniolry, JJolany, -
Saturday Afternoon,
tloiH'jul History, Huokkooplnc.
Prusonts Its Throe Keel Film
, 8 p. m. and 9; 15 p.m.'
For Men and Boys 1G Years Old or Over
Any wale parent may-bring a boy 12 years or over.
- No Admipsijm Churye or Collection -
- .. J
George A, Hclnia' of tielllo Is a Intsl.
iioh yiuiloi' in Tbo Dbllerf today.
Frank Wln of TyRli Valley la a
(j3UCKt at tho Dank hotel.
IT, T-1 .Ik'tVzne of Wasco la1 h btisl
noes visitor in The Dalles.
,' 1. I), May of Moi-o Id rcglrifcrcd at'
Iho Dtinlc hotel.
11, 1T. I'atlHon-or Wamic in in .The
Dalles today.
Hood River Sunday.
,M'n Vnrl"' r-wir' r.oat S.tnday
md Monday in rortland. ; ' j ! '$1 IJf
Mr. and Mrn. Vernon Nceley ' epea'.
ho week-end In Oregon City.
. 1t. 1). Utttler mado a business trip
to Shaniko today.
Dr. V, M. Ucid of Goidcndale ta
visions wilti I'riendH In (hia oily toilay.
. 'V,' s
atalph 'llouek , of ' Ijcnd 1 a busi
.'nesa vlallor In Tbo Dalian.
V. S. PovvoII of Moro'ls a business
.vlr.ilor in Tbo Dalles.
.T. Aah or l,50ra;ido ia vlpltlns with
-friends in' this- city. -
John, (.'ixogfm of Condon la a -guct
at Hotel Hallos.
7.. T. Koyqs of Koaall 1 a giidVd ai,
Hotel UalicB. , "" '
f ....
.Dr. anil jiia. K. Drazea spent
Iho wooh-end at, jPorlland. m
- Mr, aiTd
J'oudlcton Mrs. yjiiiHi3K3.Jaiiiol ;of
nrb, illngFwil lA'rrJoiius
in TJio Dalles ioda'y. - '
S.'A. Doeksitader and C. .1,. Cannon
wont to Hyod JllVcr lotlay on busiv
II. A. Conncra or Hood Kiver is in
The Dalles toilay runewins buaine-s
aetjualnlances .
Prank A. .Moqrc, Walla Walla ban!;
or, is in The Dalles today atlen linr
to business mailers. ,
11. Uovlnron or 'Mar.v'hilt, .Wa'.'i
was a btisiuesr. vlallor to iho city yes
terday. ;.! ; ; v ;
.1. ,D. Dreirlor'.flf' drasK' Vajley is
in The Dalles today attending (o
business mat.teiv;.
Mis. L. O. Gunnjnanil Mlsaej -Das-b'.o
Smith and .lanlco thhpsbn, 'all A
Dstiid. motored fofil'lio dalles yester
day. . J,, , '
Mr., and Atr?. Goo. fjharp.of Doalon
are lec'slorcd :u Hotel Dalles. Shurj
is a Iniyor lor a lttrjLte Oastein wool
firm. ' ; tf, - '
' M.S. 15. E. Sbwdll and 'Alias .lean
otto SewOll "are guests in, (be 1J. Al.
Williams botae." .They aecompanhvl
Air. and Airs. Williams on their re
turn Dcin a visit 40 Portland,
Hot 'Weat'pcr Cosklng .
tr. easy, if it is done on a Florence
OH .atovo. 'Soo how in our demonatra
Una Wo-inewlay an-1 Thursday, from
- to r n. m. aiadolman'-nonn liarilware
eompauy! .
Cloalng out. m'y.JnIinery. goods at
esl. It, will payyyyu (o. invusUjato.
llullie 'Weaver, ;!jj.ynl'iu sl.)eel,-oppo.
Rite poatoffliie, Tdl'itjfUoiiu blaek y 171.
Wafo,- Moio, Grass Valley Stage.
( I .'on yea Atolor Servjco garage, 7:0
a, m. dai'y. Arrive Wnoro, 9:15; Moro,
I0':(i(i; Grass Valley, 10 :.",(). Iave1?
Grass v.-illoy. ;!.(0; Mont, ',1:45; War
hi, -MO. Arrive The Dalles, U jt. in.
t 17tf
j mis eoniaci,"
tiy United News J Tho cry of the Flathcnds. was also
WASHINGTON, May 2i-Tha con- hoanl ,,y lhd V(!Ci ffir llWtty. lft Naw
ccitcd effort of employers to destroy' Kh4lBnd and itav. Jua6ri and
trade Unlbnlsm their "open, shop Diu,;'cl Uo Wolo IOcoivc.J in Ore
campaign" hns fad, aecotdlng to feon l)y n,. MeLmtbltn'1 with open
Samuel llompers, president ct tbo immcd bospllallly In Keptonibdr,
Ameriun Federation of Labor. - lg3'4i "imlpit llook" (sotltli or tbo
Goinpers said 'confeB.lon of this vt(li:mt high wcbool building) marks
was made at ihu annual coaventlon tbe s!to of The Dalles Indian tnls
of the American Manulact Jicrs as- son loU1 tl,jft cpjrt reek, Ihe old-sa-cialicn
in New York last- wtd:. Ho rat ,,iptt of (bo west,, Uav. Daniel
quoted the committee oa industrial
betterment as haVlnr protqatcil tht
"defensive position'' into wliieh tin.
members had farced by labor,"
and assailed n suggcru.Jun or offen
sive measures by hbor.
At tho samo time Gomprs an
nouneed tbo. toleration is to net un
der way' a "groat o.gaalsing ehm.
paign." , .
"O.rgani.ntion work csntiiuon a'
all times," said Campers, '-but this
work is to be lnlcnulfiul. Tho mes
sago of trado union'sin wjll be c.r
rkd to every 001110,1- of tbo I mil, te
(be-limit of -our powra. Its ensoul
agemeut and protecdon wilt be of
roird to tbo voikorri evciywhoie.
"American labor v.ults Lie value
of organization ' to. be at lb a sur
vieo of Hits .connm, for tbo sake
of. tho prolcclioii; of dr.- workort.
and for tho sake.; of the Value pi
organir.aUon in.' HiS, stimulation, on.
couwRonieni and facllitalion of -pf-o
Gomprj-a ileclarc'd tbo failura ol
tbo licn ylibp' oaiunaicn dc'niou
stratbji'Two jthings
"IJPrsl, 'thitT-Hbc!." work ng peoit
want ' "tiinle ' union organization and
will not be driven from ito pro
lee (lo 11, '"and,
1 "Second,, that trade v.r.ipnltan, it
rundamenLally, right and dial it is
a ''pari 'ot democracy nnl (bat th
logical slrengUi or its .p silion if
preof agiiinst successful at'aek.
The Pageant Story
Day by Day
The 'Missionaries
.- Through the Froneii Canadian vcy
agcurs of Lewis and Clark and ot
Iho Astor expedition in 1811, the
Flathead Indians learned of the re
ligion or (bo' White Mtn. ICioy s?nt
a deputation to' St; Louis asking lor
tho "White man's book tolling ol
the white man's God " This ap
peal reached Father 1 J,. DSmet
who offered hlmseljr lor tbc Orbgon
our Window this WeehJwSk
Haveyou seen our windov this week? . Hurry
A real kitchen. An expert cook who is cooking
food. She "will answer any question you want to
nsk about the fluffy biscuits and other gopdiea
being cooked that day. And she will show you
why she is so successful.
She is using the Florence Oil Cook Stove.
. " f
hibiren gool-
bye, it was with ti ltrnyor, ".May
heaven preserVo thorn front dbtigor.
Lee ,.n,i (llQ Alhsio'narlcs Perkins
ana " Urewer, gave Ihj-Wnscos, bra'el
abo'dt on tho ground, Iho messag?
of spiritual life, as well ad tiistrue.
Hons on llin tilling of the noil and
lha making or homeb. The families
ot -uose devoted meii founded tho
earliest honiej in our e'ly. Tho
homo of Missionary Perkins marked
the birthplace of tho
first Whito
child 'bom in Tho Halloa,
1 baby
nltl, in .January 1811. .losepb Lux
illo and Billy Chinook, dovojt In
diana and ft lends of lbs mission
.'amliy, were in tiiu ebarm
otl waters or tbo W.iseopam Springs
(in the high school block). They rv
aincd (heir ChrLihin teachings till'
Iho cn.d of llfc.-
Dr. .Marcus Wbitmaa and Henry
opallling, Villi their brlihs (who
rtdto (be first white women, whoso
'eel should press (he soil wboro Tim
Dalles now stands) together with W.
IL Gray, answered the call for tho
"White 'Alan's Book of IIoa on" In
I80O. Theiis were .Uio first while
homes' in the, inlandflinipire, now tho
states "of 'Oregon, Washington, Idaho
and western Montana. AHu, Whit
man sppnt tlio ' winter el' 1812 at
Tlio. Dalles, while hey husban 1 was
tin liis famous v'uler's ride ti the
State's to save . Oregon from Dritb.
claims. Whitmnu and ma mission
family wero massacred by the Coy
use Indians at Walla AValla in 1317.
The blow fell on November 20lb,
when Dr. Whitman, his wife, and
sev.n other persons 'were put to
death in the most barbarous' man
ner. Five more victims followed in
a few days. Fifty women and children
were held as captives, but they were
rcsaaed by the Iludron's Day com
pany. News of J.I10 massacre did not
reach Washington, D, C. for sev-
4 Days
Starting Friday, May 27th
See the
xi nil nil 1 11 1 I -r- mmwmmwmwmmmmmmwmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmm 't i?r-m" i'.r '".y; v ,maraum
t ' ' ' '
- . i Th WiuAtMto
labllsh a ioniloriai firm of gov. rb-
Merit for tho protection of tho- Bolj
L- ra, I day front; mMf'. tAOB
The story of Urn inl.-isloiinrioij Tkih'a 'l I ttr d vVif t-di,, oreif ' '''hS
f Women War ffl
Wednesday Morniiig :: at
f lug's Food f rrfuctf &Mf mi
m "&r r;v sr wgs -w tbn k,.
Home ol' Suiierfcaturc-S
F,6,UA Id si
unaer in
A crcjit Seii Di'Jirnn
liassions and
With (he
Coming "THE
made, and how trood vour food
k,OOR in mmm
She demonstrates how Hffht your wo:amaifp
une Florence uu jook oove copftr
to a turn. It is simple to regujatc and ji io'i
keep clean. Th Florenca burns tyrmkt
cheaoestof fuel. " 'r"
Don't put H off. Com. in todafiniWI
wonderful demonstration'olf; the Flor
.' i i
t ... r 4??$
Staift'' r. . lhv&
will bo tioirf
of (.miifr nlhii?;!. 4UL Iv-Mf A4 M
a woman's 'MtW &im
' 1 rr. WS
Magazine. ,f iM!
will tasta rJr
- mmmmm
Less CmwuHF I